"The Pain and the Prize of Sacrifice" - Pastor Kenneth Carpenter

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Genesis chapter 3 and verse number 21 and unto Adam unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothed them and clothed them but to read it again it's very short verse unto Adam also and unto his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothed them for a few moments tonight I would like to deliver my heart and this would be my my title the pain and the prize of sacrifice the pain and the prize of sacrifice if you want the Lord to touch you tonight and your ears to hear close your eyes with me now let's all go before the throne of heaven father I love you tonight I thank you for the privilege of carrying your word Lord we're here tonight and the only thing that can change us is your word Lord we only shout because of your word Lord we only rejoice because of your word Lord we know that your word is a light unto our feet and a lamp into our pathway Lord we know God that your word has the ability to transform our lives and to change our lives Lord by faith tonight do I preach my faith tonight God do I bring this word the word of the Lord this congregation Lord Jesus move among us tonight and bring a great change in our lives that we could be a great light to you in Jesus name we pray and I will get you before you're seated would give the Lord a great hand to praise tonight thank you Lord you may be seated the pain and the prize of sacrifice a word and a spiritual concept a word and a spiritual concept that every Christian must embrace is the word sacrifice it is the word sacrifice he's a matter of fact you cannot and would not we would not have had Christianity had it not been for his ultimate sacrifice I would be less than a man of God to preach to you to come and surrender your life to a bed of roses to a life of ease I will tell you tonight that being a Christian is a life of sacrifice amen it is a life of sacrifice to believe anything else then that fact would be a surprise and a deception to you when things do not work out because we are made to embrace sacrifice the definition of sacrifice is simply an act of giving up something valued the act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as a more as more important or worthy so when we talk about sacrifice we are talking about giving up something of value something that we regard about you it's not sacrifice if you do not value it it is not sacrifice if it is not something you value it must be something that you value that you're willing to give up in order in order for the more the importance and the worthiness of something that you value even more can I tell you that God has got to be at the top of our list of what we value God has got to be at the very top of our list when it comes to our value he's our pearl of great price can somebody save man he's a lily of our valley he's a bride in the Morningstar he is our everything he is our all and our all the Bible tells us that God if we'll dig into the scripture we can find that God set the pattern for sacrifice because when man God's valued creature as a matter of fact God valued man more than he did the earth that he created God valued man more than he did the animals that he created as a matter of fact man is God's highest value in creation there's nothing on this earth Church that God values any higher than he values you and I that ought to be a comforting thought tonight God values us and so when man fell in sin man needed a covering man needed a covering for his physical nakedness and man needed an act of sacrificing performed in his presence so that man could see as his father God did and man could continue to sacrifice and the blood would belong to God his atonement that word atonement can be broke down into a simple phrase at one mint we speak about atonement and exactly what the blood does that brings it brings two parties that were separated and sin separated us from our God but the blood of atonement one month brought us back together again and so God he wanted his highest creation that he valued God wanted fellowship with that with that creation and so in man's eyes God took an animal in Genesis chapter 4 in verse number 11 it says thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou has created all things all things and for thy pleasure there the word is for thy pleasure they are and were created so God made everything for his pleasure it was God's pleasure that he made the animals it was God's pleasure that he made the fish in the sea and the birds of the air it was God's pleasure that he made the beasts in the forest he was God's pleasure that he made the sky blue in the earth green it was God's pleasure that he made all of creation but God's highest creature was not an animal God's highest creature was a man and a woman by the name of Adam and Eve but when Adam and Eve needed a covering God was willing to take something that he created something that he valued something that it was his pleasure God looked down on an animal if you want to call it a lamb you can call it a lamb it would fit in topology if it was a lamb God looked down upon an animal that he valued and God looked down upon an animal that was his pleasure and God looked at sinful man and God looked at his pleasure and God said I am willing to sacrifice my pleasure so that man can be covered and so God lays out the groundwork brother Hammond for what sacrifice is all about if it's not something that you value it is not a sacrifice in order to give God something value it has got to be something you value if you value your time give some of it to God if you value cement I'm a busy man listen there is nothing making God more pleased tonight that's several hundred people on a Sunday night brother Dean in a culture where people are shutting their doors on Sunday night and saying that's family time that's time families ought to be together let's just have a half-hour service on Sunday morning and then let's let everybody go on their way but praise be under the Almighty God we are in a place tonight that has said there's no greater thing that we could be doing tonight not bowling not fishing not honey there's nothing any greater brother Claver and I'm telling you God looks down God looks down there's they are there's business executives here tonight there's business people there's white-collar blue-collar people here tonight that could be in a number of different places but they value their time but they understand that God is worthy of our time on Sunday God is worthy of coming on Sunday morning amen God is worthy of arranging our schedules to say it's the challah it's the holy day not the holiday he's worthy of coming to the house of God and saying God here's my time here's my time this morning he's worthy of us he is worthy of us coming again on a Sunday night so if you value and we're giving this to God God set the pattern the Bible says in Genesis chapter 4 and verse number 1 and Adam knew his wife Eve and she conceived and bare Cain and said I have gotten the men from the Lord verse 2 she again bare his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of sheep but Cain was a tiller of the ground the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord and Abel he also brought of the firstlings of this flock and of the fat thereof and the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect Cain was very wrong his countenance fell we see the division we see a division right here we see a division right after sacrifice was given and that is we have a we have a son by the name of Abel that knew how to give a sacrifice he gave a sacrifice of something that was valuable to him it was not just the first it was also the fat thereof it had it had value to him it was a sacrifice that had value to him but now Cain Cain gave something the Bible says in the process of time it came to pass and we have that we have here where were Cain changed in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord and it was there that God showed that there's some sacrifices that he values and there's some sacrifices that he has no respect over he has absolutely no respect for a sacrifice that is not laced with faith he has absolutely no respect for an obligation a Cain brought an obligation an obligation is it's the day of worship and I've got to bring something to God and why don't I just go get some fruit somewhere and lay it down on a platter and come bring it to him but not Abel Abel's sacrifice was not an obligation the book of Hebrews says it this way it was a sacrifice of faith Hebrews 11:1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report three verses in to the two the chapter of faith and this comes up through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God and that all things that are seen were met were not made of things which do appear by faith Abel offered them unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous God testifying of his gifts and by it he being yet their PB dead yet speaketh why was it because Jane had an obligation I've just got to go to church I've just got to go to worship I've got to bring some mealy fruit to him I can't go empty-handed I've got because it's an obligation the difference tonight between obligation and sacrifice is faith and faith comes in the house of God faith never gives without expecting to receive something faith is not an obligation they may be some here tonight that's fulfilling an obligation you're just here you're just here but I want you to know there's one here tonight called me and I'm not here just to be here I truly believe that my worship tonight will affect my day tomorrow I truly believe that what I'm giving to God today was going to affect my Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday I truly believe we have a division here we find that the Bible says in Genesis we find that in Genesis chapter 6 and verse number one and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth that the end daughters were born done to them that the sons of God follow this closely Genesis 6:2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he is also his flesh yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years now let me tell you what some people have thought this means because in Genesis 6 there is a division there is a term used the sons of God the sons of God and the daughters of men the sons of God and the daughters of men or we could say the sons of man and the sons of God and it has been taught that angelic beings came down to the earth and had sexual relationship with women and from these women came forth the Giants that are mentioned a little later can I tell you tonight that that absolutely holds no water according to Scripture angels are spiritual beings they are not bodies they can appear in body form but they are not bodies what this is talking about is some of Cain's descendants because if you're just a worshipper of obligation you will produce children of obligation but if you are a child that is worshiping by faith you will produce children that are worshiping by faith the children that are worshiping by faith are called the sons of God the children that are worshiping by obligation are called the sons of man they are fleshly lade because anything they do is for the moment the world lives for the moment their motto is lit drink and be merry for tomorrow we die but not to the child of God tomorrow does not death tomorrow holds our resurrection tomorrow is a great day because I am a worshiper of sacrifice well Genesis says in Genesis six and eight but Noah it's interesting how he begins that verse but Noah he's telling about he's telling about the sons of men and the sinful actions and the mingling together that's why we must maintain our distinction we can never allow the sons of God to mingle with the sons of men we cannot have half spirit and half flesh going on we have got to live our lives by faith my flesh is not going to be in control because I'm going to do a very painful thing to my flesh every day I'm going to crucify my flesh my flesh must be I'm your pastors talking to you tonight I'm telling you you will never get to a spiritual plateau or a spiritual level where you don't have to battle your flesh I am 57 years old been serving God since I've been 16 years old and I have battled my flesh every day of my life I battled my flesh but I have learned that the pain is only part of the process the prize comes after the pain when I nail my my flesh to an a halter and I'll tell my flesh you're not gonna last flesh I don't check my heart you're not gonna hold anything in your heart when your feelings are get hurt you're not gonna let it fester up and let it turn into bitterness can I get a witness tonight when somebody does something wrong to you you're gonna quickly forgive them you're not going to hold grudges you're not going to give a cold shoulder you're not gonna withhold love from a brother or sister that is not what Jesus would do but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord chapter verse 20 Noah built an altar Noah built an altar unto the Lord took of every clean beast and every clean fowl and offered burnt offerings on the altar verse 20 and the Lord smelled a sweet Savior and the Lord said in his heart I will not again curse the ground any more from NSYNC for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth neither will I again smite anymore everything living as I have done while the earth remaineth seedtime and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night shall not cease I'm gonna tell you something let's take care of Mother Earth let's don't abuse the earth that God has given us but let's don't walk around listening to the scientists the godless scientists that are telling us things are going to burn up wanting to plant fear and doubt into the hearts of our children because our substance our life is not in how many trees there is our life is not how many green patches of grass there is on planet earth our life does not contain and how many trees and how much grass is only surf our life is in the one who spoke the worlds into existence and as long as the world as long as he says for the world to be what he created it will always be I'm telling you something tonight Noah sacrificed and Noah got a covenant that you and I are still enjoying to this very day Noah sacrificed and God gave him a covenant that said while the earth remains seedtime harvest cold heat summer and winter day and night shall not cease can I tell you tonight that our provision Trump's the sacrifice you know it doesn't make any sense if you're a son of man it doesn't make any sense to your fleshly frame of mind that the way to have your needs met is to give to a fleshly son of man mind the way to get your needs met is to get all you can and can't all you get you live by the golden rule he hath he that hath the gold rules you live by total separate different system than that if you're gonna have you got to put back you got to look out for for one but that is not the way sons of God behave sons of God understand that the way we have our provisions meant is to be sacrificing people is to be giving people one way to receive is to be giving somebody talking about well I'd ruther carp and I hear you talking about receiving all the time I'm just simply I don't seem to be there I gotta ask you before I ever got in the receiving line I had to get in the giving line because the pain comes before the prize you got to know how to let it go you got to know how not to listen to your son of man mind you've got to learn how to let it go and you don't let it go by obligation I got to pay my tithe I got to give the building program I got to give to the mission program that's a cane obligation but you give out of an able obligation what I'm giving today is gonna come back to me press down shaken together and running over shall your father give to you come on if somebody listen to me the madness God sent the Prophet down to it during the time of a drought God sent the Prophet down to the widow woman as Arafat God said prophet go down to that Widow woman's house that's where you're going to have all your provisions met and the Bible says in chapter 17 first kings 17 and 10 so he arose God told him to go so he arose and went to Zarephath and when he came to the gate of the city behold a widow woman was there gathering of sticks and he called to her and said fetch me I pray thee a little water in the vessel that I may drink and as she was going to fetch it he called to her and said bring me I pray via morsel of bread in my hand she said as the Lord thy God liveth now would you please notice something with me she did not say the Lord my God she said the Lord thy God now I want to ask you something tonight what are you saying to folks the LORD thy God are you saying the Lord my God as far as I know when we're to pay he said when you pray say our Father our Father tonight and so she says the Lord thy God liveth I have not a cake but a handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil in the Cruze and behold I'm gathering two sticks that I may go in and dress it from me and my son that we may eat it and die and heal I just said unto her fear not go and do as thou has said but make me therefore a little cake first and bring it unto me and after make for thee and my son but thus saith the Lord God of Israel the barrel of meal shall not waste neither shall the cruse of oil fail until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth now what are you gonna do woman I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do I'm going to give by faith you see I'm here good collecting enough sticks to build a fire because I got a handful of meal and I got a little oil and I got enough of me and my boy to have our last meal but the man of God preached faith into her heart that's what we need tonight we need faith preached into her heart the man of God said hear the word of the Lord you just simply give me the cake first now what the cake represented was giving God first giving God I know we've got a man involved here but God was wanting to see woman will you put me first will you place me first will you value me above what's in your kitchen will you value me above what you've got some of us are never going to come out of the situations we are in until we begin to look into God's God's heavens and value the invisible God and the Word of God and stop looking at what we can see and letting what we can see affect how we do believe but we need to look into the heavens and we need to say God if your word says it I am willing to put you first in my life I am willing to give he said woman if you will give he said your mill barrel will always have meal and your cruse of oil will always have oil you'll always have bread until God sends the rain and you know what she did she did not give out of obligation she gave out of faith and the Bible tells us that she made him a cake first and when she went back to that meal barrel that she had emptied out a few hours before there was meal in that peril and when she went to that cruse of oil that she had emptied out a few hours ago there was all in that cruse ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters tonight it is a sacrifice that gives my faith when you did need everything you've got out it made me your energy it may be your time it may be your finances but when you give it out everything [Applause] provisions come because we're willing to give away you've heard the voice and I've heard it too y'all stop giving so much the missions you all get the other side of that building done yeah buddy ever heard that boys I've heard it I've heard it many times when I'm places like I was the other day and I was the other day in Sacramento and a young man he's going to be here the last Sunday missionary to Honduras Stephen Jones is going to be here gonna be preaching for us and I sit there in that service and heard that young men pour his heart out to God and heard that young man talk about having church on a dirt floor in Honduras God began to speak to me about 25,000 dollars and you know what I heard that same voice because you see I'll admit it tonight some of you may not admit it but I will admit it from times the time from time to time I still battle son of man mentality and son of God mentality I'll admit it tonight I'll just go admit it tonight sometimes I battle son of man mentality sometimes when the Spirit of God comes in God's waiting for which one's gonna answer the door is the son of God gonna answer the door where's the son of man gonna answer the door I've heard that boys say man $25,000 I'm gonna tell you something y'all don't have it we got some bills we got to get in that other side the money the monies that we that we got up our old building is dwindling down with I mean you get $800,000 but when you're writing checks for air-conditioning's that's a quarter a quarter of a million and on and on and that number keeps on coming down and that began to play in my mind and it was almost that the son of man was going to write it all but I stepped out and I just said I'm gonna let the son of God answer this and I pledged that money and we sent we sent the check but God began to change things because I first thought that it was going to come from this church but as I begin to pray about it because up in Sevierville there's not a dime taken there nobody's no no there's nothing being paid out the money's just coming in in the Sevierville Church it's collected it's collected some money up there and the Lord began to deal with me and say I want to not only bless your church this congregation here in Maryville but I want to bless that church up there and Sevierville and so I stepped out and I told the church in Sevierville and you ought to been there the night that I told them that we had some money in the Treasury but we were going to take 25 thousand dollars of that money and send it to Honduras to the missionary am I telling it right there was a spirit of worship that broke out in that church there were people shouting out loud there were people praising God there was a wave of a glory that went through that church I want to ask you something tonight if you're not getting your provisions met are you just giving an obligation are you just giving a cane obligation or are you riding out your tithe check knowing that this is worship and that it will return to me oh come on give the Lord a big hand of praise you may be seated I want to ask someone tonight I want to ask somebody a question I want you to raise your hand tonight how many are in this room right now and you need God to answer you on a particular subject would you raise your hand right now you need an answer from God come on I need an answer from God I think I need an answer from God God needs to answer me all right I'm not setting you up but you just got setup because I'm here to tell you something you need to use the you need to use the Elisha you need to use the Elisha material because Elijah comes around in first Kings 18:21 and Elisha came into all the people first Kings 18:21 and Elisha came into all the people and said how long hot you between two opinions if the Lord be God follow him but if bale didn't follow him and the people answered him not a word then said Elisha under the people I even I only remain a prophet of the Lord but the bells prop bells prophets are 450 men let them therefore give us to Bullock's and let them choose one bullet and I'm just going to kind of go for times sake let them call on the name of bale the name of their gods and I will call on the name notice in verse 24 the people of the world called on plural names of their gods but the people of faith called on the name of the Lord and the God that answereth members some of you said you needed an answer and the God that answer is Oh hallelujah by fire let him be God and all the people answered and said it is well said can I tell you tonight answers come after sacrifices are given if you are halting between two opinions some of you tonight are bouncing back and forth between Son of Man and Son of God some of you ladies are bouncing back before between daughters of God and daughters of men sometimes you believe God's miraculous sometimes you believe God can do all things sometimes you're walking on water sometimes you just believe God is going to bring your unsaved it's been into the church sometimes you believe God's going to bring you're backslidden children back but then you vacillate back over here and you scratch your head and you think it's not doing any good the more I prayed the drunker he gets the more I pray the more while they get in their religion can I tell you a sacrifice will always bring an answer from God you have never sacrifice stayed on the altar kept it on the altar without God's attention saying I've gotta come down and I've got an answer you I want to say to you tonight in the name of the Lord stop limping between two opinions if God be God get after it with all your heart if God be God get after him with all your heart there is a precious woman that years ago during the Vietnam War there's a precious woman that attended brother homes Church in Little Rock Arkansas I believe that not only was her son sent off to war but that her son was sent off to war backslidden and that precious woman made a vow to God that she would not sleep in her bed but she would sleep on the hard floor in her bedroom until her boy came home and until her boy came back to God she said well that's that's a little fanatical preacher most sacrifices look like that most sacrifices can look like that they may look like a woman saying I'm gonna spend 30 minutes in prayer everyday till my husband comes in right I'm going to pray and I'm going to give until we come out of this situation they they look like that and that woman made a sacrifice she made a vow to God that I'll never go back to my bed I'll never sleep in my soft bed my soft pillow until God brings my boy home and back to church some time went by I don't know how many months went by it may have even been a year or so went by but on a Sunday night in Little Rock Arkansas that woman was up around the altars praising God and the back doors of that church opened up and a young soldier boy walked through the back doors at church and he not only walked through the back doors of that church he walked on up to the altar and he fell in the altar and you know who that boy was you got it by now it was the son of that woman that said I'll never go back to my bed I'll never sleep in that bed until God brings my boy back I say tonight if God could do that and I believe God did that how much more would God do to us we're not used to sacrifice because we don't like the pain but how many of us are willing to nail some flesh to the altar tonight it's I'm willing to endure some of you have got some lost moms and dads some of you've got some moms and dads that are giving you a world of hurt and a world of trouble because you're trying to serve God and they're doing everything they can to try to convince you not to serve God but can I tell you what the son of man wants you to do it wants you to get bitter towards your mom and dad it wants you to be disrespectful toward them it wants you to write them off it wants you to do all that but you need to let the son of God appear in your life and you don't ever need to stop praying for your mother and your father to come to God make it a point of prayer get you a few meals out of the day I'm still preaching everybody get you a few meals out of the day and say you know what on Wednesday on Wednesday is a fast day I can prove it I can prove it right here I can prove it right here my wife has fasted and prayed for her family she has fasted and prayed for her sister Rhonda she has fasted every Wednesday I don't know for years she fasted for Rhonda now Rhonda's like the rest of us you hear me tonight Rhonda's like the rest of us she's not where she used to be but she's not where she needs to be all right not only goes for Rhonda that goes for me too I'm not where I used to be and I'm not where I want to be but I got news for you for years she missed every meal on Wednesday why I want Rhonda to come to God I want my brothers and I want my brother and sister to come to God and I've got news for you we have seen Rhonda here on a consistent basis serving God and you know what it's a product of not my preaching and not your friendliness because God got ahold of her because somebody said I'll go through three meals on Wednesday I'll miss three meals on Wednesday to get the prize of my sister can I preach a little bit longer tonight and I love my family I love my family tonight she's got another sister Robin that more than likely is watching us preach tonight by way of the worldwide web she lives in Florida and more than likely she's watching us preach tonight and I can probably see tears coming out of her eyes right now because Memo them kids that you raised are the easiest kids to preach under conviction I've ever preached to they all get to squallin when they get into the presence of God and I'm telling you something Robin - and I know she's going to be watching tonight but our prayers is for Robin to get the Holy Ghost and for Robin to be baptized in his name that's why we would pray and we would face come on anybody else want to get in this how many you kids got some unsaved daddy stand I weighed your hand how many want to see your daddy come down the aisle how many you want to see your momma get in the baptismal pool you've got to have some sacrifice and an answer God answered by fire to those of you that may not know the host story they're the sons of men built their altar and prayed all day long on that altar and bail didn't answer one word but the Son of God step up there Elijah stepped up there rebuilt the altar and prayed a 50-word prayer fire came down from heaven and the people fell on their faces saying the Lord he is God you want an answer in your life go to sacrifice you shouldn't be Hawking between two opinions for years that's the devil's good plan to keep you halting around life you want an answer on a subject I challenge you tonight to sacrifice I challenge you to not to give God some of your time in prayer I challenge you tonight to tell your stomach you're not going to eat a meal I challenge you tonight your flesh there's certain things you if your favorite things ice cream I challenge you tonight to tell your flesh you're not getting you're not getting one scoop for forty days I know some of your grinning tonight but it is a God's truth if we will start telling our flesh what it's going to do instead of having our flesh son of men tell us what we're gonna do God can begin to change the dynamics in our lives I got news for you salvation only came through sacrifice tell me God so loved the world I know I know God so loved the world but he loved the world enough to sacrifice for the world that's how much he loved the world Hebrews 10 and for for it is not possible Hebrews 10 and for for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins wherefore when he cometh into the world he saith sacrifice and offering that would it's not but a body hast thou prepared me in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sins thou hast had no pleasure then said i lo I come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will O God above when he said sacrifice and offerings and burnt offerings and offerings for sin thou wouldest not neither has pleasure therein which are offered by the law then said he lo I come to do thy will o God he taketh away the first that he may establish the second by the which we will we are sacrificed through the offering we are excuse me we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all no sacrifice no salvation he said when I came he's prophetically talking that when the man Christ Jesus came into the earth when the man Christ Jesus was born into this into this world the man Christ Jesus had a mandate a scripture of prophecy over him and that is a body Oh God you have prepared me and why did God prepare a body in the man Christ Jesus please hear this why did God prepare a body in the man Christ Jesus because it was not possible that the blood of bulls and goats and heifers and lambs could take away man sin so God had to have a blood sacrifice it had to be something that he valued remember he valued man over the animal that he had pleasure in he valued man more than he valued the lamb but he saw that the lamb could never take away the sins of the man so God made himself a body and he made yeah he made himself a body so that he could come down and talk to everybody and show how great he is no he made himself a body so that he could sacrifice that body he made himself a body do you see this tonight he made himself a body so that he could sacrifice that body it wasn't that he wanted to show you what color of eyes he's got even wouldn't to show you what God looks like in clothing he was willing to show you I have created a body because I want to sacrifice that body so that I can reach back out and bring you back into the fold because you are of value to me I believe tonight I believe tonight that John 3:16 has a little different meaning to me right now for God so loved the world that He gave that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life God so loved us that He gave something about you I have a man that I can dwell in I have a man the man Jesus the man Christ Jesus born of a woman I can dwell in him but you see God's plan wasn't just to get back in flesh if that was God's plan he could have been pregnant Mary be born into the world and went on up into glory and ever suffered 40 days of fasting and never suffered the crown of thorns or the nails in his hands but why why did he come as a party because we can't have salvation without sacrifice for God so loved the world that He gave that He gave His only begotten that ought to call some of us to just feel special tonight my god listen Isaiah chapter 53 and verse number one I'm coming to the end I promise you I'm coming doing in here in just a moment Probert excuse me Isaiah 53 and verse number one who hath believed our report who's gonna believe this and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed the power of God for he shall grow up now this is all Bible prophecy of God becoming flesh in the man Christ Jesus for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant God looks at the men Christ Jesus as a tender plant and as a root out of dry ground he hath no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should behold him he is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken and smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed I got to stop right there and tell you this is the reason we're going to praise Jesus this is the reason we're going to talk about the name of Jesus this is the reason we're going to sing about him preach about him teach about him love Jesus tonight it's going to be Jesus when the service starts Jesus in the middle of the service and Jesus all the way through you know why because without Jesus we're nothing but a glorified Country Club trying to have a meaning around here Oh hallelujah he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed excuse me for a moment Oh hallelujah oh thank you Jesus Oh glory to God Jesus in my life Jesus in the morning Jesus when the Sun Goes Down that's better than talking about beer that's better than talking about marijuana that's better than talking about pills I'm talking about Jesus tonight Jesus Jesus Jesus you may be seated he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we were healed all we like two sheep have gone astray we have turned every one to his own way and the Lord had laid on him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed he was afflicted yet opened not his mouth he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before his Shearer's is dumb so he opened not his mouth he was taken from prison and from judgment who shall declare his generation I'm going to answer that in just a minute who shall declare his generation for he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people was he stricken and he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him it pleased the Lord to bruise him it pleased the Lord to bruise him the Lord looked down upon the man suffering and it pleased the Lord what sacrifice has always been a pleasing thing in the sight of Almighty God yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he hath put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul and freeing for sin he shall see his seed see there he died in faith he died not an obligation gods go to go to the cross and die it's an obligation no it wasn't an obligation it was a sacrifice by death because when God looked down upon the sacrifice there he saw his seed he shall see his seed what is he seed you and me that's what he saw you see and sacrifice some of you see what you got to give up but a true faithful sacrifice you see what you're going to gain that's why it says that that's why it says that he endured the cross and he endured the suffering and the shame because for the joy which was set before him he endured the cross and he has went and he is seated at the right hand you see tonight when God looked down and saw the man suffering on a cross he didn't see the end but he saw a group of people on a Sunday night dancing under the influence of the Spirit of God he saw men who used to hold beer cans in their hands with their hands lifted magnifying and praising God he saw women that were selling their bodies and he sees them with a choir robe shouting the praises of God I'm glad that he saw the see [Applause] how many knows we're not saved without sacrifice the only way we can keep ourselves mother far the only way that we can keep ourselves in the hands of God is by our personal sacrifice to him the only way you can get your provisions met is by sacrifice the only way you can get an answer from God is Bucek rifice the only way we have salvation is by sacrifice and the only way we can keep ourselves in the hands of God is by sacrifice would you like a scripture to end this sermon Romans 12 and 1 Romans 12 and 1 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies now I feel the Holy Ghost you see some of you hear me tonight the pastor got off the plane I believe it was brother Roland Baker got off the plane in South America when you get off the plane you get out in some of these countries in East countries they're trying to sell you everything but trying to save you things as you're going to the taxi they're trying to say you just think the beggars those beggars all over just trying but there was one beggar that caught brother Baker's ear because he knew that it was a religious high day in the city and that little boy had whittled out some crosses and he was selling crosses this way cheap crosses for sale cheap crosses for sale cheap crosses for sale can I tell you tonight there's no such thing as a cheap cross you hear me there's no such thing as a cheap cross there was no such thing can I tell you what he did for you at Calvary rockefellers don't have enough money to do for you can I tell you what he did for us at Calvary brother bin all the money all the gold in Fort Knox can never do what Jesus Christ did for us at Calvary that was not a cheap cross and I'm telling you what I will never stop preaching if there is not a cheap cross then there is not a cheap response to that cross there cannot be a cheap response to the cross if the cross is invaluable bless God my response to that cross is invaluable oh I know that there's churches that are like Walmart they're slashing their prices there's denominations that have slashed their price to get more of these people in and more of that people in and there's churches that are slashing the price of holiness and slashing the price of this because they want to be more appealing to the sons of men but you look up here at you're 5 foot 7 inch green-eyed pastor tonight I'm telling you if it wasn't a cheap cross then it's not gonna be a cheap response [Applause] come on when you stand with me right now [Applause] hmm no no no mercy and Uriel aha [Music] why you folks do what you do well y'all act like you act what do you do what you do because of Romans 12 and 1 I beseech you that word beseech you means beg I beg you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable some translations says it only makes sense to respond back to him this way see you might be figuring it out - not the reason the Cross is not speaking to you is because you're not speaking to it you cannot embrace a God that went all the way for you but you going half the way with him if you're going to have the full benefits from Genesis to Revelation I'm here to tell you it's time to crucify the son of man tonight until what comes out of your mouth is the son of God which is your reasonable service listen listen to verse to be not conformed to this world that's crazy y'all shout out the choir that's crazy a man went running around this building that's crazy a woman went running across the front it's not crazy if you understand that's a response when the man wins the Daytona 500 and he takes that car and he does donuts in it burns the tires off of but nobody stands around says he's crazy when a man makes a touchdown and he takes that ball and throws it down nobody says that's crazy when the guy makes that touchdown and they do all donna dances in the endzone nobody stands here and says that's crazy you know why they don't because the son of man says that's alright but when we begin to respond back to God it's not crazy I'm gonna tell you I'll make sure everything's always done decently in order here but I'll never put my hand on anybody giving a public display of their worship to God run if you want to my only request you just keep your eyes open just keep your eyes open shout spin dance do whatever you want to do to bring glory to his name because the price pain the prize sacrifice this is for tomorrow night but I wonder what it was like for sister Kirby her body was dying struggling but her spirit was strong one of the last things I said to her I bent down in her ear and I said I love you sister Kirby with her mouth open wide trying to gasp breath I heard that weak boy say [Music] I wonder what it was like mr. Kirby stopped breathing Oh in the spirit realm when the angels came down and received her spirit took it to God I don't met you there's no time in eternity but if there was one second in eternity no wonder the writer said it's going to be worth it all it's going to be worth it all it's going to be worth it all some beautiful glorious tonight it is 752 now the clock on the back wall I wonder if I could challenge every person in here to give God ten minutes of uninterrupted prayer to him of nothing but telling him and praying them young and then after that you can feel free to to go home I challenge you tonight who will be the first in the altar it's 7:50 - right now the altars will fill out you like your your your altar [Music]
Channel: FACMaryville
Views: 5,249
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Id: usdToeBhE88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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