The OSIRIS Shaft Mystery W/ Jimmy From Bright Insight

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the osiris shaft yes irish aft that place what do you think about that place oh my goodness amazing freaky creepy claustrophobic terrifying the worst vibe i've ever gotten in my entire life i didn't expect it to feel that i was so excited to go down there but i'm like it felt next level creepy and i wouldn't be surprised i think that thing had probably multiple purposes i have no doubt that it was used as a tomb but like i think maybe some bad things happened in there [Music] so just for anyone who's watching who's like what is it what are they talking about because i didn't know anything about it before we went to egypt but the osiris shaft is literally a huge what 100 foot down into like 90 93 96 feet down maybe 97 to be precise something like that it's like yeah it's like 29 meters i believe something like that it just drops straight down through the bedrock one shaft and then it goes over into a room uh which is not that big and it goes down to another so it's three tiers down and the shafts are staggered and by the time you're down there it's total darkness yeah it's it's carved out a solid limestone bedrock and it's located right between the sphinx and this and the second pyramid up along the causeway just to interject there because i didn't realize until um youssef told us that the second what we call the second pyramid which was kind of like because we called the great pyramid like the main one the one that's in all the movies and gets all the taurus but the one in the middle the second pyramid used to be called the great pyramid like back in the day i don't know why the new ones called the great ones apparently why don't we stick with the old only because it's a little bigger and it's not a whole lot bigger either it's pretty close actually yeah it's interesting twins but what's interesting is the middle one the great pair the old great pyramid that's the one that's linked to the sphinx and it's also the one that's apparently linked to the osiris shaft yep so i feel like and the one that built on that bedrock our trip with ben of uncharted x he presented in the chat we were chatting about it while walking around the plateau and he can he presented a very convincing argument that that was the first one and i'm like because before i always i was like the great pyramid was the first one like no like you just said that's what they refer to as the greek pyramid and i'm with it i'm like there's so many things about it the fact that the entire internal structure is entirely bedrock is kind of mind-blowing and the next level difficulty of creating it over the bedrock and it's like and being directly at the causeway to the sphinx like from this yeah it had some sort of connection and then when i realized that the osiris shaft was also connected the shaft is like on the the causeway that's going down between the pyramid and the thing and if you didn't know where the entrance was like you wouldn't see it walking down you just have to go around and like oh there's a tiny little bit yeah and then you have to go down and drop down and they say according to the officials they say that it's just an isolated shaft with three levels and it doesn't go anywhere it it must because when i when we were down there and i asked one of the official guys i was like so how did they get all the um the granite granite boxes down here and he was like oh well they filled it with sand and then they lowered the sand out and then the boxes went down and i went where did the sun go and he looked at me and went and walked off and i was like i think that there definitely is a tunnel system it would just seem really weird to dig a huge hole in the ground going straight down they didn't go anywhere so a few things about this so i first learned of the osiris shaft just a couple years ago when i it was i believe it was brian foster who had went down in there and i did some research on it and zahi was there was a fox documentary done and i believe it was either 1996 or 1999 i keep messing up that date but either way and he did a tour of it and this was on the news i remember seeing and i recalled him like oh yeah i did see this but i was literally in middle school at the time and so in it he does a tour of the place and brings a reporter down in there and they're like we think we found the tomb of osiris that's why it's called the osiris shaft and they said yeah we don't know yet we haven't opened up the box but they show you and all this it was amazing and um in that documentary he shows you all on the third bottom most tier level there was a tunnel and he stands right in front of it and he says this goes tunnel we don't know where it goes yet which i'm instantly like well that's a lie like you just didn't bother going down there yet oh it's open like oh one day we'll go down this tunnel and see where that takes us like i didn't believe it for a second but it has since been sealed off it they bricked it up or whatever i didn't get a view of it with my own eyes when we were there because it's too flooded and i couldn't like see down that direction which is a great regret of mine maybe next time i'll just get my feet wet but i was kind of grossed out so the thing is that there's long been legends that say that there was tunnels under the sphinx that connect to the pyramid that's what people have said for going back a long time so here it is so you go down like the um the rickety little ladder metal ladder that was like eroding away i thought was going to sound good instantly that was dangerous if you drop like you just drop 100 like 100 foot you just boom down like yeah it was um yeah i was sweating i was flying so you go down you crawl along to the next drop and then you and then you go down another ladder here and then you come to like the second level which is this weird room with like kind of what is it like a kind of cave little kind of cake these nooks the nooks you know there was a couple of them that had the stone boxes within them yeah the rest were empty and a few have these cutouts uh on the actual bedrock uh and keep in mind everyone that's watching this is all in limestone this isn't sand all of this is literally just a big stone capsule and this second area was the creepiest part of the whole place i didn't get to walk around that very bottom one but i'm like yeah okay good show it like that yeah yeah so we you come down shaft b and you walk into this little room and it's like this is tight it's tiny and then um shaft c is how you go down to the next level but then literally in here in all these little rooms here and then there's two boxes left so where are the other like where are the other ones great question and and when just real quick when you look at chamber c and e those little uh cutouts people need to realize that they're literally it's so they're that's just cut out on the floor of the bedrock it is extremely shallow not even a foot deep i want to say 8 to 10 inches deep maximum i'm like that's not what you would bury someone in it'd be their half their body would be above the or would be flush with the ground and i'm like but it was so small i'm like it was weird and then in chamber f that's where we stepped on the human bones yeah so that was horrible so not only is it crazy dark down there like none of the lights worked or anything there was like one lamp that went down yeah there was just bones just bones and i didn't know it at the time i thought it was pottery shards yeah you stunned and then it wasn't until after i got out of there um i was informed that oh yeah be careful with those human bones down there i'm like oh my god i'm like no wonder i felt so disturbed in there there was a vibe in there that was the creepiest thing ever and i'm like i know how to put it i was eager to get out of there after the half hour i spent down there i was like this place is just i don't know it had a terrible feeling like i know some people that doesn't mean anything to someone but there's a vibe of place punctuation right some places feel good some places don't and i'm like i was excited to go down in there i'd want to be in there that was one of my top things on my list to go see in that in the country of egypt and then when i was down there i'm like something felt terribly off i feel like maybe some really bad things happened in there it was like buried alive people tortured maybe it was a prison cell because you could just drop someone down in there you just leave them in there there's no way out if you don't lower a ladder down they're just in it forever how did you get in that's obviously we had a modern metal ladder to get out now but like this thing is unclimbable it's unscalable you could put down this i don't feel like it was designed to be going in and out of like not at all not all i mean yeah you could use ropes or a rope ladder whatever to lower people down something that they did or something but like this was this place didn't i i didn't get the impression that people were supposed to be coming out here at all it's kind of like i don't know what its original purpose was because i don't feel like i know everything about it because even that tunnel that's supposed to connect on that third tier down hasn't been explored at least with information that's available to the public so so here um i don't know what language this is but this is like the the pyramid uh somebody i think somebody's like proposing that that's where it would go like because like it's 30 meters oh wow so it would be oh wow like that way very weird um to me all right so what i think and i don't have the evidence show people but i do think that there's an underground network of tunnels around the plateau there's just too many separate legends and entails of it and other yeah i mean people that i mean even yusef's father himself as a kid went in and according to him took a tunnel uh that connected the from the giza to the sakara pyramid eight miles away as lines you know as the just a straight line underneath there's the labyrinth which they know now to exist and like yeah there's that's that's zyowas from that documentary i mentioned yeah and now that it's all under a couple feet of water look at how um these boxes are like they're so precision cut they are absolutely huge and the shaft the tunnel that we cooled down to get even down there i think the measurement just fits as in like there is no room for pivoting but they could just about fit down so if that's how they brought them i didn't even know how they got these things down there and then the this is like a bit of a apologies for the hd um this is such a pixely picture but this apparently was like a drawing of what it would have been because originally there was four obelisks yeah yeah and they've wrapped them and i don't know where they've put them but i think that the running theme of like water granite boxes obelisks i think it has something to do with some sort of energy or function we always go for like religious like oh it was a religious spiritual thing i'm like what if it wasn't always about the spiritual like what if there was a reason why they put these if it was conducting something or flowing something was maybe if this was like a breaker between some the pyramid and that pyramid or you know what i mean like i totally cause i'm with you i think it could either be it could be a million things it could be something we can't think of but the things that come to my mind that i think what if is one what if it was something for generating some sort of energy like so at heart it was a way of harnessing power from the earth through you know or perhaps you know it's like when we were talking about like them allegedly the ancients allegedly living to be hundreds and thousands of years old like what if those things weren't actually meant to be sarcophagi for a dead body but rather some sort of dna healing you go lay in there and your body gets fixed through all the energy that's fine through it i mean that sounds radical but i one reason why i think it's possible is because i believe that like the cure for cancer or something is going to be through frequency i think that frequency is the answer to all things because the whole universe is a frequency i mean that might sound crazy but look at your wi-fi look at 5g look at the television channel just to press one button slight little frequency from the television or the radio changes everything you see is totally different yeah and i think that that's what that is even even light itself is a frequency which is why it's measured in hertz and that that is the the secret of the universe just like tesla said energy frequency and vibration so i would say that through vibration a frequency is how you would cure something like a cancer so when i look at if if it's possible or if it's true i should say that the ancients once lived to be a long long long time what if the great pyramid was a healing thing and i know some people will hate me for even suggesting stuff but i'm just throwing around fun ideas i mean how impossible about like sold on it but like maybe explain radiation therapy to someone who doesn't know anything about modern medicine and it's just as weird you're like what you're saying you heal the cell by killing a cell with a radiation yes you put someone in a machine and you radiate the cells with something but i was like it's essentially that it's like same thing different apparatus in a sense because that's because the radiation is giving off a frequency as well it's radiating that is a frequency that's a fact like people go research because i remember looking into this a long time ago for a video i made a few years ago it was unrelated topic had nothing to do with healing people but um it had to do with like radiation and how it's like literally giving off a frequency i felt like the giza plateau when i actually went there i was like whoa the mega the huge megalithic blocks that are eroded like nothing else we saw in egypt and they're telling us the top of the car's way yeah they're telling us that those blocks are the same age as all the other temples in the same area and i'm like well why are these eroded like they've been there for thousands and thousands of years well like like hundreds of thousands of years and also all of the the dug tunnels that they this this culture seemed to be able to dig through bedrock like in a way that was like machine it was crazy so i feel like the osiris shaft and all the under tunnel stuff that stuff is old and that stuff that the egyptians came found and was like cool um yeah i don't feel like they did it and and it just it just felt like yeah super super odd because i they the only way that they can date the osiris shaft is they found pottery down the bottom red polished pottery that dates from the sixth dynasty so super early so even if it was egyptian that's crazy early that's before they had any kind of iron or anything and they they built a three level shaft with with obelisks and granite precision boxes and all this stuff and the later egyptians could never ever make that kind of box or or obelisk so how could not not with the known tooling that they had so either it's a lot older was done by someone else with technology and by technology it could be metals stuff that's rusted away or we just don't under fully understand like what we think about the egyptians from a couple thousand years ago might just not be accurate or you know it's one or the other like because these these theories that they say how they did it doesn't make sense and you and i know because we were there and we touched this limestone with our own hands this stuff like because a lot of people describe like a limestone is a soft stone and they mean that in comparison to other stones like granite like but they don't there's different limestones throughout the world and that stuff that makes up the pyramid this was next level hard it felt almost as hard as granite and apparently according to yusuf it's not that far off again i've seen videos of these people use comparable copper chisels which copper is made up of bronze and tin and use them on doing testing on limestone that's comparable to that of giza and they only made it several hits per and i'm not exaggerating several this is mark laner by the way this is undocumented mark laner and before they had to re-melt one down it was so impractical and they made almost no difference at all and i'm like guys this is just not how they did it like this that's it it's not how they did it and for anybody who's like oh they um it was all geopolymer but i'm like well but it's that still doesn't um explain how they did all of the tunneling like how the hell did you tunnel through all this bedrock which is the same rock that that you're talking about cutting yeah it's just like they knew how to cut stone let's just let's all agree on that at all and so the fact that they date this to the sixth dynasty because of a piece of pottery i'm like okay no all that that's actually saying is that that that somebody was there at that date and they left their pockets at least that old yeah at least they left their they left their lunch there that was the last person who left their pot i mean they've left their part down the shaft and they're like damn it i'm not going back down there it's scary but yeah but that says nothing about when they actually chiseled or when they put the thing yeah i couldn't believe and i couldn't believe that the guy who was giving us the tour literally didn't have an answer because obviously he was told to say if anyone asked how they got the boxes down then they said oh it was sand and then when they're like well where did the sand go and he he wasn't trained for that question so he just walked off so when in that documentary i mentioned with zahawas giving the tour so that's exactly what he had said he said that they would have literally filled it with sam and then pulled the sand out but he said what he what he said was that because this answers your question that the other guy either couldn't answer or didn't want to what zahi hawas himself said is that they would have had an adjacent tunnel where they would essentially have sand in one and move it out to the other so it starts to go up like this yeah but where's the tunnel there is no tunnel we saw with our own eyes and i walked around this thing 100 i mean i wandered for 30 minutes straight and this area is not that big and i just did lap after lap and there is no tunnel and there's no any because you'd see it you'd know it you you would be you're surrounded by enclosed limestone bedrock and are you talking about on the level two there's no then there's no tunnel going on level two but there is a tunnel but they're selling there officially isn't but there is a tunnel down by the where the water is that would be a horizontal tunnel yeah uh not at that point what is is saying is a vertical tunnel shaft i should have said this second shaft that's why i mentioned second shot that would have been adjacent to the known shafts that already there but i'm like no there isn't there isn't it right because you're in enclosed bedrock and let me just say to anyone watching this so i don't have any photos of the osiris shaft all cameras were completely forbidden literally before we walk in no cameras no cameras no cameras so you know what i did and to anyone that's not aware i'm gonna share it right now so i had a shirt with a pocket and what i did was i grabbed my cell phone and i put it in like this camera facing out and i recorded the entire thing from start to finish it's 27 minutes and 52 seconds and it actually got some decent video some areas are a bit dark and you can't really see and it's shot and vertical it's like nothing about this is perfect but i got the shot and what people can see because there is some good shots in it and people will be able to see that i literally i take this thing around with and just do circles countless times for 30 minutes i wandered around like just a lost person and and so people will be able to see exactly what we're referring to when he says like there is no second shaft did they install no bedrock to hide this thing like that's not that's not it's not there no it was a closed room and yeah yeah so we weren't allowed they were like no absolutely cameras off no photos so you i didn't have a pocket so i couldn't do your trick but you did it also it was so obvious got away with it it was so obviously bad you had this thing and there was like a light and i remember you was just standing there going what's up what's over there and then half of that video is just gonna be me being like jimmy they know they know oh you're on there it's so funny i got to see this because you yell at well you didn't yell but you pretty much like you were looking out for me like i think i yelled at you alone you're like when you said you said something i'll have to rewatch it because i'm gonna put it i think yeah i can make a little compilation of um me um telling you off in egypt because there's other places as well like in this camera and yeah and i'm like i might insert is this on your video yeah it's me being like jimmy jimmy they're coming what was i doing remind me i get the other all the time inside the big granite box in the circle oh you jumped down and then like jumped in and then now i've got me going and you're like don't you want this for instagram and i'm like give me they go you need the shot okay do you want to you want to post on instagram or not the guy is saying to get out is he try try not to kill me like i was just like a little geek like i'm gonna tell us off jimmy yeah so i'm gonna have to upload that a cyber staff video but i gotta tell you like that yeah that place was the creepiest place i've ever been in my life and i know some people will brush it off they're like well yeah it's a dark cave i mean but then again we're just seeing it as it is now i mean who knows what the hell is happening down in there because even those bones are probably i mean who knows who all those are those could be 200 year old bones or something or they could be 2 000 i mean i have no idea the story behind those bones but the thing the mystery about this place is this place is so so old the first time it's ever written about is in 1933 that's the first time that anybody like mentions it in history and then as i was comes in in the 1999 and like excavates it and and does stuff imagine where else on the whole giza plateau what if there are 20 of these things like around so this is something else that ties into to go with that point do you remember how many those shafts those random shafts that we saw throughout do you remember on the plateau they just go straight down the car i don't know how many there are but probably like closer to a dozen that i saw or at least maybe half a dozen those shafts that are literally i mean at least some of them must have been 70 feet deep which is deep uh when you look at it and they're like 10 feet wide um but some of them have horizontal tunnels going directly into them i have pictures and video of this i can't wait to share it but i'm like it goes into that same point that some of those look like they lead right into a tunnel sideways already 20 30 feet underground and i'm like so what's down there same with the very back of the second pyramid you know the the wall of bedrock that they'd like cut out and then every so often there was like doors that were blocked now they've blocked them yeah because tim tried to go down and got like pulled back out by a guard yeah and he was like i tried my luck but these these shafts like drop down there as well and i'm like there are these tourists coming here in their droves and then they're so busy looking up at the pyramid going oh what's the last picture that they're not like investigating all around and all the holes and the doors and the grates and i honestly think if you sonar scanned the whole thing it would look like a computer hardboard memory board with the amount of like tunnels people think debate the age and the technology all the stuff like not everyone has all the info even like there's these professors out there and they're all these skeptics i'm like all right that's cool we can all disagree if anything it should be fun but like if there's one thing we all have in common is that ain't none of us have all that info yeah none of us been in that those locked tunnels yeah and i'm like i just want to go see maybe goes nowhere it says the tomb i don't care cool but i just want to see it and i'm like i think people need to unite and stop fussing about where's you know what the purpose of the pyramid i mean that's a fun topic and it should be had but like instead of arguing viciously it's like can we all just unite and be like hey yeah unlock this damn door let me bring the camera in there make a youtube video on it that going into that second tier that shaft must have been what 50 feet it feels further because it's hard to tell when you're when you're holding on to a ladder for dear life it's like looking down feels far it's like oh it's a hundred feet but like not all three levels we're 100. but the second one was the longest and i want to say it was better it was between 50 and 60 feet was my estimate yeah which is far and if you try if you fell down that thing you're dead it's the same with the pyramid i was like these places aren't designed for humans to be going in and out whatever this purpose is it's designed for something other than humans walking in and out every day because it's such a horrible thing to get through and you like and like say this place was a was the burial site of osiris you can't have a funeral procession you can't lay the body down literally osiris's body would be like bang bang bang bang bang bang and then you take like that's not how you bury a god dragging it through these like rock tunnels and like slapping it on it's it was just like a good point i was like and on top of it it's kind of a little bit too rickety is as amazing as it was the feet of digging through all that limestone that bedrock but even then it wasn't perfected to where i was that and now but this way i was really curious to see what the precision would look like with my own eyes there's so many reasons to look at that the tombs and valley of the kings the like you say everything's precise everything's beautiful everything's ornate there would be more there like this this had it was the reason why it was creepy was because it was so rough and ready it did feel like an older archaic like an old civilization not because egyptians are known for their beautiful ornate like colorful the egyptians weren't creepy they were they were exotic they were yeah yeah you're completely right it was it was it was really like they were you could see like where they were scooping it out where they just kind of bashed it and they're like i'll do but then to juxtapose that beautiful precise granite boxes so maybe it doesn't get better the point was it didn't matter what the bedrock looked like because nobody was going to be going in and out it wasn't a place that was of any substance or it wasn't for ornate or visual reasons it was a practical thing let's get it down there let's get it in there boom right there with you especially with that box and the third tier well they're all beautiful boxes they were like precise yeah so here's something else to think about that to go along the lines of it potentially having a purpose that it didn't you know the boxes matter but the walls around it didn't so when we're at the surpm with those hundred ton stone boxes the exterior on many of them were not perfect they had blemishes and divots but what was perfect was the interior of all of them which is quite interesting because shouldn't be the other way around if it was meant to be a coffin essentially for a dead bull it would be far more important uh to have the exterior be perfect which is what's gonna be seen whereas the inside okay it did not be you know just make it nice but it doesn't have to be perfect but it was quite literally the opposite perfection on the inside to a level it was really mind-boggling i mean you went you jumped did you climb into one of them did you get in there yeah did any of them i can't i got i got in that was when i was telling you off um i got like right but you right i didn't jump he's woke up from his nap and he's now like hey it's a man look at him oh yeah he loves you so he's watching here's like the fedex guy or someone he's looking outside the window he's on top of my couch but yeah okay i guess that's it that was just our experience i wanted to i wanted to reminisce and go through it with you because because i didn't get any footage you did and it's just so rare i thought i wanted to tell people what it was like people can follow you and your channel and your patreon and they're going to find you could see the video um it's not up there yet but it will be because i want to give it to them first and then put on youtube later thanks jimmy and uh yeah pleasure johanna until next time it was a pleasure traveling with you you got to go to peru you got to go back to egypt
Channel: Funny Olde World
Views: 183,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright insight, egypt, ancient tech
Id: mWOilD737ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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