ATLANTIS - Why I believe it's real!

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hello hunters welcome back to my channel my name is johanna i am a huge ancient history nerd and today i wanted to make a video about why i believe that atlantis was either a real place or was based in truth [Music] so shall we do this have you got a drink are you ready are you ready to talk about atlantis because well i feel like this is a good video for somebody who knows nothing about atlantis apart from like maybe the odd disney movie because it turns out there's like there's just like there's a lot of stuff going on i did get my hands on some recently unclassified information from the cia which is very interesting in regards to one of the locations that atlantis might possibly be this story was written by a man called plato who was around 300 bc and he said that he got this story directly from one of his ancestors solon who was around 600 about 600 bc 300 years before plato great great great great granddaddy so long said that he got the story directly from the egyptian priesthood who it was their job to document and preserve all of the egyptian history and historical records so so long went from greece to egypt in the year around 600 bc he met with the priesthood and he wrote down this story that they had documented are you still with me a lot of people can test plato's story saying well one he's just going off story off a story of a story two the way that he writes the story although he prefaces the story by say literally saying this is a true story i don't think player was lying confined the translation of plato's story online and i've read it what it's unfinished which is a mystery all in itself but the way that he tells the story it is so jam-packed full of facts it is fact fact fact fact if you're telling a story purely for metaphors allegory like if you you wouldn't need to go into such detail about really unrelated things for selling a morality tale then you don't need to go into serious detail about the color and the size and the shape of the bricks that made the buildings or all the types of animals that were stored there or where exactly the harbour was uh in relation to the palace all that stuff doesn't really matter if you're telling a story about the right and wrongs of humanity get to the point plato i didn't really fully take notice of the atlantis story until i researched something called the younger drives comet impact and if you don't know what that is like google it immediately because it's so relevant to human history but in a nutshell a lot a lot of a lot of scientists are now concluding that around the time of the last ice age which was about 12 600 years ago there was a time when the weather on the planet earth changed dramatically a comic impact or a series of comic impacts that would have completely melted the ice age as it was then and caused huge huge cataclysms and tsunamis all the way around the globe and might be the reason why every ancient civilization in the world has a flood story or a cataclysm story or some kind of disaster movie written into the history what a coincidence so the more that scientists are looking into the younger dryers comet impact the more they are finding evidence for comic impacts fyi just look at randall carlson and all of his work on it and loads of other geologists there's like so many so many science papers out there now go look go look science is telling us that there are four or five impact sites over north america the north american ice sheet and what these comics would have done they would have whacked into north america immediately melted miles and miles thick of ice and then sent this ice in all directions in these huge tsunamis that would have then been ripping up literally pieces of the earth turning it into a huge tsunami of like churning rocks and death and basically spreading it over about two-thirds of the globe destroying literally everything in its path quite a bad day so the dates that these scientists if you're still with me great the dates that the geologists and the scientists are saying that these comet impacts happened is around 12 600 years ago and then if we look at the story of the history of atlantis and the date that the egyptians told solon that this cataclysm happened the dates match up and that's what got my attention the egyptian priest told solon that 9 000 years ago atlantis got destroyed in a day and a night and the date that someone was told that was 600 bc and the date that science tells us a comet hit the world 9600 bc and the chances of one story lining up with the science okay i got my tent you've got my attention you have my attention and so that's what started what is going on with the light we're just chasing the sun here younger dryers comet impact align it the date lines exactly with the story that plato was told for me that was enough to start researching properly then i came across bright insight jimmy's video about atlantis and some new ideas and new theories about where atlantis might be might have been so i'm not going to try and copy uh jimmy's video because his videos are so informative and so amazing so make sure you go and watch them and then you can like come back and we'll be on the same page okay so where is it where is atlantis if it was real we would have found it by now here's some of the problems that i think atlantis searches have one you're looking for an island in the middle of the ocean personally i don't think that we're gonna find atlantis at the bottom of the sea uh that's not what the i believe what the text tells us the story says that atlantis fell into the sea or got destroyed but it says that and afterwards you couldn't go there anymore to the city because it was surrounded by mud by like a mud barrier and therefore you couldn't sail no more water it's not under the sea it's either one of two things on land mud earth or in some sort of bog marshy boggy area like a delta and you can't sail there anymore because there's literally earthy muddy bog that's stopping you from going there so why people are looking in the bottom of the ocean baffles me because literally read the story people are looking for an island so when i used to think of atlantis i used to think of literally like a like a tiny [Music] dropped into the island no um in the translation of the text the word for island can also mean like peninsula or sort of area it doesn't necessarily translate directly to ireland it can also be like area of land atlantis was actually just the capital city of a huge empire a civilization the atlantean empire which had 10 cities and 10 kings this place was huge i think it covered huge parts of the world and atlantis with the with the circles as as we like the classic atlantis that we like to look for was just the city center on one of the islands or one of the peninsulas or one of the areas but the whole civilization was kind of everywhere like this is going to be a big place to look for so where is it i personally don't believe i personally believe that atlantis was anywhere near santorini or malta or crete i don't believe it was in that center of the mediterranean the locations just don't match with the list that solon was given the description that solomon was given people are saying that maybe it's in antarctica maybe it's in india if we're taking the pillars of hercules as the strait of gibraltar which is basically like when you leave the mediterranean and go out towards the atlantic ocean if we're taking that as the location i think that whole area is the slice of the world where we need to be looking for atlantis not over in india not over in the caribbean down in antarctica i think that it needs to be around the atlantic ocean on that side of the world and so my three locations where i think atlantis possibly was are in that strip of the world number one the rick hat structure rykat richard structure i have a very very strong feeling that this might possibly be the location it fits so many of plato's descriptions the fact that there were the mountains the plane um the color of the rock the black and the red and the white rock um the springs the the spring of fresh water is literally there the fact that there are elephants on on the island makes sense because the rikat structure is the eye of the sahara it's in west africa i'm not going to go too much into the recap structure because again jimmy has done such a great video on that go watch that video if you want more in depth about the rickout structure two things that jimmy did not say in his video one i was researching lost civilizations and i came across the whole lost continent of mu mu which was supposed to be around it used to be in the pacific ocean and they're saying there used to be a continent there a huge civilization literally linked easter island and hawaii and the philippines that that whole area used to be one continent and now all that's left is just like little tiny island of hawaii and easter island that's all for another video however i found an old book that was talking about the island of mew in there there was an illustration of a world map and it had this ancient map which had new and over opposite on the other side of atlantic it had a land mass which i think looks like the butt of west africa and then it has atlantis literally right there on the map why is that appearing in a map in a book in like 1937. second bit of information and this is this is this is very this is very cool information and i have to i have to give my source away uh jimmy from brightonsite did send me this when we were discussing about atlantis theories he was like yeah but have you heard about project magnet and i'm like no right so in the 60s the american government did a secret top secret project with the military called project magnet where they went around the world and they were measuring places of interest that had serious uh electromagnetic current frequencies that were like super high um and they went they were going around the world to to to measure them with with planes and they measured the rickout structure because it has unusual electromagnetic energy fields in that area oh bb quiet this is the cool bit so this was top secret information but recently the cia have released the the documents in the dossier so you can literally read the report about all the areas in the world where they went now the reason why this is interesting is because ancient civilizations often always built their cities around areas of serious electromagnetic energy for reasons known to them and maybe they could harness it or maybe it was something seriously to do with their culture or maybe it was a religious thing we just don't know we don't build a city now based on the electromagnetic energy field of the location imagine if we did the fact that the american government recognized the rickout structure was a special place and they scanned it and they kept that secret it was interesting um yes i know the one big problem that we have with the wreck out structure i mean it literally has the exact formation of the rings and if you go on to like the google map thing literally the rickout structure creates the whole description of atlantis it's pretty freaky the rings come up and then there's like so if i don't know how or if that would even work in science but if there was some way that we discovered that actually the the whole continent of africa had had risen from 12 600 years ago that would fit so the second location which is pretty interesting is in spain in donna anna park there are marshlands over mud marshlands that now that they're actually scanning them and looking at them it looks like there could be a like a circular formation there it looks like it could be the ruins of a city literally sitting in the south of spain under marshlands for thousands of years so there's a lot of um exciting hoo-ha around that location because it really would fit with like the out the pillars of her right next to the pillars of hercules it's facing the atlantic ocean it seems to be in that correct location of the world it's in that little slice of cake of the earth that could that fits really well the description of placeo's atlantis is it in spain i don't know who knows it will be easier to go and excavate and have a look and actually really dig around spain however the rickout structure is a place where nobody's going to really know and nobody's going to be able to get there to even really look at this stuff i have a lot of people in the comments saying why don't you go to the rickout structure why don't you and jimmy and all like team of you go and youtubers and go it is nearly impossible to go to that location in the world one guy did he was called josh i had the pleasure of meeting him in in egypt last year um he is a amazing youtuber tenacious one would say and he did he actually went to mauritania and he went to the rickout structure to see for himself he told me off the record like the things that did not appear in his youtube video it was he nearly died on that trip going to that location there is no food there is no food he was eating leaves with vinegar on just to stop his stomach from like collapsing there was no food there's no restaurants the people living there have very limited food supply there was no way he could there's no shops he couldn't buy any food there was rotten goat it was rotten goat or leaves and vinegar um also the the countries in a pretty dangerous state and he said that he literally saw dead bodies like just dead bodies in the step over dead bodies um and the the area to drive up to the ricotta structure uh there are land mines from like a previous or civil war and um at any moment your car can get blown up and flipped and you literally drive past other cars and bodies that have been flipped and they're just there so um for anyone thinking yeah pop over to the recount structure yeah you can't and i don't think for many many years will that place be safer to do that unfortunately so yeah spain is a little bit easier the other location that's come up in recent times is morocco so it's a little bit further up than the rickout structure but still on that side of the world and apparently there is evidence of another circular structure that's coming up on like satellite images and again the atlas mountains literally the atlas mountains are would fit the location like perfectly um for the mountains surrounding it considering that the king of atlantis was supposed to be called atlas the atlas mountains atlas atlantis it does all fit however going back to my theory that atlantis could the translation of it being an island is actually a kingdom of ten areas ten cities i don't know why it couldn't be all three why could the kingdom of uh of the empire of atlanteans not stretch from southern spain across the gibraltar down the canary islands morocco right down into the rickout structure i personally feel like we need to step back and uh observe atlantis as this huge civilization and it was all the way down that coastline 12 000 years ago and then a comet hit the world and literally sent a tsunami and cataclysms all over the gaffe and destroyed everything if if a tsunami is hitting north america and traveling that way across the atlantic it is going to literally hit that whole slice spain morocco and uh the western sahara so why would it not be utterly utterly destroyed maybe atlantis is all three they're all different cities of the same the same empire the morocco location also has uh that native red black and white rock um so it's matching and again morocco could have elephants as well in fact all of that area could could have elephants so at the end of the day there are problems with all of those locations but out of everything in the world i think it's going to be one of those three if not all of those three and i think that the more science develops and the more we actually look into the younger driver's comment theory and when that becomes literally school of thought and like official history of the world i think it is totally totally possible that there were civilizations that were completely wiped out however there were a few survivors obviously with all catastrophes there will be a few remaining survivors and they're living now in a world only full of hunter-gatherers so what do you do if you are someone who was living in a civilization which had kings and houses and military and shops and trade and now you have to live with hunter-gatherers you're gonna go join them and be like yo can i live with you because i literally don't know how to live in the wild and they're gonna be like yeah wow you look pretty cool and different why do you know so much stuff and they'll be like yeah i know a lot like i know like a lot of maths and i can teach you how to have like a hierarchy um with like managers and kings and stuff and i can teach you how to build stuff and i can teach you how to farm so you don't always have to run around and they're like oh my god what are you like a god and they're like yeah you can call me that if you want i think that's really probably what happened in human history and that's why every single every single ancient civilization in the world that has written stories they all write that they were taught how to be civilized by other people coming and telling how to do maths how to do agriculture how to do everything and i think it's much more likely that these people were survivors from a previous generation and they were perceived as gods not like actual gods maybe they were who am i to say but for me that makes the most sense and that's what i believe and i'm literally sitting in the dark now what is going on all kinds are complicated to edit so in a nutshell that's what's going on make sure you watch jimmy's video um if you want to know more about why i think the other the other sites um aren't atlantis you look james cameron's finding atlantis it's on disney plus or discovery um that goes into detail about all the places where atlantis probably isn't um and then they end up looking at the spanish one and kind of concluding that that's where uh atlantis probably was one of the next videos that i'm gonna do is talking about the egyptian story of osiris because in osiris's history in his story he was one of those survivors from the atlantean empire and osiris and thoth were survivors from the atlantean empire and they made their way over to egypt to literally settle there and settle in the first town of egypt in abidos and bring all the knowledge over and teach it to the egyptians and the egyptians did teach it they preserved it and they kept it for thousands and thousands of years and later when the greeks came over they told solon and the greeks their history of how they got there and it is now filtering down to us so i want to go into a bit more detail about osiris and his journey and how that all connects and how egypt's origin stories is atlantis right i have talked enough for today if you were still with me amazing thank you for following i'd really appreciate it if you could like or share this video because then it would reach way more people and i think more people need to know about the younger dryas comet impact and people need to know about the possible origin of atlantis so thank you so much i will see you next week and happy hunting goodbye
Channel: Funny Olde World
Views: 203,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atlantis, bright insight, unchartedx, plato, solon, egyptian, ancient technology, randall carlson, graham hancock, comet, theory
Id: KSNW_sfxlhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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