Thomas Banyacya: The Hopi Prophecy

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is [Music] like me oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] only one left now who was selected by high leaders and when high leaders by religious leaders place you're in the position you cannot neglect it i'm not a medicine man or spiritual leader i'm just a simple person common person carrying this message for my elders who know and worsen things and to carry it as far as i can that's what they instruct me to do because one problem is going to be great that if i can open the doors to united nations for them then my work is done and somebody might go in there someday in the old hopey way hope it means peace kind gentle our mission is to hold this land and life in according to the law of the great spirit we are the original native people that holding this land in life and balance through prayer meditation ceremony and taking care of all these animals birds and plant life we live with them we take whatever with prayer for the ceremonies and we protect this so we are in dangerous pieces also but no one seemed to be protecting us you know organizations that have to protect their real environmentalists in this country and right now there's much concern about this uh barrel grounds and bones and been sold and released artifacts are there in the ground for special regions but they're taking it out that is planted there just like a seed to take care of of horses power underneath they're helping power underneath to keep this land in balance so that's why when you dance many of the native people don't know why when we dance with our feet when we do that we let underground forces spirit people know that we're still carrying on this ceremony so prayer meditation ceremonies that from towers in mexico and down the zone and down to here is performing that ceremony for the great spirit in the following instructions [Music] i'm trying every way to bring this message to the world for the and to keep this land and life in balance here in four corners area at least because from this point on they keep this land in balance around the world and you should respect respect your mother and that's why you look at this mother earth our mother living being and we nurse from her breasts and it gave us she gave us everything and that's why we respect her we cannot tell our mother to anybody because she's our mother living being so now we say that this mother earth is a living being if it was dead nothing will grow on it but we came from everything came from that and we depend on mother to feed us to live a long good happy life and it's a powerful being living being and just recently i read in the news article magazine big headline that today white scientists found out this mother earth is a living being they just discovered that and a long time ago and then we know when you pray you meditate when you plan something you pray over it you fast you go ceremonies and you've touched the plant they'll come up they're like a child and make that grow good we do that all the time we did why not too that the white people finally discovered that when you play music for that plant or sing a song or something pray for that that grow we're good and we knew that long time ago but again white men discovered recently that it helped make things grow so these are some of the things we found out across countries so many things that i've i've realized that we need to get together like this when natives share this thing not only native people but all other cultural and nations coming together because now the world is in real trouble which i hope you say would be it's going to be great at this time this is why we are coming together look for one another there's a spiritual center no one should take any middle resources out yet without permission from the elders but somehow the tribal council without knowledge from their religious leaders traditional people they gave permit to be by the coal company club in black mesa and start trip mining and they really rip up that area our shrines and build grounds and sacred things are deposited there and now they're using a lot of water from underground which in this dry area is depleting our spring mineral resources many of the places were drying up and that also bring down the moisture the low and lower and the ground and that that moisture is supposed to have some connection with the rain and it won't rain and creating more sicknesses blindness cancers all this is developing so there was a reason for the traditions trying to stop that at the very beginning back in 1966 but the government and the crowds are not listen they're still digging that corner they call this a national sacrifice area they don't care what happened to the native people they want to just get rid of us so they can go after many resources they pick companies and i'm sure that they're the ones who are ripping up their forest rainforest down there the same thing goes on all over which i hope you know will happen not only but around the world because many people pick money people big corporations even government officials going after more money and power and glory just to have good time they don't care what happened to the animals and people as long as they get money that is what is happening today so we just merely take care of it in a way that we're told we're not to disturb things too much just to get whatever we need from the trees or flowers or fruit or medicine from the hills or fish animal just enough but white people they say someday they're going to come and they they're going to just take everything for themselves seemingly and as you mentioned about david monaghan i used to take him around a lot he said about crosstalk 90 years old man then he passed on but he always say that i guess the white people like that they put that word on the cracker jack when you pick up quirky jack there's a word in that the more you eat the more you want seems like they're like that people they never stop eating everything up you know my name is chatter skadam i'm from lummy and one of the elders from our long house where we are slanging our winter dance ceremonies that we perform at our home i'm also the cultural resource specialist for the lummy tribe and we're here meeting with uh our brothers the mayan lock and domes my brother cece yeah i'd like to say a few words i can understand and what your elders are talking about they said our ways were savage they were cannibals they were heathens because we pray to mother earth because we go up in a mountain and we fast in the ways of our old people they said it's no good no more they want us to walk only in their world they're cutting down a thousand acres of our forest a week every week they're knocking down one thousand acres of old growth timber we've had enough we want to save what's left here on mother earth to save we're in all new land we can talk to our creator and ask him to send down something send something down here that's going to make things right with mother earth again we don't have to worry about them blowing up that bomb it's going to destroy mother earth we're going to die in our own waste it's happening already the air is no good the water is no good the land is land is used up without this precious water nothing can live nothing and they're destroying it all around us so i'm thankful that i can be here his name is kimbor and he comes from the jungle they they have the same problems that that you hear um they have problems with promises from the government that the pro that the government never makes a reality they they have no doctors right now they have diseases that are affecting to different people of their village and he is very worried all about about that black and one are people's from a very large forest theirs is a tropical rain forest ours is a temperate rainforest but it's an ancient cedar rain forest now our people to us even though many people know us as see uh salmon people salmon's everything to us but the cedars everything as well it's our home it's our sacred drum hoops it's our it's our sacred rattles it's our flute it's our hoops for fish nets it's our it's our boards it's our clothing you name it we make these things out of that out of the cedar uh inside you can reach down inside of the ancients trees and find that it gave its heart up and from that we get red paint and so for us the cedar is very important and so we have our problems and we're very sympathetic uh when the the might whether it's the mayan lochendone of mexico or the makashia the yanomami of brazil we've heard their voices we heard their plays and we hear that same thing it's the same industries it's the same type of greed that's destroying all this when the other world was totally destroyed by blood handful of spiritual people came out and met the great spirit here and he made us here our ancestors first one and he laid down this path for us to follow spiritual path that he kept his land in line and balanced in that way so he told us about this and warned us about this and if as long as we follow his instructions this land and life will go on forever then so this symbol represents also the sacred symbol and we place on that so thousands of years or more native people alone in this country but somewhere white brother separate from us and finally came back again so he came and he brings some inventions that maybe some most wanted but the old people told us not we can have some of this but stay down here but some of us fell for it we go up and follow white man's path materialistic path invention of all things without spiritual machining so the second one brings more advancement in scientific things this was a wagon this was automobile and this one represents power up in the sky and the nuclear power development and this represents first second world war whoever was given special mission to be pure force shook us up two times because we are letting go our spiritual ways to follow materialistic path and disturbing our life and everything and therefore left here so this first one shook us up that was selected here three of them then it stopped for a while we go on and then more advancement scientific things more tv radio all advanced airplanes and all the stuff so the order started going that way and again the second one really shook us up real hard with the power they have built their many lives and property was destroyed here so they referred to that as one of old people joining them telling the old people forget that cultural religion see we got all this material advantage come on come this way so that's what they're going to do up here and as we go along there'll be a lot of work from developing and then he said white brother was given a special symbol also we already received that at the beginning and we separate from here and the white brotherhood around the world to the other side and he was given this circle there's no end to this land in life as long as follow the life-grade spirit his circle represents represented no end to that circle lakota said sacred hoop must never be broken and so we all standing on the spiritual circle and white man was given that he give it a religion and he go away he's going to invent many things he's going to record things and he'll make life lit beautiful clean and lasting then he was to come here to look for his younger brother who was this mother earth color brown color to help him with his invention because we are holding this land in life through spiritual ways and he was supposed to recognize as their brothers and sisters so our native people welcome their white brothers they give them food and lodging and everything and let them live in this house and freely and uh we did everything to help them survive for first time they came here but they bring in instruments of warfare showers spears and other guns and hatchets and that started chopping down our people and the six nations look at this sword like a symbol of a cross because when he comes he's going to bring a symbol of a cross they're going to have to purify his water ocean that polluted their quest that that would be their work to continue on but they'll be people who have really helped us they will be pulled off the ground and they will stand by their leader and they will be respected honored because some white people or some nations will help them will be respected they will be protected also this is what we call publication day will take place here the left that's done whoever survives will meet the great spirit so this represents male figure they said there's male seed of ever living things on this earth and this other one symbol represents female producer of life that's why they're rent when baby born you know blood proposed and it represents four directions to it means different things in nature probably same way with this symbol so we must not mess with this symbol or a seed of ever living things but it happened in the last world people went crazy they called it goianis everything went haywire everybody don't care they dance and gamble and they just use the power against each other they have a good time no one stopped them and so then at the last stages they started taking all the mail and she may see the female male together and mix them up and making better flowers apples pears and pretty soon they're going to make babies like that and they're doing that enough that's stupid that means that we're getting closer last stages they shouldn't do that they said they can succeed in making babies but those babies when they grow up they're going to be hard to handle they're going to be terrible they're just going to do anything that is not right if you can't handle them so don't go that far or stop there somewhere then if you have power to get to the moon don't go up there if some of you ever get to that moon don't bring anything down from that moon to earth because you already unbalance so much nature here if you bring something from an even smaller thing from the moon to earth you will have more tidal life more earthquake more mountain blowing their tops this volcanic eruption more sicknesses you can cure for a long time and droughts very strong wind and severe winters all these things were told that will happen if we do that kind of thing that that junior black and children said that white people want to go up to heaven all the time and then go up there real fast but there's no place for the human being to be up there it's out here we messed this up we better start cleaning up our mess this is the time for that now so i think there are a lot of things to do that took four days to explain this but i can't explain this this represents this four corners area and it also represents one side of the world this side and the other side so this is where we find all four directions to the edges of iran and their spiritual centers yet we need to develop in different areas so that native people have spirituals gathered there and other nations will have to join us to survive this is the basis of our spiritual foundation that we need to bring about and so we are facing many problems and it is it really amazes me and it makes me encourage too that many people are not coming together some of you are looking for this thing maybe it's out of your group and other group or hear this somebody hears this about this problem in the future that we should bring together peaceful people together with kindness with true love instead of using this to fight for our rights but use this simple peace science which is always used by hope poppy and other native people across country if they even they don't know each other they just come and put up their hand i'm glad to see you i'm glad to see you coming by and i'll see you again they don't have to say anything but that's a peace sign and that's all the heating's home to from out of you if you put your mind and spirit and faith into it you can help somebody with your palm of your hand so these are some of the things that i hope you know and i hope that that they could be be brought about so that we can really heal our surfers and heal mothers [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: World Sensorium Conservancy
Views: 45,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BmZmvKM_ZcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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