The 'Original Feminist' Shares Her Controversial Opinion on National Women's Day | GMB

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when I'm in my bitter mood I think if you get a day it probably means you've had it so the International Day of the tree probably meant more trees were felled in that year than had ever been felled before it it's so easy to do to just give you a day and by the way it happens to be the week of the pie so when I got seven days and women get 1/7 of the pie you are such an icon to feminists so when you say things like it's rather sad to have a day or the me to campaign as a whinging feminists feel let down why for instance do you think that the me to campaign is a waste of time well I've been accused of thinking it's gone too far which is exactly what I don't think right I don't think it's gone anywhere I mean what's happened is the cry has gone up that this bad behavior has been going on which surprises nobody and except that you say it surprises nobody and and I agree that if you're talking particularly about Hollywood's there have always been mutterings and jokes about the casting couch I'm not really known as at the BBC I won't tell you the story because you could identify the person I'm talking about and this is the thing we don't do and and women are still not doing it so why aren't you talking about it if there's something like naming the person yes I mean week obviously legally that but do you think that the sense I think that lots of women have had from me to and time's up is they have suddenly felt empowered to make just step that they've been scared of making well kind of I mean if you look at my Thurman said you know that she had a passage at Alice with Weinstein and make no sense at all what she said he pushed me down he forced himself on me and he tried to expose himself and I want to say what went wrong without his lip stuck I mean what saved you from a fate worse than death that he couldn't expose himself he tried but he couldn't but maybe she managed up to some point to push him off or everybody can still explosion we don't even have to be anywhere near her by the nature of her pushing him off and that he's gonna get the sense that say that that happened either she said something about him not putting his back into it so she escaped I mean if this is the evidence you're going to get nowhere these people are going to have the best lawyers in the world and a huge amount of time is going to be wasted in courtrooms and it's all about money in the end I don't have much respect for a woman who is outraged by a man's behavior and then takes a hundred and thirty thousand dollars to keep a mouth shut then spends a hundred and thirty thousand dollars and starts talking but numbers fail to amaze me but none of this excuses the fact that a number of these men have been sexually harassing or coercing me Lauren on some occasions you know been guilty of criminal activity against this women and it's surely now is a moment where there's a reckoning women are saying we've had enough and we're not going to take it video has been completely wrong with that there hasn't been a reckoning I mean what there was was the Golden Globes and a few million dollars worth of black tat I mean that was a highly theatrical gesture but it actually didn't get anywhere and it has a downside as well which is presenting women as victims and the interesting thing for me is to hopefully discreet women are fighting back but finding my voice and the men are losing their jobs if they're not hang on a sec they're not the only people involved here if you think about it the case of Bruce Weber the case of Mario Testino and there in the case of what's-his-name Spacey I mean all of these involve men and big numbers of men not just one or two and then that those victims have been forgotten sexual abuse and bullying is something it happens to the industry and the fact that those accusations have been aired means that the men those male victims have actually not been forgotten that the whole movement has given those men of voices what would you like using it what do you think needs to happen what would you like to see look I wish that if when you supposing you're a woman I'm thinking of everyday sexism you're on the train some bloke is pushing up against you and it's trying to get his knee between your legs if you say stop that now get away from me you you want to see the other women in the compartment say out you out instead they go did somebody say something chime in how do you know that that's the case and not because I've seen it but then I've done I've been in that situation so someone's assaulted you on the tube not here not on the British tube but what what I'm trying to say is if women feel that they are now connected to each other that they have strength in numbers and if somebody who might originally have felt a bit embarrassed about what was happening to them in a public place and couldn't speak out they now feel they can and that everybody will be behind them then supporting them if they do let's see if they do for example it is practically impossible to get a conviction for rape or even for sexual assault in a court of law the the rate of of convictions is very very low now you can get round that by by bringing a civil case which has happened here it happened years ago in the case of two prostitutes who had a client who refused to use a condom the Crown Prosecution Service wouldn't take the case they thought the women couldn't possibly win so Helena Kennedy Baroness Kennedy took the case as a civil case against the offender who'd had unprotected sex with these women and won it I thought then yay now we're not going to be a piece of evidence in a rape case we're going to be the plaintiffs we're going to be the people who bring the case and who are not ashamed to show their faces why should we be but it nothing happened there was no follow-up at all you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 979,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, germaine greer, germaine greer trans, germaine greer interview, germaine greer big brother, LGBT, international women's day, international women's day 2018
Id: pIPlU93oiOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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