The Origin of The Universe With Neil deGrasse Tyson

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here's what we know this is the entire universe  in one slide quantum fluctuations birth an entire   explosion rapid expansion we call it inflation  there is the baby picture of the universe that's   sort of the imprint of what happened in the very  earliest moments writ in the background sky there   it is the cosmic microwave background a record of  the earliest moments of the big bang then it takes   a little time to make your first stars we call  it the dark ages stars are made galaxies are made   galaxies mature we come up to the present day 13.7  billion years later and so it's a pretty coherent   picture that we have of the origin of the  universe and here's that map so this is a   record of the earliest moments of the universe  and it tells us what the universe was up to the universe has inspired scientific  discoveries in a broad array of disciplines   including astronomy physics chemistry mathematics  and biology [Music] the big bang itself forms the   basis of the current standard model of cosmology  which describes the evolution of the universe from   the earliest known states to the appearance  of structural fragments the big bang model   is well established in physics but some of the  questions about the early phase of the expansion   of the universe are still unresolved the big bang  theory is a cosmological model that describes the   universe from the earliest known periods through  its subsequent large-scale evolution the model   describes how the universe expanded from an  initial state of extremely high density and high   temperature this model also offers an explanation  for a variety of observed phenomena including the   abundance of light elements a cosmic microwave  background radiation and large-scale structures of   the universe some parts of the model are strongly  supported by recent observations while other parts   are loosely inferred based on evidence such as  the cosmic microwave background x-ray background   radiation and observed distributions of galaxies  clusters and superclusters and large-scale matter   distribution the big bang's leading theory is the  lambda cdm model which includes cosmic inflation   dark matter and dark energy the big bang theory is  well accepted as one of the most robust theories   in physics nevertheless it is the subject of  much ongoing research and speculation [Music]   the big bang by the way could fit into a larger  story for example the multiverse big bang is   probably not the whole story it's probably a piece  of a bigger story so maybe they're multiple big   bangs this would give us the multiverse we don't  have data for this but we have good theoretical   philosophical reasons to think that a multiverse  exists each of these bubbles is a universe coming   in and out of existence and we're just one of them  and who knows how many universes there would be   these are fluctuations quantum fluctuations in  the universe that spawn entire other universes   so it's an intriguing direction it may be that the  dark matter is not matter at all it's the gravity   from ordinary matter from a nearby universe in the  multiverse whose gravitational influence we feel   so a multiverse can give you some predictive power  but it's really out there right now and so we need   to give it some room to mature the belgian  catholic priest and astronomer george lamar   in 1927 was the first to note that  an expanding universe could be traced   back in time to an originating single  point which he called the primeval atom   for several decades the scientific community  was divided between supporters of the big bang   and the rivals steady state model but a wide range  of empirical evidence has strongly favored the big   bang which is now universally accepted edwin  hubble confirmed through analysis of galactic   redshifts in 1929 the galaxies are indeed drifting  apart this is important observational evidence   for an expanding universe in 1964 the cosmic  microwave background radiation was discovered   which was crucial evidence in favor of the hot big  bang model since that theory predicted a uniform   background radiation throughout the universe  the latest data shows that the expansion of   the universe is accelerating this means that the  galaxies are moving further apart from each other   which indicates that space is stretching it  has been suggested to explain this by the   gravitational potential of dark energy this theory  suggests the dark energy has a positive pressure   which pushes the universe apart dark energy is  the most accepted explanation for the observations   of an accelerating universe and it remains an  active field in the research of cosmology after   the discovery of the cmb inflation was proposed  by alan guff in 1979 which simultaneously explains   several other observed phenomena and predicts  the present uneven distribution of matter in the   universe these discoveries led to the consensus  as of the early 21st century that the universe was   in a hot state at one point in the past but has  since cooled due to the expansion of the universe   inflationary cosmology a highly successful  extension of the standard big bang model to   large scales describes in detail what happened in  the earliest minutes of the universe's evolution   it describes the origin and development of  the large-scale structure of the universe   including the hierarchical organization of  superclusters voids and filaments the formation   of seeds of multiple large scale structure such as  supervoids galaxy superclusters and the nuclei of   galaxy clusters and the formation of the first  stars and galaxies as well as the formation of   the first black holes information from modern  experiments such as the planck satellite and the   wmap short for wilkinson microwave and hysterophy  probe and from astronomical observations in the   21st century has allowed cosmologists to  increase the precision of their predictions   about the universe's age early in the universe's  history one of the major questions in cosmology   concerns the fate of the universe whether the  universe continues to expand at the present rate   or comes to an end in 1980 the discovery of  the cosmic microwave background radiation   provided convincing evidence that the universe  has been expanding for a finite amount of time all stars eventually will run out of fuel  so the stars one by one in the night sky   will turn off and in the extremely distant  future quadrillion years into the future   there'll be no light coming  to us in the day or night sky   this is our nearest large galaxy  called the andromeda galaxy it   happens to be among the stars of the constellation  andromeda that fuzzy spiral contains 400 billion   stars these other stars you see in the picture  sitting on our nose in our own milky way it's as   though we're looking past the screen door through  the void of intergalactic space to another galaxy   if you pull out the power of the hubble space  telescope and say i'm not going to look at this   big galaxy i want to look at a uninteresting  corner of the dark night sky and show me what's   there this is what shows up this image has three  stars in it that happen to be sitting on our nose   they have spikes every other smudge every  other shape in this image is an entire   galaxy from nearby to the distant universe every  single splotch on this image this is the hubble   ultra deep field that's what it's called and  you sit here and gaze upon it and recognize   that every smudge is like our own milky way  containing hundreds of billions of stars some   of which are forging these heavy elements that  comprise life exploding scattering themselves into   their own galaxies and it is this knowledge that  we have of the universe and our knowledge that we   have of chemistry and our knowledge that we have  of biology that allows us to derive the conclusion   that no we are not apart and separate from this  universe we are one with it i can say one better   than that not only are we one with it because  these elements are forged in the universe and   they become part of life as we know it it's  not simply the fact that we are in the universe   but ladies and gentlemen the universe is in us it  is fascinating to think how much of the nature of   the universe science has revealed to us but we're  still only scratching the surface of the cosmic   iceberg most of the universe and the multiverse  if it exists still remains in the realm of the   unknown but scientists are determined in the  quest to expand the frontier of knowledge and   push the boundaries of ignorance and shed a light  to an ever-growing and expanding universe [Music]   thanks for watching did you like  this video then show your support   by subscribing ringing the bell and enabling  notifications to never miss videos like this [Music]
Channel: Science Time
Views: 369,971
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Keywords: Universe, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Neil Tyson, Neil Tyson Universe, The Origin of the universe, The big bang with neil tyson, origin of universe with neil tyson, Cosmology, Astronomy, Science, Physics, Science Time
Id: _25I-F1FxZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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