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welcome to the unraveling the scriptures Channel Asia is a continent teaming with ancient civilizations and peoples among whom the Japanese stand out this people along with their genetic relatives the Chinese and Koreans possess a fascinating and deeply rooted culture in this video I will explore the possible biblical origins of the inhabitants of the Japanese region have you come across information about the biblical influence on the formation of the Japanese people do you believe that the Bible discusses the origins of all Asians there are numerous Curiosities and Mysteries intertwined between the Japanese and the Bible motivating me to share this video with all of you don't forget to express your opinions like and comment share with other interested individuals this is another video in our series the origin of peoples according to the Bible Japan referred to to in Japanese as neon or nipon or more formally as nepon koku is an island nation located in East Asia situated in the Northwest Pacific Ocean bordered to the west by the Sea of Japan it extends from the sea of Okat in the North to the East China Sea encompassing the Philippines and Taiwan in the South Japan is part of the Ring of Fire and consists of an archipelago of approximately 14,1 125 Islands the five main islands are as follows hu it is the largest island in Japan where the capital Tokyo is located along with important cities like Osaka and Kyoto Hokkaido positioned to the north of the country it is the second largest island known for its cold climate and stunning natural landscapes kushu located to the South it is the third largest Japanese Island Housing cities like Fukuoka and Nagasaki as well as breathtaking natural areas shikoku it is the smallest of the four main islands situated south of honu famous for its tranquil environment in beautiful landscapes okanawa this is an archipelago south of Japan composed of several islands although not one of the four main islands okanawa is a significant region recognized for its tropical beaches and unique culture undoubtedly Japanese culture and the Japanese people have exerted a strong influence especially in countries like Brazil and the United States where there is a significant presence of Japanese descendants this influence is notable due to extensive migrations and interactions between nations a common question that many people raise is related to Eastern peoples especially the Chinese Japanese Koreans and other ancient ethnic groups interestingly just like with all peoples worldwide the Bible also also provides a narrative of origin for the Japanese people the Japanese are considered descendants of Adam and Eve as well as Noah and his children for Christians regardless of their denomination questions about the origins of the Japanese people according to the Bible often arise some mistakenly believe that the Japanese Chinese Koreans and other Asian peoples do not have a Biblical origin but this is a misconception in fact all these ethnic groups have a well- detailed biblical origin however many scholars either overlook this information or simply do not disseminate it in this video I will address the origin of the Japanese people shedding light on this little known aspect for those unaware the Bible provides an origin for every nation tribe Kingdom people and language in the world following the biblical lineages from Adam and Eve to Noah the noic hamitic Semitic and japhetic lineages are established Noah had three sons and from them arose the three main lineages that form the basis of the world's peoples today after the flood according to the Bible in Genesis 10 the table of Nations details the origins of the peoples It's Curious to note that H gave rise to African peoples including Indians while jafeth gave rise to Europeans and Asia a fascinating aspect is that Shem gave rise to Semitic peoples encompassing Arabs Jews syrians Saudis and other Middle Eastern peoples Asians in general have three Biblical characters in their lineages from Noah giving rise to various Asian populations such as the Chinese Japanese Koreans Taiwanese and other ancient peoples it's intriguing to note that the Japanese have these three biblical ancestors that contributed to the formation of this people with an extraordinarily Rich culture the first character in Noah's lineage who gave rise to Asians including the Japanese is sin grandson of Noah and Son of Canan there's even an exclusive video about Sin and the origin of the Chinese if you're interested in Hebrew sin is known as Sim being one of the most mysterious characters in sacred scriptures according to ancient Scholars of biblical genealogies sin the son of Canaan is responsible for contributing to the emergence of various nations in the Far East including Japan the Japanese are descendants of sin just like the Chinese whose Origins are also linked to this character the son of Canan and Grandson of ham the great grandson of Noah an intriguing question that many May raise is how the lineage of ham which gave rise to African peoples could also contribute to the emergence of an Asian people like the Japanese this question is fascinating because there are African tribes such as the kison tribe that exhibit traits like slanted eyes and lighter skin compared to other Africans although not as clear as the Japanese Chinese or Koreans these tribes share some similar features sin in giving rise to the Japanese is part of a process that involved various mixtures to form the ident of the Japanese Chinese Korean and other peoples the second biblical character who contributed to the origin of the Japanese people is tarma belonging to japheth's lineage he is one of the sons of gor and a brother to ashkenaz and rip half ashkenaz a term used in Hebrew and Aramaic refers to Scandinavia and the Nordic peoples such as Germans and Norwegians on the other hand riphath is identified in ancient ient genealogies as the ancestor of Celtic tribes in Ireland and other parts of Europe tarma is mentioned as one of the ancestors of the Far East peoples genetically contributing to the Chinese Japanese and Mongols the third character playing a role in the formation of the Japanese people is surprisingly a female figure she is jaf's wife Scholars delving into biblical genealogies and studying cultures and languages to find more information about these characters believe that jafeth was responsible for introducing European genetics such as blonde hair possibly red beards and a light- skin tone as for jaff fet's wife she is described by some Scholars as a woman of Asian appearance some even suggest that her name was Asia and she was the progenitor of Asian peoples including the Japanese there is a particularly fascinating tribe actually a clan within the Chinese Community known as the shungu through the analysis of mitochondrial DNA it has been discovered that they share surprisingly similar genetics with various European groups this suggests and provides evidence that Asians and Europeans have a closer genetic connection than previously imagined naturally each group has inherited specific characteristics even considering that the Japanese descend from tarma sin and evidently the wife of jafeth this diverse genetic Heritage is present in Japanese DNA with contributions from various characters representing different ethnicities each of these three characters meticulously passed down their characteristics forming the diverse Nations that exist today in Asia Asians East Asians and notably the Japanese are descendants of tarma and sin the latter being the ancestor of the Chinese Chinese ancestry is particularly prominent in the Japanese revealing the complex genetic web that connects these Asian cultures an intriguing curiosity is that the region of China along with other areas in East Asia is often referred to as the land of sining or the land of sin interestingly the inhabitants of this region including other countries around China are known as cynic or CTIC peoples indicating their descent from sin the son of Canaan mixed with the genetics of jaff in this case the genetics of tarma Manassa Ben Israel mentioned by John D identifies the sinites as the Chinese and the neighboring peoples of china such as the Japanese Claudius tmy in his work geography also refers to China and neighboring countries as sin or land of sin the sinites the Japanese and other Asian peoples are mentioned in the book of Isaiah 49:12 which says behold these shall come from far and lo these from the north and from the west and these from the land of sin additionally in Ezekiel chapter 38 it is mentioned as the house of tarma along with various peoples around it it is important to note that the Bible uses names of characters from the table of Nations to describe locations geographies and the origins of peoples I hope you have enjoyed this video from our Series where I discussed the biblical origins of of the Japanese people share it with those who are curious as people often lack knowledge about the origins of peoples according to biblical creationism unfortunately this information is not frequently shared stay with God see you [Music] soon
Channel: Unraveling the Scriptures
Views: 148,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NlXTzjZvoN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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