The Oregon Coast - #SUMMER2019 Episode 24

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(light acoustic guitar music) - We've made to Oregon, a new state for my map, (camera shutter clicking) and for the next three days we're going to do the whole Oregon Coast, stopping here and there along the way. Enjoy the ride. (light synth music) ♪ I'm riding ♪ ♪ Riding, riding ♪ ♪ Riding in my RV ♪ ♪ My RV ♪ ♪ Wherever I want to be ♪ ♪ 'Cause I'm free in my RV, yeah ♪ Greetings from the Beaver State. First time here, so I don't really know what to expect. Cannabis seems to be legal, but so it was in California, so no big deal. Pumping your own gas, however seems to be illegal. Now that's kind of weird. One thing is for sure. It is beautiful even on this somewhat foggy, cloudy day, and it's really exciting to be here, in a new state. (upbeat electronic music) Hmm, Fred Meyer. I haven't seen one of those since Alaska, and that was back in 2010. Let's go into the rest area, see how it is. Rest area, here, it says only four hours, but I do believe they have dump stations. I have to corroborate that. Yes, they do! You know, I don't really, I'm gonna stay at full hookups tonight, but... And I totally missed the deer, by looking at the dump station. just to be a little more lightweight. Right? I'm gonna dump my gray tank. How about that? (upbeat piano music) It looks like someone tried to poop in the dump station and missed the orifice. - [Automated Voice] In 1000 feet, turn-- - Too much information, perhaps? Check it out. Nice view here, although in reality most of the road looks like this, tall trees on both sides, which seems to be the same tree they have painted on the Oregon license plate. By the way, some of these scenic overlooks have a no trailer turnaround sign which is actually really useful information. That way I know where I can stop, and where I cannot. This one is called Indian Sands Overlook. Let's check it out. (upbeat music) Well, the joker in me would tell 'em to cut off some of these trees so we could see the view, but you know I'm only kidding, right? I'm actually gonna backtrack a little bit to this other overlook called Whaleshead Beach. Okay, this is more like it. Oh, yeah, that's very pretty. (light electronic music) (upbeat jazz music) This here is called Arch Rock picnic area, and there seems to be a short trail to the point from where you can see the actual Arch Rock, because these are not it, and I had read that this part of the Pacific coast was pretty, but I had no idea. This by the way, part of the much longer Oregon Coast trail. Maybe one of these days. The Arch Rock viewpoint is that way, but let's check out this viewpoint first. As I said, I had seen pictures and all that, but nothing compares to being here in person before this rugged coastline. (upbeat electronic music) Here it is, the actual Arch Rock. It is so beautiful out here. This here is Pistol River Scenic viewpoint, and this is where the river ends here on these sand dunes, and I was thinking of flying the drone but it is so windy. (upbeat electronic music) That peninsula is called Crook Point and on the other side, Cape Sebastian. Pretty soft sand here. Your feet kind of sink in it. And Minitini is beyond that sand dune. Here we are now actually crossing the Pistol River. (upbeat jazz music) Oh wow. Let me tell you, there's a gorgeous view at every corner. I always thought the California coastline was my favorite, but Oregon is definitely giving it a run for its money, I mean look at this, I'm sorry I have to stop one more time. It is such a beautiful day too. This is actually the other Pistol River viewpoint, still part of the same state park. On the other side, Myers Creek Beach. Did I mention it was windy? (light electronic music) There's another, I mean, if I pull out at every single vista point, this could be a very long trip. Let's do this quickly. Also, so much for my plan to boondock my way north. As you can see, everywhere is just no overnight parking, so so much for that idea. (upbeat jazz music) Let's go up to Cape Sebastian, it doesn't say anything about no trailer turn around so this must be safe. Oh this is pretty tight. Definitely no RV-friendly parking lot here. There seems to be a trail here. I'm going to try and back it in here out of the way. Sometimes it is easier said than done. Man, what a view. That of course the area where we were just now, Pistol River. I just can't get enough of it. And check it out, we can see all the way to the Arch Rock. We haven't really made all that much progress today, have we? Only about 32 miles to be exact and it's already two p.m. Here's the view looking north. (upbeat jazz music) Let's go down to this other parking lot, it is a lot more level and I'm gonna have lunch. Well, it is time for another RV cooking show, with a view this time and I forgot to turn on the camera, but I already chopped some onions here. We're gonna make it a veggie dish, I think, for a change. But I'm gonna add a little bit of this, this California olive oil that traveled from California to Miami and back to California with me. And let's turn this on and we're gonna saute the onions. I have some mushrooms here that are going to go bad. I have some organic spinach that doesn't expire until like in two days. But you know, this sometimes starts getting, I'm gonna use it all, and make a huge veggie dish and see how it comes out. Got some organic broccoli, also from California. (upbeat jazz music) Salt, pepper, hmm, looking good, huh? Mushrooms in. Whoa. Come back, come back, come back. don't burning. Oh my gosh. It is hot. Ah. There. Hmmm, broccoli. A little turmeric, a little paprika, basil, garlic powder. I got distracted. I forgot to show you how I added the spinach and all that, but look, that's it, that's the final product. It doesn't look all that great, I'll be honest. I'll post a picture, but I'm sure it'll be nutritious and tasty. Let me tell you, lunch with a view that can't be beat. (upbeat electronic music) I was thinking of doing a quick hike, but let me tell you, time flies when you're on the road. It turns out I'm still almost-- - [Automated Voice] Head south, then sharp left. - Two hours away from my destination, so. (upbeat rock music) I don't see an attendant at the pump, so I'm gonna proceed to pump my own gas, like I've done for the past 33 years or so, I mean they don't have a lock or a password or anything like that, and all of a sudden out comes the attendant, running, and as I said, in Oregon here they have one of these old laws in the books that only a trained professional can pump gas, and he was very nice about it, but he wouldn't let me touch the nozzle, although I did, and if you look closely he's doing it wrong, he topped it off three times, which is a no no especially in newer cars but what do I know. He said that they got fined $3000 for letting a customer pump their own gas. That's pretty bizarre. (laughing) Let's stop here real quick and see these rocks. Here we are, overlooking Port Orford, which is where we're going next. (upbeat jazz music) I used to watch Chris and G on YouTube, and they said once that here, in Port Orford, was one of their favorite dry camping spot. Well, at least they have designated RV parking, which is pretty cool that they have a separate area here for us. Well that is pretty cool that they have specifically assigned RV parking here on this street. As we will find out this is pretty common here in Oregon. Oh, the crazy Norwegians. I should have eaten here. (upbeat jazz music) Here's a really nice spot to spend the day, and I'm trying to find that spot where Chris and G stayed some years back for $10 a night to no avail. I'm sure it is just under my nose. It is definitely beautiful here in Port Orford, the oldest town on the Oregon Coast, and the most westerly in the lower 48, so we've inadvertently hit another one of those extreme cardinal points of this trip, although this one wasn't officially on the plan. By the way, I have failed in my quest to find the spot where Chris and G boondocked. I think it was a block past that campervan. But we continue. Next, let's go see a lighthouse. It is through here, Cape Blanco State Park. This is Oregon's westernmost point. (upbeat electronic music) Here we are, and they offer tours from April to October. Access is though this narrow one lane road, but luckily there's plenty of visibility so oncoming traffic can see you coming and yield the right of way. And that's how you parallel park an RV. Here they have some information and a donation box. This is Oregon's only working lighthouse, where you can actually climb into the working lantern room where the historic lens is still being used. - [Woman] Hi. - [Robert] Hi, how are you? You know I kind of have a thing for Fresnel lenses so this is really cool. I know some parking skills, huh? - This lighthouse has been here almost 80 years. Next December, we will celebrate 150 years. - Here's some more trivia. The lighthouse here holds four Oregon records. It is the oldest continually operating light, the most westerly, it has the highest focal plane above the sea at 256 feet, and it had Oregon's first woman keeper. That was a pretty cool tour. Very cool lighthouse, definitely worth the $2 tour, yeah, you heard right, only $2. Getting chilly out there. I had to grab my hoodie. It's like 54 fahrenheit. But with the wind you feel it. But only $2 to visit the lighthouse, so that was cool. That was inexpensive. And they give you a lot of information. (upbeat electronic music) Here we are, Coos Bay, and this is where we're going to spend the night, at the Mill Casino which seems a little expensive for what it is, but after a couple of nights boondocking, I'm really ready for nice, clean place with full hookups. And I also need to get some work done tonight. Here's home, for the night. Here we are. The RV park, not bad. We get nice views of Coos Bay, and I was gonna go explore a little bit, but I changed my mind. (upbeat jazz music) And good morning to you all. Always look out for the children while driving at the RV park. Yeah, that little kid wouldn't get out of the middle of the street. I didn't know what to do. Anyway, we didn't do much touristy-wise here in Coos Bay, Oregon, but it was a very productive night. It is Tuesday and I already have Sunday's video ready, edited, uploaded, captions ordered, thumbnail designed. Now we continue up the Oregon coast and today's destination, Tillamook. We're gonna stay at Harvest Host. The Mill RV park, very cool. I got propane this morning. Very nice people, very welcoming, very pleasant. I have no complaints. But then again, I only spent here a couple of hours, so, last night I was going to go into town, but I was like, eh. I really wanted to finish this video. - [Automated Voice] In 800 feet, turn right for Tremont Avenue. (upbeat jazz music) - That was of course the video in which we visited Florida's Space Coast, Cocoa Beach, and we even saw a rocket launch, and this is the thing. I want to enjoy the next few days without having something pending, like a video to edit. Also, once we cross into Washington, we're going to be off grid for a couple of days, then in a week, Ili is flying to Seattle, so we can spend some time together. That's gonna be a lot of fun, but first, let's continue exploring the Oregon Coast. By the way the casino does have a shuttle that goes into town, but as I said, we must go on. We'll explore Coos Bay some other time. Right now, I'm just gonna drive through downtown to see what we missed and then continue. That looks like Popeye's boat, doesn't it? First thing we're going to do today, we're going to hike to some sand dunes, at the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. It is called John Dellenback Dunes Trailhead, and the parking lot is not necessarily oversize vehicle friendly. Okay, here we go. This will work. Okay, to pay fee, enter, obtain a fee envelope. Where are the envelopes? Where is the tube? Okay, this is a one-mile trail. It takes 40 minutes and, yeah, let's do it. I tried to pay. I don't see a way to pay, so we'll see. Let me see. I see someone. Let me ask. Yeah, apparently the payment tube and everything is here at the campground, so I walked about a quarter mile. I'm gonna see if I can pay here and then do the trail and then we'll continue. This is where you pay. Permit envelope. I wish there was like a shortcut trail to go back so I didn't have to go back like on the main road on the 101. Anyway, I put my $5 in the envelope and I'm supposed to hang this from my rearview mirror. Yeah, for some reason I missed this sign. One mile round trip. Unless we decide to go to the beach. (upbeat music) Yeah, we're probably not gonna go all the way to the beach. By the way, I still haven't quite broken in my new hiking shoes. As you know, I broke the old ones. They were old. They finally broke in Yosemite. (upbeat music) What do we have here? (bird chirping) All of that sudden, we've got sand. (upbeat electronic music) That's a big sand dune. Up the sand dune we go. This is probably the worst time of the day to photograph the sand dunes because the sun is so high in the sky that it produces no shadows, so it is hard to make out the texture on the sand. It is such a beautiful place, and it would probably be really cool to hike all the way to the ocean, but, nah, not in the mood Very very steep. Going down this way. I'm going to take a different route going back. Let's see what the sign says. Trailhead, half a mile. Yeah, the trail has taken us down to this area of more sand dunes. It's a pretty steep hill here, struggling a little bit going up this hill, but very very beautiful, the sand dunes. It almost looks like a desert, if it didn't have like pine trees or whatever kind of trees those are, evergreens. "Please stay on trail." Okay, we will. What a beautiful view, huh? Kind of odd to see the sand and trees. (upbeat country music) Something I've noticed in this area, all these bridges, they are beautifully designed, mostly the work of one engineer, Conde B. McCullough in the 1920 and 1930s. (upbeat country music) We still have some sand dunes around here. We're back by the Pacific, very close to our next point of interest. This is it. The Sea Lion Caves, and it looks like the parking lot is completely full. Luckily they have additional parking and an RV overflow area up the hill. Made me a sandwich here at the very off-level RV overflow parking lot, but it's fine. Let's go downstairs, check out the coast. So different, the coast in this area. It's all sand dunes. These are the sea lion caves. America's largest sea cave. Let's go inside. (upbeat electronic music) Here we are. It is $14 admission and you get two lookouts. One that way and the other one leads to an elevator that we're gonna take later. Let's go to this one first. And there's like a gazillion people down there. (upbeat electronic music) Lots of people at the sea lions viewing area. This place apparently very popular with tourists from all over the world and it has been here as a privately owned wildlife preserve since 1932 and over the years, the caves became more and more popular, as improvements to the freshly built US101 were made, and the bridges were built. It is nowadays part of the Oregon/Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve. Here we go, the fight for supremacy. He keeps pushing, and pushing, and pushing. Here we go again. Will one final push send him over the edge? Let me tell you, this is almost like watching a wrestling match. And a friend come to the rescue, and now the three of them play together. Fascinating creatures. I get mesmerized just looking at them from above. They are quite the swimmers too. As you can see these Pacific ocean waters are not as Pacific as their name would suggest. They have several live camera feeds, and once again we see them playing in the frigid ocean. Now let's go take that elevator to the cave down there. The elevator was installed in 1961, an upgrade that greatly increased the popularity of the caves, and there's a view of the Heceta Head Lighthouse, nowadays in addition to being a working lighthouse, the brightest light on the Oregon coast, these days it doubles as a bed and breakfast, and it is said to be the most photographed lighthouse in the United States. Some even say the world. Is that a whale out there? Hmm, maybe not. (upbeat electronic music) Maybe it was just a sea lion. Let's take the elevator down to the equivalent of a 20-story building. Oh, that's not a button. (upbeat electronic music) Let me tell you something, I don't know if it is the howling of the wind, or the chirping of the birds, but it is a pretty unique experience down here, dare I say almost creepy. Let's check out the lighthouse. That was really cool. I like how they have the cave decorated with colored lights, and sea lion sculptures. It looks like I'm gonna have to wait in line here to take that iconic picture of Heceta Head Lighthouse. (upbeat electronic music) Hmm, a sea lion skeleton. What are you looking at? I'm really comfortable here on this rock. Oh no. (upbeat electronic music) Something I've noticed here in Oregon is that it is kind of RV-oriented. Like every town, pretty much, has had a designated RV parking area. No overnight, but you know, like day-use parking area. Same with this place where we just were, the sea lion caves. And also when one of these turnaround, you know, vista points, they don't have an RV turnaround capability. They say it. "No RV turnaround." So, you don't go in there and be stuck, like I was on Route 66. So, that's good. (upbeat electronic music) RV park here, right by the ocean. We are approaching Cape Perpetua, and there are several points of interest here, such as the Sprouting Horn, Thors Well, but as you can see there's no RV parking, that is unless you have a small class C or van. This one here is called Devils Churn, but again I don't see a way to park with the trailer so instead let's try to see this from the higher ground, from the Cape Perpetua lookout, which is a day-use area, up this hill. Anyway, to get the full effect here you need to time it right, just before high tide, and I don't think we're here at the right time anyways. Yep, this will work. Oh, what a view, but there is a trail, and there might be an even better view. Wow, that's the view. (upbeat electronic music) Those are the tidal pools. The round hole, that's Thor's Well, the Sprouting Horn right behind it, but as I said, the tide conditions are not optimal right now. It is still beautiful though. (upbeat electronic music) Let's go to the overlook. There's supposed to be an even better overlook coming up this way, so let's do it. Oooh, what is this structure? Definitely, this is the better view. From this vantage point, we can see like, forever, all the way to, I imagine that's Heceta Head, and could those be the sand dunes way out there? This is Cape Perpetua down there. I couldn't find RV parking, but I found RV parking up here. It is amazing. And I think that, not this one here, over there, that's where the lighthouse is. Pretty sure, I'm not certain, but I'm gonna look it up on a map. Now, we have a two-hour drive, a little over two-hour drive to Tillamook. But it is relatively early. It is, what, 3:21. I figure I make it by six, 6:30, even seven. It's all good. And there we are. As I said, technically not an RV-specific parking spot, but I'm not blocking anybody or anything, so should be good. All right, let's do it. Let's make some coffee. Well, you know I need my mid-afternoon Cuban coffee. And the ants are back. What the heck? How did they get in there? The ant mystery is solved. The ants are getting in here because this is not, yeah, I haven't said anything but I've had ants in Minitini for a few days now. Man, all right. I gotta throw away this sugar. Now we have to get a new sugar container somehow. Yeah I need to get something airtight. No ants in here. Ants don't like coffee. They only like sugar. I have a little ant walking on me. Not any more. (upbeat music) I'm gonna have to start using this. I mean, they've been here for like a year, but I think sugar doesn't expire, right, so this should be good. (upbeat jazz music) This seems like a nice town. It would have been lovely to stop. Here comes another one of those beautiful Oregon bridges, as we approach Waldport. Very cute town here, and don't you love it when you're trying to merge onto the right lane and everybody decides to pass you on the right. Let's put gas, Oregon style. The one positive about the full service gas station is that they clean your windshield. Now in the olden days the checked your oil and brake fluid, but I won't push my luck. By the way, are you supposed to tip the attendant? I gave him two bucks, he seemed happy, but, I really don't know. Even though we're right next to the ocean, we only get glimpses here and there. This is called South Beach, and as soon as we go over this bridge, we'll be in Newport! And here's yet another cool looking bridge, this one spanning Yaquina Bay, the estuary at the mouth of the Yaquina River. Yep, lots of very cool looking towns here as we zoom right past 'em. Next time we come, instead of three days, how about we stay three weeks, exploring the whole Oregon coast? Yeah, we're skipping a couple of things along the way. I'm kind of rushing through this section until we reach Tillamook. Because if we don't put some miles behind us, we're never gonna make it to Washington and the rest of the trip. (upbeat jazz music) It is beautiful in this area. And we have arrived. Blue Heron French Cheese Company, and they specialize in brie cheeses, and they have wine tastings, and it looks like an RV park in here. This is by far the busiest Harvest Host I've seen. Let me go inside, and check in and ask them what's the best spot for me to park, and apparently, anywhere, as long as I don't block anybody I guess. And we've got llamas, or is that an alpaca. Sometimes it is hard to tell. This one kind of looks like an RV park. It's like most popular Harvest Hosts I've seen. By the way I went inside, bought some wine, and some cheese, both by the way really good, but forgot to take out the camera so you're gonna have to take my word for it. Very pleasant out here. Hopefully it will be a quiet night. Well, good night. That is one quiet generator next to me. Can barely hear it. (car chiming) It's a Honda, I need to find out. My Westinghouse is great and all, but, eh, sometimes it can be kind of loud. (upbeat jazz music) Well, let's go to that other famous cheese factory. By the way, this Blue Heron, very nice, very nice folks and they're very prepared. They already have this to put on your dash and lots of RVs here, I was surprised. This is the fullest I've seen an RV park, not RV park, Harvest Host. They have llamas. You know, they have a petting zoo, and they make some nice brie and they have wine tastings. Wines from Oregon and Washington. So, yeah, one of the nicer Harvest Hosts for sure. This is it. Let's go to that other famous, The Creamery, I think, is what they call it, right? Cheese factory. Bye, llama. Is it a llama or an alpaca? (upbeat rock music) Here we are, huge cow mural greeting us. This state of the art visitor's center is pretty new actually. It opened in 2018, and let me tell you, I'm impressed. They have a nice gift shop here, but let's do the tour first. This is place is huge. Let's do the self-guided tour. Did I read samples? Yes of course! I love the decoration and the colors. Subliminally, all of a sudden I get an urge to eat cheese. Oh, so that's how it's done these days. The production facility viewing gallery, immaculately clean. They had someone here just now cleaning the glass windows. This is so cool and it is not just for show, it is an actual working factory, or creamery I guess. That's the vacuum seal machine right there. Really, you get a very nice view of the packing facility. And here. Cheddarmaster. This one is not so clean, but it's probably on that side. All right, let's taste some cheese. (upbeat electronic music) Ice cream for breakfast. I moved here so I can see Minitini out there. Very well done. Done right, I would say. Almost Disney-esque in efficiency and niceness and cleanness. That place is immaculately clean. So, yeah, I got some goodies. And we'll continue riding to the north. (upbeat electronic music) There's a big old locomotive here so let's park and walk around a little. Here's one big locomotive, but that's not the one I was talking about. There's a huge RV park here called The Old Mill. There it is, the big locomotive. Let's check it out. Doesn't that look like a ghost there? Pac-Man ghost? Kinda does. Very old, rusted out locomotive here. Yeah, this is kind of abandoned, but I still find this type of machinery fascinating. I had no plan to stop here in Garibaldi and then I saw this huge old locomotive so I stopped. Apparently they do have train rides. Not on this locomotive, but some other train rides. I'm gonna find out about it because it is a rather picturesque little town. Fly, pelican. Well, there you go. If it wasn't for that old steam locomotive that I saw from the road, I wouldn't have stopped here. I wouldn't have seen the pelicans. I wouldn't have this. It's very picturesque. And apparently they do have like an Oregon coast, scenic railway railroad train ride, but at this moment, I don't have any more information. The lumber industry seems to be alive and well. That's a lot of firewood. (upbeat electronic music) We are now in Rockaway Beach. Hmm, what have we got here? (train horn blowing) There's the train. Oooh, I gotta find parking. This is not officially sanctioned RV parking, but I think I'm gonna be fine. I'm only going to be here for a few minutes. And there goes the train, I guess going in reverse, on its way back to Garibaldi. More research shall go into this, but while we're here, let's check out the beach, which is quite beautiful, especially this side with the Arch Rock. The town was actually named after its Long Island namesake, not after these rocks, oddly enough. The train is gone. There's the railroad station. That's the visitor information center. There you go, I should've gone there. (upbeat electronic music) We must be getting really close to our next destination, which happens to be Cannon Beach, but before that, let's stop here real quick. Some creative parking might be required. This is called Arcadia Beach. I just can't get enough of this Oregon Coast. We continue. (upbeat electronic music) Okay, this it, I promise. One final stop before we reach Cannon Beach. Oh man. This is called Silver Point Overlook, and the views are, as you can see, spectacular. Is that Tillamook Rock Lighthouse in the distance? (upbeat electronic music) This may be one of the most recognizable spots in the whole Oregon coast, mainly because of that formation right there, called Haystack Rock. It is definitely one of the most photographed spots, although, let me tell you, the view looking south is almost equally appealing. Here's another cool view with the Tillamook Rock lighthouse in the background. (upbeat electronic music) The hill behind Haystack Rock is Ecola State Park, which I'm going to see if we can visit later, because there's supposed to be an amazing view. Well, yeah, definitely one of the most famous rocks in the world. Haystack Rock here in Cannon Beach. I'm going to eat here at Mo's seafood, it is a local chain with nine locations and over 70 years in business, and this one in particular with a view of Haystack Rock. Let's have an IPA to start and yeah, that's the view. Not very busy inside. I'm having their famous clam chowder, and the fish special of the day. That looks good. Fly, pelican. Yeah, that was pretty good. They have a pelican by the door, so I had to take a picture, right? I decided to walk a little bit, get a closer view at the rock, but actually I have a better idea, because technically we're not in Cannon Beach yet. This is actually Tolovana Beach. The actual Cannon Beach is a little further north. By the way, very pretty ocean front properties here, the whole town is very pretty. (upbeat jazz music) Yes! Public parking, and I like the fact that most of these public parking lots will have an oversized vehicle section where passenger cars are not allowed, and it's free. So, thank you Oregon. There it is. There you have it. Haystack Rock. This is the town of Cannon Beach. Tell you what, I think the view from Ecola State Park is gonna be ruined, so this will be our final view. Trailers are not recommended on the road to Ecola anyways. Our next and final destination today is the quaint city of Astoria, on the south bank of the Columbia River. It doesn't seem like the easiest city to navigate with the trailer in tow, especially for what I want to do. There's not a whole lot of parking, and it is a very hilly town, so I made a reservation at Cape Disappointment State Park, I'm gonna drop the trailer there real quick, and then we're gonna come back. - [Automated Voice] Welcome to Washington. - Thank you very much. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention. Since we crossed the Columbia River, we are now in the great state of Washington, and I totally missed the sign. I'll come back later to take a picture. (upbeat jazz music) Let's go back to Astoria! This is such a picturesque city. And so many movies have been filmed here, including "Kindergarten Cop", "Short Circuit", and of course "Goonies". And we're gonna try and see some of those movie locations. This here is Commercial Street, which seems to be one of the main drags. Look at that beautiful facade on the Liberty Theater. (upbeat jazz music) Up, and up we go. I'm really glad I dropped the trailer back there in Washington because these are some pretty steep hills. We're going to this tower called Astoria Column, and here we are. It is $5 to visit. The views of the bridge and the mouth Columbia River are spectacular, and we haven't even climbed to the top yet. The column dates back to 1926, and all around it is a mural, like a spiral frieze, depicting some of the main historical events of the region, including the discovery of the Columbia River, and the Louis and Clark Expedition. Shall we climb to the top? (all chattering) Whoa, what a view. Well, yes, very very beautiful. The view from the top and the tower itself. Let's continue exploring. I've heard that the "Goonies" house is nowadays off limits, but let's see if we can get close enough. Oh, they still have record stores. Apparently, "Goonies" house is through here. Here we are, there's the sign. "Keep out. "Do not drive or walk up to view or take photos." I guess this is the best we can do, right? Just like the "Breaking Bad" house in Albuquerque. Why would you buy a famous house to then, you know, not want it to be famous? I don't know. If I had a famous house, I would profit from it. Thinking like a Ferengi. One more famous house and then we go eat, this one from the movie "Short Circuit", remember, Johnny Five? "Johnny Five is alive!" Can you tell I'm a child of the '80s? Nice view by the way, and nice houses with a view, I suppose. Fort George Brewery and Public House. Let's check it out. Let's start with a hazy IPA, Three Way IPA it is called, locally brewed, and a bacon cheese burger. Mmm, yum. That was a really good burger. Service, not so great. I guess he forgot about me or something. People usually do. I don't know, why It's like I'm invisible. But I had to ask for utensils and napkins. I don't know, but that burger was amazing, yes. With Tillamook cheese and bacon. Let's walk around a little bit. (upbeat electronic music) Astoria is definitely going to go down in my book, as one of those places with a unique character. Almost like a mini San Francisco in that sense. Quirky, beautiful, blessed by its unique location near the mouth of the Columbia River. Yeah, it is one of those places. Our time here, like almost everywhere else, has been way too short, but we'll return one of these days. Definitely a city worth repeating. I want to thank all of you for sticking around for the past hour or so. Did we see the entire Oregon Coast? No way! We merely scratched the surface, and saw some of the highlights, enough to fall in love with it. More than just a long episode, this whole area deserves its own series but all in good time. All in good time. For now, let's just enjoy this magnificent sunset over the Columbia River and on the next episode we will continue north, onto Washington's Olympic Peninsula. Until then, thank you so much for watching and see you on the road. Oh, one more thing. I think we earned that Oregon sticker. (upbeat jazz music) ♪ I'm riding ♪ ♪ Riding in my RV ♪
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Views: 932,358
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Keywords: rv life, RV travel, winnebago, micro minnie, free in my RV, 1706FB, travel, roadtrip, traveling robert, nomadic, wanderlust, oregon, oregon coast, goonies, astoria, cannon beach, haystack rock, sea lion, sand dunes, rockaway, cape perpetua, heceta head lighthouse, heceta head, columbia river
Id: _r9d904zRE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 11sec (4331 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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