New Finds On the Central Oregon Coast

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this weekend we find ourselves at the central Oregon coast [Music] [Applause] [Music] we find ourselves just Jeanette and I and Newport Oregon tonight we got here just before Sunset we're starving to death but the weather forecast says this might be our only good night for a sunset we made the decision to push through with our hunger and go down and get the Yaquina Bay Bridge at Sunset I know it's a very overly taken photo but we're gonna give it a shot see what our sunset's like [Music] thank you foreign okay sunsets are a gamble you just never know if you're gonna have color or if it's going to be Gray we're actually past Sunset now and there's just no color came so not much I can do about that but I'm enjoying all the interesting things around here to take photographs of foreign after a good night's sleep we take the dogs for a walk at the nearest beach look what Jeanette just found it's a it's a Wallace of some kind that's fossilized it's actually part of The Rock just on the beach that's pretty cool you don't find those every day you get the top side yeah someone made a nice sand cast here's the situation this weekend Sam got invited for a great weekend with his buddies the Great Wolf Lodge so he's off having the time of his life and by coincidence Sophie has a leadership Workshop where she's down with at Oregon State University doing tsunami structure research part of a 4-H leadership thing that she's involved in so we brought her down to the central Oregon coast so she can do that and Jeanette and I are using this free time to explore the area and just have some time with just the two of us and I'm of course you know taking advantage of my hobby [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you it's time for a change of scenery and the dogs needed to run too so we moved north of town we're at some Tide Pools North of the Oakland ahead foreign this is like a hard hard lava Rocky it's not Sandstone look at all these mullets they eat the rock all these holes were made like little clams or mollusks muscles you can see there's a bunch in there there [Music] at last we headed up to an old collapsed sea cave called The Devil's punch bowl we were very careful about the time that we arrived here we arrived here at the lowest tide of the week I've been to the punch bowl many times and it's always been a goal of mine to arrive some time with an extremely low tide and I was able to get inside the punch bowl this was my very first chance well so often with the Oregon coast we were not the only ones that had this idea the tide hit low everybody poured in and see the same thing we wanted to see oh well [Music] let me see after finally having been inside the devil's punch bowl it was time to move on we soon found ourselves North at Cape foul weather Captain Cook past this point in 1778 and the winds are blowing like 100 miles an hour which is not uncommon so he named this cape fall weather good after Cape foul weather we continue to push North I had been doing some reading and I had one more crazy idea it just might work hmm there's a rope I'll go take a peek Jeanette and I right now we've been in boiler Bay north of Depot Bay looking for a steam engine boiler in the ocean at low tide I was reading about it last night and in 1910 from what I was reading the J marhof was a wooden Schooner traveling from California up to Astoria Oregon in the middle of the night the main chief engineer went to bed and was asleep and his assistant was trying to be very helpful and he had a blow torch early in the day that wasn't working very well so he was trying to make it work he over pressurized it it exploded through burning oil all over the engine room he was able to get out but now the engine room was in fire and engulfed in flames and the boiler or the steam engine was run away they couldn't get in there to shut it off and so it's just getting heat More Steam more power they were out of control captain now had a tough choice to make and that was be burned alive on his burning ship or Abandon Ship or to explode with the boiler he chose to abandon ship so at full speed they tried to lower the first Lifeboat in the water with two men and to hit the water and it capsized they were just going so fast and the two men went over with their upside down boat they were very careful they were able to get the second boat in and they got everyone on board the Lifeboat fortunately there was enough to fill one Lifeboat that was left they were able to escape they got off and they went circled back around and were able to rescue the other two men meanwhile The Runaway ship went uh straight into this Bay crashed up on the Rocks where the chip completely engulfed in flames exploded and through burning materials hundreds of yards up on the shore and into the trees and everything and there were Witnesses on Shore that couldn't believe what they just saw to this day all these years later over a hundred years later the boiler is still in this Bay and you can see it at low tide now we were at low tide at Devil's punch bowl we wanted to get into the punch bowl so we were there on purpose I think we're too late today to see the boiler but we're gonna look around and see what this place looks like and maybe we'll still find it I don't know what this is but I've never seen one of these it's like a sea slug or a c sponge I don't know what that is look at these sea urchins and seeing enemies in there oh hey I was wrong we finally found it there it is there's the boiler well I was wrong our persistence paid off we had to go around the corner and there it was I called it almost called it quits too soon pretty big it's bigger than an SUV there's a big Iron mast that was probably part of the ship there the boiler from boiler Bay after spending some time searching for Shipwrecked artifacts we thought we'd better head back out the hike out was just as interesting as the hike in okay I find myself on the beach tonight he's shouted out a good spot earlier today when we were playing around with the dogs and I've tried to get a kid ahead Lighthouse and some rocks at sunset I scoped this out earlier and I really wanted to be out there farther but the tide came in and took away my best rocks but I'm still trying to make it work anyway I am out here Jeanette is knitting in the truck it's a little cold I didn't want to ask her to come out and join me in the cold but I'm going to try to get some long exposures of the waves at Sunset that's my goal I'm gonna give that a shot that was the part where I like to review the photos I took a lot of photos on this trip so I'm only going to pick a couple of them to talk about this one is the quina Bay Bridge was simple and if you saw the video it was actually not this colorful I was able to achieve this look by playing with the white balance I dropped the temperatures and I gave it a magenta tint and that's how I was able to get this so again don't believe everything you see in a picture it's not the way it actually was when I was there but I was able to achieve the look that I wanted now this is just a picture of underneath the fishing pier the public fishing pier at Newport the picture's not that special I did make it black and white but I used the Golden Triangle ratio to achieve this and if you've ever studied how to crop a picture there's rule of thirds but there's also the Golden Triangle and that's what I've used on this one this was just a longer exposure of the aquina Bay Bridge you'll notice that the Sky the clouds got the blur effect because of the long exposure nothing too special black and white always gives everything a dramatic look and I know this would drive a photography purist mad but I'm more about the final product than the pure image and in this case as you saw in the video it was a very blase Sunset but I used a paintbrush on the computer and I was able to bring out the colors and played with the white balance to give it a warm Sunset feel that you got the image that I was hoping to get on the computer instead of in the camera but that's one of the things that I like to do is I learned a lot about post-processing and developing and it's really not much different than the Trix uh old-time photographer learned in the dark room Ansel Adams was famous for dodging and burning and making the image just the way he wanted it that's kind of what I've done here and that's really all I all I had for this particular trip it was a short weekend this we had a very successful time that the kids had a blast and I had a great time with just my wife and I thanks for checking in
Channel: Average Guy Photography Adventures
Views: 16,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nJvAzihEoTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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