The Order of Malta - World Day of the Sick Healing Mass

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end every generation asked so why are we here today because our forebearers said no i will not give in or give way i will fight for the next generation and we shall overcome the halcyon movement was founded to spread hope despite the challenges we face today we're not alone together we can build a better world for our children guided by timeless wisdom and contemporary insight we leverage tools like technology to spread truth changing hearts and minds we do not fear the future because we know we have the power to shape it the order of malta presents the world day of the sick healing mass broadcasting live from st bernard of clairvaux in scottsdale arizona with bishop olmsted presiding welcome and thank you for joining us saturday blessings to you all we're at saint bernard to clairvoy parish in scottsdale arizona where the weather is glorious our bishop thomas olmstead is true and faithful and if you take a deep breath you can even smell religious liberty this is a special place and we're glad you're with us not just here on site but throughout the world as we telecast globally via ewtn i'm timothy jeffries i'm the chancellor of the western united states of the order of malta full name being the sovereign military hospital or order of saint john of jerusalem of rhodes and of malta the order of malta we are the fourth oldest religious order in holy mother church our two charisms are tuicio fidei obsequaram fidelity to faith and obedience to the poor today we're having our annual world day of the sick healing mass and catholic fair this is our fifth year that we're telecasting live throughout the world on ewtn but also telecasting throughout arizona on ac tv channel 7. i'm not just a lone ranger today i'm with one of my favorite catholic evangelists steve ray founder of and he's here to provide in-depth color on the beauty of the holy eucharist and the anointing of the sick today so steve welcome thank you thank you i'm proud to be here i'm doubly blessed i left michigan yesterday to come here and it was two degrees and here i am sitting out in the warm arizona sun and i smell that religious freedom that you're talking about and we need to fight for that i'm really proud to be here and part of this the mass is so important sometimes people just think oh i'm going to mass again but the mass is the source and summit of our worship where we all come together jesus is in our presence in many ways especially in the eucharist so while we're celebrating here today we invite people to call in and various ways to make their prayer requests known yeah just to interject uh go to pray with we've had over 1 000 prayer requests already from throughout the globe so throughout the telecast go to steve back to you well we're just happy that we can give this ministry to folks not only that they can share this wonderful mass with the order of malta and remembering all that happened at lourdes which is kind of the background for all of this too but also that um people can call in their prayer requests people are suffering people are hurting and this is one way we can as the body of christ all share together and you know we have these wonderful things called faith hope and love amen that we hear about that paul wrote in first corinthians and they're so important to us and why do they work why can we trust them because god exists the bottom line is if god does not exist paul says go out and eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you just die anyway but we know god exists and that gives us faith and hope and love we have faith in god which means that we have the assurance of things hoped for we're hoping for things that god promised and we're assured that that's going to happen and it's a conviction of things not seen we may not see all these things we may not see the angels and god in his healing power but we know they're there because god exists and god has promised and he won't go back on his promises so faith hope what's that hope is the ever springing uh sensation that because god is there he's going to take care of us he's going to do what's best for us book of hebrews says it hope is the anchor of the soul just imagine a ship we've been tossed around a lot of people in the last couple years or so imagine a ship that has a firm anchor rooted hope is that anchor of our soul because god exists and love we all know what that is well there's going to be a lot of love today as you could tell steve and i are super excited to be here so blessed and now let's go to the holy healing mass [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] father most pure [Music] of justice [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] me refuge of sinners [Music] queen of peace [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all my dear brothers and sisters in christ we come to celebrate the sacraments of the anointing and of the eucharist we're very happy to welcome all of you who are gathered here in this beautiful church of saint bernard of clerval and also those who are joining us around the globe online and on television christ is always present when we gather in his name we pray that the sick may be restored to health by the gift of his mercy and made whole in his fullness sacramentos tia brethren let us now acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries i confess to almighty god and thank you my brothers and sisters that i have greatly said in my thoughts and in my words and what i have done and what i have failed to do through my fault through my fault through my most grievous fault therefore i ask blessed mary ever virgin all the angels and saints and you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the lord our god may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us pray oh god who willed that our infirmities be borne by your only begotten son to show the value of human suffering listen in kindness to our prayers for our brothers and sisters who are sick grant that all who are oppressed by pain distress or other afflictions may know that they are chosen among those proclaimed blessed and are united to christ in his suffering for the salvation of the world through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit god forever [Music] a reading from the prophet of zia the spirit of the lord is upon me because the lord has anointed me he has sent me to bring glad tidings to the lowly to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to captives and release to prisoners to announce a year of favor from the lord and a day of vindication by our god to comfort all who born to place on those who mourn in zion a diadem instead of ashes to give them oil of gladness in place of mourning a glorious mantle instead of a listless spirit the word of the lord forever i will sing the goodness of the lord forever [Music] the promises of the lord i will sing forever through all generations my mouth shall proclaim your faithfulness for you have said my kindness is established forever in heaven you have confirmed your faithfulness [Music] i have made a covenant with you my chosen one i have sworn to david my servant forever will i confirm your prosperity and establish your throne in all generations he shall save me you are my father my god the rock my savior forever i will maintain my kindness toward him and my covenant with him stands firm forever lord palabra is senior hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] i your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path my path [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord be with you a reading from the holy gospel according to matthew [Music] at that time jesus walked by the sea of galilee went up on the mountain and sat there great crowds came to him having with them the lame the blind the deformed and many others they placed them at his feet and he cured them the crowds were amazed when they saw the mute speaking the deformed made whole the lame walking and the blind able to see and they glorified the god of israel the gospel of the lord r forever i will sing the goodness of the lord these words and praise of god have a particular resonance when they're proclaimed at a massive healing and anointing such as we are celebrating today the gift of faith believing in the love of jesus both in sickness and in health is a wondrous blessing that the world cannot understand when facing serious illness and the possibility of death the gift of faith in jesus shines with ever greater radiance even without fully understanding when serious illness is approached in the love of christ when accepted in hope and trust in divine mercy our faith overflows with meaning and even with song cyril of jerusalem put it this way seventeen hundred years ago the catholic church glories in every deed of christ her supreme glory however is the cross well aware of this saint paul says god forbid that i glory in anything but the cross of our lord jesus christ trust in god bolsters hope and provides an opportunity to respond with trust in jesus invitation be not afraid we cannot find meaning in life until we learn to trust the lord no matter what in and through jesus we are able to give ourselves to the father without holding anything back with boundless confidence like a little child an opportunity to trust and to grow in trust of the lord arises when we are seriously ill illness forces us to cope with pain and to face the unknown it can also prompt us to question god's love our patience is put to the test as is the patience of those around us and at the same time the experience of illness opens the door for us to encounter jesus in a more profound and personal way for whenever we are ill or in great need the lord draws near that is why the body of christ the church has always felt called to care for the sick to build hospitals and to treat and care for the sick spirit soul and body recalling jesus words i was sick and you visited me we remember with grateful praise that as our gospel proclaimed today the crowds were amazed when they saw the mute speaking the deformed made whole the lame walking the blind able to see and they glorified the god of israel initially the crowd thought that jesus was just a carpenter from nazareth but when they saw him relieving every human need they began to ask who is this who heals the sick and casts out demons and the blind the deaf the paralytic and those suffering from various diseases were brought to jesus and he healed them this good news catches our attention because the mystery of human suffering touches every human person we all are familiar with pain it stirs up our fears we may even feel that it is impossible to go on however in the face of hopelessness and fear the holy spirit is within our hearts stirring up within us an even keener awareness of the mercy of god even when we feel insignificant or very small before what lies before us the lord may use those times to open our hearts to him begging for conversion and to accept his forgiveness what is needed is trust in the lord as the virgin mary proclaimed in the magnificat he casts down the mighty from their thrones and he lifts up the lowly you are familiar i'm sure with the words of dostoyevsky beauty will save the world but did you know that this great russian writer went on to explain what kind of beauty will save the world in a letter that he wrote to his niece he has these words there is only one positively beautiful person in the world christ so that the appearance of this measureless infinitely beautiful person is of course an infinite miracle and the beauty of christ is his mercy and that is what will save the world not the love of beauty but the beauty of love it's startling in a way to think that one third of the gospel counts speak of jesus healing the sick and raising the dead and casting out demons it was a major part of his faithful witness to the father jesus did not heal the sick to draw attention to himself he was revealing the merciful heart of his heavenly father and he was also announcing the ultimate destiny of the human race when as the book of revelation announces in the very last chapter of the bible there shall be no more death or mourning wailing or pain it's very appropriate that we should close this mass of healing and anointing with the beautiful hymn oh god beyond all praising for in the final verse we find these words whether our tomorrows be filled with good or ill will triumph through our sorrows and rise to bless you still to marvel at your beauty and glory in your ways and make a joyful duty our sacrifice of praise at this time we will begin the liturgy of the anointing it will begin with praying the litany of anointing and then following that the order of malta will bring forward two of those to be anointed for the laying on of hands they will be the representatives of all of those gathered here and watching at home then the bishop will say a prayer of thanksgiving over the oils and he will then be joined by the other priests who will assist him in the anointing if you are older than seven years of age and your health is in danger because of sickness or old age you may come up to receive the sacrament of anointing of the sick the ushers will direct you to the anointing priest in your section [Music] foreign let us pray to god for our brothers and sisters and all those who will devote themselves to caring for the sick bless them and fill them with every hope and strength lord have mercy lord have mercy relieve their pain lord have mercy lord have mercy free them from sin and do not let them give way to temptation lord have mercy sustain all the sick with your power lord have mercy lord have mercy be with all those who could not join us in person here today and are watching from their homes lord have mercy lord have mercy assist all who care for the sick lord have mercy lord have mercy give life and health to our brothers and sisters on whom we lay our hands in your name lord have mercy lord have mercy let me turn brothers and sisters as we give thanks to god for the gift of sacramental grace symbolized by the use of this holy oil i invite you to respond to each of these three prayers of praise by saying blessed be god who heals us in christ in christ praise to you god the almighty father you sent your son to live among us and bring us salvation blessed be god who heals us in christ praise to you be to you god the only begotten son you humbled yourself to share in our humanity and you heal our infirmities praise to you god the holy spirit the consoler your unfailing power gives us strength in our bodily weakness in christ god of mercy ease the sufferings and comfort the weakness of your servants whom the church anoints with this holy oil we ask this through christ our lord amen okay so so somebody has to hold it for me this through this holy anointing may the lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the holy spirit may the lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up through this holy anointing may the lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the holy spirit may the lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up through this holy anointing may the lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the holy spirit may the lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up amen through this holy anointing may the lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the holy spirit may the lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up through this holy anointing may the lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the holy spirit may the lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up through this holy anointing may the lord in his loving words welcome back everyone while bishop olmsted and other men of holy orders anoint people who have the heavy physical crosses i want to remind you all to submit your prayer petitions to pray with pray with we have north of a thousand prayers already we're going to take them personally to the holy gratto in lords and present them to our lady of lords and speaking of lords as we shared last year in the years before the order of malta conducts a regular pilgrimage to lords to serve the sick people with very heavy crosses and i'm joined with arguably one of my best friends ken olsen uh the president of the western association of the order of malta the western association is the third or fourth largest association in the world 800 knights and dames all committed to serving the sick and the poor ken welcome if you could tell us about the the faith and the hope that's generated by an extraordinary day like this well tim thanks for having me it's just a a delight to be at this extraordinary uh celebration and lord is clearly one of the most extraordinary people places of healing of hope we have uh over 50 malads that are sick people that we take from the western united states each year to lord for a week of bathing and our beautiful blessed mothers what healing waters it is a a place of great joy it is a place of healing it is a place of hope and everyone um the hundreds and hundreds of people that we have taken over the last approximately 40 years uh they come back new people they come back with a perhaps uh a healing of of spirit a healing of their mind and understanding what god's plan is for them why they have this vicious cancer that uh they're there's total victims but there are tears of joy um and it's a beautiful uh beautiful pilgrimage that we look forward to taking again in just another couple of months from now amen and uh as we know because we conduct uh worldly the sick holy masses in all our locations throughout the western united states one of the things we try to accomplish is to to give the sick that come to join us just a little taste of of lords talk for a moment about the charity of the nights and danes that you you see today serving the sick yeah it's it's just a beautiful beautiful vision where you've got uh uh men and women from many different uh walks of life who uh feel a tremendous calling to help their brother and their sister and as you will learn that uh as with the companions of the malads the healing impacts everyone and uh these these titans of business these medical professionals these people from all walks of life that are on their knees together with people that are ill people that are weak people that seek healing from our blessed mother it is a group that i'm just honored to be associated with the finest nights and danes i would argue in the world um just love uh working side by side uh each day great uh ken thank you so much for joining me on the set great thank you for your great work for the order thank you and the poor and the sick i love you brother love you thank you very much [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] us [Music] you know timothy this whole issue of anointing and healing it's right from the bible you know i was ever since i was a boy i love the bible and to to come to something like this and say do we catholics just invent all of this during the middle ages no no this is from the very all the way from genesis to revelation you'll find the word anointing in fact i did a little fun thing here fun facts for folks the word heal is used in the bible 203 times so healing is part of what we are and who we are as god's people in the church it's always been part of that healing because god knows we're sinners and sin has corrupted things and they kneel it always need to heal and the word anoint is used 171 times in the bible all the way from genesis to revelation we have always had this idea of laying out of hands of god giving his blessings through the hands of the priests in fact in the book of james it says are many suffering well pray if you are an among you sick call for the presbyters and have them come and they'll anoint you with oil and god will heal you he'll raise you up and it doesn't always mean physically a lot of times more important actually it's a spiritual i'd rather i'd rather go to heaven feeling sick than to be healed physically and not go to heaven oftentimes you know there's many cases even in the bible where people were not healed physically but the results of their illness or paul's thorn in the flesh or things like that these things also brought about a spiritual healing and a spiritual paul for example had something called a thorn in the flesh we don't know what it was it was some kind of an illness some physical malady and he prayed three times god take this away from me and god says no i'm going to leave it with you because it's going to teach you to be humble you could be conceited if you didn't because you've seen these great revelations i'm going to keep that thorn in the flesh so there were times where you would think that god would just heal somebody like paul but there was a greater end goal of him not being healed in fact paul even says that i suffer in my body i join in the sufferings of christ from that which is lacking in the sufferings of christ for the church which amazing passage it means that even our suffering can be redemptive if we share it if we participate with the lord in that so this whole idea of healing laying out of hands anointing is in the bible from beginning to end and i just love being catholic and i love being here to mass like this where we're again keeping it right in the front and we're practicing what the church has always taught us to do and i love you bro thank you this is just a great day today amen [Music] is to walk with you for in our giving [Music] is [Music] me is [Music] [Music] father in heaven through this holy anointing grant our brothers and sisters comfort in their suffering when they are afraid give them courage when afflicted give them patience when dejected afford them hope and when alone assure them of the support of your holy people we ask this through christ our lord [Music] sorry [Music] is [Music] it's [Music] let me see [Music] is hey [Music] please easy oh is [Music] oh yes [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] pray brothers and sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to god the almighty father since the moment of our life unfold o god according to your good pleasure receive the prayers and sacrificial offerings by which we implore your mercy for our brothers and sisters who are ill that having been anxious for them in their danger we may rejoice at their recovery of health through christ our lord [Music] the lord be with you lift up your hearts [Music] let us give thanks to the lord our god it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks lord holy father almighty and eternal god for justice through your beloved son you created the human race so also through him with great goodness you formed he hid anew and so it is right that your creatures serve you all the redeem praise you and all your saints with one heart bless you therefore we to extol you with all the angels as in joyful celebration we acclaimed is oh [Music] to you therefore most merciful father we make humble prayer and petition through jesus christ your son our lord that you accept and bless these gifts these offerings these holy and unblemished sacrifices which we offer you firstly for your holy catholic church be pleased to grant her peace to guard unite and govern her throughout the whole world together with your servant francis our pope and me your unworthy servant eduardo my assistant and all those who holding to the truth hand on the catholic and apostolic faith remember lord your servants in all gathered here whose faith and devotion are known to you for them we offer you this sacrifice of praise for they offered for themselves and all who are dear to them for the redemption of their souls in hope of health and well-being and paying their homage to you the eternal god living and true in communion with those whose memory was venerate especially the glorious average mary mother of our god our lord jesus christ and blessed joseph her spouse your blessed apostles and marriage pera and paul andrew james john thomas james philippe bartholomew matthew simon and jude linus glitters clemens sisters colonial cyprus lawrence christopher news john and paul cosmas and damien and all your sins we ask that through their merits and prayers in all things we may be defended by your protecting help therefore lord we pray graciously accept this oblation of our service that of your whole family order our days in your peace and command that we be delivered from eternal damnation encountered among the flock of those you have chosen be pleased oh god we pray to bless acknowledge and approve this offering in every respect make it spiritual and acceptable so that it may become for us the body and blood of your most beloved son our lord jesus christ on the day before he was to suffer he took bread in his holy and venerable hands with eyes raised to heaven to your god is almighty father giving you thanks he said the blessing broke the bread and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was ended he took this precious chalice in his holy and venerable hands and once more giving you thanks he said the blessing and gave the chalice to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood the blood of the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me the mystery of faith [Music] therefore oh lord as we celebrate the memorial of the blessed passion the resurrection from the dead and the glorious ascension into heaven of christ your son our lord we your servants and your holy people offer to your glorious majesty from the gifts that you have given us this pure victim this holy victim this spotless victim the holy bread of eternal life and the chalice of everlasting salvation be pleased to look upon these offerings with a serene and kindly countenance and to accept them as once you were pleased to accept the gifts of your servant abel the just the sacrifice of abraham our father in faith and the offering of your high priest melchizedek a holy sacrifice a spotless victim in humble prayer we ask you almighty god command that these gifts be borne by the hands of your holy angel to your altar on high in the sight of your divine majesty so that all of us who through this participation at the altar receive the most holy body and blood of your son may be filled with every grace and heavenly blessing remember also lord your servants who have gone before us with the sign of faith and rest in the sleep of peace grant them o lord we pray and all who sleep in christ a place of refreshment light and peace to us also your servants who those sinners hope in the abundant mercies graciously grant some share in fellowship with your holy apostles and martyrs with john the baptist stephen matthias barnabas and all your saints amid us we beseech you into their company not weighing our merits but granting us your pardon through christ our lord through whom you continue to make all these good things oh lord you sanctify them fill them with life bless them and bestow them upon us through him and with him and in him oh god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours forever and ever [Music] at the savior's command and formed by divine teaching we dare to say our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil deliver us lord we pray from every evil graciously grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ [Music] lord jesus christ who said to your apostles peace i leave you my peace i give you look not on our sins but on the faith of your church and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will who live and reign forever and ever [Music] the peace of the lord be with you always [Music] let us offer each other the sign of peace [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] behold the lamb of god behold him who takes away the sins of the world blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb lord i am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed [Music] has accomplished great things on my behalf he who is accomplished great things on my behalf my soul proclaims the greatness of god my spirit rejoices in god my savior he who is mighty has accomplished great things on my behalf his mercy is from age to age [Music] my jesus i believe that you are present in the most holy sacrament i love you above all things and i desire to receive you into my soul since i cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally come spiritually into my heart i embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you never permit me to be separated from you amen [Music] lifted up the lowly he who is mighty has accomplished pretty things on my behalf [Music] the hungry he has filled with good things the rich he has sent away empty he who is mighty has accomplished great things on my behalf glory to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit as it was in the beginning is now and will be forever amen [Music] accomplished great things on my behalf [Music] welcome back uh this is timothy jeffrey's chancellor of the order of malta in the western u.s thank you so much for continuing to provide your prayers to pray with where over 1500 prayers again we're taking every prayer to the sacred grotto in lourdes and we'll present them to our lady there with great love and affection i'm joined with a great lady so great that i'm holding her hand with great love denise groeger she's a member of our auxiliary here in phoenix but most importantly she was a companion to her beloved husband during our 2017 pilgrimage member the purple team which was blessed so glad to have you here denise tell us in a few words what the lord's experience was for you just from a faith hope and love perspective well when paul and i went to lourdes we were full of faith hope love and joy i mean we were ready for this pilgrimage we thought we were ready we never knew we would experience what we experienced and paul and i left that pilgrimage you think you you want to think that you're going to get a miracle there everybody goes with that um paul and i didn't have that expectation okay we went there asking our lord blessed mother for courage and strength to get through whatever they had in store for us and while we were in lourdes we were humbled greatly and realized what we hadn't done quite yet is turn our whole life over to the lord and to his will and it just coming home it just gave a whole new perspective on our journey and um we had strength we had courage we our faith was just blown out of proportion and um we were ready we were ready for that last part of the journey and there was a lot of twists and turns in it yeah and um you know god was there every step of the way well paul was a great man on earth i just i just loved his spirit uh and he's a great man in heaven he is we'll call him saint paul of arizona there you go um but he's gone he's gone physically and so how does the charity of a day like this just help prop you up because you have a heavy cross well you know when you i think when you join your cross with christ cross and for me i i think a lot of the blessed mother at the foot of the cross and she endured and she had love around her she had the apostles around her disciples around her and uh god has grant granted that to me i i sit in the church today and just i love the music i love the people that are there i don't know all of them you know but they're part of my family now yeah and beautiful and that's what keeps me going i love you as a sister in christ i love you too pray for your every day thank you for joining us [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] trust [Music] glory [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] more [Music] oh [Music] bye [Music] let us pray merciful god in celebrating these mysteries your people have rece receive the gifts of unity and peace heal the afflicted and make them whole in the name of your only son who lives and reigns forever and ever [Music] will those who provide care for the sick please stand for a blessing lord god in your loving you sent your son to be our shepherd guide and divine physician continue to send workers into your vineyard to sustain and assist your people bless these caregivers that your spirit uphold them always as they take up the responsibility to care for the sick through the intercession of the blessed virgin mary our lady of lourdes may god strengthen your faith delivering you from fear and grant you and the ones you care for his peace pastor gea estos senor please be seated i now ask all knights dames provisional members and auxiliary members of the order of malta to please stand and join me in praying to pray the prayer of the order in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen lord jesus thou has seen fit to enlist me for thy service among the knights of saint john of jerusalem i humbly entreat thee through the intercession of the most holy virgin of philermo of saint john the baptist blessed gerard and all the saints to keep me faithful to the traditions of our order be it mine to practice and defend the catholic the apostolic the roman faith against the enemies of religion be it mine to practice charity towards my neighbors especially the poor and the sick give me the strength i need to carry out this my resolve forgetful of myself learning ever from thy holy gospel a spirit of deep and generous christian devotion striving ever to promote god's glory the world's peace and all that may benefit the order of saint john of jerusalem amen name the father and the son of the holy spirit amen before the final blessing i just want to say how grateful to god i am for all of those who care for the sick all the caregivers and a special word of thanks to the knights and ladies of malta for your care for the sick for your prayers each day for the sick for leading a pilgrimage every year to our lady of lourdes in france these are all signs of how much we care for love want to support those who are suffering i also say i want a special special word of thanks to those of you who are carrying the burden of suffering and who in that way are filling up as saint paul says what's lacking in the sufferings of christ that is in his body the mystical body of the church the sacrifices that you offer which are given by god through the sickness you bear is very beautiful to god and it fulfills a very important mission in the church today so my thanks to all of you who have gathered here today and may to god continue to strengthen you in your following of christ and serving him with fidelity please stand may god the god of all consolation bless you in every way and grant you hope all the days of your life amen may god restore you to health and grant you salvation amen may god fill your heart with peace and lead you to eternal life amen and may almighty god bless you the father the son and the holy spirit amen go forth the masses ended thanksgiving [Music] you oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mercy's [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] r gold is very flattering oh i'm here this is tim jeffries i'm here with bishop thomas oldsted a true apostle of christ bishop thank you so much for celebrating mass for us today tell us what was the feeling inside the church the faith the hope the love that you saw today uh it was really a profound moving experience for me and i think for many who were here there's something about the weakness of when we're sick or someone we love is sick that reminds us of our need for god it deepens our hunger for him and it in many ways it tests our faith but when we face it's really it strengthens our faith so that's what i saw here today this is why i'm so grateful for the nights and days of malta because they witness to that every day amen amen bishop you were blessed to come with us two lords some years ago he gave a homily that many people still remember tell us about your trip to lords with the knights and danes of malta yeah well lures is such a holy place you cannot go there and not be deeply moved the people who have first place every day every hour every day are the sick and all of the rest of us if we're not sick we have the privilege of serving them and helping them really enter into that there's something deeply meaningful for that for the whole church to see that and then the whole deep devotion to mary praying the rosary together there going down in the middle of the night and praying at the grotto those experiences leave a deep impression on your soul and they help strengthen your faith so i loved it anytime i could go again i would love to go that's fantastic bishop you are a very very young 75 but 75 is a big number for a bishop um it's obviously a time a great reflection for you share a couple of words on on the blessings of being an apostle of christ here in phoenix yeah it's been a great privilege for me to be here for the last 18 years i'm so grateful for the privilege of serving these people and so many people have prayed for me and encouraged me along the way i have so many close collaborators a lot of great leadership like in the knights of malta and many other organizations like that my role now is to continue to carry on my duties but when my successor is named to do everything i can to help him feel welcomed to help him get to know the flock here and i'm sure he'll be very grateful to god that he was brought here amen well we love you here we'd like to keep you so hopefully you retire here but in the meantime i'm so pleased that uh the tyrone brothers are here to help me present an award we received la based on last year's broadcast we received a coveted davey award it's it's a secular award of very prominent folks in our global broadcast last year earned a davey award so we present this to you to uh honor our great diocese and your shepherding of it thank you thank you well this is a tribute to the knights of malta very much so otherwise it would not have happened but also i think to ewtn in other ways that in the media we help people realize the great mysteries of god and god's love especially when we're weak and sick and in need of god's mercy amen well now more than ever the world needs the beautiful images of holy mother church the words of holy mother church and now let's turn to steve ray for his words to wrap us up well thank you everyone for joining us for this marvelous mass as you can hear the crowds now leaving the church but we got to remember that we were a part of a eternal celebration in heaven and that is still going on even now we may be leaving this mass but we are still always to be present in the presence of god and realizing we're part of the great communion of saints and the celebration in heaven now don't leave right away because we have a special behind the scenes video you may wonder how in the world does something big production like this get done well we're going to take you behind the scenes for a short time and see all of the work that goes into producing something like this all the miles of cable that's set up and the people involved and we also want to just want to give some thanks out first of all i really am thankful for this great opportunity to be here with all of you and to represent the order of malta and this mass here and ewtn and i wanted to just make sure we thank thanks to the order of malta ewtn for carrying this live around the world bishop olmstead what a great bishop i love this man skyline productions that did all the behind the work scene you're going to see what they do in just a moment stay tuned and watch what they did we want to thank the choir volunteers and my co-host timothy here who we i we really work good together i enjoyed that but mostly we want to thank all of you for joining us here on ewtn live for this healing mass with the order of malta right here in sunny phoenix arizona god bless you all and we look forward to the next one ready one dissolve one stay with us three i need a wider shot to go out i'm gonna go back out three and then i'll go to six all right you guys all ready three standby on the dissolve six stand by hand put there can i have their double box seven go no no dissolve it roll it roll it [Music] you know there's a lot of things that go into a broadcast from start to finish there's everything from location scout checks to how many crew members do we need how much setup time do we need [Music] you know here's some interesting facts on the day of setup once we got all the pre-planning done and we we had a plan put together [Music] it was two days of setup we had not only the production truck there but a grip truck which hauls all the accessories and support things like the desk and sandbags over two miles of cable run between audio and video [Music] a satellite truck out there and a generator to power all this [Music] there was uh over 120 man hours you know you've got five or six people running around from engineers to camera ops [Music] this is [Music] test everything prior to that day of the actual broadcast all for 12 cameras and a two-hour broadcast [Music] every broadcast has unique things that you bring into it to make it better [Music] think of it as a simple crane that goes way up in the air with a camera mounted on it that allows us to show off not only the beauty of the church but also a higher and wider shot of what the people in the church are observing who knows a thousand people show up to attend this event so that's just in its most simplistic terms just getting started [Music] for this broadcast because it was going globally we had to get our signal all the way down to birmingham alabama which is where ewtn is located so in order to do that have a satellite truck and the simplistic terms is our truck feed went to the satellite truck and then it had to go all the way up to what we call a bird a satellite up in the sky and that's how we got our signal all the way down to birmingham and then out to 120 countries and 240 million homes at the same time here locally for us across the state of arizona that same satellite a signal to aztv in prescott arizona and you know as we get closer we're the day of and we're getting close to going live we always have a team meeting [Music] it's time for people to ask last minute questions if they need them certain scenarios because again we're live the news commentators are just not popping in randomly everything is scripted doesn't mean the script won't change but we have a plan real quick and then we're done and then we'll do what joe [Music] stand by to put x up next we'll put x up with about five to go ten nine eight seven six put an x up five four three put x up two one roll x track and dissolve it adding the locator cue tim to start drop the locator blessings to all of you thank you so much for dropping live standby and dissolve to six add the double box super when you have it you guys are up there you are guys yes you are turn him to seven if he needs to he's on seven he's on seven thank you perfect yes it's such a good time super by himself if we have it please give it to me put it up excellent love it good deal pushed it out to may and and dropped him super standby for the double on six for 86 take six camera seven go get steve ray camera seven go getting stand by to cue them not yet he's a very nice seven three take seven just his reaction by six take six we're fine into the holy land steve cox will go to him we're fine and he goes by jerusalem jones so steve thank you so much for joining me today pleasure to be here and all of these wonderful folks that actually see the joy on loving it and their face and excitement i think the people because we're coming out of seclusion let me know what they're saying we're on the two shots really a joy that's the mass is the source and some of our favorite thank you wonderful to tie one of the great ministries of the five stay where you're at i love you stand by richard that great mass that we're having so this is richard brother amen every mass is special joe you want me to go in and out with some of this presentation okay stand by eight stand by eight dissolving to eight we can put a little music under whatever they're doing they're coming in it's perfect i love it keep them coming stay right there stand by three step by three stand by i need that lower third malta and just off the three give me a pray multiple logo we're on three let him go through your frame let him go through your frame three add the super when you have it got the bible coming in perfect stand by five dissolving to five stand by eight dissolving to eight solving date tell me when you want that drop stay there stay there right you want to drop joe it is what it is ready to dissolve to two dissolve to two stand by we got the bishop coming i believe ready eight dissolve to eight follow the bishop a bit if you can i need perfect follow follow follow ready two sorry still on you eight loving you loving you actually ready three disregard ready three dissolving to three nice job eight you can get in front of him if you can get out of the way and move we're on three camera two ready two dissolving to two and stand by nine for this broadcast there was a crew of 17 there we had 12 cameras there's an engineer that's in charge of the truck technical director who's the one pushing the camera buttons and he's being directed by the director an audio engineer because we're not just taking audio from the church we're remixing everything robo operator graphics operator someone who's monitoring all of the i.t and if i've done my job well then the day of i'm i'm in the back of the truck and i have a phenomenal team and i let them do their thing my job is the whole big picture and you're there for support for what they may need to do the best they can there comes the book cool ready 10 joe call supers when you need them please keep up ready 10 dissolve to 10. all right bishop my name ready eight sorry ready three dissolve three you want your live up joe yep add the live stand by eight dissolve eight dissolve eight thank you stay with the bishop there ready five you can drop drop live dissolving to five let me have the cube so we know thank stay with the bishop uh give me the super joe's calling it the cube go ahead put it up tilting down a little bit as you go please thank you much stand by three dissolve into three drop the super drop the super when you can one stay with the bishop as tight as you can please ready one oh look some other people are shooting this i thought we had an exclusive what is happening ready one dissolving to one perfect ready one thank you dissolving the one all right here we go you know your deal one three you just keep floating ready five dissolve to five we had two commentators both tim jeffries and steve ray you've got a camera out there you have stools for two people they've got to have headsets so that they can hear each other so they can actually the truck could talk to them 90 seconds out full screen they're not inside the church so they have to i both hear what's going inside the church and then they each have monitors in front of them because again remember they're outside so they have to see what's going on inside to be able to talk about it in this particular broadcast the purpose of the news desk really was to help viewers both understand maybe if they had never witnessed an anointing within a catholic mass as well as the opportunity to interview people and to take our viewers who have never been to lourdes or who are watching via tv help them better experience this being on ewtn is enormous for this broadcast they're the largest pretty much the only catholic television station that goes globally in the world be given the opportunity to have two hours live of ewtn's airtime without sending anybody out here to supervise us and for them to have that level of trust to allow us the opportunity to have that air time is just huge and it is a blessing to be able to do that not once but now fourth and we're going to be doing it again five times and by four dissolve to four showing a lot of stuff here guys stand by one dissolve to one stand by nine [Music] solved to nine stand by one tighter one if you can ready one love that on nine stand by one dissolve to one step by three start floating three we're on one now you can let that shot breathe one as you go ready three dissolve to three [Music] and rolex track and dissolve it thank you everybody we are off the air we are clear [Music] big smile oh that's awesome man thank you for giving them a reason to smile again thanks for letting us draw together thank you for helping her keep her home and her family together gracias portolo because it all goes back to treating everybody with dignity and respect thank you for helping saint vincent de paul feed clothe house and heal our neighbors in need all year long please continue to remember them in every season catholic education arizona provides scholarships through arizona individual and corporate dollar for dollar tax credits the best gift my parents gave me was a catholic education it provided me with an opportunity to form a personal relationship with god with academic preparation for my future and caring teachers who continue to support me today join us in changing lives one scholarship at a time with your arizona individual or corporate tax dollars call us today at 602-218-6542 [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix
Views: 1,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Diocese, Phoenix, Arizona, Church, Jesus, Christ, Love, Mercy, Hope, Peace, Faith, Charity
Id: Id0enztKE2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 50sec (6890 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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