The Onlyfans Model Who Became a Murderer... | The Case of Abigail White

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obviously I have no limit when I get angry and like obviously he said that I need help with that because people are generally saying to me one of you are going to end up dead like and I fully believe that I'm quite capable of killing him or I'm gonna end up being in prison these are the disturbing words spoken by Noni fans modeled just several weeks before she murdered her boyfriend there were many warning signs given to those living around the couple and although some measures were put in place not enough was done to quash her terrible Behavior but who exactly is Abigail white what were the triggers behind her actions and how did it all end for the murderous mother of four welcome or welcome back to Coffee House crime folks my name is Adrian and today we're looking at the case of Bradley Lewis and Abigail white with Christmas fast approaching I've made a few changes to the coffee house around me and so with that said I hope you don't mind the first of decor and of course just to let you know that I post True Crime and strange cases here weekly so if that is your sort of thing please consider subscribing to coffeehouse crime now with that said please grab yourself a coffee pull up a seat and get ready for the Deep dive this is the case of Abigail White [Music] thank you [Music] well this island sure seems familiar welcome back to United Kingdom folks and more specifically the City of Bristol if ever there was a place with a story to tell it is this one right here enveloped in the hills of Southwest England it has its own unmistakable identity carved out by passionate locals and devoted fans alike straddling the river Avon the port city is now a cultural Hub that serves as a major stakeholder in the manufacturing and financial industry as well as being home to many University students and a massively diverse range of people from various walks of life the Aerospace industry remains as an essential sector of the local economy where many companies such as baa systems Rolls-Royce and Airbus operate interesting fact that Bristol is the only big city whose wealth per capita is higher than that of Britain as a whole and with a highly skilled Workforce drawn from its universities Bristol claims to have the largest cluster of computer chip designers and manufacturers outside of Silicon Valley like the people of many other major cities and towns across the UK the residents of Bristol fall into a very similar pattern of quintessentially British Behavior we all love our tea and scones sport a very firm handshake and love to complain about many things such as our economy the weather and of course bad traffic thank God for that I bet they're old I bet they're old they're out but bristolians are also known to be more friendly than the national average which isn't that difficult to be brutally honest as we all seem to be rather stoic here but this sociable and Chip are characteristic can also be used to describe the first subject of today's case and his name is Bradley Lewis born in March 2000 to a loving family Bradley grew up in ibrestal and his father Steve and mother Rachel were generous folks who prioritized family over all else now like many kids in England the young and cheerful Bradley was obsessed with football and while attending Saint Stephens Junior School he played for his local Junior Club after finishing school Bradley took on an apprenticeship as a floor layer in his latest in age years he was a much-loved young man with a fantastic personality and his large number of friends reflected on this fact he was exactly what you'd expect from any young British Lads and that is that he loved his mates enjoyed goofing around and could often be found partying it was at the age of 14 that he caught the eyes of a girl one year his senior her name was Abigail white and after getting to know him she developed a crush on the boy and fast forward two years later the two teens began to date but Abigail wasn't quite the same as Bradley and this was partly due to her difficult childhood when she was only two years old her father began to violently beat her mother things didn't get better after this when she was only four years old her mother and father split up and then won her new stepfather stepped in he would start to physically abuse her directly eventually she was taken into foster care although she then lived safely with her grandparents her education seemed to be disrupted by her bad behavior and she was often excluded from school and you can maybe predict where this is going but unfortunately after developing several mental and emotional issues she was then prescribed antidepressants at the young age of 13. moving into her adult years Abigail's life never normalized she never sought or obtained a regular job and instead took up work as a self-employed Creator in the lucrative world of only fans now only fans is an internet content subscription service that allows creators to share whatever kind of images they like with their paying fans and whilsted can be used for numerous different purposes by a variety of creators it is Infamous for being host to a very large number of sex workers and you can also likely guess what sort of content Abigail chose to engage in dubbing herself the fake Barbie girl Abigail white who went by the online name of Mitzi Lewis began to post content of herself pertaining to the world of adult entertainment now at first her jump into the world of only fans was a well-paid one and in the first year alone Mitzi made just over 50 000 pounds or sixty thousand dollars but this wouldn't last and as the year slipped by her relevance in the increasingly competitive industry began to decrease losing around 75 percent of her audience and Revenue you to a mere 12 000 pounds a year although this wasn't enough to financially support her Abigail was luckily able to fall back on Bradley and his income which was crucial as now they had four young mouths to feed three of which were his own but much like her income stream things were not stable at home either Abigail was known to dabble with cocaine and although she claimed not to be alcohol dependent she would often take things way too far with it real mother of the immaterial right here and unfortunately the relationship between her and Bradley was often a turbulent one at Best and in her own words they were in a very tough and controlling relationship while she claims that he was manipulative and Unfaithful she also admitted that she had slept with multiple other men throughout their time together which kind of makes sense because if the two were together since she was 15 years old and only three of her kids were his then I don't know how else you'd explain the fourth one many friends claimed that the relationship was toxic and possessive and even warned Bradley that Abigail was a complete psycho Bradley's mother resented her too as she knew that her son wasn't being treated correctly and deserved much better there even came a time when concerns became so strong that the social services stepped into the Family household and demanded that Abigail was no longer allowed to live with Bradley which was a good precaution to take but unfortunately was a rule that was often disregarded you see although Bradley moved out to live with his mother Abigail no longer trusted him when he was away from her and with thanks to her controlling personality she often manipulated Bradley into coming over and sleeping with her most nights stepping into more of the cringy stuff but Abigail was also nauseatingly egotistical and despite most of her social media accounts now being deleted her currently still viewable Tick-Tock account portrays the image of a young mother who takes no account of her actions and instead makes public posts out resentment and negativity as well as fishing for attention from potential subscribers of her only fans account in one of these videos Abigail played the notification sound from tender one of the world's most popular dating apps to see if it would get a rise out of Bradley which if you ask me is quite a [ __ ] thing to do and although some of the social media posts revealed a glimpse of the cold and ugly truth behind closed doors she would still try to portray the image of a perfect couple to others and that is certainly worth highlighting here as in the artificial and misleading world of social media you can never be sure of what is happening behind the carefully doctored lens of superficial happiness Abigail also used her social media accounts to intimidate people she argued with while also publicly belittling Bradley online when it came to personal friendships and relationships he was often slagged off and criticized and of course if we're talking about personal messages then came the infamous voice recording to a friend you believe a word that comes out of that boy's mouth I have to beat The Living Daylights or out of them for him tell me the truth and he still don't tell me the truth he only tells me the truth when he thinks I'm gonna kill him like when I get a knife out like when I stab him like oh I just I just think got this kid but obviously I have no limit when I get angry and like obviously he said that I need help with that because people are generally saying to me one of you are going to end up dead like and I fully believe that I'm quite capable of killing him if he hurts me again and or I'm gonna end up being in prison leading up to the actual crime of our case today it was in the early months of 2021 that the relationship between Abigail and Bradley came to an all-new volatile Heights to begin with was the voice recording but on March the 19th after quite a bad argument Abigail took it one step further by actually stabbing him in the arm obviously this caused a massive wound and required Medical Treatments but Bradley was a gentle soul and he didn't want to get Abigail in trouble so when the doctor asked what happened he covered for her and said it was an accident at work and although you'd expect or at least hope that he'd leave her after this encounter Bradley unfortunately didn't he felt confined to the relationship because of the children he shared with her and all of this was despite Social Services recommending they stay away from each other friends and family also urged the two to take some time apart and those close to them claimed that Abigail was going mad and desperately needed help and on March the 25th after all of the warnings the concerning messages and the voice notes the violent relationship would finally reach a brutal and irreversible climax March 25th 2021 the it was 8 pm and being a Thursday most families were calmly settling in for the evening but for the white Lewis family the atmosphere was very different at 8 10 pm a distressed scream erupted from the home and that scream was coming from Abigail the first person to respond was a neighbor named Mrs kundi Abigail shouted out to say help I can't get through can someone call the emergency services he's not breathing and after running next door she was met with a harrowing scene Bradley was lying on his back in the kitchen with his blood covering the hallway and the living room and a blood-stained knife lay on the radiator in a state of panic and shock Mrs kundi dialed 999 immediately Mrs kundi's husband arrived just before authorities did and then as the paramedics arrived they commenced medical treatment on Brad's bloodstains were found throughout the ground floor of the property and to add to this they also found a t-shirt a mop and several other items of clothing all covered in Bloods Abigail was acting as if she was totally terrified and she claims that Bradley had stabbed himself in protest after a heated argument but officers were not sold on this idea as it made no sense as to why Bradley would do such a thing so although she was allowed to travel with him to the hospital they kept a very watchful eye on her but tragically even after being rushed into surgery there was simply nothing they could do to save his life Bradley had simply lost too much blood and at 1 30 am he was pronounced dead Bradley's family were notified when officers arrived on their doorstep and when they received the devastating news their world shatters around them but although Bradley's death was conclusive and final many questions still remained all of which now had to be found through the chaotic and confusing fog of unknown a post-mortem examination of Bradley's body concluded that the cause of his death was a single stab wound to the chest which then penetrated his thoracic cavity by slicing through a gap between his ribs and ultimately into his heart but that wasn't the only anything authorities had learned as witness reports indicated that Bradley's and Abigail's relationship had recently become exceptionally turbulent several friends had come forward to report that allegedly shortly before his death Bradley had admitted to having an affair this apparently angered Abigail greatly and so with that said they decided to formally arrest her on suspicion of murder during her interrogation Abigail decided not to answer any questions and instead she handed officers a formal statement made by her and her solicitor now Abigail's initial Story Goes a little something like this she told officers that Bradley was planning to harm himself so in response she grabbed the knife off of him to then throw outside she then ran down the hallway with a knife in her hand but Bradley was able to catch up with her and when he did he then grabbed her wrist and plunged the knife into his chest now obviously this was a very weak story and nobody believed her and several weeks later Abigail knew that too so two months after his death she finally accepted manslaughter charges with Abigail now taking partial accountability over Bradley's death the next big question was what exactly happened to them on the night that he died and what were her motives well it all started in the afternoon reminiscing over the recent months of his relationship and with Abigail stabbing him in the arm just one week prior Bradley realized that he no longer wanted to be in a relationship with her with his resolve in mind he asked her to meet him in a public park and once she arrived Abigail was enraged to hear his decision shortly after 5 PM surveillance cameras captured Bradley Abigail and her friends Ryan and Louise arriving at the Horseshoe Pub shortly after this they then made their way to the pubs beer garden unknown to the others at the time but Abigail had snorted a line of cocaine just a few minutes prior and to make things worse she was now mixing it with alcoholic drinks Abigail was obviously in a difficult mood acting both short-tempered and angrily was causing trouble with other people and got into several arguments with other punters during this time a friend had found Bradley crying in the gents bathroom and after asking him what the problem was Bradley said that he had to get away from Abigail he admitted that he was scared of her but unfortunately he couldn't leave either because he believed that she would try to take her own life again unfortunately Abigail's mild aggression escalated throughout the evening to almost uncontrollable levels she eventually slapped a man she had gotten into an argument with this resulted in him striking her back Abigail fell to the ground before being escorted away the conflict seemed to rile her as soon after this pontus witnessed her grabbing Bradley's drink out of his hands and throwing it into his face allegedly she was Furious that he didn't stand up against the man who hit her getting upset Bradley told her to calm down while a friend pushed the two apart now clearly Abigail had had enough and she wanted to go home and be alone with Bradley his friend told her to stop bullying him to which in response she spat in the friend's face it was in this moment at 7 50 PM that mutual friend Alfie offered to give them a lift back home the two accepted his offer and it's reported that the couple argued the entire way back once they arrived at the property Abigail stormed inside while Bradley said goodbye in which one of the last things he said to Alfie was I'm dead when I get home Alfie was concerned the situation felt distinctly Sinister he therefore decided to give Bradley his mobile phone number just in case he needed him he then said his goodbyes and not even 20 minutes later Emergency Services were called as mentioned before although Abigail pleaded guilty to manslaughter charges she refused to take full accountability and refused to plead guilty to murder however as investigators dug deeper into the case they found a mountain of concerning information which ruled against her own theories for example after combing through Bradley's phone data analysts found hundreds of threatening messages sent by Abigail in the months prior on February the 7th which was one month before his death Abigail sent Bradley a message to say I swear to God I'll stab you another message sent just a few weeks prior said I'm going to stab you in the [ __ ] neck now to be honest with you Abigail was completely unhinged and to those who warned Bradley that she was a psycho they were not far off the ball in some of these text messages she even threatened to kill Bradley's mother in front of him and just six days before his death she made several Google searches related to stabbing moving into the pre-trial phase of this case Abigail white was medically examined by several professional psychiatrists and the results were very interesting to say the least Dr Sanya Crees a clinical psychologist concluded that Abigail was so poor at controlling her anger that 99 of the rest of the population would be more able to successfully do it than her she also concluded that Abigail had a very poor coping strategy for controlling her anger and had a condition that meant when roused the rational thinking part of a brain shut down Dr Bradley Hiller a consultant forensic psychiatrist told the jury that Abigail appears to suffer from borderline personality disorder a mental health condition that affects mood stability causing rapid and extreme swim things and moods with sometimes small or even non-existent triggers he added that to her account of what happened that fateful night was consistent with her having the disorder with additional traits that affected her emotional stability another consultant psychiatrist Dr Sanford conceded that in the days before the incident Abigail had been experiencing extreme stress due to various external factors which included an induced abortion Bradley admitting that he had been unfaithful and claiming that he was going to leave her he also concluded that the manifestations of her personality disorder could be heightened as a result and that she had difficulty controlling her emotions and struggled to control her anger but it was confirmed that she did not exhibit signs of delusions hallucinations or other symptoms consistent with psychosis and that she had never been a mental health impatient now Abigail did acknowledge that she had a very tough and controlling relationship with Bradley but she would also claim that he was the manipulative one and that he was frequently sleeping with other women behind her back Bradley is in and here to defend himself against these claims and therefore they are best taken of the Hefty pinch of salt and although she claimed that he was just as violent as she was the only solid evidence of violence between the two was the stab wound to his arm and his subsequent death just one week later and it seems that her excuses lies and supposed justifications were not enough to persuade the jury either and after 12 hours of deliberation they came back with a unanimous verdict Abigail white was guilty of the murder of Bradley Lewis as a result under UK law Abigail was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 18 years before she could be eligible for parole this means that at the very earliest she may be free in October of 2039 however she is likely to remain behind bars for much longer after this in relation to her sentence the judge remarked these messages make for a chilling reading and you demanded almost constant attention messages show that when he did not do what she wanted you became increasingly volatile and in my judgment at the time that you stabbed him you did intend to kill him you had threatened to do this many times during her trial Abigail said that she didn't lie about the stabbing to protect herself but rather instead because she was scared of what might happen to her now correct me if I'm wrong here but if I'm not mistaken that is the exact same thing she further told the courtroom I was worried about what was going to happen to me to Brad and the family I just wish I'd told the truth from the beginning it just happened Bradley's father shared that losing him was the hardest thing he had ever experienced in his life such as the overwhelming sense of both grief and pain and Bradley's mum Rachel stated that part of a world ended when police told her that Bradley had died and that the loss will be with her for the rest of her life Bradley was well known and appreciated by almost everyone that is everyone except the one person who he should have been able to trust above all others and now not only will his three children never know life or the father anymore but they will grow up knowing that it was their mother who murdered him Bradley's death brought so much sadness to his family and the many people who knew him and the hundreds of people who attended his funeral showed ample proof of this in honor of his life family and friends from his years at Bristol Rover supporters football club played a friendly football match against Helen FC not only did hundreds of people sign up to watch the event but more than seven thousand pounds was raised for his funeral with the remaining donations going towards mind a man's mental health charity on Friday the 20th of May 2021 Bradley Lewis was cremated at Westerly crematorium during this service one of the football managers that used to train of them when he was a child said he was one of the nicest kids you could ever meet sometimes people say that without actually meaning it but with Brads it was genuine he was very Placid amicable and polite just one of the good guys in life like his dad he will be desperately missed by the many that knew him coupled with a very unhealthy mental state which was allowed to deteriorate over a prolonged period of time Abigail lost sight of what she had a loving family which is something that many would give anything for by no means were things perfect including Bradley and his own actions but it's clear through those around him that he devoted everything he could towards his family he was a loving father who genuinely tried to make things work over a prolonged period of time all while simultaneously being scared of Abigail and Abigail she abused that fear and abused is actually an understatement not only did she take this man for granted but she even threatened to take his life and wounded him when he didn't comply the warning signs were there for months and nasty arguments and voice notes aside she'd even stabbed him just one week prior but again and it is worth mentioning that the man felt trapped in the relationship although he wanted to leave her and her evil unhinged clutches he felt like he couldn't because the two shared children and eventually her evil threats became a vicious reality I'm closing this case up here folks unfortunately this one has no Silver Lining all I hope is that moving forward Bradley's family and friends find peace in the future and that Bradley's children find a happy and fulfilling life in memory of their father but thank you so much for watching another video today by coffeehouse crime if you found this case interesting or insightful then please remember to like the video and if you haven't yet subscribe to the coffee house and while I'm here a big thank you to Gordon from featherwax Studios for putting up the new decorations in our coffee house now if I've timed this correctly then this video should actually be released on my birthday and if that's the case I'm likely sat somewhere right now eating a large chunk of cake and as soon as I've gotten over this cake coma I'll be right back for another video but until that moment arrives please remember to look after each other and of course stay safe thank you and goodbye foreign
Channel: Coffeehouse Crime
Views: 1,620,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffeehouse crime, true crime, coffee house crime, crime, onlyfans, only, fans, model, murder, abigail, white, fake barbie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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