200%+ Run Speed Fast and Cheap! Great For Transmog Farming in The War Within! World of Warcraft

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hey it's all with another video and today I'm going to talk strategies on building for yourself a speed set designed for quickly blowing through Legacy content by the time we're through you'll have a good idea on how to approach this based on your Play Habits and if you don't mind like the video subscribe for more coverage and let's do a proper intro with a war within expansion announcement I got very excited when I learned that we'd be able to unlock transmog appearances regardless of whether it was the character's gear type or not it won't be long until we can take a single character and slam every dungeon and raid in the game for unlocks it'll also be cool if we wanted to hyperfocus like we can just smash our entire stable of alt into a single instance to more quickly collect everything that there is to get those man Roth shoulders days are numbered today I want to focus on the strategy of taking a single character who who can Sprint through Dungeons and raids with ease there's a cheap and easy strategy and a not so cheap and easy strategy I'll be focusing on the foundations of speed and how to get a speed-based character started up cheaply before sending you off and we'll first start with your character's class and race any combo will do but there's clearly an optimal Choice Druids are simply the ideal class to use they've got a big 15% passive run speed bonus using talent and of course their class has cat form with an additional 30% speed bonus they can stealth and they have ranged and healing abilities to handle pretty much any encounter situation now I'm a weirdo before making this video I happen to make a speed set for my Paladin Main and I threw a ton of gold into him but in comparison a druid is just so much easier to get in a good place for like way cheaper so I strongly recommend going this route in your first Venture into speedrunning next step will be your race now race isn't a deal breaker but if you're trying to make a new character race is going to be worth considering since we're sticking to the Druid class choices are limited and my vote goes to zandalari trolls who have a 5% bonus to run speed through their racial ability they only need to pick up the Embrace of gonk over in their Capital just a quick cast and T you have a permanent bonus speed on the Ali side night elves are a distant second with only a 2% passive run speed bonus again your choice of race is not a huge deal it just helps a little bit let's move on to gear starting off setting up a speed set is very affordable but cost can balloon up real fast so let's take things one step at a time first you want to have some good shoes there's a really good enchant that gives a whopping 10% bonus to your run speed the problem is it can only be put onto boots with an item level no higher than 50 now the enchant itself is really cheap so I suggest just getting any pair of boots that qualify the difference between usable and optimal is very tiny and we're just starting off so this shouldn't set you back more than like 100 some gold next step is to have a heart of Azeroth yeah the neck itself isn't going to be very useful but with the heart of Azeroth come azerite traits from gear and Essences that are available when you're wearing the neck if you don't have one yet you'll need your character to be at least level 50 they really should be when you take that character to baralis or zandalar they'll automatically pick up a quest line that'll lead them to obtaining their heart of Azeroth for you veteran players there's one aite Essence to consider working towards so you can get an additional 5% bonus but if you don't have a rank three Ripple in space Essence consider that to be kind of a stretch goal for your speed set now that you have your neck you need to farm for aite pieces that have a specific trait called long Strider this is going to give a passive speed bonus based on your highest secondary stat later on you can try to optimize your speed by stacking your best secondary but for now you're already going to get a huge bonus anywhere between 30 to 40% run speed and assuming that you're on your Druid farming for this gear will be super easy if you've been following every step here you should already have a passive run speed of 160% in cat form the pieces that you need come from very specific places the helmet comes from the last boss of to de gore the shoulders come from the last boss in freeold and the chest comes from the last boss of either motherload or King's rest it's your choice I happen to choose motherload and the best version of these items come from the normal versions of these dungeons meaning you can just rerun them over and over until you're done by comparison plate wearers who want shoulders they need to hope for a drop from Mecha torque and you can only do that once a week the last kind of easy thing to get for yourself is a fully upgraded Onyx annulet now I'm going to leave a link to a full guide on how to access that and how it works I'm going to skip ahead but you're going to want to create a ring with these two stones in them the the wind sculpted Stone and the harmonic music Stone these will passively give some additional Ren speed while moving and when first entering combat with this setup your Druid should have a run speed of a little bit over 200% now that's that's like epic ground riding keep in mind that this applies to battle for aoth and older content but Legacy content is where a speed character really thrives anyway now let's move on to other speed bonuses that'll cost additional gold it's going to be incremental and it's going to get increasingly expensive let's start small though first let's enchant our azerite chest with accelerated agility this is a dragonflight enchant and readily available on the auction house there are three other dragonfly enchants for the weapon cloak and wrists that give speed you can throw those on now or you can hold off in case you want to optimize your gear charge files of alacrity are the go-to consumable for run speed and fried bone fish is the go-to food buff that gives a very modest increase to speed after killing an enemy even lowlevel enemies and critters what I've talked about so far in this guide has been the easy stuff you can get this set together in just a few short hours and spend what like 5,000 gold or something maybe in fact this is a great stopping point that'll have you blasting large raids like alir or Siege of oramar not to mention longer dungeons like Black Rock deps Mega Dungeons and others but if you want to squeeze out another 30 maybe 40% more speed especially if you've decided to farm with a non Druid class you're going to want to farm for speed focused pieces in the other slots that you haven't used yet so the cloak the wrist the weapon gloves belt legs feet one ring and then both trinket slots and here's the criteria you want the highest item level you can get you want the speed tertiary stat included and you want to focus on a specific secondary stat because the higher the stat the bigger bonus that you get from the long Strider azerite trait which pulls from your highest secondary and then turns that into speed up to a cap farming up all the pieces will be timec consuming expensive but likely both I think I spent a bit over 100,000 gold to buy this sort of gear for my Paladin I did not optimize for secondaries I just got whatever had the Speed stat on it so here's me on my blood elf Paladin missing as right shoulders and I'm at a little under 200% run Speed without other Buffs now imagine if I happen to be a zandalor druid and did have that extra weth 50% bonus there's one more bit of information to remember your best speed set is going to change on a pretty regular basis this video happens to be made during season 3 of dragonflight with season 3 item levels with every new season comes a period where you'll consider replacing pieces to squeeze out a little bit of extra speed with every expansion if you decide to level that rating will mean less and less long-term maintenance of your speed set can again be timec consuming and expensive that's why I mostly suggest progressing your set in a certain order making good foundational decisions on your race and your class starting with what's cheap and then maintaining your set as we move from patch to patch expansion to expansion on an occasional basis just keep your eyes open for gear to use on your speed character or maybe you can find this stuff to sell because these pieces are plenty valuable this is supposed to be a quick guide but a more full readout can be found over on wad with additional resources and tips especially if you decide to not go the Druid route and by the time transmog unlocks are Unleashed you'll have a character up and ready to blast through Dungeons and raids but more importantly you'll have the knowledge to handle changes as they come that's the guide and I hope it helped please like the video subscribe for more coverage catch me live and I'll catch you later stay safe stay healthy and stay [Music] Breezy [Music]
Channel: SoulSoBreezy
Views: 64,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, dragonflight, coffee with soul, soulsobreezy, warcraft weekly, speed run, speed gear, travel speed, fast
Id: d3CTCvE-reM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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