Testing out the Puri Bag

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[Music] all right so i got a bunch of turd water in there [Music] check that out look at all the dirt coming to the bottom [Music] [Applause] what's up internet current 1776 here next to a mud hole back here in the woods by the house and why am i back here by a mud hole well i'm going to drink that water right there yeah so i've got a really cool product test i want to do and it's very similar to a product that we had in the southern survival tv show on netflix it's a little bit different same concept same active ingredient but a different type of bag so what i've got here is a puree bag i'll set this up on the ground and show you what's inside but we got a couple clips in here and some png purifier water packets on the southern survival tv show we had this kind of backpack bag so to speak that you would put product in we got some water out of a swamp and was able to purify it this right here is pretty much the same concept just a different type of bag different type of delivery system for the spout to get your water out of it and i've got some really nasty water right here really nasty like you shouldn't do this okay but this is for testing purposes and it will help us see the product work a little better so obviously in a real world scenario you want to find as clean and clear water source as possible but will it clean the mud hole will it make the water out of this mud hole usable drinkable so that's the question if it can do that it can surely do a cleaner water source so of course running water streams even though it is clear and clean doesn't necessarily mean it is i'm more talking about sediment and debris or debris as i like to say so enough talk about that let me show you what comes with the puree bag we'll get some water see if it works all right so what comes in the puri bag system so we have the bag itself as you can see it's got a handle here at the top obviously you can clean it reuse it if need be and it has directions on what to do to use the product properly here's the spout for it and the spout has a filter in it as well then we have 10 of the png purifier water packets which will treat two and a half gallons of water each so you got plenty of those then we have a clip here it's like a potato chip bag snack bag clip that you can use to clip off the bottom and then we have this clip or i guess you can consider it a clip but basically this this closes the area that you fill the bag with so the first thing we need to do is fill up this with that nasty water so we're going to fill this up as best we can here it's not very deep so i guess i'm gonna have to scoop it and it might end up getting more dirt in there than i need i'll get back to you once i get this filled up it's gonna take a little bit all right so i got a bunch of turd water in there wow all right so i got this packet here i'm going to open that up and just drop it i'm going to put that inside the bag with the nasty water so now we want to fold this and seal it with this it just runs across like that now we need to agitate it that don't mean cuss at it and call it names that means work it slosh it around mix it in real good for five minutes then after five minutes you need to hang it up for 30 minutes hopefully i didn't get too dirty of water kind of like we did on the tv show the water was too dirty so when the dirt settled in the bottom of it it was above the spout hopefully i don't run into that problem here but at least it will show it working like i'm afraid if i were to find what i deemed to be clean clear flowing water which i can go to maybe you won't be able to see the product work as well as if i did it with some really really nasty water but we'll see all right i gotta find somewhere to hang this thing all right maybe that'd be good i'm gonna hang it right here let's see let me see that [Music] wow all right so check this out see how it's already clumping everything up i got a bad feeling i got too much dirt in there [Music] check that out get all the dirt coming to the bottom [Music] all the crap so this stuff obviously helps with the flocculant separate and clump up the dirt really well but we still got 29 some odd minutes to go right might have looked out just below the spout and then i'll show you the next steps as you can see here so right here we're waiting on 30 minutes that's just cool right out of the gate right so these png purifier of water packets here have been available to the public for sale for a few a couple years now two or three years now used to it wasn't so used to this company right here for many years was supplying product like this to areas of the world that could not get access to good water supplies so third world countries you know very very poor areas that have a lot of contamination in their water and stuff like that they've been using this stuff to clean and purify their water so that they can drink it after years of doing that they put it out for public sales so now you can buy it and use it put it in your survival kits put it in your preps and things like that your hiking gear and whatnot and they're real small and they work really well it uses a process called flocculation which helps bind all the gunk and all the bad stuff in the water make it heavier and have it drop to the bottom of the container that it's in all right i'm gonna go feed the chickens i'll be back in about 30 minutes [Music] [Music] just gonna break in here real quick just for the record some of you guys seen my grail video on tick tock this exact same mud hole that i did the grail water filter and purifier and everybody's like use a life straw you just saw your squeeze bubble blue that thing's junk doesn't work i don't care what kind of filter system you were using in that mud hole sawyer squeeze life straw any of that stuff that right there is what you're trying to push through your filter so you're going to bust a vein in your forehead trying to pull that up with a with a straw and it's the same with the grail it worked but it took a while to get it all the way down because of how dirty the water is so it's just proof right here that it's wise not only for your health but for the longevity of your equipment to find as clean and clear visibly clean and clear and hopefully moving water as possible as a donkey because you're less likely to get sick but there are things that you can't see that you need to be filtering out so this right here will kill a filter it will work but you're not going to get the longevity out of your filter that you need so that right there is a representation of what the grail had to filter out but this isn't about the grail this is about the puri bag but since i had this visual here i wanted to make that clear so back to the timer [Music] i'll tell you what this is what i'm going to do since my battery is fixing to die and i'm just i'm curious at this point clearly as you can see it separates the dirt and a lot of the sediment and stuff like that i've used the png water filtration packets before i know they work i know they're safe to drink i've drank after using them i'm still here i never got sick but let's see how how to empty this and then i want to add more product and see just how much more dirt is in here because i feel like obviously this is a extremely filthy freaking muddle so what you're supposed to do is take your other clip here you're supposed to twist this i'm getting some back up in there which is okay we're going to add more product put your clip on and then remove this bottom clip [Music] all right so we're going to take it off this up here we're going to add more product so we'll go through the process again we'll fold it take our little clip here run it across seals that off and agitate for five minutes because this water is extremely dirty guys [Music] stupid like this this is worst case scenario right here surely to god and hopefully you will find a better water source than this right here but desperate times desperate measures you gotta do what you gotta do can the product do it that's the question here we go check it out and then nuts it's how dirty that freaking water is man so second treatment and wow look at the crap in there the water is looking way better than it did at the first treatment still see stuff kind of floating around in there let it ride we'll be back [Music] i'm still running awesome let me get some of this stuff to help go down so regardless as you can see the product works it cleans sediment it cleans heavy materials dirt mud all that crap and then it's got purification qualities as well so it's still a little bit dirty we're still probably got i don't know 10 minutes or so to go i would guess but obviously in a cleaner situation it's gonna work but two treatments we've got some pretty clear water here and you can see the gunk from the second treatment down there and there's still some floating down let's talk about the spout real quick again this would be great for finding a supply getting a large amount of water cleaning it purifying it to put into other containers fill up your containers your friends that are with you containers etc so to do that it's got this tab right here you pull this tab up and the water comes out here's some information that's what i'm trying to give people some information shut up nobody's talking to you screw that up siri thank you so we still got a few minutes to go and uh there's still some stuff in there but look at how much more it cleaned out with the second treatment there freaking crazy amazing product so it's still not clean enough for me to feel comfortable drinking it but again that's stupid dirty water it's a stagnant mud hole it's been sitting there for well over a month you can use this now to fill up another container filter it boil it or anything like that if it was a proper supply that i would have tested this on then i would drink it because it would be clear because there wouldn't be that much crap in it but i wanted you guys to see work the png product work the bag itself i think is really cool you can see inside of it very well versus some bags which are not transparent to be quite honest with you i wasn't quite sure that this clip right here would do the job of holding as well as it has but it but it's worked very well so what you do if you are ready to consume you take this clip again you twist here put your clip on and you remove this one to let the nasty stuff out that clip there doesn't work as good as that clip you can see some still coming out see if i can get that to work better let me twist it more than that testing folks see if that holds better now still let some out which that's not a big deal i guess because obviously you're you're gonna want to dispense right away i guess i don't know if you can see that but there's still some stuff floating around in there so it's not completely clean but again that's where i got my water don't get your water from that when it's absolutely necessary if absolutely necessary do multiple treatments until you get clear water and then the chlorine and the other product that's in there obviously will purify it but visually speaking it's not yet clean as far as the spout here when it is clean and ready to go you can pull this little tab right here up and it dispenses the water out so you can fill a grail up further purify and filter which probably would be what i would do right here i'd have in this situation i'd take my grail i'd use this to fill my grill up and use that to filter out the rest boil it whatever to get it ready to use so that's the puree bag first time testing it that's the dirtiest water i have around me right now i'll do another video if you guys are interested let me know down in the comments if you're interested in me actually using this on a more suitable water supply right here i wanted you guys to see it work i've said that multiple times i know i'm probably repeating myself but i wanted you to see how well it actually separated this stuff with the flocculation that it does so let me know what you guys think about the puri bag as a kit the bag the clips and the png purifier water packets again the png purifier water packets regardless of the bag you should have that stuff in your kits we sell those at battlebox.com you can get i think they come in packs of three or six or something like that i could be wrong but i'll put a link to the png water filter packets just in case you guys want to add those to your kit but let me know what you think about this whole set right here the bag with the clips and that you like it you don't like it trust it don't trust it let me know what you think in the comments i'll be interested in reading those and yeah all this has got me really thirsty i'm gonna go to the house and get me a gatorade i think it works great i know it works i've used it before in the past and we've we've actually had the png product in in battle box subscription several years ago two three years ago i think it's been so really cool product that is all i love you i mean it thanks for watching be sure to like comment subscribe hit the bell icon so you'll be notified when i got more videos and i'm gonna clean this stuff up and i got some chores to do here in the yard peace out cub scouts [Music]
Channel: BattlBox
Views: 4,083,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What is a Puri Bag, How to Use Puri Bag, Puri Bag Review, Puri Bag How to Use, Puri Bag Water Purifier, CURRIN 1776, Water Filtration, Battlbox, p&g water purification packets
Id: cTLvNHdFB5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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