Digging a Japanese Spider Hole (and sleeping in it!!!)

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one bucket at a time dig dig dig dig dig dig all day long dig dig dig while i sing this song all right like if you looked really closely could you could you tell i don't know but can we tell where it is the idea is that it's perfectly concealed so when you're in it and there's an enemy coming by you're not going to be found you're you can't can't even tell can't even tell it's there look at done well good morning guys today is a special day because it's a project that's close to my heart i've always liked digging so is dawn so today's project is we're going to build an authentic japanese spider hole using some of the primitive tools that would have used of the time like a tiny little military grade shovel some buckets some old square timbers stuff like that and we're gonna try to keep it as authentic as possible now let's get started so we're digging for about 20 minutes now we're down about two feet two and a half feet uh our goal is about five feet before we start tunneling sideways so the idea behind this thing is to not disturb the sides because we don't want the sides to collapse it's also it really depends on the soil consistency you have in your location if you're going to decide to do this if you're digging in very sandy soil it has a tendency to cave off that also goes with clay type soil if it's very wet it'll tend to want to collapse so you gotta use your brain before you decide to do something like that we don't have the soil conditions don't warrant you know a hole that's very deep um it's unsafe so yeah use your brain so uh yeah we're just tunneling right now we're gonna go straight down and then we're gonna go over sideways because we want to have a place to lay down in the bottom of this thing because this is our uh our japanese spider hole so we're just gonna keep digging and i'll keep you guys updated uh yeah we're into the clay layer so it's a little bit harder to dig but uh slowly but surely we're we're making it we're making it don what do you think what do you think the biggest biggest problem right now digging the hole is that is that the biggest problem pretty much okay mosquitoes mosquitoes aren't our problem well the black flies in mosquitoes the black flies kind of kamikaze right to your right to your eyeballs for some reason it's it's strange that they just kind of go for that i think they go for the little white catch light in your eye they just go right for it and they just jam themselves in your eye but uh as long as you keep moving and you don't sweat so much and you don't breathe mosquitoes don't bug you all right so as we uh figured it out that uh our top soil layer is about uh six inches here and then we're down to some some lighter clay all right as you guys could see we're down a significant amount we're probably about three and a half four feet roughly we've hit a gravel layer which is really hard digging we're not even getting full shovel folds out anymore but the idea is to get to about six feet deep because what we want to be able to do is pop our heads out of the hole and then have your rifle and you'll be able to you know pick off whoever's in the forest kind of hunting you and what you do is is afterwards you pop yourself back in your hole you pull your lid closed and the people run by none the wiser so this is this is we're trying to build an authentic japanese spider hole so we've got a little bit more work to do we've got to go down well another two and a half three feet but it's in gravel so hopefully we can make it um let you guys know i'll update you as uh as things progresses you can actually see the strata you can see the you know the top soil layer you can see the clay layer and then we've got back into kind of the sand layer and now we're down into gravel layer so hopefully uh hopefully the gravel air will be easy digging we won't hit a giant boulder or anything like that well as you guys can see i am not far enough in the ground i am still i'm sitting i'm standing flat foot in the bottom of the hole and i've got to go another three feet deep in order for my head to just kind of pop out of the top and then and then we dig horizontal which is going to be a different beast altogether so we still got a little bit more digging left to do all right don what are we running into down there well besides gravel we're having it's quite difficult to lift it because we don't have enough room shorter shovel shorter solvent or bigger hole shorter shovel let's not go with a bigger hole just yet um so i've got i think i think this shovel here this this little army shovel guy i think it can convert into a uh a right angle if you undo this if you loosen that guy up you loosen that guy that's tightening loosen it's reverse oh is it reverse thread i'm always try it one way then try it the other so the plant if you see and then go like that and then tighten it and i think this is uh this is an army shovel so this is like this was designed i think for taking stuff out of like tiny holes so it's kind of like a fox hole like a scoop let me see so like there they got a little scoop hole so now you should be able to just kind of get in there and kind of give like a scoop see that that worked pretty good repeat that a couple thousand times oh look at that there you go i'm sure there's like a learning curve on that oh i gotta give it a whirl i gotta get i have to try it in order to actually see it works pretty good does it work pretty good yeah it's not too bad i'm gonna have to give it a whirl just to make sure it uh it passes the kevin test i know don dawn's gonna look at that look at that look at that that's that's money all day long right there cool all right well we're off to the races now so as you guys know we started off with the big shovels now the army wouldn't have had the luxury of having the large handled shovel they would have their kind of like pack shovel which uh is like this small little army shovel like this guy so they would have pretty much exclusively dug their foxholes with these tiny little shovels so we're switching back because i think this is the right tool for the job in order to get down inside and get the material out of a tiny little hole because we don't want a huge hole because well what's the point it's it won't be able to conceal it in the woods what's up doc bugs bunny down here all right well we're getting down there i think uh any further we'll find the treasure to oak island we've got some old shipwreck material down there some wood and some pieces of metal no i'm kidding there was none of that down there just gravel we're just out of gravel bed we got to get down another well it's always another foot is it not we're we're down about just an armpit height we got to get down to about head height and then we're going that away slowly but surely getting through the gravel layer the little shovels didn't seem to be working and then you just kind of work out and get yourself shoveled and then you hand it up to dawn and don discards it over there and rinse it and repeat sorry it's getting hard right now green leaf get there where weird nice how are you going to get out now i have no idea there's a tractor injector get the tractor all right well that's pretty much an entire day of digging and we've got about five and a half feet deep to the lowest point of this hole so that's pretty much as deep as i want to go at this down shaft because what the plan is to ultimately is to go horizontal once we've got down far enough we could probably go another foot we may or may not do that tomorrow but pretty much at the end of our day we got to collect some more materials to uh sure up our horizontal shafts so we need some shoring for the sides and the shoring for the top as well so but yeah pretty good day we got down five and a half feet which is a heck of a hole if you've got a hand dig it let's see i can try to get out of this hole i almost need stairs oh there you just kind of tuck and roll that hole is is a glorious hole oh this video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community for people that like to learn new things new skills or simply want to explore their creativity skillshare allows you to invest in yourself and your personal growth do you have a specific skill you're trying to learn skillshare is the perfect place to start from photography and illustration to graphic design freelancing and more you can find classes that will match your goals and interests interested in making a career pivot maybe up leveling your skills in your current role skillshare is a great resources for freelancers and entrepreneurs to help you learn new skills to support your growing side hustle or launch into a totally new career what's also great about skillshare is that you can look at it on your phone maybe you got a little bit of down time are you waiting for something else to happen you could always learn on the go so currently i'm exploring how to 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far as i can without actually putting my head under there and then once i get to that point i'm gonna actually put some wood up here so i'm never working under unsupported ground i think that'll keep me from for this from this thing collapsing but if you guys can see there's about two feet of clay above me which is really stable ground as long as it's not wet which today it's not wet so i think we're good to go let's keep let's i'm just gonna keep digging it ain't much as you can see this is the face of tunnel all right guys we're at the stage now we're tunneling horizontally into the dirt over this area here so we want to put a space around six feet long in order to comfortably lay down over the last couple of days it has rained significantly and we haven't experienced any sort of collapse down there but that's not to say we're not going to start cribbing it so the plan today is to take our cross members and put horizontal pieces and then some uprights on the side in order to stabilize our dirt above us because the last thing we want to do is have dirt come down on us the material i'm using for cribbing is old square cut timbers now the plan with those is to put a top horizontal piece that supports my ceiling and then two sides my sides are a little bit long so i have to cut them first in order to make them all the same size my my horizontal pieces already came that length so that's kind of the width predetermined that way so all i have to do is cut the sides and then when i install them they'll be even throughout the entire tunnel how's that i'm in the bucket we're in the wall you guys see this this is pretty cool we got uh we've got some well we've got the start of a hole you can kind of see over here where we've got the entrance which is pretty exciting because uh where it feels like we're getting somewhere we can actually move around sort of thing you can kind of kind of get the gist of where exactly we are so we're gonna go this way about six feet the face of the wall and uh as you can see i don't know if you guys can see up top there that's the top of the hole so as you can see we're pretty pretty deep it's actually quite cool in here it's actually quite see it's unseasonably warm today but uh it's actually quite nice down in the hole so anyways i'm gonna keep digging and uh see how far we get because well talking more digging dig dig while digging the spider hole it was important for me to get into the mindset of a soldier while most people loathe hard physical labor soldiers would have long periods where there was little to no activity so digging was something to keep their minds and bodies busy also while under a threat of imminent attack having a safe place to hide away from the enemy must have been something worth working for a large amount of dirt is a great insulator from ground attacks as well as aerial attacks but of course with this comes risk from grenades or from being surrounded by an enemy or pinned down for long periods of time conversely escaping on foot and ducking into a spider hole would provide concealment for long periods of time these spider holes while constructed simply with basic tools once complete are nearly invisible from the outside to the unsuspecting all right so what we're doing now is we're putting our cribbing in so this guy we've already kind of channeled this piece of 2x4 in and then we have to channel out this section here in order to get it across there so this guy is gonna go up there somehow so we gotta chisel out some more of this here [Music] and this is the easy digging it's the clay layer so that's the plan there dig that out like that go all across try to catch it in my bucket my shovel my shoulders buried [Music] okay so yeah take this thing out [Music] so [Music] [Music] let's put our top piece in we kind of see we're almost there we just gotta get a little bit more out of the top and i think we want to have this relatively snug actually supporting if it's not what i want to do is actually tuck some more dirt under there let's see what we got for height cross member there we go got some gravel underneath the feet there perfect that will hold us up all right now we gotta do that just carry on moving down the tunnel let's go down in the hole okay give you guys a little bit of an update here so we've been digging a couple of hours now we're at the stage of the game where we kind of need some auxiliary lighting it uh you can't can't really tell on camera but if you look really closely you can see that it's getting dark so we got this little hanging light here that's how far we've gone we've gone uh four we've got about two feet two feet in with our cribbing so we're gonna go down further that way another four feet or something like that in order to give us a nice kind of a bed area so we can hang out down here so this is progress you can see daylight up there darkness over here you can kind of see the clay the clay layer and the gravel layer so it's uh it's pretty darn nifty it's actually quite cool the mosquitoes have found their way down here unfortunately but uh they tend to i think they're lazy it's too cold so they kind of need to squish them anyways let's dig dig dig dig dig dig all day long dig dig dig while i sing this song oh well hello welcome to the office i got the camera down here i got her set up on a on a bucket so you guys can join in the uh adventure this is the business end of the uh the tunnel so as you can see we have our four by fours at the top and i've got my hood on because i don't like getting sand in my ear i don't think anybody likes that so the plan is to uh put some more crimping at the top so what what don does what don does is he actually excavates the he under undermines the the gravel part of it and then i come in and actually i chip away at the clay part at the top in order to get our cross members in so i'm going to try to i'm going to try to show you guys putting on a cross member because it's not the easiest thing to do and it's really hard to film because there's not that much room in here when you're working there'll be a lot more room in here when you're just kind of hanging out so the plan is to grab the chisel away at the top if you can get it into the bucket double duty you don't have to pick it up off the ground so there we go all right all right so we're at the point now where we're gonna put some uh some cribbing in so we've got the uh the hole excavated about another 16 inches so we've got some pieces we're going to put in you guys can't see much it's getting really dark because we're further and further away from the entrance so i'll probably just get some better light in here let's put this crib again and then i'll i'll get a better light all right should we give us a nice clear spot and i'm going to take this four by four here which is our crimping for our top kind of get one side in i've got my little sludge hammer there we go that one there we don't even need a cross or the upper right because it's uh it's sitting on the other one we don't have to use because these are actually two by four uh wood actual old school two by four wood so it's uh it's extra thick so we don't have to go as many uprights so anyways that one there is uh is in place so we're friction fitting them and then when it uh to hold them up we're actually making the space shorter and then we jam our side pieces and so there you go that's one more cribbing that's another four inches of cribbing i got some sand in my eye now ah it's all good right okay i'm gonna get you guys out of my road because you're taking up like you know five square feet over there all right more digging can we see what's going on in there holy moly it's dark there so we're taking the face not bad hey never seen anything so graceful that was graceful it was almost like you're on camera yeah yeah i had to make a good impression that's right so how is it down there it's uh dark but the digging's not bad actually it's it's uh getting better i think we're just getting we're getting used to it yeah maybe day four of digging that's crazy all right let's uh let's keep digging i'm going in the hole now again oh there's two more buckets one bucket at a time we're making her further into the horizontal part it's coming it's coming along i'm very pleased with how it's coming it's easy for us who live in modern times to forget what it was like for our veterans fighting to keep us free freedom stability democracy are all things that are historically rare being ruled by dictators and tyrants is sadly very common being free to decide where we want to work to have regular food on the table to be able to move around freely and decide what we want to do with our body is something worth protecting it would be remiss for me to not take the time right now to thank all the brave men and women in our armed forces who continue to keep us safe from the world dictators without them our great nation wouldn't exist in an absence of their bravery we'd be nothing but slaves serving someone else's desires so i would like to take the time to thank everyone who has fought for our democratic nations who today continue to do so democracy is fragile and demands that it will be protected and that all people have a voice so that all people may have the right to freedom of expression religion and bodily autonomy and ultimately protection of the individual we are all born free but freedom is never free and i don't know if you can actually see this if it's wide enough um to actually see what i'm doing here but uh so i'm at the you guys are in the actual unsupported area of the tunnel and i am underneath the supported area the tunnel so the plan is to put the horizontal pieces up and the side cribbing to hold this from collapsing so this is how it's been going the whole time it's kind of like four inches at a time where i kind of chip away the ceiling in order to get us space for the horizontal piece if you guys can actually see that or not and then [Music] what i do i get my horizontal piece here i put it up kind of friction friction fitted in a little bit on this side i stick them on one side stick them on the other side and then hammer them in place in order to kind of give it some support and then you rinse and repeat through the entire process all right update time we're in the hole where they're gone isn't it where you gave us that's a big rock you're gonna put that on your mantel at home that's a big uh that was in the floor that's uh they're not good sleeping quarters so what we're working on now is the uh smoothing out the floor because this is the the bedding area and uh we don't want large rocks there so that's kind of the length of our tunnel has has been completed which is kind of cool as you can see it's not it's not the largest of tunnels but it is my tunnel so what do you think we got two people in here like worst case scenario yeah you could you could have two yeah you could have one guy up the spider hole you know defending the hole and the other guy kind of napping yeah one guy on watch one guy in the hole relaxing yeah so this is uh you can kind of see our cribbing at the top very secure we're in i'm a i'm in about six feet six feet into the uh little hole near the back of it but it is very cozy it's a very cozy hole we use square timbers in order to hide the hole so we laid out loosely the dimensions of the hole using the square timbers and then we tacked on another piece of wood to the side to hold them all together and then we proceeded to cut and access a smaller access hole in the middle of it which we can remove pop on and off in order to gain access to the spider hole we then recess the hatch by digging out some of the dirt in order for the hatch to be level with ground grade level and then we took all our pine needles that we pulled back and we re-spread them around the access hole in order to conceal even further so now what you have left is a very concealed hidey hole so if you if you want to get into it you kind of have to look for it there's no real distinctive markings on where exactly it is so i think it's a success all right guys i'll give you guys a little bit of a tour now can you can you see it can you see it in there can you see it is it over here is it over here i can't tell really can you guys tell well you guys know it's here because you've got watch the entire build process but can we tell where it is like if you looked really closely could you could you tell i don't know i know where it is because i can kind of see the handle but you guys probably can't see it because it's a little it's very concealed so the idea is that it's perfectly concealed so when you're in it and there's an enemy coming by you're not going to be found you're you're you know you're you're hiding in your in your spider hole so have a look so here i'm standing on the hatch i think and i can see that i can see the latch so if i were to want it to get in this thing you basically you find your latch and take a look at this there that is the hidey hole so you just creep on in down there and you're perfectly concealed i think this is a perfect success like this is this is more than i hoped for it's it's like the best hidey hole ever if you were playing hide and seek with somebody in this forest they're never gonna find you you can't can't even tell can't even tell it's there look it done rolling well guys i think this is a good time as any to give this thing a try out it's uh sky's kind of opened up it's uh started to rain a little bit and uh i figured this is probably worst case scenario for this sort of situation where it's raining and you're an underground fort so i brought i brought some items that are sort of authentic military gear sort of i don't know if it's standard issue but this is actually this was sent to my brother uh by a person in the in the military so this is i i don't exactly know the name of this thing but it's a little tiny camping stove so as you can see it's about the size of a deck of cards and uh it's got a couple of rivets on the sides and what happens is you take this thing and you slide it open okay so if you guys can see that very well but and then what it does is it turns into come on i can't it's about as hard for you guys to see this is for me so this little guy slides out and it turns in to a little table so that that there and it comes with fuel source with these of these little pucks and i don't exactly know what the little pucks are uh but there's some sort of fuel source i don't know if you guys wanna leave a comment down there i don't know what the blocks are you can light them with a match and they sit on top of this little guy here and then your can goes on top of here essentially giving you a little cook surface so you can you can cook a can of beans or well anything that you can fit on this little table which is really cool so that that little guy there is is is my cook stove you see that i apologize for the lighting in here it's kind of dim so anyways that's that's the cook surface there i'm gonna put the folder back up just leave that thing over there so i got some other some other goodies so then you got your knife and your fork little guy you fit in your pocket again little tiny stuff so like the creature comforts that uh would be useful in an emergency situation you know just to kind of give you that sense of home so you have your cook surface you have your eating utensils and then where's my other guy oh the the little guy so now i didn't actually open this guy up because it's kind of delicate so this little thing could fit in your other pocket so what it is it is a cup a foldable cup the idea is to get it deployed there so there is a little cup so you can you can fill that with your coffee or your water or whatever and it folds down into a little let's see watch so that guy there can fit inside your pocket so that's pretty cool so there's there's the cup there's some water a coffee cup it works pretty good it's got a little bit of leak i probably didn't do it right i think in a pinch you would be happy to have that cup maybe i gotta twist it or something here we go i think what i had to do was really push the bottom of the cup in order to get it to stop leaking so you can see just to prove to you i got water in it you got to push the bottom of the cup hold the side push the bottom of the cup tight and then it stays water tight there you go so that's a little cup and what it's neat it folds down it folds down and it goes in your pocket that's pretty neat i guess i should i should mention my coffee cup it's got a little carabiner on here so you can clip it onto your jacket and you can have your water or coffee cup just like that so it's just kind of you know if you don't have your foldable cup you can have your clip-on cup so i brought some other fuel sources down here so this is a military-grade military issue as it says on here i can't even pronounce it fuel gel diethylene glycol so this is a fuel pack it uh it's designed to be lit with a match and then it's a fuel source so you got a lot of btu in this pack here so you guys can see that you see that yeah so that there in an emergency situation is good to have a fuel source backup btus for cooking and whatnot so there i got a couple of those and those those would be good for pretty much ever so you could store them down here if you if you wanted to you know bug out here and you had to hide for an extended period of time you can have your cooking source you could you could probably cook right in the hole um you know as long as you kept the lid cracked a little bit it would cycle the air around and allow you to to cook right down in the hole and there's no smoke which is uh would give away your position and then there's worst case scenario you get wounded and you need some first aid we got the six-inch wound dressing hemorrhage bandage it uh it comes vacuum packed so you don't want to open that unless you really need it but it's here it's sterile it allows you to wrap up any wounds or gashes you might have kind of first aid so uh yeah this is made made in israel which is kind of cool what else i got here i got this is emergency fire starter got my flint which is right there and then my my metal my first striking why won't it go light myself on fire oh there it goes see it i prefer matches or a torch but there so that fire starter in there so in a pinch and you need to start a fire that guy is there if you don't have any any matches or anything like that that can start your fire for your cooking and then if you're down here for an extended period of time you got your beans and you know you want to freshen up a little bit i've got the old school straight razor so you can shave down here old school a little bit of a whale bone on that thing so there we go i guess it would be used as a weapon as well packed myself my dinner i got a can of beans because i imagine that's kind of the sort of the rations you'd have you know during wartime i've got a little little primitive cooker i'm gonna cook it on and then i'm gonna crawl into my japanese spider hole and have a little nap i am kind of tired because it was a long day a long day of digging and constructing so i just figured i can't get some food on my belly and go lay down because uh yeah i don't know how long the rain's gonna last hopefully doesn't rain all night and wake up floating or something like that that would be that would be no good so uh yeah it's gonna give this thing a this is what i got this is like my little cooking thing with my little my um my fuel pellets that would be like army issue so that's the thing goes like this and your can goes on top and allows you tiny little fire kind of very um inconspicuous so we're gonna give that a whirl that actually worked pretty slick you see my little my little cooking fire so as you can see it's not drawing much attention at all i got my beans here i'm just gonna heat them up open my can it's better if you leave the lid on because it keeps the heat inside so we just put that on top i'm pretty impressed with that little stove it's actually got little bubbles coming out of that thing that thing i can't even i can't even touch the can it's that hot it's uh it's bubbling i think it's i think it's done i don't want much harder than that because i have to carry it down into my uh bunker so uh i don't know how you put this thing out i think you just let it burn out because uh yeah it's got that little fuel oh she's hot anyways i'm gonna get uh get that sorted crawl into the spider hole and uh turn out the lights for the night just gonna crawl down there set up my bed because uh it's getting dark so i don't know if i can fit down here with my jacket on i feel like i can fit just ever so suck it in there all right there we go look at the bottom got my beans all right see you guys in the hole all right welcome to the inside of the spider hole so i gotta get uh gotta get situated here because it's not exactly the most accommodating place with uh with the camera anyways it's uh it's dry report that that's it's perfectly dry it's actually quite comfortable it's um it's really humid outside so in here it's actually not as humid which is surprising and it's really quiet just because we're kind of underground anyways i'm gonna grab my uh i'm gonna grab my spoon so i can eat my eat my beans they're getting cold i set you guys up oh they're perfect i'd imagine this would be like a welcome meal if you were under attack and you were like you know cozy at home in your little hole safe from enemy having your beans this can is still crazy hot wow these are really good bush is best beans i can't remember the last time i've had a can of beans it's surprisingly cozy although i can hear a couple mosquitoes that came in that's all i can hear as mosquitoes there's no other sounds but the buzz of mosquitoes hope to get those things before i go to bed got to give you a little bit of a tour down here i've got a little lantern off to the side there it's pretty much giving me most of the light and we ended up digging a um kind of like a sinkhole right at the door and it's kind of like a cold trap and what that does is any kind of cold air that comes in from the hatch will sink down into that hole kind of keeping yourself a little bit warmer up up in this level here where we are where we're laying so that's the uh with the cold thing and also it you know in the event there's like a fuzz on you in the event of a grenade say attack and it came in you can throw it inside the hole and it offers somewhat of protection from what i've read anyways i uh i'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination when it comes to this there is um we did punch some air holes into the into the lid itself so there's oxygen that's coming down because that's something you want to be conscious of because uh you are in a relatively enclosed space you don't want to be burning any any sort of well anything you don't really like lighting candles or anything like that if you if you know required to i you'd probably want to use them sparingly but if you had some sort of chemical lighting like a glow stick or even um yeah pretty much that or like battery lamp because they didn't have them back then but yeah for a guy that doesn't like noise this is like the perfect spot once i get rid of those mosquitoes what i was thinking of doing is maybe carving a little shelf on this back wall because uh i want to i want a shelf put a little candle up there i know i know i said no candles but i think what will happen is anything will come up and kind of go out the uh the vent hole so i think i should be okay so if i carve a little shelf in the wall you guys see that little shelf it's kind of hard to see in my matches my matches and my little tea light i can actually see the smoke going up out perfect my little tea light great there we go take a look at that it's already more homey in here my glowy wall it's kind of like a little lantern on the in the wall so as you guys can see i'm in the far end of the horizontal space um this is this back wall is still actually clay so it's got clay and it's got the gravel you can see the gravel layer down there so that's all clay and then you got the uh the candle so my walls are made out of um hemlock squared up henlock timbers so they're very water resistant it's kind of like cedar but it's more durable hemlock they used to build docks so it's uh it's it's really good at being underground so this will last a really long time and the fact that there's you know not a lot of moisture down here that uh that'll make it last a really long time it's also gonna grab a gravel bed so it drains really well that's kind of what my sleeping uh arrangements on so i have a wool blanket underneath which is sitting on gravel so there's not a lot of moisture coming up from the ground if it was on clay there'd be another story you kind of be wicking up the uh the moisture from the ground hopefully get some rest once i kill all the mosquitoes yeah i will see you guys in the morning oh i was a terrible sleep um i ended up i ended up kind of putting my jacket back on and my ring my raincoat and actually sticking my head underneath there uh because i don't know the mosquitoes just keep coming in it's crazy and and they're just incessantly buzzing i had a terrible terrible sleep so and now i've got to get out of this hole and well i don't know if i can ah if you're watching this video i got out of the hole i you can like is it it's day it's just daybreak just barely daybreak i don't know what time it is probably like five in the morning or something what time's the sun come up i don't even know i gotta stop yawning anyways um i'm gonna wrap this guy up i hope you guys enjoyed this one and uh join me on the next one
Channel: Modern Self Reliance
Views: 4,291,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: building, tools, hand tools, small house, construction, sawing, cutting wood, tiny cabin, self reliance, small home, axe, saw, fox hole, military, spider hole, army, build, army hole, spider hole military, spider hole meaning, spider hole in ground, war, war strategy, WW2, WW1, world war, russian war, ukraine war
Id: 9jquQ44_Ir4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 42sec (2862 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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