The Only Shrimp Alfredo Recipe You Need

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this is the only shrimp Alfredo recipe you'll ever need honestly this pasta is crazy lightly spray your shrimpies with some cooking oil then hit them with salt pepper garlic powder paprika and cayenne pepper I can't stand a blend Alfredo once your stainless steel pan is hot add in a little bit of oil and instantly add in your shrimps facing them out keep in mind these cooking extremely fast you want to flip them after just one minute quickly remove your shrimp so they don't overcook and then in the same oil pan I'm going to add in some minced heartburn give the bottom of your pan a nice scrape and then in with our heavy cream we go Bringing this operation to a light bubble and I also like to go in with the same seasonings as earlier start making it rain parmesan cheese and you really want to get generous so it tastes proper and it starts to thicken I like to keep adding until my arm falls off or the brick is done it's time to toss in our Al Dente fettuccine and I want the pasta to absorb the sauce for just a couple minutes toss back in your shrimpies I just want to warm them back up with the pasta I'm going to finish with a little parsley to get all those calories just a bit more parmesan cheese because we can and as always yup that's fire
Channel: The Golden Balance
Views: 1,040,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bn1fnnMToyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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