Fettuccine Shrimp Alfredo

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hello everybody today you will make a fettuccine shrimp alfredo for the ingredient we got fettuccine parsley butter shrimp the shrimp left the tail with a shell i got grana padana cheese i got a garlic f and a half a cream wine this is a stock for the fish the mega the fish stock we use the shrimp shell and we use onion celery it cuts and you leave a boil for one hour hour and a half okay now we start with the shrimp we put a gas under for the pots and we use oil okay we start with the garlic and we put this right over here no oil look at that i want to make a beautiful color of the garlic now the shrimp apple already salt a black pepper now we put the shrimp other pots over here and i want to make a nice beautiful color both the side we cook on one side and when it's done on one side we turn on the other side okay i'll load the gas a little bit and we start to turn on the other side of the shrink you see the shrimp already got a beautiful color and make sure the shrimp when you cook make sure to not cook too much okay after this it come to top dry you see nice color or not and we turn each one on the other side okay now we put the butter and this we gotta make a sugar melt really good the butter all the way around it the smell is so good really really good the way that when i pulled the wine i see now you little melted the butter got this he cooked on the other side a little bit and now we use the wine a little bit over here but you gotta go over here all right now we live evaporate all the wine look at this and not beautiful and now when i put the wine it smells much much better look how beautiful look now this shrimp swim in the wine but the shrimp be like a swim in the ocean but now a little sweet then my wife okay now we load the gas and let's take the shrimp out now i have to ride on this dish over here okay now we cook the fettuccine this she cook 12 for the 13 minute and we put it inside of the pots and i put salt already we give a nice turn the ghana one and the fettuccine stick it together okay you need to cook the fettuccine especially for to change in a lot of water by any kind of the pasta you need the eggs to reward all the time now the fettuccine gotta cook like i said 12 to 13 minutes we started now with the f cream a return a week to purina the fish stock in the fish stock i use f we need we put more x on this one okay we live right over here and now we gotta use little salt not too much because the pasta is salty already the shrimp salt but we need the salt for the eff and a half and we pull black pepper okay and now we give a nice turn everything like this okay now the pasta is almost done and now we put the shrimp back got one of the shrimp that give a good taste with the alfredo sauce we raised the flame a little bit they got one this is the boiler together got the petuchin still you gotta stay like one more minute okay now we push the parts right over here we turn the gas off of the fettuccine and let's take the past out okay now we've put it back in the same place we raised the flame a little bit and now this you gotta cook a little bit more together the everything like this it give a really good taste it got come a nice creamy okay now everybody see this look a nice if we put the cheese oh look at this we put a cheese all over the place now we give a nice turn okay look at this are beautiful now now we got a little bit more fish stock if we use cut this fish stock it gives a much much good taste it will ever stay a little bit more but look a nice cream in there okay everything is ready and let's blink on a table it look a beautiful look at this nice okay now i wanna taste and let's do like that okay now i wanna test the fettuccine shrimp alfredo okay let's put a little bit more cheese on the top a little parsley give a little green let's taste [Music] in the shrimp like i said you got the tail of the shell what do you do you squeeze the shell eh it's delicious with a nice glass white wine and nice cold for the refrigerator it's really good but look how beautiful look at this dish look at that salud we see next recipe ginger salud oh so good time
Channel: OrsaraRecipes
Views: 183,589
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Keywords: Fettuccine Shrimp Alfredo, shrimp alfredo, alfredo, shrimp alfredo recipe, fettuccine shrimp alfredo recipe, orsararecipes, pasquale sciarappa, fettuccine alfredo, shrimp fettuccine alfredo, shrimp fettuccine alfredo recipe
Id: aKFk9SL2IU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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