The ONLY Shinobi Hashirama FEARED

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this video is sponsored by tokyo treat there's a lot of characters throughout the duration of naruto's history who are insanely powerful fortunately for a lot of these characters we have a really good image of how powerful they are because we have feats and data books in a lot of other entries but honestly sometimes it feels like we have as many characters whose power we know as characters whose power we don't the first two generation of kage sokomo hot decay a lot of others but there really is one character who rises above the rest in terms of intrigue and lack of data and you could say well nick that's because the character we're talking about today is a side character's side character when you paint the picture of an incredibly powerful person and then don't tell us why or show us how they are so powerful wealth people are gonna try and fill in the blanks and filling in blanks is kind of my job so without further ado let's get into you know nothing about ashina who's a maki before we get to knowing quite literally anything about this character guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page hit that noti bell and if you're feeling very generous to the fact that nick has to flex some of his interpretive and creative skills in this video guys please follow my other two youtube pages and see gamer 23 where instead of talking anime i play video games and hammer's collection where instead of talking anime i open and unbox anime statues fun fact the first 1 000 people to follow hammer's collections will be entered into a giveaway to receive naruto collectibles before we get into all that guys we gotta talk about our favorite returning sponsor tokyo treat and soccer eco let's start where we usually start and talk about tokyo tree tokyo trade is a monthly japanese snack box that gives you access to japanese exclusive snacks with this box you can take a look into modern japanese snacking and each month the box comes with a theme this month's theme is summer matsuri and this 24 page pamphlet is actually very important because not only is it going to tell you what summer matsuri is about it also tells you the contents allergens and flavor profiles of every single snack in this box so let's say you picked this up and you don't know what it is you don't read japanese all you have to do is refer to your pamphlet and from the pamphlet we figure out that these are full moon pond salted crackers so let's give them a try hmm an incredible crunch salt and butter profile let's say you're looking for something a bit more traditional sakura co is a monthly subscription snack box just like tokyo treat but it's filled with artisanal and traditional japanese snacks the majority of which are handmade by local artisans and just like with tokyo treat each month has a theme and this month's theme is tea time in yokohama and just like with tokyo tree we run into the same problem where i don't know what this is but the pamphlet tells us this is a yokohama chocolate crunchy let's give it a go the sweetness of the chocolate is perfectly paired with the light crunch but the sakura coke box actually comes with more than just snacks every single month they send you a new piece of tableware this month they sent this adorable sauceplate so what are you guys waiting for use code nc hammer at checkout for five dollars off your first order at either sakurako or tokyo treat don't just go type in sakurako or tokyo treat guys use the links in my pinned comment in my description below let's get to snacking uzumaki's the truest enigmatic question mark in the entirety of naruto's history a clan with tight ties to the senju who existed during the warring states period and even had their own village a clan with foo and jutsu aka ceiling jutsu so powerful that they were feared by all of the ninja villages combined so feared that in fact that four of the five major ninja villages teamed up together to kill them but if they were that powerful maybe as powerful or even more powerful than the senju who was the kind of person who led them you see because we know that the leader of a clan is going to be the most powerful person it was matara it was hashirama especially in this era where war was basically all the clans did see while you could argue that nowadays while kakashi or tsunade was hokage they were not the strongest person in the village and you'd probably be right that's because the times have changed kakashi and tsunadi were more needed for their minds or their diplomatic abilities or their healing ability in tsunare but in the warring states period and the early days of the ninja villages the clan leader or the village leader had to be the most powerful person out there in a warring society the only currency that matters is your ability to draw the blood of your opponents was ashana uzumaki the strongest uzumaki in the uzumaki clan probably which means a lot see you can scale the uzumaki in the senju somewhat similarly based on what we've heard we know for a fact that the uzumaki and the senju are closely related and therefore both the uzumaki and the senju share a couple of characteristics like incredible life force and extended life range at life range i mean like life expectancy because your average full-blooded uzumaki would leave almost double that of a standard person we know this because mito uzumaki didn't die until hirozin was deep into his okay run and technically mito died young for an uzumaki because she had to have karama pulled out of her to be put kushner a life expectancy of 150ish years is not insane for nusamaki on top of that their life force itself was so overflowing in their chakra reserves were so enormous that simply sharing their chakra with a human being would heal them and refill all of that person's chakra you know karine's ability you know the one that sasuke spams every time he gets in trouble essentially by biting into karine's skin he's accessing her chakra and chakra very easily can be driven to increase the mitotic regeneration of your cells assuming you have enough of it you see because this is what tsunade does with her strength of a hundred seal tsunade is constantly diverting chakra away from her strength of 100 seal to increase the mitotic regeneration in her cells and therefore keep herself young well it's that in a mixture of transformation jutsu regardless it's not crazy to assume that there's no way that karine was the only person with this ability because after all karine is just sharing what uzumaki life force feels like to other regular people because the uzumaki's just like the senju had an inherent healing factor i mean to put uzumaki chakra levels into perspective after tsunadi had depleted all of the chakra in her strength of a hundred seal during the war she bit karine by biting karine she was able to refill in entirety or strength of 100 seal obviously this made karine pass out but the fact that it didn't kill karine immediately is insane and i'll tell you why the strength of 100 seal took sakura three years to fill every day sakura had to divert whatever chakra she had left at the end of the day into a pool of chakra this pool of chakra is kept in the skull and this pool of chakra is so immense that it a not only increases your speed and strength a ridiculous amount but b also allows you to heal yourself from death a hundred times sakura and her light novel sakura heated actually has her arm blown off by a tail beast bomb and just shoots out a new one like perfect sound and she could do that or feet larger than that a hundred times kahrin was able to fill that entire bank in tsunade who was more practiced in strength of a hundred seal than sakura at the moment in one go not to mention that karine also had an ability called mind's eye of the kagura you see mine's eye of the kagura allows somebody essentially when they're closing their eyes to open their third eye in their brain not like kakia or momoshiki's third eye like a more spiritual third eye but this third eye acts like a biaku gone actually it is a biaku god but better because karine is able to hone in on a chakra signature a specific chakra signature from 25 kilometers away in fact she can see if that shocker signature is lying is molding ninjutu is sitting standing walking running all of it from two dozen kilometers away but unlike the biakugan the mind's eye of the kagura can actually look upon its user if you close your eyes and open your third eye you can see your own chakra signature and you can see if it's been disrupted thus telling you if you've been put under genjutsu and then you can just break yourself out of genjutsu and what's wild is i haven't even got to their fu and jutsu but let's quickly recap what we covered thus far the uzumaki's have an amount of chakra on them at any given point that is comparable to the amount of chakra kept in a strength of 100 seal they are able to see through walls up to 25 kilometers away and that's just how far away karim's target was we don't know if it goes beyond that and they are technically immune to genjutsu now we get to talk about their fu in jutsu obviously the one that everybody talks about is adam anti chains we'll talk about that in a second but there is a theory amongst naruto nerds like myself about the uzumaki's in the reaper death seal death reaper seal i have a tattoo of it i still don't remember the order of the words you see the death raper seal was created by the uzumaki's believe it or not kushina was more likely than not the person who taught minoto how to use it but the question always comes up how do you figure out the death reaper seal the second you weave the science you're dead how do you teach that to anybody else and it's a good question it's the same thing with the eighth gate how do we figure out the eighth gate if you die when you use it and also why did my guy have moves named in the eighth gate like he had used it before we have to remember who created the death reaper seal it was the uzumakis who have an abnormally and i mean significantly abnormally high life force and regenerative ability so this theory states that maybe the uzumaki's with their abnormally high life force and regenerative ability could use the death reaper seal without dying not a bunch of times maybe once or twice and therefore they were able to pass it along throughout the generations but if you use the death reaper seal it significantly shortens your life expectancy to that maybe of a normal human and there's a couple of points to corroborate this point one there's the uzumaki temple that was built in konoha you know the place that orochimaru took sasuke in all of them so he could throw on a mask that brought the shinigami this was a temple created by the uzumaki's in konoha and it was filled with shinigami masks now these shinigami masks once don basically possess you with a shinigami meaning that while you're wearing this mask any movement that you do the shinigami will also do because of this arochimaru was able to cut his stomach open making the shinigami cut his stomach open and everybody that was already in the shinigami stomach poured out now it's stated that arochimaru should have died here but not because he invoked the shinigami no because he cut his stomach open so donning the shinigami mask and invoking the shinigami won't kill you so what does that mean for us well it means that the uzumakis were able to make a one-way contract with the god of death that doesn't kill them it also points towards them being able to use the death reaper seal and not die you see why make the shinigami mask so you can use death reaper seal release and cut open the shinigami stomach yeah cutting open your own stomach is still gonna kill you at least it would to the average person now if you have an insane healing factor in an insane amount of chakra then you actually might survive it but why would the uzumaki need to release souls from the shinigami stomach and why would they need 22 masks to achieve this goal what if they made these masks and a lot of them so after they use the death reaper seal they can get back the part of their soul that they lost stealing the other person because for those of you who haven't seen my death reaper explained video it's right here it works pretty funnily the jutsu that is essentially let's say that my chakra points my max chakra is 50. your max chakra is 70 but i use rebreath seal on you i will only be able to pull out as much soul from you as i have chakra of yours essentially i would be able to pull 50 out of your 70 soul out of you leaving you with 20 soul now usually this isn't an issue because as long as you get the torso and the head out of that person's body they're gonna die if we remember correctly rochimar's arms were rendered useless when his arms were cut off his soul so if the same applies to your head and your body well then you're just either gonna be a vegetable or you're gonna be dead but what if we think about it the other way around what if i have 200 chakra and you have 50 who's to say i would have to use the entirety of my soul to pull yours into the shinigami because think about it for a second the only times we've ever seen the death reaper seal use were by people fighting people with more chakra than them hirozin didn't have enough chakra to pull olive orochimaru's soul out of him he could only get the arms and minotaur was only able to pull out half of karama with his soul so we technically have no points in the show where we've seen somebody with more chakra than the person they're fighting use death reaper seal and this makes sense i guess because death reaper seal is a hail mary you would only ever really use it against somebody you were outmatched with but there is a lot of other situations where it could be applicable so these uzumaki's use death reaper seal on these other people which shortens their lifespan and it lessens their life force but the uzumakis didn't want this so they made the shinigami masks and by donning the shinigami masks they could bring that same shinigami who was holding part of their soul in its stomach back to their plane of reality cut its stomach open and release their soul back into them worst case scenario this kills them but their soul in its entirety gets to go to the pure lands best case scenario they're a hundred percent themself and they're able to heal from that wound and they get all their life force and life expectancy back when you take all of these points into effect it looks like the uzumaki's should be able to do this it's really the only rational explanation for the things that we have in the show but what's insane is that's not even the uzumaki's strongest ability their strongest ability would be the one we talked about before this adamantite chains for those of you who don't know adamantite is a bit like the vibranium of the marvel universe it's the strongest material in the naruto universe now adamantite's literal definition means unbreakable adamantite is kind of a general generic catch-all word for an incredibly hard material like diamonds and adamantite chains live up to that name you see atom anti-chains were specific to full-blooded uzumakis this is why we've never seen naruto use them but we have seen kushina and karine use them see adam anti-chains are chains that shoot out of an uzumaki's body usually from their torso and these chains will wrap around and restrain opponents sometimes tail beasts sometimes people but the thing is these chains were inspired once again by a little thing from hunter hunter you know karapika's chain jail and how cropica's chained jail forces those who are in it into zetsu zetsu meaning they can no longer use their net well adam anti chains work exactly the same if you get wrapped up in adamantite chains they nullify and even completely erase your ability to use chakra this is so effective in combination with the fact that the chains themselves are incredibly durable that they're able to bind the nine tails which mind you is stronger than all the other tail beasts combined but here's the thing those chains technically don't even have to be wrapped around karama to keep him in one place kushina by the way after karama was pulled out of her was able to make a barrier out of these adamantite chains that not only prevented krama from getting out but also prevented heroes in from getting in mind you hirozin is no slouch that's what's truly wild and one of the things we truly need to focus on while talking about the uzumaki's and specifically ashina uzumaki kushina was able to hold down and keep karama the strongest tale beast in existence under wraps after having karama ripped out of her we are talking about at most 10 to 20 strength kushner here which means that because ashna is almost definitely stronger than kushina that he is at least five to ten times stronger than the kushino we saw in the fight against karama in five to ten times would simply just mean he's as strong as kushina so now that i've set the groundwork for just what the uzumaki clan was capable of let's talk about ashin uzumaki himself oshina has white hair which might seem like a minor detail to you but is actually very important you see mito uzumaki the person that hashirama marries that lives until the reign of in yeah when she transfers krama onto kushina she is damn near a hundred years old and after she transfers karama she actually lives for 10 to 15 more years ashana uzumaki is the only uzumaki we've seen without red hair why is that well probably just because he got old and his hair went white but the thing is that mito uzumaki when we see her talking with kushner when she's almost 100 maybe older than 100 still has red hair which means that she hadn't even started to gray yet which would imply that ashim uzumaki is significantly older than mito was in that moment probably into his mid 100s and what's wild is the only time we ever see ashan uzumaki which is in episode 247 of naruto shippuden pashuram and the senju are looking to the uzumaki with help sealing a beast an incredibly powerful beast that hashirama himself couldn't deal with remember hashirama is the man who caught every single tailed beast he beat karama when madra was on his back the fact that hashirama in the senju would need help with this beast kinda puts into scale how powerful this beast might be obviously it wasn't a tailed beast so hashrama's wood release wouldn't suppress its chakra like it does with tail beasts but still scale after a short fight with the beast ensued and the beast was weakened a little bit oshina almost effortlessly weaved the hand sign for a funjutsu and sealed it away like that this beast nobody else including hashirama was able to seal ashinat in his mid-100s was able to seal with little to no effort and this makes sense because ashina uzumaki is actually considered konoha's forefather of fu and jutsu meaning that all konoha specific foo and jutsu came from him by the way i did some math and i'd be highballing on the age of the uzumaki's by like 20 to 30 years nobody knows exactly how old ashan uzumaki was but people hypothesized that mito uzumaki died between 72 and like 90 years old once again she had karama ripped out of her which would have significantly shortened her lifespan regardless they get older than average people get out of my face with all that math regardless of the age that ashton uzumaki was going to stop breathing at he was insanely powerful he more likely than not had strength of a hundred seal level chakra an inherent ridiculous healing factor an extended life expectancy and was the best user of fu and jutsu on earth not only could he use adam anti-chains better than kushner he also most likely had access to the mind's eye kagura and there's a possibility he could use a jutsu that spawns an invisible god of death behind you that once it grabs you it paralyzes you stops you from being able to use any jutsu and then rips your soul out of you to fight in a god of death stomach for eternity and more likely than not he wouldn't die from using it honestly the best thing we can use to corroborate his power is what happened in regards to the uzumaki clan the uzumaki were a relatively small clan not so small that they couldn't form their own village which they did the village hidden in the whirlpools but they were in lockstep with the senju the entirety of the warring states period which is 2 000 years and yet after 2 000 years of fighting side by side with the senju senju still wanted them gone listen what i'm about to say is another theory but it's a theory that i've made an entire video about and a theory that makes a lot of sense you see the senju and i guess maybe even the uchiha and maybe the entirety of konoha were afraid of the uzumaki see those maki would be able to monopolize tail beasts one heavily injured uzumaki is able to hold down the strongest tailed beast they could just make ninjin cherokee in an afternoon and this is why the four major ninja villages outside of konoha wiped the uzumaki's off the map but if konoha and specifically the sen jews were allies with uzumaki's why didn't they help you don't honestly think that the uzumaki's wouldn't be able to hold out long enough for either konoha or the senju to get there because the village hidden in the whirlpools was on the coast of the land of fire it's not far from konoha remember kushino was able to make a barrier with adamantite chains that was able to keep both the nine tails in and the third hokage out now you have an entire clan people who should absolutely have that level of power you're telling me you can't hold out until hashirama gets here hashirama didn't want to get there see hashiram and konoha knew that if the uzumaki were gone they would have the only person left who could seal all of these tail beasts in hashiram and therefore didn't go to the aid of the uzumaki wiping what is the only threat to the senju and konoha off the map permanently and this is because ashino was stronger than hashirama you see adamantite chains work pretty similarly to wood release when we're talking about sealing things but wood release only suppresses the chakra of tail beast adamantite chains worked on heroes hashirama went to ashina for help sealing a beast hashirama married into the uzumaki's to garner good faith hashirama put the whirlpool symbol on every flak jacket in konoha to make sure the uzumaki's knew they were welcomed here while we may not know a lot about ashna usamaki's life or his powers we can make inferences inferences that state arguably the third strongest person in the history of naruto knew somebody near was stronger than him and that unfortunately is really all we can infer about ashina beats wise he'd more likely than not be able to seal the ten tales and that is a terrifying level of power what do you guys think is there any other characters who piqued as much interest as ashana uzumaki that we never got full explanations for tell me in the comments below and while you're down there please like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell listen if i've said it once i've said it a thousand times give us an edo samurai styled prequel story to naruto about hashirama matara and ashna uzumaki in the warring states period and give you a billion dollars kishimoto [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 456,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, ashina, hashirama, uzumaki, madara, tailed beast, kushina, mito, karin, adamantite chains, reaper death seal, death reaper seal
Id: KtCn5UbuNdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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