The Only FC 24 DEFENDING Tutorial You Need!

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this is the only defending tutorial you need yes guys I actually mean it first up we have to talk about Advanced defending Advanced defending is a new feature this year which allows us to perform a shoulder Tackle by pressing the x button right so if you press X your player will perform a shoulder tackle like this and it is ridiculously overpowered as you guys can see Holland is through on goal right and there is no way we can stop him from scoring but in FC 24 If your player has Bruiser and anticipate play Styles it is going to be even better look what BVD does he simply pushes Holland off the ball and he eats Alvarez like he isn't even there so if you want to stop one-on-one situations and make last ditch tackles guys then the advanced defending feature should be on and it is absolutely gamechanging yes this is going viral but what if I told you spamming this x button will not make you a better Defender and yes I I mean it let me show you why still to this date in eafc the most important defending mechanic regardless if you are on Advanced or technical is the jockey button I know this tutorial has been helpful so click that like button now what happens when you are not using the jockey button look if I am just sprinting like I am it is very easy for the opponent to beat me because I am not able to mirror his movements right it is very easy for him to burst past me but now if I were to use the jockey button I would have more control over my player look it's a two versus one situation and what am I doing I am using both L2 and R2 I able to cut the passing Lane while also making sure that I apply some pressure on the ball carrier now I can keep my shape and also move quicker my player will adapt this defensive style and he will be in motion to get the ball back so using the jockey button is very important the jocking you can see on your screen right now is called Running jockey and there are two more types of jockey buttons that you need to learn we use running jockey when we want to cut passing lanes and apply quick pressure on the opponent and mirror his movements quickly speed jockey is best used to intercept the ball as well however you cannot use it all the time just like with Advanced defending x button you cannot use it all the time you have to have situational awareness right look at this in-game example we want to intercept the ball and what are we going to do we are going to select our player and use the running jockey button to come in front of this player it is best used for intercepting the ball like I said now you might be wondering what should I do in one-on-one situations this is exactly what you need to do you need to master the gas and brake technique what is the gas and brake technique simply put the R2 button is the accelerator and the L2 button is the break right so we have to combine both of these buttons I want to accelerate at the highest possible speed which button am I going to use am I going to press X from right here no I'm not going to do that what I am going to do instead is hold the R2 button and Sprint towards this space so I can cover it it is called the gas and brake jockey technique right once I am close I will use the third technique which is the manual jockey or the break technique and that is just holding the L2 button which we will talk about more later on and see we will get the ball back easily once again you can see this is what happens when you press the shoulder tackle button which is the x button it is great it is overpowered of course but you have to use the other defensive mechanics and you cannot forget the basics Basics are the key people who tell you that abuse one thing and you're going to become a master Defender are setting up false expectations because FC is a game of fundamentals that brings me to fundamental number two which is next player switching you want to set it to closest to ball why do you want to set it to to closest to ball because it is the most consistent way of switching look you have to combine r stick switching with L1 switching so as you can see I am using right stick switching in combination with L1 switching my goal here is to keep a straight back line while also applying pressure to the opponent right so what am I actually doing I am combining both L1 switching with right stick switching and if I click L1 he will always switch to the closest player possible and now I know okay it is consistent whenever I press L1 it will switch to the closest player possible and it will give me more control over my team I know many people have this confusion which setting they should use use closest to player and improve your right stick switching let's talk about game play examples guys and I want you to watch each and every one of them so you don't miss out on the little details here we will talk all about fundamentals to help you become the best possible Defender that you can be right look at this example guys most people think that defending is only about defending Inside the Box no that is not the case defending starts from the moment you lose the ball in the opponent's half right and that is why you need to start focusing on it that way your goal should be to not let the opponent come inside the box as easily and how can you achieve that simply put focus on this example right we are using the gas button which is R2 and we are cutting passing lens we are applying pressure and our goal is to trap the opponent into making a mistake our back line is straight there are two to three rules of defending the first rule of Defending is to always keep a straight back line because we have a straight backline we are able to maintain shape we pull our player out of position it's no problem we still have control over our switching that is why we switch to this guy and cover venicius Junior's run because that is the most dangerous run that is happening right now which brings me to rule number two always Mark the dangerous runs yes you have to improve your switching for that but it will come with time so focus on L1 switching in combination with right stick switching right see and we are able to win the ball back because we used anticipation now look you might say King Sunny you just told us not to pull players out of position but what is this your Center back is completely out of position and yes that is true but see I switch to lazari who is my right pack and I am running back so my opponent will think he pulled his player out of position I can make the through Ball but when he does make the through ball I get the ball back from him the remember what I said defending starts the moment you lose the ball and what am I actually doing I'm trying to get the ball back from the opponent we are using partial team press that is double tap R1 and two of our players are applying pressure Lea and this female PSG player is applying pressure and we are directly applying pressure with barel so what are we actually going to do we are going to end up winning the ball back because we trapped him and that is also going to give us an attacking opportunity look in this situation we pull our player out of position and now what most people are going to do they are going to take this Varan and pull him out of position but we know we cannot give him easy space so what are we going to do we are going to jockey back with Varan and we are using second man pressure with the R1 button so this girl he she applies pressure on Molina while we jockey back with waran the moment she starts to do that we are in shape now look again it's all about keeping your shape and not letting the opponent have a lot of space brings me back to gas and break technique you have to know all those jockey tricks and in combination with the shoulder charge your defense will go to the next level but if you don't Master the fundamentals you will only go so far you will keep spamming the x button and you will just look like a silly Noob without being able to defend at all look guys we once again switched to kund and we won the ball back manually once again the opponent is on the the Counterattack first rule of Defending that is a straight back line so you need to focus on all these three fundamentals otherwise your defense will not go to the next level by just spamming the x button right so what happens when the opponent comes inside our box we are going to use manual jockey like I said that is only the L2 button if I were to do running jockey there is a big chance a good opponent will beat me with control Sprint or left ticket dribbling although this opponent is also good it's a draft final so just hold your your ground right we hold our ground and we get the ball back this is all you need to do now if you really want to know if you learned anything from this video then answer this question see what should I do my fullback is out of position and I am left with two center backs and there are three players attacking me what is your answer I will tell you what your answer should be do not overcommit with aangi and with kund run back cover the cross so when Yer will not be able to hit a w or a header and we do exactly that we cover all the possible threats and we get the ball back now if you want to learn the most overpowered attacking move on fc24 then click here
Channel: KingSunny
Views: 45,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meta, Pro tips, Pro Tricks, FC 24, The Only FC 24 Defending Tutorial You Need! Ft ADVANCED DEFENDING, DEFENDING, TUTORIAL, ADVANCED, PRO TIPS, TRICKS
Id: H2TfJ8hTf6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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