The ONLY Fade Guide You Will EVER NEED! - Valorant Agent Guide

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i love fade her character design abilities overall theme it's all great riot really knocked it out of the park with her newest agent am i playing with some of her abilities and seeing them in an action i think she's going to be meta fade is similar to k went away but with this spooky ghost girl you can't blind your teammates and she seems easier to use she's self-sufficient with her abilities and can make her own plays but she can also set her teammates up for success and flexible agents usually find their way into the meta so this week i figured why not let's dive into what makes fade a meta-defining agent let's start with her c ability and i think her strongest ability for prowler her prowler works similarly to skye's ultimate and like the twin hunter's ability in spike rush when firing off a prowler it'll move in a straight line but you can guide it like you would a sky flash or a jet smoke as long as you're holding it on left click when it reaches an enemy it will lock onto them and paranoid them on impact this is essentially a raised roombot or a great value soba drone that she can basically follow up off of ideally your teammates would be in a better position to follow it up but like i said she's self-sufficient being able to follow up her own prowlers here's a clip of senseik abusing her abilities again look at how high he's throwing that haunt and then notice how he uses the prowler to night himself an easy kill he didn't even need his teammates at all to get the frag trawlers can be shot but as you can see are hard to deal with when you have an entire team trying to rush your bomb site now her signature ability her haunt which you just saw also works similarly to the sovis recon dart as when you throw it they blow as they would if they got tagged by sova's dart not only that but the haunt marks you making you leave a trail wherever you run the trail lasts for 12 seconds and the cool thing about it is that if you deploy your prowler it'll follow the trail so you don't even have to control it all you have to do is run to wherever it's going and shoot the guy so yes it only tags you if you're in line of sight of the eye and yes it's just like sofa's dart it can be broken but the thing with her haunt is that you can throw this thing pretty high up in the air and it scans anything underneath it sometimes it's harder to shoot than soba's drone take a look at another clip from sen-six stream look at how high he throws this thing before the enemy can even react like you have to react to it so fast you have to shoot it get out before it marks you like but this ability is really strong there are so many walls that i'm thinking about in my head that you might be able to throw it over and really screw up people's cross replacement let's say you're pushing a and ascent lap or haunt over the wall and the enemies have to flick up so far before they can even shoot you guys like it's an even better arena flash that gives you wall hacks it's nuts and is a fun fact and kind of like a warning to your players out there fades abilities unfortunately aren't affected by yours decoy meaning that if you're playing guru and you're facing a fade your abilities are useless this could be a bug but we'll just have to wait and see so just be careful in case you guys want more tips and tricks like these we already have a fade course in the works up on the website it'll go over clips from in-game and breaking her abilities down and how you can get more value out of them the course will go through each map and have three radiant sort of commentaries done for it showing off how a radiant player uses her abilities in a variety of ranks so if you plan on maining fade go over to and get a head start on other fade mains today so her q ability is her c's is it like i don't know it's like a grenade molly suck kinda i don't know what to call it but it does look pretty cool it has similar trajectory to phoenix's hot hand's ability but the cool thing about her sees is that if you press q again while it's in mid air it'll drop to the floor immediately where it's at now this isn't exactly a molly but instead if you're caught in its radius it'll immediately apply 75 decay damage it'll also tether you to the center of it making it really impossible to escape sort of like my last relationship but my favorite thing about this ability is how well it can combo with other agents for example just like with astro stars and how well they combo with kiljar's utility so will fades her c's could also work really well in combination with other initiators utilities such as i don't know breech ultimate or maybe even raise his paint shells or neon's relay bolts and slide ability fade's abilities work really well combo together with your own kit too but you'll squeeze even more value out of her if you start pairing her with other agents just like any other initiator now last and certainly not least let's talk about fade's ultimate her nightfall this ability in of itself just looks really cool but it does a lot as well for anyone caught in fades nightfall they immediately take 75 decay damage like her sees they're trailed and they're deafened meaning their radar goes out the size of her ultimate is similar in size to breech's ultimate and like his it's great for retake attack and overall just really solid information i think the fact that the enemy has trails coming from them makes executes whether on retaker attack much easier you can basically pre-fire opponents know where to put your other utility like your flashes and whatnot and they're basically one shot as well overall it could be better than breech's ultimate pete i think you're downplaying how crazy this agent can be yeah what's up guys it's king here guys take a look at this round from shroud you'll notice he pops his ultimate and then literally two seconds later he knows all enemies are aiming because the trails he gets on the ground lead straight there they don't go towards sight not to mention he could send his prowlers immediately to run at them at mach 10. and don't even get me started on this recon kill this round is so fast but it's absolutely crazy the way that shroud just dismantled this entire team here let me show you another example of how crazy this ultimate is i'm not even playing fade in this clip but i want you to notice how much her ultimate actually helps me immediately when i'm entering sight not only do i have a very accurate guess of where each enemy is but all of them are silenced so this guy didn't even hear me full sprinting onto sight behind her and killing her teammate this clutch looks flashy but to be entirely honest my fade made it really easy for me normally the hardest part of this retake is figuring out where the enemies are but if i told you exactly where the enemies were and silence them so it's hard to play off of each other well you're going to start seeing a lot more clips like this let's look at one more round from tarik one huge thing i want to say about fade is that all of her abilities provide info in some sort of way her prowlers chase people down her eyes scans people and even her tether will just deactivate if it doesn't hit anyone so if it does stick around you know that somebody's there look at this clutch where tarik uses his remaining abilities to scan hookah and then drone spawn afterwards remember when i said the hardest part of these clutches is finding the player after he locates the last guy he literally just deafens his audio and runs straight through elbow full sprint because he just can there are so many cool plays that you can make once you dampen the enemy's audio overall fade's kit is incredible and on maps especially like bind split and ascent she is absolutely going to be meta you'll probably want to favor other agents on maps like icebox and breeze but even then she could probably work paired with another initiator anyway that's all we got for you today remember as we mentioned at the beginning of the video we just finished putting together an extensive feed course over on the website that will break down all things fade we cover abilities and their appropriate uses how to play fade on every map for standard buys and much more all this is backed by our rank improvement guarantee so if you don't improve while using our service it's literally no risk we do that because our service works and if it doesn't work then you shouldn't pay so what are you waiting for head on over to and get started on your journey today as always my name is king and we are at schoolcap want to thank you all for watching we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides
Views: 239,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Guide, Valorant Tips and Tricks, Valorant tips, Skillcapped valorant, Valorant Skillcapped, Skillcapped, Skill Capped, Gameleap Valorant, Pro Guides Valorant, Proguides, Proguides Valorant, Valorant Ascended, Dragonmar, Sero, Fade, Valorant Fade, Valorant Fade Guide, Fade Guide, Fade tips and tricks, fade gameplay, fade valorant, new agent, valorant new agent, valorant tips and tricks
Id: xfjYGbPIsnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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