The Only Break and Retest Trading Strategy You Will Ever Need... (Beginner to Advanced in One Video)

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break and re-test trading is simply a great way to capture the next big move in a trending market or to catch a huge move out of price after a period of consolidation when that market breaks into trend break and re-test patterns help us to confirm that the market is going to continue in that initial direction and gives us a better entry than we could have gotten by trading that initial breakout itself personally i have three major break and retest patterns that i use that i'm going to teach you today we're going to talk about how to spot these patterns then we're going to talk about how to enter these patterns once we have them spotted and of course we'll talk about risk management how to set stops and targets on these three types of break and re-test patterns my main mission for this video is to make sure you know everything you need to know about break and re-test trading by the end of it so that sounds good that needs to do a couple of things for me for one if you're new here and you're not subscribed yet go ahead and click that button down below the video to the right hand side because we come out with content like this each and every week you're already subscribed welcome back make sure to smash that like button i'll see you after the intro and disclaimer [Music] welcome back traders and the first thing we're going to do is go over a brief overview of the three break and re-test patterns you're going to be learning today just so you have an idea of what they actually look like the first break and recess pattern we're going to be learning is the trend continuation break and re-test pattern that looks something like this i'm going to do bullish examples here we'll look at bearish examples when we go down to a chart in a trending market we have lows coming in with higher lows and higher highs followed by more higher highs this is what a trending market normally does on a price chart what we're looking for is the break of a resistance level in a trending market and then the retest of that resistance level here's the resistance level that was broken here's the retest we would be capturing the retest of that resistance level and looking for it to provide trend continuation to the upside to capture this next big move in price this is the first break and re-test pattern we're going to talk about today the second one is the consolidation break and re-test pattern this is what it looks like the consolidation break and re-test pattern is when the market is doing something like this consolidating creating resistance and support levels and then you see the third at least the third test of the resistance level and the market breaks out of that level of resistance when that happens that counts as our break of that level and we are waiting on the retest of that level to continue in the direction of the initial breakout this is the second break and re-test pattern we are going to be learning today and the third break and re-test pattern i'll delete these two is going to be the rising and falling triangle break and re-test pattern that looks something like this the market creates a high then consistently creates a similar high while creating rising support levels this would be our area of resistance that we are looking to break the market then would break that resistance level after creating these rising support levels we would be looking for a retest hence the words break and re-test of this level for the market to continue in that initial direction now what we're going to do so you have a full grasp on these is go down to a chart take a look at bullish and bearish versions talk about how to actually enter the trade itself how to place stops and targets for optimal reward to risk ratios and dissect everything you need to know about break and retest trading let's go ahead and do that right now so the first thing we're going to look at is the trend continuation break and re-test so right now on the chart what we have is a market that hasn't yet went into trend but we do have an impulsive move followed by this pullback we can see here what we would be waiting on in this specific case is this low to break right here once this low breaks what we're going to be waiting on is a re-test of this area of support to become resistance for the market to continue pushing down so let's go ahead and move the market forward do we have what we're looking for in terms of a break yes what we want to see on the break is a candle that at least closes below the previous level of support and this is a bearish version of this what we looked at above on the whiteboard was a bullish version this is just what it does in a downtrend instead of an uptrend we're going to take a look at an example of both bearish and bullish but we're going to start here with the bearish version we do have a valid break with the close of this candle being below the previous low from this previous pullback right here with that being the case what are we waiting on next well at this point what i like to do is draw a zone at my previous level of support that looks something like this and what i'm waiting on at this point is the market to re-test that zone give me some type of tel selling pressure and we're going to talk about entries a little bit later on the video but looking for selling pressure and then this market to continue in the overall direction of this new found downtrend so let's see what happens here once we press play as we move the market forward you can see we start to pull back we pull back into our zone of support so at this point this zone that used to be support is now going to possibly become resistance nothing's a 100 guarantee in markets but this is something that can help us to provide an edge and help us to have a money making strategy over time is waiting on situations like this for trend continuation eventually we do get some selling pressure with a red candle and then the market continues in the initial direction of this downtrend creating new lower highs and lower lows and what we're capturing here is just this next leg down and trying to capture the continuation of this down trend so hopefully that gave you a good idea as to what we're looking for in the bearish direction now we're going to take a look at an example of this in the bullish direction on real charts let's take a look at that right now okay so here we're going to take a look at an example of the trend continuation break and re-test pattern using a bullish chart so in this case what do we have we have an impulsive move up we have a pullback what would you be waiting on if you were going to trade this trade continuation break and re-test pattern at this point right here you'd be waiting on a candle to close above that previous high before the pullback so let's push forward here and see when does that actually happen or if that actually happens and there we go now we have a close above this level what do we do once we get that close above we put a nice area here because support and resistance are not little lines as simple as that would be unfortunately a little more complicated than that support and resistance tend to be zones and areas instead of just lines on the chart that we draw in but at this point we've now got a valid break of this level we're waiting on the retest buying pressure and expecting this market to continue to the upside if we see that so let's go ahead and take a look at what happens we push back down into our area of previous resistance that now should become support we eventually get some buying pressure our entry would look something like this stop loss would be down below this area and we'll talk about entry stops and targets later just as an example here this is something like what the trade would look like let's hit play see what happens the market pushes down a bit more before creating a lot of buying pressure with this big green candle and eventually pushing up and hitting targets so those are two examples on real charts of the trend continuation break and read test pattern again we're going to be going over entry stops and targets a little bit later on in the video but i want to give you guys examples of all three of these break and retest patterns first on real charts with that said let's now go take a look at the consolidation break and re-test pattern on live charts so here on the euro aussie one-hour chart we have a good example of a period of consolidation right we have a level of resistance that's been tested at least twice we have a level of support that's also been tested multiple times more than twice what would we be waiting on at this point if we're going to be trading the consolidation break and re-test pattern we would be waiting for the market to at least break out of one of these areas whether it be support or resistance this is a bullish example so we'll be breaking through this resistance level once we break and close above the highest high we can see of the period of consolidation then we are going to be waiting on that pullback and expecting the market to continue in the original direction of the breakout in this case it would be bullish or continue to the upside so let's see what price does let's keep moving forward here we eventually get that breakout is this a valid break yes because we close above the highest high of the period of consolidation what's next now we're waiting for no matter how long it takes we're waiting for the market to come back down and re-test this area of resistance that should become support and push the market up in the original direction of the breakout again which is bullish so here we go we're pushing a bit higher now and we just did what we just pulled back into our zone of resistance that should become support at this point again we'll discuss entries in just a little bit but at this point we're waiting on buying pressure of some kind to enter the market that looks like buying pressure to me right we have a big green candle showing us that bulls are taking back control from our pullback in our uptrend and at an area of value which was the previous resistance level of this period of consolidation we're expecting the market to continue higher from this point if i click play you'll see that that's exactly what the market does is continue higher after this consolidation break and re-test pattern this is a bullish example of consolidation break and retests but i'm also going to show you a bearish example right now also a little later in the video we're going to take a look at a few live trades i've taken throughout this week using these break and re-test patterns but right now let's take a look at a bearish example of the consolidation break and re-test pattern here on the euro aussie yet again you can see that we have an area of consolidation we have an area where support has been tested at least twice and resistance has been tested three or four times here right so with this being the case we know we have a period of consolidation what are we waiting for we are waiting for the market to break below and close below the lowest low of this period of consolidation which is right here once we do that we get that breaking close below we're waiting for a pullback into this area and the market to continue in the original direction of the breakout of this period of consolidation hence the words break and re-test pattern let's see what the market does we push down did we break and close below the lowest low of our period of consolidation we did so now we're waiting on what a pullback and selling pressure our pullback this time though comes a little bit too high right we're no longer in our zone this almost looks like a fake breakout situation so what i do in these situations is discount this until we get another close below and the market actually starts trading below my zone of previous support that should become resistance if it gets broken and retested but this signals false breakout to me so i'm not currently looking for any type of selling trade until we get back below this zone using this type of break and re-test strategy so let's hit play here and see what happens we do get another close below so now i can start looking for that pullback into my zone and eventually selling pressure so at this point do we have a valid break and re-test trade we do we have the market in a period of consolidation the breakout of that period of consolidation the retest and selling pressure this would be where i would place an order after selling pressure stop loss about where it is there just to give you an example of this before we actually go over stops and targets which we will be doing in just a second but as you can see the market eventually did push down into that original direction of the breakout giving a good break and retest trade next up we're going to take a look at some examples on the chart of the rising and falling triangle break and re-test pattern let's take a look at that right now okay so here we are on the one hour chart of the canada yen i want to see if you can spot the rising triangle break and recess pattern that's forming right now so what we have with the rising triangle break and re-test pattern is a level of structure resistance that's been tested at least twice in this case do we have that one two and three yes we have a level of resistance tested three times this is a bullish example we'll take a look at a bearish example as well in a second and we also want to see that we have rising support levels coming along with that similar resistance level that's been tested multiple times and at this point what do you think we would be waiting on we'd be waiting on this market to break out of this rising triangle and then retest the resistance level for a continuation of trend in that initial direction of the breakout in this case that would be bullish or to the upside and what i like to do in this case again support and resistance are what they are zones they are not necessarily lines on our chart but it does give a good indication of where that level is by creating a zone like i have here so at this point waiting for that break the initial breakout of our level of resistance let's see when that happens and for the breakout what are we looking for we're looking for a candle that breaks the highest high of our resistance level which would be right here do we do that yes so now we have a valid break for this break and re-test trade we're waiting on the market now to re-test that level of resistance we finally start to pull back we get close to our area we haven't really gotten to our area yet so i'd still be waiting here and now we're all the way in our previous level previous area of resistance that should become support and provide a nice push up in the direction of the original breakout which was to the upside let's see what happens if we press play the market eventually put in a couple of long wig candles the downside showing are long-wicked candles that are bullish candles because the wick is on the bottom showing buying pressure and then eventually a green candle as well giving us a good indication that this market could head higher and that's exactly what it did here on the canada yen for the bullish rising triangle break and re-test pattern let's take a look at an example of a bearish version of this pattern then we'll move on to talking about how to actually enter these trades once you have them spotted and how to set stops and targets for optimal reward to risk ratios we'll also be taking a look at a couple of live trades directly after that let's go ahead and take a look at a bearish version of this right now okay so this should be pretty easy to spot a bearish version of this falling triangle break and re-test strategy we have falling resistance levels resistance one resistance two are they falling or sloping down yes they are we have at least two tests of a same support level that gives us our area that we need to break and re-test so at this point we have a valid break of that level what would we be waiting on now is this market to pull back to that level that was support and turn into resistance pushing the market lower let's go ahead and see what happens if i press play we get a re-test of that area right here we actually get some long wicks to the top side showing selling pressure selling pressure a couple of red candles here giving us an indication that we could see this market fall again we're about to discuss entries and stops and targets in a second but what we're expecting out of this type of pattern is the market to head lower after coming up to this level of support and using it as resistance for the continuation in the initial direction of the breakout in this case that being bearish direction or to the downside if we press play here you can see that that's exactly what this level and this break and re-test pattern does this pushes the market lower so hopefully at this point you have a good idea of how to spot each of these three patterns what we're going to do now is take a look at how to actually enter the trade once you have these patterns spotted we're going to talk about stops and targets and we're going to take a look at a couple of live trades i had this week using break and retest patterns so let's go ahead and jump into how to enter these trades right now so now we're going to be going through the entry stops and targets and i'm going to be teaching them from the most aggressive way to enter trades like this which would be just with like a limit order to the most conservative way by changing time frames and looking for entries on smaller time frames to get the most accurate types of entries we'll go over the pros and cons of both but before we do that i really wish i could tell you that knowing these patterns was enough for you to become a consistently profitable trader and start making money from trading hand over fist right now but unfortunately that's not the case you see knowing these patterns like the back of your hand and even knowing all of technical analysis is not enough for you to become a consistently profitable trader so with that being the case before we dive into the entries what does it actually take well it takes first off a rules-based strategy that you can stay consistent to and that provides a edge over the market another way of saying that is just a strategy that makes money over long periods of time so the way we create a strategy like that and this is all going to tie together right now is through a process i call c e s t what this stands for is everything you need in a rules-based strategy what we just did when we went through each of the break and re-test patterns is we created conditions now we know that the conditions for us to be able to trade using this strategy is to spot one of these patterns in the same way we just did right before i started this part of the video the next thing we're going to do right now is we're going to look at the ways we're going to enter trades like this that's our entries so we're going to have conditions and entries down after that we need rules for where we're going to put our stop loss and where we're going to put our target this way we have a rules-based strategy we can stay consistent to and that's the first step of actually creating a profitable trading plan and becoming a consistently profitable and professional trader is not by knowing all of technical analysis or by knowing break and retest patterns that's great and that's a good start but that's not how you start making money as a trader you need a rules-based strategy you can stay consistent to that proves to make money over time with that said now let's dive into the entries we can use for break and retest patterns okay so if this chart looks familiar then there's a good reason why this is the canada yen chart we were looking at from earlier just to tie things together one more time in order to be a profitable trader your first step is to create a rules-based strategy that you can consistently use and consistently implement in markets and that provides an edge or is a money-making strategy over time the process of doing that is creating rules for conditions entry stops and targets the c-e-s-t we are currently in the e of the c-e-s-t let's talk about the entries so the most aggressive way to enter all of these patterns they're all going to be the same right the train continuation break and retest the consolidation break and retest and the rising and falling triangle break and re-test patterns are all going to have the same types of entries the most aggressive way by far to enter these types of patterns is just with a limit order halfway in your zone so that would look like this you'd be waiting on the market to break out once the market broke out you would have a limit order in the middle of your zone of resistance that limit order would either be triggered by a pullback or the market would continue higher what are the pros and cons to this well one of the pros is that you are going to have a lot of trades one of the cons is you are going to have a very bad win rate so for this you may have let's say 50 trades per month but your win rate may only be like 40 percent because this is a very aggressive way to enter this pattern and you're going to have a lot of losses entering the pattern in this way the next way the lit less aggressive more of a conservative way to enter would be waiting on buying pressure let's talk for a second about this break and re-test pattern this is already a conservative look at trading a breakout so what you notice here is this is nothing more than a rising wedge breakout pattern right well most of the time for an aggressive way to enter this you would just be trading the breakout candle but we are waiting for the break and re-test so this is already a conservative way of trading a breakout but after that break and re-test a conservative way to enter would be looking for things like buying pressure buying pressure for me is defined as either a green candle for a bullish trade or some type of candlestick pattern like we see here with this hammer red candle that i'm pointing out now i'll actually zoom in on that a bit to make it easier to see this candle here would count as buying pressure because it is a candlestick pattern this green candle after seeing a candlestick pattern will be even more conservative that's another way you can enter these types of trades in a more conservative way again what are the pros and cons well waiting on this you will have less entries than using a limit order so you'll have less trades but your win rate will go up something close to fifty percent at least from the testing that i've done and if you have more than a one to one reward to risk like a one point five to one this can become reward to risk ratio then this can become a profitable way to trade the aggressive entry can be a profitable way to trade if done correctly and if you end up with a more than one-to-one reward risk and you can find a way to get this above a 40 win rate then actually at a 40 win rate you need something like a 1.7 to break even or to have a profitable strategy but the point is you'll have more trades here so having a lower win rate might be worth it this is just all going to reveal itself in your back testing process which we're going to talk about a little later in the video now the most conservative way after the most aggressive way right which is just a limit order the second most aggressive way but more conservative than a limit order would be waiting on a candlestick pattern or buying pressure with a green candle for a bullish trade a red candle for a bearish trade the most conservative way to enter a trade like this would be to point out your zone right you have your rising triangle break and re-test pattern then wait for the market to get into that zone and drop down to smaller time frames to look for patterns like double bottoms on those smaller time frames now the pros and cons here this is going to give you wildly better accuracy probably closer to a 60 win rate but instead of having 50 trades a month or 20 trades a month here with the conservative entry the most conservative entry may only give you eight to ten trades a month or maybe only five to ten trades a month because this is a much more conservative way to enter and there's always going to be a trade-off i wish i could just sit here and tell you guys there is a best way to enter the market in these types of trading situations but it depends on your trading style and what you look for in a strategy if you look for more trades and your winning percentage being lower you may want to try out the aggressive entry and use a two to one reward to risk and in that case if you get a 40 win rate you have a profitable strategy if you're someone that doesn't need as many trades you like more conservative trades and more accuracy then you could try the conservative route with candlestick patterns and if you're someone who just cares about win rate and doesn't really care how many trades they have per month then you can try out the most conservative way of dropping down to smaller time frames and looking for entries like price action patterns with double bottoms and head and shoulder patterns on smaller time frames so those are the three ways i like to enter these types of trades depending on the currency pair the volatility of the current market again this is all going to reveal itself what you should use will reveal itself in your testing process now that we've went over entries let's discuss stops and targets which are going to be slightly different depending on the way you enter these trades if you enter with a limit order our most aggressive entry then your stop needs to be below the last swing low which in this case would be right here so in the case of this trade we would have a stop loss below this previous swing low because there's a chance the market comes down retests that swing low and then continues higher so with that being the case we would have a stop there and your target again with these types of trades you would need at least a 1.8 maybe even a two to one reward to risk because this is a very aggressive way to enter and we'll have a very bad win rate something like 40 or lower so therefore you need big targets on trades like this if we click play this happened to be one of the times that we did in fact hit targets on this type of trade again though for stops and targets you would need big targets and your stop would need to go below the previous swing low for the limit order or the most aggressive entry for the candlestick pattern or green candle in a buying situation the good thing about waiting for this more conservative entry is that the swing low is then formed when you have a limit order you might hit this with a red candle and not form a swing low therefore your stop loss needs to be below the previous swing low but when you wait for a green candle the swing low's already formed so then you can put a stop loss below that swing low and it gives you a better reward to risk opportunity as you can see with the same target here we get a four to one reward to risk this is by far my favorite way to look for entries using these types of patterns but again depending on your trading personality you might look for more trades with less of a win rate and a higher reward to risk ratio you may be someone looking to trade very conservatively with a high reward to risk ratio and if that's the case what you would do is spot out this level so again let me just re go over that stop and target for the conservative entry of a green candle or candlestick pattern at that point the swing low is created and i just try to get my stop loss below that swing low for the third most conservative entry whenever i drop down to a smaller time frame and find something like this triple bottom or a double bottom but in this case it ends up being a triple bottom then i just put a stop loss below that lowest low of the double or triple bottom and that can give me an even better reward to risk scenario and also higher accuracy but again this type of trade isn't going to happen nearly as often as the other two entries but that's how i would use the entries stops and targets for the break and retest patterns now as i said earlier i do have a few live trades i took this week using this exact trading style so let's go ahead and take a look at the first one on the pound candidate i'm going to show you guys that entry then we're going to talk about which type of break and re-test pattern i use for it and which type of entry pattern stops and targets i used on that specific trade and we'll take a look at a couple of other live trades i took this week using break and retest patterns as well let's take a look at the pound canada right now all right guys so here we are on the pound canada break and retest trade already down about 222 because of a bad spread and a bad feel but that's okay what we're going to do is i'll let you guys know how this trade plays out as it moves forward tell you all about the reason behind entering this trade and then we'll take a look at the results directly afterwards okay so let's go ahead and dissect this trade on the pound canada firstly what type of break and retest pattern am i using this is a bullish trend continuation break why'd i put a d there and retest pattern so what i was waiting on in this case is the market to break and close above the previous highest high in that case i have my valid break after my valid break i'm waiting on a retest of this level of resistance that was just broken that's exactly what we get here and for this specific trade because we didn't have a big break and what i mean by that is this candle broke and closed above but then we closed right back down into my zone i don't love seeing that so whenever i see a situation like this where my conditions the break of this previous resistance level are not perfect because of the fact that the next candle came back down into my zone that's when i start looking for that most conservative entry so that's exactly what i did here on the pound canada after seeing that i dropped down i'm on the one hour chart right now looking at this break and re-test then i drop down to my 15-minute chart to see if i could find an entry all of my stuff just got deleted but this is the zone of resistance we were looking at once we got down into that zone of resistance what you'll notice is that on the 15 minute chart on my lower time frame i did in fact end up getting a nice double bottom with a green candle at the end showing me buying pressure and giving me all i needed to enter this trade i have to get out of replay mode in order to show you guys the results so that my drawing tools will be on there but that's exactly the reason for entry for my stop loss i just put a stop below the lowest swing low of that double bottom which at the time was right here the market did play around get kind of close to my stop loss within about four or five pips but it did not stop me out and then the market continued higher and did in fact hit my target for about a two to one reward to risk ratio on this specific trade so that's how the pound canada trade that i had this week played out also had a losing trade that i want to show you as well on the euro pound no need to do market replay or anything like that here because or to show you my entry because i wouldn't be lying about entering a losing trade right so here we are on this trade and this was a perfect example of the descending triangle with lower support levels coming in at a similar level of resistance the breakout it was beautiful the market pulled back i got selling pressure just using the conservative entry here we get into my zone we put in a red candle that's selling pressure i jumped into the trade but unfortunately the market did not cooperate with my analysis and just stopped me out which by the way guys will happen a lot remember even with the conservative entry it's important to have a decent reward versus your risk ratio because of the fact that you're still probably going to get between a 50 and maybe 60 chance depending on the currency pair and market conditions of winning trades like this so you need to make sure you're having a decent reward to risk ratio but with this being the case again this did end up being a losing trade but i got a two to one on the pound canada trade so i was still up by one r and r just stands for the amount that you risk per trade for me it's two percent so i'm still up two percent and i had one more trade using this break and retest on the euro yen i didn't record myself entering this trade but i did send it out in email analysis which is something that eap members of our vip group get three to five times per week and for this trade what i was looking at is another trend continuation retest but i could enter this trade a little more aggressively because of the big breakout we got so we have our previous low here pushing up to a higher high pushing down to a higher low breaking our previous level of resistance after my valid break and since we do have candles continuing to trade above this previous level of resistance i can look for the regular conservative entry so when we get this pullback after the break the retracement breaking what break and retest we get buying pressure green candle a big hammer candle right after that green candle that gave me what i needed to enter the trade as you can see again i'll have the actual email analysis i sent to traders on the left-hand side of your screen so you can see that i entered this trade now for my own personal stops and targets i use a more advanced way of taking stops and targets with two positions and my first position having a one-to-one reward to risk ratio and moving my stop to break even after my first position does get filled which happened here so i got stopped out for break even on the second part of that position but that's a little more complicated than i want to get into here on youtube now again when you're trading knowing that information is not enough you're not going to be profitable because you know that your your steps of becoming a profitable trader consists of what i call the triangle of trading success what this is is a strategy that gives you an edge over the market and inside of this triangle are all the money making traders that are already consistently profitable and this is the reason they are they have a strategy that gives them an edge over the market if we were talking about this strategy the break and re-test strategy they could have a strategy that's 50 percent accurate and gives them a 1.5 to 1 reward to risk ratio as long as that consistently plays out then they have a strategy that makes money over time but they also there's more to it than just having a strategy they also have a risk management plan that keeps them from blowing their account and keeps them out of their emotions while they're trading this is a huge problem for traders as well and something you will have to master before you ever become a money making trader is your risk management you need to be risking less on trades probably you may be someone who's already mastered risk management but the likely scenario is that you haven't and you're still consistently risking too much every time you place a trade and thirdly they have the discipline to stick to the rules of their trading plan they have the discipline to stick to this rules-based strategy that's created through what conditions entries stops and targets this gave you a few options for all of these throughout this video they also have the discipline to stick to the risk management plan that keeps them from blowing their account they're not revenge trading and starting to risk five to ten percent per trade just to try to make money back and they're able to stick to that strategy and risk management plan which eventually leads to them becoming profitable traders so again as i said earlier you're not going to be a profitable trader just because you know how to spot these patterns okay what you need to do at this point your next step is to back test these patterns pick an entry that you think fits your trading style best whether that be the aggressive the conservative or the most conservative entries we talked about earlier most aggressive that's the wrong letter most conservative whether it be any of those pick one that you think best fits your style then go through market data historic data look for each time these patterns happened with that specific entry that you pick and with whatever stops and targets you choose to use and see how it performed in historic data out of the last 100 times it happened on a currency pair and on a specific time frame if that provided an edge over the market let's say yet again a 50 win rate with a 1.5 to 1 reward to risk ratio then you know you have a strategy that proven to make money over time and at this point you have the first part of becoming a profitable trader that is the worst triangle in the world but at this point you would then have your strategy and then you would just need to work on risk management and discipline but this video is getting super long already if you want more help with all of what we discussed in this video including mastering this triangle of trading success then we just had some spots open up in our flagship program called the eap training program in that program i give you strategies that i use on a daily basis it's also a mentor program so any questions you have it'll be me answering those questions personally it comes with three to five trade alerts per week of trades i'm taking based on the strategies you learn in the course and best of all it is one of the only if not the only trading education programming course that comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee if you for any reason feel as though you have not gotten value out of the program within 60 days just email my support staff and we'll get you refunded asap so a risk-free offer there if you're interested in it it's the top link in the description if not that's totally fine too just make sure you keep it locked here by subscribing clicking that notification bell comment with what you are struggling with because it helps me to have video ideas for the future make sure you smash that like button before you go and i'll talk to you in the next video see you soon
Channel: The Trading Channel
Views: 560,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: break and retest, break and retest strategy, break and retest strategy forex, break and retest entry, break and retest scalping, break and retest confirmation, break and retest backtest, break and retest indicator, break and retest trading strategy, break and retest strategy live, break and retest tips, break and retest ema, break and retest win rate, forex, forex trading, price action, price action trading, price action strategy
Id: NzsXWwqH56M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.