Perfect Beginner Trading Strategy (A Brand New Way To Trade Double Tops...)

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i know what you're thinking every person who's ever tried to learn how to trade has heard of double tops so you're probably thinking that they're too common and too simple to ever make money in financial markets well today i'm here to argue that point in today's video i want to show you how i trade double tops with an unexpected twist and how trading them this way made me a little over ten thousand dollars last week so to start off this video we're going to take a look at a live trade i had last week because i recorded the entire process and directly after that i'm going to dive into every detail of how i trade these double tops with an unexpected twist so that you can decide whether or not it's something you would like to add to your trading arsenal so if that sounds good go ahead and do a couple of favors for me click that like button it helps out with the youtube algorithm go ahead and subscribe if you are new and click the notification bell because we come out with content like this each and every week and i would hate for you to miss it if you're already subscribed welcome back let's dive into the video after the intro and disclaimer [Music] welcome back traders and the first thing we're gonna do is take a look at a live trade i had only aussie dollar using this strategy and then i'm gonna come right back and explain the objective rules i have for spotting double tops and then we're gonna dive into the full detailed version of this double top strategy with a twist let's go ahead and take a look at that live trade and i'll be right back okay traders so here is a live trade that we are currently in based on a double top strategy that i trade with a little bit of a twist i completely forgot to hit the record button when i actually entered this trade but this is a trade that we send out in email analysis which is trade alerts our vip members in the eap training program receive each week so i'm going to place that on the side of the screen so you can see that we did send this trade out to traders and as you can see we are in it live right now currently the trade is going really well as we are seeing a nice fall in price out of the aussie dollar and hopefully this decline will continue in terms of profits i am just waiting for this market to show me buying pressure at a major level of structure or to turn around and stop me out i'm definitely hoping for the first one but we'll see and i'll let you guys know how it plays out either way so here we are on the current price chart of the aussie dollar as you can see this trade did end up continuing to fall and ended up working out really well in terms of targets i waited on exactly what i was saying in that previous clip which was the market to get to a major level of structure here on this black line and started showing buying pressure so i exited the position for about a 5.5 to one reward to risk which was a little bit over five thousand dollars here let's scoop back so i can show you guys the major level of structure which was right here and there was also a few other touches of this exact level looking left which caused me to go ahead and exit this trade now what i want to do at this point is share with you my exact objective rules for defining a double top because if you don't have that then it's going to be impossible for you to understand and trade this strategy so let's go ahead and do that actually on this chart and with this exact trade using market replay so with the market right here i am currently looking for a double top if i see price push up and then push down in a pullback i'm waiting for price to then push back up and re-test this top in order to be a double top now a lot of you may be thinking this was a double top but in my exact objective rules which is really important when trading you want to make sure your rules are objective so there's no confusion when placing a trade some people may think this is a double top right here and some people may not if you don't have objective rules then you're not going to have a way of knowing exactly when you're supposed to place a trade and i want to make sure in my trading that i know exactly and i mean exactly when to actually click the buy button so for my own personal objective rules as soon as i see this first top made i put a horizontal line at the top of the bodies of that first top and a horizontal line at the top of that first stop as in the top of the wick as you can see right here this little area is what is known as my termination point now it does not matter if there is a super long wick right here then this line would go at the top of that wick and this line would stay at the bodies i'm just going from the top of the bodies to the top of the wick of my first top what i want to see is price push up and at least touch my termination zone that can be with just the wick of a candle that can be the body of a candle closing inside of my zone and a wick pushing above it that all is completely valid what i do not want to see is a push-up and then a candle close outside of my termination zone and in other words i don't want to see a candle close above the previous high and why is that well the reason for that is that this is insinuating and showing me that we could possibly see trend continuation because we now have a close above the previous high that means buyers are likely in control whereas the opposite is true and sellers are likely in control if we get a rejection from this first stop with either a wick that touches it or a candle body that closes in it or a wick that goes above it again all of that is valid so let's go ahead and push the market forward here and as you can see right here before we do that this candle wick did not touch in this zone a lot of you may be going but steven it got so close well in my trading i don't trade based on so close i trade based on objective rules which makes trading extremely simple so let's go ahead and push the market forward here and see what ends up happening right here we already have the touch of the zone right with this green candle so that would be a valid double top but i'm waiting on a little bit of extra confirmation with this strategy so let's push the market forward a bit so i can explain that further and we keep going here what did i say earlier i said that we could have a wick go above this area right this actually shows me a really good sign of rejection from our first top and we still have a valid double top at this point i am actually waiting for the market to break the neckline with this specific strategy here would be the neckline the neckline is just the middle of a double top and what i want to see is a candle close below the neckline of the double top so now that i have a valid double top i need to see the market break through the neckline and i know some of you may have seen some of my other videos and seen me say that i'm just waiting on selling pressure like a red candle or a big red candle but for this specific strategy these are my specific rules for a double top using this strategy because it provides such a better edge over the market so if we push the market forward you can see that eventually we get a push down and after that we get a close below this is the second thing that i need so if you're following along i have my rules for a double top that i just explained write those down if you need to next i need the market to break below the neckline and close below it i need one more thing to happen at this point i need the market to pull back at least touch the neckline with a candle and then i need selling pressure and selling pressure for me is just a red candle with this strategy so all of that needs to come together before i can enter the trade let's see if it does as we push the market forward we eventually get a red candle so what i want you to really take from this is how objective and rules-based this already is and this is not the complete strategy i have an extra confluence that i use that i'm going to share with you guys later on that makes this a slightly abnormal way to trade double tops it's that twist that i've been talking about throughout the entire video and i'm going to show you guys that part of it in just a second but right now i need you to understand how objective all of these all of this is we need a double top and we have exact rules for that double top we need that double top to break the neckline we have an exact rule for that we want to see a candle close below it we need a test of that neckline put a horizontal line there and wait for candles to start touching it and then we need selling pressure how do we define selling pressure for this strategy it's just a red candle so right now everything is coming together that we need for this strategy and you've already seen how this plays out but since it was such a beautiful trade let's go ahead and watch it again so there you go that is the rules for a double top that i use and we're about to dive into the one other condition that i like to use with this specific strategy that makes it wildly more profitable than trading regular double tops but before we do that i have one more live trade i'd like you guys to take a look at on the euro dollar trading in a very similar way so that i can give you a little bit more practice on identifying these types of patterns so let's take a look at that live trade and i'll be right back to share with you my extra condition that makes these double tops wildly more profitable than normal double tops see in a second so here we are on the euro dollar and i'm seeing a perfect example of that double top strategy with a bit of a twist so i am going to go ahead and jump into this trade and i'll let you guys know how it plays out the euro dollar just had a huge push down so i'm gonna go ahead and move my stop-loss down to break even and i'll keep you guys updated on what happens next welcome back so as you can see we're actually still currently involved in this live trade here on the euro dollar and the reason is really simple and right after this i'm going to dive into the complete package in terms of this strategy i've been talking about the whole time instead of just the rules for entry i'll give you guys the full condition list as well which is just one other condition but the reason for not exiting this trade yet is because the euro dollar has a major level of structure support that i'm expecting this pair to get to and considering i'm in a trade going short where i make money if the market falls i want to try to capitalize on as much of that downward momentum and that downward movement as i can so with that being the case and with us having this major level of structure that price is naturally drawn to in most instances that's the reason i'm still involved in this specific trade here on the euro dollar is because my expectation is that we get down to around the 1.175 area on this currency pair so that's the reason i'm still involved in this trade let's now go back to the actual trading time frame which was the four hour chart and talk a little more about this specific trade and first of all when we're talking about double tops what do you normally see or hear them referred to as what types of patterns normally you hear that they're reversal patterns as in if a market is pushing higher then we use something like a double top to find a reversal point and push the market lower and that can happen that's one way of trading double tops is using them for reversals and again that can work but what i have found and the whole reason i created this strategy is that although double tops can work as reversal patterns in a bullish trend to push the market lower an even better way to use double tops is when you align yourself with the trend so that extra confluence that adds incredible amounts of accuracy to trading double tops when traded in the exact way that i have shown you here at least for my own personal trading don't take that as set in stone go out test this yourself this isn't financial advice in any way and i'm not telling you to go trade this telling you to go test it figure out if it's something you want to put in your trading arsenal if you decide to that's completely up to you but what i look for before looking for this exact entry that i showed you on the aussie dollar and we're going to go over again here is i want to make sure that we just created a new lower low that's the only other confluence that i use when trading this strategy is that i want to see a market that has pushed down pushed up and created a new lower low once i see that lower low i then wait for all of my conditions to be met for that double top and that push lower and that re-test of the bottom of our neckline and the red candle for the entry so to go over all of this with you in this entire trade let's start with the market right here so at this point on the euro dollar i would be waiting for this market to create a new lower low that's the very that's the only condition that we have so the way we want to look at strategies is conditions and then entries so our first condition is the market must make a new lower low if we were watching the market in real time what do we have right here if i have a horizontal line at my previous low you can see that this market just made a new lower low what my next condition is and the part of the entry i'm going to call it conditions though is i want to see a double top created we have to find rules for that what are they i want to see a push up i want to see one top i want to see a pullback and then another top we pushed up higher without getting a double top so now what am i looking for if this is my top then i want to place a horizontal line at the bodies and at the top of the wicks of that first top that is what that's what i refer to as the termination zone meaning that i'm waiting for now a candle to at least touch this zone and not close above it everything else is in play as long as we touch it whether it be a touch with a wick a touch with a body and the body closed inside of it a wick going above it all of that is still valid but i can't see a candle close above it so let's see what happens next this is exactly what i'm looking for in terms of a double top now this is going to look a little bit odd don't get confused about it but the reason it's going to look odd is because if i put a horizontal line here you can see that we haven't quite closed below the neckline so at this point i have to keep waiting okay again this might be close but i don't have rules that say i can trade when it's close enough that subjectivity that doesn't belong in my personal trading and that's how i've made trading as simple as possible is by having no subjectivity or as little as possible there's always a little bit of subjectivity in trading but let's push the market forward now now is when we actually broke the neckline of the double top so with that being the case i know this looks odd again do not let it be confusing with that being the case this is now the low i want price to retest because it's the lowest low in this entire neckline situation so just keep that in the back of your mind again nothing to be confused about but just understand this is the low that i want to now be retested by price all of our rules have come together at this point we have a valid close below our previous low right here we have a valid double top we have a valid neckline we have the break and close below that neckline at this point what are we waiting on to confirm an entry a pullback to the neckline that at least touches it and a red candle showing selling pressure let's see how that plays out right there is that not a touch of the previous low yes it is and is this not a red candle yes it is with all of that coming together and with the added confluence of having to wait for a lower low before looking for this strategy it is something that i have found at least in my own personal trading to be wildly accurate and when i say wildly accurate i don't want to get your hopes up to the point that you think this is a hundred percent accurate every trading strategy has wins and losses this is just a lot more accurate than trading double tops in the traditional way at least again in my own personal trading it is proven to do so with that said let's take a look at one more example and then we're going to move on to an even more important topic if your real goal is to become a consistently profitable trader so on the chart we have what looks like it could turn into the perfect setup for this strategy hopefully you can see that already but what we have here is a market that has started a downtrend pushing down to a low lower highs lower lows lower highs did we just make a new lower low compared to our previous lows yes we did we have a lower low we then push up to this what is this considered this is considered our first top what do we do at our first top well we place horizontal lines at the top of the bodies of that top and at the top of the wick of that top do we trade based on almost right here no we do not not if we want to trade in an objective manner we don't trade almost candles so this almost touched but not quite let's move the market forward now we get a nice push up again waiting waiting there we go we have now touched the termination zone at this point all we need to make sure is that we don't get a candle that closes above our termination zone and that we do get a break of our neckline let's see what happens oh yeah okay so now can you see the perfect setup lining up we have our double top we've just created this new lower low everything's objective the neckline of this double top has now been broken now what are we waiting for we want to see the market push back up to the neckline which it eventually does and give us a red candle with that doji right there that is a nice candle it's a doji but it's a red candle and that's our rule selling pressure is just a red candle again there's no subject there's no subjectivity to this oh and i forgot to mention for stop losses i use one atr above my entry candle that's a lot of information for those of you who are beginners atr is right up here you can see my entry candle has a 15 pip atr if you have no idea how to use an atr to play stop losses i'll put a full length video i did in the top right hand corner of the screen so that you can go over there and check that out so with that being the case we have a 15 pip atr and i want to go above my entry candle so the high of my entry candle which is six pips six plus 15 roughly 21 pips for my stop loss perfect trade right it's lining up perfectly and i want to target my next support level which is right down here this is the next support level this price will inevitably hit if we continue in trend to the downside it's actually right here but i'm seeing this as a period of consolidation that's a lot more than i want to get into in this video anyway let's pretend this is the case so with that being the case we have our perfect setup ladies and gentlemen let's see this bad boy run oh what happened it didn't work this time yeah that's right i wanted to show you this example of what is a perfect setup for this strategy but loses anyway because i want to make sure you have the proper expectations when trading any strategy or learning any strategy for me or anyone else and the proper expectations are to understand that there are no for sure strategies there is no 100 percent strategy every strategy will go through losses and every strategy will have drawdown periods so right now what i want to talk to you about is having proper trading expectations and what you really need in order to become a consistently profitable trader but before i do if you're someone who is interested in taking advantage of some more advanced training material and you're ready to invest in your trading future then we just had some students graduate from the eap training program and we have a little bit of space available in that program right now it's the top link in the description the trade you saw on the aussie dollar was something called email analysis that these traders get each and every week and it's also a mentorship program that comes with priority email meaning anytime you have trading related questions it'll be me personally answering them it comes with much more but i'm not going to bore you here in the middle of this video check it out if you'd like to it's the top link in the description with that said let's now move on to one of the most important topics that you have to understand in order to become a consistently profitable trader and the first one is managing expectations correctly i got an email yesterday not from one of our paid students but just from somebody that found our support email and my assistant sent it to me because of the question he asked the question he asked was he had a two thousand dollar account and he wanted to know if he could live and make money and not have to work his day job anymore with a two thousand dollar account now there are a few things wrong with this and he told me here's where the expectations come in that he was expecting to make two thousand dollars a month on his two thousand dollar account now in terms of managing expectations this trader we were just talking about that sent me an email expecting to make two thousand dollars a month on a two thousand dollar account one hundred percent per month your expectations in trading are probably much higher than what is achievable and i don't say that to discourage any of you trading is an amazing way to build wealth i would be nowhere near where i am financially without trading and i would be nowhere near capable of having the lifestyle i have without trading it's an incredible way to build wealth over a long period of time but traders are coming into the market thinking they're gonna make 20 60 like this guy 100 per month and what i want to do with you is let's do some quick math if you let compound interest take place and you make let's say 100 per month let's start with a 2 000 account like this guy did right 2 000 okay so if he started with that and did not remove money from his account which he shouldn't with the math you're about to see you'll see why he should not let's do this with him making 100 a month just for one year okay 2 000 times 2 which is 100 you're taking 2 000 turning it into 4 000 that's 100 growth okay let's do that 11 more times 1 two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so this person and i'm not dogging on him whatsoever or trying to make anyone feel bad that thought this was possible and trying to open your mind up to the reality of trying to make a hundred percent per month that means within two to five years you'd be the richest person in the world if you just left your money in there he could turn two thousand dollars into 8.192 million dollars in 12 months if it was possible to make a hundred percent a month so just try to rationalize that does that seem like something that's possible or something that's rational no right that's not anything that is possible if that was possible then elon musk and whoever is currently bezos i don't know who's the richest man in the world right now because i haven't looked up in a while if it's bezos bezos would not be the richest man in the world if this was possible and there was somebody doing it if you could start with 2 000 turn into 8 million in a year then imagine what that 8 million turns into the next year within three years you're the richest person on the planet if you can make 100 percent gains every single month so keep that in mind and again not to discourage you but manage your expectations in a way that allows you to meet them and accomplish your trading goals i was going to end the video right there but while editing i realized that if you've been through this entire video and you just heard that entire spill about trading expectations and you're still here then that means you're extremely determined to turn trading into your career and you are the exact kind of person that i love to help because i've been there and i've been in the same situation you're in and i wish someone would have done this for me so right now what i want to do is give you a bonus and this bonus is going to be something i call the pro trader checklist and it's eight steps that you need to take in order to create a professional trading career these are the exact steps that i take traders in our programs through in order to get them from wherever they are to becoming professional traders and i want to share that with you right now so let's take a look at the pro trader checklist now for this checklist what i'm going to do is talk a little bit through each of these and also i'm gonna give you a video that we have for free on our youtube channel that you can go and learn exactly what you need to start checking these off of your list so for example right now the basics is the first thing you need to learn if you're a beginner in any financial market if you are trading stocks or crypto or forex your first step is to understand the basics of that market in forex that would be things like how does the market move that would be pips right the market moves and pips in forex it would also be like how to calculate your stop losses it would be like how to place a trade on a brokerage account in that specific market and thankfully we have a video that i'm gonna put a screenshot of the thumbnail up right now that will take you through accomplishing all of that okay it'll take you through the basics of forex and you can just look up how to place a trade in whatever brokerage you choose but i'm doing this so that you can check these off in order and right now you can have the basics checked off by just watching that video that you see on the screen now what you'll need to do is go over to your youtube search bar and just type in forex basics that thumbnail that you see right now should be the first video if it's not the first it may be like the second or third video you see once you type that in but that's the video you need to watch if you're a complete beginner after understanding the basics the next step in any financial market that you're trading is to understand and master technical analysis and technical analysis is just understanding a price chart understanding candlesticks trends levels of value levels of structure support and resistant understanding indicators and how to place stops and targets all of that would fall under the category of technical analysis again we have a video that goes over everything you need to know about technical analysis there'll be a screenshot of the thumbnail of that video up right now go to your youtube search bar type in technical analysis and you can find that video very easily i'm doing this so that you can now check off technical analysis on your pro trader checklist again if you make it all the way through this checklist i'm not saying you'll be a profitable trader but if you make it all the way through this checklist you'll have everything you need to start your work which is going to be back testing developing a risk management plan and developing a full trading plan once you have all of that accomplished then you can go about your trading however you wish which hopefully that leads to a profitable trading career and it should if you take care of all this first next now that we understand and we have mastered technical analysis the next step you have is exactly what we did in this video this was a rules-based trading strategy based around a number of different technical analysis factors that's exactly what you just learned throughout this video and that's step number three but i'll also put up another strategy you can go check out called a pullback strategy and all you need to do is type in pullback strategy on the youtube search bar and look for the thumbnail you see on the screen right now at that point you should have strategy taken care of between this one and that one right excuse me must be 5 p.m time to eat i just did a 24 hour fast i'm hungry as i just not realized that okay next up after learning a strategy this is an extremely important part of trading you need to back test that strategy is it fun no that's it no it's not fun whatsoever but it is completely necessary here are a few reasons you must back test a strategy you create or a strategy that you learn because you want to ensure that that strategy is profitable with the way you see the market we'll all see candlesticks and markets a little bit differently you want to make sure that you can actually create a profit with that strategy that's the first reason the second reason is you want to train your recticular activating system to see that every time it happens with ease and quickly that can only happen through practice so your back testing is your practice and thirdly the third reason we back test is to optimize that might be four i can't remember but is to optimize our trading strategy so that we're only trading it on pairs that works well on otherwise you may be trading a strategy on a pair that loses money you don't want to be doing that so those are the reasons we back test to learn about back testing type in backtesting on the youtube search bar and look for the thumbnail that's on the screen right now then you will have back testing checked off and be good to go there we also talk about optimizing which is what i was just saying in that back testing video but optimizing there's infinite things you can optimize for including the times that you trade based on how something tested through historic data including only trading a strategy for certain months or only taking trades in trend you can also optimize for only taking trades on the pound dollar and the euro dollar because that's the two pairs it works best on with a particular strategy again infinite things you can optimize for but we do talk about that as well in the same back testing video that i just showed you it should still be on the screen or we'll be back on the screen now the thumbnail and once you go through that video you should have a good idea on how to optimize a trading strategy next after we optimize a trading strategy is some of the most important parts of trading that tend to get overlooked by almost everyone that starts out and that is firstly risk management risk management does not mean you risk two percent per trade there are three different parts of risk management everyone thinks are a lot of beginners and i was the same way when i first started so don't feel bad if you think this right now as a beginner i thought risk management meant i was supposed to risk two percent per trade and that's what risk management was but that's not what risk management is risk management consists of three parts risk management is risk capital meaning the overall amount you put in your account right and when i was first starting that was 100 of my net worth when i first started trading i put all of the money i had into a trading account that is extremely risky trading is a very speculative thing there's no guarantees in any financial markets so having every bit of your money at risk in a speculative market always a bad idea so risk capital is the first part of risk management then risk per trade comes into play very true you want to see how much you need to risk per trade in order to stay comfortable emotionally so you don't go start trading based off fear and greed because you're keeping your wrists so low per trade that you're not bothered emotionally by wins or losses obviously you wouldn't be bothered by wins but you get what i'm saying the next part after risk per trade is risk exposure overall risk exposure which is like how many trades can i be in at once if i'm risking two percent per trade can i be in five trades because if markets go crazy i may lose 10 percent of that so this is the three parts of risk management and the importance of risk management is to ensure that initially we don't blow our account and to ensure that we don't trade based on emotions because that's how we blow our account instead of making money we want to have a risk management plan that keeps us out of our emotions in order to learn about risk management there will be a thumbnail on the screen somewhere just type in risk management in the youtube search bar and you should see that thumbnail within the first three things that pop up within the first three videos that pop up demo trading i do not have my mother's calling how nice do you see that probably not focus dude anyway i do not have a video on specifically demo trading but it's a pretty simple concept just open a demo account with whatever brokerage you decide to use and demo trade for i suggest three to six months a lot of people try to just trade on a demo account for like a month the reasoning for this one is to be sure you're accustomed to the trading platform you are going to use so make sure when you demo trade you open a demo account with the platform you're actually planning to use becoming accustomed to that the reason we want to do that is so we don't make dumb for lack of better words mistakes like placing a order and then placing it with wrong numbers in the order form that would cause problems placing a buy order when we're supposed to place a sell order you want to get accustomed to the order form so that your and accustomed to the platform so you can react quickly when you see trades that process may take a month or two for you to get accustomed to depending on the amount of trades you place also we demo trade to ensure that you can actually implement the strategy you've spent so long on in real markets with all of your prior obligations you may have prior obligations like children you have to look after like date night with the mrs or mr like no i don't know maybe you love golf so you go play every now and then and i know for a fact you have to sleep right so there is something in your way of trading 24 7 demo trading will allow you to see how that affects your trading on live markets demo trading will take you from back testing to understanding what it's like to trade with real markets so i don't have a video on that again it's very simple go to your trading brokerage that you've chosen open a demo account trade with a platform you plan to trade with next up and finally the i would say most important part of trading is having good trading psychology now if you complete everything else here then your trading psychology is going to be better than 90 of people that attempt to trade because at this point you have a risk management plan keeping you emotionless you have a back tested strategy you've seen go through drawdown and you're totally fine with that drawdown because you've based the risk management plan on it you have proven to yourself that this strategy makes money at least through historic data which keeps you comfortable moving forward if you have a few losing trades you've demo traded to ensure that you can actually place these trades in real time and if you've demo traded correctly and seen that that made money over the course of one to three months then that's going to give you an amazing amount of confidence and all of that is going to lead to having pretty good trading psychology right there and trading psychology beyond that just comes down to your understanding of your own mental state and what i've done is created a video a while back on trading psychology you'll see the thumbnail of it if you just type in trading psychology again it'll be one of the first three videos there and if you watch that video to give you an understanding of your mental state and how you need that mental state to be extremely confident in order for you to have good training psychology and we walk through all the ways you can gain confidence in your mental state with that bonus i also have a video that i did very recently on trading psychology i'll put the title i'll just i'll just do this as an overlay on the screen because i can't remember it right now i'll put the title and thumbnail up on the screen and that way you can just type in the title of that video in the youtube search bar and you go check it out too yeah i think it's called twenty thousand year old brain versus trading psychology where it goes through really good concepts on what you need internally in terms of your psychology in order to be a good trader and some of the reasons that losing trades feels so awful sometimes so there is the pro trader checklist don't forget if you are someone who is ready for some more advanced training and if you want me to essentially help you personally throughout this entire process we do have some space available in the eap training program listed below we've just had some graduates so we have a little bit of space available at the moment in the eap training program i walk you through every bit of this through an entire training course up beyond the entire training course which in the training course you'll see the strategies i actually trade on a daily basis and it also comes with training on back testing optimizing risk management demo trading trading psychology you name it if it's on this list we go over it and i'll be there to personally help you get through any of these that you are struggling with on top of that the aussie dollar trade that you saw earlier in this video was a part of the eap training program that's called email analysis it's not meant as a signal but i'm trading based on the strategies you're learning in the course so that you can see how i handle real markets using the strategies that you're learning on top of that we do a video every single monday called the best setups of the week where i'm pointing out the trades that i'm looking at for the week ahead we have the pro trader report which is an email version of that video again priority email means anytime you have trading related questions i'm the one answering and the best part of the entire eap training program is that it has a 60-day money-back guarantee meaning at any point within the first 60 days you decide trading isn't for you or you decide that you just don't feel like you're getting value out of the eap training program like you thought you would feel free to email my support staff and they will get you a refund very quickly if that's not something you're interested in that's totally fine too just be sure that you keep it locked here by subscribing be sure you click that like button if you made it all the way to the end leave a comment and i'll talk to you in the next video see you guys soon
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Keywords: Double top, Double tops, Double top trading strategy, Double top trading, Trading strategy, double top and bottom, new trading strategy, new double top strategy, double top strategy, double tops forex, double tops stocks, double tops crypto, forex trading strategy, stock trading strategy, trading strategy for beginners, double tops for beginners, crypto trading strategy, double bottom, double top pattern, double top chart pattern, how to trade double tops
Id: OlGstDPiX94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 33sec (2313 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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