Rake Trades: Losing $50,000 Trading To Making 6 Figures A Trade | WOR Podcast EP.75

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I was down over fifty thousand dollars on my lifetime account and I was like I'm now at zero right I'm now starting from zero profit zero loss if there was one piece of advice that I would have to or someone who's trying to learn and is going through and follow it and is on social media it would just be [Music] welcome everyone to the words of wisdom podcast we are back once again for our final podcast in Miami and we saved the best till last we're joined by Jake AKA Rick traits my man thank you so much for having me truly it is uh very very special to be here it's my pleasure man I know we've been uh we don't really know each other like too well but we we've been speaking for well a couple months couple months now yeah we've been trying to get the timing right trying to plan something I mean I saw you in your dude your podcast growth has been unreal and seriously it's something that you like deserved some of serious credit for because uh there are not many people who I would like drop everything back I need a 24-hour trip we got to go film I gotta do it but for you to come out here and do this I feel very very grateful so yeah man it's been an inspiration to watch you I appreciate it man I was saying the same exact thing to you like the energy is real and the the level of detail you know that a lot of people we were discussing that right absolutely a lot of people who don't have that level of detail that Dedication that consistency um but before we skip over too much um yeah there'll be a lot of people out there who might not know who you are so therefore this is our opportunity to go into sort of how you got to where you are today so be as brief or as long as you want no problem at all because we have the time um you should see that the uh at the summit I was like very very briefly yeah within 60 seconds tell me about your whole life story very quickly but uh yeah but it's breathe for as long as you want and basically just how you got to where you are today yeah absolutely so I am a Futures and options day trader so a little bit outside of your niche of Forex which I'm actually really excited about I think that there's some elements of what I've learned in stock trading that haven't made their way to the Forex world yet and a chart is a chart right so no matter what we talk about today no matter who the audience I think it's going to be in an insane value and I I definitely want to make sure to go out of my way to bring that energy um yeah my name is Jake I have been day trading for coming up on six years now so it's been a journey for me I found out about trading during my last half of my like college career so I actually already had a job lined up I studied plant science absolutely nothing to do with trading um and during my last two years of college I found out about trading and on Instagram I saw someone post a Robin Hood screenshot they were up like 100 bucks in a day or something like that and I was like I would like to be up 100 bucks in a day like that sounds really nice like what can I do to make a hundred dollars in a day and I found out about trading through social media and It ultimately kind of led me down this path of finding a few different mentors trying stock trading at first I tried trading penny stocks and then pretty quickly moved over into the options World got destroyed and pretty quickly moved back to stocks then tried Futures tried pretty much all of the various asset classes outside of Forex it's the one that I haven't made my way to yet um and after a whole lot of trial and error of the first like I'd say two years before I even like found a remote sense of consistency right like the first two years for me I always I'm very open about this I was just burning money I was just down down down down down and I didn't really know what I was doing nor did I put in the effort to actually try and make any progress for me it felt like it was like two years of of just trying to get more dopamine hits AKA entering a trade yeah and hoping it works right so after a long period of uh not being successful at trading and many many blown accounts many many deposited paychecks that ultimately went to zero I decided to take it a little bit more seriously I think that I had a conversation with my parents and my dad was sort of like hey like if this is I'm supportive of you giving this whole thing a shot but you got to make start making some progress like right now from what you've told me you've gone pretty much nowhere and you're just losing all of the money that you've saved up throughout these jobs and college internships and all that this is not real progress if you're going to do this you have to make some sort of progress right through that was able to find a few different mentors that really put me in the position uh to succeed and from there finally found some consistency trading mostly Futures and options so Futures and options and mainly options are now what I trade on a daily basis and yeah that kind of it all started through social media right which is why now I'm like so passionate and have this energy about it is one person on social media changed my life forever six years ago yeah and if one sort of piece of energy or podcast that we can do can do that for someone else then that in and of itself makes everything worth it right um so it's been a long journey coming up on six years now but now I've finally started to find my rhythm a little bit uh in what I'm doing that's incredible to hear absolutely incredible Saharan you know when you were going through that process of the losses for example um you know what what were the key things that were the issues of causing those losses yeah yeah I so I always tell this to people that I believe I had some of the worst habits of all time right so like it's really interesting now to see where I'm at and the success I've been able to have considering when I started it was like everything you like read about on Reddit that's like the terrible things people would do like I would be doing those things and so a lot of it for me came from I wasn't trying to and I imagine this is similar before it wasn't trying to grow I was trying to flip right I wanted to flip I wanted to flip I wanted to take my two thousand dollar account and turn it into five and then once I had five I was like then I'll start being safe right yeah that's the way it all it's the mindset that always goes for and so for me it was really just non-stop inconsistency so there was points and times and I've talked about this a little bit in the past but there was points in times where I would get a paycheck on Friday and I would deposit that paycheck into my account on Friday and then by like the next Wednesday it would probably be gone right and and um that happened for you know several months straight I feel like where I just wasn't able to the whole goal of what I was trying to do is I wanted to make back the money I had lost right I wanted to make back what I had started and I was like as soon as I get there I'm gonna I'll be I'll start acting right right I'll start trading using risk management I'll start doing those things but I just need to get back to break even I just need to get back to what I started with I just need to do that and that's as we all know that's the worst way to trade right then you're making it all about the dollars all about the process so for me not only was my mindset wrong but then I also just I was approaching it the complete wrong way in terms of how much I was willing to risk right in my eyes I was just trying to flip everything as quick as I could to get back to a break-even point or even remotely close to a break-even point and it wasn't until I completely stopped that and doing that that I made any sort of forward progress right and then I actually it took it was a long journey from there but every single one of the bigger losses that I had stemmed from trying to make back the initial losses right that every Trader goes to in the beginning rather than accepting that I lost that money I was hyper fixated on how can I make that exact amount back then I'm break even then I'll be good right like that I feel like that's such a trap mindset of as soon as I'm at X I'll be good as soon as I'm at X I'll be good whether it's on a challenge account or whether it's on your own personal funded account it's the kind of thing where we you know we set like if then conditions almost on some level it's like if I get to break even or if I get to xXx then I'm going to use risk management then I'm going to be disciplined yeah I'm gonna be all that and that just let me down a deep deep hole of just depositing losing depositing losing depositing losing was anything in particular that helped you to kind of get out of that mindset there um I would say that conversation with my dad the one where he told me essentially he's like hey man I I love you and I'm going to support you no matter what you do I have an amazing relationship with my parents and um I think I'm going to support you no matter what you do not financially but he's like I'm gonna support you because he's definitely he's like no he's like but like I'm your dad I'm always gonna be that I'm always gonna be in your corner I'm always gonna be rooting for you he's like but you've been at this for a couple years you really haven't made any progress like something's got to change right because I was very open with them about the struggles and everything that I was going through so I think that conversation with him one of the things that he helped me do is he's like you need we came to that conclusion I needed to forget about everything that had happened right I needed to have a blank slate I needed to be starting trading from a blank slate and I described this as like you're just the stages one through ten of a Trader this for me is like stage six after you've blown taking that big blown account big loss you come back with a blank slate and for me one of the things that really helped as simple as it sounds was I changed Brokers so previously I was using a broker that when you clicked your all-time year-to-date I would see how much I was down right I was down over fifty thousand dollars on my lifetime account and I was like and so every time you would even have a good day it would still be feeling like you're chipping away at that negative year to date right it's like and what that will always lead you to do at some point in time is take too big of a risk to try and erase that right so switching Brokers was not only a great decision for me just because I moved away from a bad broker in 2-1 that was actually a very reputable high quality broker but it also got my p l from like I would lifetime I considered it gone right like obviously I knew I'd lost that money fortunately in my tax returns that would be something that would ultimately come back and kind of help me after and but I got a new Fresh broker fresh account I was like okay I'm now at zero right I'm now starting from zero profit zero loss and now I can really give this a fresh start a fresh try with like a blank slate and that for me was huge that was really as much as it sounds simple it's those little mental things that can really make all of the difference in your trading it really is it really is and you know it's it's really crazy that you say in terms of like the 50 000 loss yeah how old were you at the time I was uh 20 21 22. yeah which was still for reference people have always asked me how did you have 50 000 I worked like every summer for all of my high school and for the first few years of my college internships I just saved it I was pretty good at saving I didn't have I had living expenses in college but I don't know I wasn't bad with money I was good with until I started to learn trading I was actually good with money right like so I had saved that up throughout the course of like three four years of working somewhere in high school and then two and a half years of working internships in college so it's not that crazy of a number to think that like over many years I saved that up right yeah and then it was crazy to think about losing it that's right yes what was that like obviously we already talked about you know the mindset of having to try and make it back but what was it actually like feeling that loss you know and realizing that loss it was very brutal I um the one thing about me though is that as much as it was like hard and it was a setback in that moment people always ask me did I ever think about quitting right did you ever think about quitting or giving up and all this I personally never even crossed my mind because I had seen people be successful at this whether it was someone like Umar Ashraf who's someone I've always he just was the first person in my space or my very first Mentor stock market wolf like I had seen people were successful at this so for me I didn't I wasn't like considering quitting but I there was some points and times was just really low nights right like for me personally it was the way that I would cope with that was not healthy but I would just be staying in on a Friday night just watching TV just sitting there in my room smoking joints just doing nothing right and being like then I'm just I I I know I'm gonna get there one day but this part of it sucks right like this part is really brutal this part is not so fun and it took a toll on me there was a point in time where after I came back from that after I kind of or not even like group map but after I tried that blank slate I ended up cutting out unintentionally a lot of my friends from high school from relationships that I built just because I was like all right now that I've gone through and I've felt that very low low of losing 50 all of the savings losing everything now I'm going into like work mode and it's just work work study study charts on them all night so I never thought about quitting but those lows helped push me to where I'm at now because I never wanted to get back there I never wanted to feel that feeling again because I didn't even have sometimes with trading you have like those lows but you also have some good highs that you can like be like oh it's it's a balance of both I had only lows those first two years it was just straight losing so it was one of the harder moments of my life in general I would say is to try and understand what I had done to get myself to that point and then trying to Fathom how could I ever recover from it was all very hard very low Point definitely I can only imagine and was it was there a particular reason for the losses was a lack of technicals uh ability and Technical understanding obviously like a lack of discipline or psychology risk management every everything you just named everything you just named so I I started off by using a very indicator based technical system and I don't think I ever really fully understood how that worked and I was trying to use a strategy that I didn't even really know how to use right and then I think it was a combination of that plus a lack of risk management plus all the traditional psychology errors that Traders make I don't know what what it was about me that like Let It Go on for that long right of two years of not making any real changes in I Dragon I made minor changes I tried different strategies that's one thing I will say I was hot strategy hopping at the time right going from learning this to learning RSI to moving average crossovers to all these basic indicators strategies hopping so but I didn't have any real foundational knowledge of chart structure and how charts actually moved so that combined with every risk management every psychology error in the book that you hear beginners making it was almost just like a cascading you know it was everything all at once right and just being yeah not it was not a good culmination of everything bad pretty much did you actually in that time read any books you know in that case I started books in that time it was yeah in that time I started books never finished them right so it was one that there was one that I finished that was a very basic technical analysis book but I was in that mode where I'd even like purchased courses I watched the first lesson of them and then I didn't finish it right which by the way for recorded courses that's a very high number statistically speaking a lot of people buy the courses then don't end up finishing them right and I fell into that category where I didn't even make it past the first two lessons because you see a couple of things and then all of a sudden in your head you're like that's all I needed I'm good I don't need the rest right so I was reading reading a book here and there I hadn't read any trading psychology books up until that point so no trading in the zone no mental none of you in the basic ones so for me that trading Psychology was something that was just completely Beyond me right it was just way over my head um so I had had from the beginning I had had like a technical somebody who's trying to teach me a technical system so it wasn't like I was just doing random things like I I think I think at least that my trades had some sort of idea but I was hoping to happen um but it was just I think really what it comes down to is trading no matter what form you're doing it in no matter what you're trading and no matter how experienced that you are in trading no matter what as soon as you enter a permit position there's this little rush of dopamine and all of a sudden it's like I have money on the line now I have it I have a trade and it feels good it feels like we all sort of like that Rush of like I'm in a position I have risk on now like let's go like it there's that sort of element and I think in the beginning of those first two years that's all I was seeking I think that I wasn't really trading right I wasn't Trading I wasn't trying to make money I wasn't trying because even when I had profits I wouldn't take them I wasn't trying to follow a system I wasn't trying to analyze or be calculated in what I was doing the only thing that I was doing was searching for hits of dopamine right it was almost like it's like it sounds like an addict right searching for something which at one point I think I'd mentioned I had a conversation with my dad but I also had a conversation with my mom and it was right after I had taken a bigger loss and I remember going down and talking to my mom about it and I was like don't worry Mom I'm going to deposit a little bit more tomorrow I'm gonna make up for it like I just and she looked at me and she was just like this you realize this sounds like a gambler a gambling addiction right and I was just like no no no no no this is trading this is not like I've heard trading is gambling but it's different right it's different but I think truly those first two years I think that conversation the one I had with my dad really stuck with me because now it's all of a sudden I'm like okay I was gambling I was just searching for a little hit of dopamine once I got that I was like I don't care I'll figure out how I'll get the next one later right and so it almost felt like I was addicted to addicted to trying to trade or addicted to that dopamine hit without actually fine without actually having any concrete plan right um yeah which that was a not fun time for sure I can imagine and uh what were the key things that then you implemented to change those times definitely so those conversations with my parents helped me put a new mindset in place but that a new mindset doesn't do anything unless you actually make changes on that right unless you actually start to enact physical changes so I had a few different things I learned from a few various different mentors there's three that I always like to give like a firm shout out to one is his name there's not on social media as a guy named Kansas City Shuffle hard to find out there but he helped me a lot I have a mentor named Eric from Major League trading and an author Al Brooks who wrote the book reading price charts bar by bar which you and I spoke a little about before this is the book that I don't think has made it to the Forex world at least to my knowledge yet and that book changed the way on how I was trading so for me I it was to go back to the original question of how did I get out of that those conversation with my parents will kind of start right that pushed me into okay something's got to change then from there it was okay let me find some sort of strategy that actually works right I need something that's concrete gives me structure gives me rules and by finding these various mentors I was able to actually put those all a little bit more in place right um and really I would say that the book reading price charts bar by bar that one just changed the way that I viewed charts as a whole right after reading that book which it's a very hard read it is one of the driest books he is a older that's why it hasn't made it over it's one of the driest books it is it is he is an older gentleman who's been trading Futures the s p right so equivalent to trading SPX 500 yeah he's been trading those for years and essentially his thesis on his book is that candles and individual bars have been around for so long that if you actually know how to read each one of them you can can then tell the story on what's going to happen in the chart and for the first time I was like okay a chart makes sense right like this wasn't my breakthrough to consistent profitability or just getting but after that I was like oh my gosh like these make sense it's not random right it's not like oh this is I don't know why this is happening there's actually a structure in place for okay we have a lower high here we're going to take out that swing low there's actually these chart things that you can start to recognize that really make sense so I think my first break out of that the bad two years was finding that and being allowing myself to say okay hey here's a strategy that you can start to understand charts that really that you get it like actually works it's not something where I'm feeling like there's guesswork it's not something where I feel like it's open to interpretation right which I felt like some of my other mentors kind of give you strategies that are like open to interpretations like oh when it works for you pick what that works best for you and I'm like I need I need structure and so that book gave me a whole whole lot of structure and it's always the thing that I mentioned on any time that I'm doing any sort of content is that the best free way to learn trading the best free resource out there that you can have in my opinion for understanding how charts move is to study that book there's PDFs of it online so you don't even have to purchase it out of respect for the writer I would but um you then what he would do is he goes through a lot of five-minute charts and various time frame charts and he breaks down each individual candle what's happening he goes okay this candle did this this candle did that and I what I would do is I would print out 50 20 30 different charts for individual days and I would go through all of them I'd start marking them up trying to Mark like him and for the first time I felt like okay I actually know what's happening in a chart to a small degree right maybe not to a full descent that I know now but that made a Monumental difference for me it really gave me structure right and I think structure as a Trader isn't necessary is absolutely necessary yeah no 100 and you know it's interesting to hey obviously the different sources so that was a book of course but the other ones like uh sort of mentorships and and sort of uh not in person but more personal connection and personal communication the skilled challenge is finally here enjoy the lowest profit Targets in the industry through our skilled challenge which is only requiring a six percent profit Target Yes you heard that right not only that but enjoy 85 profit split as well as 125 Challenge free refund all part of the best product on the market you get to choose your drawdown between eight or ten percent for our toggle option so you choose how much drawdown you'd like take advantage of the skilled challenge today yes so the other two are more personal Communications for the longest time from like 2018 to 2020 I'd worked with the guy named Kansas City Shuffle who I believe he taught me we didn't work it was all on Discord right but he I believe he taught me not necessarily any one strategic point that I use but he was almost just like the guy who really taught me the ins and outs of the markets things that you should pay attention to right like little details little the nitty-gritty of stuff that was going on and then I found Eric from Major League trading who helped me identify okay here is a level system that you know that I know works and I really then took that made it my own and it's the most accurate level system that I've that I've ever used in my life and I um it's a it has some correlation to order blocks I think so it um definitely relates in the FX world as well right um but after finding those two so I had uh Al Brooks was more of the book I never talked to him noting that than having the other two that I was actually able to reach out to and connect with them and I I didn't bug them because I figured out the right way to ask questions but this is also another life hack if you have a mentor if you can show them that you can provide value to them right if you can show them that you can provide value and really if you can show them that you're asking good questions they're way more receptive to giving you information and helping you and helping you learn a deep way like I I remember seeing various students ask you know a question that would be why are we doing this they just be like why why am I buying why am I going along here that would be the question and I'm like okay that's if you ask a question that way the answer you're going to get is most likely that person is like I don't really want it I don't know it seems like you're not putting any effort yeah so instead I would go out of my way to be like hey I'm looking at x y z z and Z there's B B A and D all of these things line together I'm looking to do this what would you think of that right and I would ask very intuitive very good questions and from there I was able to build some really good relationships with a lot of fellow creators out there or just Educators and mentors and that'll put me in a position to where I had really personal relationships with these people and it helped me a lot as a Trader for sure and definitely definitely I can only imagine but I think it's a very powerful point there that you said in regards to the quality of questions yes you know because I I'm sure you have it all the time I have it all the time as well with just I get the one where it's like hi can I ask you a question yeah like why why waste the time why waste the time to ask me if you can ask me a question yeah just go straight in even then they'll be like the most basic of questions where it just shows a lack of sometimes intelligence but also just being lazy yeah you know and I think that I was speaking about this earlier today it almost you can tell as an educator typically speaking within the first hour of conversation with a student you can tell roughly at least in the beginning I can tell if how long it's going to take them to succeed right in trading because everyone's maybe not how long everyone's going to be different on the exact timeline but you can tell based on the questions someone asking is this a person that is going to put in the work going to put in the effort going to try and doing that because no matter who your educator is there is no perfect system trades are going to fail that's the way charts move things go from uptrends to downtrends in order to do that setups have to fail right and so there's never going to be a picture-perfect strategy out there but if you have a student that is asking good questions asking the right things isn't asking isn't trying to figure out can I hold this for that it's more actually genuinely inquiring and showing you that you put in that effort you can tell that they're going to do well but it also makes you want to help them more at least because you see you're like okay you took 20 minutes out of your day to write up and you also took 20 minutes to write up in a way that makes it easy for me to answer yeah I'm gonna go out of my way to give you a solid answer in return right I'm going to go out of my way to make sure that I'm covering every detail of what you asked because I can tell you when out of your way to make it easy for me right like I truly think that if there's any hack that you can have to in order to have a better relationship with the mentor that you have in the questions that you ask make sure is this something I can Google if it is I'm not asking my mentor it right if it's a googleable question that's and again that might vary on the specific topics but if it's something that's generally or like times you know basic broker questions those kind of things those things can be avoided right when they're the questions that hey you know I've this setup looked really good and it failed was this something that just failed or was there an error in my thinking that's those are the type of questions that you bring to your mentor and those allow you to develop that really close personal relationship every Mentor that I have had and I've had seven or eight of them in various different capacities whether it be trading whether it be entrepreneurship whether it be content creation every single one of them that I have I have an amazing relationship with even though at some points of those I kind of like broke off from them and in theory we shouldn't be close anymore right like there's there's people that I've worked with before that when I left I was working for them and then when I left people followed me right and I took away because like all that kind of stuff we in theory shouldn't have a good relationship but if you build that Bond and you ask these people the right questions then your relationship becomes above all else becomes All Above any type of business it becomes any type of above anything else and really it all starts with how much effort are you putting in when you're asking your Mentor question definitely and where did that mindset stem from there is that something the full process you've always had or is it something you picked up or learned from I think that it came I mentioned I had a great relationship with my dad my dad uh and my mom have I have to give them both amazing credit on this they've both been really good communicators and as weird as this might sound I actually I've never thought about it this way until you just mentioned it but when I was younger when I was like 13 14 I had a sister who was two years older than me I would watch her just argue with my parents all the time so they would just get into fights you know teenage nothing crazy but teenage rebellious you know I want to go out no you can't go out all these kinds of things with the with my parents and I'd be sitting back there as the younger child just kind of watching and learn it and I'd be like okay when Annie wants to go out my sister when she wants to go out to a party and my parents say no this is usually how the conversation goes she says something like this they respond like this this is how she gets and then they end up getting in a fight so I kind of learned I was like okay if I can make sure to ask my mom and dad the right which sounds so crazy to think that this is analogy I can ask my mom and dad the right way to let me go to this party maybe they'll let me go to the party and we'll be on good terms afterwards and I almost think that that is where it kind of came from for me is that I learned by watching my sister do it the wrong way right and then I started to be like okay here's how I can change what she did in order to get a better out come right I think that very much came to roll as soon as I was in the Discord world and in the learning world of trading I started to see that okay when I see someone ask a question like why are we long on SPX right now right they didn't get a very good answer right and I started to see that I started to see that the creators or mentors that were answering those questions would kind of be like like ignore them or give them a less better response and I saw that I was like okay well hey if I phrase this question a little bit differently much like I phrased it differently than my sister did trying to go to a party back in the day if I can phrase this differently and communicate a little bit better then I can get a much better result right and I think that that for me is where like the level of detail in specific nuances of how you communicate I think can absolutely change your life right the way you ask a question the tone that you use all of these little things can absolutely change your life because one good relationship that comes out of the way that you acted and the way that you spoke can set you up for Generations right so for me I think that watching my sister kind of failed a little bit of the way she did that led me to be like okay now I know the right way to ask no definitely definitely it makes sense and it's interesting that you're able to observe that and have those sort of thoughts of that age as well yeah because most people have that sort of perception or at least that understanding of perception to be able to to be aware of that but it's incredible and I think a lot of people could hopefully take note from that and hopefully we'll start to get some some higher quality questions as well but I think it's important just generally as well um you know not just to be surface level you do the basics do that because again with like a lot of people's mindset coming into trading is that they want to obviously be financially free and have this freedom in their life which trading can provide but you have to be willing to put in effort actual effort so if you're then not putting effort in even just basic responses or just with you trying to ask a question where's where's the translation or the reflection of that gonna be you're not gonna no effort here in just the basics outside trying to you know no lack of effort to try and improve your trading yep will only probably uh result in a lack of results in your trading a hundred percent one way that I like to think about it is that trading can be a shortcut to Financial Freedom in certain senses right you think about it the traditional way to Financial Freedom is a nine-to-five job you save and up save up enough buy a house hopefully appreciation takes you to a millionaire that's the traditional way of going about it so trading can be a shortcut in the sense of you can reach those goals quicker because of the returns that you have on your time your energy your Capital the problem is though is that in order to become a successful Trader there are no shortcuts SO trading is a shortcut but there are no shortcuts to becoming successful at there are things that you can do hacks in which way that you can train your brain I think that biohacking is a very interesting way to go about that I think that a lot of the mental approaches that we've already talked about have are ways that you can sort of hack your brain into making your timeline quicker but there is no shortcut and if you want to succeed at this it's going to take years like I for me personally I didn't have to do as bad as I did those first two years I mean let's just be honest right like that was it was bad depositing a paycheck on a Friday blowing it by Wednesday like you don't need to be doing that by any means but I do think that there's this line of diamonds require pressure require pressure to form and so in order for a diamond to exist and a diamond if you're a successful consistently profitable Trader you are a diamond in the rough because these numbers are not in your favor but in order for that to get there you need pressure you need to go through these types of situations I didn't need to lose 50 000 before I even found any success but I did need to take hits and I needed those emotional lows because you need those to build off of them right you you almost need a rock bottom on some level right and it's just about making sure that when you feel that you've reached That Rock Bottom point that you're like okay this is my rock bottom it's different from here on out you have to be the one to take prior to make I'm now I've hit my lows in spoiler alert in every year as a Trader at least for me personally I've hit new emotional lows every year right just just because as you scale your position sizes as you as you continue to grow and all that you make mistakes and so for me now even to this day I have times where I take way bigger losses than I should right and like my biggest loss in 2023 is bigger than my biggest loss in 2022 right like at some level you'll reach a plateau on position sizing but it's not the lows that you reach aren't going to be like a one-time low these are as a Trader in my opinion at least it's going to continue to come with those lows and lows and lows so it's about finding those bottoms and then coming back off them and realizing that it all starts with the effort you put in right yeah all starts with how much energy and effort you put into it definitely you know it's all about that action and it's interesting you say that about the mistakes and the emotional loads because people I think have a misconception of trading especially profitably and consistently they assume that it's just easy then yes and that yeah they will just have wins yeah they understand they'll have losses but that's it like you know it's mainly going to be wins they'll be able to read them Market they won't have any stresses but what is the reality you know do you still make mistakes do you still are you still imperfect or are you a perfect Trader uh I being for everybody the answer is imperfect right like that should be it's hard to be a perfect Trader otherwise are you a computer like I don't I don't understand right there I feel like there is no level of perfect and there's this diagram that I absolutely love where it shows what people think success is and it's a straight line and then what people what success really is is move up followed by a bunch of Twirls then another move up more Twirls and then there's no direct line from A to B where you're supposed to be okay this is where I'm at now this is where I want to be in two weeks if that's your if that's your timeline if you're putting that kind of pressure on yourself no matter whether that's a two week or a six month timeline I feel like it's unrealistic there's no direct path to success as a Trader it's going to be different for literally everybody yeah so so true and um I mean do you think like social media has been like a negative in that standpoint I would absolutely and this is coming from someone who I'm on social media a lot right I love I love social media I have so much fun with the account that I have I just I mean you've seen it it's just a lot of funny stuff right that's my goal but I also there are the serious elements of it there are the educational elements of it I think that the problem with social media is that it puts unrealistic expectations on what you need to have as a Trader and it takes also it also kind of pushes you to go at Paces that you're not ready to go at right and that you see these social media stories of a Trader like I heard one time the story of a guy who after his first six months of trading he became consistently profitable and then made like 300 Grand in the first year and I was like after six like you you figured that all out after six months like man I after six months I just didn't even know what I was doing right and so I understood that that person might have worked harder for me but there's also that it puts this like unrealistic expectation in your head I would say that most people take three or four years before they start finding the success as a Trader I didn't go full time as a day trader until I've been trading for four years so it's pretty much like I went and got my college degree in day trading then went full time right like and so I think that the biggest downsides of social media have been one the pressure put on you for some sort of timeline and then two I think that and this is all just personal preference but I think that the the lifestyle element of how trading has been portrayed on social media has also brought a negative effect to it right because it brings people to trading for the not necessarily the wrong reasons but it it attracts I don't want to say people trade for the wrong reasons but I think that attracts them for the wrong reasons right like for just for reference I have absolutely zero issue with anybody who owns a Supercar right owns multiple supercars badass if you're a car person hell yeah go do that right I'm not a car person I've driven I live in LA I've driven like 200 miles in the past like a year and a half so I like me having a Supercar me having that makes no sense right and so on my type of Feed the content that I post has nothing to do with that and I think that relates to a lot of people but I think that the problem is that if you are somebody who ha who's who that is what you love that is a passion of yours cars are then there's zero there's nothing wrong with that but that Allure of bringing people in makes it seem like if you trade you x equals Y trading equals supercars or Yachts or whatever the case may be right and this is coming from someone who's wearing nice clothes right like I'm wearing those clothes I haven't decent watch right but like these things don't drive me these things aren't the things that like make me and I feel like that's one element of social media where I I worry about it a little bit is that it it attracts people to trading for the wrong reasons not that there's anything wrong with somebody who has a passion for supercars but I or not just supercars but watches any of that I have zero problem with I don't want it to sound like I'm coming bad on anybody because I truly am not but I I worry about the unintended consequences of that being a reason to draw people into trading because if you're drawn in for that reason I think you're more likely to have that flip account mindset rather than growth mindset right and I think that so social media it's a trickery it's a slippery slope and a tricky tight line to walk because without people on social media I would have never found trading right I know that for folks I think there's a lot of different ways that people found it I found it through Instagram all my friends found it through Instagram so for us it's just a slippery slope because I want to continue to share I want to continue to inspire people on social media but I also understand that there are some serious downsides of what I post right there are some serious downsides of not necessarily downsides but there will be times where I'll post something on social media let's say I'm watching a particular stock or a particular pair or whatever the case may be and I say you know I'm I'm bullish I think that this I want to buy I want to find buys on this particular stock I think this setup is good as soon as I say those words as soon as I say I'm looking at this thing mostly there are traders who are still developing still learning still trying to get figure out where they want to go who they are as a Trader who will then instantly look at that and be like this is my opportunity this is my shot to make a bunch of money on that trade right and so I feel like there's it's just a tight line it's a very slippery slope and it's a tight line to walk tightrope to walk um where social media has a lot of these pros and a lot of these cons and so if there was one piece of advice that I would have to or someone who's trying to learn and is going through and follow it and is on social media it would just be find people that resonate with you and follow them not everybody because if you follow everybody there's a whole lot of different it's like it's shiny object syndrome right but if you're able to find people that resonate with you whether those are the ones who have the supercars or whether those are the ones who live in the woods which is not me but whether whatever the case may be find the ones that you resonate with and be like okay these are who I I trust to provide me with information that's valuable yeah right yeah I think that's the biggest key in takeaway for sure definitely and I think there's definitely uh you know responsibility on the on the person viewing the content as well not just the content career because as you said like you know if you were to post a trade and um you know trade idea or not even trade idea you're just posting what you're looking at yes you're not even trying to do anything like that you're just saying hey I'm looking long today then there's a responsibility of okay I can listen to that and then say let me go look at why he's locked yes that's the educational side yes but if they're just going okay I'm going I'm going straight and I'm going straight and that's it yeah we're gonna we're gonna make it off this then then on them yeah no one said anything like that and that's their own perception or their own uh maybe wrong mindset essentially the negative mindset the wrong mindset the the inconsistent mindset what I will say though is I I definitely understand like I mentioned before I think I had some of the worst habits ever so I was the person that when I saw my previous mentors post a trade idea yeah I would go all in because I was like I it would give me especially if I saw something within their trade idea that I was like oh I see that too right and so you're 100 right at the end of the day it's on the consumer in some sense to be like okay I see that they're they're positioning this I see that this is what they're seeing I still have to manage my rest I still just and do my own analysis in order to come in okay am I coming to that same conclusion right and I think that kind of ties back to what we were talking about earlier about asking good questions you don't even have to be asking a question to be utilizing content in an efficient way right and so we've talked about this before this is right now in the content trading space is all-out war there's so many people providing so many things and so many different stuff there's so many different things that you can hear I think on some level it's great because it's information for all new beginner Traders it's going to reach more people more people will find out about it but on some level it's also hard because it's like which it's like I'm seeing all this stuff but I'm not really actually utilizing it the right way and so the right way to utilize things would be the same way of asking a right question if you see someone post a trade idea you see someone post their analysis rather than trying to mimic it or follow it reverse engineer it right reverse engineer it and I think that's like a big hack of trading I keep mentioning these hacks but that's one that's really big to me too is finding a way to reverse engineer what someone else is seeing or saying right and so if you see a Trader say that they struggle with xx and Y start to reverse engineer and be okay what what are some some traits that I can of people who don't struggle with that right like what are some other things that I can start to identify to really fix my perception of what they're doing right no definitely because I've always said that you know if someone if you ever watch anyone's content in terms of like a case study or forecast anything like that the job really is to yes listen to their words and understand their perspective and their understanding from that chart but then the most important thing to do is to go on that same chart yes and Mark it out yourself right Mark yeah you already see what they see because you've just watched a video but what's most of all is look at the same trade and notice what you see because then that's the stuff that you're going to actually be able to use because you're not going to be able to just you might maybe take one thing yeah someone else's perspective right on their viewpoint but otherwise if you look at the same trade the same chart and you see maybe three different confluences they're the three there that will work for you yes for the long term because they're the ones you actually see yes you know so you're not blind to them you're the other ones might be lying to you but they're just on your conscious mind because you just watch this video you literally just someone's just told you oh this is why I look there um and yeah I don't think people really take that advice but I think it is definitely a hack because it's like there's one thing watching a video and watching how someone else will do it but there's another thing actually okay let me go review this and see how I would do it yes and then that leads us on to just before we move on to this actually because that'll probably be a broader topic but the last one on social media is what what was the motivation with you starting social media let's take a break for a minute there guys because I want to tell you about our other sponsor trade Zella now trade Zella is something I only wished 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whether you trade options whether you trade Forex whether you trade prop firms or even just your own personal account it is here to revolutionize the trading Journey make sure you click the link in the description below and use the code res 10 for 10 off go take a look at the link in the description let's go back to the episode yeah absolutely this is a great question I love um my social media Journey has been a lot of fun I I have so much fun on my stories every single day I like to make it as personal as I can while also providing you know as much value as I can and for me I had been working in the Discord space for other groups and other uh creators and all that for two-ish years kind of after I had started to find my footing a little bit I started to be like okay how can I be a value to you here how can you be a I'd be valued you there and then I went full time as a day trader in early 2021 and then after doing that for like six seven eight I think almost nine months of full-time day trading with no social media I was like okay but I think I should I I think I would enjoy starting a little bit of social media starting to see if okay can I help relate to others can I start helping to bring others the same sort of knowledge that I have right and originally it was mostly just intended as can you know can I post this analysis here and see and get feedback right or or help people out or something that but it blew up really quickly it blew up very very quickly I and I I have a very addictive personality which I have very bad ADHD I'm very addictive so I made an Instagram account again six or nine months after I'd been a full-time day trader for that time and as soon as I started it I fell in love with it right I fell in love with creating I fell in love with making videos I fell in love with really the Instagram stories where I could connect to people on a deep level right and so I started to then create this I had all my reels which were all educational all this but it almost is like people have described it to me before which I don't it's just funny to me as like my own little personal reality TV show yeah Instagram stories and it's always kind of true in some level right where I can really just be myself and so well I do a lot of educational things on my story as well it's also a lot of me being myself and I think that what I've found is that the amount of people that I relate to on that level is unreal because like we talked about before the first part of social media that you think of when you hear trading is the luxury items right that's the first those go hand in hand right and so my goal of creating a social media is I was like I want to make an account this is like I'm just like this regular doo-doo trades right like I'm just like this regular guy who like I I will hit a winning trade and then you know have a good night and then the next morning you know or whatever the case may I'll be doing XX and wild go play basketball go to this I didn't have to be living this like crazy luxurious lifestyle but I also I'm peppers I love to have fun I like to go out and drink I'm an avid smoker it's like I like these things and I could be myself and all of a sudden there was this group of people that really resonated with me and they were like wow like this guy isn't just is selling something down ourselves throat the whole time he's not forcing this issue and a lot of his content is laughable can make me funny can make me relate without compromising the educational value right so for me it's almost like on some level it allowed me and I said this I don't know if I've ever said this before on a podcast but social media allowed me to be me right like it allowed me to like because with your friends it's not like with my close personal friends I could always be myself but then you graduate college you go out you meet new people you try and grow your Social Circle you try and grow your friend group and for me when you're in those first few stages of meeting new people you don't want to like be weird you know you want to be normal yeah you want to put off a good first impression social media allowed me to just I could do whatever I wanted I was like you're choosing to follow me so if you're if you don't like my stories about me making a joke and talking to join I'm just going to assume you're gonna unfollow me yeah yeah and so it really allowed me to be like okay this is who I am take it or leave it and I was shocked at how many people were like oh dude me too right like people are like yeah I'm weird too like I'm all over the place too like you're chaotic I'm chaotic right it really it allowed me to be me and now that the part that I'm so so grateful for on social media above literally anything else is that earlier I had mentioned how when you meet a new group of friends you don't feel comfortable sometimes being your fullest self just because you want to make a good impression I don't care anymore now whoever I meet obviously I'm respectful good impression I'm I'm always right but I'm me too because I'm like I find comfortable being public in front of 60 000 people on an Instagram story they're on Instagram or whatever then meeting new people for the first time it allowed me to feel more comfortable in my own shoes it allowed me to be like I this is who I am I'm a really nice guy uh I'm a little quirky I'm a little chaotic but this is who I am right and for me I felt like that propelled my relationships forward a lot faster right and it allowed me to start even in real life so I'm really grateful for social media it started off as a way for me to just try and connect with people and help educate people and it somehow turned into me finding out who I truly am and I'll never I don't think I'll ever ever I think I'll always forever be grateful for that always definitely no it's incredible to hear it's interesting how you have that uh that inside though a lot of people might not have seen that or recognize that about themselves off the back of the social media side of things do you ever experience any sort of like hate or negativity on your side of things or very rarely which has been yeah I there is there is once like joking I consider it a joke of like you know I mean one guy don't get along so well every now and then but really I've had zero negative feedback or hate or anything like that just because I think it's also what you put out into the world right and so if you're coming on and after you've had a winning trade you come up on you're like just nailed this we we're the best all that a lot then you're gonna get hate naturally right and I think part of the mission statement I have of the content that I create is to be no sugar coat like it's very real right so there will be days where I'm like like I think it was on uh Wednesday of last week I took a big loss and I made a story post and I was just like me in the market had this fight today it won in a very dramatic fashion I got my butt kicked we're back at it tomorrow right like people like the sort of authenticity in that sense and I think that if you're transparent in what you're doing which is the first step in everything behind social media but if you're transparent in what you're doing and you're not constantly bragging I think that it it's hate will always come in social media but if you just put off good energy and Good Vibes that slows down dramatically some of the horror stories that people I know that have told me about hate comments and stuff that they've received I'm like I feel I have never gone through that like I was like I only couldn't even fathom that right like and even if I do get a couple negative comments every here and there the kind of things where it's like I look back and I always just laugh it's always just laugh to me now because I'm like okay like think I'm glad you don't like me thanks for telling me you could have just unfollowed but no worries we'll just I'll just block you so I'm gonna get something out of it yeah they get something out of it and so my response I don't follow you now I'm like okay sweet like I'm like really that made a huge difference in my life one person who I didn't know existed until today now unfollowed me ah so sad right like but I think for me I always like my my go-to line because I will say probably like once a month I'll check my message requests and I'll have someone be like uh just you know something negative whatever it might be my go-to response is um have a nice life hope see you never right it's like have a nice life I wish you nothing best hope to see you never right and I and then for me it's done I'm on with it I'm on with my life I don't nothing I I bring none of that home yeah no baggage whatsoever you know in regards to uh you mentioned that like having friends who do get hate right is there anything that you can so correlato so I've observe in terms of the sort of content they post is it polarizing content is it profits is it lifestyle or anything I think that a lot of it is lifestyle I won't lie I think a lot of it is lifestyle because here's the Assumption here's the the elephant in the room about creators who are traitors right is that they also typically sell some sort of product or course right so most often the line of of criticism that I see is that people come up and like oh you're buying this with with money from courses you're not actually a Trader you're not actually doing that right and so I think that really it is the lifestyle things that probably draw the most which makes sense right I mean they're that's where feelings of jealousy start to come out feelings of all that start to come out but I think that the most common way that you'll get is a combination of like hey not only do I have this nice stuff but I'm gonna rub it in your face that I have this nice yeah right and I think that the people who don't rub it in their face right like there's somebody for example who I know you've smoked last night limbo Raul no I never met him but him and I have talked on Instagram a bunch we've got he is is Lambo rival but he doesn't rub it in your face as much as he for him at least for me I can tell he purely he loves cars like the man just loves cars and so he's not showing it in your face in the sense of like instead of like if you don't have this you suck he's more like I love this stuff I'm gonna show it I think that there's more there are going to be times where there's other people out there and I don't even know that there's someone specifically I'm thinking of but there's other people out there who they come across and that is what it's almost like they're using that to make you feel bad about yourself yeah and that's going to draw a lot of hate right because then all of a sudden rather than trying to be an inspiration or rather than trying to show people what's possible you're you're more saying hey I'm better than you and I'm reached my goals and that's the stuff I don't love right that's the stuff I don't love that's and I think that I don't love it but I think that's also where what naturally draws hate towards people right is that this idea that hey I'm showing you this stuff not to show you what's possible because I want you to see I'm better than you right I want you to see that I'm the best I want I want all my friends watching this and being like man he's the man you know all that naturally I think those are going to be creators that are drawn more negative criticism yeah that makes sense it's like correlation yeah like uh there's that correlating factor of on like a scale if you will yeah you know the more that you go onto that side of things of trying to you know put it push it in people's faces whether it's lifestyle or profits profit or 100 profit it's the same principle and polarizing content as well polarizing content will do it even if it has no lifestyle or profit yes because that's well that's how it's designed content is like it's meant to do that it's meant to be like hey I'm yelling at you like if you do X X and Y you're not a real Trader yeah wait wait hi I'm a real Trader I don't do any of those right like yeah I think that content naturally is always going to be aggressive yeah because I was just interested there because I want to see that thing so like with Arawa actually did a podcast with him yesterday he you're right I I've met people who said they like cars you know but it makes sense as well and it goes like way deeper because he in his compound he has like the go-karts he would race in as a kid yep so it's not like a passion that's new or just because he he's made money it's it's always been the always been his dad's showed us is like overalls from when he was like three years you know Raul was like five or something is it was wild but um but yeah then I learned okay that's passion that's when you know you have a passion you can break down all the cars you know there's everything about all the cars I'm lost I even said to him I don't know nothing about him I don't know anything about this um but yeah it's interesting and final question in terms of social media side you know it happens a lot in Forex I'm not sure about on your side um but it's like how do you find time to trade and make content right that's what a lot of people try and say so what would your response to that be yeah so I it's it's a process right in the beginning stages of my social media career I was filming on my phone and I was so for me personally in the beginning stages my first videos would take me like I got it down to a science somewhere they would take me two or three minutes right I would say what I got really my videos that look quickly once I was like one stock I'm watching tomorrow if this does this I'm looking for that if this does this I'm looking for that right and I filmed those off my phone and they took me maybe three minutes to record right so on that level there isn't there wasn't much work to be done nowadays what I do is I have a videographer will come over we'll set up a camera I'll have like 10 different outfits we'll record 40 different we'll spend six hours on a Sunday yeah recording 40 different clips right 50 different clips so it's become a much more efficient process right now um that process in and of itself is an expensive process right that's one of the things I think with content creation that people don't understand is that as you scale it becomes a bigger investment right and you have to put and especially we were talking about this with the amount Shear amount of content out there nowadays in order for yours to succeed it has to it has to um it has to be good right like you can't be making mediocre content and grow anymore there's just too many people out there putting together really great stuff so sure one of the um the other things that I really wanted to mention is that there's Alex romozy has a line that I I absolutely love from him where he said because people ask him the same thing they're like what do you come up with all this content stuff right and he was just like I do cool [ __ ] and then I talk about it right and he's like so for me for him content creation is never all the topics he talks about everything that he's like scriptures I done this he's like I've done this he's like so this was my real life but now I'm talking about it right so for me with trading I think the big Advantage I had and one of the things that a lot of these newer creators don't necessarily do is that as soon as they hit their first success as a Trader they make a social media right yeah and then they start to do that which I don't have anything wrong with that but I think there's an inherent flaw in it that like I was I was trading for four years before I made a social media I was a full-time day trader only income for nine months before I made any sort of social media right and so I had gone through it and so when I make content saying like hey this is a psychology thing that happened to me XX and Y it's not something that I have to like plan out in script it's real stuff that's happened to me right like it's real things I think on some level there's in a certain level of experience that comes with it right and I know that's for sure the same with you is now you've interviewed so many people I'm sure you've become a better interviewer as you go right you gain like you just as you do things over and over and over again you become better at them right and so and as you do more things in trading and in life you have more stuff to talk about right and so um I think the biggest thing for Content creation is if you've been around it long enough right if you've been around like trading the space long enough then some of the the content creation part becomes easier because then it's just this is what I did let me tell you about it right and that for me has made it so that content creation has it's a hard job it's a very hard job and there's a science to it but it's never been something that I've been like that's so much work right it's a hard job but it's not been because it doesn't feel like work for me it feels like this is what I do right like this is what imagine it's a little bit different for you because you were doing like eight hours filming many different podcasts unreal right but for me in the the short form or even the YouTube videos that I'm producing um it's it's do cool stuff then make videos about it right yeah so yeah yeah because obviously it's not how you do it and like you said you'll get a chunk of time on a Sunday market is closed so no training no Traders and impact the trading because that's the main thing they try and say is like how can you do it and trade it's quite easy I think obviously like you said in the beginning it might be a bit harder because you're working out some systems and you're working out how you're going to get the flow of it and you're building your experience but and you might be editing it all yourself but in reality even then you choose when you want you're not going to sit there but I'm a Trader so I'm gonna I trade at 8 am so let me try and make content at 8am but it doesn't make sense you know I mean right yeah I trade at 8am till 12 but then at 12 to let's say four I have school but then four till six I don't do anything I'll make content then exactly that's all it is um with me obviously it's it's similar but obviously I get to choose when I book in right stuff like that so and mainly if I trade us in the morning I'm not I've not done a podcast a in the morning you know it's um we're getting close there we got to 10 30 a.m this morning we're edging that way but yeah um I would say one last thing on that just for me is that with trading it's almost with trading in with content creation it's the same thing we talked about earlier how much work do you want to put in right because for me the market I live in California the Market's open from 6 30 a.m to 1 30 1 p.m uh as soon as that so I'm up each morning at 4 4 30. I do a workout before Market opens um I mean not I do cardio before the market always get my brain awake right um but I do that and then so by the time the Market's closed and I've taken my nap and I've eaten and I've gone for a walk whatever the case may be it's four or five p.m after starting my day at four or five am you have the conscious decision that you can make a choice and say okay I'm going to be done for the day or okay it's time to make content or it's time to do this next thing that I have to do whether you're trading and you have a side hustle of Photography or videography and you're like okay I'm gonna trade here because it's time management but it's also that work that work ethic level yeah right like for me again it's that addictive personality when I started to make the videos the reels of one stock I'm watching to my while because I would trade that day then that night I would always make a video that said hey tomorrow here's my top watch we'll see what looks good in the morning but this is what I'm watching for now right those videos would take me eventually I got it down to a science of them taking me two three minutes they started off by taking 20 30 you know again going through all the processes and all that and I would edit those myself still um but it's that question of and there would be times where I would be I'd be like man I really don't want to make a video tonight and I'm just not going to and then you do that for two or three four days next thing you know you see your reach drop and you're like oh crap like no I can't do that I gotta be I gotta be working on it stay on it and so I think for me the addictive personality people if for those of you wondering how do you fit in both it's not that hard the time trading does not take 12 hours a day and content creation does not take that much time like it in order to create good content you have to be very smart but it's not incredibly time intensive in most cases right I think that's the way I balanced it no definite definitely and you you mentioned something there that's a perfect segue into the next topic which is uh the addictive personality yes right uh how have you most would say that's counter you know productive in terms of being a Trader right so what challenges have you faced with having that trait in your personality and then trying to trade oh man a lot of them I think I've had a lot of challenges through that I think that um again like we talked about earlier on some levels there's the days where you and even now I'll still have my bad days where I feel like I'm trading for a dopamine hit that I am rather for that so it's taken some serious self-control some serious complete like restructuring of how my brain works right in order to avoid at least so I've seen I would say that all of the bad traditional trading habits that you see Revenge trading over trading you know all those typical things I think the addictive personality kind of feeds into that and can make them worse but what I've tried to do is take my addictive personality and shift it to the productive things that don't involve over trading right that don't involve Revenge training that don't involve this if I can give myself really clear guidelines and structures when I'm trading right and I can be addicted to following those guidelines and structures because that's what's rewarding me now right in order now that I'm addicted now that I've I have this addictive personality I'm still addicted to trading but now I'm addicted to doing it right right now I'm addicted to knowing okay these are my setups this is what I'm willing to take these are days that I'm not willing to take and I'm addicted to the process right I think that that is how I was able to kind of translate it in the negative sense I think that it definitely caused me to take plenty of days of over trading definitely caused me to take plenty of days where you know back in the day you you blown account and you wire money in the same day because you want to make it back it's like yeah it's like oh my gosh like I you know so there are definitely still times and traits that I've had those sort of added dogs and that's also had to let me I do some very specific things in order to keep my profit safe in order to keep my habit safe right like I have very strict rules and discipline because I know that no matter how good you are as a Trader I can't tell you how many people I know who made a bunch of money in 2020 2021 2022 and 2023 and then of now out of zero right because no matter how far you've gotten there's still this threat of going on tilt and a gathering one bad day to completely wipe you out for me it happens every year I'll have a day where I don't try to avoid it but it'll always happen every once a year where I'm like man I can just feel I'm in that zone where it's a terrible where it's like you know you just keep averaging down or you just keep doing that and for me there's always those days where the addictive personality the downside will kind of come back into play but the best thing that I've thought of to do is be okay how can I become addicted to the process right so for me that becomes waking up early every single day breaking up early I do cardio workout there's there's this image where they look at a human's brain after sitting still and a human's brain after walking for 20 minutes it's night and day the activity levels your alertness all that so I'll do now I have this strict morning routine and if I'm able to follow that every day and be addicted to the following of that process as soon as the Market opens or as soon as I'm willing to take trades it becomes a lot easier for me to follow my rules right like I followed all the rules I had pre-market now it's time to follow the rules once the Market opens right and I think yeah just I would say being addicted to the process being addicted to the process is being transitioning my addiction from dopamine hits to process interesting and what was the was there anything in particular that helped you bridge that Gap I think the morning routine was a was a big one right which people talk about that all the time I think that your morning routine has to be very specific to you as a human being like and it doesn't have to be all it has to be is something that triggers and hacks your own brain into following those rules better so one of the things that really helped Propel me to my breakout whereas here my my year it was uh right when I had gone full a little like three months after I'd gone full time I started to scale up my sizes a little bit and I started um I started to increase my position sizes a little bit and in order sorry I just totally lost my train of thought I just really am like what would what was the um scaling your breakout yes this yelling the breakout year right oh The Habit the morning routine that's it sorry that morning routine for me the one of the things that happened in my breakout year is that I started to recognize that I was having some trouble right when I had gone full time and part of the reason why is because I was waking up every morning and I was trading I was rolling out of bed going over to the desk doing my analysis all in my pajamas right which is it's in California at six a.m I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with that but I was going to the desk in an unprepared I was in all of a sudden I could have been prepared with my technicals I could have been prepared with my my trading plan and all of that but from a literal perspective of am I awake enough right now to be trading most of the time the answer to that question is was no so one thing that I would do literally if I did this for about a year and a half straight is I would put on a pair of what I call funky pants and they're just pants with you know Checkers or flannel patterns or ones that you would see if someone was running a party you'd be like damn those are some funky pants right those are a little bit out there those belong in the 70s a little bit you know and I had like four or five pairs and every day I would do that every day I would wake up and my rule was if if I didn't have enough if I wasn't awake enough to get out of my sweats and put on real pants I probably didn't wasn't awake enough to trade that day right so it was a series of small things like that and I know that that's not super I know that's relatively generic advice people have talked about the morning routine before but you have to cater it to you so what I would do is start waking up early and doing this pre-market workout getting my legs moving I get my brain more active then all of a sudden I would shower coffee all that and I would have the pants that would be another start of my morning routine that I do every single day without fail right every single day without fails putting those pants on then what I would do which I did not do for many years of my life was make simply that would make my bed as simple as it sounds I would then go through the process of making my bet then every day 10 minutes before Market opens and I still do this part to this day every single day I listen to one song on One music video for me it's song Best Day Ever by Mac Miller it's um the music video has a little kid in it who's really happy but also it really is just that kind of reminds me that hey trading isn't everything right like there's this little kid in this music video Who's so happy no matter what I do today I'm gonna be I'm in a good spot right like I don't this this is not life or death as much as it might feel like that when you're in the the trying to get their stages it's not life or death and so that song to me kind of reminds me of that and then the title of it being Best Day Ever reminds me to try make this The Best Day Ever right like try and make this a good day whether your plan fails whether it works try and make this a good day right and so all these little things that I started to do pre-market right I became addicted to that process and I became addicted to every morning I do that right people would invite me out on a Wednesday night to go do trivia and I'd be like I got to be up at 4 30 the next day I can't do that I'm addicted to this routine right I'm addicted to this process and as soon as I found myself addicted to that routine the minute that that routine became an everyday thing for me my consistency my consistency was already there but my scaling was like yeah right and it just really allowed me to be like okay did you find it was the compounding yes like it was like it wasn't like straight away maybe a month but like as soon as that compounding effect started taking place then you could see the correlation and the longer you went the bigger the correlation yes I'd say that the stronger the correlation for me the way I always like to describe it and I think every Trader has one of these moments is the Nike check mark effect right if you think of a Nike logo that's swoosh right it goes up and it's slow and it's it's going up though it picks up pace but at one point there's a moment where it goes whoo and it curls all the way around I think that every Trader throughout their life will go through a variety of Nike check mark effects right and I think that one of the biggest Nike check marks that I had where it made that slow Progressive leap to a really fast powerful leap was that addicted addiction to the process right because then I was able to find other little things that I would do that would help me personally right and there was this that was that check mark effect allowed me to scale my position sizes in a way that I didn't think was possible Right it went from I went from it was really I went from like five to seven hundred dollars average on a day or whatever you know I think it always varies but five to seven on average to being able to do three or four K on an average day right and not feel that and then within the span of three months I had scaled up to doing seven or eight okay now every day is different trade opportunities will always prevent themselves in a completely different way not every day at all do you put risk on in anything like that but I was able to sort of break through this guy and I think that addiction to the process was really a big portion of it right and I think that allowed me to then build these other apps right I built that morning routine that was huge and then I built these other little Habits Like I am a till the day I die I'm an advocate of withdrawals I think that leaving money in your account um and it was a different with like a funded challenge account but I think that like with a personal account that you funded leaving money in there can lead you to do some bad things and so I after finding out I was like okay this is my morning routine this is going to be huge this is a Nike check mark for me I then went through a couple months a couple months a couple months in my next Nike check mark was this realization that hey if I withdraw my profits on a daily or weekly whatever the basis is if I get them out of there right then I I put myself in an even better mindset to scale which sounds counterintuitive you'd think the more you leave in there the more it compounds and the more you scale yeah but for me the more I withdrew the more I kept that in my bank that was my next Nike check mark right so it was this series of Nike check mark effects that go of me being addicted to them right so I became addicted to that early morning wake up the pants then I became addicted to the withdrawals and to this day I'm still addicted to withdrawals I mean who wouldn't be that's a good phone to happen right but I even on days I will do it very specifically in order to like on days where I can feel myself like okay I had a big day yesterday I need to take a withdrawal today because I can feel myself getting a little being a little you know dangerous right and what I will say is that it's always the days that you that I don't do that but I still have my vegan losing days right like last Wednesday was a day that I struggled and I had a good Tuesday the day before and it was one of those rare days where I say you know what I'm not going to withdraw I'm not going to take our profits away I'm gonna I think if there's a good setup tomorrow we'll see what happens yeah and I take a big loss that's right like it's naturally the way that it goes so for me that was sorry I know I rant a little bit I always tend to rent but um it's helping me today um but I would say that the beingcoming addicted to the process and then the process the withdrawals is huge for me huge huge huge for me no definitely and uh yeah it makes complete sense how you can associate the addiction to a positive habit yes most of the time we look at addiction we always associate to negative yeah I'm guilty of it I'm thinking that way too but then if we we control our perception and we can control you know at the end of the day our mindset and our actions uh if we want to you know I think a lot of it comes down to that language and that intent and how we decide to frame the forward so if we frame it in a way where like you're saying um you know getting addicted to a positive attribute a positive habit that's going to lead you to progress rather than the opposite which is what we always hear about in terms of addiction is obviously a negative yes um so it's very interesting very very powerful I think a lot of people out there hopefully will be able to take note of that because it's probably something a lot of people struggle with subconsciously they don't even realize you don't even realize it I think it's almost like the same way if you think about it with like an alcoholic for example they're addicted to alcohol most people who end up getting sober and getting everything back together then become addicted to AAA they become addicted to going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings so they're trading one addiction for another in some level I think that addiction is a disease that can like stick with you it can really be no I mean I don't think I think that's the science behind it right like and so I think that no matter if you're somebody who's felt like you're it almost sounds weird to say but if you felt like you're addicted to trading poorly which I think there's a lot of people out there who are listening who are going to be like whether I know it or not I'm addicted to searching for the dopamine hits and ended up trading poorly right you have to reshift that mindset because there is a way to use that to your advantage I think now that that has allowed me to scale a lot quicker than some of my peers have from a position sizing standpoint is because I'm addicted to that process I am truly addicted to the process and the benefit possible the good process of it definitely no definitely and I think that's actually a really good point and probably I can imagine now a lot of people in the comments mentioning that being addictive to trading poorly yeah um because it is something definitely to reflect on I think for people but talking about addiction I actually had an addiction to weed for a very long time um and I always used to like watch you know other people doing podcasts or articles online whatever it may be where it's like you know weeds harmless and uh you can't get addicted to weed and um not that I'm bunch of smoking but like it's absolutely fine to smoke right and um so I made my own decision based not based off that but as in like I believe the same thing like I'm not addicted I just like I just enjoy it it's harmless and I enjoy obviously getting high at the time but um it it took me a while to realize I was addicted to it yes right and that took me a while to realize that for me anyway as an individual it was um it wasn't actually helping me right as I was convincing myself that I was right I was convincing myself it allowed me to think and be more creative uh allowed me to relax and switch off but then I was just explaining to Tori on the last podcast that uh for me what it would be is like especially in trading wise I'd have a good day ah let me celebrate by smoke had a bad day uh let me feel better about smoking so I would just find myself personally I was an addict so I had to stop personally and I've actually performed a lot better and had more clarity of mind after something bearing in mind though that there's another layer to it where I was smoking I was over smoking I was smoking so much yeah you know I was probably smoking four grams a day yeah um so I'm smoking a lot yeah and every single day for probably at least a year and a half or something so I think it really damaged the whether it's the dopamine receptors or literally just it built that much of a habit that whenever I tried to do it with a balance like once a week yeah maybe my mind couldn't do it because it was like it's just it's so intense yeah yeah it's like so used to that old way like go back there so every single time it would be like I've convinced my wife that let me try for a week please you know like it helps me there's a so one thing I enjoy um should like eventually be like okay but she should always say that it never works yeah okay and then let's do it one week and then literally the next day my my brain's like I can be nice to smoking still got some so that was always the issues like when you buy it you always have to buy it in bulk yeah yeah so it's like you won you want one or half of one and then suddenly you've got one for like enough for like a year yep um but yeah I just never I never found that uh that balance so then I made the conscious decision to just just cut it out completely yeah just cut it um and it's been really really good no not just that though it's the same with like alcohol same with like loads of other things as well just Vapes and stuff like I just cut it all out for me personally but what has been your experience yeah so I this is an interesting conversation I think that aside from Trading probably the most popular thing I'm known for would be um my Affinity for smoking I'm a big pot smoker I'm very open about it I have been smoking since I was 16 or 17 years old and it's I had I went like a nine month period where I I stopped for a job that I was working for and I kind of felt really good to prove to myself that I could stop and my life went on like normal right um so it felt good to prove that like I'm not physically addicted or anything like my body wouldn't shut down like I've done this and I've gone through that but for the probably the greater half of the last 10 years I've smoked pot every single day and for me somebody has asked me the question before they're like actually a lot of people have asked me my DMs were like they're like when are you gonna quit smoking when are you going to do this when are you gonna quit that blah blah and my initial first response is I I quit things that are bad for me right and so I personally weed has only been a Bennett a positive benefit in my life and that is my opinion and my perspective about my own life now others out there many in the comments or whatever might be like oh you could do so much more if you didn't smoke you could be so much more this you could be so much I'm really happy like I'm sure that's one of the best things about like where I feel like where I'm at my current life is I'm I'm aspiring to push to do more I wanted that but I'm also really happy I don't think that anyone should tell you what should get in the way of your happiness right and so for me I found this balance where I smoke a lot of joints probably a quarter a day seven yeah it's a lot of I it's it's a lot and um for me personally it has been something where if that has ever started to hold me back then I think that I'll take a more proactive look at it but for me I use it as a some people have mentioned like the creative thing and some people have mentioned it there's I personally use it as a Detachment tool I like to it helps me relax trading is very stressful trading is very intense and so what I like to do is people with another question like at all times do you trade when you're high do you smoke before you train like no I'm not I need to be alert I need to be focused I need to be on my I'm watching everything so for me what I like to do is it almost it almost helps me set up a precedence too like in the mornings when I'll finish trading I'll smoke a joint and after I've smoked that joint I'm done trading for the day right like unless I unless I take a few hours and then take a walk get myself in the right headspace right all that but for the vast majority of the time after I smoke I'm done trading for the day so it's almost like a hard stop too that helps me helps again with control those bad habits of like over trading Revenge trading it almost is it helps me in that sense as well but I think that you and I talked about this very briefly before but I I I never openly told this story about my parents but I think it's a fun one to tell and almost where I got this where a lot of my experience with weed came from is that the very first time that I ever smoked in the eighth grade I went and uh I ended up getting my friend's mom caught him and in turn caught me so she called me and was like Hey I don't know whether I'm gonna tell your dad or not but I'm really upset all this blah blah and I was freaking out but I was like I should just go tell my dad right now so I walked downstairs I told my dad and I was like hey you know I I want to just be straight up with you I smoked some pot with my friend last night blah blah blah and he was the first thing he asked me is like what'd you think and I was like first time I was like I don't really know I mean it was cool I guess but I'm not you know I don't think it's like a big thing and he looked at me and he's just like do you think it's going to get in the way of anything that you do do you think this one experience will do that and I was like I don't know like I don't think so right like I don't think I had enough data to judge that at the time yeah but hearing his response to me telling him that I was expecting to get yelled at right even though we had a great relationship I was expecting him to get yelled at I was expecting me to get yelled at and one of the things that he he told me is he's just like he's just like as long as you and I have an open communication on how who you are right he's like I'm not gonna get mad at you it's for stuff like this and the other thing he mentioned to me and he kind of I don't he never really said it said it but he essentially said if you get a 4.0 Jake I really which in America that's perfect grades right he's like all age like if you get a 4.0 I really can't say anything right he's like I'm not telling you it's okay but if you have a 4.0 and you spend a lot of time with your family what what negatives can we have can we can we draw from that right so that literally put me in a mindset from a young age I was like okay I'm gonna work really hard and I'm gonna get a four point I'm gonna get all A's and then if I ever get caught smoking or going to a party I'm assuming that my parents and I are going to be on good terms about it and it won't be the end of the world and that's exactly what happened we built this incredible relationship where I spent a ton of time at home with my family I got really good grades but I also had more freedom than any of my friends any of them by far I was I could go stay do two sleepovers on a weekend night no problem I could be gone the entire weekend and and as long as I checked in with my parents they were like all these different freedoms and they have been times where they came up to my room and they smelled some joints being smoked right and all this kind of things and we'd have this conversation because it's like I'm crushing it in school right like I'm I'm doing speaking I'm doing all this stuff like I I'm just I enjoy smoking The Joint every now and then my dad and literally it'd be the kind of thing where they would never like fully approve of it especially while I was in high school no parent approved so to speak but they were this there was this kind of trade-off where it was like okay if you were if you get good enough grades like I'm gonna be I'm accepting of who you are because you're showing me that you're working really hard yeah and I think that I honestly think that it's that correlation between the two that has stuck in my brain now that I'm like just because I smoke doesn't mean I can't work my buttock right I'm up at 4am every day I'm trading I'm just and I teach classes at 6 p.m at night so it's a 13-hour day sometimes it's long I hop on a 24-hour plane flight to come see you like there's these things I work really hard right as as all of us who are in this space do and so for me what I found is that as long as I work really really hard this isn't a negative for me right like this isn't something and it's not that way with everybody right with that with some people you find that you you your productivity levels go down or you know that's probably the most common thing that people find is that they're do you think it's a conscious choice though for it to happen for me if I was just my productivity would go down well it's interesting you say that actually because when I was on it like when I was smoking a lot yeah every day it it wasn't really getting high anymore if that makes sense yeah there was something to it obviously otherwise wouldn't do it but it wasn't like now that I've taken a break if I smoke now I won't do nothing I'll be like a zombie yeah yeah and I find it strange because it's like obviously tolerance levels is is a thing but like this the the the the difference is massive yes you know because um yeah when I was smoking about then I was smoking loads but it wasn't it was like maintaining oh right it wasn't I could still go gym and I could still do the work that I was doing well if I did it now I wouldn't be able to even speak yeah like this you know I'd probably just want to sit in a room and just watch TV or something you know but have you smoked today for example yes yeah yeah so like you're still very energized and you're still being able to articulate and everything so this is why I've always said to everyone when I I don't debate people I don't like say you need to do this oh 100 and I never say on the flashlight I never tell people you should smoke weed yeah yeah but I met people like that yeah oh yeah to be fair I used to be like that when I was the one smoking I used to be like you know I used to my family you just try it you know everyone should try it you could relax yeah exactly relax but um but yeah but I do say to people because I think there is a problem where there's a lot of people who have an addiction in a negative way and they're just not seeing it they're just not seeing it and it's not because of any particular people but I do think there's like a kind of a culture of oh it's fine yeah not just with weed though with Vapes for sure that's a big thing now uh with alcohol with uh caffeine even I think there's like a a culture where it's just fine you know just yeah yeah when I think especially in the trading space I've advised or not advised but I've put tweets out saying like just test yourself like you said like the name of thing just test yourself if it's not a problem you you won't have an issue testing yourself though the responses always are you know but I don't need to yeah right I wanted to I would but I don't need to so right um so it's so interesting you know no it's crazy interesting to me and I think that it's one of the areas of because you mentioned that it's not just weed right people come into it and there's there's Vapes there's um um adult content people can get very addicted to in a very bad way right um alcohol all that so for me I don't want to say that like everybody has their vices but on some level we do right like I smoke hookah right which like I think that it's hard for me to Define like what is a vice though right like I think a vice is something that is not great for you that you know that is going to kind of hold you back but really I look at a vice as something that like sets you back right like if I was somebody who if on a Thursday night I was going out to the clubs and drinking and doing all this stuff and getting so drunk that the next day to Friday it was affecting my trading performance right on a regular consistent basis then that's a problem right like that's something where it's starting to affect you that's a vice right for me the way that I look at it is that and people can debate the health of smoking and all that I'm not talking about health but I'm talking about the the actual what does it do to my life to be considered a vice or a negative or a drawback and for me I've always looked at it as it doesn't I think that it helps me whether it help helps or just keeps me neutral is Up For Debate but I think for me personally is whatever vices that you have it's all about being in control of them right so like you said the most common response that people have when you tell them to take a break is like well I don't need to right it's like well if you say you don't need to it's worth trying to do it for a day or two right like at least give yourself a couple days for me having that nine month where I work that job we were potential to get drug tested all that so I just didn't want to risk it and I think that also speaks to like the mindset behind it is that it's whether whatever it is alcohol weed money adult content whatever the case that it might be it brings out who you really are right and so for me when I had those nine months where I couldn't smoke because I didn't want to lose my job that brought out the side of me that's like this is my priorities this is my work ethic like this is my livelihood like I'm not going to screw up my nine to five full-time job that I got you know they they really wanted me for to smoke a couple joints then I in high school all my friends would smoke on campus they'd kind of sneak away to go smoke and all that I was like that the risk our risk reward is not there yeah the risk to reward is not there so I think it really comes down to at the end of the day um does it amplify your negative traits or does it work it with you in a certain way and everybody will be different everybody will be different definitely no definitely I can agree more I think I think there's certain things where where um especially if you're on the come up I think it's something my mom always said to me was whenever it's similar to yours it's a bit more delayed um so that yours was like to get the 4.0 that's something you can do now while my mum was like become successful first yeah when you when you've made it to wherever you want to get to then you can do what you want because you've done it right you've done it then but you don't want to have that point where you haven't made it you haven't had that progress and then these things are actually holding you back and then you don't know what if you know yeah maybe those were the things that held you back those are the rules that stopped you from doing it and like I said I think there are a lot of people out there who you just need to reflect right I definitely know there's people like yourself and I know I know other people where you know they smoke for example up it helps them to operate if anything right uh while I know the opposite is true for a lot of people too where I had one I'll give you one example actually as a case study I had a it's like about two months ago or something like that I had this student who for years and he just wasn't getting the consistency and for years I've taught him the same thing just quit weave for a bit Yeah I said quick weed and then you'll be fine I promise you or at least you'll make progress test right yeah see every single time nah you know same thing like if I wanted to quit if I had a problem you know if I wanted to quit but I don't need to so I'm fine eventually it came to a point where we're talking two years later that's I'm saying he's saying the same thing to me about his results I'm saying the same thing to him but this time I'm being more aggressive because I'm like look it's been two years now I'm just gonna say you're an addict Yeah you sort yourself out I don't care what you say anymore because uh until you like don't expect your results to change until you change that's it I kept saying it to him I kept saying it was almost to a point where it's like literally I was like you're an addict yeah right and then I think it made him realize though and he did this though like monk mode thing where he even like went to the extent that I did when I quit which was I shaved the head and ready to go in but I didn't go gym and everything and then he started to get results and he was really feeling really good and he sent me a message when I say results not like instantly but took like six to eight weeks later yeah um and he stuck to it and then now he I think he's slipped up right and went back again and then the results probably went back again as well so it was like an interesting case study because I think again he was someone who's young who hasn't made it yet he's smoking weed on a very consistent basis not celebrating anything not see how you did it after the work's done yes right he's doing it with no work's been done you know what I mean um and so many people like that that's what I think the issue really is is that they're not doing the work that was when I was doing it and I was drinking as well it was like and and that's what I kind of helped me get out of it was I was realizing what are we celebrating right you know like why are we going to the club whose birthday is it or who who's made some money or who's who's got a promotion or something like we're just going for the sake of going yeah this is terrible and I don't even go clubbing that was like a little period I was in even with the smoking there's like why am I smoking right well wait what have I done today obviously I'm still productive I went to the gym but like what did I what have I achieved to deserve this to be able to relax or tone down or detach right I need to right now I need to you know be attached to make something first so that's why I think the the bridges you know with people I think it's really well set and I think that I kind of am in a unique case study because I have that experience from like 14 years old of like getting the A's in order to do it so I think like that might be one of the reasons why because there there aren't many successful traders who still smoke on a regular basis it's more of a niche I think for those who out there that are it's probably because you have some sort of experience like I had when I was younger yeah where I tied those two things together right exactly subconsciously I made those connections so now it's the still it's the still my brain still works the same way if I work hard and if I'm doing everything to the best of my ability then if then that's not something that is negative to me right but I think for most people out there they're still trying to get where they want to achieve yeah so it does end up selling back right I definitely agree with that that's very well said I appreciate it I try yeah I know you know you're preparing for this moment but um going on to the trading side of things then like talk about data yes so obviously Uma Ashraf he has a trade Zella for example I'm not sure is that something you've ever used or oh yeah yeah so I was a big trade Zella user in uh early 2022 I'm not gonna lie before trade Zella I I'm an old dog I don't love new tricks and so trade Zella is hands down the best that I've ever seen in terms of a journaling platform but I still to this day write everything down by hand after after I trade so I have a little yellow legal notepad I do it day by day I write down XXX I still use trade Zella but um not as much that yellow there's something about it for me it's like the same thing with having my morning routine right the back half of that was the aftermarket routine which is this yellow piece yellow notepad right yellow legal paper right and I go through and I don't it for me now my strategy in the system that I use it's it's not like there's some people say like I adapt to market conditions and I change I don't do that I the the system I use and I I think it's honestly probably relatively similar to a lot of the Forex systems that are out there that in the sense of I know it works I don't need to necessarily like back test and stuff the only time that I would really that I that I use um trades out to the most which I think is an incredibly powerful tool for it is the trade replay all right so there will be times where I still go and upload and I'll relook but it's pretty rare for me now because I'm at the stage where most of my trades either worked or they failed and I followed my stop right and it's like okay well I knew I don't necessarily need to go in and do a deep analytical dive on that right um I will say though there was a time it was like three or four months ago where I was in a rut and Diving deep into your my statistics there helped me get out of that right like it helped me get out of that a little bit but the journaling in the data part I think is something that you need to be doing in some way shape or form right a thousand percent it's a necessary part of being a successful Trader is accumulating the data of how you right I think that for me I had just been doing it so long on that yellow notepad that my brain's like I want the yellow notepad but if I hadn't built that habit I think that I would be I would I would probably be in a huge trade even more of a trade Zella Ambassador than I am right now right where because there really is no better tool out there that I've seen for journaling definitely no same and uh but it's like you said it's the essence of dates yeah collection and therefore whatever method that is is important I think it's interesting to trade Zella because I think and just journaling softwares as a whole is because a lot of people aren't doing it right because they find it a tedious task so then that gives those people who essentially are being lazy right because they should do it because that is what is that's a fair time to call people lazy when if you're not journaling your trades it's fair to say that that's a lazy app yeah yeah but then especially now if you have something like trade Zella and other services available that you don't have an excuse now no excuse but the issue is that you know people might sign up but then they might not do the actual most important bit is reviewing it you know and use utilizing it so that even when you're doing the the notepad you'll be able to review that you know go back to our last week on this day okay oh here was a little and then go back there's a little pattern there there's a connect um because I was similar I used like a journal yeah like uh like a almost like a diary where I'll collect the information from the trade but also then what did I do that day that I would pick up on oh when you didn't go gym you don't trade as well yeah you know or if you woke up like this you don't trade as well so stop that as well so like just any form of collection of data necessary and true that's what essentially that's all we're trading we're just trading data points we're just trading uh the data in terms of like the fair and greed or where we're priced everything is data everything in our life is like everything is yeah and all everything in our life is data and we're just looking at like Risk to reward what's the r on this particular set of data that we have right and the r to r on journaling or collecting data is crazy high it takes you a very minimal amount of your time to record that data it takes you a little bit more but still a minimal amount of your time to then go through it and see what's actionable from it right but it's a very low risk for a crazy high reward right yeah no definitely and was it something that was uh pivotal in in changing into that consistent Trader as well definitely I think that the one of the things I should have mentioned is in that morning routine that I had with the pants and all that that breakthrough another element of that was after market close for the first time in a while I recorded all of my trades and I started to do that and I started to go through it on that low legalpad right and so that I would say that that collection of data what that allowed me to do more so than anything was find the commonalities of what would work right and most commonly it's really it sounds simple and I hate that it sounds generic but the the the number one thing that I would find in the discrepancies of profitable day versus not profitable day is following the plan right like it's it really does come down to it if you think about trading in its most basic elements you create a trading plan if that trading plan works you have a small medium or big winner and that trading plan fails you have a small Loser by definition that is like what we all should be aiming for the hard part is is actually following your small loser keeping that stop right keeping that on there but what I found is that going able going through my data I was essentially able to say that okay my biggest issues are on the day where I get uh shiny object syndrome right where I start to I have a pre-market plan and then all of a sudden I abandon that pre-market plan for X Y and Z right that's one of the things that I hands down struggled with the most and so now it's almost become to a point where I am like a dictator when it comes to my morning plan like if my morning plan doesn't happen I don't touch it right so like today for example we were trading and there was an opportunity I was showing on Instagram live it was a whole lot of fun but there was an opportunity for a trade in uh in Facebook or meta right and my morning plan was one specific thing I didn't have the second part of the morning plan determined pre-market as the mark As we started to open and as that trade started to set up I started to notice that hey there's another element so to speak of my strategy that like I could it would work here we're bouncing at a level that I pay attention to right that's a area of interest for me as from a level but pre-market I didn't have that level I didn't Market my pre-market plan was only a trend above the next level above it and I've remained very patient very different in that trade I ended up watching a solid it would have been a four to one it was a solid four to one I watched right in front of my eyes go by me right that part is hard but what I know after time and time again through that data collection is that the more times that I disregard the morning plan and take an entry just because I missed one four to one there the next time that I do that if I break that plan what's more likely to happen even if the trades fails and I just lose a 1R no big deal one hour loss what that starts to do is be like okay well I've already broken my trading plan on the day I might as well do it again yeah I might as well do it might as well do it another thing that could set up all right let me take that yeah next thing you know your five trades deep and you look back at your initial warning plan that's trending perfectly and you're like wait wait wait I'm supposed to be in that yeah I'm supposed to be in that right so I think like you mentioned and not to go on another tangent but the the best part about data collection is and it's the same there's a theme in what we've been talking about today and I love this which is it's this theme of of going about it the right way we first talked about asking questions and how to ask questions the right way right we then talked about marijuana different takes on weed and how if you're using it the right way or or for you right if that's the right way for your brain or if it's the right way to not use it for your brain right I think it's the same thing with your journaling not only do you have to be recording the information the right way which nowadays with tradesella and other platforms but for me an online Journal you're talking online trading journals you're talking trades right like for me yeah tradesella has made it so easy for you to do the data collection the recording however that in and of itself isn't enough just like asking a question to your Mentor isn't enough you actually have to take the data that you're looking at and you have to find themes between it you have to find consistencies you have to find inconsistencies and until you do that deep dive right you're not going to get there right and so it's almost it's one of these like several different areas of trading where I feel like people learn the initial part and then they don't do the deeper Dive Right like I believe that Traders first learn Market structure and then for some reason they get a little bit confused by it and then they go try and find a million indicators to replace Market structure it's almost the same thing in journaling Right Where You Journal your trades initially right but you every day you Journal your trades you upload to trade Zella every single day you write a note here you write a note there you write it out there but you see no progress from it right and that lack of progress that you're seeing from it in my eyes means that you are probably not inter using the data the right way you're probably not going deep enough on it you're probably not studying okay what were my successes what were my problems what were the themes between my trades that work it's all they seem about that it you can there you can work for years and years and years you can ask a million questions you can track your trades for the longest time but if you're not doing it in an efficient smart way where you're actually taking what you're seeing and then implementing it then it's all a waste of time right and it's all it's nothing where people I know people that it's taken them seven years before they've found any consistency in trading that's because they were doing the same thing over and over and over again for those seven years they weren't like and even if they were making tweaks it wasn't tweaks on the introspective level that they needed them to be right and so I think much like with everything we've talked about earlier today data collection and journaling is great but if you don't use it the right way it's going to be another one of those things that you spend time on that doesn't give you a tangible result no definite definitely because uh it's just I believe that a lot of people are just very lazy yes you know there's very lazy unfortunately and uh it's always a choice I think the ones that as you say like look seven years it might take them I bet for 10 years and though they would turn up is a term that I learned from or take from outwing the devil Napoleon Hill where he talks about Drifters right people just drift where they're turning up to the charts you know they're watching the webinar they're watching the video that's it it's like turning up for the sake of turning up but not actually there they're just drifting along and that's like probably the worst place you'd rather be because you'd rather either be out of it or just fully in it the drifting's like the middle and it's so dangerous because I've seen so I've seen hundreds if not thousands of Traders are just drifting right and they're just literally just turning up for the sake of it and they expect one day they think I don't know if they think that sometimes you know as enough time goes by it just works but it's not it's very intentful you know it's every single day with the intention and that consistency um of putting in the action yes builds up over time but moving you mentioned indicators there so I wanted to ask you in regards to your trading yeah what sort of style of trading do you utilize or you know do you have the indicators no indicators yeah do you hear about ICT or like SMC on your side of the not much yeah so ICT I've heard of a lot recently just because he's been you know there's this cult around ICT I personally have no negative my thing is I have nothing negative about anybody who has a trading strategy that works for them right you have a consistently profitable trading strategy hell yeah who cares what anybody else says about it the ICT thing kind of seems like a cult from an outside perspective right which like I I understand what he's doing but I also from my very limited knowledge on and research on his system it seems like a lot of big words there's a lot of a lot of big words that are designed to feel over complicated right and then I did a little bit of research on SMC before coming in here because I knew that's the system you trade right or something there and from my understanding it's actually very similar to kind of the structure that I look at where it's very Market structure based right and it's essentially using Market structure as your guide for lower highs higher lows higher low all that right and that for me is the big basis of how I trade right so the way that I always describe to people is I have three pillars so to speak of my system which is Trend analysis which I imagine is very similar to SMC right Trend analysis but that also includes multi-time frame analysis which is for me personally that's been the hardest subject like on the the program that I have that's like our 18-hour subject we have like wow yeah it's because it's an analyzing Trends on different time frames and how they impact each other like a a pullback on the weekly chart requires the daily chart to shift into a downtrend right like there's actual literal nuances that that's Way Beyond just the top down that people have taught so that is a huge element for me Beyond top-down analysis where it's rather than you go oh the weekly is bearish but the daily is bullish all that's like no I know the weekly is bullish I know the daily is bearish because in order for that Weekly chart to get a pullback the daily has five daily candles in one week it's gonna need to shift Trend in order for the there there's intricacies about about multi-time frame analysis that I think are really important to what I do um so Trends which includes multi-time firm analysis levels that is originally the system derived from Eric Marcus one of my mentors is crazy accurate in the stocks in uh Futures world and then candle analysis which I really got from Al Brooks reading precise price charts bar by bar right and his thesis on that book I mentioned earlier essentially is that you can read a Candlestick chart if you can truly understand what the candles are telling you they're telling you a story you just have to be able to read it right and so there's a lot of nuances about breaks over individual candles high and breaks under an individual candle's low and what that would do for someone who is long or short in that area how would that impact it and that's the area where I don't know if it's necessarily made it I know signal bars and entry bars have definitely in the Forex world but the the way he describes it is something that I think for at least to my knowledge hasn't made it out over there yet but for me it's all a combination of those three things which is can I have a level or the opening print which I use as a level can I have one of those in the area can I be trading with the trend right do I have some sort of trigger that's triggering me into this trade where I know my stop is and are the time frames aligned with each other right if I can have all four of those things and the charts are looking pretty good like those four things the main reason that my win rate isn't higher is I like high arch or are multiple trades but if you have all four of those things lining up typically speaking I mean you're in a good you're the chart is in your favor right and so my biggest thing is that I eventually I started with indicators I had the 20 EMAs I had the v-wop I had RSI stochastic macd everything you could name right but what I ultimately I think a lot of Traders go through this in the beginning you learn SMC type of stuff or you learn Market structure probably not SMC but you learn Market structure yeah that's the first thing everybody learns it's higher highs higher lows and then for some reason that like we was diluted diluted we don't realize the power of it we're like that's simple high high range cool and then what's oh this Fibonacci yeah these things must make you know I think it's because we convince ourselves that trading has to be complex yes we convince ourselves that there's with more data we get a better picture piece of a better view of the picture right that's what we convince ourselves and I think it's quite the opposite right I think that so after trial and error with a bunch of different things right I ultimately came down I said okay these are my three pillars and if I have these four things if I have a level as a reference point if I have I'm trading with the trend I have some sort of trigger entry bar signal bar and then I Above All Else my time frames align with each other if I have all that it's a pretty good chart right and like what else do I need right anything else just becomes noise and anything else then just starts to get in the way oh that so I've mentioned this and I've mentioned my four rules in podcasts before I've never spelled them out like that before but it's really just those four it's as simple as that if I can find those things everything else is noise to me right and so one thing that I talk about that not many people I get a lot of negative feedback on is I don't use volume at all I don't I pay attention to like the SPX volume for the day just to make sure that it's not like minuscule and there's no activity that day as a whole but on an individual chart or trade that I'm in I don't have the volume bars up I don't pay attention to them for me that doesn't that makes zero impact on my decision right and so I think anything outside of those three pillars levels Trends in Candle analysis just confuses me more yeah I'm like I I'm an old dog who doesn't like new tricks but I'm also a big fan of the kiss method keep it simple stupid I think if you can keep it simple stupid more often than not you're gonna put yourself in a position to succeed I think so and we we I like to say a lot like less is more yeah you know like you know it sounds it kind of goes against what we're taught yeah of course especially in society that we're told if you want to make more money do more hours yes you know if you want to work up the ladder put more effort in you know when in trading I think in the learning process yes put more in yes put more time in more effort in but then when it comes to the trading process again when you're learning yeah put more in but then once you have your data you have your system you have your Edge and you need to be disciplined now you just do what the plan tells you to do which is probably less yes you know you don't need to take five trades in a day you know unless this part of your plan but highly unlike unlikely you know um but yeah less trades high quality trades you know as you say and I think the higher time frame uh narrative is what I call it but like the multi-time frame analysis I think that is uh a bit that a lot of people sort of push aside yes I think they get too zoomed in on the one minute time frame these lower time frames right and then they just forget the bigger picture then they wonder why they're getting stopped out and taken out for losses uh frequently when and and they they're assuming oh this is such a manipulated price action but it's the one minute it's one minute it's double five it's the lower time frames when in reality if you take first the higher time frame narrative drip it down and then as you say if they align or even if they don't align and you're doing a counter Trend play at least you know it's good that's exactly you know and you know that it's a high maybe it's a high probability counter Trend play because of where it's priced Etc but a lot of people just kind of push that aside as well just like it's kind of like the structure simple because it's like most time frame um analysis sorry and the higher time from narrative is not overly complex the way I do anyways is more simple just reading the candle just looking at the candle seeing what it means in terms of the momentums and right the story between buyers and salads um so that's keeping it simple uh looking at obviously the the pullbacks and stuff that will get a bit more complex but even then it's not worth having the story right because that's what we're doing every day we're coming to read the story and trying to then essentially predict what we think the story is going to be so if we are lacking such a huge element of the story because we're too zoomed in oh no I couldn't agree more I have people who come to me and they are because the the way that I trade I'm I'm a day trader but I I'm a longer I I don't mind being in a trade for six seven hours right so I don't mind that at all I don't mind holding something over one or two nights right I don't necessarily if I call that a swing Trader but it's it's one to two days maybe sometimes but mostly intraday type of Trades I'm not a scalper though but I will have students who come to me and they say Hey you know I'm the way that I work I'm I'm really a scalper jake I don't want to be holding these things for long times I want to be a scalper all this I'm like okay that's I totally get it that I can't guess what candle analysis is applicable on all time frames so that's totally fine everything you're seeing on a weekly chart is just as applicable from a candle perspective on a one minute chart that's there there's nothing however it dramatically changes the style of trade that you're going to take and being a scalper doesn't necessarily mean that you can disregard the longer time frames if you're somebody who's trading intraday scalps on a five minute one minute time frame that's great that does not not mean you can disregard the hourly or the daily or the weekly because those are still the ones in control right yeah so I think that the other thing that was really nice for me and that was really helpful was that you mentioned something about the market people being the Market's manipulated the market is I don't think the market I mean the Market's manipulated in some sense of like there's a winner right like somebody's out there who did better than you somebody's out there who has more money they moved whatever asset they're trading there is some sort of manipulation there but it's not the way that the way that charts work and is that they have there's three stages you're either or two stages either in a trend or you're in a Range there's no other option it's an uptrend A downtrend or a range that's literally it a chart no matter what asset Forex options Futures it does not matter this applies to everything a chart is either in a range or it's in a trend right it has no in between and if we start to understand that charts have to go from one Trend to another Trend and it's oftentimes that involves a range in between them but they have to go from uptrend to downtrend and so in order to do that there's going to be moves that fail so people will see all the time like a liquidity sweep right something that's like oh it took out all the liquidity at the highs and then it sold off yeah right and it's like get that people will be like oh that's manipulation they were trapping all the shorts out and I don't like disagree that like maybe somebody out there was like haha like you know like gotta you know I don't disagree that with that but that's not a manipulation what that is is that that's a setup AKA a breakup structure to the website that failed and then failures present trades in the opposite direction people be like well you just said Market structure was all you needed right well yeah but Market structure can fail that's how something goes from a structure an optional a structural uptrend to a structural downtrend in order for that to happen there has to be that moment of failure whether it's a failure of change of structure whether it's a failure whatever the case may be a failure to go higher I call them failure to go higher is failure to go lowers failed buy setups failed cell setups in order for charts to move which we know they do that has to happen like there it's there is no so for me the this if there's people out there who feel like the market is manipulated against me the market is so manipulated against me I hate to be that guy but I want to say I feel like you are manipulated against yourself right yeah because like yeah like you of some level put this in your head that somebody's out there to get you yeah and he's out there to get you uh the market does not care about you though if you think oh my gosh the market screwed me over took me out here I don't know who you were talking to Michael doesn't care who you are you anybody of us even us who now have are trading with a larger amounts of capital today Marcus still doesn't care about us the market does not care about the 100K account that I trade with right like they the market does not at all care about that right and so the market is not manipulate there are manipulative traits but the market is not manipulated for you to lose right you just have to understand and accept that moves will fail in order for chart structures to change that's the way chart structures change yeah I know 100 because I've seen that sort of debate of like structure doesn't work you know um and you know normally people then refer to like inducements which is like a liquidity trap if you go and inducement basically just means if you break down the word that it's uh convincing you something that convinces you to make some form of action right but then as you said it's like you're manipulating yourself because I've I've now started saying to people like we're at a point now where people are inducing themselves of thinking it's an inducement right so this is going to be a trap so I'm going to do this and that and then it's not a trap and then it works out and then it works out yeah and then then they've either taken their loss trying to do the opposite or they missed out on a trade because they're assuming it's going to be a trap so they start just inducing themselves with this mentality and I think anything that creates like a victim mentality whether it's like oh the institutions are doing this yeah so-and-so is doing that or there's an algorithm or whatever it may be it's all it's going to do is create fear more heightened emotion yes more fear um maybe even more greed because you might be thinking okay um you know the Market's gonna shut down soon that's a big like sort of narrative that's happening at the moment let me try and make as much as possible and you know size up and it doesn't go well it's an interesting space it's a very interesting space and I think that there's a lot of things that just that you mentioned they're just really stuck with me and the first is the people saying like oh structure doesn't work right or structure doesn't work all that and don't get me wrong I understand where you're coming from because I went through a phase before where everyone does you that's the first thing everyone learns is structure it's literally whatever YouTube course whatever course you buy whatever anything this first thing you learn did you draw that little line and you say higher highs higher lows right but I think what people the reason people think structure doesn't work ultimately is because they they don't have a full clear understanding of what it means and how it plays a role in both it working and failing right like it has to fail that's like you know in order for it to be successful it has to fail because if it worked all the time that would mean that one chart is in a straight up Trend the entire time right like that that's not the way markets move like so I think that there's this almost this level of acceptance of once you so if you're here's what I'll say if you're somebody who has been struggling to use structure in the way that you see all because I think from a Forex perspective especially all the big traders that you see out there are structure-based Traders it's like in the Forex World more so in the stock world I think it's become very clear about lack of indicators more structure based I think in the stock and options world people are still figuring that out a lot more yeah so one thing that I would say is this that structure if you are struggling with understanding how to use it in your trading read that bar by bar book and start to combine things that you know about structure with things that Al Brooks will tell you about individual candles There are rules and interpretations that we can have about individual candles that can help us guide what Market structure is telling us right like a break above a previous candle's High isn't meaningless that's meaningful even just a break above it there are expectations of what we should have that should continue to happen next just by breaking above a previous candle's high or previous candle is low like that that can be a piece of the puzzle for us and if you can find the way to combine that with structure then all of a sudden you now know how charts move you know okay we were in an uptrend we failed this pullback the failure of this pullback caused us to flip into a downtrend the failure if this lower low causes so there's all these different ways where people see like oh liquidity traps or something like that and they cause it's like no like that's is like that's part of structure like that's part of it working right like the the in order for it to work it has to fail it has to have elements and times where it is wrong otherwise charts would just have a direct lineup or a direct line down and that's just not the way they work exactly exactly yeah it's interesting how people just don't put that two and two together right it's like you'd think as soon as you phrase it like that you're like oh wait that makes total sense literally just because of the couple times it didn't work yes you know it didn't well it changed turn or change Trend exactly didn't work the change Trend yeah oh the couple times where it may have gone for just a bit more of a deeper let's say if it was in a downtrend and it it had a breaker structure to the upside right but then all it was doing is actually just getting more of a premium price yep to continue because then what normally happens is it doesn't do that and then continue and then do it again it normally will continue down yes you know it's very similar actually to you know when people let's say they they have a rule they don't trade Monday then they saw a trade is that the one you mentioned earlier where you saw the one to four trade play out yeah yeah next time they'll take it you know because of the one time they saw it happen but you know by looking at the data you know that the time it happens is actually rare yes like with the structure thing we're saying it's rare but we start to base our decisions on the rare times it didn't work because we probably Associated some loss we took uh when we tried it in the first time and um that was one thing I've noticed in the space I'm not sure if you've experienced in your journey or observed it but I know you talked about it at the beginning actually same with myself in my journey is that you hold on to baggage yeah you know and I've seen it where uh Traders may have used a prop film they didn't pay them out or shut down or they may have got scammed by someone here or paid for bad education there and for years later they're still holding on to baggage yes and yet obviously they don't have results because that baggage is holding them down have you observed that as well 100 and I think that it still plays a role in my own trading to be completely honest with you and I don't think that as much as Traders would like to say that it doesn't affect them I think on some level it affects us all right I think that so I've seen it in a variety of different ways I have countless students who have because I offer a program right I'm not I'm not shy about that I have a broken I have countless students before that have essentially been very scared to purchase it because they had a bad experience with the program and they come into our program and it's like holy crap like if this is this is what a program's supposed to feel like right so there's I've seen it on that level countless times but I still the part is some people you it's a natural human assumption to think that okay I'm gonna go get a mentor I'm gonna figure it out and then I'm never gonna go through that again that's what that's that's what we hope that's what our brains want to happen this stuff still happens to me in my trading on a regular basis on on and two weeks ago on a trade that I took I had a position where all week I had been talking I want to hold this into Friday I want to hold it into Friday I think that I can turn I had about a 60k position size in it and options are very unique in the way that they move but I I literally thought that 60k could turn into a seven figure position I thought that based on the art which is a crazy art R and it was low-ish probability from like a chart structure perspective but I really like this chart structure and I really thought it could make that move and on Thursday right before market closed I had had a really good day and I was like I'm not going to make this I'm not going to hold this position to Friday I'm going to be happy with what I've gotten no harm no foul right next day that position makes its move and is actually end up worth well more than the seven figures that I was hoping to make right which is hard to stomach right it's one of those trades that's hard to stomach but it's one of those things where no matter this is what I mean no matter the stage you're at you are going to have new emotional lows each year because that happened a little over a little under two weeks ago last week on the last Wednesday that I had traded I traded that same ticker hoping to get a similar type of move and I took a forty thousand dollar loss which is one of the biggest losses that I've taken all year and in my life as a whole and that for me the only reason that I was so gung-ho about that trade and that working was because I the week before I had seen it yeah and then a week before that as well I had seen a different name but the same trade idea play out and in my head I was like I'm going to make this work that loss for me is is the biggest one this year and the biggest probably the biggest emotional low I've had yeah because I felt terrible man like and you know exactly what you're doing wrong right like you know and so I think that for me in order to get bounced back from that I had to take a step back huge step back for the rest of the day I haven't detached like that in a while right that was a big loss but it's the one kind of thing where where it's it's it's never going to go away at least for me it's one of those things where maybe it's because of the bad habits that I had in the beginning stages of my trading career but these kinds of things you're going to go through that no matter the stage that you're at right and the best thing that you can do is figure out methods to control those types of days right and control those types of emotions so one thing that I could have looked back on in hindsight on that particular trade is that I should have avoided that name that stock that I had traded which was snowflake I should have avoided it for at least like two or three weeks because by trading it again the next with three or four days after my brain was automatically going to make whether I wanted to or not it was going to make that Association right especially knowing that uh the week before it wasn't that same name but it was a very similar trade where I was like I was gonna try and catch a 10 to 1 R to R Century right or like a 15 to 1 R which is crazy but um so I think that the the the baggage claim so to speak I think I've seen it in so many different ways I've seen it from students that have hesitations but even in my own trading it's that kind of thing where I'm working actively to try and remove that it's one of the things that I still want to and I think the best thing that you can do is create a set of rules or create a set of guidelines for yourself that say hey if I'm even remotely in any position where I could put myself on tilt I'm out and by for me by trading that name again within three or four days I should have been out because that put me in a position to go on tilt right away and I I knew that and I I didn't care right like I was like I don't care I want this right so I think the baggage part is something that you're always going to have as a Trader whether as a student or as a as a Trader Elf or herself it's now just how can I control it right what are the systems I can put in place to control it definitely and one thing you mentioned there that was really stuck out to me is that you know what you're doing wrong and I've always said that I've always said that I think every Trader I think people in general but especially Traders I think they all know where they're going wrong yes right they all know it they know exactly what they're doing wrong but they're just not focusing on it they're not putting Awareness on it or they're just maybe trying to lie to themselves that's not the case what was your experience been with that oh yeah 100 I think that when you're trading I mean I don't want to say here's the let me pause and reset here's the thing about trading podcasts or learning from Trading Educators at all I at least from somebody who used to consume this content the number one thing that I wanted to learn was strategy from people I wanted to learn exactly how do you find entries how do you find access all that oh that part is actually isn't rocket science right like and I'm sure that in the forks well it's even more clear with the the public eye or like not public but the clear strategies that work SMC I even ICT this stuff works right like the Strategic portion of it is not rocket science it definitely is not easy but once you learn it it's straightforward right so from there being able to say that okay this is not rocket science I know in theory what I'm supposed to be doing I know that I have that morning plan that says I'm either going to take a small loss or get at least two or three x bigger winner right if you have that morning plan and you have all that in place it's still if you have a in theory you shouldn't have any debates of whether am I going to get this right or am I going to get the strong right but in and I think that as soon as you it's this human being Instinct that we hate being wrong right like we hate being wrong so even when you're in a bad trade and you know is going wrong you don't want to admit it's the admission of being wrong it's not the loss of the dollars it's not the loss of whoever of of the chart anything that is that we don't want to be wrong right and so that's a very publicly talked about topic Mark Douglas has done a great job of covering loss aversion and how to try and avoid boss aversion one of the things that that helped me the most because there's for me I needed something concrete I needed a firm way to say that hey I'm in that zone right now and I'm not talking about the good zone I'm talking about the Zone where I'm about to blow throw my entire account in one trade right I'm in that zone I can feel it right I can feel it I know I'm doing something wrong there is two steps for me or two things that made a big big difference as much as it sounds simple it's these little brain hacks that can flip your perspective I forget which trading psychology book it was in but there's one principle that one of these authors talks about called the couch principle which is if you're trading you should trade like there's somebody sitting on a couch right behind you watching your every move that you do and you're explaining to them why you're doing what you're doing right if you're in a trade where you know it's wrong which most of their losing trades that we let go beyond our planned our multiple our under plans up we know it's wrong if there's trade if you're trading there like somebody who's watching you behind you right then all of the sudden you start to try and change your decision-making process a little bit right now that's a great Theory but I didn't find that to be super actionable because I would just be like don't look you know I don't I tell them I tell them don't look you know shut your eyes be like shh right or or I'd come to the very real realization that they're not there right like so for me I needed to find something I needed to turn that idea into something actionable that's the way that my brain works I need actionable things that I could do so what I do now and I now do it several times a day is I will anytime that I find myself either knowing I'm doing something wrong on the verge of knowing I'm doing something wrong or on a straight up tilt is what I call the stand up and step back and it sounds really simple but I will literally stand up for my desk chair push the desk chair in put my hands on the back and start standing while I'm watching those charts I'll start standing I'll start watching them all that but the process of stepping up stepping back or standing up stepping back all that now all of a sudden I've become the person on the couch right I've become that person who's behind there I can now it sounds so silly but again it's these brain hacks of where you associate one thing with another what I have found is that if I am in a bad spot where I don't want to be I'll do the stand up I'll do the step back and then next thing you know I'm usually able to make a pretty clear decision on what I should do right and oftentimes that means just closing my position and taking a walk sometimes that means that hey no you were just having a couple of moments of doubt what you're looking at isn't actually wrong there are multiple still in track you should hold this trade it'll come to that conclusion sometimes right but it gives you that step of clarity where it's like okay not only am I pretending that somebody's watching me for mine I'm gonna stand up for a second and be that person right and it's those little things like that like it I know it sounds so simple and people out there might be listening and being like oh this is one of the many trading psychology advice pieces that I've heard if you need to find the little things that stick in your brain to make you not go on tilt and that is one of the things that helps me not be stuck in a baggage trade that I know is wrong is Step stand up step back and want and reassess right and that little process of doing that makes all the difference it doesn't I've always said you hear about the Holy Grail and trading that is one thing that's gonna make it all work and something that you just searched on there is I've always reflected on that it's just the small it's the accumulation of small tiny things but when accumulated is the Holy Grail yes that's what makes a change so it's never just one thing it's um but it's also as you say finding what is what are those small things for you those small things will be different for everyone they may be in the same sector so small technical things okay but what are those technicals for you you know it might it might be an indicator for example right or it might be uh you know something that has something that some people majority of people don't even know about right it works for you it could be in the fundamental section it could be in the psychology right but it's just the accumulation of these small little things that are personal to you put together there's your Holy Grail yep whatever that I think well look everyone's holy girl looks unique right everyone's all a girl is going to be a very different thing right and that it's it's an interesting subject because I think building your Holy Grail is something that takes time right that's the reality of it is that in order for you to build your Holy Grail of trading you are going to need trial and error right I have a couple of mentors that I've mentioned before who I trade a very similar strategy to they to what they do is their Holy Grail is still not mine there are still things that I have to do in order to make my brain work right like I said these bad habits that I've had in the past in order to combat those I take extra precautions that some of my mentors would be like what do you do that for like you're doing this that's that that really works for you like my frequency of withdrawals I'm like yeah no it like it really works for me like it really sticks with me it really that so I think that whatever the holy Grails are understand that you're going it's going to take you time to find those but the other line that I don't know why it just pops into my head to tie into this particular thing in order to find your Holy Grail you are going to need to do what is called trial by fire and I get this line from a guy named trade like Mike Mike Spinoza who's also in Florida an amazing Trader um but one of the things that he said is that literally you have to trade like you have to in the beginning especially you have to throw yourself into the fire you have to do it like you have to like I see people get caught up sometimes on on perfectionism as a traitor especially in the beginning you need fire you need to take Burns you need to go through this stuff and eventually what's going to happen is that you're going to get struck by fire so many times that your skin is going to become flame resistant and all of a sudden when you take a loss it's not going to be an emotional feeling for you you've been there done that when you take a win when you have a big win you are not going to be a bad sport over cocky overconfident all this because you've you felt that before you have been through this you have gone into it so there's this some it's this trial by fire line that I love where it's like if you want to put yourself in a position to figure out what your Holy Grail is you have to experiment you have to try and it's going to take losses it's going to take pain you're going to hit a new emotional low if this was easy then why did 90 percent people fail right like it that math doesn't add up if it's easy right so I think that in order to find your Holy Grail you shouldn't be afraid to take the risk I actually think it's more risky for you to not take that risk right I think it's more risky for you to not put yourself in the fire yeah every single time every single time and that's the whole essence of success is taking risks yes you know take it I remember when I I used to watch a uh it's like a round table with like actors and directors I don't know if you've ever seen it and uh a very common theme when listening to them speak about how they got to where they are is uh overcoming the fear they would all be fearful before going on stage for their Broadway play or or before the the camera is rolling or whatever it may be but they all had fear right but the only way they got to where they were was overcoming that fear some a lot of them even say they still have fear to this day you know it's like with the boxes like Mike Tyson he said I'm scared I'm petrified when I'm going to the ring right every single time when it's in the ring he changes his mindset so it's like the arena of trading I've always I've always um sort of correlated trading to be similar to like the boxing side or the um or any sort of high performance sport of the chaos you know like F1 for example I'm not a really big F1 fan but it's uh it's very chaotic it requires focus it requires calmness in the chaos right and that's where I think a lot of people struggle right because they're they're not willing to take risks they're not willing to try and look Embrace that chaos right they want to avoid the chaos and and trying to avoid it by finding the part of these shiny objects or the Holy Grail thinking that's how they'll avoid it it's just that's probably why they have this uh very rocky road because they're just constantly in this avoidance rather than okay let's accept and learn to deal with and and build ourselves and immerse ourselves in the environment and because it's like when you another one's like the sauna it's a chaotic when you go in there you're in there for five minutes the first time it's super hot and then you get out next time you're in the 10 minutes 15 minutes the same the same song same temperature but you're just building a calmness in that face of chaos like um the thing with the sauna is the trick is that when you go in there it's the same temperature from when you started but for some reason the last few minutes it feels like it's turned up so yeah yeah it's like a hack in The Matrix or something because all of a suddenly yeah yeah um well I was going to ask you actually I just saw your tattoo on your arm make your own rules yes so what was the uh I I kind of self-explanation yeah but um yeah what was that well it's just funny that you literally you called that out which this has a TV show connection but even as you were last speaking about chaos there was another TV show connection that popped in my mind is that which is um I'm a huge TV show fan I love TV I love well-written TV and just one last thing that on the chaos note there's this line Game of Thrones the late great middle finger a little finger right where chaos is a ladder right and it really is like that was obviously speaking to something much different but it's the same thing embracing yourself in that chaos right you can put yourself in a position to succeed and to climb the ladder right and so but in order to do that you have chaos has to occur chaos presents opportunities right the risk that we take to become a Trader presents opportunities so I love that that line is actually one that I'm trying to figure out oh yeah I'm a big what did you bring to the end of it oh no no they ruined that was my best that was my favorite show of all time and then they just it's up until season four and even five is really solid too up until then it's the best show of all time in my opinion but I I hate shows that deteriorate towards the end all a lot of good shows out there first things are great but then they deteriorate they try and stretch it all that I hate shows that deteriorate towards the end and it left a really Source yeah it did for me it really I never watched it again uh yeah I I I don't mind re-watching it but when I do I stop at six like six is like uh but like seven and eight I'm just like I don't I don't really care what happens right like um but just going back to this is funny because this here it says we make our own rules and that is a line from what is currently my second favorite television show of all time stranger things I think it has potential to be number one depending on how the ending again at the ending is I don't like deterioration like time travel endings if they time travel in the end I'm gonna be pissed but um there's this scene in season three where one of the characters a girl named Max goes to 11 the main character in the show um 11 basically who's been you know kind of detained her whole life she goes she asks isn't that against the rules right like isn't that like like don't we not do that in Max one of the ghost that responds and she says we make our own rules right and then that's kind of like a turning point in the character development for that particular character I have a very analytical brain I don't I'm obsessed with this stuff but then even in season four the later part of the shows it becomes this big theme that the both protagonist and antagonist both the villain and the main both come from this element in sense of people tried to control them yeah and instead their response was hell no we make our own rules right and so I was born with I was born with a lot of learning disabilities I don't think I was actually born and meant to be successful at anything I was born with a really bad case of anxiety which I know doesn't sound like much but as a kid that can be very detrimental uh anxiety ADHD I was born with a speech impediment I was born with a hearing loss and I was born dyslexic so five things right off the bat not putting me in a great position to to succeed and be where I'm at in life and in order for me to figure out how to succeed I had to learn a very different way than most so I was able to get the 4.0 that we mentioned and do all that but in order for me that took like six extra hours of studying because I had to learn how to read the right way I had to learn how to do math in these I learned how to do all these things that my brain was literally not structured to do well I learned how to public speak and I was had a speech impediment I had to learn how to listen to other people I had a hearing loss like I had all of these different things and it made me it felt like earlier on my my teachers in my younger life really held that I don't think they held that against me but they held my behavior against me which was sometimes energetic chaotic which I get but they really tried to force me in a box they were like this is what you need to do yeah this is what your outcome is going to be this is how you do it right and I was like my brain's a little different right like I don't my brain doesn't work the way your brain works I need to figure out one way that this can work for me right like how does this work for me so it became various methods of studying I would study a lot different than people would I would do a lot more memorization things like it was just a different way that my brain would process and study in order to do that and then as soon as I you know get a little bit older I start to come into my own a little bit more right I'm still living this little bit like of an outlier life like I I I'm a hard worker who smokes pot yeah I'm you know like a lot of pot right like I'm not just like a casual smoker like once a week it's like oh no every day I'm smoking like it's it's so I I started to to sort of naturally gravitate to being my own person despite what people had yeah put on me and that really led me to when I saw that line that was in that show that was like we make our owners that one really stuck with me and then a season later they had the follow-up within I was like oh man like this is like it really just hit home with me that like above all else no matter what Society tells you you should create your own rules for life now there are basic moral codes that you should follow don't steel don't hurt people these kinds of things but in terms of creating the boundaries that you follow for Success there is no definitive path for that it's not nine to five it's not doctor it's not lawyer it's not traitor any of those can be that as long as you're happy with it as long as you are doing what you truly want to do and you are following the rules that you've created right so for me by having this here it's a firm reminder to myself that in any situation that I am in I want to be making sure that I am being myself I am me and I think if I had never started social media I never would have gotten this and it really made that big of a difference for me because having in social media like I mentioned earlier I am who I am now right like I am you can take it or leave it and I'm very lucky fortunately most people that at least on the surface I get along with right like and uh it works well but I'm now more myself than I've ever been it's either it's like it's not I don't want to say it's like this is who I am take it or leave it it's more like this is who I am I'd love to hang out if not that's cool too right like and um I think now creating my own rules of where you know I I smoke every day I'm up at 4 30 I'm kind of breaking these boundaries it really isn't something that's important to me yeah it was my first ever won really yeah yeah first I got that and then on my leg I got another I don't know why but I was like the the text lines I got one that my dad said which actually kind of stuck with something you said earlier but my dad always used to tell me as a kid don't sweat the small stuff but remember the little things and that has always always helped me so that will literally come into play with my trading where I'll have a day where I'll get annoyed right it's one of those days where you get stopped out right before your trade starts to work and it's like that's annoying you know right but that's a little thing or that's that's a small stuff yeah don't sweat the small stuff that's not something to be freaking out about it's not the end of the world it's not the end of that right but also remember the little things don't sweat the small stuff the little things that can negatively affect your life don't sweat them don't let them bug you but the little positive Joys that you can have in life the little positive like senses of okay like man that walk home I had today that was really nice like that that put a play that was a positive part of my day that can really carry you into a positive mindset the little so it's a it's just a perspective thing right where the little things can either be what hold brings you down or they can be or brings you up right and if you decide not to let the small things not to sweat them but to appreciate the little things it really helps you and I think that as well carries into my trading right 100 because like you said the Holy Grail is a combination of those little things no definitely definitely and uh I think we get too attached sometimes on the day-to-day yes you know the smaller picture rather than the macro it's similar to the the charts right we look too zoomed in I mean it's very easy to get heightened you know versus when we zoom out we can see the bigger picture and we actually get a better understanding yep you know um but in terms of uh rake traits yes I saw uh was it rakecon was it oh yeah retcon yeah yeah tell us about a bit about your community and um you know how you know the motivation behind it the mindset behind it and then rakecon as well it looked incredible yeah exactly like the fun and then I've seen I've done like a couple events before um I've tried the conference you know the company you get the conference get this the education the slideshows it's not for me it's like the energy is just so low because you already especially if you already teach it already what more you're going to do yeah to reserve for that that makes sense but why would you do that anyway right um but they're fun ones but that's where the relationships are that's where the Energy's at you know that's that's where the fun ones are this was a special event for me um so I had been in the Discord world the Discord stock options Futures world for three or four years ever since I started before I created my own right and so I've now had my own rake trades Community for like 18 months um but prior to that I was working as a leader a lead and not the guy but one of the top people in several different groups so I was able to learn okay this is what really works well for this guy this is what really struggles for this guy this is what really didn't do well for her this is what really did well for him so I was able to kind of take that and and I believe cherry pick my favorite parts of each to build into my own Community right and in the process of doing that I had to build a team I had to build a team of people to help me answer questions to help me be active in the community all that and there were people I had met throughout the course of my journey that had then we've developed a good friendship they have shown they're good Traders they know my system you know we worked together previously in one-on-ones or whatever the case may be and I had them as my like moderator or team right my staff essentially right and they're um but for them even them I had not met any of them over the course of the four years we're all scattered across the United States and we were trying to figure out how can we do a meat Meetup right and then in the process of us planning some sort of Meetup the other thought goes through my head well what about all of our Mastermind students which is my program or our monthly members like if we're all doing one Meetup we should we should try and make this a big thing right we should try and make this an event so what we did was for my first ever it was first time we ever like recorded a vlog or anything like that it was my first explanation into that style of content but the goal of it was to say okay I want to I've seen a lot of Traders Vlogs before and I don't like the Vlogs that are come shopping with me I'm gonna go buy I don't mind I get it I get it I get it but it's not my not my thing right and so I was like all right today instead of me taking you shopping I'm gonna go to Houston I'm gonna go to Texas I'm gonna have a hundred rate trades Mastermind students members come there we're all going to have a great time on my top and it's going to be great right and it's going to be a way for me to give back to this community in a way for me to give back to everyone and it was only open to our people who had already paid me right so it wasn't some sort of Sales Event where I was hoping to make money we definitely took a loss in terms of like what we spent and all that but that wasn't the point right the goal for me of that would say okay how can I one meet and show appreciation to the team members that have helped me build what I build and would build what we've built and two how can I show appreciation to these students and members of mine who have put their trust in me over them countless other people you could choose from right so we did a trip to Houston it was the most insane experience of my life we had one day dedicated to just my team and I where we go carded we did laser tag we had a huge steak dinner we stayed at an Airbnb just us right and we that was the first time we had all met so us walking through the door we're shaking hands for me and feel like oh my gosh we talk every day all day for four years and now we're finally meeting right so that was special enough in and of itself on that one the Thursday and then the Friday and Saturday what we decided to do was we just rent rented out two venues and two bars and we had said on Friday and I would said hey come by everyone gets a wristband that wristband gets you drinks and food for the entire night and come say hi and let's just talk let's not do a presentation about charts let's not do that because like you said I wouldn't have anything else to give there's no secret sauce that I'm hiding behind me like oh only people who come to this can get the rake Secret Sauce strategy it's like no like you already have it all right you know everything I do this is going to be let's just come and let's get to know each other right and let's get to know each other and the real thing is people talk about your network is your net worth all that kind of thing I think that especially once you start to scale like the level that like you and I are at now our Network is for sure our net worth right we are for sure building and growing in all these relations when you're still in the beginning stages of your trading career you hear that your network is your network but it's more kind of like how am I ever going to get in with these people like how am I ever like what's that this is the this is unrealistic for me yeah but if you can just be around in person I'm sure FX Summit was very similar to this for people who attended just be around other people who are trying to get there it pushes you to want to try and get there more and more and more and so Not only was I able to have conversations with every everybody who came and was able to be I think I got to ever I think every single person was able to have a nice conversation where are you at in your trading what are you hoping for all that but really then they got to spend the rest of the day around all of these other people that we talk all day and then be like okay walking away from this it's like man I want to work harder like this this pushes me to go harder even though we were out having drinks we were out having drinks we were having socializing people were a couple people that had way too many you know like it was a fun time but it was there's still no matter what is it was this just being around that environment pushed us to go harder right so that for me was one of the most special experiences of my life I never thought that I would be in a position where people would like come to see me but let alone fly in to come participate in this so we had to the reason we did in Texas is we had a lot of people who uh we had a small group out there already but then it's just Central so literally we had people fly in from the East Coast West Coast all over the United States to be in central U.S and Texas and uh it was it was a yeah it was a very special experience and it just I walked away from that thinking when's the next one right like when am I going to do this again and uh now we're planning on something this we all have already done it by the time this is released but I'll we're doing something in a couple weeks where or next week where it's the first time a public one now now where it's not just former students not just from I just have one night we rented a place out I said come get a drink with me come get it on my tab and let's just talk and put yourself around because even it is it really is that process of being around other people who are going through it it makes you want to go harder it really does it does no it really does this there's a difference with the energy and I always say to people as well use whenever I've host a defense is like use the energy from being hit yes don't waste it like the you'll go back you'll be motivated tomorrow you might feel motivated but it will fate it's just the way it is you can't be around people all the time either so or in that sort of caliber anyway right so therefore you need to use it remember it take it in but use it every day um because or at least turn up to more events or find more of them right yeah but the energy is real honestly like with the summer it was incredible I didn't really get to do too much walking by myself because I was just sat there just doing podcasts but the energy you could still feel in the room and uh even like just generally the people that I've known and conversed with like you said like on zoom and Discord suddenly now you're in person all of you and you're you're uh you know speaking back and forth when you can and having these conversations that is different uh in person than online like online you're going to be reluctant to send a four-page essay deeper you know subject versus in person that's a one minute conversation you know yep um so it's incredible but we are coming towards the end of the podcast now and what we like to do is go on to you know quick five questions okay yeah absolutely so I'll just think of there's one that's reoccurring that I do on every podcast and then the the I'll do like maybe two more of those just off the top of my mind yeah yeah but the first one and the one that's reoccurring is if you could meet anyone from the past or present famous or not just to spend time with and learn from who would it be and why oh man that's a loaded question um does it have to be a Trader or is it just anybody anyone anybody okay um I mean I still think my answer would be Jesse Livermore I think that that is uh for those who haven't read reminisce of a stock operator one of the great original Traders back in the day who ended up committing suicide because he wasn't happy with the amount of money he felt like there was always something more I would love to pick in the mind to to in get into the my his mind and be like okay because if that if you're if you're doing that well and that doesn't make you happy right then I gotta see I I would love to have a conversation make okay what can I do to make my end game happier right like I so I think that would be a very interesting person uh to have a conversation with yeah definitely no I can understand why and um the other one is this might be a little bit difficult just because it's on the option side but I don't think so um options and future side but if there was to be a charity boxing fight oh charity boxing fight in the trading space yeah and you have to pick one fighter to fight who would it be oh man this is this is uh a good question so charity implies Good Vibes positive energy so I'm definitely going to pick a friend of mine um I would say that uh Jadon trades I think he's way bigger than me six seven we're really close friends he's way bigger than me I think what I would do is I would make him pick a charity that I liked and then I'd go in there I'd get my ass beat I'd I would lose but then it would go to my charity right and so it'd kind of be hacking the game a little bit I think I'm reversing a little bit you have to win for it to go to your charge no but that's why I'd trick him into choosing a channel I like okay yeah yeah so before we get started I would trick him some sort of Mind Game yeah yeah plant some seed that's like man the last place I'd wanted to go is xXx and he'll pick that one then I'll lose the fight I know I'm losing the boxing match with whoever I go in against uh yeah that would be fun dude him and I would have a good time no matter what we do I feel like it would turn more into a WWE like a real boxes that's great that's great and then um let me give you let me give you two more because there's one that I actually skipped over earlier which I saw you had a I think it was a six figure day uh not long ago I think it was it was on a YouTube video I think uh what was that like was that your first six figure day or is it what you've had one before it's not my first one I've had a few of them now so I've I've had a few my very first one ever was 100K but it wasn't all realized it was like 80 realized on the air so it was 100 on the day but I was down 20 going in right um it felt pretty surreal I mean I I won't lie there's been I've tried to play it off in the past before where like I've oh I think about it in terms of R which I really try to right I really do try and think about everything I do in terms of R not in terms of dollar value but the six figure ones I mean they that hit me a little bit differently I remember because I whenever I have a big day I don't go buy anything because I think again they just I put myself on tilt the minute I do that I think I have to make it back so that the most recent particular one I ended up uh taking a walk and I remember I was smoking a joint taking a walk and I was just sitting there I was just saying like this is it's real now like the real life is like this is all I've been working at this for so long like holy crap I just hit like in a day right like in a truly in a day right and so for me I do my best to try and not let not let that get to me too much mentally because one of my biggest things is I like to be a good you have to be a good sport you all learn that as a kid like you said trading is like boxing or any sport when you're a boxer and you lose you shouldn't be as forceful you shouldn't be like that was this [ __ ] and when you win you shouldn't be running into the other person's face and be like I'm so much better than you you suck all of that so I try to keep myself as grounded as possible win or loss but the six figure days are are pretty special and that's the uh my goal now is to try and not feel like I'm chasing those though because that's what led me into the big ass loss that I took on snow last week so I think that it's a surreal feeling but I almost try and suppress it as much as I can that way it doesn't carry over into my future trading well what do you invest do you invest in other things yes oh yeah yeah so I'm a big long-term investor um in mostly just long-term stocks I have a whole very big long-term stock portfolio that's my favorite investment as of now the nice part about that is that it's liquid right like it's like it's not like my investment in Nvidia stock that I am a big fan of it's not like at any point in time I can like it's an illiquid investment like a real estate something like that it's stocked so the only downside to that is that if I want to liquidate sometimes I have tax penalties by for not holding for a full year that kind of stuff for me that's cost to do in business right for me taxes it's cost doing business it's part of doing it and so yeah I'm a big long-term stock investor that'd be my favorite place to replace profits incredible incredible and then my final question for you is just what would be your top three tips to Traders out there who are still on the journey so struggling but you know the tips to progress absolutely I would say there's a few different areas to cover first from a strategic perspective if you're looking to improve your strategy that but I cannot speak to enough that book reading price charts bar by bar and then the work of printing out charts that you watch each day and going through and marking them up the same way that author Al Brooks does from a strategic perspective I don't think there's any tip out there that is free that like the information is free too the resources are free that will put you in a better position from a strategy perspective so that would be number one number two for me would be that realize that no matter what kind of strategy you have it doesn't mean [ __ ] unless you have good trading psychology and a good front mental framework in place right so if I know that the reason I do the strategy one first is I know I've been there I've been a listener on these I want to hear people's strategies I want that advice first right but that would be my first piece of advice my second piece of advice would be accept the fact that your strategy isn't perfect and that your psychology is far more important than that right and my third piece of advice as crazy as this would sound is um have fun with it trading is a job it's my favorite job in the world but it's a job at the end of the day right and every single thing that we do with trading is not life or death and I know that it may people out there be like Jake I'm broke right now this is life or death for me this is life or death well first of all if that's your situation you probably shouldn't be trading right but understand that you if you're not in a good enough space overall right then trading might feel like life or death but it never should feel that way have a little bit more fun with it and as I know that sounds crazy I want everyone to be serious I want you to follow your rules I'm not talking about going wild but have fun with it in the sense of every day try and make it a good day right try and be positive try and like okay I got stopped out on my trade [ __ ] happens right like it's part of life I would say take it a little bit less maybe I don't want to say take it a little bit less seriously but take yourself a little bit less seriously take trading very seriously take everything you do extremely seriously but take yourself a little less seriously understand that this is a journey and that five years down the road if you really stick with it if you really stick with it you're gonna look back and be laughing and be like oh my gosh you know that one time I was freaking out over that three pip thing that happened and I was just I ruined my whole month five years later you're gonna look back and be like God that was really funny like that was that was really like I look at myself I was stupid you know and so don't take yourself too seriously I think that's a big thing that can help you as a Trader I think so I think so as well thank you for that thank you for flying in as well for for this podcast yeah I know we were speaking for a while and it was absolutely incredible and uh hopefully we'll do it again soon hopefully I'm gonna try and arrange some round tables yes and uh get those going as well I would love to participate in those absolutely definitely and if you are ever in the UK please let me know I'm coming for a stranger things play uh in the fall so I'm coming there doing that so yeah so we'll definitely link up in that time yeah and maybe I can interview you so they can hear you answer some questions instead of being such a great interview so that's what people say let's see well anytime anytime at all but everyone the links for Jake will be in the description below so make sure you check those out uh make sure you like comment subscribe as always and thank you all for your support but until next time I [ __ ] you up at the end thank you so much for having me seriously this was an incredible experience thank you foreign
Channel: Words of Rizdom
Views: 181,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Words of Rizdom, WOR, Riz Iqbal, Riz Viper, Riz Podcast, Rizdom podcast, WOR Podcast, Rake Trades Podcast, Rake Trades, Jake Rake Trades, Trading Podcast, Forex Trading Podcast, Finance Podcast, Options Trading, Options Trading podcast, Umar Ashraf, TradeZella, Trade Journaling, Addictive personality, Secret Trading System, SMC Trading, Learn To Trade, Trading Mindset, Losing $50000 Trading, Making 6 figures trading, Full Time Trader, Profitable Trader, Lambo Raul
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 54sec (9654 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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