Create Art Like This In Blender (For Beginners!)

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hey what's up artists this is what here and today i want to share with you a really cool workflow using free 3d software like blender and mixing it with painting so i know a lot of you guys love painting and you find that 3d might be daunting and complex and complicated and all that kind of stuff but it really doesn't have to be because as artists we just want to create awesome stuff you know we want to make those cool creature concepts environments and landscapes characters all that stuff and with 3d you can really get an amazing result you can speed up your workflow you can fly around in your scenes take different shots you get awesome perspective right away different lighting setups and all that kind of stuff so it really works as a tool it's just awesome i love 3d and i've used it a lot in my work over the past decade or so so yeah i want to share share more of my workflow with you and how that sort of works like this painting here that i just finished it's actually the final result of my upcoming 3d for artists course for beginners and you can check that out in the description below and sign up to the waitlist so i'll be teaching you how to create exactly this so you can create it yourself from scratch so the general sort of workflow that i do is i generally have an idea right so i have an idea for what i want to have what kind of concept if it's a creature or a landscape or maybe even an interior and then i start basically i mean i can start in many ways but i i generally start inside of blender or inside of 3d software and so what i do is i go into blender here so if we just open up blender you can see here that we we have the default cube here and as always people delete it but you know if we just duplicate this guy i can start like modeling things that i want to have here doing something whatever my ideas and you know if i like it you know you already have all the perspective and everything let's say we duplicate it again and then scale it like this like that so we have some sort of you know floor there you can start building stuff like this and in 3d you can create really simple stuff right away and just print screen that and take that into photoshop and start painting over it immediately um but of course you can take it much further and make it like really realistic so for example like if i want to make let's say a landscape i could create a plane here let's subdivide it so don't worry about all this kind of stuff right now if you don't understand this thing we'll be looking through through it much more later so this is super subdivided now typically you don't want to have too much there but it's not a modifier let's just place it so these are all tools that you can use you know there's so much stuff in 3d you have different textures you can even do like sculpting i can texture painting shading animation rendering there's a lot of stuff but as artists you don't need to have too much to to be to create some really nice art so let's just displace it with some clouds maybe and so now you see it takes this texture here and it displaces this plane and then i can create i can um pretty much like control the plane or the the texture increase the depth a bit and boom just like that you have some some mountains like it super quick like this and then we can create like textures over it we can do some water maybe you can create some really really nice stuff you can even duplicate this whole thing scale it up you know you have some some stuff in the background then and then you know find a good a good angle for it and then you know do your camera and stuff so let's say we want to add some some texture to this we could go to our texture texture editor here let's see shader editor can make a new fader and you know we can just add something quick here i don't know let's do something from my my library and these are our free things you know it's this this whole software is free and all the textures that i'm using they're free the hdris everything like that uh maybe let's use uh let's try aerial rocks see how that looks so don't worry about all this right now again it's a kind of complicated stuff if you've never seen this before maybe let's add that to this one as well so that's the thing about 3d is like it's it's just a tool for us as artists we won't make like super fancy you know uh 3d animations and for movies and stuff we just want to use it for our for our for our art so let's take this light here that we have from the beginning uh delete it make a new one let's make a sun and let's just point that sun a little bit like this let's place it somewhere and then we can maybe increase the strength let's do let's five it a bit reddish like this um so before we hit the render here i'm just going to make some a cube and this cube will actually be our volume so we can make some really cool like um atmospheric perspective like this like that just going through this quickly to show you guys sort of the main gist of 3d and how you can work with it let's delete this guy make a principled volume place that volume in there density is too much let's do 0.01 stupid blue [Music] and yeah am i missing anything i guess we could also go to texture here do um right so we can change the the render engine to to be cycles it's gonna be much more realistic and in settings here we can change to uh displacement only and now if we go in here and i hit render so i just find a cool like shot that i like maybe try i don't try something like this see how this looks yeah it looks really weird so that's because of the displacement i can scale this down a bit let's do 0.01 so yeah we're getting somewhere i can go to the cube let's do a bit higher density actually let's do point one see how that looks oh that's way too much point 0.04 and so just like that you know you have some scene here that you can rotate around you can check different types of uh of angles and you can even just take this and right away you can start painting over it if you rotate the sun a bit see we can get some interesting light effects and actually we can switch around to the other engine here so ev for example so we can see a bit better and faster how things are looking you get these nice god rays and stuff and you're super quick like that and you have some sort of scene you can even add in like let's uh let's go back to our editor here let's make a quick cube make it smaller this maybe elongated wrote this a bit and of course this is not the the best way of modeling and stuff but uh if we go to this one specifically we can maybe uh do like this and then scale it a bit like that so if you want to let's say rotate it like that you know you can have something like spacecrafts or something just hovering behind here you can paint in the rest so if we go back here you can even make these into uh let's just do one object there maybe change the materials of them you can do perhaps a bit more metallic decrease the roughness let's make them a bit darker grab something you can even add lights and stuff behind here so like if i do something like this let's do a light point light maybe change that light to be super blue or something and then duplicate that light up there i mean i'm just doing super quick thing not right now but um i hope you understand sort of the the main gist of 3d and how you can create these cool scenes very easily like this and then let's switch around to and so then we can just let it render a bit can even do some denoising and like super quick like that you have something to work from you get you can screen grab this or you can render it and you can take it into photoshop we can even add some some background to this where we do stuff like uh instead of the color here we can do an environment texture and choose an hdr or hdri and these are also free for example let's use the sunflowers see how that looks and take away the ray visibility so this actually lights up the whole scene and now we have some some clouds in the background as well and you actually get like realistic you know lighting we can we just take that away actually all of the array visibility for that so we have the original one but still remain with the background and then you know you can just move around the whole scene and find a cooler looking shot if you want to have that and these are just some random textures that i just took here but um yeah so i just wanted to share that with you guys how 3d sort of just can be a an amazing tool for for artists and i use it all the time in my work and in a bunch of stuff so yeah so you know once we have something we like we can just uh we just take a screenshot or something or even even render it completely but let's say we want uh we want this thing here and then cycles let's do full screen sorry let it render a little bit you know just something like that and i'll just print screen this thing you can go into photoshop and here's the project by the way of what we're going to do in the course later so we can do that paste that in and now we can just start painting over it you know just uh just regularly because now you have this sort of base that you can use and you can get away from all this like sort of 3dness you can maybe do the mixer brush oops that should be let's do maybe this one here we can start painting over here now we can zoom in scroll around and just paint as you wanted so this one was really weird i can just take that away you can use a linear dodge for this maybe some funky stuff there can flip the screen and you know do whatever we want here and obviously you can get a much better render than this but kind of see how the main workflow is you can even take like render outputs at the render passes and create some really nice um different render layers that you can use later now if you want to make it a bit more blue there you can do that go in here use the burn tool but yeah i won't go too in depth into this one uh obviously i can you know i would like to do better than this but at least you see the sort of workflow and the way that you can use 3d and not just you know this way but actually with anything really anything you can imagine you know if you can imagine in 3d you can create inside of blender which is completely for free so yeah it's just awesome and just to give a quick little insight into that painting you saw in the beginning there so this is sort of how we're going to be setting it up so we'll be creating exactly this you don't even need to have any painting skills to do this uh you know we'll be having these characters here we'll even model some of these these things here so for example the uh the sword there you know we we'll be sculpting and modeling that thing and you can you can just scroll around and see like where where a cool shot would be so if we just go to like zero here to this camera just hit render you see we have a really good uh sort of starting ground for our um for our actual painting later you know i can change the foreground and um and like the textures here if i want to change that right now i can go to that and we'll be setting all this stuff up it looks kind of complicated now but it makes sense later you know i can change the normal so if you look at this rock here for example and um if i change this normal now you'll see how how the moss will sort of change on it see there so this is procedurally you can build anything and it will add this sort of texture to it wherever this is facing you know we can do so much cool stuff with um with math really like with this 3d stuff these nodes here and also like if i want to i don't have to be down here you know i have set up the scene so i i should be down there but you know we can even go let's say we want some somewhere [Music] like some some angle like this instead and now this scene is actually it doesn't have the proper light the proper water that so it looks good from up here you know you can do that with a bunch of cool stuff like volume metrics and make it look super realistic but for example i can just check here if i like this thing just to see if i like that um as well maybe this could be something like you can see some people climbing here or something and the perspective is already there and that's the really cool thing about 3d like you're gonna scroll around here and see what sort of uh angle you'd like to have and you can scr print screen that or actually render it which we will do in the in the course there so anyway that's just a quick little insight into into this scene all right guys that's about it so i hope that you find this video a bit inspiring it's really an amazing tool with 3d you know you can use it for so many things and i've used it many times in my work and also just for fun you know for different personal projects and obviously i couldn't cover too much in this video because you know there's a lot more to cover but but i do have a really cool workflow that i want to share with you guys and if you want to learn more about it you know you can check out the uh the description below to sign up to the waitlist for for the 3d for artists course which is for absolute beginners but also for intermediate people who have dabbled a little bit in 3d and we basically want to have some some more insight into the workflow between creating art and making some 3d assets and stuff like that so that's going to come up pretty soon and yeah please do let me know in the comments what kind of things you would want to create you know is it landscapes is it interiors maybe creatures you would like more sculpting and stuff like that there's so much cool things to do in 3d and as artists you know we can use it as a tool for our concept creations alright then i'll see you soon stay creative [Music] you
Channel: Walid Feghali
Views: 611,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5qBl0ocM0ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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