The One True Neovim Config

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over four years ago I started these Vim motions for the first time and now after 3 years of using neovim I finally landed on the perfect neovim config that just feels amazing to use so I just wanted to dive in and show you my current new fig and how everything works so if you go over here to my DOT file directory I'm basically just using get and I'm also using stove to set up all my DOT files so we can move everything between machines and all of that but let's actually dive on in to my NE config now I've played around of quite a few package matches but I settled on lazy the reason for is is if you look over here I'm able to split up a lot of my configuration so if you go over here L Sky lazy over config for all these plugins over here these plugins don't have to be configured in a million different places but let's give let me give you the grand tour so first up we have the init do lure this has nothing in it except what it does is it literally goes over here and requires this file this file not much still going on here so the unit. L this is literally just loading up lazy it to you know load all my lazy plugins and if lazy is install cuz you're opening up them in a new machine the first time it will basically just install lazy and this loads our sets and key map so let's take a look I won't be going over all of these there quite a lot in here but if you want to you can look at my description down below I've added comments too for almost everything that's going on here but let me go over some of the big ones I use Al one of my favorites is the script I stall where it's just control F and I can Sly sear between all of my directories and quickly open up at T-Max it makes things super fast some other good ones I've got this one uh leader PV just quickly opens Explorer so I can quickly look files create new files if I need to this one's quite nice too keeps things centered this is one of my favorites actually cuz by default when you copy something I'm doing right over there it copies into a Vim buffer but it doesn't copy into your local computer buffer I mean look over here I mean nothing's even in there right now but if I do this instead of pressing y if I press space y now that's copied into my look I can show if I open up a new terminal that's copied over into my local actual computer buffer clipboard thingy and lot of the other stuff here such as this this is all just for making terminals if I want to you know use terminals inside of V or whatever I can just do that real quickly you know these are some moving things this is quite a nice one this moves stuff up and down but also keeps indentation swiching between tabs this is the compiler script building things like L latex whatever L have you pronounce it sometimes I have rap mode on I don't know why so just in case I do it we use GJ and GK to make sure to move between like the WAP lines and not let me give you an example actually if you go set wrapped go set WRA I go back to the correct file I zoom in so it will just let me move between these lines even though they're technically different lines that's all it does basically all right now to my sets once again won't be going all of these and some of these I I rly don't need all of these in here as I'm pretty sure some of these were default but I need to look another time let me just go over some of the good ones quickly so number one my leader is set to space as it should be number two I like to have numbers and relative nine numbers so I can quickly see up here oh that's 10 lines up so 10K or I can see oh that's six lines down so 6j just like allows me to quickly move around code at the speed of light over here this just makes colors look good this is just a bunch of undo file stuff so I use another plug in over here which we'll talk about in a minute called undu and you know these are just some normal defaults that any same person should have this is quite nice this is just you know when I start typing it does you know it starts to highlight things it's quite nice so you can see clearly what you're searching for sign column that's just like there you go you can see over there just that W that's all it is this is just so it will start to scroll eight lines before you're at the top or bottom makes things nice this one over here actually did say true second guy just changed it cuz I real it was set to the wrong setting and I was playing around on my configs the other day this does it basically just keeps buffers of memory this isn't VSS code and we we don't need millions of gigabytes of RAM to keep a single you know file open this is just the one you're searching basic say all as so let's say I start searching for opt you'll find every instance including if there was a capital letter but if I did capital O would only search for capital or instead this just turns off any Bell noises cuz why would you want that this one's quite nice this is just so when you start highlighting after you press enter it should stop highlighting otherwi it just like is permanently there the whole time and it really annoys me which just makes that our W look nice all right we can now move on to the exciting stuff my plugins so let's just kind of go in order over here so colors I this far looks a lot more complicated than it is I love this was stolen but uh what's going on here B just do color schemes I like this is made by TJ De who makes a lot of you know Popp any even plugins I'm sure if you've watch probably heard of him all of like a lot of popping any even plugins and is what's going on on here is I just have the settings for each of these plugins Define depending on what this color scheme what this is set to will be what my color scheme is set to basically if it's not as Grove body color scheme it will just set it otherwise if it is it adds all these bunch of extra random things which I still changed a few bits here and there to make it look nicer and these it just some you know random highlight stuff we got going on this is the color column this is you know like the window separator over here if you can see this thing this is you know the broad on a floating window the sign color remove the background of that and just remove the background General so you can see my nice lovely background we have this one which which is also quite nice this allows me just to quickly you know rip a GB 18j just basically quickly comment lines in and out I mean it's simple but it's a really nice plugin to use and I use it all the time and over here we've got co-pilot as I've been trying out co-pilot recently I'm still not too sure if I'm going to keep it or not as it is10 a month which is quite a lot so I'm going to have to continue playing around of it to see g. lure this is literally just um get future tip so you can quickly do everything you need to do and then this was stolen I don't remember where from but this was stolen so that after I make a change I could just do lead a p to push so I don't have to type get push Haroon this is an amazing plugin written by the man himself all this does it literally allows you to quickly switch between files so let me show you so I'm going to press leader a go to this ball we just in leader a and then contrl h control T switch between these two files I could do contr e to delete or move them around or add others it's a great plugin which I use all the time to quickly navigate code local this is just a local plugin which I was making this is my too. envin plugin which I need to actually continue working on as I've not worked over this in ages but the whole goal of this is basically allow you to interact if you to do a S near him as there was some other plugins I found online to let you do it but none of them seem to work and mine works but it's not as efficient as it should be then we've got LSP L this is a big one if you don't know LSP is basically how you're able to get you know all of that auto complete in language as you're using I definitely can trim down what I've got in here cuz I've got quite a lot going on on here I'm just using everything I'm so I've got I'm using l B zero to basically run everything enm comp and Mason are basically my main big things and then I've got a few other little things like this which is really nice when you're on CSS you can quickly convert pixels to RS or back or whatever it's hooked straight into comp it's super nice I also have co-pilot hooked into comp I set up all my sources you know set up mapping set up colors all of that fun stuff I also enable over here leis snip which we'll get into in a minute this plug over here allows me to interact with obsidian from within NE ofm I don't really use this too often as things any obsidian app just better because they work better in a gooey but every Stu I will use this and it's nice and over here this is snippet this is for L snip I really want to go through an add more snipets but just as an example quickly let's just open up a go file and we can you to do F and then control e e give it a name give it AR a string then we can return I don't know boo [Music] could I do also have a few others in here such as e and control e that just types out if error do not equal N I also have SQL this is just a plugin from t and a few other people just to let me interact with like SQL light or SQL Pro whatever from within KN of him this is my status line plugin I wrote myself supposed to be able to customize for stuff in here but I haven't bother to add that feature yet so if you install this You Can't customize Us in here but I quite like it it show why I want it as normal mode insert mode I was also going to add a thing to do the colors at some point it shows you how many errors there are on your file warnings and then just help in general the name of your file path you know icon or get brancher on and your current line and column on the line This is my file for telescope I have quite a bit going on telescope you don't know what telescope is it's basically a fuzzy finder but you can kind of make it fuzzy find your own things that Mak sense let me give you an example so if I press contrl + P this will search all my files there in get so let's I wanted to find I don't know zsh I see there it is I can do space PF and this finds files that aren't just in get like it finds all the files also have space PS which allows me to quickly grab so we can grab for the word Vim see over here then you can do cool things which as contrl Q now contrl J and it's all done a quick fix list now so you can quickly move around the space PP this is just live grab too this is quite nice too I can s to quick mix list too if I want to telescope help this is quite nice this has need to search for them help T so let's say I want to look for something to do LSP and I can pull it up it's just a nice quick way to search so I've got to go like help LSP I've got this one which is quite nice if you in a highlighted string space PS that would grab your highlighted string I've also got this one which is quite nice space VRC this will just let me them RC even as it's not just my f RC but this just allows me to quickly search for my DOT files so I could be anywhere I mean let's open up over here over here and just space VC and I can look for I know test. L which I don't have but apparently I have this fre setter this is quite a standard one most people have heard of um these days this basically just makes your colors look nicer than near them you could do other things of it but I basically just use it to make my colors look nicer than near them there's also undo Tre this is quite nice if you go over here so let's go to file which I've actually edited probably more often so lp. L I can go back the changes from 107 days ago in this file it just does a bunch of like magic to save everything so I can just go really far back and the changes it's a super nice plugin to have and the last plugin is Zen mod. this is just sometimes you want like a cleaner environment the space z z there you go it just kind of gives you cleaner environment now the last little bit just in this after folder so after plugin we have Auto commands these are just some Auto commands I have to find when you open up a terminal set the F Type to term and that will come in handy in a minute we create a group called sky for you know Auto commands just we have this over here which When You Yank something you see that nice little highlight this is quite a nice one when you write white space you write the file it deletes the white space I have to use this weird hack here because the way lure works of strings and over here cuz I have these files with some shell scripts that like does book marks to me this basically just does all of that whenever I write those files and then last but not least we just have these for certain files the way certain things work so in C I don't really want see often but shift wi have set to two then inside of l i the shift whip set the format options and the comment string all just changed a bit and when I open up a terminal I want to turn off line numbers and turn off the scroll offs so yeah that's my neim config for 2024 I used to have a lot more complicated config I was able to move like 800 lines of code and there's still definitely random things in there which I can move I don't need it thank you for watching and I hope you have a good day [Music]
Channel: Sky Kosiner
Views: 3,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Neovim, Vim, Linux, Code, Coding, Vs Code, Open Source, MacOS, Vim Motions, Python, Typescript, JavaScript, Golang, Go, Rust
Id: COXt6u1G_Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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