The One Tool I Regretted Most Buying

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welcome back friends to a beautiful monday morning on the homestead after that last fiasco we had with trying to unload that firewood processor off that drop deck i don't want to go through that again so many of you suggested a solution and that is to put a trailer ball on the forks of your tractor right so drilling a hole in it well i've done that in the past and with limited results last time i cut one i think it was in my my clark forklift i used a cutting torch and if you don't know already that steel for forklift tines what do you call them no they're not called tines i forget what they're called is quite a har quite a tough alloy i know how to do it easily like a lot of you guys i have three sizes of trailer balls on there and state to the end if you're still using these old school trailer ball receivers like i was up until six weeks ago time has moved on and you might want to think about upgrading stay to the end and i'm going to show you the most amazing trailer ball system that will put this to shame so this is one of my old ones two and five sixteenths ball let's yank this off here and then we'll get the diameter for a hole but it looks like it's going to be a big one for a big nut we need a big old socket i misspoke last time i showed these to you guys i said that this was a one inch drive it's a three quarter inch drive i don't have i've never even seen a one-inch drive but this is big enough so this is half inch drive most you guys have this right here this is three quarter inch drive i bought this from my neighbor henry who was a heavy equipment mechanic years ago and man oh man does it come in handy for this big stuff classic example of why you want a really strong bench especially the connection for your vice because when you need to put big pressure on stuff like this there's nothing more aggravating than having a wobbly bench that you can't count on all right these take a beating you know from the bottom of the threads typically get beat up from different rocks and things that hit it on the road so they can be really miserable not this one simple enough goodness my shop is a disastrous classical springtime boy when the weather changes you just start thinking of all the things you need to get ready for the for the summer in the springtime and and it's a lot of stuff okay so i'm gonna use the uh magnetic drill the slugger hopefully i have one this big oh i think i do this it's gonna be the biggest hole i've ever drilled with that i guess we need to get it right i think that's right let's make sure sometimes the base is a little bit wider than the threads i want to make sure i get this right here that fits we're going to go big we're going to go with the biggest one yep that's what we're going to do our next decision needs to be which side of the fork is going to be the best i'm automatically thinking the left side you know what's interesting for most people i don't not all of you ride motorcycles and stuff but most people as a rule favor turning to the left versus turning to the right this was proved to me as we were i was working on snow bikes of the day and there's these rails these uh sacrificial pieces of this hard graphite and what it does is it's a bearing surface that keeps it keeps the metal off the metal right and if when you pull these off to replace them oftentimes on the left side is what is worn way more and i notice that when i want to turn i'm really reluctant i don't like turning to the right but i love turning to the left i usually crash when i turn to the right so that being said sitting in the tractor is not really different automatically when i want to look over if i want to look at the ball through the corner of the window i want to i'm going to lean to the left so that's going to make it easy for me so we're going to go here with the left fork decided how far back do we want to go we have lots of material so i think somewhere in there would be fine we'll center it roughly centered looks pretty good right here and i know you guys guessed it we're going to use the electromagnetic drill to drill this i bought this thing on a whim because it was on sale at the weld i was at the welding shop i had serious there's flats on here for these set screws i had serious uh buyer's remorse after even on the way home i was thinking good grief what have you done like you need an electromagnetic drill but i'll tell you what after having it and you know having lots of heavy heavy equipment and heavy you know working with steel and such it is it's absolutely a godsend it's my friends caught wind of it my neighbors and friends and they're borrowing it now whenever they have to drill some super super thick steel hole it is a wonderful tool if you haven't seen one of these an electromagnetic drill press is basically just what it sounds like listen to this oh yeah it gives me the fizz it's it's got electro mag electro electromagnet on the base that's so powerful that you can put it upside down you can literally stick this to a girder or an i-beam and drill a hole in it upside down that's how powerful it is so you turn the bat turn it on and off like this right here the other cool thing is that i know a lot of you guys know this the drill bits for these things are hollow so you don't have to drill near as much material but just a percentage of the material and then you have a slug that falls out the center so the drilling is incredibly fast even in steel like this that's almost three quarters inch thick [Music] [Applause] you probably heard that chatter and one thing about these things is these shavings are lethal like razor wire the tool actually came with this little little digger tool there to dig them out now what i noticed when you heard that you heard that squeaking squawking i wasn't pressing hard enough and it was kind of chattering in there and i thought that was a lubrication issue but i'm just not putting enough pressure on it so it seems to really take off and cut when you put a bunch of pressure on it but it drills as fat almost as fast as drilling through wood [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that is a fast hole back before this back in the day the idea of taking my drill bits and my crummy drill presses and stuff and trying to drill a one inch hole through three quarter inch hardened steel no did you remember to click the thumbs up have you commented have you subscribed if you're not subscribed oh wait go ahead tell me when you're ready and then we'll move on and put the ball on all right you got the thumbs down thumbs down thumbs up doesn't matter vote your conscience let's install our trailer ball here's a pro tip for you professional homeowners they collect pro tips because they can't figure things out on their own all that well so they need to well take advantage of people smarter than them this is an anti-seize lubricant thread lubricant it comes in a tube you can buy it at napa anywhere this is something a guy should have in your shop for working threads any type of a thread that when i say working thread i think of like a like a bearing puller or something that you use the threads to pull or to push with and something that's big and heavy like this where you might want to get it off or it can be exposed out in road salt and grime especially east coast guys some of the stuff you guys put on your roads over there i mean just eat your cars we use gravel over here but this is perfect this is the perfect type of application for this and then when you go to take it off it will uh be so much easier now this is a two and five-eighths ball this is probably all that i'm going to use that will be the same size for that processor and now we'll be able to just to put this on it's not the fastest way there's slip-on ways and quick attach ways but i don't use it very often i just want to have a safe way i don't want to go through that uh the process of that i did last time and almost dumped that woods processor off but that's it right there now we have an absolute secure way to move stuff around and it's going to be it's going to be so much better so much safer than we had before you want another pro tip this is one actually i wish i would have thought of this but i didn't when you have a can a lot of times you have cans like this will have an applicator brush it's really common with the glue if you've done abs or pvc fitting you know you buy the little blue or the black glue from home depot and it's got the little dopper there's always that inch in the bottom that you can't get at well what you do when you get to that point is you take your hammer and you carefully smash the top of the can you collapse the can down like you see here just a little bit and now you can reach with your brush or with your dauber you can reach the bottom of your can i've been kind of going through as we've been unpacking boxes and such uh i've we've i've been taking on those shipping containers and and i'll pull a box out and i empty it completely before i open another one it's a slow process but i deal with those things and i a lot of things i've been kind of asking myself a question is this something that makes your life easier or is it just further complicated is it one more thing to take care of and one more hassle in your life so when i one thing that was a huge hassle was i have multiple trailers with multiple ball sizes and multiple drops you know their height and so i have half a dozen hitches with different drops and different ball sizes and i was constantly swapping things around it was it was just such a bummer so i just ran into these things so bmw tow they call it bmw tow but what it is is it it's the smartest trailer hitch system ever so first off you can pull this pin here and you've got a two and five sixteen inch ball and a two inch ball and you can get these in two and one and seven eighths or whatever combination i think that you want and this is theft proof so this is not something that will come out the pin that you put in it with the cotter pin it only acts to keep it from spinning and if you're off-roading if you want to put this up you can run it sideways too so it doesn't become an anchor so but the fun doesn't stop there so then you've got adjustable height as well i know i'm probably late to the game on this but you but if you tow a lot man you got to have something like this and so really nice stainless pins and now you can adjust your height to whatever height you want and this is theft proof as well this won't come off the whole thing is locked on with your main pin speaking of which this is going to blow your mind well this blew my mind so my new truck came with a key fob and there was a hole in the door for a key but didn't come with the key you know where the key is it's inside the fob so when i was at the trailer hitch the trailer hitch guy we were talking about all this and he said oh you want to lock and i said no no i got i got i got a lock he said well yeah we have have you seen these locks so check this out so this lock is made by bolts and when you take it out of the package it it doesn't i don't know if it had a key it doesn't matter you take your truck key whatever it is and all you do is you insert your truck key in here and it keys the lock to your ignition key i don't know i don't know how it works but it's amazing because that's one thing that that's one less thing to keep track of you know enough do you really need another padlock key or another key for your ring i mean it gets ludicrous right my granddad was smart he figured it out he would order he ordered his paddle locks and saved the number and he would only order paddle locks that were keyed alike so all his padlocks across his whole compound were all exactly the same i don't know why i haven't been able to figure that out when i grew up with it but this is a great a great combination right here i absolutely loved it all right that's probably all the time we have for today i don't know what i'm doing the rest of the day here i have so many projects going on i feel like i'm just spinning in circles i think i want to get the winch installed i know we kind of left you hanging with the harbor freight winch why don't we put that up throw that on the front bumper on the buckstop and see how that thing performs but that's going to be i'll decide here that's going to be in the next video thanks for watching may god bless you and your families please keep us in your prayers we pray for you constantly and we'll see you all on the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 579,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ltHjlrvW4i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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