The One Punch Man Manga is Incredible

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Heroes since the dawn of time our ancestors have been telling stories of Larger than Life Heroes meant to represent the human fighting spirit and since the dawn of time these stories have all been the same I'm sure you've heard of the hero's journey before or have at least seen it in action it's a tried and true formula that's used by pretty much every heroic tale ever told you start at the beginning of the blueprint and work your way to the end hitting every story beat in this exact order it makes stories interesting gives them conflict and many would consider it to be a rule of Storytelling but when one punch man came out back in 2015 it said rules what rules we're starting here and oh my gosh it was so refreshing instead of a boring introduction where we learn about the main character before they get their powers one punch man begins with saitama punching a hole through a skyscraper size monster there was no need to learn a power system no need for training and no need for saitama to lose because he had already been there and done that many times before instead one punch man focused on showcasing fast-paced exhilarating action sequences with an emphasis on fun it was a satirical gag anime meant to make the viewers scoff at the common tropes associated with the superhero genre and even portrayed the negative consequences that might come with defeating every enemy in one punch the anime by madhouse was so well produced and the story by mangaka one was so refreshing that one punch man shot up in popularity to become the number four most popular anime of all time the show was amazing one punch man was everywhere and the new hottest debate was whether or not saitama could be Goku a debate in which if you have an opinion get ready to be called the most creatively insulting names ever conceived by the human Mind by someone unironically rocking a dripco Goku profile pic so of course people were hyped for season 2. all madhouse had to do was keep the same level of production and what the heck is this season two of one punch man was picked up by Anime Studio JC's staff and fans were not happy what made season 1's production so spectacular was the care that shingo natsume and his team put into each episode of the show and so when they were replaced with a new team at JC staff who reportedly had a troubled production cycle the end result was not pretty season 2 of one punch man was watchable but when season one looked like this and season two looks like this now that's just a crime yeah the story everyone loved was still there but the show just wasn't the same and so many people including me ended up dropping one punch man season two but there were some who took another path people who were determined to continue on with this story people who read the Manga I know I said that I dropped one punch man during season two but man those manga readers would not let me forget about it panels of the one punch Man manga began to spread across the internet like a wildfire and when they look this good people were intrigued and so many people decided to give the one punch Man manga a shot including me and let me tell you something the one punch Man manga is incredible everything you loved about one punch man season 1 is expanded upon and elevated to a new level the hysterical comedy the outrageous fights and the captivating storytelling are all there and better than ever however this does not mean that they are the same as ever season one of one punch man ended on such a spectacular high that many questioned the future of the series how could this show ever again surpass the visual and comedic Extravaganza that was season one a joke can only be used so many times before it starts to lose its punch and so if the series were to continue down the same path it was headed it seemed near impossible for to ever again reach the heights that it already had but of course this is one punch man we're talking about a series whose whole concept is based around subverting our expectations and so what did it do to combat this problem it removed saitama from the story one day after finishing up fighting an especially powerful monster saitama senses in an unusual presence in his vicinity he cautiously glances around and as he does suddenly a massive power blast is sent hurling towards him saitama Dodges but fails to recognize a second power blast directed at him from another direction saitama is hit and in his dying moment flying on the ground saitama slowly lifts his head to gaze upon the man who had just taken everything from him it's not possible saitama cries out how could it be you but it is possible because the man standing over him is stronger faster and better than saitama in every way possible that man is Goku all right but for real saitama is still a part of the story but in the manga he takes a major back seat as The Story begins to shift more towards exploring the world of one punch man when I was watching one punch man season 1 I remember thinking man this is such a cool world there's ninjas psychics robots Titans and all these S-Class Heroes that are supposed to be super strong I can't wait until we get to see them all in action well I'm still waiting but after reading the one punch Man manga I can happily say that that weight is no more the world the characters in the storyline are all fleshed out in the manga to the point where it becomes much more than just a series of gags new characters are introduced in old ones we barely saw are all given an actual role in the story each and every S-Class hero gets a turn in the spotlight and their fighting styles are all so sick you wouldn't think that being a furry would be a cool power but somehow one punch man makes it cool without the presence of saitama the other Heroes actually have to fight their own battles creating tension that was never present before instead of every fight being decided in one punch now battles are a climactic back and forth struggle for victory they are massive in scale and have World altering consequences all the rules that were laid out before are now flipped on their head the heroes can lose the bad guys can win and anyone can die to give you an idea of just how insane these battles can be I want to walk you through a fight between child Emperor and Phoenix man the fight starts off with child Emperor quickly display closed captioning not available child Emperor this causes child Emperor to summon a giant drill to hold Phoenix man back while he uses a gigavolt smash to destroy all the resurrected enemies around him he then combines with his mini mechas to create a new arm which he uses to fire off a massive power blast reaching to the heavens at Phoenix man who then somehow absorbs that power blast and manages to survive now I won't spoil how this fight ends but just know that it is freaking crazy the fights in the one punch Man manga take dumb fun to a whole new level deus ex machina are thrown out left and right but because this manga doesn't take itself seriously this Reliance on constant one-upping only elevates the fights the conflicts in this manga are colossal and this is only accentuated by the art if you've been on the internet for more than a day then you've probably seen at least one panel from the one punch Man manga and if not then you probably saw it in a museum because that's where this art belongs originally starting off as a crudely drawn web comic one punch man with eventually picked up and redrawn by yusuke Morata the illustrator for Eye shield 21 and holy crap this dude can draw one of my favorite things about Morata as an artist is how he's able to seamlessly combine the simple drawings of one's original webcomic with his own hyper stylized art style some panels are these incredibly realistic depictions of broken down cityscapes and human anatomy While others look like they were drawn by a first grader but somehow it works and Morata is able to pull off a perfect Balancing Act between using visual comedy while also adding intensity to the scenes that need it it's easy to point out that Morata is a great illustrator I mean just look at this but what I think is less appreciative about his work is his masterful paneling when you read the one punch Man manga it genuinely feels like the characters are in motion you can feel their speed you can feel the weight of their punches and you can feel the Precision of their techniques yusuke Morata is obviously a student of the game and as such he implements and even improves upon many any paneling techniques founded by action manga Legends such as Akira Toriyama each layout has a flow to it that seamlessly guides your eyes from one panel to the next with no room for confusion motion Trails anticipation shots speed lines they're all used in tandem with pioneering techniques from the digital age such as motion blur in order to bring these pianos to life one punch man's art is so immersive that many times it's easy to forget that you're reading a manga and not watching a big budget Animated Series this is why it sucks to see season 2 of the anime's decrease in quality I can sense so much more energy emerging from this panel in the manga than when watching the same scene in the anime yes it's watchable but when the manga gives you a better sense of motion than the anime you're much better off just reading that one punch man has some of the best action on the market its fights are loud and in your face and I think because of this many people seem to overlook how interesting one punch man's story actually is because saitama is largely out of the picture after season 1 the story is able to develop and explore its side characters to a much Fuller degree to me the side characters of one punch man are so interesting because like saitama they all depict different ways that people might react to living in a super-powered world some like fabuki may find lower class minions to do their bidding While others like Janos May humbly seek out a mentor to guide them some like a my mask will use their strength to gain Fame and stardom While others like blast will never make an appearance to the public and when offered ultimate strength in exchange for once Humanity some will take the deal While others will choose not to I think the most interesting depiction of a superpowered being however can be found with the character Garo the hero Hunter Garo is a villain not because he's evil but because he hates heroes from a young age Garo was always an underdog and as such he related with monsters because they too were underdogs when facing the supposedly righteous Heroes because of this Garo now hunts down Heroes to defeat them in battle and prove his strength he's set up to be the story's anti-hero but as he continues to defeat more and more Heroes Garo kind of becomes the closest thing this story has to a typical Shonen protagonist unlike saitama we see Garo grow and become stronger with each new battle we see him weak vulnerable and on the edge of death only for him to push past his limits and stand back up to face his enemies time and time again as Garo develops you begin to root for him and realize that he's not a total monster after all he fights with honor he doesn't hurt the innocent and he goes out of his way to save the people that he cares for throughout the story Garo begins to resemble a hero and he hates himself for it Garo is a man who wants so badly to be a monster but can't erase his human side on the surface it may seem like one punch man has a simple story Heroes vs villains Good vs Evil is a clear divide between the two sides but I think what people don't often recognize is that one punch man's story is its characters it's their interactions their relationships and how they develop throughout the gives this story purpose I've heard from a multitude of people that some characters or plot points were handled better in the one punch man webcomic and while I haven't yet read it myself I trust that these people are probably correct in their assertions but even if there were some elements Lost in Translation I think that the heart of one punch man will always shine through in the end you know after catching up to the one punch Man manga I've been thinking a lot about what its purpose is why write a story about a man who can defeat everything in one punch yeah sure it's funny but I don't think that one is so superficial a writer that it would write a main character with the sole purpose of being funny I mean he wrote one of my favorite anime of all time mob psycho and if that doesn't tell you the respect that I hold for him then I don't know what does I've seen a lot of people try and analyze saitama as a character and they all pretty much go the same way they're basically like oh saitan was born depressed because he's too strong and yeah I do think that's a major part of his character but saying it's the purpose for which this manga was created feels like a very shallow reading to me if you were going by these people's logic then within the first episode of the anime we would have seen everything that saitama has to offer as a character it's probably true that this was the original intent for the story of one punch man one was just a dude drawing a comedy manga on the internet and likely didn't expect much to come out of it but over time this manga has evolved far past where it began in popularity and in purpose and to me the question that one punch man now seems to ask is what does it mean to be a hero [Music] in the world of one punch man there are many who call themselves Heroes they run around in costumes defeating monsters and protecting the innocent people of City Z there's even a hero Association which provides the ranking system by which heroes are assigned a letter grade based on the significance of their Feats but what I find interesting is how this story seems to continually challenge this system that it set up the hero ranking the system is seen by many as an indicator of status and power if you hold a higher rank than another hero then in this world many would believe that you are inherently better than them every hero in this story is introduced with their name and their hero ranking right alongside it and so when you're first introduced to a character like King a top-ranked S-Class hero there's a certain level of reverence to his presence that is until you learn that King is actually just a regular powerless man who became an S-Class hero due to a series of coincidences and misunderstandings even the other S-Class Heroes hold him in high regard and believe that he is one of the strongest solely due to an arbitrary ranking that he was assigned however when they see saitama the world's strongest man who was only assigned to rank C because of four exam scores they scoff at the thought that he could ever be of help in the minds of the people of this world a hero is defined by their strength and that is exactly why one of my favorite characters in this series is the goat Moomin Rider he's a C-Class hero with no powers but as the cyclist for justice he rides fearlessly into battle against foes he can't possibly defeat I think the most powerful scene to come out of season one of one punch man was the Moomin Rider vs Deep Sea King fight the city people are trapped the heroes have been defeated and the Sea King is standing over the broken remains of genus's body it is a hopeless situation where death is all but guaranteed and yet movement Rider comes pedaling in Chucks his bike and stands in the way of the Sea King the Sea King laughs and Janos pleads for movement right away but he doesn't falter he's toyed with and tossed to the side like a ragdoll but movement Rider keeps on standing back up everyone knows that there's no way for him to win but as Moomin puts it it's not about winning or losing it's about me taking you on right here and right now [Music] and after hearing his words the people of the city begin rallying around Moomin cheering and chanting his name until he gets one shot but that's not what matters in this situation 183 seconds that's how long Lumen Rider stood in the deep sea King's Way in that time the Deep Sea King could have finished off Janos and slaughtered hundreds of civilians movement rider was just a regular guy who was brave enough to get in the way and to me that makes him more of a hero than any S-Class could ever be yes Moomin was defeated in the end but he bought just enough time for help to arrive and when that help does come in the form of saitama it is a euphoric moment instead of dismissing movement as just another weak z-class saitama recognizes his heroism and says to him nice fight man should be proud of yourself after which he goes on to promptly One-Shot the Sea King in this instance it would have been easy for saitama to take credit for this feat and prove his strength to the world he deserves it but he doesn't care instead he points out all the heroes who had fallen before him and how their efforts were the real cause for victory in this scene both saitama and Moomin Rider are heroes in their own way time and time again this same cycle is repeated in the one punch Man manga a character will be down on the ground broken battered and on the verge of death only for saitama to swoop in and stand above them as a glistening Ray of Hope some may see this as repetitive or a cop-out but to me it seems like this manga is repeatedly trying to push forward a message when this same situation happens again with the character suryu he is lying paralyzed on the ground screaming for someone anyone to come help as a skilled martial artist this was his first time coming to the realization that he was going to die the heroes he had mocked before were the same ones that he was now begging to stand back up and fight eventually Syria loses hope and as he looks up one last time to see the world he would soon be departing he instead sees saitama somehow standing over him with unwavering confidence and in only one sentence saitama is able to re-inspire hope within suryu I am a hero obviously saitama kicks butt but what I think is important about this scene is that after being saved by saitama so where you chooses to reconsider his life and realizes that he too wants to be a hero and to me that right there perfectly encapsulates saitama's role within this story [Music] hero because he's strong and kills everything in one punch he's a hero because of how he to do better and to be better there's a reason why characters like genos King and bang all follow saitama it's because of what he teaches not through his words but through his actions saitama is a hero for fun doesn't do it for money fame or power he just wants to help people and expects no reward he could conquer the world if he wanted but instead he chooses to shop on bargain day at the supermarket just like everyone else King often tells saitama that it's not about becoming the strongest hero it's about becoming the greatest hero you don't have to be strong to be a hero saitama was just as much of a hero when he defeated his first villain as he will be when he defeats his last the size of your actions don't determine their worth and that right there is to me the message of one punch man the fact that no matter how weak useless or inadequate you may feel you can be a hero and that right there is incredible to me foreign hey guys I hope you enjoyed that video I just want to say thank you for being so patient with me in my upload schedule I've been really busy with live stuff recently outside of YouTube and so I haven't really been able to work on this channel that much but just know that this channel is always on my mind and I'm always thinking about new ways to improve my content also let me know if you enjoyed the new video format showing my face was kind of weird at first but I think it kind of adds a lot to the video makes it more personal I guess I've been trying to experiment a little bit more with my channel recently and so if you have any ideas that you think could help it then drop them in the comments below again sorry this one took so long to come out but as always thanks for watching and bye
Channel: Nitsua
Views: 23,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one punch man, saitama, genos, saitama vs, one punch man art, yusuke murata, mob psycho, mangaka one, fubuki, tatsumaki, mumen rider, garou, one punch man review, one punch man manga, one punch man manga review, one punch man season 1, one punch man season 2, opm, one punch man analysis, one punch man chapter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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