SAITAMA VS GOD - The Final Fight of One Punch Man

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eventually at the end of the series saitama will battle God the monster God who we got multiple references to throughout the Garo fight is without a doubt the final boss of one punch man but with seeing how God Gara with just a slight infusion of power from God was able to go up Toe to Toe with saitama far beyond anyone ever was able to including boros the amount of power that the actual God of one punch man has will undoubtedly break the laws of reality something that saitama does seemingly on a regular basis and with the introduction of blast joining the story and explaining that there is this Galactic team of Heroes out there battling God it's completely evident that saitama will join blast in the war against God in the final Arc of the series so in this video I want to explain the possible outcomes and possible battle between saitama vs God although I'll use possible lightly I don't see any way that saitama wouldn't end end up fighting him no I like to call it the war on God Arc because there is blast and this other group of Heroes that we also saw interject and re-deflect saitama vs God garos Clash of serious punches they came in to help blast now they had been redrawn the chapter 164 redraw took them out but in the initial issue we saw that it was boros and this lion guy and a female obviously we know of boros and it's strange that he has reappeared there's a whole inter-dimensional Theory upon that like are we doing multiversal Theory I'll get into that a little bit later down the road just to explain how boros may still be alive but yes we got boros and we also got this line looking character that looks very reminiscent of beast king from episode 2. now they were taken out of the 164 redraw but then they were kind of reintroduced later on as shadowy figures helping blast and to me what this means is after we're done with Earth after all of the humans stories wrap up which we're basically getting into with the webcomic you know genos is on his Redemption Arc a my mask and a lot of these other characters have had many arcs they've explained their backstory and their motivations and such and I think what's gonna happen is once we've solved all of that backstory for all the important characters of the series which we're getting close to we're gonna move to the war on God Arc and that'll most likely be fought out in space somewhere it appears that blast is fighting God out in space somewhere or at least attempting to battle his avatars it looks like God is inside of the Moon of Earth but at the same time it appears that there's also a god out there that this Galactic crew of Heroes is fighting if we take a look at the one picture from blast hyperspace gate there's two potential outcomes for this final Arc the war on God for one it would be saitama with blast and the rest of his crew boros Etc potentially like some other people from Earth like tatsumaki and genos and just an entire army versus God but I think at the same time we also want to see saitama 1v1 God perhaps God will take everybody out before saitama is the only one left standing or the other possibility is that God will summon an army of avatars as strong or if not more powerful than Garo and it will be like this crew of heroes the Avengers essentially out in space fighting against an army of avatars and then maybe they beat them or saitama just goes up and fights God 1v1 and I'm incredibly curious to see how God is going to fare against saitama because we learned so much from the saitama vs God Garo fight for one we learned that saitama's power can increase limitlessly and just Skyrocket in potential as he battles so even if he and Garo started off relatively close in power I mean even if you look at the power scaling graph they started out like almost next to each other I mean site it appears from morata's graph that saitama was only slightly stronger than God Garo when they began fighting but by the end of the fight he was like a hundred times stronger than God Garo in that sense I think that God may just be so astronomically powerful I mean I don't even know how saitama could get near him you're talking about a god this powerful that can manipulate reality and potentially manipulate time and space and has full control over all of the behaviors of physics in the entire universe whatever power God Garo had has got to be just a the smallest a fraction of the full power of God himself so the first thing that comes to mind is God will just be you know ridiculously overpowered saitama can't get near him but as the battle continues and as God uses more and more abilities sitesimo will just continue growing until he just becomes stronger than even God now there's another theory that God is actually the source of all powers in the one punch man universe that are obtained through monster vacation and that's including saitimus so if this is the case if God is defeated by saitama there's a very good chance that he loses his powers regrows his hair and becomes normal again but I'm also curious as to if God actually is the source of everyone's power can God take away saitama's strength but I think that would be kind of silly if God did that there's no way saitama would be able to win without his unlimited potential so I think it is likely that in the ending of the series saitama wins everybody loses their powers all monsters disappear and that's a wrap now there's another popular fan Theory I'd like to talk about real quick and that's the fact that there may be multiple gods it does appear that there's one sealed in the moon there's definitely one sealed in some sort of interdimensional prison and there's potentially one out in space as well as we saw from blast's hyperspace Gates so there's potentially up to three Gods right now and one of the most popular fan theories is that saitama's dream from episode 1 where he fought the subterraneans is actually going to come true at the end of the series and all of those subterraneans are actually monster Gods now that would be incredibly epic that's a way to go full circle and the true Subterranean King at the end would be like the true God or the creator of all of these God beings and that would be the one that saitama has to fight in the very end but I feel like a clash from these two would be so powerful that it would probably Wipe Out the entire universe look at just two serious punches before saitama's growth two serious punches wiped out an array of like millions of stars so imagine if saitama grows to like a million times stronger than he actually is in his battle with god and they're connecting punches I feel like it would just wipe out the entire universe that's not really a great way to end the series either I've seen some funny fan animations of saitama versus Goku and they connect punches and it just blows up the Earth so morato's gonna have to write some way around that there's a good possibility that God is simply Immortal and that's the entire reason that he's been in prison so the series has been leading up to this big release of God as we got the Orochi battle redraw the mural on the wall sacrifices going up to God so that he can be free as you remember Orochi was explaining that he kept digging deeper and deeper into Earth until he stumbled upon this Temple and he thought that all the sacrifices were supposed to go to him so that he could become a God but after saitama used serious squirkon to take him out the rest of the mural the rocks on it crumbled off and we saw that Orochi was supposed to be sacrificed to God and as he was dying he kind of like walked up into that sacrificial platter in front of the mural meaning that it's a foreshadowing that God will be resurrected in the series and perhaps the entire reason that he's in prison in the first place is because he's immortal now what happens if you meet an unmovable object with an Unstoppable Force meaning saitama versus God that's what I'm really wondering like is it going to wipe out the universe are they going to have to just simply fight in another dimension so that there's no collateral damage or a saitama just going to Simply you know get so strong he's going to use some ultimate punch move and take out God with one hit and I think the reason he's imprisoned is one of two reasons either one he's Immortal or two just nobody has been strong enough to actually destroy him blast and the rest of the crew are strong as we saw blast battle God gar we got a good indication of his powers and his abilities but that's no saitama and perhaps God isn't Immortal there's just nobody strong enough to beat him or he's just Immortal and the only way to stop him was to seal him up now we've never seen saitama actually have a challenge it did appear that God Garo was a challenge like there was even one panel that a manga chapter ended on where it looked like saitama was spin getting up blood from one of Gaga's punches but that was nothing because as the next chapter came he didn't have any scratches on him no blood coming out of his mouth or anything and to this day saitama has never really taken damage unless it was like some sort of parody I know there was one episode one chapter when a cat scratched sight from his face and he actually did have like cut marks on his face but I think you can look over that for comical and parody reasons and what I'm getting at is the ultimate question is saitama actually going to have a challenge in this series by the end of it or is one just going to continue writing it that even with the Ultimate Enemy saitama still doesn't have a challenge I mean that's really up to the author at this point does he want to kind of remove a level of the parody status of saitama and actually give him the challenge of God in the end or is God simply just going to be one punched I seriously doubt it I mean if God Garo can withstand serious punches then there's no doubt that God could survive a bunch of them and my personal theory for how it's going going to go down is that seitzma yes will finally get that challenge that he dreamed of that burning passion inside of him as he actually gets to fight an enemy that poses a challenge I think
Channel: Mastar
Views: 438,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saitama vs god, one punch man season 3, one punch man manga, one punch man, opm, one punch man god, saitama, mastar, mastar media, master media, mastermedia, anime, manga
Id: 5VTfFVjJM2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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