The One Monitor for EVERYTHING - PS5, Mac and PC

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my second most popular video on the channel is the one monitor setup I uploaded that video nearly 2 years ago now and I wanted to do an updated version if you're someone who's looking for the perfect all-in-one monitor for your setup for your games console Mac or PC you've come to the right place I've been on the hunt for the perfect monitor that can basically just do everything so I did have a minimum list of requirements a very specific set of requirements it had to be 28 to 32 in in size it has to be 4K it has to do a minimum of 100 HZ it has to be able to do power delivery over a USBC this one is key because it's by far one of the rarest features that I feel like is in a monitor and for someone like me who prefers a one cable setup with their laptop it makes a lot of sense it also of course has to be reasonably priced I wanted to make sure that it was below $1,000 and was actually available to buy also don't know about you guys but I found myself actually preferring one monitor setup I used to be one of those guys where I used to think that you needed an array of monitors like three monitors or two monitors to side by side to be super productive and there's actually a funny meme that goes around sort of sharing that but yeah I've now gone back to one monitor I just prefer the one main monitor for productivity and if I really do need a second screen I could just use the screen on my laptop after a ton of research the one monitor that I found was from Phillips of All Brands it's a 32-in 4K 144 HZ monitor that matches all of the requirements that I set out earlier in the box you'll find the monitor stand and the cables thankfully it does include a HDMI 2 2.1 cable a display port cable and a USBC cable then of course you have the monitor itself the stand for this is actually pretty incredible it's very very heavy and I think is pretty smart looking I'm just glad that it doesn't have a sort of typical edgy gamery sort of look it's also very easy to put the Monitor and the stand together not requiring any tools like screwdrivers or anything like that however one major issue I have with it is how big it is it takes out pretty much half the depth of the desk that I have here so I would highly recommend having a deeper desk or simply mounting it to a monitor arm to free up desk space maybe like this one which I've featured on the channel in the past thankfully there is no external power brick is all integrated in the back of the monitor there are an absolute ton of connections on the back you have one display port three HDMI port headphone jack USBC port and a built-in USB hub the design of the monitor is fairly simple it's not particularly thin but it does the job and the front of the monitor does actually have fairly small bezels but there is a chin I like the overall design again it doesn't have a super gamery look I think it looks smart and minimal which I much much prefer when it comes to the specs of this monitor it's of course 32 in at 4K like I mentioned earlier it's 144 HZ it supports variable refresh rate which is ideal for both PS5 and Xbox I was able to connect my MacBook with the USBC cable provided in the box and it worked right away it delivers 65 wat of power over USBC so you can have a one cable set up with something like a Macbook 65 wats is usually enough for most people but do be aware if you have a 16-in MacBook Pro one of the beefy ones with an ny Max chip or something like that that might actually require a bit more power when you're at Full Tilt I think when you're doing your everyday stuff you should be fine but if you're rendering a video or doing heavy 3D rendering or something like that you may actually be using more than 65 wats that the cable can provide so keep that in mind you might still need to use your max saave charger overall a very seamless experience not having to mess around with any settings it just works right away I was also able to get 120 HZ refresh rate over USBC cable so it's buttery smooth I wasn't able to get the full 144 HZ with a Macbook I tried various MacBooks and it just seems to limit it to 120 HZ I don't think that's a big deal really because it's quite a minimal difference it still looks very smooth anyway next up was connecting my PS5 which again was very seamless it worked right away and the settings showed that variable refresh rate was supported up to 120 HZ the gaming experience as expected was fantastic I haven't adjusted any of the picture settings as I want wanted to see what it was like at default and it's pretty much perfect to my eyes I'm sure with the color calibration tool it could be even better but I'm just glad that out of the box most people will be very happy with the experience this monitor though has one feature that no other monitor brand has and that's the famous Phillips ambite I don't think this is a must have feature but boy is it cool to have ambite is essentially a bunch of small LED lights built into the back of the monitor the lights respond to whatever is on the screen it can enhance the overall experience of the Monitor and works especially well against light colored walls you can enable or disable this in the settings and you can even set it to other options if you don't actually want it to react to whatever's on the screen however one issue that I found with the ambuli was that I feel like it's a bit too slow to react to whatever's on the screen so if you have a fast-paced sort of motion if you have a fast-paced game on the screen I just found that there's a little bit of a delay it's pretty noticeable when you look out for it but when you are focused on the screen screen playing a game working whatever it might be you pretty much sort of forget that ambul Lite is even there ambul Lite is cool and a very unique feature of this monitor but I don't think anyone really needs it however there's no denying that it's a nice to have overall as a whole package and everything that this monitor can do and the price tag of $800 I know sometimes it can come on sale as well yeah for that price tag I do actually think it's really good value it really is the all-in-one monitor for everything if you need one monitor that can do it all this is just one of the best and only options right now I did of course really look hard for other monitors sort of in this price range that can do everything that this monitor can and there really isn't anything else out there for everything that this monitor can do that there is no other competition like it's actually pretty insane however if you guys feel like I'm missing something maybe there's a monitor that I haven't looked at that does everything that this does and maybe has some more features or maybe it's cheaper please do let me know in the comments below because I did also want to stick with a brand like Phillips you know a well-known brand because obviously you get warranty customer support and things like like that but yeah for now I actually haven't seen anything else that can match up to this monitor by the way if you're interested in this wallpaper it's part of my new dark layers wallpaper pack I'll leave it linked down in the description below and please make sure to subscribe it helps a lot in supporting the channel there are a few Alternatives out there and the most common one that keeps popping up is the gigabyte m28 U and the M32 U which are pretty much exactly the same monitor but they're different screen sizes it meets all of the other requirements that I mentioned however the power delivery on the USBC Port is lacking it only does 15 watts now 15 watts might be okay if you're using something like a MacBook Air like the one I have here where it doesn't require too much power but if you're using a MacBook Pro or any other sort of power hungry machine yeah 15 wats just isn't powerful enough you will need to connect your MacBook your laptop whatever it might be to an external power source in addition to connecting it to the monitor I actually had the m302 and it really is a great monitor it's just a shame about the USB power delivery I found myself having having to plug in my MacBook to wallp power whenever I did anything intensive like video editing there are many other Alternatives out there but there's usually just some sort of feature some sort of minimum requirement for me that's missing so that's why this one just seems to somehow meet everything the other option is to use a external Hub or doc or something like that I featured many hubs and docs on the channel and yeah they're a great way to just have a one cable set up and then you don't have to worry about the monitor doing power delivery because you can use the dock or the Hub to power your MacBook and at the same time you get additional ports you know you get access to additional ports that maybe the MacBook doesn't have the only thing is of course you do have to Shell out additional money and I know for a good quality Thunderbolt doc you're going to be sort of spending maybe 100 $200 $300 so you've got to factor that in as well because that's going to be on top of the cost of buying the monitor what's funny is I don't use any of the monitors that I just mentioned I'm very very fortunate where I have a separate office workspace here I have a setup at home I actually have two setups at home I have a gaming setup and a work setup so I have different monitors for those different use cases for my work setup at home I have the studio display the reason I have this is that it's 5K resolution and made purely for Mac it doesn't even have a HDMI display port it just works over Thunderbolt USBC for my gaming setup at home I have the LG 240 HZ OLED man this monitor is just amazing for gaming that 240 HZ refresh rate and the OLED panel make it a stunning experience for PC gaming however it's terrible for my type of work because it's 1440p so it's not sharp enough and it's not really worth it for a PS5 or Xbox either because neither of them can do 240 HZ it's a very limited use case monitor it's essentially only for those who are looking for a high refresher OLED monitor for their PC for my office setup that I have here I have the pro display xdr it's an incredible 6K resolution at 32 in and again it doesn't have HDMI or display port it's Thunderbolt only this monitor has a crazy price tag but it is just incredible for my type of work the resolution and screen size make it a productivity Beast for me the reason I have the studio display and the pro display xdr is for one specific reason their 5K resolution and 6K resolution because I do a lot of design work I need Pixel Perfect displays when scaling Mac OS on either of these displays on their default settings which is usually half their native resolution you get Pixel Perfect text and UI for example on the studio display even though its resolution is 5120 by 2880 you can see by default it's scaled to 2560 by 1440 this is what essentially gives you retina quality this also applies to the pro display xdr its native resolution is 6016 by 3084 but Mac OS scales it to 38 by 1692 so you end up getting more screen estate compared to a standard 4k monitor you can of course change the scaling on a 4k monitor to fit more on it but then the pixels start blending together to make the extra room resulting in a loss of sharpness but anyway those are the monitors that I use for my specific setups and for my use cases but if you're looking for only one monitor that can do it all where you can connect up your Macbook your PS5 Xbox your PC this really is just one of the best that you can get right now so hopefully you guys enjoyed it follow me on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe for [Music] more [Music]
Channel: Oliur / UltraLinx
Views: 270,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2l7lNbxV8Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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