10 Tips to Improve your Gaming Setup in 2024!

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Hello everyone it's SpawnPoiint and welcome to my  first video of the year and we are kicking it off   with my top tips on upgrading or improving your  gaming setup these are the ideas and hacks that   will take your setup to the next level and some  of these will cost you literally nothing at all   so if you want to start the year by improving  that setup hopefully today's video will help   you out as always I've linked to everything that  we cover below and if you do follow any of these   tips make sure you tag me on Twitter or Instagram  with photos of your setup right so the very first   thing that we have to talk talk about and one  that's often overlooked is Cable Management it   doesn't matter how nice your chair or monitor  is or how much you spent on your PC if you've   got cables everywhere and hanging down like it's  Spaghetti Junction it will instantly make your   setup look untiy I actually spend far too long on  my three setups hiding as many cables as possible   but I think it's always worth it now there  are several ways that you can sort the cables   in your setup starting with the least expensive  options first and that's to use cable ties tape   or these plastic Clips I've used a combination of  these in my setups for years and it's the easiest   way to keep those loose cables in place so here I  have a cable that's hanging down on my work setup   and I've used a few of these plastic Clips to  keep them attached to the side of the leg the   reason I like these is you can insert and remove  the cables pretty easily and you can even use them   to hold your power packs and extension cables  under the desk as well another option is to use   these magnetic cable ties these small rubbery  cables have magnets on either end and you can   actually use them to wrap around the cables and  attach them to your desk or of course you could   just strap them to each other to keep those cables  looking neater now not only are these reusable but   you can use them instead of cable ties for storing  cables in your drawer so even if you don't need   them for your desk setup they are definitely worth  having then if you have multiple cables hanging   down like power lead speaker cables hdmis and so  on you've got the option of using something like   this this is a flexible cable trunk in sleeves  you can insert all of your cables and have just   one cable hanging down instead this is useful if  you've got a standing desk as well as you will   need the flexibility where it moves up and down  with a desk now I've seen loads of these but this   is probably the best looking one out there and  it's also weighted at the bottom so it should   stay in place now these Solutions are great for  cables but not so good if you've got power packs   and extension cables that you're trying to hide  so that's where these cable trays come in use   this attaches to the underside of your desk with  a couple of clamps and it means you can slot your   cables and extension sockets in and keep them  off the floor now there are other options out   there as well which will allow you to drill it  to the bottom of your desk but I think the clamp   is probably the better option for most of us now  on one of my older desk I actually used to stick   the power packs to the underside using 3M tape and  this looks really clean so if you'd rather not use   a tray this would be the cheaper option instead  now the same tips can be applied to your TV   setup as well so keeping all of your cables out of  sight will make it look so much neater hide those   cables behind your speakers clip those HDMI cables  together or just run one cable trunk into your TV   and if you've wall mounted your TV maybe think  about hiding your cables inside your wall you   could either hide a plastic tube inside the wall  and feed your cables through like I've done before   or just chase out a section in your wall and seal  them inside the wall instead either way hiding   your cables makes a huge difference to the setup  of course if you wanted to take your desk cable   management to a whole new level and make it even  easier for yourself you could look at something   like the secret lab Magnus Pro desks I've got the  XL version here and this comes with a tray across   the back to hide everything now not only do I  have the cables that go from my PS5 and Xbox to my   monitor but I have power sockets and various other  plugs in here as well all I need to do is hide   them all inside this tray and once I'm done just  flip this lid down and everything is out of sight   no cable ties or sticky tape to worry about even  the power cable is integrated into the desk and as   I've recently added the ethernet adapter as well  I can use it with literally no cables hanging down   at all it also means that as this is a standing  desk there's no worries about the cables catching   when it moves up and down now this is without  doubt the best cable management solution I've ever   seen in a desk but this is also by far the most  expensive option another tip for upgrading your   gaming setup is to mount your monitor or TV to  an arm or your wall both of these Solutions will   give it that floating screen look which instantly  looks clean now most TVs and monitors of course   come with their own stands or feet and these look  okay but most of the time they are pretty Limited   in movement on your TV setup you could Mount your  TV to your wall which will not only allow you to   position at the perfect height for viewing but  it'll free up some space on your unit as well   now the bracket that I'm using on my 77in LG G3 is  from Invision and this gives me full control over   how I wish to angle or tilt the screen it also  means I can pull it out to swap any of the cables   when needed the same goes for monitors attaching  your monitor to a standard vessa bracket means   you're able to position it exactly how you need  it you can change the height pivot and tilt it   until you're 100% happy with it now the arm that  I'm using is the secret lab Magnus arm and this   simply clamps to the back of the desk and we're  able to attach it to any vessa compatible monitor   also as it has cable management trunk and built in  it looks really clean as well now I've had a few   different monitor arms and for me this is the best  one that I've used but of course there are cheaper   and non branded arms out there which I have linked  to below but yeah adding a monitor arm really does   change the whole look of your setup now here's  another tip to completely transform your setup   within a few seconds and that's lighting so  during the day I usually have my setup set to   White to give it that fresh Cool vibe this is done  with all of the lights in my room from lamps to   ceiling bulbs but they all create a pretty normal  color tone ideal for working and being productive   but not so great if you want that gaming Vibe  well the good news is this can all be changed   relatively easily with colored bulbs so in my  living room this is how it looks during the day   and this is how it looks at night and the same  in my gaming setup this is how it looks during   the day and then this is how it looks at night and  this is all done with a few simple bulbs first in   the living room I've placed one of these goy Lyra  lamps to the left of my TV and you can set this to   any color combo that you'd like then behind the  TV I've got an LED strip also from goy this one   can be set to any color theme that you would like  and it will react to whatever's plugged in via   HDMI so anything my PS5 is showing is replicated  behind the TV and this is called Go's AI sync box   but then of course standard bulbs are the easiest  thing to change as if you have lamps already in   your room you can just swap these out is also a  cool way of controlling the vibe of a room without   making it look too tacky or over the top and then  next to my gaming desk I also have some of these   WL lights on my wall this adds a nice glow as  well as being f customizable in their app so   yeah I really believe that lighting can completely  transform any setup now you don't want your gaming   or TV setups to look too minimal I mean you don't  want to look like an NPC so add some personality   and accessorize a little this could be pop figures  for your favorite character some artwork for a   game that you're really into or even a collector's  edition statue I've got my shelves packed with   random items for games that I'm into like the God  of War Yar Edition Hammer The Last of Us Ellie   statue and the Spider-Man 2 Venom statue these are  those accessories that add a personal touch and   kind of show you what games you're into or the  type of gamer that you are any guesses where I   live in the UK now of course you don't need a full  dedicated shelving unit for this it could be a   single frame on your wall or something like these  wooden PlayStation icons under your TV something   that is unique or identifies you I mean if you  look at my TV setup other than those wooden icons   and the PS5 there's nothing else on here that  really says I'm into gaming so they really can be   subtle accessories also if you do have controllers  or headsets in your setup I would recommend adding   stands or brackets to keep them looking tidy  I'm currently using the Astro a5x so of course   they do come with their own dock but something  like the Nova Pro sit nicely on these grovemade   stands same goes for the controllers either stick  them on a charging dock or a wooden stand from   Geek made designs if there's any way that you can  add items or accessories to your setup to give it   that Personal Touch I would definitely do that  so this next one might seem obvious but you've   got to keep your setups looking clean like grab  that microfiber cloth and give it a dust wipe   down your screen your consoles and clean those  controllers vacuum or mop your floor and clean   your chair use coasters for your drinks wipe your  screen with distilled water remove that clutcher   that you don't need it doesn't take much to keep  on top of this but as soon as you see a dirty or a   grubby desk it kind of looks uncared for now doing  this will instantly make you feel better as well   and as they say clean space clean mind and all  that also it's only a small thing but try to keep   your setup as organized as possible so make sure  your monitor is level and not tilted straighten   up those accessories or boxes keeping everything  in line and tidy I've got a few items sitting here   on my desk we're just spending a few minutes to  make sure they're all lined up and straight makes   all the difference now combine all of this and you  have a setup that could go from looking like this   to this they are all minor changes but again it  changes the overall look and gives the impression   that you really do care and do you really need all  of those items on your desk as mentioned it's nice   to have accessories and some personality in your  setup but go over the the top and it could start   to look tacky I actually rarely have things  sitting on my desk or under my TV but I will   have my shelves in each room packed with merch and  items I like to show even this might be a bit too   much for most people as there's definitely a fine  line before it starts to look a total mess now I'm   really happy with how my setups have turned out  so hopefully with the tips and tricks I've shown   you today this will help improve your own gaming  setups as well now of course if you wanted to know   more about my setup and everything that I've used  I actually did a full desk Tour on it last year   but I do have plans in 2024 to make some changes  so watch this space now drop a clean gaming setup   in the comments and I'll give you a thumbs up for  staying right till the end and if you did enjoy   today's video check out my best 2023 games video  next as that covers my top 10 games that are still   worth playing today thanks for watching please  like sub and follow me everywhere until next time
Channel: SpawnPoiint
Views: 526,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming setup, gaming setup tips, desk setup, how to improve your gaming setup, budget gaming setup, setup tips, best ways to improve your gaming setup, pc gaming setup, best budget gaming setup tips, top 5 gaming setup tips, gaming setup tips and tricks, top 5 ways to improve your setup, cable management, best setup hacks, gaming setup build, gaming setup ideas, gaming setup 2024, improve gaming setup, spawnpoiint, spawnpoiint setup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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