Billy the Kid | The Wild West | BBC Documentary

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Billy the Kid was the most notorious gunman in the history of the Wild West his murders turned him into the nation's most wanted man killing a County Sheriff earned him a death sentence will be yet in his lifetime the governor of New Mexico Lew Wallace secretly promised Billy a pardon could it be that the real Billy was very different from the psychopath of legend [Music] today the current state governor is planning a retrial to re-examine the evidence behind Billy's conviction he's part of the history of the American West he's abandoned he's a murderer but I believe that in the legend of Billy the Kid there are a lot of unanswered questions a lot of facts that have not been uncovered a lot of facts that have been played around with my information is that Billy the Kid and Governor Lew Wallace discussed a pardon for Billy in a secret meeting if there is enough evidence to show that governor Wallace broke his promise and in effect Billy the Kid deserved the pardon I'll get Billy the Kid apart tonight looking at previously unseen historical documents including letters written by Billy himself the world's three leading experts will re-examine the evidence due to appear before the governor he was just such a son of a [ __ ] you would have been right to be scared of him to me it goes right to the heart of America's own struggle with itself who we are what kind of identity we have the people because the law itself used murder as a tool what is the case for the defense of a man who lived and died by the gun Billy the Kid in the 1870s the American West was a refuge for outcasts as the nation was recovering from the devastation of the recently concluded Civil War [Music] sparsely populated lacking roads rail tracks or effective law enforcement this was the world of Billy the Kid orphaned at 50 Billy had been fending for himself as a horse thief by the age of 17 Billy had already killed a man in a fight claiming it to be an act of self-defense but it was horse rustling that earned Billy his first spell in Lincoln jail Lincoln County New Mexico was the size of Ireland but had only one officer to enforce the law the brutal Sheriff William Brady Lincoln was called the most lawless place in the West adventurers flocked here hoping to get rich quick by seizing the land Billy had stolen the horses of one such robber baron Englishman John Tunstall movie it's calling here John Tunstall how do you do you stole my horses yes I'm paying the price for it sir John Tunstall was an ambitious upper-class businessman who'd recently arrived in Lincoln County to make his fortune but he faced a ruthless cabal of Irish traders known as the House Tunstall would need sharpshooters like billy to protect himself a lad like you deserves second chance William H Barney [Music] for two months Billy worked on Tunstall's ranch earning decent money and on the right side of the law and at this point Billy's prospects looked bright his new employer was proving himself a very shrewd businessman he saw that the pickings were right that the people who had been oppressed by the house were very unhappy and would be prepared to change and do business with someone else and that's in fact what happened the entire County's business in a very short time switched from the house to Tunstall's business which of course meant the house was facing ruin and suddenly within a matter of months they were facing bankruptcy but the leader of the house a tough second-generation Irishman Jimmy Dolan had powerful connections [Music] Dolan controls the purse strings of Lincoln County controls the economic lifeblood of Lincoln County he's more than willing to use the law which is in his pocket to his own ends and if the law doesn't work then he imports guns Dolan had one key advantage over Billy's employer the County Sheriff fellow Irishman William Brady who owed him nearly six thousand dollars Brady was the enforcement part of the house if you did not pay your bills you got a visit from the sheriff if you continued not to pay your bills the sheriff puts you in jail On February the 9th 1878 sheriff Brady received this writ from Jimmy Dolan closing down Tunstall's store [Music] [Music] sheriff Brady mr. Tunstall get out of my store what you got there yeah Brady I must confess mr. Johnson I never had you down as a fightin man you've no right to be here I'm gonna rent here says the opposite that's my property oh it's my legal duty to impound it Jimmy Dolan tell you that mr. Dolan had nothing to do with it get out of my store or I swear to god you'll regret I can see how you're mad mr. Tunstall but I can't see how a shootin will change one word on that paper you've not heard the end of this come on Billy oh I'm rapping and you missed the turn still he's got more troubles than a few lots of groceries [Music] February the 12th 1878 falsely alleging embezzlement Brady sent out a posse to seize Tunstall's ranch Jimmy Dolan said to Brady find a way to break the untouchable and if that means that he happens to get killed there won't be any weeping and wailing in this house the posse was handpicked by Brady it's so interesting when you look at the members of the posse it's made up of some of the toughest gunmen from Arizona and New Mexico in Texas these are rough characters who in fact the forces of the law ought to be arresting not employed I think it's significant that Brady didn't actually go with the posse to Tunstall's ranch and I think the reason the significant is because Brady knew what would happen [Music] On February the 18th 1877 the Brady Posse caught up with Billy and his employer Tunstall in the confusion Tunstall was separated from his own men [Music] [Music] the whole town including Billy blamed sheriff Brady for Tunstall's death [Music] coroner's inquest tomorrow I get some of them before I die you'll be warrants for his killers we can get sheriff Brady for larceny mr. McSween we got a kill of the law Billy let's use the law the Sheriff's Posse who killed Tunstall was composed of thieves murderers and escaped prisoners sheriff Brady is the man who gave that foul deed the murder of mr. Tunstall legal justification [Music] such was the popular outcry the Tunstall's lawyer was able to persuade a district judge to issue warrants for the arrest of Brady and all those involved in John Tunstall's murder in a bizarre twist of events Billie was sworn as a deputy responsible for enforcing the arrests [Music] consider what you wait for [Music] they might try to kill us but you gotta take that chance because if you don't I kill you myself we got warrants for your arrest so let's see them give me your rifle little runt take it then old man we're under arrest with Tunstall dead Brady seemed invulnerable he declared the warrants invalid he jailed Billy for four days while Tunstall was buried get up Oh he missed your buddy's funeral very movie on March the 1st 1878 Billy and Tunstall's other former employees declared themselves a band of independent law enforces the regulator's and vowed to avenge Tunstall in defiance of Sheriff Brady the regulator's formed because they were so sick and tired of unjust and biased law that they were getting from this man that they said if this is the only kind of law there is in Lincoln County let's remove it one of the things that the regulator's did I believe was go down the list of the people who were indicted or were named in the warrants for killing Tunstall by March the 9th the regulator's had tracked down and shot two of those indicted I believe that mostly people in Lincoln County would have said for those people who killed Tunstall to have been killed was just The Brady Dolan faction responded with reprisals as growing numbers of people became involved what became known as the Lincoln County War gathered momentum 70 people were killed [Music] I think when you have killings are that significant people are forced to take up sides and of course when you have armbands roaming the countryside you're forced to take up sides - it becomes very difficult to maintain neutrality on April the first 1878 when sheriff Brady set out to arrest Tunstall's former lawyer the regulator's decided to stop him [Music] the shooting of sheriff Brady led to the indictment of Billy and four of his allies for murder but many locals did not share this condemnation of the killing the people have waited patiently for legal redress for the murder of mr. Tunstall but the people's patience has given way to violence well I mean was there ever a sheriff more deserving of being shot down I think I think a strong argument can be made that Brady got exactly what he deserved he certainly was corrupt he certainly had set in motion the murder of Tunstall he knew what was going to happen what the sheriff was not named in any warrants he was not named the indictment he was not one of the killers he was not even present that puts it in a different category this is not something that was justified under the law at the time yes but we are already in the middle of what is developing into a civil war now are you going to prosecute a soldier who killed a man in the course of a battle one consequence of the wars mounting death toll was that New Mexico got a new governor Lew Wallace today famous for writing Ben Hur his first action was to draft a pardon to any killer but only so long as he hadn't already been charged billy's indictment therefore still stood the killings stopped and four of the regulator's left New Mexico to escape their indictments for Brady's murder Billy stayed on although now he was more isolated and vulnerable than before On February the 18th 1879 the very anniversary of John Tunstall's murder Billy returned to Lincoln town to sign a written truce with his former foe Jimmy Dolan know neither side kills you know no one and either party will ever give evidence against the other in a court of law any signatory is to come to the aid of any other party if anybody should break this treaty we kill him outright I'll drink to that I think one of the reasons for making an agreement is so obvious that it's easy to lose sight of which is that it's stressful to have people trying to kill you after a year or so it gets wearisome and I think I think you don't have to look a whole lot further than that to see why or just makes sense all right guys we killed a bunch of your guys you killed a bunch of our guys we're still alive let's leave it that way right after only a few hours the peace was shattered by one of Dolan's men Billy Campbell who are you are you going my name is Chapman now I'm attending to my own business and you dance I'll do no such thing I said dance I don't propose the dance for a drunken mob I know your kind I go I'm hungry [Music] I think it probably a good bet who made that Billy Campbell is what we would today call psychopath and the troubles in Lincoln County were well enough known that people like Billy Campbell would want to come there if you'd like killing people or if you had no problem doing that you like the thrills and the danger of it then Lincoln County was your place worried he'd be implicated in this murder Dolan decided to initiate a cover-up he ain't gonna bite you you'll just be lying there cold dead I'll do it make it look like he pulled a gun on us sure [Music] [Music] instead of planting the gun Billy left town abandoning the pact he'd made with Dolan [Music] you could say that the agreement was broken because Dolan and his friends had killed the lawyer and so perhaps he felt himself released from that perhaps he just saw an opportunity he offered to turn state's evidence as we would say today he offered to testify on behalf of the prosecution against dilly Campbell and he made that offer in writing to the governor and governor Lew Wallace Billy's original letter to the governor still exists general Lew was I was present when mr. Chapman was murdered and I'm anxious to have him caught if it's in your power and all the photos and Diaries this latest killing had made a mockery of governor Wallace's pardon leaving Wallace desperate to convict those responsible so on March the 17th he arranged a secret meeting with Billy both parties later recorded what was served [Music] come in I was sent forward to meet the governor of New Mexico nine o'clock see here you know promise me absolute protection we three are the only persons in the building I'm a man of my word Billie please take a seat you were present at the murder I heard you got Dolan he's in the guardhouse at Fort Stanton along with Billy Campbell well Campbell traitor and you'll testify it's like I said I got these indictments you killed a sheriff you got the power nullify you testify in court I'll let you go scot-free with a pardon in your pocket deal governor I have no wish to fight anymore glad to hear it now if I do what you ask they'll kill me you'll have our full protection and that's a promise if you can trust Dolan you can trust me in April 1879 Billie appeared twice in Lincoln Court firstly providing the evidence on which Campbell and Dolan were indicted and then six days later he faced his own murder charge assuming he be pardoned at the outset the defendant William a Bonnie he's charged with in the first degree of sheriff William Brady prosecution moves to precede the murder of sheriff Brady was a cold-blooded killing furthermore I shall produce witnesses who testify to the instrumental role played by the defendant in orchestrating this heinous and callous crime I shall prove beyond any reasonable doubt the judge Warren worstell's completely ignored governor Wallace's offer of immunity and allowed the District Attorney to commence the prosecution of Billy attack the judge of the district court was actually pointed from Washington not answerable to the governor and would greatly resent any interference by governor you know that's not your job I'm elected I'm going to do my job it doesn't matter what you can do against us unannounced DA William rynason also had reasons to ignore the governor's promise the district attorney in this case was in fact very closely tied with Brady Dolan in the house you know it just seems to me that the fix is in from the beginning that Ryan erson and Bristol are absolutely determined to get the kid they wanted him to be found guilty and hanged because while Billy the Kid was alive James J Dolan was not a safe man [Music] but Billy wasn't defeated yet he managed to escape from jail before he could be convicted but he remained in New Mexico instead of fleeing to another state where the indictment would have had no legal status I don't know I didn't have the sense to get out but at the same time I do understand this is a young man who keeps on making mistakes he has shown throughout his entire life that he doesn't know to stay away from trouble and maybe also he had easy pickings in the Pecos Valley if he wanted to steal cattle and make some money a year and a half after his escape Billy was once more being pursued but this time by a group of landowners desperate to recover the livestock he'd stolen after five days of pursuit Billy's gang was cornered in a remote ranch house [Music] Billy disputed the posses legal authority and during the wait for documentation the posse decided to send deputy Jim Carlyle in to meet Billy to persuade him to surrender [Music] one of Billy's allies would come out in exchange [Music] [Music] 11 p.m. and still no documents [Music] [Music] the real boss has gone back for reinforcements mmm I'm right aren't I drink no please don't refuse our hospitality more [Music] you gotta surround it already is he scared or something hey Billy I got now that is just stupid release Carlisle from the house or else or else they'll kill our hostage mr. Carlisle what do we do about that I don't know Jim Carlisle was dead but there's no consensus on who shot him the posse told reporters it was Billy but Billy claimed in a letter that the posse had accidentally shot Carlisle themselves as he tried to break out the posse gave up their ambush shortly after Carlisle's death I think the most telling fact is that the posse melted away now if your leader was killed in treacherous fashion by the people you were tracking down is this like well it's gonna be likely that you would just say oh okay and leave no it's not wrong fine to press your advantage at this point because they don't have a bargaining chip there's no reason why you couldn't just burn the whole place down now is that your friends no longer inside I think it's more probable that the members of Posse said oh my god what have we done we shot Carlisle I would have quit believe this I don't think that Billy was responsible for Carl's killing I think Carlisle was killed by his own men Wallace merely handed Billy's letter on to the Las Vegas Gazette which published it and ridiculed his protestations of innocence the worst thing the kid did was to kill poor Carlyle the story of Billy the Kid began to catch the imagination of the national press transforming him into public enemy number one recognizing the popular mood governor Wallace offered a $500 reward for his capture Wallace for his own part is caught now in a pretty serious situation in which what's in it for him if he really does pardon the kid he's busy writing ben-hur of course which is going to be his ticket out of New Mexico he he doesn't really I think believe that his word to a character like the kid is something that he has to keep just 11 days later the reward money was claimed yesterday afternoon the town was thrown into a fever of excitement by an announcement that the kid had been captured and was nearing the city on Boxing Day the new sheriff of Lincoln County Pat Garrett rode into Las Vegas with his famous prisoner having kept his capture for days early on secret astonishment gave way to joy when the real truth was known you appear to take it easy what's the point of looking on the queenside left so me this time with the Vegas Gazette just write this down I was never the leader of any gang come on cute outfit Billy all the time always alpha Billy [Music] in jail and awaiting trial Billie implored governor Wallace to remember his deal in letters which the governor again preserved dear sir I would like to see you for a few more years sir I wish you would come down to the jail and see me everything that I promised you I would you have done nothing that you promised me I think when you think of my looks to me like I'm getting left in the code for the last time I ask will you keep your promise the governor ignored Billy's pleas and the trial for the murder of Sheriff Brady was set to resume on April the 8th 1881 by the time of the trial building a so notorious that would have been the end of Wallace's career he had been known as the person who had pardoned the most notorious outlaw of the West Billy the Kid who had shot a sheriff I mean this is not something you want to be known as goody the loss sentence is pronounced do you have anything to say [Music] lad like you deserves second chance this court directs prisoner be returned to Lincoln and confined there in jail until May 13th and that on that day they said William Bonney alias kid alias William Antrim he hanged by the neck until his body be dead this is the death sentence the today's governor of New Mexico intends to reassess to me the whole story of the Lincoln County War is just a story of incredible injustice and that's why we have such sympathy for Billy now he's the one the only one out of all those murders in Lincoln County where are their seventy of them during the Lincoln County War he's the only one who is convicted of a crime and sentenced to die and then the real murderers like Dolan why they become the great pioneer citizens of New Mexico get on the wagon kid considering the friendly relations that existed between me and Wallace I think you are part of me don't know [Music] [Music] on April the 21st Billy was back in Lincoln town at the very scene of sheriff Brady's death to await execution Pat Garrett had it seemed achieved a very task for which he'd been elected sheriff Billy you take one step over this line one step Bob Jim shoot him dead go off here keep going Garret appointed two trusted deputies James Bell and Bob Olinger to watch over Billy both knew their prisoner well Bob Bollinger had pursued Billy as part of Dolan's gang and James Bell had been a Posse member the night his friend Jim Carlile died awaiting the completion of the gallows Pat Garrett was called away [Music] [Music] [Music] the man that gets one of these loads is going to feel it no I expect he will do be careful Bob you might shoot yourself accidentally do me a favor kid make a run for it Bob go on cross the line but you can get away put a dollar on a Jim no freedom try ain't afraid to die fine but I won't be killed like a dog dear God I'm dreaming of the moment that new snaps your neck Bob snap that's enough think of Brady when your legs are kicking think of Jim Carlisle daddy that's enough whoa 200 men killed in the Lincoln County War and I'm the only one who's paying for it is that justice every man you killed he killed in cold blood that's a lie the Almighty knows who the liar is care and you're going to hell and I'm going for dinner snap just just sit tight Jim Carlisle was your friend don't waste your breath kid you're hanging that closes all accounts Jim I need the Privy you'll have to wait I sure hope he has better grub the Nadia come on I appreciate that Jim hey Sarge Jim just feeling pounds lighter no one knows exactly how James Bell was shot [Music] oh boy but there were many witnesses to the cold-blooded killing of Olinger by billy from his point of view he would have been killed within a matter of days if he hadn't killed him first but at the same time I think that's not a justification for murder and so I think he's guilty of murder of no and I'll endure I think he's certainly guilty of murder well I mean I I don't disagree with it I it's just that I think that if the law had not been so incredibly corrupt he wouldn't be in this situation so just like Billy set up the death of Carlyle by his actions so the law had set up the death of Olinger and Belle by it really immorally incarcerating the kid Billy grabbed a horse and fled the town of Lincoln it really is an extraordinary escape at that point he had this person who was already kind of legendary in his way in a sort of vague way as a bad guy he's a bad boy suddenly he's not bad he's the worst five thousand dollars an extraordinary sum was now offered for Billy's capture and for the next two months dozens of sightings were reported throughout the southwest of America but in truth Billy had never left Lincoln County on July the 14th 1881 a tip-off led Pat Garrett to a remote farmstead between Lincoln Town and Las Vegas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Pat Garrett went on to make thousands of dollars from Billy's death writing a biography of Billy the first of hundreds of books and films mythologizing the crimes of Billy the Kid [Music] I feeling the pardon have shifted at at times and I've gone back and forth a little bit of it I think he's entitled to pardon for the killing of Brady which is the only one he was ever convicted of that's the only conviction he ever had I think he's probably entitled to that because the governor promised it to it and the governor should have lived up to his promise on the other hand he killed two more deputies after that and I don't think he's entitled to be pardoned for those but I would come down to the side that he should be given a pardon because that's what the governor said he would do I absolutely support a modern pardon for Billy the Kid and I do so on two points one is the nature of authority and law in territorial New Mexico that he dealt with all of the forces of law it seems to me were corrupt including Sheriff Brady of course and the kid fought against that corruption the law itself used murder as a tool and then secondly Lew Wallace made a deal with the kid he admitted that he did the governor promised the kid a pardon if the kid had great risk to himself enormous risk to himself would testify against the Dolan forces and the kid lived up to his part of the bargain and Wallace didn't live up to his if you were asking me should he get a pardon I would think I think I would say why not he's been in that cage long enough let him loose on the basis of this evidence today's governor of New Mexico will be holding a retrial in the summer of 2007 I hate the idea of a governor in one of his most important authorities the ability to pardon not keep his word and I would not hesitate if the facts were correct to give billy the kid' a pardon I would sign it right here in the chair of Lew Wallace [Music]
Channel: BBC Documentary
Views: 2,161,416
Rating: 4.7136159 out of 5
Keywords: bbc documentary, documentary bbc, bbc, billy the kid documentary, billy the kid, bbc wild west documentary, bbc planet earth wild west, wild west bbc tv series, wild west bbc earth, bbc wild west, wild west documentary, wild west, the real wild west documentary, history documentary
Id: mqXmaK7hMi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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