"Discover the Ultimate Vegan Steak Experience: How To Make Perfect Vegan Steaks 🔥💥"

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to to my room vegans my name is Carlos and today we're back with another amazing recipe we're gonna be making vegan steak this steak is bangin and it's so versatile you can use it in so many different type of ways for all you guys that have never heard of vegan steak before this is going to be made with vinyl wheat gluten aka a time aka wheat meat goes ton of different names and all it is is basically the flour when you wash the way to start what's left over and it'll make this protein that has like the texture of meeting another cool thing about this steak and that you can actually freeze them for future recipes so in that regard you can make a whole lot and then freeze it and it's actually really economical to make as one thing is it doesn't taste like anything at all almost by itself that we're gonna have to pack it with a lot of flavor it does take a little bit of work but it's definitely worth the added effort let's get into this video and here are the ingredients you're gonna need alright guys so first we're gonna start off with two and a half cups vital wheat glue in a bowl 1/4 of a cup garbanzo bean flour and 1/4 of a cup nutritional yeast and then we're just gonna stir that in the bowl with the spoon or whisk and we're going to set that aside to a small saucepan we're gonna add two tablespoons of olive oil on medium heat 1/2 a cup of chopped red onion and about 2 part of the cloves chopped up and all we're gonna do is that we're gonna just stir that up until it starts to turn translucent and become pregnant and then we're gonna add that to a blender and next we're gonna add 1/2 a cup of no beef broth or vegetable broth we're gonna add 1/2 a cup of black beans we're gonna add 1/2 a cup of red wine vegan of course we're gonna add 1 sapote lay pepper in adobo we're gonna add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste we're gonna add 1 tablespoon of vegan washes our sauce we're gonna add 1 tablespoon of no beef bullion and we're gonna add 1/2 a teaspoon of salt 2 tablespoons of liquid aminos and now we're going to blend all right so we're gonna add the wet mixture to the dry mixture and we're pretty much going to stir it with a spatula and what we're gonna do is we're going to continue to stir it basically until we can't stir it anymore and then after we can't stir anymore then we're going to begin to switch to our hands now once you switch to your hands again you really just have to really get in there and you want to basically pick up as much of the dough as possible so you just continue to to press it down press it down or feed it least okay then after you get everything in the bowl to stick to the dough just switches to a flat surface you are going to need to really need the dough repeatedly and you're gonna really have to smack it down hit it punch it basically do whatever you want to take your anger and frustration out of it because it's going to be really soft at first and the more that you need it and the more that your rough was it and the more that you hit it all these different things they're basically going to help with the texture and that's gonna help the text should be more meat like and it's basically going to firm it up okay so you'll know when it's ready when it starts to feel more firm to the touch and they should probably take you about anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes or so so now you're just gonna break it up and so however many states you want so I made about I can't believe I think I made about five but you can probably can get like around six steaks out of this depending on the size that you want so what you want to do is you want to break it apart into about five to six balls and that's gonna make about five to six steaks depending on the size that you want and what you want to do is you want to take each one one by one and roll it out and basically try to flatten it as best as possible by smacking it and you know flattening it down but you can use a rolling pin it may be easier for you but I prefer to use my hands so basically what you're gonna do is you're going to continue to flatten it push it down get all the air out and you're basically gonna try to shape it like steaks and the more again you smack it down and shape it up it should start to resemble a steak like shape okay and it should look something like this once once you finish one and you're gonna do this you know one by one so now I'm just gonna pick up one to show you about what it should look like so the texture should be somewhat soft but as you can see it should look something like this it's gonna don't have a little bit of give because we haven't cooked it yet but this is about what you want to look for and now what you're gonna do is wrap each of the steaks in aluminum foil individually and you're just gonna wrap it nice and tight and what you're gonna do is you're gonna put this in a steamer so I used a bamboo steamer but you can use any steam basket steamer or any steamer that you have that they'll fit in and you basically want to steam these for at least one hour and when they come out the steamer you're going to put it if to be careful it's gonna be hot but you're gonna put it directly into the freezer because that's gonna help it get his texture or you can keep it in the freezer for at least eight hours if you do it earlier in the day so once you take it out the freezer and let it defrost the stakes are gonna look something like this they should have a much more firm texture and they should be up they should just be a lot more meat like okay and at this stage the steaks are done you can use these in a whole bunch of different ways and a whole bunch of different recipes which I'm gonna show you later all right guys so this is just a preview of our next recipe which is vegan steak tacos this is just to show you what it would look like as a completed steak you can put this in any marinade and then you can just basically grow this but I'm gonna show you how to make this a whole lot of different ways and a lot of future recipes and videos guys so I can't wait to show you guys the next recipe that we have right after this and let us know if you like it please don't forget to subscribe like share and comment and until next time guys we'll see you guys later bye
Views: 102,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegan Steak, Vegan recipies, vegan food, the ultimate vegan steak, vegan beef, the best vegan steak, how to make vegan steak, what vegans eat, seitan, vital wheat gluten, wheat meat, vegan steak tacos, wicked healthy, what i eat in a day, vegan, seitan recipe, cheap lazy vegan, bosh vegan, nikki vegan, vegan cream cheese, how to make seitan, vegan nacho cheese, roasted cauliflower, vegan comfort food, connie's rawsome kitchen, the happy pear, plant based, homemade seitan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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