The Oddest Serial Killer Iceberg Explained

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hello everybody and welcome to the next part of the serial killer iceberg same as with the last video in this series there is a lot to go into with all these and a lot of the details are too cool not to talk about or should i say too messed up or gross or cool in a weird way i guess so this video is going to be a comprehensive look at tier 5 of the iceberg one announcement i want to say off the bat before we get started is i am proud to announce that i have started a second youtube channel known as wind gaming specifically for the purpose of playing video games i like video games a lot especially playing horror games and it's really fun whenever i do them on stream however i can't really play a bunch of games on this channel as it doesn't really meld with the content and some people don't like it and some people really want to see it so i just made a separate channel for all of that it's got one video up on it right now although of course there will be more in the future and i intend to play horror games as well as story let's plays and things similar to that thank you all so much to the already 7 000 subscribers that i have on that channel at the time of recording this 7 000 people who subscribed either as soon as or before any content was posted and you guys are fantastic and it really means a lot to see that kind of support it will be the second link in the description so please go down there check it out and i hope you enjoy without further ado we are going to go ahead and get into it but as always thank you for watching samuel little was an active serial killer for over 35 years leading up to his arrest in 2005. he confessed to a total of 93 murders with 60 of those murders being confirmed which for those keeping score is the record in the united states the majority of samuel's crimes were sexually motivated as a young boy he said he developed an affinity for women's necks after while he was in kindergarten he saw his teacher rub her neck one day and that just flipped a switch in his brain and throughout his teen years he began to collect true crime novels and books that had depictions of men strangling women this started him down a violent path of assault that began to culminate into other crimes and eventually murder by the time of his final arrest in 2005 samuel had been arrested for dui fraud shoplifting solicitation armed robbery aggravated assault rape and of course the murder what was especially terrifying to me about samuel is watching his tapes he seems like one of the kindest people you'll ever meet of course at the time of his arrest he's a senior citizen but every single interview he does it feels like just a grandpa telling the story and this is even something the interrogators mentioned he would talk casually about what the weather was like what he was doing that day and the way any older relative would tell you a story about their childhood and then he'll just throw in the detail of who he murdered and how he did it not only that but he remembered very specific details about all of the women all of the details of what they looked like how they behaved and where he eventually left the body and like i said it's definitely creepy because if you take his descriptions of these girls out of context and just play them as is it sounds exactly like some veteran from the war talking about a woman he fell in love with overseas like there's this weird nostalgic reminiscence to it and then you add on the last like minute where he's like but yeah i killed her and dumped her in the lake but she was pretty it's what make cases like this particularly disturbing because it really highlights the whole it could be any one ideology another detail about him is he was incredibly squeamish around the sight of blood which is why all the killings he did were strangulations which also the whole neck thing i mentioned earlier but he also did things like drowning and beating people to death this is again because he was squeamish around the side of blood but it also turned out to be very beneficial to him down the line because he never really left a ton of dna evidence any time he killed somebody in one story of a time that he was almost arrested and caught for the murders was whenever he had a dead body in his back seat parked on the side of the road and a police car pulled up and as the cop was getting out of his car he climbed into the back seat and then came out the side door and started zipping up his pants to make it look like he was just with a woman so whenever the cop stares at the fleshline he's like whoa whoa what's going on and samuel says oh you know me and my wife are just fooling around so the cop walks up to the window shines the light directly on the body staring into the face of the woman in there samuel says well she may be a little drunk and the cop says all right you kids get out of here which it's so harrowing to think that he was that close to getting stopped in the murder of his killing spree but it just got away by the time of his arrest samuel had served a total of 10 years in jail with over a hundred arrests even once being tried for a murder that it was later figured out he did commit however he got off at that first trial am saying died of natural causes while in prison last year in 2020 rotting alcala also known as the dating game killer which we'll explain the name in a second committed at least seven murders from 1977 to 1979 although in my opinion like we'll see i think there were way more than that rodney's criminal record began when while living in california he had abducted and abused an eight-year-old girl he did this by kidnapping her off the side of the road and bringing her to his apartment which other kids saw and called the police when the police got there the eight-year-old girl was still alive although very horribly abused and little known at the time rodney had escaped to new york and changed his name it was shortly after this that the fbi began putting out pictures of rodney and even moved him to the top 10 most wanted list during this time rodney had gotten a counseling job at a school in new hampshire until one day one of the students at the school saw the poster from the fbi recognized it as their counselor and had him arrested it was found out years later that rodney had actually committed a murder during that time that he was a counselor and living under an alias after being extradited back to california however the eight-year-old girl's parents would not allow her to testify and relive the event so rodney pretty much got off with a basic assault charge he served two years for that got out of jail almost immediately was arrested for assaulting a 13 year old girl he gave a ride to school went back to jail for only another two years and then got out again it was during this time that the crime spree started what rodney would do is he would approach these young boys and girls and tell them that he was a photographer he would say he does several adult photo shoots and would have them pose provocatively so that he could take pictures of them so provocatively in fact that the fbi has since posted the pictures so that people can identify missing loved ones however they have not posted 90 of them as according to them they are far too explicit it's from these pictures and the bodies that were discovered later that the seven confirmed deaths came to be however in the literal thousands of pictures that rodney had there are several people who have never been identified and henceforth never found so there's a solid chance a lot of people that he took these pictures of didn't make it the reason he's referred to as the dating game killer is because at the height of his murder spree he went on the game show called the dating game in the show several bachelors answer several questions about a bachelorette and one of them gets to go on a date with her everyone was incredibly freaked out by rodney with another contestant saying he had some very weird opinions about things which i can only imagine what that means and rodney won the episode however the girl would not go on a date with him saying that he was far too creepy the way he was finally caught is that shortly after one of the girls disappeared and then her body was found later a man drew a sketch for police that very closely resembled rodney rodney's parole officer recognized it got warrants to search rodney stuff and upon searching his apartment found that woman's earrings and then after he was arrested a very stupid series of events happened with the trial the first trial got thrown out because they said the witnesses weren't properly informed of previous crimes the second trial was also thrown out because someone was hypnotized as one of the witnesses and that was considered faulty or whatever so the third trial finally got started in 2010 and then and i'm not kidding here rodney decided to be his own defense attorney and at one point called himself to the stand so he interrogated himself as himself being both the interrogator and the interrogatee to which he referred to himself as mr alcala and spoke in a deeper voice when being the attorney so this guy in trial for his own murder literally stood up and went mr alcala did you commit the murders and then he would turn and go no i did not well you are a very handsome man oh thank you mr alcala you're welcome mr alcohol to which his chief argument was that he didn't remember committing the murders so therefore he couldn't have committed them i should also mention that that specific interrogation portion went on for five hours and during the closing statements rodney simply played the entirety of the song alice's restaurant on a boombox which is about the protagonist of the song wanting to kill someone which i i guess he saved money on the defense attorney but you get what you pay for a specifically damning piece of information that came during the trial is remember that eight-year-old girl that started the whole crime spree well she came back after 42 years to testify at this third and file trial rodney was given the death penalty and is still alive on death row to this day eric edgar cook was convicted of killing eight people from 1958 to 1963. eric was born with a cleft lip which he later got surgery to fix however he suffered from several more facial deformities as he aged due to severe injuries brought on by beatings and factory accidents despite being transferred to several different schools he was constantly bullied for his appearance by several other students and he also wasn't exactly the brightest from testimonies of those who knew him and many believe that's what contributed to his main streak attitude starting off on a very high note one of his first notable crimes is that when he was 17 edgar burnt down a church he went to because they didn't let him join the choir despite this drink edgar married and ended up having seven kids with his wife and at the same time sort of moonlit as a weird sort of random crime criminal see this was australia in the late 50s and apparently it was common for people to just leave their keys in their unlocked car so edgar would look around for cars at night get in them start them go on his joy rides and then park them back and the owners were never the wiser to it it was during these late night joy rides that his murders and other crimes took place pretty much he would just drive a random car around and then see a house he liked run inside steal a bunch of stuff and leave or just attack people on the side of the road or just get into traffic accidents or whatever he was just a loser the methods in which he killed his victims included choking stabbing shooting and hitting them with a car and because of the seemingly random acts of violence which it pretty much was it took a long time for police to connect that these were all the same people edgar would also do bizarre things like for example one time he murdered a woman in her house and then just spent hours sitting in the living room drinking their lemonade and just chilling out and then another time he got really drunk and he dragged a woman that he had just killed into the neighbor's yard assaulted her body and just left it there the way they eventually caught edgar is after he had killed someone by shooting them he had ditched the gun in a bush off the side of the road the police while investigating the murder found the gun took it to a forensics lab confirmed that it was in fact the gun and then put it back in the bush with a string attached to it so then the police just staked out the area for a couple days and sure enough one night edgar comes back to get his gun although because they tied it it's tangled up in the bush and he sat there fighting it long enough for the police to arrest him it's there that he confessed to the eight murders as well as over 250 robberies which edgar remembered every single amount of money or article stolen down to the penny for every single robbery to the point they could give him a specific date like march 10 1958 and he would say oh yeah a brown coat 39.48 so i'm not sure if he was actually dumb like a lot of people said or if he just had a really good memory or what i mean not that i really care the dude deserve what he got anyway but whatever and edgar was hanged for his crimes in 1964. belle gunness or guinness i'm not sure which way that name goes is known for murdering at least 14 people from 1884 to 1908 however i'm pretty sure the actual number is more like 40. see belle liked money a lot investigators later on said that she was very greedy and sort of hoarded her wealth and this love of money became evident after in the same day her house and her candy shop both of which she co-owned with her husband burnt to the ground to which immediately they collected the insurance payments for which belle liked a lot and this was seemingly the spark that led to all of her future crimes it started after two of her children died of lower intestinal inflammation now this was the 1880s so it's not like you could do a full spread autopsy with the medical examiner like you could do today however it is known that a lot of poisons lead to intestinal inflammation so there's a good chance and the reason i say there's a good chance is because she had immediately taken out insurance on both of the babies and then cashed out immediately after they died to make it especially interesting none of her neighbors have ever reported that they saw her pregnant and then not too long after that her husband dies of a supposed hemorrhage but not only did he die of a hemorrhage he died on the day that his insurance policy expired and coincidentally a new one started meaning he died in the correct 24 hour time frame for her to take out both policies which if you're curious those two policies came out to five thousand dollars total which in 1880 was a lot of money doing some basic math with an inflation calculator it's about 133 000 by today's standards she then remarried to a man who had a baby with him the baby died again to which of course she took out the insurance money and then that husband suspiciously died after a meat grinder fell onto his head from the top shelf crushing his skull and killing him to which she got about 3 000 from that policy at this point the police and doctors were getting suspicious of her so she decided it was time to leave town and move out to the countryside however she would leave ads up around the city saying that she has a bunch of property which she bought with suspiciously acquired money and that she's looking for a new husband so men would write to her she'd invite them to come however they always had to bring money as a down payment on the wedding i guess and none of those men were ever seen again which is why the number has to be way closer to 40. this went on for a while until in 1908 the brother of one of the men who went courting bell had told his brother that hey i'm going to go to this lady's house just so you know and then the family never heard from him again after that brother wrote a letter to the residents saying that he was going to come look for his brother the house suspiciously burnt down belle was supposedly killed in this fire because they found the bodies of belle or supposedly belle and her children in the rebel which belle had a couple kids that she hadn't killed for insurance money at least didn't have the chance to and during the investigation of the property police found 14 bodies buried on the grounds which is where the 14 figure comes from the reason they believe that bell died in the fire is because they found the body of a woman who was headless for some reason in the house fire itself however the body was at least five inches shorter than how tall bell was to be reported and about 50 pounds lighter not to mention why did she lose her head in a house fire that didn't stop the papers from saying that this was belle's body and that she's dead to add to it a farmhand who belle had an on-again off-again affair with said that bell came to him and told him that the brother of one of her victims was coming to visit and the farmhand who had been an accomplice in several of her crimes by killing men and disposing of the bodies was told to kill a nearby woman throw her body in the house burn it all down while she escapes out of the country so i think it's pretty clear that belle didn't die there however she's never been found because the official story was she died in the fire there was never a big investigation to find her so she simply just disappeared which i mean she's probably dead now since you know she'd have to be like 160 years old to still be alive but just on the off chance she is belle if you're out there right now i hate you gary heidnick killed two people from 1986 to 1987 and i know just hearing that number you may be thinking oh well just two that's not a lot compared to the others but um just wait till we get to the details of it gary heidnick was hailed as being a very bright kid at a young age and even tested with an iq of a hundred and forty-eight however he certainly acted like it and had a narcissistic personality as he told several kids his age that they were simply not worthy to speak to him during high school he joined the military but was shortly afterwards honorably discharged after he is diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder he spent a long time in and out of menstrual institutions during this before getting out and deciding to turn his ideas towards investments basically he found a local methodist church that he said he could do the accounting through and through basic investments he turned a bank account and a church that started out with only five people when he found it into a massive church amassing five hundred thousand dollars however he had no care for religion or the church itself he just saw a group of people that he could take advantage of and use as a foundation in order to start making money shortly after marrying a woman that he had only communicated with by mail in the philippines she divorced him after finding him in bed with three other women to which after the event she found him he would start making her watch and then other times he would abuse her and do a bunch of other mean things to her so she left him he ended up having a total of three kids one with the aforementioned wife and two with other random hookups that he had one of those children was his first brush in with the law because the woman that he had the child with was a very mentally ill woman um that he had checked out of a essentially assisted living home for the mentally disabled so he comes he checks her out as someone who knows her does that with her she ends up getting pregnant he gets found out and gets a slap on the wrist basically for doing it it was after this that the real horror started gary kidnapped five women and put them in a sort of makeshift torture pit that he had constructed in his basement in this pit he would do all means of physical torture to them and psychological torture including things like electrocution and cutting and stabbing and in one case one of the survivors mentioned that he would take a screwdriver and shove it in there until they couldn't hear which is brutal it was during one of these torture sessions that one of the women died of supposedly shock so he took her body dismembered it and then placed it in bags in the fridge labeled as dog food to which the night that the whole dismemberment occurred police were actually called to the house because of the foul odor to which gary answered the door and said oh sorry i've got a pig cooking and i let it burn too long and the police just waved him goodnight and left the other one of his murder victims died after he had filled the bottom part of the pit with water and then took an electric cord and threw it in there to electrocute them and one of them died of shock like literal shock gary was eventually caught after one of his victims tricked him see after that lady had died of the electric shock he took another one of the younger less damaged looking victims out in order for her to try to find a new victim to lure to the car for him to kidnap and this specific girl appealing to his ego said well my parents are probably going to send the police looking because i've been gone for a couple weeks why don't you let me go call them at a pay phone so they don't bother us to which as soon as she got to the pay phone she immediately called the police the police showed up arrested gary and then figured out everything he was doing to which during the initial questioning gary said that the women in the basement he was torturing were there whenever he bought the house which has got to be and again it's so brutal and evil what he did but it has to be one of the funniest defenses i've ever heard literally the police are like all these tortured people you do that and he's like that that was there when i got here during his trial he took the insanity plea which was actually rejected because of the church fun thing that i mentioned earlier because as the prosecution said someone who's so insane wouldn't know how to build up 500 000 in a church fund and gary was sentenced to death and given the lethal injection in 1999 richard kuklinski also known as the iceman which is way too cool of a name for a killer is confirmed to have killed five people leading up to his arrest in 1986 however he claims that the numbers closer to 200 um we'll get to that richard's criminal career began in the 1960s when he began selling bootleg copies of disney films which we can all see is the very clearly set disney to murder pipeline before figuring out that it was much more profitable to sell prints of adult movies throughout everything i'm going to mention i want you to keep in mind that richard was only ever arrested once before the murder arrest for a bad check which he didn't do any jail time for because he just paid it off the first man he killed he shot to death while selling tape supposedly because the deal went bad and simply stuffed his body in an oil drum and ditched it the second was a pharmacist see one of the jobs that richard did was he collected stolen goods and then sold them as his own sort of like storefront black market and a pharmacist had been pushing pills on him to sell his shop and richard didn't want to do it and then after going to meet richard one day richard killed the pharmacist for a long time it was figured out by investigators later that richard ran a crime ring with four other criminals around the time the investigations began of him and his accomplices richard got paranoid and killed one of the members of his inner ring he did this by feeding his accomplice a cyanide laced hamburger and then having him and another one of his friends hide the body he then killed that partner who helped him move the body afraid that he would snitch over the original murder it was during this time that a body was found in the middle of the woods by police who upon examination had ice crystals inside of the actual corpse what that means is that the body had been in a freezer for a very long time before getting dumped it was later figured out that the body had in fact been in a freezer for 15 months before richard got paranoid that they were gonna look for the body there so he decided to ditch it so long after the actual murder occurred this is what got him the nickname of the iceman and in order to shut down richard a big undercover investigation was launched with the fbi and the atf in order to stop him so an undercover agent who had been undercover for 18 months became close with richard and then sure enough one day richard asked for cyanide that undercover agent asked richard to carry out a hit for him using the cyanide which of course wasn't real cyanide so on his way to do the hit richard got to thinking maybe that guy's not legit so he feeds the cyanide to a stray dog that he passes by and the dog doesn't do anything so he's like i think that guy was lying to me so he tries to go back home knowing the whole things of sting but gets arrested anyway he got arrested and was eventually sentenced to prison for life or 111 years which same thing and it was after he was arrested that the stories got absurd for example he claimed as i mentioned earlier that he's killed like 200 people he says that he just kills homeless people for fun all the time by shooting them or poisoning them or whatever else he said that he personally knew john gotti and that john gotti personally commissioned him on several of the hits that he performed he said that he was closely tied with all five families of new york which is a big thing in the mafia and that he would perform hits on the five families and then perform a hit for that family against the family he just performed the hit for and even claimed that he himself murdered jimmy hoffa and while there's some connections like people have really dug into his reports and been like well he was seen with this guy so maybe this murder's legit so there may be a few extra murders but the degree in which he claimed to be would have made him like the most prolific gangster ever bar none and this is the guy who got arrested because he almost tried to kill someone with fake cyanide so i don't think it's that legit richard died in 2006 of a heart attack which his wife had signed a do not resuscitate order for on him because i mean of course she did and interestingly enough richard was played by michael shannon in a movie titled the iceman which is a story about the events of his life or at least the supposed events of his life arthur shower ross also known as the guiness river killer killed 14 people from 1972 to 1989. arthur was cited at a young age as having very low intelligence and never succeeded well in school and also was involved in several um how do i put this relationships with people who shouldn't have relationships with as in immediate family which i'm sure had a very positive effect on his mental well-being as he got older he was drafted into the vietnam war and had several stories afterwards of how he used to like be in these violent combat scenarios and how he used to skin and decapitate people and how cool he was but it turns out later that he never saw combat and was simply stationed behind the lines and it was shortly after he got back to the states that he got in a lot of trouble for arson to which a psychiatrist later said that he was a sort of sexual arsonist which is a phrase that i never thought i'd say on this channel but i guess i should have known better basically he would start these fires because they got him started and in total he served 22 months in prison for those arson events not long after this arthur was arrested after it came out that he had assaulted and killed two young children ages 8 and 10. however he got the charge down to a manslaughter plea the reason for this being although he had confessed uh there wasn't a ton of evidence linking it to it and you may be thinking well isn't a confession enough but according to the judge and the attorneys he was so dumb that a confession didn't mean anything and not only that the prosecution was certain that if he is put on trial the jury will feel sympathy for how dumb he is and therefore will get the charge down to manslaughter anyway so they might as well plea on it so he was given parole after only being in jail for 14 years for the murder of two children and then immediately murdered 12 more people these were mostly sex workers that he would approach and then hire and then strangle and ditch their body somewhere the way he was caught is while police were investigating a recent place that they found the body he just walked up to like at the bridge above where the body was dumped and just peed over it so they go up there to ask him and then just figure out supposedly by his own confession that he was the one that dumped the body and at trial his argument was that he is not guilty by reason of insanity because of the ptsd that he suffered from vietnam so then they had several of the larger scale commanders who are familiar with his operation come in and testify that this dude never saw combat and has no idea what he's talking about and arthur died in 2008 while in prison of a heart attack joseph deangelo is guilty of at least 13 murders from 1973 to 1986. joseph specifically went on three separate murder sprees across three different areas of california to the point that it was believed that these events were done by three different killers eventually once investigators began to put together that this was all one person he was given the name of the golden state killer also interesting note whenever they thought it was three different killers one of those aliases was called the night stalker before the actual night stalker that we know now so whenever they figured out it was all the golden state killer they then re-adopted the name as soon as richard ramirez became a killer just interesting fact joseph was in the military before becoming a police officer however he was kicked off the force for stealing a hammer for some reason and then after being fired threatened the life of the chief of police who fired him initially his crime started off as thievery in several occasions he would literally steal piggy banks like there was several times that he would walk by like expensive jewelry and stuff like that and steal things like pocket change and i'm not kidding like actual piggy banks the first known murder is when he was kidnapping a girl while walking out of the family house and her father heard came downstairs to stop him he shot the father and ran away to which the father died it's not long after this that his crimes became much more extreme what he would normally do is he would break into the houses of young married couples with a gun and then force the woman to tie up the man and blindfold him to which he would then tie up the woman's hands and mouth and abuse her in a number of intense ways for hours on end during this time he would simply eat the food that they had made drink the stuff out of their fridge and just walk around the house casually coming back to the woman to repeatedly abuse her he would also do these really demented things like sort of mind games for example he would take dishes and he would lay them in flat on their back and stack the dishes on their back and say that if he hears the dishes move in other words the man trying to get up uh he'll kill both of them he did this 50 times like no joke this guy broke into houses did this whole like six hour charade tying people up and abusing them and all of that 50 times and only had a hiccup on the 50th time that hiccup was while getting away two people saw him to which he pulled his gun and shot both of them after this i guess he was kind of off his game and then tried to do the same break-in thing again only this time the couple managed to get away so after that he killed the couple every single time he did it getting information out of him was hard and pulling teeth but they know that there were at least five other instances that he broke into a house did the whole thing and killed the couple although there's probably more that he just didn't talk about also during this entire thing he was sending letters to the local newspapers and police and he would even do really creepy stuff like call the house that he was about to rob by calling them and then they'd answer and he'd say this is the wrong number and then he'd start talking about stuff he's going to do to the women and the people was like oh this is a weird prank call and then he'd bust in and do it once dna testing became a big thing the killing stopped however of course they were still looking for him which means there was like a 30-year gap between him stopping the killings and him actually getting arrested for it and his neighbors in that time said that he was like the worst person they ever met he would call them threatening to kill them if their dog barked too much he would always yell at the neighbors and had a horribly kept house pretty much this guy was awful and he never learned anything in 2018 he was finally arrested to which his defense was he had a split personality and the other personality jerry was in his head telling him to commit these acts see issue being because the statue of limitations they couldn't charge him for all of the assaults and kidnappings but they could get him on the murders so he took a plea deal on the murders gave the police the details and is currently serving a life sentence to this day however while researching he was more recently moved to protective custody which if you don't know protective custody is traditionally a whole lot more laid back than regular prison so this piece of filth murders so many people and then hurts so many more and then gets 30 years to be free and continue being a jerk and is now setting cozy in some sort of cushy cell where he may have youtube and is able to watch this video right now so um joseph d'angelo i hate you david parker ray is suspected of killing up to 60 people from 1950 to 1999. he was known as the toybox killer because of his horrifying sawtrap contraption that we're going to talk about as a very young child david's father who was an alcoholic would give him several masochist adult magazines and david said from that point on he became obsessed with the fantasy of tying up and torturing women so he constructed a trailer truck that in the trailer of it had a massive torture room full of chairs and all kinds of gadgets and gizmos to list a few of the things that were recovered from the back of the trailer there were chains whips straps clamps scalpels shock devices saws diagrams syringes and toys and i'll let your imagination go with the toy thing what he would do is kidnap women by a variety of different means sometimes he would pose to be an authority figure in order to get them to come check out something in the trailer or other times simply pick up women off the side of the road before heavily drugging them until they were in a very non-combative state and then putting them back there where he would spend the next few days just yeah some weird details about it is he put mirrors on the ceiling of the trailer because he said he wanted them to always see exactly what he was doing and his wife helped him get these women and even participated in the abuse as well as several of his friends who he would have come over and they would take turns and then he had a device set up in order for his dog anyway the way he was finally caught is when one day a young girl was approached by him pretending to be a police officer saying she needs to come check something out he throws her in the trailer and he starts to abduct her that day david had to go to work and this potential victim found a way to get out of her chains to which the only person in the trailer was david's wife the young girl managed to stab david's wife and got away and then ran down the road to get help wearing nothing but an iron collar and the chain garment that she had attached to her she then got to a house to which she got a phone called the police and david and his wife were arrested it was after this that a woman came forward saying that she was also a victim of rey however she had reported it as soon as she got away and the police just didn't believe her that there was this guy driving around with a makeshift torture trailer abducting people and another woman got away who was also kidnapped by rey however after two days of torture rey thought he killed her so he ditched her on the side of the road she wasn't dead she was alive wakes up went home to her family to which her husband thought she was lying and had actually been in an affair and made up this whole story about a serial killer with a torture machine in the back of a trailer that he divorced her which i hope that guy feels awful about it later see the reason only three women ended up remembering enough to come forward is because david had them drugged for one during the whole event so they were already had a foggy recollection but after he ditched them somewhere he would give them an amnestic so that they forgot a lot of what happened there are several women who have came forward in years afterwards believing that they were victims of rey however the entire thing at the time just seemed like a dream but whenever they saw it on the news and heard the details they began to remember more and more aspects and it became real after a lot of questioning what they eventually got ray on is that ray killed one of his partners who helped him with the whole kidnapping and torturing of women because supposedly that he was gonna snitch and then another one of his partners had killed his wife who was also gonna snitch so rey did the whole torture thing with her and then killed her so they managed to get him on two murders not only that but in investigation rey had filmed one of the times that he did it and of course the woman was never identified afterwards so they at least got that as an abuse situation if not missing person suspected murder you know the bit and ray never really talked about anything so yeah while it was at least two murdered um you don't build a big trailer contraption like that and only end up kidnapping what a total of four women so the actual number that he probably did is way way way way higher and a bunch of women at the time just thought they had a bad nightmare when in actuality yeah because of this they gave him a total of 224 years in jail because they just gave him the max for everything they could like oh what's that you got a ticket four years ago looks like that's 10 years added on buddy they in the meantime also arrested david's wife as well as his friend who was the husband of one of the aforementioned victims the friend is going up for parole this year actually and the wife was released from jail in 2019. david himself was sentenced again to the 224 years and then driven to jail to give another interrogation and testimony and then died of a heart attack before the interrogation even began so yeah this other guy may get out and she got out but david's dead and i've gotta look on the bright side of something and that'll do it for what is the third part of the serial killer iceberg thank you all so much for watching uh i know that like people are really enjoying this and i think it's really cool too and i like it um there is a lot of research that goes into this though i try to be very like inclusive and get all the i guess cool facts that i can for all of these killers uh in order to talk about them at length because i think it's really interesting and i think it's just uh really neat to like look at some of the most depraved members of society and i've said this in a lot of videos but i want to emphasize again we are looking at the worst of the worst and i know it can get bad but i just want to assure you um it like what we are we are looking at the bottom of the pit right and there's so much above it and the world can be such a beautiful wonderful place and i don't mean to get you down with this um so thank you for watching part of that beauty is you guys clicking on the video of someone who's just doing this for fun and having a great time and managing to um just the fact that i can consider myself like successful with this channel blows my mind and it's all thanks to you all so sincerely thank you for watching i want to stress again the second channel uh the new second channel when the gaming i've got a video out on uh by the time this video goes up there may be two videos on it i'm not sure yet um but i want to do more on there and i think it'll be fun so link in the description for that i hope you check it out and thank you to everyone who already has it means a lot um but like i said i'm just having fun here and i want to have fun there and it's all thanks to you guys so thank you for watching thank you to my subscribers i think we're up to like 449 000 now which again i never thought i'd get to 10 much less here and it means the most so thank you all so much for that thank you to all my patrons thank you to my top tier patrons here you guys are awesome um just being able to support me not only with your views and your time but with your finances and it means a lot and i really do appreciate it so thank you i've got some cool excitements i've got some cool announcements on the way that i'm i'm holding my tongue on for now um but there's already some cool videos in the pipeline some getting edited right now that you'll see shortly after this so i hope you're looking forward to that i hope you enjoy but nevertheless above all else thank you for watching i hope that you enjoyed and i will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Wendigoon
Views: 1,809,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg, explained, scp, analysis, breakdown, scary, spooky, horror, creepy, comedy, funny, laugh, humor, cringe, intel, deep web, dark web, hidden, tier list, secret, top ten, top 10, countdown, compilation, meme, memes, meme compilation, internet horror, reddit, ask reddit, redacted, shopify, mortgage, insurance, car insurance, cheap insurance, cheap car insurance, childhood, trauma
Id: uOpMgvPKItw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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