The INSANE Story of DR. DRE That You Didn't Know About..

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it's with this kind of excitement and respect that Snoop Dogg and 50 Cent refer to Dr Dre's appraisals when he listens to their music I'm not paying attention and I'm just watching him the whole time Snoop are you doing the same thing I'm nervous cuz you're nervous Dre managed to work with many artists who are grateful to him for unveiling the talents they had in them for example Eminem considers that above all Dre saved his life I feel like Dre saved my life he said me me saved his life wow okay I didn't know that this person is a perfectionist who practically never leaves the studio I've been in the game close to 27 years and I've actually thought about this just recently out of the entire 27 my 27 year career there's only been two weeks that I've been out of the studio there's I've never been out of the studio longer than two weeks in my entire career that's how much love I have for this thing that I do full mama got what you need if you need to feel above Shady I'm the real Shady you are the slim shades are just dating so w the real made a mistake you should have never put my RS with Dr them Thug [ __ ] have a Rob and the Judgment however with such a flashy career many forget what Dre has gone through he had beefs conflicts scandals a00 million divorce settlement and he once nearly came close to dying so in this video let's talk about what Dr Dre has gone through to become a legend it's it's very easy to make a hip-hop record it's not easy to make a good hip-hop [Music] record Dr Dre was born in Compton on the 18th of February 1965 just two weeks after his mom turned 16 Dre had issues with his dad according to his own words his dad was insane he was an abuser who could even inflict physical violence he got hooked on drugs and left the family when little Andre hadn't yet spoken his first words unfortunately he didn't have a good relationship with his stepdad either he basically behaved in the same way as his biological dad but he did get along very well with his younger brother Tyreek at the beginning Dre was into dancing however his mom told him there's no money in dancing which is why he has to find another interest his mom also recounted in an interview that Dre had always loved music from an early age his uncle was the bouncer at a club in Compton and he once let him in there Curtis blow was giving a concert there while Curtis's younger brother was a DJ and it was there that he heard scratching for the first time he was stunned and Dre understood that that is his calling after that he trained at home a lot and his mom noticed that and decided to get him a gift and bought him a new Mark 1150 mixer Andre lived a couple of blocks away from Eric Wright whom we all know as Easy E he hung out with him and after one of the performances the guys came to him for music to buy his cassette tapes that's how he began earning money and he understood that he needs to keep it up and in the end he began having performances at the local Club later on he became a member of the wrecken crew group in which DJ yell was also a member there were four DJs in that group however him and yella took on the responsibility of the entire work which is why they became good friends and were joined at the hip the guys became famous and performed every week weekend iow however sometime later the group started losing its popularity additionally there were arguments going around between the members of the band in regard to what kind of music to make and this led Dre to the idea that it's time to leave even though he was scared yeah he did believe in his own Talent however he didn't have much instruments needed to make music and he turned was friend easy who also wanted to take part in the music business and more precisely he wanted to establish his own label company Dre wanted to make music for the streets which is why he asked Cube to write a song for him and he wrote boys in the hood which was initially intended for the HBO group but they didn't like the song So Dre asked Easy E to record the track he saw in him the street spirit and understood that he perfectly fits into the concept of the track which is why he had to talk talk him into it so that he can record the track e e said that Dre had gone nuts because he didn't see himself as a rapper Dre spent two hours convincing EAS e to record in an interview Ice Cube spoke about how that went Dre was like yo won't you do a cube and I was like I'm in a group already he looked at EAS he like won you do it man you got a voice your voice is going to sound good on the record and he was like hell no man what no man that ain't how you say that line say it like this so we was going back and forth it took forever to get two or three lines out so Dre was like you know what everybody just leave everybody leave I'm going work with this dude came back later on that night they hadn't even finished the first verse I was like damn I'm gone I left again came back the next day they was in the middle of the second verse came back the next night that same night they had finished the song and uh it was dope in the end this was EAS E's debut song and it made a superstar out of him up further the guys had already created a group under the name NWA and this song appeared on NWA and the posi release it's regarded as nwa's first but neglected album Easy [Music] from the guys love playing paintball one day Dre alongside easy decided to create some commotion on the street began shooting at cars from their paintball pistols for which they were stopped by the police 10 minutes later and were handled extremely roughly for some time Dre had to show up to prison during the weekends which led to the clubs being left without music and that pissed off Ice Cube and he wrote the song [ __ ] police at the beginning Dre didn't want to release something of this kind as he was still showing up in jail however they persuaded him and the track appeared on the Straight Out of Compton album police straight from theground a young [ __ ] got itz I'm Brown despite the unbelievable pressure from the side of the FBI to shut down the performance of this song NWA only got more popular from that and nobody could censor them already however during a concert tour a terrible tragedy took place in Dre's family if you remember at the beginning of the video we spoke about his younger brother Tyrie with whom he was extremely close well he was killed a man came running out of nowhere and then struck him Tyrie broke his neck and didn't regain Consciousness Tyrie wanted to be just like his older brother he also began rapping and wanted Dre to take him with him on tour however he advised him to stay home Dre told DJ yella that if he had allowed him to come then this wouldn't have Happ happened those around him noticed that it was then that Dre began drinking more often and just overall didn't seem happy even despite the fact that his career had become successful Dre says that each one of the losses he suffered in his life pulled him deeper to the bottom he felt empty inside and the thing that always saved him was working in the studio there he began working very closely with the do who was able to fill the void in IDE him giving the producer the motivation to make a cool album for the rapper what he liked about the doc was that he wanted to be the complete opposite of NWA and he didn't even use curse words in his [Music] tracks yo man that's the formula but at the same time he liked partying and taking drugs and one day he made the unreasonable decision to get behind the wheel while being intoxicated he fell asleep and the car crashed into a [Applause] tree this led to the fact that he unfortunately lost his voice I hit the center divider and flew out of the back window of the car and ended up in a tree I had read that that your teeth were actually in the in the tree they had to pull your teeth out of the actual tree I don't know if they pulled them out of not bro the hardships in Dre's career didn't end there Jerry Herer offered the gu contracts they all signed except for ice CU he felt he was cheated out of royalties because of that Dre made a call to q and understood that his friend was scammed I felt that the person that that I'm talking about on the record separated us in the end Dre also decided to check his own contract the docc knew shight and asked him to check Dre's contract and in turn Suge gave the paper to Dick griffy who said that the producer is not receiving the money that he deserves Drake continued working but because the fans of the group thought that Cube was the spirit of NWA they said that without him the group won't succeed this seriously hurt Dr and truly time passed and the issue with the money didn't subside the atmosphere at NWA became worse and worse with each passing day he was sick of it because easy didn't want to figure out the deal with the contracts Dre said it's either me or Jerry and he responded saying that he could not fire Jerry with that they parted ways you know what when you say they don't respect your talent what exactly you know do you mean I mean I guess they took advantage of me not knowing the record business back in the day but you know I know what's up with those numbers now can't be with at that moment Dre had the same feelings that he had when he lost his brother it was a terrible time for him and he found solace in alcohol a eventually he was once drinking at a party and assaulted journalist D Barnes whom he was angry at because of two separate interviews that aired together in the same segment on Pump It Up with Ice Cube and NWA that's the bottom line bottom line that's it no more NWA Barnes says it was the producers idea to put the two beefing artists interviews together but Dre wasn't trying to hear any of that according to d i quote he picked me up by my hair and my ear and smashed my face and body into the wall next thing I know I'm down on the ground and he's kicking me in the ribs and stomping on my fingers I ran into the women's bathroom to hide but he burst through the door and started bashing me in the back of the head also at that time he was dating the singer Michelle who birthed his son in 1991 a couple of years later they broke up and according to the words of the singer she had also been a victim of violence from the producer's side ACC according to the singer's own words he broke her nose cracked her ribs and blackened her eyes jumping ahead in 2015 Dre expressed remorse for his actions saying I deeply regret what I did and know that it has forever impacted all of our Lives any man who puts his hands on a female is a [ __ ] idiot he's out of his [ __ ] mind and I was out of my mind at the time I up paid for it I'm sorry for it I apologize for it also he said that the assault had been like a dark cloud following him for the duration of his career later Dre met up with Doc who said he wants to establish his own label company with Suge Knight the guys agreed that Dre would look for talents while Suge would supervise the processes the first time Dre heard about Snoop Dog was at his friend's party Dre's stepbrother Warren G advised him to listen to the rap of the young gangster they agreed about meeting up Dre turned on a beat for Snoop who began freestyling and the producer was amazed by it Snoop was surprised that of all of the rappers who were around Dre he chose precisely him Dre regarded him in a special way considering him a gem creep with as I craw through the hood Maniac Lun generally speaking Dre began working on his own album The Kon it took from 8 months to a year to make this album with this album everything was put on the line he poured his whole body and soul into it however buying it was no easy task he went around every sound recording label in Los Angeles and flew to New York but everyone refused to deal with this album most companies didn't want to get involved with death row because their contracts were connected to ruthless records thus he needed to finally break off the contract with him as Dre says EAS e and Jerry heler wanted him to come begging on his knee Dre eventually organized a meeting with EAS but Suge Knight showed up instead of him and he had to threaten easy to free the producer from the contract he used a fake signature on the release form which is why Dre will have to pay EAS e every 20% of each recording of his in the future they needed up getting 20% of everything that they put out for the next 6 years and they couldn't do nothing about it anything Dre produced or made over there yeah he got paid from in 199 to no one wanted to get involved with gangster rap because of the pressure received from society couple of months ago Dre interestingly spoke out about why music can influence us so strongly you have movies where they're killing like a thousand people and it did nothing to say that's because music has the ability to touch your soul and it's a different type of touch it's a different type of experience when you're listening to music all right back to the topic at hand the only one who decided to take responsibility for this music was Jimmy Ivan from inter scope Records who was amazed by the quality in the end Jimmy even paid radio stations for some time to play Dre's music and when all the problems were resolved The Chronic was finally [Music] released the album occupied third place in the billboard 200 the record even sold more than 3 million copies in the United States and was raaa certified as triple platinum a year after it was released which led to Dre being in the top 10 selling American Performing Artist of that year which as you can understand served as a great success for hip-hop especially if you remember the amount of hate that was directed towards this genre at that [Music] time hell yeah Dr Dre's production was credited for the popularization of G Funk in gangster rap He also used this high-pitched synthesizer in NWA but in The Chronic he perfected this sound and this synthesizer became super popular which many associated with the GTA San Andrea [Applause] [Music] soundtrack briefly speaking this album became widely known as one of the most important and influential albums of the 1990s and it is regarded by many fans and colleagues as one of the best produced hip-hop albums of all time in addition to that The Chronic kickstarted the hip-hop careers of many artists of the West Coast including the earlier mentioned Snoop Dog and also da Dillinger corrup n dog and Warren G he is this big time Gangster right you know what the man also in this album in the intro and in Dre Day Dre and Snoop this e and Jerry heler [ __ ] Mr tattoo AKA Jerry and [Music] easy this is how e e responded to the Dre Day diss track in a unique way basically you could diss me all you want but I'mma get paid cuz that's why I say Dre day is only Easy's payday and that's real easy also diss Dre in his own tracks calling him a dancer and all that but its coolest diss track was released under the name of real mother [Music] gz the next project that the protagonist of our video worked on was doggy style this is Snoop Dog's debut album which became a classic and the most popular in his discography Street like every day and I'm right back later on yet another unfortunate incident took place for Dre even though he could have learned a lesson from the dooc story to never get behind the wheel while Under the Influence he once also decided to get behind the wheel while drunk and thankfully nothing terrible happened it was just that the police stopped him and arrested him he eventually spent 5 months behind bars and it was there that he finally decided to rethink his lifestyle and reflect on who surrounds him what kind of influence these people have on him spending time in prison turned out to be a transitional period for him and while he was in prison e stopped working with Jerry heler and wanted to reunite inwa Dre agreed to that but unfortunately the plan was never meant to be fulfilled as Easy E was diagn noed with AIDS induced pneumonia Dre went to the hospital to visit e who was already in critical condition whispered a couple of words to him and left this was their final meeting on the 26th of March 1995 Eric Wright passed away this was a very difficult time for Dre and to add to all that that very Source Awards event took place where East and West coasts became enemies after shight dist p didy which of course nobody expected particularly Dre any artist out there want to be an artist and want to stay a star don't want want have to worry about the executive producer trying to be all in the videos all on the record dancing come death R and then later Po got out of jail and began working with Dre we are out here at the California Love video Dr Dre two getting busy oh Chris stuck in the house video my will what's what you say but give me that b beat from Drake let me serenate the streets of this seemed like something special for everyone as they're two cool artists who do a lot of interesting stuff but things took an absolutely unexpected turn suan Pac had a plan which was to destroy Bad Boy Records which is why the atmosphere at death row became totally different it became more violent the sound Engineers could get beaten up and some random people would show up at the studio and in turn Dre was against all of that but couldn't do anything about it and it all led to Dre leaving death row without receiving a single scent for all of the work that he had done as the doc said in an interview I don't think that Suge understood that it was Dr Dre who was behind all of that power and all that was good although I think he understood just as well as Tupac did as well so the guys started talking [ __ ] about him even though it seemed like Dre left without even asking for anything in return and even after he left he never insulted the guys from Death [Music] [Music] Row a year later Tupac was killed and many of those in death row understood why Dre left the label company in turn Dre now had an arch nemesis and that's Su Knight for example there's a legend that was spoken about in the documentary film the death row Chronicles stating that after Drake quit the label he took with him many of the Masters which pissed off Suge Knight Suge tried intimidating the producer but nothing worked we'll get back tonight in a bit for now let's take a look at what happened with Dre after leaving Death Row after leaving he got married to Nicole and started his own label company called aftermath and it seemed like everything was going the way it was supposed to but no at first there was a flopped album called aftermath in which he tried experimenting a [Music] bit and then there was yet another unsuccessful release with The Firm [Music] group Dre then took a break didn't work with anyone he was considering which direction he needs to take and move forward in one day him and Jimmy Ian were sitting and listening to recordings of different artists this is when Dre stumbled across Eminem's record and said what the f is this I really need to meet this guy they got in contact with Marshall and he later flew to l the guys went to the studio and in the very first second mem said hi my name is my name is chi cha Slim Shady he played me in the beat and it was like instantly I just started saying it like you know the beat started talking to me like hi my name like I started like doing the hook and he looked at me kind of funny like you going use that as a hook you know and after he finished he didn't like it and asked Dre to turn the beat back on Dre was like yo are you crazy let's just punch the track was recorded from the first try I just went in and like Freestyle some verses and then um I hadn't had him wrote yet and just went home that same night Dre was shocked at just how many racists were around him those close to him told him not to associate with Eminem because he's an extremely provocative rapper his future is totally vague oh and he's even white with blue eyes Dre didn't care for others opinions and he put everything on Marshall and tried to sign him as fast as possible and the guys began making history at the beginning they issued a re-release of The Slim Shady record which was already not an EP but an LP the release gave Eminem an unbelievable boost and Dre in turn was able to reboot his own career my is excuse [Music] me now you got to do is nibble on this little chicken's ear L yo this girl's only 15 years old me I'm even score equally take you Jeff and beat your ass and then Dr Dre released yet another legendary album called 2001 yeah I mean there's a lot of haters out there that were saying you know I was washed up I fell off and what have you that was probably my biggest motivation for this record you know it's like okay this is my shut the up album pow take that now what now what do you have to say it's the one and only the album debuted number two on the US billboard 200 chart selling 56,000 copies in his first week this work gifted us many legendary songs which became hip-hop [Music] classics all the hood rats still shake it for me all my true fans still when Eminem signed a contract with Dre he was told that it's cool he's working with him but he already fell off so Marshall had to respond to those so-called critics something Tober [ __ ] forgot the main track in his career is still dii I wanted to stop a bit and expand on it because in this track Dre basically talks about his ups and downs and that despite everything he continues to make hit songs and he continues to be the same person he always was [Music] wasn't Dr Dre who wrote the hit song and it wasn't even Snoop Dog it was Jay-Z the main thing that Jay-Z needs when he rides for someone else is to walk in their shoes to understand what exactly ignites the spark in the artist he had a task which was to write the text in such a way that the track sounds entirely natural coming from the artist's side Snoop Dogg recounted how that was we here writing this song struggling with this beat we can't come up with [ __ ] it's like the fourth day [ __ ] Dr Dre fly a [ __ ] from New York in the LA we all in the studio 30 minutes later that [ __ ] [ __ ] is done he wrote Dre [ __ ] and my [ __ ] and it was Flawless and me and DLC was like well looks like this [ __ ] outstruck us on this one so we going to take the back seat and I'm gonna accept it and it was still Drake and it was Jay-Z and he wrote the whole song and Scott storge recounted how the legendary Melody for the track was created Trey programmed this kick and snare and I was just noodling on the piano and I started playing bling bling bling on top of this drum pattern that he had and he poked his head and he was like that's it further Dre continued working with Eminem Shady I'm the real shady all you Slim Shady are just the [Music] real well after that Eminem introduced 50 Cent to Dr Dre and together they embarked on a journey in the making of the get-rich or die trying album you know we decided that I was going to do half of the first album and Eminem would do the other half and um my experience working with 50 it was only about 7 Days in the studio I spent seven maybe no more than no more than 9 days I'm not sure for my entire half you know what I mean damn put up a track he would write it spit it and go yo put up another one put up another one put up another easy to see when you look at me if you look closely don't back I do and well we can't just Overlook the song into Club Dre was one of the producers of this song which became the main one in 50 cents career according to Dre's words he didn't even expect the track would become such a big hit I usually don't go to Dre or come nowhere near until I have music to put pressure on him I play music that I made with other producers or other people it's hot and then he'll go oh oh no I got something look look watch this look and when you play it then you be like oh [ __ ] I got a hit now although the song 21 Questions was not produced by Dre he asked his friend Nate Dog to perform the chorus which only made the track [Music] better Dr Dre didn't want 21 questions which was a hit to be on get rich or die trying yeah he well he he said I don't know why you want it why I wanted the record cuz I'm like damn like I do all these [ __ ] push-ups right right for nothing as they say even the best of us make mistakes at that time Dr Dre found yet another talented rapper called The Gang he made a few hit works for him such as hate it or love it and how we do how make sh also from the year 2002 he was promised an album which got the name detox every year Dre would say not yet just a little while longer however he threw away this project and said he wouldn't return to detox any longer because he just didn't feel a connection with this album he continued producing tracks for other artists but he worked the most with Eminem together they recorded the album relapse rock at the time Dre worked diligently in the promotion of his own headphones called Beats by Dre together with Jimmy ioen Dre was offered to create his own line of sneakers but he's not into trendy fashion senses and what's even more is that he prefers sticking to just one and only pair of shoes that's Monday that's Monday okay where your Tuesday joint Tuesday okay Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday thus he just stuck to headphones as you all know these headphones became super popular and at the same time basically almost every single celebrity was seen wearing them some sad news out of Los Angeles today it was confirmed this morning that the 20-year-old son of Hip-Hop star Dr Dre was found dead in his home on Saturday now in 2008 another tragedy took place that sank Dre into depression once more his son Andre young Jr passed away from a drug overdose however he once again managed to find the power to pull himself together and in 2011 him and Eminem recorded the song I Need a Doctor this is his testimonial of the role of Music in his recovery the end of the video you can see Dre visiting easy EAS [Music] grave the car crash I think is just metaphorically speaking like you know feels like Dre's been in a coma like me and Hip Hop are trying to wake him up so somebody somehow one of your tapes ends up in Dr Dre's hands and he goes oh this kid's got it right I think a YouTube video is well I can take credit for is opening the door for him MH because he's done everything himself M him and Dave freak Krick said that he was a fan of his from a very young age and he even once walked in on a shooting of the music video California Love where he saw Tupac and Dre with his own eyes by the way would you be interested in a documentary on Kendrick let us know in the comments can y'all make the noise of Kendrick [ __ ] [Applause] Lamar in 2014 a very important and interesting event took place for Dre he sold Beats by Dre to Apple for three billion and $200 million another level Billionaire Boys Club for real homie huh fix your face fix your face know that oh [ __ ] the Forbes lifts just changed they need hey it came out like two weeks ago they need to update the for list but after this video where him and Tyrese were bragging about the deal came out it apparently broke a confidentiality agreement the breach ultimately brought the deal down from 3.2 to 3 billion the next major event in Dre's life became the filming of the Straight Out of Compton movie this film is considered one of the best about hip-hop even though it contains a few falsely depicted moments but it is above of all a movie and not a documentary so we shouldn't be taking it too seriously inspired by the filming of the movie Dre released his third solo album under the name [Music] Compton but unfortunately there was one person who ruined everything and brought yet another tragedy into Dre's life I'm talking about Suge Knight during the shooting of the movie Suge met up with Terry Carter and Clay Sloan the guys had a falling out and then Knight got in a car and ran over them which caused Terry Carter to die on the Spot while clay Sloan miraculously escaped a fatal outcome and remained alive as Dre says Terry was a good person who raised 12 adopted children Suge turned himself into the police the next day saying that he went to the shoot to meet up with Dr Dre actually this entire time Suge Knight was after Dre for a full 28 years with no particularly understandable reason many think that this was just regular jealousy when Dre left death row matters got significantly worse in the label Dre made hit tracks while Suge sat in prison for a probation violation and then after he was freed he couldn't even get the once most famous influential Label Company back on its feet which is why for the next few years he attempted to screw a drag how well well for example Dre's second album was initially supposed to be called Chronic 2000 but Suge snatched the name for a death row album and Dre had to change it to 2001 then Suge interfered with the shooting of the in the club music video attempted to disrupt a ceremony in 2004 by ordering an attack on Dre for $5,000 and so on we have a detailed video on the channel about why Suge wanted to kill Dr Dre you can check it out and in fact if you examine the p where Dre was things always went well there nwa's best time was with Dre death Row's best time was under Dre the game but descent and snoop's most popular albums were their works with Dre yeah even prime Eminem was always with Dre I'm go and be out and I meet you at the Joint you sure you all right all right I'm going leave that since you say you don't want the drama I'm go ahead and let you let you do your thing my music isn't for everybody you know I just love recording it's for my friends and family and really just for me in 2021 the hip-hop Community was fearful and very worried over Dre when he ended up in the hospital because of a brain aneurysm doctors thought that he wouldn't make it the legendary producer admitted that the doctor called his family into the room to say their goodbyes this is what he said they didn't let anyone come close because of Co guests relatives nobody but then they let my family come to me later on I found out they called them so they could get the chance to say goodbye to me Dre said he suffered three Strokes during those two weeks the artist was also told that he had high blood pressure which he said came as a surprise because he maintained a healthy lifestyle the doctor said that he cannot imagine just how lucky he was to survive and also in that very same year he finally burned the bridge with his now ex-wife Nicole young who birthed two of his kids and whom he was with for 24 years at the beginning she filed for divorce in 2020 claiming that she was subjected to ill treatment and she was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder in court documents she said that he put a gun to her head twice and punched her with a fist to the head in the years of 1999 and 2000 Dre himself strongly denied the accusations saying that that had never happened this divorce cost Drea full $100 million Nicole got all of her jewelry and four vehicles as well a Rolls-Royce a Range Rover an Escalade limousine and a spider motorbike Dre himself was visibly glad that his ex-wife only got a fifth of his liquid assets and that she would have received more had she divorced earlier by the way she agreed to a prenup when the couple got married in 1996 which she later denied claiming that it was signed under coercion there's an unreleased song by Dron online where he disses Nicole calling her a [Music] [Applause] greedy and now let's end the video on a good note in 20122 a legendary event took place which we will always remember and it was none other than the Super Bowl halftime show that Dr Dre was responsible for and with him on stage there were all the people he knew Snoop Dog Eminem Mary J blig Kendrick Lamar and 50 Cent how many times did you watch it let us know in the [Music] comments even despite all of his tragedies all of the ups and downs Dr Dre became the most legendary and influential producer in the hip-hop industry and he's not planning on ending his career just yet this year he's releasing collaborative albums with Snoop and and Eminem which we're eagerly waiting for the next video that I recommend you watch is the history of NWA thanks to those who watch till the end subscribe to the channel hit the like button and see you soon
Channel: Music Vibe
Views: 220,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dr dre, still dre remix, dr dre pianom dr dre remix, dr dre snoop dogg eminem, dr dre tupac, dr dre 2pac, dr dre instrumental, still dre, dr dre kendrick lamar, dr dre eminem, dr dre 50 cent, dr dre the game, dr dre songs, dr dre beats, forgout about dre, the next episode, california love, dr dre documentary, dr dre 2001, dr dre death row, rap, music, music vibe
Id: tB6_JijeXXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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