Out to Kill | FULL EPISODE | The New Detectives

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an abandoned car outside philadelphia brings heartbreak to a family and terror a young woman is dead the killer gone but the marks of his passage remain south of chicago another mystery a missing boy a frantic search heartbreaking clues investigators struggle to find the boy and whoever took him when victims are young crime hurts that much more and when the criminals are repeat offenders it's a cruel turn of fate [Music] authorities are dedicated to solving these crimes and terminating the careers of those who are out to kill [Music] at about 2 a.m on june 20th 1996 and an off-duty ambulance crewman spotted a car abandoned on the road it was parked on an exit ramp off interstate 476 heading west away from philadelphia the car was running and the headlights and radio were on but no one was inside the driver radioed 911 the emergency operator took the report then dispatched two nearby troopers to the scene state police lieutenant lenny bandy was notified and headed to the highway interchange when the car was discovered it was found with this driver's door open the headlights were on the radio was playing and the engine was running that was unusual to me it looked like a crime the state police forensic services unit headed by corporal alan stewart arrived at the scene where there was blood in front of the vehicle at that point i knew it was urgent to get everything started as quickly as possible at the front of the car was a tire iron near it a small pool that appeared to be blood it was more than just an abandoned vehicle to me at that point and it was a missing person investigation it certainly was under suspicious circumstances with the presence of the tire iron and blood in front of the car and the hasty manner in which it appeared the occupant had left we collected the blood with the q-tip packaged it we sent that out to the lab for dna purposes careful not to upset any potential evidence they searched the car's interior and found a backpack it appeared to be a college student but there was no identification inside [Music] the car was registered to a woman in brookhaven pennsylvania investigators learned the car was driven by her 22 year old daughter amy 1 9 7 4. while troopers spoke with amy's parents the crime scene processing continued one of the troopers had seen a pair of panties and shoes laying on a hillside we went back to retrieve the pair of panties and shoes at that location amy's mother later identified the shoes as her daughters it was looking more and more like a forcible abduction next to the clothing troopers spotted a distinct tire impression which was photographed upon completion of the photographs then we used dental stone to cast the tire impression the impression was sent to the crime lab amy's parents were worried they knew the effects of crime first hand her father was a police officer her mother was an emergency room nurse we wanted to do everything in our power to bring this young girl home safely to her family they had been out of town and hadn't seen their daughter in several days but knew that amy had planned to go out with friends that night her parents gave a description of their 22 year old daughter including the tattoo on her ankle if you don't mind i'd like to keep this picture so i can distribute it do you want others as the apb went out for the missing college student the philadelphia area press jumped on the story [Music] by morning the media coverage brought forward amy's friends who had been with her the night before we were trying to retrace amy's whereabouts reconstruct her activities from the time that she was last heard from to the time that her car was found all of amy's friends had the same story it was an impromptu reunion of high school friends they talked for a few hours catching up friends said when amy left the bar around 1 30 am she was alone no one had seen or heard from her jacket as since tell me what happened at delaware county's criminal investigation division detective sergeant greg seltzer and detective charles list were shocked to hear their friend's daughter was missing i've known paul for a number of years i know amy's mother so we wanted to do anything we could to help with the investigation detective sergeant seltzer contacted their superior who immediately put them on the case i went to the captain who was the chief of county detectives and and explained to him that we have a police officer's daughter's been missing while search teams looked for amy a task force gathered at the state police barracks to plan the intense investigation we utilize what's known as victimology we wanted to learn about amy and her behaviors and the patterns of her conduct we learned that she was a regular kid amy willard was a star athlete at george mason university a responsible student taking summer classes no ties to anything or anyone dangerous by 5 pm 15 hours had passed with no sign of the missing girl while we were in the meeting they received a call from philadelphia police that they had a body and it matched the description of amy children had discovered the nude body that afternoon in an isolated area of north philadelphia it was 25 miles from amy's car there was no purse or clothing on or near the body but everyone knew who it was the physical characteristics the size the height and weight it was consistent with the description given to us by amy's family and most specifically the presence of a tattoo in her right ankle which was consistent with the tattoo that amy had finding amy this way was difficult for everyone involved before the autopsy her parents confirmed their daughter's identity the medical examiner determined the young woman had died of multiple blunt force trauma to the head and body it was a vicious attack when we were at the autopsy we noticed there was a pattern on her right side and it was in the shape of an of squares with the x's in the middle of the squares that were actually burned into her right side the burn pattern was so distinctive investigators believed if they could find its source they could find the killer the medical examiner also recovered semen and believed the victim was sexually assaulted the fluid and samples of amy's blood were sent to the lab for testing at the pennsylvania state police regional crime lab in lima experts determined the blood found near the car was amy willard's the seminal fluid recovered from the victim was also analyzed using a technique known as pcr examiners made millions of copies of an isolated dna strand until it was large enough to decipher once they could read it they put together a genetic profile of the possible assailant but they got no hits on any dna database still it was crucial evidence according to delaware county assistant district attorney dan mcdevitt we have the genetic profile of the killer we just didn't have a name to go along with that profile they also believed they had his tire print lieutenant dennis loose commander of training and technical support at the crime lab examined the tire cast the cast that we were looking at was a tire that had four grooves and five raised areas so when we did our search of the database we were only looking at tires that had the same number of grooves we determined from the database that was a firestone fr440 tire although it was a common tire it might help confirm or eliminate a suspect investigators also needed to examine the burn pattern from the victim's body we believe if we could find the source of that pattern injury we could find out who the killer was from the burn pattern a pathologist tried to determine the shape and dimensions of the object that made it although he couldn't tell us what the object was he could he drew a picture of what the object looked like the investigative team had a great deal of evidence the burn pattern the tire track and the genetic profile of the killer but they had no idea who he was knowing why amy stopped her car might help identify the killer i have no idea mom and dad assured us the only reason she would stop she would stop if a police officer had pulled her over a police impersonator a frightening possibility but a real one as the first few crucial days of the investigation passed with no solid leads the law enforcement community grew frustrated it was a virtual whodunit it was a needle in a haystack a vicious killer had stolen the life of this well-loved young woman the daughter of a cop and a nurse one of their own and the investigators of delaware county would never give up until they found him [Music] in delaware county pennsylvania state police and county detectives were investigating the brutal homicide of 22 year old college student amy willard many knew amy the daughter of a local police officer and a nurse investigators had good physical evidence including a distinctive burn pattern on the body and the dna profile of the suspected killer but no suspects one theory is that amy stopped that night because someone impersonating a cop made her pull over detective charles list sought information on known police impersonators i was surprised at how many police impersonators there were out there we had a lot of interviews to do many of those interviewed had solid alibis [Music] but not everyone did one suspect had a record of trying to pull over women could not corroborate his alibi for the night amy was killed and he worked near the place where the body was found detectives got a search warrant that allowed them to take a sample of the suspect's blood to compare his dna against the dna collected from the victim state police lieutenant lenny bandy knew the genetic material was their greatest ally that was the most conclusive piece of evidence that we can use to include or exclude someone in our investigation the sample was sent to the lab for processing yes the suspect in question also drove a car that could support the type of tire that left the impression near amy's clothing examiners compared the tire cast from the scene to an inked impression of the suspect's tires but reported no match dna experts eventually reported similar results no match the suspect was cleared there were numerous calls tips that were made by the public we were overwhelmed early on despite checking every lead they came up with nothing months passed frustration grew detective charles list and detective sergeant greg seltzer eliminated every known police impersonator they had no idea why amy pulled off the road then late on the night of may 29 1997 almost a year after amy willard's death 19 year old nursing student patty jordan had just left a nightclub in philadelphia and was driving home i noticed that a car was coming behind me with their headlights um speeding up behind me so i just kept my eye on him and i switched lanes and then he switched lanes with me and i did it again and so did hey and i sped up and started hey i slowed down and so did hey the daughter of a philadelphia police officer patty knew she needed to find her father i thought to myself i was going to the second police district that's the police district by my house and i would just pull in there and call my dad off the interstate she stopped at a red light and that's when he um just slowly came up from behind me i could see him i could see his headlights and i thought to myself this guy's gonna hit my car and that's when he hit my car and then that's when i was like oh my god what is this guy doing he kept motioning for me to pull over i pulled over just to pull over i was mad and i was scared but paddy jordan was not going to pull over i just thought i'm getting this guy's plate number i'm going to tell my dad eventually the man turned and drove away but not before patty got the plate i said it over and over my head and as soon as i came home i saw my brother i ran to the kitchen and wrote it down sergeant john jordan is patty's father the murder of amy willard had been in the news so i entered the tag into the national crime information center ncic and it came back to an arthur bomar and i noticed that the registration was to a ford escort but patty said the man was driving a honda sergeant jordan also found out that arthur beaumar was a convicted murderer who was wanted for a parole violation in nevada and the more i thought about that and what had happened to my daughter i i just had to call delaware county detective sergeant seltzer and his partner detective charlie list spoke to my daughter and i could see the the look on their face i'll never forget the look on both their faces as they listen to patty recount what happened to her patty's description of the driver who bumped her matched that of arthur bomar can you tell us what happened although the plate was registered to a ford escort patty said she was sure it was a dark-colored honda behind her and that's when i noticed that the plate might have been switched it was their best lead by far it was the entire case it was the entire case there was nothing i can't describe how important that was just for her to grab that tag number and and tell us we wanted very much to speak with mr beaumont [Music] at first they could not find the parolee but after such a long and frustrating investigation the investigators were surprised at how quickly the case took off we were a year into the investigation and following up every lead we could arthur beaumar comes into the picture within three days arthur beaumont is in custody detective sergeant seltzer and detective list went to interview beaumar at the lower marion police station where he was being held on burglary charges [Music] omar denied knowing anything about amy willard and said he had never been to the part of north philadelphia where her body was found he admitted he'd been to the bar amy went to the night of her murder but claimed he was not there that night he was at a birthday party after speaking with family members we found that it was a lie that he wasn't at the birthday party [Music] securing a search warrant investigators took samples of bomar's cheek cells and hair to compare his dna to the dna recovered from the victim the analysis at the busy state police crime lab would take a few days but because beaumar was in jail on another charge assistant district attorney dan mcdevitt knew they had time a montgomery county judge denied beaumar bail so there was no chance of him being back out on the street before we concluded our investigation we had a lot of forensic evidence and we wanted to carefully put all that evidence together because we only get one shot at him in court and we wanted to make it a good one police searched the area near where bomar was arrested for burglary officers found a car with the same plate numbers patty jordan had given to her father the plate was registered to a ford escort but it was on a black honda just as patty described technicians later found no evidence in the honda related to the amy willard case they needed to find that escort the case was heating up but mysteries remained the missing car the peculiar burn pattern and whether or not dna would clear this suspect after a year-long search the investigators of delaware county hoped they could solve these mysteries and find some degree of justice for a murdered young woman near philadelphia 22 year old amy willard was abducted sexually assaulted and killed left with a distinct burn pattern on the side of her body [Music] a year later pennsylvania investigators had a suspect in custody arthur beaumar said he had nothing to do with amy's death and claimed he wasn't at the bar where amy was last seen alive [Music] but detectives tracked down bomar's girlfriend and she had a different story she was in hiding and fearful of bomar she said bomar told her he was going to the bar in question on the night of the murder bomar confessed to his girlfriend that he watched amy willard leave the bar and followed her he forced her to pull over though the girlfriend didn't know how bomar said he then knocked amy unconscious he took her to north philadelphia where he raped and killed her the girlfriend said bomar was driving his ford escort that night the statement of the girlfriend was a major break but investigators needed evidence to back it up in court delaware county detective charles list and detective sergeant greg seltzer believed the key was bomar's ford escort his vehicle was very important because at some point amy was in that car absolutely we went to an insurance company and found they had been in an accident shortly after amy's abduction the detectives learned the car was towed to a salvage lot we obtained a search warrant we were hoping to find some type of blood hair fiber that would link amy willard to arthur belmar when the tow truck lifted the car investigators were stunned the oil pan had a familiar pattern they believed it was the object that burned amy's body at the state police garage the forensic services unit processed the car on the passenger side door panel they found what appeared to be dried blood they removed the oil pan so it could be compared to photos of the burn pattern on the victim's that's body the technicians also collected the car's tires to check them against the tire impression from the scene of the abduction corporal alan stewart was part of the forensic services unit we sent the oil pan to a pattern expert from the armed services who then in fact did match the oil pan to the pattern that was on amy's body lieutenant dennis loose compared the tire cast from the crime scene to the print of a firestone fr-440 tire from bomar's car we were able to determine by comparing the track to the suspect tire that both had the same amount of wear i finished looking at that tire track that you sent in that tire you sent in it it's consistent with the track from the crime scene serology expert cecilia casciola examined the door panel and found amy willard's blood finding the victim's blood in the suspect's car puts the victim in the suspect's car but the most important forensic evidence came with the dna results it was a match assistant district attorney dan mcdevitt the dna evidence was irrefutable here there was a a 5 billion in one chance that arthur beaumar was not the person who contributed the dna found during the autopsy so that obviously was a foundation of our case in addition we were able to link the car he drove to the thermal injury on amy's body amy's blood was found behind the door panel in his car the tires on arthur beaumar's car left tire track impressions at the abduction scene it was enough to convince the jury on october 1st 1998 arthur beaumar was convicted of first-degree murder rape and kidnapping he was sentenced to death amy's family has fought for the laws to be changed to keep offenders behind bars but the law did not pass in time to protect an illinois family aroma park is an hour south of chicago on an afternoon in 1995 micah moulton got nervous when her ten-year-old son christopher did not come home from fishing at five o'clock as expected it was not long before she had a feeling something was terribly wrong i jumped up and i looked at the clock it said 5 22 and i knew immediately i needed to go find him i had to go find him at that moment leaving her other kids at the house in case christopher returned she went down to the aroma park boat ramp on the kankakee river where christopher normally fished [Music] i walked around the area you know i called his name started yelling out for him after more than an hour of searching micah called the kankakee county sheriff's department [Music] under sheriff brad o'keefe worried when he heard where the boy was last seen the speed of that river we have a lot of drownings a lot of people fall in and disappear in that river so that makes it dangerous in itself rich not a roman park boat club right away micah told deputy rich burns about christopher she had already checked with all of his friends no one had seen him since 4 30 at the boat launch it was very unusual for for him to do this for him not to return home on time and we knew it was very important to get the ball rolling to get the search started he's 10 years old and i said well i'm going to go in the woods and look for him he said just wait he said hold on and he made a couple of radio calls and the next thing i knew there were search dogs and search teams and the fire department out there we didn't know if he had fallen into the river or if he had walked off he was just lost right away they threw every resource into the search all the local police agencies sent people so we had fire departments from roma park in kankakee they had the boats in the water doing the search once they knew what we were looking for a lot of the citizens came up volunteered they briefed the search parties describing christopher his clothing his bicycle the searchers were instructed not to touch anything they found we don't know what happened any evidence should be collected by trained evidence technicians we're going to process it and handle it as evidence protected we're trying to come up and collect them all right so everybody they have to organize and stay organized i have an assistant in the command center who keeps track of who's where and who's doing what searches fire department personnel checked the water and riverbanks search dogs tried to track the young boy everyone prayed they would find christopher quickly investigators interviewed anyone they could locate at the boat lodge did you see christopher meyer what did you guys see [Music] two boys said they saw chris with a man that afternoon according to kankakee county administrative chief joe mulcahy the man had a fishing tackle box with him um and in the box with some lures that were not appropriate for this area it was saltwater lures and the man did tell them that he was originally from this area but had just came back from florida the boys said there was a fillet knife in the box with the lures they saw christopher and the man leave the riverbank together they could give only a vague description a white male tall a mustache and we were concerned that there may be a possible abduction at that point no one slept a detective was in here fielding calls all night we had people searching the woods we searched that woods 20 times hoping it would find something but that night they didn't local news stations ran the story broadcasting descriptions of christopher and the unknown man he was seen with and asking for more help at the sheriff's emergency operations center deputies and volunteers fielded calls many were tips suggesting they look into certain men as possible suspects investigators followed up on every tip while the search continued firemen dragging the river bottom more than 18 hours had passed with no sign of christopher then the next morning searchers spotted something in the water a child sneaker micah identified it as christopher's we now have a shoe in the water chances are better now that he's in the water or something's there so we can intensify the search there dive teams searched for any sign of the boy or his bike it would overhear people talking about you know any news did they find a body and i a couple of times i lost it and said there's not going to be a body they're going to bring home christopher and i kept i i i just kept a positive outlook on it because i i couldn't ever let myself think or feel that he wasn't going to come home those searching for christopher would not give up either that little boy was out there somewhere and they needed to bring him home ten-year-old christopher meyer was last seen with an unknown man near the kankakee river in aroma park illinois investigators did not know if christopher had been abducted or if he fell in the river where they had recovered one of the boy's sneakers micah moulton is christopher's mother i felt there would be everything was going to be okay or eventually i was going to wake up that this was just a really bad dream but it was no dream i got something here on the second day one search team spotted something christopher's bicycle it appeared someone had carried the bike deep into the woods and tried to conceal it according to undersheriff brad o'keefe it's that much more critical we're not searching anymore for a lost child we're not searching anymore for a drowned child now they knew someone had taken christopher several witnesses said they saw christopher pushing his bike with a white male who had a goatee they said at one point the man was standing by the open trunk of a gray four-door sedan that had fishing rods in the back window he had a fillet knife in a leather case in his back pocket some of the witnesses worked with a police artist to create a composite sketch of the man investigators released the sketch to the media once the picture was out everybody had somebody in mind so we're getting all kinds of tips and clues on who it might be deputies followed up with every caller to the tip line we took them a composite sketch and asked them to look at it and identify it yeah one name came up more than any other timothy bus fairly new to the community micah moulton did not know the name i remember somebody coming in and saying timothy bus oh my god i can't believe he's out and they kept going on and on and i said who is like timothy bus who is this tim bus who is this timothy bus and nobody would tell me the investigators all knew bus in 1981 timothy bus had abducted and murdered a five-year-old girl in nearby bradley illinois he was found guilty and sentenced to 25 years but he had been recently paroled lieutenant larry osenga of the kankakee city police department's violent crimes task force offered his squads assistance as they asked around buss's old neighborhood the neighbors the advice is yes he was in the community kankakee police learned bus was now living in joliet illinois a western suburb of chicago lieutenant osenka called joliet police department joliet agreed to check on bus's apartment so joey had assisted us we went to where his residence was he was not there at the time but the joliet police sat and waited [Music] the searches in the aroma park area kept on as another terrible night passed then two days after christopher disappeared the joliet surveillance unit spotted a man approaching bus's apartment it looked like the suspect he was alone joliet contacted the kankakee officers who immediately drove up to the city they checked the apartment but no one answered [Music] the place seemed deserted a neighbor noticed the police and told him she had seen bus go out the back door he ran out of his apartment jumped in his car with his headlights off and he drove off at a high rate of speed and got away from us we began a perimeter search trying to locate him and we were not able to locate him a search of the apartment yielded no sign of the missing boy apbs went out to law enforcement throughout the greater chicago area with descriptions of timothy bus and his car people began recognizing the sketch a motel clerk in braidwood illinois called to say she thought bus was staying there [Music] kankakee county sent deputy brady bertrand to the motel in braidwood 25 miles south of joliet [Music] at about eight o'clock in the morning bus come out of the hotel and uh walked directly uh over to a dumpster in the parking lot of the hotel he uh threw a pair of boots in the dumpster deputy bertrand radioed for assistance [Music] then he followed the suspect he initially got on uh i-55 northbound which leads into the city of chicago but he ended up getting off the short distance later and driving to wilmington and pulling down by the river and talking to some fishermen down there deputy bertrand waited for backup to arrive while he did kankakee county detectives ron kilmann and randy hartman responded to the braidwood motel to collect the evidence the boots were retrieved we're not sure what evidence that is going to be connected to but he apparently put him there for a reason so we secured them whether there was possible blood located on them hairs or fibers the boots were sent to the lab for analysis the kankakee officers hoped they could get bus to talk [Music] he was very antsy and looking around as if he wanted to get away from there but he had no place to go at first the parolee was evasive not wanting to talk and we'll get it worked out but eventually he agreed to come to the kankakee county sheriff's department for an interview this ain't right at the station bus denied knowing anything about christopher meyer [Music] his lawyer arrived to discuss investigators request for a consent to search buss's car against the lawyer's advice bus signed the consent form [Music] at the sheriff's department garage detectives hartman and kilman processed the suspect's car as a crime scene detective we're basically putting a story together and if you can do your job well enough then you find that evidence that's able to tell you that story in the trunk they discovered a car dent puller that appeared to have blood on it there was also a tire iron and a tackle box like the one described by the boys who last saw christopher there was no fillet knife inside we removed the items one at a time then we were able to observe on the the carpeting itself underneath the tools that there was a considerable amount of blood it was a difficult find but an important one if in fact this was going to turn into a homicide we needed to be able to put the boy and the suspect together inside the technicians also found a claw hammer it had dirt in the claw portion what that told us was somebody's been doing some digging with this hammer on the passenger seat the technicians recovered several head hairs like the other evidence the hairs would be sent to forensics experts at the illinois state police crime lab they had a suspect in custody and haunting evidence of foul play we still don't know where chris is we don't know if chris was maybe hurt and bleeding we were hoping we would find him stashed in a cabin or something along the river so we never gave up hope that he would still be alive in 1995 kankakee county illinois investigators were searching for ten-year-old christopher meyer who was abducted while fishing [Music] evidence technicians found blood hairs and a dirt encrusted hammer in the car of timothy bus who had been seen with christopher the day the boy disappeared they came in our investigation authorities arrested bus and charged him with aggravated kidnapping at the illinois state police forensics lab dna research coordinator william frank examined the evidence from bus's trunk he would compare the blood from those items to a dna parentage profile created from christopher's parents and to a probable sample of the boy's dna called a convenience standard the convenience standard that was used was the child's asthma inhaler from the swabs of the inhaler and the parents blood samples frank created a genetic profile using pcr testing the parentage comparison from the child's parents was consistent with the inhaler he then checked that profile against the blood from the car when i compared the profile it was identified in the asthma inhaler to the profile that was identified in the bloodstains from the suspect's vehicle the two profiles matched they still held out hope that the boy was alive kankakee county sheriff bernie thompson after timothy bus was in custody we were still looking for christopher and there was always that hope that we would find him alive a few days later a search party that included sheriff's investigator kenneth ponton discovered a pair of boys briefs and later a fishing pole and part of a t-shirt we call it investigator mulcahy and gave her the description of the items and asked her to check with the missing boy's mother which she did and the mother was able to identify that these items belong to her son three days later in a part of kankakee state park will county deputies made the discovery that would finally end the search under a piece of plywood partially buried was the body of a small boy he had been stabbed more than 50 times with a thin knife it was christopher evidence technicians collected a clump of dirt containing a boot print from the grave site they also collected samples of the soil in the area [Music] hair and fiber expert ralph meyer compared the hairs found in timothy buss's car to christopher's using a comparison microscope we're looking at the general appearance the length the distribution of the pigmentation the fuse throughout the shaft ovoid bodies the hairs were microscopically consistent in every regard geologist ken knight examined the soil samples taken from the gravesite and the soil found on the claw hammer we tried to determine if the gnomes and the unknowns had the same characteristics the same amount of crystals or mineral particles same colors same angularity of those particles the same general type of botanical trim again a match the fact that the soil from the hammer is consistent with a mixture of the soil samples from the grave site indicates that a the hammer was used to actually dig the grave some of that soil held a partial impression of a boot print forensic scientist robert hunton compared boots bust throughout at the motel to that impression i made a cast of that particular portion of the boot that had a similar pattern to the piece of soil i compared those side by side i was able to say that that impression could have been made by that portion that small area of the right boot investigators hoped more definitive proof would come from the dna lab william frank checked samples from the victim's femur against the evidence he already had the genetic profile for the femur bone matches the genetic marker profile identified for the child's inhaler and also matches the blood stains identified in the trunk from the suspect's car [Music] the forensic evidence proved that timothy bus abducted christopher meyer he assaulted the boy stabbed him repeatedly then buried him in the woods bus was found guilty of kidnapping and murder and was sentenced to death that sentence was commuted to life in january 2003 but this time there will be no chance of parole christopher's mother micah moulton the anger and the sadness and the grief and and all was so overwhelming but i knew i could use it in a positive way to make a difference i want laws changed i helped in lobbying for the no second chances for murders rapists and child molesters law also known as amy's law that law named for murdered college student amy willard seeks to prevent the most violent criminals from being released on parole it was passed by the u.s congress in 2000. you
Channel: The New Detectives
Views: 159,521
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Keywords: The New Detectives, New Detectives, New Detectives Full Episode, Full Episodes, New Detectives Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True Crime Daily, Unsolved, FBI, FBI Files, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Unsolved True Crime, Mystery, Solved, Investigation, Police, Criminal, Forensics, Forensic Science, Science, OUT TO KILL, the new detectives out to kill
Id: hsfyT3l529A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 52sec (2992 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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