The Nolt Family and Garment of Praise

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Wonderful Grace of [Music] jeser all [Music] my how shall my tongue describe it where shall his praise [Music] begin taking away my bir setting my spirit free for the wonderful Grace of Jes Jesus reaches me wonderful the Deep ring SE [Music] ring than the scope of Myer than all my oh magnify the precious name of Jesus praise His [Music] name Wonderful Grace of Jesus reaching the most def found by his transforming power making him God's here child purchasing peace and Heaven for all eternity and The Wonderful Grace of Jesus wonderful the grace of J deeper than the mighty rolling sea higher than the mountains baring like a Fountain all sufficient Grace for even me for even me broader than the scope of my transg greater than all my and shame oh magnify the precious name of Jesus praise the name of Jesus Wonderful Name of Jesus praise His holy His holy name it is a blessing to be with you here this evening we counted a privilege to sing about Jesus tonight isn't he so worthy of Our Praise this evening do you understand that thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and millions of people today cheered to get a dead pig over a line you know what I'm talking about football a football they get over a line people cheered people jumped people probably even cried because they got a dead pig over a line now you know what I even enjoy football but you know what it's really not worth anything in eternity sake but I am so thankful this evening that what's going to happen here this evening the praise that's going to go up here is going to something that is worthy and that is Jesus Christ and if you're here a Christ if you are here this evening and you are a Christian you should be excited about this worship because you along with me deserved hell you understand that even if you grew up in a really good home even if you went to church all your life you still needed Jesus and Jesus and God sent his son Jesus to die on a cross and the even we want to worship the worthy name of Jesus for what he has done for us I so thankful for what Jesus Christ has done in my life and that's what we want this evening to go to be about you're going to leave this place and you're going to say you know what the Garment of Praise they mess up sometimes because you're going you'll hear it you'll hear a little disharmony you'll hear you're going to find out that we're not perfect if you didn't know that already but I hope that when you leave this place that you say God is great God is great and it gives you a little bit of little step in your step so to speak and when you see people tomorrow morning that you are more excited about what Jesus has done in your life that's what it's all about here this evening I hope that you came with your cup so to speak turned up and allowing God to fill you this evening no tears in heaven will be there no tears in heaven no Sorrows all will be glory in that land there will be no sadness all will be gladness gladness when we shall join that happy B no tears in heaven no tears no tears up there sorrow and pain will all have flow no tears in no tears no tears up there no tears in heaven will [Music] be glory is waiting waiting waiting up yonder where we shall spend that endless day there with our savior we live for where no more Sorrows can dismay no tears in heaven no tears no tears up there sorrow and pain will all have flown though Tears in Heaven tears tears up tears will be when I get to heaven going to walk with Jesus when I get to heaven going to see his when I get toen to talk with Jesus by his wonderful gra when I get toen to walk with Jesus when I get to heaven going to see his when I get to talk with Jesus by his Wonderful [Music] Grace wonderfully save wased in the blood of the Lamb I'm wonderfully save and I'm so glad I am when I get toen to walk with Jesus I get to to see his when I get to going to talk with Jesus wonderful marvelous his Wonderful Grace well like Jason said it is indeed a pleasure to be with you and it's our privilege and we hope that this evening is an evening that is centered around Christ and our wonderful God and what he has done for us and I invite you to as maybe we do most of the singing here that we don't do all of the worshiping this evening all right that you guys would just join in and and let these songs minister to your heart as I look across I see a lot of different faces there's old and young and and just goodlooking and but uh there's a few of those out there yeah but you know when when God looks in here he sees your heart and I know when when when God looks at my heart I don't know what exactly you know goes through his mind or what how God God thinks but but I know that he sees someone who has been saved through the blood of his son Jesus Christ and I am thankful for that and when God looks at your heart tonight I hope he sees a heart that is surrendered to him and a beautiful heart that is worshiping him this evening Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name Come and Let Your Glory Come and Let Your Glory fall Our Father who are in heaven the rocks cry out your Fame Come and Let Your Glory Come and Let Your Glory fall I will sing sing a new song I will sing sing a new song I will sing sing a new song to the Lord let your kingdom come let your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven every I proclaim the Merc Mery of your name on Earth as it is in heaven God give us new Every Morning Mercy as Daily Bread in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we pray and lead us not to temptation but Deliver Us with your hand in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we [Music] pray I will sing sing a new song I will sing sing a new song I will sing sing a new song to the Lord let your kingdom come let your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven every I proclaim the mercy of your name on Earth as it is in heaven for the kingdom is yours and the power is yours and the glory forever amen let for the kingom Glory forever amen every for the kingom is power is yours and the glory forever amen let your kingdom come let your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven every I proclaim the mercy of your name on Earth as it is in in heaven Our Father who are in heaven H be thy name Come and Let Your Glory Come and Let Your Glory fall Come and Let Your Glory Come and Let Your Glory [Laughter] [Music] I saw an interesting sign on the way down here it said life is hard no said life is hard compared to that had a question mark so we complain that life is hard sometimes but compared to what I don't know what you would compare life to but maybe the alternative might be death I'm not sure what they had in mind there but it just made me think life is hard and there was a song I wrote several years ago called it's enough just to know that he can and how many of you believe that God can do anything God can do anything and sometimes we forget that and if we would just remember we we say we believe that but if we would just live in light of that fact whatever circumstance you might be in this evening maybe it's a hard one maybe it's maybe it's a good time you're going through right now in life but that means that you're on the mountain before a valley and if you're either you're in a valley or you're coming to a valley but if we remember that God can do anything and he could change our circumstance if he wanted to where does that leave us that leaves us right where he wants us right in his will and sometimes we get in these circumstances and we have a narrow perspective and we can't you know what does God have what's he trying to tell me this doesn't this doesn't make sense but if we truly believe that God can do anything that's the difference between us and the world it's not that we have a a lot easier life in this world we're all scarred by sin and and the curse of sin as you know we all experience hard times in life but we have a hope that we have a we serve a God we serve a creator that is in control he is in control of our life and that should in itself should bring us Comfort it's enough just to know that he can great physici why the sick man loving father why the orphan lifegiver can't you see the baren W good Sher wears the lost sheep provider why the hungry it seems there's so much you could do but it's enough for me to know that it's under your control though your higher ways I don't understand I'm trusting not in what I see by faith I believe it's enough just to know that you can God forbid my selfish questions please forgive my desperation it's not for me to know how and when your mirales are more than fables I believe you're still a and it's enough just to know that you can it's enough for me to know that it's under your control though your higher ways I don't understand I'm trusting not in what I see by faith I believe it's enough just to know that you can I'm trusting not in what I see but by faith I believe it's enough just to know it's enough just to know it it's enough just to know that you [Applause] [Laughter] care song about God's grace and what he can what he can bring us through um but we're also thankful not only that God can stay with us through those Trials of life that darl mentioned those valleys but there is a perfect Heaven that is awaiting us as well that we can look forward to I'll tell you one of my pet peeves one of my pet peeves is is cats I hate cats all right if you like cats here God's grace is sufficient for you as well um come to the foot of the cross just kidding but that that is actually one of my pet pees but the other one that I was going to say is um that the fact that heaven songs has have become songs for old people they're old people songs and it shouldn't be that way Brian Brian loves heaven so much he's almost there he's but uh I love old people but I was uh trying to get spiritual here Dar and then he got distracted me cats wasn't very spiritual time um but the the in a sense Heaven is actually more important of a message to young people than old people because we have have longer to live probably and the world needs people who know where they're going and live life with an eternal perspective the world needs young people who know where they're headed I don't know about you but I like to fly with a pilot who knows where he's going and this song is is another is a song about heaven and it just paints some word pictures kind of brings out the family aspect of Heaven I've never been this homesick before there's a light in the window and a table set in splendor someone standing by the open door open door I can see Crystal River oh I must be near forever and I've never been this homick before see the bright light shine it's just about home and I can see my father standing at the door this world has been a Wilderness I'm head for deliverance Lord I've never been this homick [Music] before I can see the family GA sweet faces they're all familiar and no one's old or feeble anymore anymore oh this Lonesome heart is crying think will spread my wings for flying Lord I have never felt this home sick before see the bright light shine it's just about home time and I can see my father standing at the door this world has been a Wilderness I'm headed for deliverance Lord I've never been this homick before Lord I've never been this homick [Music] before love those kind of songs and pictures go through your mind for me a lot of pictures of uh of my family and pictures of my sister and those of you probably most of you have family and have friends that are there and it's just a joy to know that we'll be together again someday curious how many of you have seen us for the first time tonight any first timers hey bunch of you out there so we were singing with the no family this afternoon there's a thought that went through my mind there's a couple things that they have on us but they're a whole lot prer than this group right here that's one of them we are two sets of Brothers uh we are we we live the three of us I feel like I'm being humiliated from the back uh let me get behind here so brother Daryl and I are not Brothers but we're brothers in the Lord and we've been singing together for close to when it's 19 or 20 years now Daryl was 18 years old when he first started singing with me and Jason was 17 and so it goes we go way back um Dan joined us about 8 years ago eight or nine eight and so we Bri's been singing since the flood so tell you I love I love the opportunity to sing with our ancestors it's really but if you have any questions about the Old Testament man it's it's handy to have him around you are fired up tonight well um there's a verse in the Book of Proverbs it says something about a brother being born for adversity this guy has given me you know I became a Grandpa a couple years ago it's kind of like he got the double barrel shotgun and went it's been but I love him too even in his sinfulness anyway we're going to keep on singing here and we it's a real privilege to be together with an N family tonight did have had no idea what kind of turnout would be here tonight tonight thank you for coming and supporting us and them as we uh continue to sing and um I think the next song we're going to sing is uh let me pull my note out here you know we we came up here and sign with them and they are so organized we ain't that organized I was back there writing our songs on a coffee pot or a coffee filter a little bit ago and uh but uh this next song you know what you have living forever I'm crossing that now cuz normally I pick out the songs and I'm going to pick them out I said guys you pick the songs tonight because it was getting busy here and we needed to keep moving and he cross them out anyway yes I did I want a quartet song I want something that makes Jason sing low I'll have a new body okay and Jason sing low even if you have to Flat it sing it low put you on there okay just blow a GM bro Flatt it hey uh when we first started singing It's called when we first started singing 20 something years ago I I sang the bass Jason uh was like 15 or 16 and we needed some Personnel I really thought he'd sing the tener he went through that whole change of voice thing cracked and sparkled and everything and came out a bass singer pushed me over so uh all right Jason have that it show off tonight you you know he does this so everybody looks over at me oh the resurrection morning when all the dead in Christ shall rise I'll have a new body praise the Lord I'll have a new life kind of praying that you get a new mind actually in Weak raised in power toise have a new body praise the Lord I'll have a new life oh yes I'll have a new home Glory Glory with the redem there will be no moreor raing the I'll have a new body praise the Lord I'll have a [Music] new what a glad thought some wonderful morning just to hear Gabriel's trumpet sound when I wake up when I wake up to sleep no more to meet my Blessed Redeemer with SH I leave the ground when I wake up when I wake up to sleep no I [Music] W Glory story with the redeemed of all thees pring the iore when I wake up to sleep no glory to God I'll have a new body raising the twinkling of an eye when I wake up when I wake up to sleep no more leing behind all trouble and sorrow Bound for that City up on high when iake up when I wake up to sleep no more I wake [Music] up happy I'll be [Music] Glory wake up when I wake up to sleep no iake up Glory the story with the de of all the ages PR the one whoore when I wake up when I wake up to sleep no more to sleep no more to sleep no more [Applause] no a Roman cross yeah Jesus died on that I don't care what you believe just read history it's a historical fact so the question is what will you do with this man of misery six hours on a piece of wood it's how he completely changed history but see we've made Jesus cool and made his sacrifice Foolery like oh I'll just go to church on Easter and make the cross nice jewelry but see the cross wasn't a symbol of faith it was a symbol of death I mean imagine if someone had an electric chair hanging around his neck so the question we have to ask is what was different about the man that day that could take something that kills and turn it into something that saves you see he was unique because he was innocent God actually became a man and that's different and on the cross he said I'm not dying because of me I'm dying because of you now not just for the sins you have done but for the ones you will do and on the cross God treated Jesus like he was us poured out his wrath on the son so that he might show that he's just and he took our filth and he took our sin and the beauty is when you trust in Jesus you're included in him but first walk with me what it must have been like that night when the Son of God looked like he lost the fight no heartbeat no breathing no sign of Life Jesus tasted death and it didn't feel right have you ever let that sink in that Jesus died no really Jesus actually died three days in the Tomb life was laid as remains like the king had given up his crown like he given up his Reigns but all of a sudden com Sunday and something started to change from the grave you heard a thump and Blood start pumping in his veins heart beaten blood p ing instantly Satan felt his power break cuz the Son of God was dead now the Son of God is awake and every breath that he breathed was another punch to Satan's face showing that we are not under our sin but we are under grace so Rejoice with me because when he went to the Grave you did too and when he rose from the grave your life became new he says my job is finished let your new life begin you can actually have freedom stop Walling following in your sin the chains have been broken the stones been rolled away God doesn't love a future you he actually loves you today so you're clean you're spotless the curse has been squashed that's all baptism is it's just showing you've been washed so Rejoice with me because we are now awaiting the verdict he's already said not guilty and the resurrection proves he assured it cuz our whole life we feasted on sin and we couldn't pay the tab but Jesus Walks over to our bill and says I'll take care of that and instantly were perfectly spotless when we were rotten to the core cuz when he walked out of that grave he left our sin on the floor and he turned around and looked at where his body laid and said H sin that's where you're going to stay so Church walk in Freedom because you are free the resurrection is just a stamp saying it's a guarantee a a Royal Decree proclaiming we're Children of the king so even when your mouth can't let your life always sing well that kind of stuff makes you want to take your shoes off and do a little menite jig doesn't it a song we've been singing about the the cross we just started singing this Easter this uh this spring and I love the message of this song [Music] oh to see the dark of The Darkest Day Christ on the road to [Music] calary Tried by sinful men torn and beaten then nailed to a cross [Music] of oh to see the pain Ren on your face bearing the awesome weight of [Music] sin every bitter thought every evil deep crowning your BL there the power of the Cross Christ became sin for us took the [Applause] blame bore the Wrath we stand forgi the cross now the daylight fle now the ground beneath Quakes as its maker bows his head curtain Tor into dead are raised to life finish the victory C this the power of the Cross Christ became sin for us took the blame bore the Wrath we S forgien at the cross oh to see my name in The W for through your suffering I am free death is crushed to death life is mine to live one through your Selfless Love this the power the power of the Cross Son of God slain for us oh love such love what a we now stand for oh that's the power of the cross [Applause] we just uh actually celebrated or I don't know if you want to say celebrated but remembered the 15E anniversary of 911 and it's hard to believe it's that long ago but soon after that event there was a couple pictures that really stood out in my mind uh that they were showing the one was of the fireman raising the flag in the midst of the rubble and there was another picture of a an ibeam in the rubble in the shape of a cross that was just kind of left standing there in the midst of the rubble and I had to think of the Cross down Through the Ages and we see it now in our country I believe more than ever in the history of America that the cross is under attack and for some reason I I don't know why it doesn't make sense to me but why Christianity is under such attack other than we have have an adversary we have that Satan is out to destroy and I think I mean Christians are a Peaceable people we should be we should live lives of Peace but yet we are so attacked of the morals and well we all know the just what's going on today but the the cross still stands and all through ever since 2,000 years ago for every generation the cross has stood and that promise that Jesus gave shed that blood for us has stood for every generation before then and ever since then and nobody else can can do anything to change that they might take the crosses down they might take them off of buildings and off of monuments but they will never change the true message of the Cross and the cross still stands The Winds of Change still blow through history's pages each day reveals a world that's not the same Thrones and Powers rise and fall bondage Reigns and freedom calls but for every generation Cal still remain the cross still stands an invitation to the l a reminder of the Cross will never oh again the cross still stands as a token of God's Love's Masterpiece will never be [Applause] ra the cross still [Applause] stands there's a lot of things in this world today that seem to have stood the test of time but you know as bold and mighty and Powerful as they may seem they too meet their end for dust shall turn to dust and Ashes two ashes yet there is but one hope that we'll endure and that hope was in the cross not in the splintered wood or Rusty Nails put in the mercy this Monument of Love displays but men have tried in vain to preserve their works of art this masterpiece beaten battered mocked and despised still stands today and long after the Seven Wonders have vanished away the cross will stand after every flag had flown its course this manner of Freedom will still wave high and oh what a glorious thought on that Eternal Morning When the Dawn breaks to reveal of sin's defeated forces a cross Still Standing then I'll Proclaim with every faithful soldier of the cross in a shout that reaches the ends of Heaven the cross still stands the cross still [Applause] invitation to the a reminder of the Cross will never again the cross still [Applause] [Music] stands as a token of God's gra Love's Masterpiece will never be ra the cross still stand the cross still stand [Applause] [Music] still the [Music] cross [Music] [Applause] well thank you um for being an attentive audience this is going to be our last song I want leave you with one challenge I believe we can all agree that that the message of that song is powerful amen amen the message of that song is powerful but I ask you this evening and I asked myself this evening again what have you done with the message of the Cross can we all agree here tonight that Donald Trump is not the answer for America can we all agree that Hillary Clinton is not the answer for America can we all agree that Jesus is the answer for America that's a poor amen can we all agree that Jesus is the answer for America that's a little better you guys need to be 18 one more time can we all agree that Jesus is the answer for America America that's a little bit more like it you know Jesus is the answer for broken marriages Jesus is the answer for addictions Jesus is the answer for everything and if you're born again here tonight you have the answer and the world many times will not know the answer unless you share it is Jesus good enough for you that he's overflowing you know sometimes we make it so hard we think we have to go out and do things but you know what God has been so good to us it should just overflow out of us amen when people meet you they should say something's different about that person when they meet Jason Fox they something's different what do you got that I need Jesus is attractive I challenge you with this message when you leave this place here tonight decide that you are going to share the message of Jesus Christ when somebody gets talking about about politics this week and I'm speaking to myself man I'm as guilty as anybody I like to talk and you know what but wouldn't it be nice if we'd say you know what but you know what the real answer to this is Jesus we we last night we had our youth group and I made him carry for a mile and a half I made him carry a a piece of a an 8ft piece of uh plywood cut about in half and I spray painted I love Jesus on it and they had to run a mile and a half with that thing I had four groups of them and they had to get signatures along the way and you were they said you were amazed you would be amazed at how many people were yelling yeah Jesus I don't know if they would ran through with Hillary Clinton or Trump they would May got run over but you know what people they they understand it and they want to know I'm supposed to be we're supposed to be singing not me talking and preaching but I I leave you with this let's let's make a difference if everybody here if everybody here would decide this week I'm going to tell five people five not a 100 five one two three four five maybe I think if the church would get excited about Ser about uh telling the world about Jesus I think we could turn this thing around through Jesus Christ obviously I really do I think if if if America's gonna um if America is if Revival was going to happen in America it's going to start right here with us and it needs to start first in Lancaster County it needs to start first in Burks County or Lebanon County wherever you're from this song is a fun song but it's got a good message it says go tell the world he have to keep another promise every prophecy he made has been fulfilled the season of his coming is upon us then this world will know what Jesus said is go tell the world go tell the world it's not a story go tell the world go tell the world left Tom go tell the world the world in glory go tell the world he'll be back he's coming soon it's time to sounds and he the warning Christians have to make the message clear ready he may come before the morning if they miss it they can't say they didn't hear go tell the world tell the world story go tell the world go tell the world he left it go tell the world go tell world now in glory tell the world he'll be back he's coming soon if we stand the weak will lean upon us if we shine the blind we'll see the light we're so sinner friendly weest what's wrong with telling Sinners to get right go tell the world go tell the world it's not a story go tell the world tell the world he left the Tom go tell the world tell the world he in glory go tell the world he'll be back he's coming soon go tell the world it's story go tell the world he left the go tell the world he's now in glory go tell the world he'll be back he's coming soon go tell the world he's coming back and coming soon go tell the [Applause] world and you will certainly see as they come forward that that they are a prettier group than us love fil my cousin down here says amen a hearty amen um I love family singing and i' we've been around uh we' been sang with a lot of people and I and I say this sincerely that this group here this family group here is is really toed tier they're one of the best I'm sure they're going to have some more to say about about a new recording we got a chance to hear a little bit about it tonight and uh so you're going to hear some new music tonight perhaps so it's going to be a good evening a fun evening and then when it's all said and done we're going to come up here and sing two or three song three songs together so would you go ahead and put your hands together and welcome the N [Applause] [Music] [Applause] family init the praise inhabit the glory inhabit the songs of joy we bring we lift up our hands we lift up our voices we lift up our hearts as an offering our voices We rise our voices we our voices We R and we say Lord inhabit the pra init the praise Lord we bring to you our music in the best way that we know how and we ask that you would choose as a dwelling place right now we are humbl by your presence yet we boldly face your throne and we stand in onest reverence would you make our High your home inhabit the praise inhabit the glory inhabit the songs of joy we bring we lift up our hands we lift up our voices we lift up our hearts as in offering our voices we raise our voices we raise our voices we raise and we say Lord inhabit the praise inhabit the praise so we shout our [Applause] Hallelujah we exalt and we adore knowing even as we praise you you are worthy of so much more in the praise inhabit the glory inhabit the song of joy we ring we lift up our hands we lift up our voices we lift up our hearts and offering our voices we our voices we oh and we say Lord in heav the pr in have the Lord init [Music] [Applause] [Music] the my my my what a joy to ser my Jesus Oh that I could explain the way I feel rejoicing in unspeakable joy and full of Glory it's amazing but praise God I know it's real when I reive salvation i f such Jubilation when Jesus came anded my sins away he gave me strength and power to face the Midnight Hour with all in my heart is soul I now can say my my my what a joy to serve my Jesus Oh that I could explain the way I feel rejoicing in unspeakable joy and full of Glory it's amazing but praise God I know it's [Music] real [Music] [Applause] [Music] now Jesus is my savior he gives me love and favor He's My Redeemer Master Lord and King down here I'll tell my story I'll give God all the glory he brought me out and gave me a song to sing my my my a joy to serve my Jesus Oh that I could explain the way I feel rejoicing in unspeakable joy and full of Glory it's amazing but praise God I know it's real my my my my what a joy to serve my Jesus Oh that I could explain the way I feel rejoicing and speakable joy and full of Glory it's amazing but praise God I know it's real it's amazing but praise God I know it's real it's amazing but praise God I know it's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] real how along if you know it we praise thee Oh God for the son of thy love for Jesus who died and is now gone above Hallelujah the Glory hallelujah amen hallelujah the glory re us again we praise thee Oh God for the spirit of love who has sh us our savior and Scattered our Hallelujah find the Glory [Music] Hallelujah Hallelujah the glory reive us again all glory and praise to the lamb that was slain who have born all our sins and have cleansed every St Hallelujah find the glory hallelujah amen hallelujah th the glory Rive us [Music] again Rive us again fill each heart with thy love may Soul be kled with fire from above Hallelujah th the Glory [Music] hallelu Hallelujah the glory reive us [Music] Hallelujah the Glory Hallelujah Hallelujah the glory reive us again and Rive us [Music] again hallelujah [Music] hallelu amen isn't that what we all want Revival amen ask God to revive our heart and I'm hoping whatever that was um I'm hoping that each one of us can can uh know that God is shining in our hearts and that ask God to revive us if there's Revival needed and that is what we're going to be singing about our Jesus this evening that revives us we are the not family uh my name is Winford this is my wife juwel and God has blessed us with uh 26 years of marriage and we have eight children three of them are along with us this evening up here now the oldest is Brandon uh he is 24 and he's married to Michelle she's somewhere in the group and uh second in line would be janesa she is married to to a Canadian so she's north of the Border we miss her we'd love to have her with us but she's married to Greg Balman third in line is Sharice she is 20 and she's dating uh Curtis grath guy I think he's here somewhere too um anyway too bashful to S stand maybe um next in line would be Victoria she is not with us this evening she sings in a course and unfortunately she isn't here but she is 18 uh Megan is 16 almost 17 and uh I'll introduce the other young younger ones as when they come [Music] up I'm going to sing just as long as it takes for a song to make sad at Spirits free I'm going to keep making music that carries the secret that Jesus is Liberty I'm going to turn off sounds that will drive people down to the pit of despond Andy with the sweet happyun he is coming soon for children like you and me it's a song that'll carry a message along through the dances of foggy nights and is the rope that can throw man hope when he's going down for the third time it's a sweet melody that can cut your heart free from the chains of a past defe you can suddenly see through the sweet harmony your path for your wandering feet I'm going to sing just as long as it takes for a song to make sad every Spirit free I'm going to keep making music that carries the secret that Jesus is Liberty I'm going to turn off the sounds that will drag people down to the F of despond with the sweet happy tun is coming soon for children like you and don't tell me the world is a hopeless old place and I might as well just get in to the Doom and Gloom life's waiting room for the blow that will do us all in I can't sympathize when before my eyes there's a hope shining Brightest Day I got to follow the song that keeps drawn me on with my feet dancing all the way I'm going to sing just as long as it for song to make sad every Spirit free I'm going to keep making music the car is a secret that Jesus is Liberty I'm going to turn off the sounds that will drag people down to the P of despondency with the sweet happy J is coming soon for children like you and me I'm going to sing just as long as it takes for a song to Mak sad every Spirit free I'm going to keep music the car secret that Jesus is Liberty I'm going to turn off the sounds that will dve people down to theond with the sweing for like you and me with the sweet Happ coming for children like you and [Music] me [Music] amen what a song we have to sing if Christ lives in our hearts we have a song to sing and to tell the world something that the world is waiting for us to tell us tell them you know how many people do you miss spreading God's love and cheer because well maybe we're just too busy we just don't have enough time in a day to to uh talk to somebody about Jesus this is the uh last three uh of our children uh this is Kendall and he is 12 and he also has a twin brother over there getting a mic he also is 12 and his name is Zachary twins have added a lot of spice to our home life a lot of good things a few bad but more mostly good and this is Lexi she is six and they have a song that they want to sing for us I can [Music] [Music] I can I can with the Great I Am I can do the unbel I can I I know I with him all things are possible with him all things are possible I see God's power in a tiny seed it grows in flowers and become the tree so when in God's power I just feel who do greater things with someone like me I I with the Great I Am I can do the unbelie I can I with him all things are possible with him all things are possible one morning David stood by himself overcame a GI CU he had God's help and Moses s God's people free he believed in the Lord opened up the sea I came with the I am I can do the unbelievable can I can I know I cuz with him all things are possible with him all things are possible so if Gods me to go Mountain I w't turn I won turn him by his grace he w make a way that's why I say I can I can great I am I can do the unbelievable I can't I can't I know I cuz with him all things are possible yes with him all things are possible [Applause] [Music] weak and wounded sinner lost and left to die raise your head for Love Is Passing By come to Jesus come to Jesus come to Jesus and now your bird is lifted carried far away and the precious blood has washed away the stains sing to Jesus sing to Jesus sing to Jesus like a newborn baby don't be afraid to cry and remember when you walk sometimes we fall so follow Jesus follow Jes Jus [Music] Jesus sometimes away is lonely Steep and filled with pain so if your sky is dark and pours the rain cry to Jesus cry to Jesus chist [Music] Jesus and and with your final heartbeats kiss the world goodbye and go in peace and have on glor side and to Jesus to Jesus to Jesus and to Jesus Jesus to [Music] Jesus I don't know what you're facing tonight but isn't it precious that we can come to Jesus wherever we are whenever he's there for us um it's a precious promise and I just invite you to come to him tonight if you don't know him as your personal savior the next song that we're going to sing is stand still it's the cover of our second CD that we did and it talks about when you're going through tough times that if you just stand still and let God move in your life he'll do amazing things for you so just listen to the words of this song and um Let It minister to your heart [Music] the father has a it's hard to see it now feel you're walking all alone but he is there no doubt when the storm around you rages and you're toss to and when you're faced with life's decisions not sure which way to go stand still and let God move standing still is hard to do when you feel you have reached the end he'll make a way for you still let go Mo when the enemy surrounds you and the walls are closing in When the tide is swiftly rising in you wonder where he's been friend there never was a moment that his arms weren't reaching out you can rest assure and be secure God is moving right [Music] now stand still and let God move standing still is hard to do when you feel you have reached the end he'll make a way for you stand still and let God move stand still let God move standing still it's hard to do when you feel you reach the end he'll make a way for you stand still let God Mo the answer will come but only in his time stand still and let God MO stand [Applause] still and let God move [Music] before I was born into history in time he pan creation with me in M for my heart he saw my face I was made in your image I'm no he chose my family the place of my birth knew all about me before I had birth I was born out to serve you your kingdom work and all of my days are written down in your book I'm running the race down to the last mercy and grace are keeping me in there's a fire in my soul I'm fully committed I'm running the race and I'm going to [Music] finish I've fallen down in this race of life but you came to my rescue time after time you told me you love me you weren't counting my sin and knew I found courage to rise up again I know you are for me you want me to win I give you my soul till the very end out there before me I see the bright Jesus is standing at the finish I'm running the race down to the last minute mercy and grace are keeping me in it there's a fire in my soul I'm fully committed and I'm running the race and I'm going to finish I'm running the race down to the last minute mercy and grace are keeping me in there's a in my soul I'm fully committed I'm running the race and I'm going to finish I'm running the race down to the last minute and grace are keeping me in it there's a fire in my soul I'm fully committed I'm running the race and I'm going to finish I'm running the race and I'm going to finish I'm going to finish I'm going to [Music] finish that's easier sung than done amen but I hope that each one of you have that goal the end of the race the prize and that is heaven and I my my burden tonight is that each one of you including myself would be faithful to the end would run the race with the best of our abilities we all have talents and you know life life isn't always hard and this next song talks about forgiveness and that's something that I um find hard in my own life is to forgive and you know we we expect God to forgive us but how often do we forgive others so willingly and uh you know why can't we forgive when God forgave us and that's just the title of next song why can't [Music] we [Music] he lies awake there all alone most every night looking back on all of his mistakes wishing through the tears that he could just go back cuz there's a lot of things he'd like to change he just can't forgive himself and forget even though God already did if he can love some and find the goodin in of what theyve no matter where theyve been if he can let it go and set the DAT free if he can keep for you and me why can't we [Music] there times I've been so hurt by someone else I didn't want to give a second chance I let all the bitterness take control so Grace into my own hands but even Jesus said whoever no let him throw the first stone if he could love someone and find the good with in spite of what they've done no matter where there if he can let it go and set the J free if he can keep foring you and me why can't we he was hated and rejected betrayed by those he trusted even hanging on the cross he said father please forgive them if he can and find the good with in spite of what they've no matter where they've been if he can let it go and set the Dead free if he can keep foring you and me why can't we why can [Music] we [Applause] [Music] don't want to sing yesterday song I want a new song in my heart a s about how Jesus brought me out a song of Victory a song of Praise I'll sing a s when youres on me I'll sing a s a song ofe Down live my voice High to praise and glorify your holy name your Holy Name I'll let the flow the river in my soul I shout your praises to let the whole world know as as I have me to sing I'll sing a new [Music] song Lord you're worthy you and you alone to be honored there upon your throne as I thank you you open Heaven Gates they to your with face I'll sing a new s when youres on I'll sing a a of redeemed I live my voice High to praise and glorify your holy name your holy name I let the words from the river in my soul I shout your praises to let the whole world know as long as I have bre me to sing I'll sing a new song all glory and honor belong to you forever and ever my praise is due has taken my sin and given me a reason to let my voice sing I'll sing a s when youres on I'll sing a s a of the redemer I my to praise and glorify your Holy Name Your Holy Name I'll let the words fall R the river in my soul I'll shout your praises to let the whole world know as as I have bre to sing I'll let the words from the river in my soul I'll showout You Praises to let the whole world know as I me to sing I'll sing a new song as long as I [Music] I'll sing a new [Music] song Amen I hope by being here tonight gave you a new song to sing and it's just one way of encouraging each other uh now I don't I don't know half the people that are here but I hope each of you are a born again Christian and that is that is something that is important uh to God and uh it's something that he calls each one of us to do he gives us a choice in life you can either serve him or you can serve Satan it's either one or the other there is no great areas in God's eyes we have one more song we're going to sing and then we're going to ask Garmin of praise to come up and help us to sing We we sang three songs together this afternoon and uh I'm not sure how you mix a male quartet and a family Harmony together but we're going to try and see how it sounds hopefully it'll be it'll be something that you a [Music] l oh Lord you brought us from a mighty long way a mighty long way in the wilderness oh Lord you brought us through the thick and th through the far wind to a better place you brought us down to bring us [Music] in oh Lord you brought us from a mighty long way a mighty long stay in the wilderness oh Lord you brought us through the F and then through the fire and wind to a better place you brought down to bring us in all those years longing for a land we were start much to we to stand and they took their to Ty of the Soul with no place we could call our own with no song Lord you heard our gr and you made a way where there was no [Music] way oh Lord you brought us from a mighty long way a mighty long stay in the wilderness oh Lord you brought us through the thick and thin through the far and wind to a better place you brought us down to bring [Applause] us out of chains and the bond of men out of death and the curse of sin through the desert in to the pro to the prised land to the promised land oh Lord you brought us from a mighty long way a mighty long stay in the wilderness oh Lord you brought us through the th through the wind to a better place you brought us down oh Lord you brought us from a mighty long way a mighty long stay in the wilderness oh Lord you brought us through the thi and through the Far and Away to a better place you brought us [Applause] down oh Lord you brought us from a mighty long way a mighty long stay in the wilderness oh Lord you brought us through the through the wind to a better place you brought us [Music] down to bring [Music] us amen while they're coming forward we just got done recording uh a new CD and um we hope to have it here for this evening but it's coming on Tuesday so this appointment to us but uh there is back in our table there's a signup sheet and if you car to a lot of the song uh I would say maybe 75% of the songs we sang tonight are on that CD um so if you care to you can write your name down and we'll see that you get one in the mail if not they'll be at some stores locally here and you can find us uh on the web um so go ahead and sign up if you need it you ready [Music] [Music] boys [Music] home is where the heart is and my heart's on home though I never really had one to call my [Music] own I've been given a key by the carpenter of Galilee Within SP the titles made to [Music] me oh where there is no night home where the sun is the light the place I've been dreaming of so long loved ones there to welcome me but his sweet face will be the first I'll see when my jour's over I am going home every dreams of going home it seem lately I'm no exception to the but home is so much more windows walls and doors it's a warm and Grace a smiling face that's waiting you where there is no night home where the sun is the light the place I've been dreaming of so long loved ones there to welcome me but his sweet face will be the first I see when my jour's over I am going [Music] home where there is no night home where the sun is alive the place I've been dreaming of so long L said to welcome me this sweet face will be the first I'll see when my J over I am dare to welcome me his sweet face will be the first I'll see when my jour's on I am going home when my Jour I am [Music] going probably a most requested song of the Garment of Praise that we have never sung I don't think so in public setting is the song Jerusalem and so when we got together this weekend or when we put together some suggestions for this weekend I said Jason you think we can sing Jerusalem and this is a a good song a song of of longing a song of Joy a song of delight we're going to see if we can't pull it off this this evening a favorite song of ours [Music] Jerusalem John saw a city that could not be John saw a city oh yes he did aimp of the golden tell me all about it go right on around the saw the crystal sea there's be what will it be I want to go to that City [Music] [Music] heus I want to walk your streets set are gold and I to run where the angels jerusem I want to rest on the banks of your River in that city city of God John saw the lion laid down by the lamb I want to know everything about John saw the day but he did not see night the Lamb of God must he saw the Saints Worship the Great I am cing worthy Worthy is the Lamb I want to go to that City he saw [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jerusalem I want to walk your streets our gold and I want to run where the angels have jerus L I want to rest on the banks of your River in that city city of God [Music] Jerusalem [Music] Jus sing for the is in the highest forever forever [Music] more I want to walk your streets that our gold and I want to run where the angels have jerusem I want to rest all the lights of your [Applause] River the city city of God C of God [Applause] Jerusalem [Music] [Applause] jity of God city of that was fun goodness F to sing with old people Winford s sang sang a song earlier that said about speak dancing all the way I was almost ready to cut some rug up here myself go ahead no I can't thank you for coming out tonight and making this a special evening together with us we have sure enjoyed singing with these guys here and I'll tell you one thing I think they're going to be around for a for a long time that little girl there's got a lot of personality can you see that and those two boys goodness that boy sings higher than I did already so anyway cheer those little guys along and there's going to be some good stuff down the road I'm short tell you what we're going to do we're going to sing a song that that you will recognize I think and I know there's some ushers are going to need to to move some chairs they asked us to uh so go ahead and stand together everybody stand up and and uh go ahead and fold those chairs up so we don't forget to do it fold up a chair and put it against the against the aisle there we're going to have a closing prayer here and we have a key to song up that you probably will will many of you will know when we get to the course go ahead and sing along with us and this is a this is a song that you will enjoy but let's let's just thank the Lord for before we dismiss heavenly father it's been good for us to be together here this evening and what a joy it is to be be called your children and to experience the love and fellowship what it is to be together with God's family you know the hearts you know the needs of each person that's here perhaps Lord there's a heart that just needed a Special Touch tonight I pray God that a message of a song or something would have touched them encouraged them to live Faithfully Lord help us to go on our way rejoicing Lord you are faithful you're a good God we depend on you we know God that you will carry us through so bless these people we pray for safety as we go our separate ways and Lord tomorrow as we Minister and serve in your kingdom God help us to continue to be faithful fors in Jesus name we pray amen little of Love kindness with hat blindness take a little time to reach for joy and wear a happy face sing a little when the days are give a little help to a friend that's we that's a way to make the world a happy a little B of love and kindness never go around with blindness take a little time to reach for joy happy sing a little B when the days are give a little help to a friend that's weary that's a way to make the world a happy place Sing a Song Sing a Song Che spread some Che Lely people [Music] everywhere the of sing along with [Music] us time Reach For Joy and we happy sing a little B when the days give a little to a friend that's we that's way to make the world a [Music] happying some bring someting and discourage on life Ro see a see a hand there are many who are sh time just never go around with hat take a little time to reach for happy face sing a little when the days are a to a that's we way to make [Music] worldy take a little time to reach for joy and we a happy face sing a little bit when the days we give a little help to a friend that's weary that's the way to make the world a happy place kindness never with patience take a little time to for joyy sing when the days are a to we that's make the world a happy place sing a little bit when the days give a little help to a friend that's we that's a way to make the world a happy place that's make the world a [Music] happy be of kindness never go around with take time to for Joy Andy sing when days are a little to a friend that's weary that's a way to make the world a happy sing a when the days are give a little to a friend that's we that's way to make the world a happy that's the way to make the world Happy [Music] [Applause] you are dismissed
Channel: Herschberger Productions
Views: 155,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garment of Praise, The Nolt Family, Gospel Singing, Live Concert
Id: XvqVc3hmXQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 7sec (6487 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2016
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