The Nine Situations ( ART OF WAR II ) - Walter Veith Sermon

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shall we open with prayer again loving heavenly father we live in such tumultuous times and there are many many souls and the value of decision and soon there will be many more and so i pray that you will enlighten us and that your spirit will give us the right ideas the right attitude the right decorum so that when we internalize what we hear that we may give it to others so that they too can stand on the sea of glass one day this is our prayer in jesus name amen now last night we we looked at the theater and we looked at who owns and controls the theater and we saw that the roman catholic church said it is the catholic church's birthright not only to own but to control all media the press the entertainment world what goes out over the media and television and other similar structures which would include of course the internet and we saw that jesuit theater plays a very prominent part in inducing a mindset in humanity which they want to see developed and i believe that there's a master strategist behind that who is so brilliant that even those who think they can resist will fall if they do not have jesus to protect them from this power it is the devil himself who is the great orchestrator because the more i study about these things the more i realize what intense occult knowledge these people who are involved in these things actually have and it is medici learning at its best or shall i rather say at its worst we ended last night with the show with this quote shows and theaters satan's ruling passions is to pervert the intellect and cause men to long for shows and theatrical performance the experience and character of all who engage in this work will be in in accordance with the food given to the mind the lord has given evidence of his love for the world there was no falsity acting in what he did there was no falsity no acting he brought the word plain and simple and people flocked to him didn't they you know the image that catholicism has put into the world of this wrathful deity up there has totally destroyed the character of god and it lies shattered on the highways of the theological institutes jesus was never like that you never trembled in his presence unless you were exposed for what you were there were some in history whose knees knocked together when his hand wrote against the wall do you remember that so don't underestimate god's power and his justice but when it comes to his humanity and how he represents the godhood people loved to hear him children never ran away from him they always ran towards him isn't that so now what image do we represent of jesus christ do we draw people or do we scare the living daylights out of them that is a question we all have to ask ourselves and these lectures are not there to give people insight into the occult world and all of these issues this is purely to show that the devil is in control of this world and that he has an agenda and is brilliantly executing it to such an extent that virtually the whole of mankind is deceived and he's using the situations which he himself creates to channel the thinking of humanity into a funnel of thinking which will make their mind in harmony with that of rome and the only ones who can expose this issue are those who believe every single word in the bible and by the grace of god make it their passion to show the world that they are in harmony with the word of god so shows and theaters are the ruling passion now let's go a little bit deeper this is not a lecture about movies i'm not interested in that i'm interested only in the mindset and where it's leading you know we can go through movie after movie after movie after moving showing what the occult mindset is that's not the purpose of these lectures there are others who can do it far better than me i'm just looking at where's leading so there's method in my madness so please bear with me these are the deities of old apollo and this also known as pan and diana diana of ephesus we all know about her she was the great deity that the athenians worshiped and of course we know that the body of the beast of revelation 13 is the body of a leopard and the leopard according to daniel chapter 7 represents which power greece this is greek mythology and greek mythology is what medici learning is based upon the ancient wisdom accumulated over time from babylon all the way through to modern babylon and this medici learning is the heart and soul of false religion now these deities pan and diana can be traced as i said to babylon in egyptian times osiris was the manifestation of god in the flesh through pharaoh so pharaoh was always considered to be the reincarnation of the god osiris and like all the ancient deities they have a light side and they have a dark side after all the serpents said in the garden of eden you will have a knowledge of good and evil god never wanted us to know evil he never wanted anyone to experience the consequences of evil and he never wanted anyone to weep at the grave of a loved one it wasn't his purpose he wanted us to have a knowledge of good but then we became like the great deceiver and had the knowledge of good and evil now here is the goddess diana now here is pan in his negative form he is a form of a goat and he's the god of sexuality the god of violence the god of panic that's where the word comes from and his instrument of choice is the pan flute now let's go a little bit to hollywood and just unpack some of these things because these people are high occultists and you will notice that all these great actors when they have something important to do run to the pope for a blessing have you noticed that they will run to the pope for a blessing and the pope is the high priest of this order and we will unpack that as we go on now walt disney's peter pan wendy john and michael darling and the mother of course would be mary darling there's always a mary in there and she's depicted as this most gentle blue-eyed loving personality now who are these peter pans and wendy's and the other actors in the story well it's a depiction of the god pan and the relationship is a relationship that we find echoed in the representatives of the god pan the living flesh a representative of the god pan who is the equivalent of the god osiris pharaoh was the god king the king of babylon was the god king so these rulers they were god king were religious as well as political rulers and they were deified and the representative of pan as we will see is the pope now he has a funny little hat on here's another depiction of the god little god pan as disney portrays him and he's always dressed in green have you noticed that and he has the funny little hat with a feather and then there are these interesting little other characters like john and michael darling now we're going to meet the name john quite frequently because john becomes an acronym for something else as we will see so if we look it up on the wikipedia what do they tell us about that john is shown to be extremely sophisticated despite his age he often speaks in a sophisticated way which his younger brother michael usually mimics and repeats in a simplistic way for example john oh i should like very much to cross swords with some real buccaneers and michael will say yeah and fight pirates too so that's an example of the simplicity he also shows interest in piracy of course little michael which may explain why he plays the part of captain hook in his nursery games with his younger sibling now let's think biblical michael what is that what comes to mind when you think of michael the archangel michael michael means the one who is what god is so here is the representation the angelic form of what god is in the form of jesus now in the occult world there are two brothers in heaven in the occult world who's the higher brother we we did it last night lucifer and the stupid brother is who jesus and michael likes to play the role of the pirate captain hook who is the evil one in the occult world good becomes evil and evil becomes good okay when they cross swords can you see that the swords are also in the form of a cross they're actually playing with crosses so here are two opponents now we have to get a little bit closer to this john system but let me just go to a roman catholic cathedral where i was in europe and as i was walking through the grounds by the way in this cathedral the high politicians of the world come together quite frequently to discuss the next moves and as i was walking through the gardens i saw this statue of david and david here is depicted as the shepherd the good shepherd carrying his sheep but then i looked a little bit closer at the statue and if you will look over there he has an instrument in his hand and the instrument is the pan flute now you and i know david didn't play the pan flute did he of course not what did he play he played the hand hop so he didn't play the pan flute so this is not david this is the god pan in his good shepherd form now knowing catholicism i had to then go and search for the counterpart of pan in his evil form as the goat god now obviously they won't have a huge statue there of that deity in that form so i had to go and look at it and i walked around the building and looked at the architecture and searched for where are you hiding evil god pan i'm i'm kind of cuckoo you see and i came up to one of the facades and boom there he was the goat god pan so in actual fact what is being worshipped here is the manifestation of lucifer in this form he's the god of the knowledge of good and evil he is the true god as we saw in blavatsky's quotes the older brother the intelligent one now his representatives on earth must therefore re reflect both characteristics and his representatives are the pope who wears white and the black pope who wears black pretty simple so the one represents the good so the front that is for the public is what the white pope does but what the black pope does is very often the exact opposite of what the white pope does remember yesterday that song tsu said if the sovereign gives an order doesn't mean that you have to obey it right you can do your own thing so if he says hey you can do b because who is stronger and mightier than the sovereign the general the general is in full control but the white pope is the representative of the good side and the black pope is the representative of the dark side now having established that this is the god pan and that his counterpart is hidden somewhere in the facades we can continue with our story here is pope francis and he has decided to retain his cross normally when you become pope you receive a gold cross but he decided he was going to retain his simple silver cross now if we increase its size a little bit we will see this image on here and here is supposedly the good shepherd there's the flock of sheep and there is the good shepherd but this good shepherd has his arms crossed can you see that okay now who had his arms crossed always there you have a typical depiction of pharaoh as a representative of the god osiris and he's always depicted like this and we saw the same symbol that was used in that movie v for vendetta remember the symbol of this coming messiah who would take over the world and rule in the occult thinking the higher entity now are we pushing our luck here i know there are some that say you know you're pushing your luck let's see here is the vatican again here is pope benedict being crowned let's have a look at his miter there it is and of course he also uses the bent cross which is the symbol of victory over jesus christ with an emaciated jesus hanging there helplessly now if you look at his mitre i've tried to enlarge it for you and it's not very clear but it's absolutely mind-boggling there you have the god pan playing his pan flute question what is the pope doing with the god pan playing the pan flute on his mitre now that must tell you something so in both cases we have the god pan the present pope has the god pan in the osiris position is the representative of pam is the representative of lucifer the the god of the knowledge of good and evil now let's go a little bit further and discuss this a little bit in terms of the next hollywood features disney of course was a high occultic and they made a movie called robin hood and little john now there again we have a john and the clever one in the previous one the brilliant one who always won the sword fight against his little stupid brother in any case who was always playing the role of the bad guy captain hook because good becomes evil and evil becomes good here we have them depicted in the animated form as the fox and the bear and you will notice that they were both wearing exactly the same hats as peter pan wore can you see that i put peter pan there for you again so that you could see that the hats that these two are wearing with a feather in it are identical to what peter pan was wearing so they're using a different story different imagery same message we just get a little bit more now in this version you will see that robin hood and little john are both wearing green can you see that they're both green and they both have funny little hats now if you go to the actual statue which you will find in england of robin hood and little john you will see that they're also wearing green now what does all this mean robin hood is the leader of the mary band that takes from the rich and gives to the poor social justice social justice now little john meets him on a log and neither of them wants to give way and they battle it out but little john you can see is not so little although this one is very adept robin hood is incredibly adept the one who's really the stronger one is little john and eventually little john beats robin hood and knocks him off the log and he ends up in the water and they both start laughing like crazy and they decide to team up and robin hood says to little john you are stronger than i i'm going to make you the leader of the band and little john says no i'll be just there in the background you are the leader but whenever robin hood is in trouble then little john takes over and leads the merry band now in this acronym who are they they are the representations of the god pan in the good and in the evil form or the earthly representatives if you like the pope in his good and his black form and again which one is stronger the white one or the black pope the black pope and he's the one who's more adept with the sword he is the general and he is the one who succeeds now is this far-fetched let's go a little bit to the history books architects of the underworld unriddling atlantis anomalies of mars and the mystery of the shrinks a book written in 1996 it's quite an interesting book the prototype of all these would seem to be osiris he's talking on the previous chapters about uh all these things and then let's jump down to here the greeks recognized their own dionysius as a derivation of osiris represented him as a bearded face cut into a tree in this form he can be found in celtic lands as the green man barley corn or jack in the green the god of vegetation osiris skin was painted green his face is found in orthodox christian churches in britain cut into the very masonry now you must remember that most of those churches were what kind of churches they were catholic churches presidents just took them over he is robin wood from whom robin hood or ud as the english would said odin is derived which should be no surprise if he's connected to the fairy folk since they are intensely interested in helping the poor robin hood's style of cap is phrygian the same cap ward by mitras and sometimes by adonis with an accompanying short tunic and cloak hermes is depicted wearing exactly such a cap with wings on it where robin hood has a feather as is odin too much later groups adopted this distinctive headgear as their trademark as michael howard knows in the occult conspiracy the revolutionary god of the french revolution and the medieval masons so there's an occult craft in these seemingly innocent stories and this one is particularly interesting because rome was banned from great britain so robin hood representing the dark deity or the light side of the log dark deity was banished into the woods and his job was to steal from the rich who were the rich the protestants and to subvert them and what is his damsel's name just for interest sake marion and if you look at the at the correlations you will find that indeed it is mary now when the pope gets inaugurated and he spends the next hour or two praying who does he pray to he prays to mary because he is betrothed to her he's married her that's why celibate he's betrothed to mary and mary is an acronym for lucifer and we can go into that in more detail if you wish let's go again to this word john the cathedral of saint john the divine which is of course impossible because saint john was never divine the cathedral of saint john the divine officially the cathedral church of saint john the great divine in the city and diocese of new york it's the seat of the episcopal diocese which is the same really as catholicism and it is the same cathedral in which they crucified showed the crucified form of a female christ called krista and there it was portrayed it's interesting that the granddaughter of sir winston churchill actually sculpted it and so winston churchill's little apron as high freemason is right there in the freemason headquarters in london and i guarantee you it's there i took my picture of it with my own camera and i saw it with my own eyes and it says there winston churchill's apron by the way what was i doing there they opened some part of it for the public and so we got in there and took those pictures all right what do they do at the saint john's the divine cathedral they show in that cathedral because it's always under construction and this is interesting it has to be under construction because it depicts the progress of the occult agenda and it's interesting that one of the latest sculptures is this one can you see the twin towers there and the smoke behind it it's the destruction of new york depicted in the cathedral the destruction of new york city in the twin towers sculpted right into the building strange occult symbols on the floor weird rituals there for example the blessings of the animals where you can bring your cow and whatever you have your horses your donkeys anything and they bless these animals and uh what else their house it is the home of the temple of understanding which admittedly seeks to initiate a new world religion the temple of understanding is a united nations organization it has as its basis the writings of alice a bailey who is the one of the successors of madame blavatsky in other words lucifer is the deity whom they worship now why would the headquarters be in this institution now this name john why do the occultists love this name john and why is it so different to the others i'll write this a little i'll do this just now let me just explain this word john to an occultist john is very very important now which john are they referring to are they referring to john the disciple or are they referring to john the baptist and the answer is they're referring to john the baptist now why would they refer to john the baptist and if you look at the names of the popes there are 23 popes with the names john and there are two with the names john paul and there are six with the name paul now why are the names john paul john paul so popular how did john the baptist and paul lose their lives they were beheaded now if you are on the side of jesus that is a horrifying thing to have happened to them if you are on the side of lucifer then that is your signal of victory over your enemies so by taking the name john as an occultist you're actually saying i'm celebrating the destruction of the followers of jesus christ and of jesus christ himself are you with me so it's a very skew way of looking at it now the the white pope issues orders and the black poet opposes him which doesn't make any sense unless you see it in this occult connection of good and evil so when pope john paul ii issued a few directives of what had to happen then the black pope through his jesuits would respond with exactly the opposite point of view so the pope will always say peace peace and we must give to the poor and we must give to the poor and we need to get morality back we need to get this back and that and the other and the foot soldiers are doing exact opposite and we're not talking about little foot soldiers we're talking about cardinals doing the exact opposite then wouldn't you be a tad surprised and think excuse me what's going on here well when john paul gave wrote the theology and the church or when he gave a directive a jesuit born in uruguay and residing in canada wrote the treatise theology and the church which carries the subtitle a response to cardinal ratzinger and a warning to the church ratzinger and john paul worked very closely together and the ratzinger who was then the cardinal who was in charge of the doctrine and faith for the roman catholic church was the one who was the spokesperson for john paul and this jesuit writes as such the book is the defense of every jesuit priest that shoulders a carbine and joins the jungle gorillas it makes clear why jesuits can be ministers with portfolio in marxist governments why jesuits can attack john paul ii on his teaching on sexual morality why jesuits spent their days and their life solving union problems organizing sugarcane workers running factories constructing low-cost housing helping the planet planned parenthood federation of america spread the use of contraceptives run nationwide hospitals and dispensaries and networks organize political demonstrations for this and against that according to the issues of the day are presented by the teaching authority of the people's church these are the actions of the new faith true to the new theology according to which the material needs of men must be the prior object of the church's effort this is fascinating so the material needs of men are the prior object of the church's mission not to spreading the gospel not at all and these people rile up the unions and cause the chaos in the world they don't care whether the blood flows they don't care whether the pope says all these nice words they'll do exactly the opposite whatever it takes and then you get this yin yang idea of how they work and how they operate so here is cardinal dolan the church thanks god for cardinal egan because cardinal egan had just died now the archbishop or the cardinal of new york is always the highest knight of malta in in america and here he is and what is his first act that he performs new york cardinal timothy dolan led manhattan saint patrick days parade on tuesday as grand marshal despite backlash from faithful catholics unhappy with the organizer's decision to allow an openly homosexual activist group to march in the event i'm as radiant as the sun so thanks be to god for the honor and joy said cardinal dolan on tuesday morning as he led 250 000 marches down fifth avenue including a delegation from etc a group of gay activists who work for mbc the network that televised the parade okay who owns the press who owns them cardinal dolan leads new york's st patrick's parade as first ever gay activist group joy catholic commentator michael voris and his team were present at the parade and were able to question dolan on his decision during press scrum your imminence do you have anything to say about loyal catholics who find what you are doing here a great scandal to the faith no come on in we'd love to have you dolan replied the controversial decision prompted the catholic league in at least one catholic school to pull out of the parade while nearly 5 000 people signed a petition urging cardinal donan to withdraw from the event as a show of support for catholic teaching forbidding homosexual behavior but the cardinal refused to back down expressing support for the group's inclusion i have no trouble with the decision at all cardinal dolan said at a press conference announcing his appointment as grant marshall i think the decision is a wise one meanwhile the parades organized further upset rank-and-file catholics by refusing to let pro-life group march said that they didn't want to risk taking attention away from the gay group now when you read that it doesn't make any logical sense would you agree wouldn't you expect a mega reprimand from the pope or something of course not a whisper because if the pope says we have to be moral we have to be you know good examples and christians the black pope says hand out contraceptives push the drugs let's go crazy because this is how it operates this is how it works all right let's take that into the press where are we going what is the aim of this how can one shout morality and the other one shout immorality how can one be a lone voice in the wilderness and the masses be on the side of the evil how is this working and eventually society is just looking from one to the other and now are begging for some kind of order who's going to create order out of this chaos but that's exactly what they do order out of chaos now let's have a look at this conflict that is raging in the world with the islamic world i'm not going to do all the details here i've got more details in the original one but let's just look at some of the basics you remember the horrific things that happened in france is charlie the simpsons stands with charlie hebgo now we know that the simpsons of course are an occult program written by high educated occultists so this was a horrendous thing that happened and the simpsons stand with them now what are they going to do are they going to condemn the muslims are they going to say this has got to stop we have to annihilate this kind of thing wednesday january 21 2015 muslims again called to outlaw defamation of religion with exceptions so we want a law to outlaw defamation of religion now the united nations tried or there was such a proposal for such a law and it did not succeed and so now we have this we have the surrender situation where people are blowing each other up killing each other left right and center and nobody seems to be doing anything and groups like isis are taking over one bastion after the other and nobody does anything about it except drop a little bomb here drop a little bomb there and we find that the supply routes to these organizations i mean do you go to a supermarket to pick up an anti-aircraft missile somebody must supply it right who's supplying it ask yourself some of these questions so they want defamation of religion you're not allowed to say these evil things about muhammad shaible who is one of the members of parliament in the european parliament in germany he says we should allow targeted death sentence this is the first time the world is actually beginning to speak like this we need to target these extremists we should be able to take them out excuse me is there going to be a death decree according to revelation chapter 13. we should be able to target the extremists and take them up the germans were quite upset with him but he doesn't seem to be too perturbed about the issue well what are we going to do are we going to battle against islam white house resists calls to focus on islamist terrorism at three-day extremism summit it looks like extremism sabbaths are becoming the order of the day okay white house officials are downplaying calls to focus on islamic terrorism in a three-day summit aimed at preventing violent extremism insisting that recent attacks should not lead to stereotyping of certain communities as higher risk in other words it's not just the muslims don't focus on the muslims there are more problems than just the muslims i wonder who the other problems are going to be the international conference which begins on tuesday in washington will seek ways of deterring home-grown terrorism has been criticized by republicans for failing to single out islamist extremism for particular scrutiny excuse me the media is telling us where the problem is they're saying no no no no no it's not just them we want broader definitions of extremism are you getting the picture i'd like to hone in on that wouldn't you like to hone in on that okay despite having been convened by barack obama in the wake of the terrorist attacks in paris here's the great opportunity to say there's the problem no no no we won't the problem is broader we want broader legislation we want broader legislation so maybe this is to the advantage of somebody and who could it be advantageous for catholic herald pope francis paris attacks the result of a deviant form of religion pope francis called on religious communities to condemn terrorism especially muslim leaders he said i express my hope that religious political and intellectual leaders especially those of the muslim community will condemn all fundamentalists and extremist interpretations of religion which attempt to justify such acts of violence okay then he goes further radio vatican pope francis religion should not be confined to personal conscience excuse me will you repeat that religion should not be confined to personal conscience who is he speaking to he's speaking to the italian president sergio matarella on the right there the orderly development of civil pluralistic society requires that the authentic spirit of religion not be confined to personal conscience but that its significant role in the construction of society is recognized is this asking for legislation is this asking the political structures to put gates and fences in terms of how far your individualistic thinking may go okay his remarks to the italian president though independent church and state share the common responsibility of meeting spiritual the people's spiritual and physical needs with humility and dedication he's asking for church and state then ban ki-moon proposes meeting for religious leaders at the united nations new york the u.n secretary general ban ki-moon announced during the meeting against extremism violence held in washington this week that the agency plans to hold in the coming months a global meeting with religious leaders from around the world with order to send a strong message of tolerance solidarity and reconciliation it sounds to me that you're not allowed to say anything bad about anyone pretty soon would you agree all right the meetings brought together representatives of 60 countries aiming to join efforts to prevent radicalization and recruitment of individuals especially young people by radical organizations again they fail to single out a single group in his speech ban ki-moon warned of the apogee of a new generation of transnational terrorist groups that pose a serious threat to peace and global security he warned he warned is planned to deliberate ways to polarize and terrorize provoke and divide us the majority of victims stated are muslim to meet the challenge defended the maximum head of the new hand knew end we need to have cool head common sense and not get carried away by fear and win the battle in the minds of a new generation this is a battle for the mind this is the battle for the mind and it all begins in schools where we can teach compassion and empathy to children he stressed the importance of combating ideologies poisonous associated with extremism i know therefore in many cases of oppression and corruption and injustice anti-immigration then it goes on and on and on let's get a little closer can the pope help us any further pope condemns religious fundamentalism and middle east violence pope francis france strongly condemned violence in the middle east friday and an interview with the vatican correspondent he said the following his first visit to the middle east as pope last month the part of criticized fundamentalism in christianity islam and judaism as a form of violence a fundamentalist group even if it kills no one even if it strikes no one is violent the mental structure of fundamentalism is violence in the name of god okay so who's being thrown into the same pot now as people who blow themselves up and everyone around them christianity what's the definition again of a fundamentalist a protestant who believes in the creation this is the dictionary definition who believes in the creation who believes in the virgin birth who believes in the literal resurrection of jesus christ and believes in the literal coming of jesus christ in the clouds of heaven that's a fundamentalist i think i'm in trouble just a tad what do you say okay now we all know that saint catherine's cat for the church sentinel the cardinal wrote people who think that the scripture should be the sole authority should logically become seventh-day adventists and keep saturday holy and a note from the editor of mary online regarding the issue of sabbath sunday he said the challenge sabbath sunday issued by rome over 100 years ago referring to an article says either the catholic church is right or the seventh-day adventists are right there can be no other choice if one choose neither then the whole doctrine of sola scriptura collapses and with it the pillar upon which all of protestantism stands okay this is catholic answers for questions so this is an official roman catholic site answering questions and the question is what about seventh-day adventists and the answer by the catholic answers is seventh-day adventism cannot change its views on the catholic church being the of babylon without admitting that it was wrong on sunday worship it cannot admit that sunday worship is not the mark of the beast without changing its views on the jewish sabbath seventh-day adventism cannot cease to be anti-catholic without ceasing to be seventh-day adventism i could have kissed the man and here is the stamp of approval from the cardinal himself i've concluded that the materials presented in this work are free of doctrinal and moral errors there he is so okay does rome know who the protestant challenge to their superiority is in this world they just said it they just said it now do you think that people need to be prepared out there by the media that seventh-day adventists are a problem okay now here's another like the simpsons it's a it's a comedy show and it's the famous family guy watched by millions it's an adult sitcom but kids watch it all the time i was fascinated this is a very new one about this normal family this family guy by the way this is the most horrendous most disgusting most blasphemous show on the planet it is disgusting and they sell paraphernalia and models of all the things that they that they do it is so evil that it can only come out of the pen of the worst anti-christian people on the planet i'll give you a few examples in case you don't believe me god is depicted as this little old man dressed in white and he's constantly in the story and he's a pervert so he stands behind the tree and it's his fault that adam and eve sinned because he wanted to see them naked and he's got girly magazines behind him because he's a pervert and they have god in all kinds of positions when he breathes the world into existence he doesn't do it with his mouth he does it with the other side it's disgusting it is really so blasphemous it's unheard of but millions and millions of people watch it millions very popular in britain and here is this normal family you see this is a normal family you see they have a nice little ponch and they have a dog and they have a kid and they're normal now in this case they're in the house of a group of people who are probably christian science and uh they're saying and christian scientists have a few odd ideas about medication and so on a few very odd ideas between us but nevertheless look how nice and prim and proper they are can you see them and so they have a discussion with them and they come to the conclusion that these people are crazy and as they leave they compare their craziness to the craziness of someone else now children are watching this millions of people are watching this and they're taking these subliminals into their mind let's watch as they get up to leave this house i think we're wasting our time here they're obviously very committed to their beliefs but their beliefs are crazy brian i don't know who's crazier these people are those seventh-day adventists i'm a methodist we believe that the lord is our savior and we remember him by going to church and praising him every sunday i'm a seventh-day adventist we believe all the same things that you believe but we go to church on saturdays [Music] do you think young minds seem to think so talk crazy i think it's possible and it's very interesting who's the individual who knocks the seventh-day adventist over the head methodist so what is the subliminal message well it's not so subliminal it's pretty direct we are told that the greatest onslaught will probably come from the protestant world it's interesting that they chose methodists because alan g white was a methodist and was removed from that establishment so these messages are already being put out there in the world i'm going to read you from the book evangelism and testimonies to ministers how often are we told this is me writing to soften the message of warning to only live an example necessary as it is but not to expose the evils of the man of sin and in those and those who are in confederacy with him we are called to expose the man of sin in the very time in which we live the lord has called his people and has given them a message to bear he has called them to expose the wickedness of the man of sin who has made the sunday law a distinctive power who has thought to change times and laws and to oppress the people of god who stand firmly by keeping the only true sabbath the sabbath of creation as holy unto the lord we have a job to do people always ask me why you why are you always bashing the pope i'm not bashing the pope he's bashing himself he is and i have to expose him and we will do some more exposing some serious exposing when we become more uh methodical in our study in a moment so now let's having given you this background up until this moment we just had background now we need to understand where we're going and why we're going in that direction we know there's coming a clash and the clash is between catholicism and seventh-day adventism they say so themselves so this people is going to become prominent and the world will think you are cool that's what they'll think of you unless we have our facts straight and we can give a thus says the lord as to why we believe what we believe and why what they believe is wrong and not biblical because you will all be tested on this very point and we need to be educated educated educated of all people seventh day adventists should be the most educated on these points on the whole planet because you know what the salvation of thousands if not millions out there depends on our witness this is no time for fooling around now let's have a look where we're going jubileo extraordinaire from the 8th of december 2015 to the 20th of november 2016. the vatican has an agenda and this pope has called for and ordinary it's cutting up i don't know why a holy year of mercy here he is seen kneeling down doing whatever is necessary and you can see my sources are all vatican direct sources so let's study what the man has to say he says there's a bull of indiction for of the extraordinary jubilee of mercy francis bishop of rome servant of the servants of god to all who read this letter grace mercy and peace let's look at some of the highlights at times we are called to gaze even more attentively on mercy so that we may become more effective signs of the father's actions in our lives for this reason i have proclaimed an extraordinary jubilee of mercy as a special time for the church a time when the witness of believers may grow stronger and more effective the holy year will open on the 8th of december 2015 the solemnity of the immaculate conception now we need to bear those in mind the immaculate conception remember that last night we looked at this issue and we saw that maryland was dedicated to mary and that the immaculate conception was part of it now when it talks about the immaculate conception you must understand that it was that was immaculate not jesus mary was immaculate liturgical feast days recalls god's action from the very beginning of the history of mankind after the sin of adam and eve god did not wish to leave humanity in alone in the throes of evil and so he turned his gaze to mary excuse me isn't it fascinating that he should say that because the bible says in the first promise that the messiah would come i will put enmity between thee and the woman right thou shalt bruise his heel between thy seed and her seed thy shall bruise his heel and he shall crush thy head that's what the bible says but not the jewish version which is the jesuit version it says she you will bruise her heel and she will crush your head now i rest my case as far as that is concerned this pope has exactly the same viewpoint because in the occult world mary as the female is the counterpart of the male so it doesn't matter whether it's female or male or whether it's good or evil they interchange those and by giving the attention to mary they are excluding jesus therefore the worship of lucifer because nobody comes to the father except by the son good holy and immaculate she's holy and immaculate we need to understand what's going on here choosing her to be the mother of man's redeemer i've spoken about that already on the following sunday this will happen the doors will open the basilica will open and then the next chapel will open the door and eventually the chapel doors will be opened all over the world and anybody who comes to the holy door will receive an indulgence who is the mother of mercy here god or the church remember that the church lays hold of this gift this merit that is available to them and hands it over to those who are being punished for sins already forgiven remember the doctrine so the pope is the one that is handing out the mercy he is playing god then it says i have chosen the date eight december because of its rich meaning in the recent history of the church in fact i will open the holy door on the 50th anniversary of the closing of the second vatican ecumenical council now occultists are numerologists everything is numbers we saw that in the simpsons everything is numbers everything works in cycles everything works in jubilees and they get the whole world excited about jubilee and this is going to happen on just jubilee and that's going to happen and planet obiro is going to hit you on that jubilee and this jubilee jubilee jubilee nonsense we have the word of god all of those things were when there was a theocracy we don't have a theocracy anymore so to mix these kinds of religious ideas and make that your focus is missing the point we have a more sure word of prophecy we know what is going to be happening there will be a law that will bind your conscience either to choose god's way or to choose their way all right so this is the 50th year the anniversary of the ecomedical council he chose that date so it's a jubilee of echomenism the catholic church as she holds high the torch of catholic truth at this economical council wants to show herself a loving mother to all patient kind moved by compassion and goodness towards her separated children excuse me blessed pope paul the sixth spoke in a similar vein at the closing of the council we prepared preferred to point out how charity has been the principal religious feature of this council the old story of the good samaritan has been the model of this spirituality of the council a wave of affection and admiration followed from the council over the modern world of humanity errors were condemned indeed because charity demanded this no less than did truth but for individuals themselves there was only admonition respect and love she's so wonderful all of a sudden her hands are dripping with the blood of the saints but listen how she talks about separate thinking about the protestant world another point we must stress is this all this rich teaching is channeled in one direction the service of mankind a jubilee also entails the granting of an indulgence this is such a slap in the face of protestantism martin luther started the reformation by nailing his thesis against adult indulgences on the church door with what right does the pope hand out mercy to people who have been forgiven but now have to pay the price for their sin it is making of none affect the atonement of jesus christ it's removing him out of the equation of mercy and placing the mercy directly onto the shoulders of a representative who denies him the very atonement which saves us so he says there's a special aspect of this mercy it relates us to the judaism in islam i trust that this jubilee year celebrating the mercy of god will foster an encounter with those religions and other noble religious traditions so this is an economical jubilee that he is proclaiming my thoughts now turn to the mother of mercy may the sweetness of her countenance watch over us in this holy year does this man have no idea that she's sleeping for most 000 years already our prayers also extend to the saints and blessed ones who made divine mercy their mission in life do you see where we're going he's emphasizing every single doctrine that led to the reformation and he's saying i'm putting it in your face and you're going to join with me in spite of it can you see that now let's make sure about this theology then he says i think especially of the great apostle of mercy saint faustina kowalska may she who was called to enter the depths of divine mercy intercede for us so the intercession of saints is very much part to this day of the doctrine of roman catholicism and obtain for us the grace of living and walking always according to the mercy of god and with the unwavering trust in his love given in rome saint peter 11th of april 2015. okay where you going here is saint faustina kowalska nobody's ever heard of her and she suffered yes she was born in 1905 and she died in 1938 so she died a very young woman and my heart goes out to her her entire life according to catholic online is in imitation of christ who was to be a sacrifice a life lived for others at the divine lord's request she willingly offered her personal suffering in union with him to atone for the sins of others there you got it they didn't this is catholic doctrine i'm not making it up her special devotion to mary immaculate and to the sacraments of the eucharist and reconciliation gave her the strength to bear all our sufferings as an offering to god on behalf of the church and those in special need especially great sinners and the dying so it is catholic merit of mary catholic merit of saints that is transferred by papal power to those who have their sins forgiven because the argument is god you cannot exercise mercy without violating justice justice demands death you cannot grant grace and justice and mercy kissed each other on the cross because god proved that he can be 100 percent just by letting the death penalty fall upon him corporately on all mankind because he's the initiator of mankind resurrecting himself i lay down my life and i take it up again as god and then granting life to anyone who's willing to accept salvation in jesus christ and die to sin justice and mercy kissed each other but satan says that's not possible and therefore justice demands that you pay for your own sins this is catholicism this is this doctrine and i'm wondering how protestantism can ignore all of this this comes out of the pen of francis i'm not talking about some medieval pope here and say we want to join up with you protestantism have you lost your mind think again mary queen of all this is an interesting book it's not in favor of catholicism but it discusses very frankly all the marian apparitions and here is one of them in another message mary told the sears tell this priest tell everyone that is you are deny divided on earth the muslims and the orthodox for the same reason as catholics are equal before my son and you are all my children so this is to get all the religions together right mary's message of peace unity and tolerance is one that a distressed and perplexed world craves economical movement towards rome on page 25 it says in this book how far along is the queen of heaven reunification plan is the pope whom she guides currently active in drawing all christians on the roman catholic church the queen proclaims that there will come a time when all christian them will be reunified under the roman church is the papacy doing that at the moment yes or no are we seeing this trend today the answer of course is yes papayas the ninth made this remarkable prediction in 1878 concerning mary's role to establish the world under her church the roman catholic church we expect that the immaculate virgin and mother of god mary through her most powerful intercessional session will bring it about that our holy mother the catholic church will gain in influence from day to day amongst all nations and all places prosper and rule from ocean to ocean from the great stream to the ends of the earth that she will enjoy peace and liberty and there will then be one fault and one shepherd you know what you don't have to hope to make a rediction prediction like that you just have to read your bible doesn't the bible say that the whole world will wander after and that a deadly wound will be healed so satan knows that he can make these people proclaim anything the late archbishop fulton sheen who reached millions of viewers through television series believed that it would be mary who would cause muslims to convert to christianity and unite under the roman catholic church in sheen's book the world's first love mary mother of god he comes to some startling conclusions concerning the future of islam in his chapter entitled mary and the muslims if you think ying yang if you think like dark is it possible that you could use whole religious systems in this way yes or no and drive people to a particular mindset of reconciliation and no more expose of the evils within the system so that everybody can unify and become one and if there is then finally a dissenting voice then silence it at the present time the hatred of muslim countries against the west is becoming a hatred against christianity itself although the statesmen have not yet taken it into account there's still grave danger that the temporal power of islam may return and with it the menace that it may shake off a west that has ceased to be christian you know what this is fascinating stuff we are seeing this exact thing happen and the west is becoming more and more fearful and beginning to cling to its christianity because it seems like the peaceful way the loving way whereas the other one seems so harsh if you steal you lose your hand shut it up if you steal again you lose the other one what are you going to do then steal like this so the mindset of christianity is let's let's let's just get rid of all extremism no more argument about religion it's just causing pain and suffering and war let's get rid of it all and anyone who opens his mouth and dares to say something let's shut him up it is our firm belief that the fears some entertain concerning the muslims are not to be realized but that islam instead will eventually be converted to christianity this is what he believed now this man over here you all know him robert schuller 33 degree freemason founder of the crystal cathedral he had a full-sized statue of fulton sheen erected in his church the crystal cathedral and he states the following he said i consider fulton sheen the brightest the most brilliant the most beautiful christian in mind and heart that i've known in the 20th century no one inspired me more than fulton sheen to use the television to reach unbelieving i'm believing the word of christ interesting these birds of a feather all flocked together 2017 so the year 2016 is going to be a special jubilee to bring everybody to the realization that we need to be one and all the catholic doctrines associated with salvation are rubbed into the face of everyone rome has not changed now 2017 is the year of jubilees so 2016 is a preparatory jubilee for the jubilee of jubilees now when there's a jubilee the occultists all get excited when there is a jubilee within a jubilee the occultists go ballistic when there is a jubilee within a jubilee over a jubilee under a jubilee through a jubilee they faint and this is 2017. now again let me make it quite clear i'm not setting any times i'm just quoting what is going to happen in 2017 and then we'll make some conclusions by no means am i saying the end is in 2017. but events will be in progress which will make our theology which is biblical on the second coming of christ so prominent that the whole world will see it let's have a look at it 2017 the year of jubilees pope at charismatic rally and stadium invites them to the vatican in 2017. francis also said catholic charismatics have a special role to play in healing divisions amongst christians by exercising spiritual economism or praying with members of other christian churches and communities who share a belief in jesus as lord and savior forget about the doctrines just have to mention the name jesus then everything will be fine pope francis finally invited the crowd which included charismatics from 55 countries to come to saint peter's square for pentecost 2017 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the movement so there's a jubilee for you he said i expect all of you charismatics from around the world to celebrate your great jubilee with the pope at pentecost 2017 in saint peter's square okay so there's a jubilee and the charismatics who are the glue to glue all of christianity together again must celebrate in the vatican so here's the catholic charismatic renewal organization golden jubilee they're getting all excited they have the pope's stamp of approval 2017 is going to be the great day but over and above that in the year 2017 is the 100th anniversary of the apparition of our lord of fatima 2017 fatima as you know is associated with islam and there's a very good reason why all this happened at fatima but even in islam fatima will be the second highest woman in heaven according to the quran after mary so the pope has decided to do a special pilgrimage to fatima in 2017. now this is 100th anniversary so how many jubilees is that that's two jubilees so we had a charismatic jubilee and now we have a jubilee of jubilees so we've already got a jubilee of jubilee of jubilees this is going to be very interesting and then just to crown it all you have the prophecy of rabbi judah ben samuel rabbi judah ben samuel was top talmudic scholar in germany just before he died in the year 1217 he prophesied that the ottoman turks would rule over the holy city of jerusalem for eight jubilees that is 400 years the ottoman turks did take control of jerusalem 300 years after the rabbi's death in 1507 and as according to the prophecy the ottoman turks then lost jerusalem 400 years later again at jubilees in 1917 then he went on to predict what will happen after the eight jubilees the ninth jubilee would have jerusalem being no man's land and from 1917 to 1967 one jubilee it happened to be like that the six day war etc etc etc etc so this is a jubilee beyond jubilees 2017 1217 rabbi judah samuel ben samuel predicts 300 years 515-17 turks take control of jerusalem 400 years eight jubilees turks loose jerusalem 1917 50 jubilee 1967 six day war another jubilee after that ends in 2017 which he calls the day of the lord now if you are an occultist you plan all your events according to jubilees do you think it's possible for them to actually plan wars and takeovers according to their jubilees so i wouldn't be too impressed about the complete fulfillment of this prophecy because they can orchestrate it that it works out that way but then to crown it all roman catholicism comes out with boiling point 2017. woe woe woe to the inhabitants of the earth and end-time predictions most people are unaware that they are in the most violent war of all times and the number of casualties will be in the billions the pit of hell has been opened and demons have been gathering in souls for damnation loss of faith in god has allowed these demons to come upon the earth and it is possible that the world will soon experience the great tribulation spoken of in the bible few will survive these apocalyptic times boiling point 2017. everything points to 2017. what will be so exciting about that not get scary martin luther 2017. this is the uh protestant world perspectives for the reformation jubilee 2017. now i'm not so interested in their other silly little jubilees but i'm very interested in this one this one is important what's going to happen here and what are they planning for 2017 perspectives on the reformation luther 500 years of reformation how many jubilees is that the religious world presents profound changes western societies move in the direction of multicultural and multi-religious relationships if they are not already shaped by them in this setting the insights that have grown as a result of working out differences and in the give and take of the christian confession should be constructively applied in the present in the face of the plurality of religious persuasions and world views a sense grows for that which is shared by all christians at the same time each respective profile retains its particular significance from the global total perspective of the one christendom a longing is expressed to have a culturally but also religiously identified and identifiable whole i'm getting nervous in a 2008 interview with journalist emil hackness jesuit professor eduard kinman who was the then time general secretary of the netherlands bishops conference said the following there remains hardly any reason to remain a protestant and he saw protestantism as an action group that forgot to dissolve itself and now listen to this and a group that had not recognized the significance of a global visible leadership personality such as the pope and then he continued this is a jesuit speaking head of the college of of uh bishops moreover he stated that he doubted that the reformation would still exist after 2017. the year when protestantism commemorates its 500th year of existence what are you going to celebrate folks religious news services reported that the two sides that's protestantism and catholicism have decided to bury the hatchet for the upcoming commemoration of the commencement of the protestant movement the vatican and the lutheran world federation released a joint document called from conflict to communion in geneva on monday june 17 2013 they released it already that said there's little purpose in dredging up centuries old conflicts in the document the two churches recognize that in the age of echomanism and globalization the celebration requires a new approach focusing on a reciproc the reciprocal admission of guilt and on highlighting the progress made by lutheran catholic dialogue in the past 50 years the fact that the struggle for this truth in the 16th century led to the loss of unity in western christendom belongs to the dark pages of church history excuse me i thought they were the dark ages which protestantism changed but no this is the dark page of church history in 2017 this is now the lutherans writing we must confess openly that we have been guilty before christ of damaging the unity of the church now i would very much like to know and i know it's going to be a little bit tedious from now on but we we really need to know so they challenge you to study the document but before we do that i want to read from the great controversy potpourri is just what prophecy declared that she would be don't you like my chameleon isn't he cute he's clinging to what he's got there and he's looking everywhere i searched long for him he's perfect for this for the slide popper is just what prophecy declared that she should would be the apostasy of the latter times it is part of a policy to assume the character which will best accomplish her purpose but beneath the in the variable appearance of the chameleon she conceals the invariable venom of the serpent we are not bound to keep faith and promises to heretics she declares shall this power whose record for a thousand years is written in the blood of the saints be now acknowledged as part of the christian church strong words strong words now is the author crazy or does the author have a point the book further continues it is not without reason that the claim has been put forward put forth in protestant countries that catholicism differs less widely from protestantism in former times there has been a change but the change is not in the papacy catholicism indeed resembles much of the protestantism that now exists because protestantism has so greatly degenerated since the days of the reformers i recently spoke to a very important fellow in our own ranks and he said to me vatican 2 was a breath of fresh air i said it smelled to me like sulfurous drugs he was very shocked with me and then he said rome has changed rome grants religious liberty rome has completely changed i said excuse me rome has not changed one iota that's the attitude you get from your own people and you wonder what's going on here are these people blind as the protestant churches have been seeking the favor of the world false charity has blinded their eyes they do not see but that it is right to believe good of all evil and as the inevitable result they will finally believe evil of all good instead of standing in defense of the faith once delivered to the saints they are now as it were apologizing to rome did we just read that for their uncharitable opinion of her begging pardon for their bigotry well because there are so many in our own ranks even that believe that rome has changed and that she is now a fine christian example i think we should go through the document that the lutherans and the catholics jointly gave to the perusal of the world to celebrate unity of all the religious divides in the year 2017 at that great meeting now i have been going for an hour and three quarter i won't get through this document but we have to go through this document seventh-day adventists must know what stands in this document i've not seen anyone else even mention it we must know what's in this document because we must be able to stand before council one day and say what we know here is the document please note where it comes from it comes from lutheran this is the lutheran church this is document from conflict to communion lutheran catholic common commemoration of the reformation in 2017. it says here from conflict to communion the lutheran roman catholic commission on unity invites all christians to study its report open-mindedly and critically and to walk along the path towards the full visible unity of the church now as to the first part the lutheran roman catholic commission on unity invites all christians to study its report open-mindedly and critically amen i'm going to do that and to walk along the path towards full and visible unity of the church after you read it i hope you will never do that because has rome changed or has protestantism changed that's my question and if my own ranks say that it has changed and that it is for religious liberty then i want my people to wake up get out of your slumber this is serious the fact that the struggle i'm quoting now for the next lecture this book and we're going to look at some of the salient points we might not have to go through all of them but we need to know doctrinally what has happened and who has changed and if the great controversy is correct then we need to take our stand with the great controversy the fact that the struggle for this truth in the 16th century led to the loss of unity in the western christendom belongs to the dark pages of church history in 2017 we must confess openly that we have been guilty before christ of damaging the unity of the church this commemorative year presents us with two challenges the purification and healing of memories and the restoration of christian unity so what they want in 2017 to celebrate it together christian unity in 2017 please i'm not saying jesus will come in 2017 i said there will be christian unity or at least great progress towards christian unity by 2017. and then the lutheran roman catholic commission on unity has taken seriously the words of pope john the 23rd the thing that unite us are greater than those that divide us do you believe the pope the year 2017 will see the first centennial commemoration of the reformation to take place during the ecumenical age it will also mark 50 years of lutheran roman catholic dialogue now this is very interesting this is not chance because occultists work by their calendar can you see a jubilee within this jubilee there is a jubilee within the jubilee on top of all those other jubilees within jubilees over jubilees under jubilees jubilee jubilee jubilee they are in a in a tiz at the moment lutherans and catholics have been able to re-interpret their theological traditions and practices excuse me recognizing the influences they have had on each other therefore they long to commemorate 2017 together so the differences have been reconciled now if two parties have differences and there is some give and take and this one says okay sorry i was wrong here and this one says sorry i was wrong here that's one thing but if the differences are reconciled and the one party stays exactly the same it was and the other one has to give up every single principle then there's something wrong now we have to prove that they asked us to critically study it let's do it for more than 100 years pentecostal and other charismatic movements have become very widespread across the globe these powerful movements have put forward new emphasis that have made many of the old confessional controversies seem obsolete that's an interesting story she will make fire come down from heaven whereby she will deceive the people on this planet and they will take the signs and wonders as if god is in the movement when actually it leads straight to death so the charismatic movement with the emphasis on the gifts and not on the doctrine is the glue that sticks them all together it creates new commonalities and communities across confessional boundaries and it will play a significant role in the observance of the reformation in 2017. now you know why the pope invited them we're going to celebrate now only a jesuit could write like this what happened in the past cannot be changed but what is remembered of the past and how it is remembered can isn't that brilliant with the passage of time indeed change that's interesting while the past itself is unalterable the presence of the past in the present is alterable that's jesuit double talk in view of 2017 the point is not to tell a different history but to tell that history differently isn't that brilliant the breakthrough for catholic scholarship came with the thesis that luther overcame within himself a catholicism that wasn't fully catholic ah so luther erd because he didn't understand catholicism he was the professor of catholicism the crisis in catholicism made luther's religious protest quite convincing to some very condescending total gibberish i'm gonna go till when five more minutes ten all right the dialogue partners are committed to the doctrines of their respective churches which according to their own convictions express the truth of the faith the point i want to highlight what appears to be an opposition in expression is not always an opposition in substance we need to know how these people think remember this is not a catholic doctrine document this is a joint document by the lutherans and by the roman catholic church when luther did not see a biblical basis in rome's statements or thought that they even contradicted the biblical message he began to think of the pope as antichrist but this by this admittedly shocking accusation luther meant that the pope did not allow christ to say what christ wanted to say and that the pope had put himself above the bible rather than submitting to its authority the pope claimed that his office was instituted your divino by divine right while luther could not find biblical evidence for this claim they don't say it's not so they just sang what luther thought and they soften it very much and then the very next paragraphs they say charles v delivered a remarkable speech in which he set forth his intentions the emperor argued that a single friar erred when his opinion was in opposition to all of christianity for the last thousand years that's a great argument let's go through the doctrines by grace alone together catholics and lutherans confess by grace alone in faith in christ's saving work and not because of any merit on our part we are accepted by god and receive the holy spirit who renews our hearts while equipping and calling us to good works this is the joint declaration on justification between rome and the lutherans and you will remember that tony palmer read that very statement to the evangelicals here in this country and got them so excited that the reformation was over that they all skedaddled and ran to the pope do you remember that okay now i've given a whole lecture on this i think it's a two and a half hour lecture where i look at this document in detail but let's just take this one sentence just take a few minutes on the sentence by grace alone in faith in christ's saving work and not because of any merit on our part we are accepted by god and receive the holy spirit who renews our hearts while equipping and calling us to good works what's wrong with that this is a devious jesuitical sentence because you are saved by grace by the toning blood of jesus christ but in this one you are saved by grace in faith in christ's saving work because catholic theology teaches that you are not saved by the blood of christ god could have done it another way christ was just going the full way and he was actually murdered he didn't lay down his life for you it is his good works which atone or make up for your and my evil works remember that distinct difference now this is a document on justification alone and yet it continues and says and not by any merit on our part we are accepted by god and receive the holy spirit to renews our hearts while equipping and calling us to good works excuse me that's not justification that's sanctification so it's a mixture of justification and sanctification to get where they want you to go so you are saved by the good works of jesus and the other saints and mary did we just show you that did i show you the quotes from pope francis's pen yes so this is not justification justification is a legal term legally it is when god takes his righteousness and covers you with his righteousness so that you are covered by christ in christ that's justification it is a one-time legal enactment it is us in christ what is sanctification christ in us that's another process so here you have a mixture so that you can justify the good works and the other important thing is in catholic theology you receive the merit you are meritorious in protestant theology the merit always belongs to jesus it's always a gift and there's nothing that i can contribute here's a question when adam and eve were created at the end of the sixth day how much had they contributed to the creation nothing it was finished he got to name the animals but he didn't create the animals right so what part in the creative act did adam and eve play zero now adam and eve were dead in transgression they didn't immediately physically die but they were dead in transgression what part can the descendants of adam and eve in the same condition play in recreation can a dead man resurrect himself no but there's one who could if he was god i lay down my life and i take it up again so the only one who can give you life is the one who has life within himself correct so christ must be god he cannot be an angel he cannot be a created being it can be nothing it can only be god otherwise salvation doesn't work so when jesus rose from the dead he could impute his righteousness and impart his righteousness justification and sanctification to those who accepted the great sacrifice that he had made this is a total jumble luther understood the sacrament of the lord's supper as a testamentum he emphasized his belief that christ gives himself his body and blood that are really present faith does not make christ present now we're going to get into the eucharist the real presence of christ i'll end with this tonight the fourth lateran council used the verb trans-substantiate which implies the distinction between substance and accident although this was for luther a possible explanation of what happens in the lord's supper he could not see how his philosophical explanation could be binding for all christians in any case luther himself strongly emphasized the real presence of christ in the sacrament which is true in the beginning he did which is true they're clever lutheran roman catholic dialogue on the eucharist the question of the reality of the presence of jesus christ in the lord's supper is not a matter of controversy between catholics and lutherans i think i'm going to have a heart attack the lutheran roman catholic dialogue on the eucharist was able to state this is not a joint declaration the lutheran tradition affirms the catholic tradition that the consecrated elements do not simply remain bread and wine but rather by the power of the creative word are given as the body and blood of christ excuse me excuse me so trans substantiation it is the body and blood of christ the literal corpse of jesus is what the lutherans believe do you know who john rogers was who knows john rogers nobody yeah he was an englishman that's good you all know tyndall right tyndall is the man who paid for his life by giving you the bible in the english tongue he was a roman catholic priest who became a protestant and he decided he's going to translate the bible into english and thanks to tindor we have the english language as it is today because the bible gave that english language and tyndall was not allowed to be burnt alive because he had been a roman catholic priest so they strangled him to death before they burnt him dead but he hadn't completed the work he hadn't completed it and so another man came along and decided to finish the work that tyndall had begun and that was john rogers so thanks to john rogers and tyndall we have the bible in the english tongue and then they finally caught up with john rogers after he had finished translating the bible so that you and i can have it and they caught him and he didn't have the privilege of tyndall they didn't strangle him they were going to burn him alive but they gave him a choice they said to him john rogers we'll give you a choice do you believe that this host is the literal body of jesus christ in body and flesh and blood do you believe that or do you believe it's just a symbol of the great sacrifice that christ brought and turndle says i believe it is a symbol of the great sacrifice of jesus christ who was sacrificed once for all for mankind's sins they said to him recant recant he said i won't he says if you just say it is the trump substantiate it is the literal body and blood of christ you can come down from the stake and you can live tender said light the fire and he died there was protestantism what's that that is a sellout of jesus christ of the highest order and i think we'll continue on that note tomorrow evening let's close in prayer heavenly father what are they doing with the doctrine of salvation can you watch any longer as those who profess to be your children crucify you and you help us lord to bring the message that there is only one salvation and that salvation is in you and no pope and no prelate can change that doctrine it is eternal and stands like the everlasting rock and help us to fall on the rock lest we be crushed by it in jesus name amen you
Channel: Stream Facts
Views: 47,841
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Keywords: Worship, Sabbath, Health, Temperance, Walter, VeithRemnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Seventh-day, Gospel, Veith, Duty, Healing, Nations, Ministryvideo, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, uploadRemnant, Manna, Sermon, walter veith, sabbath worship, stream facts, sermons by great preachers
Id: nTdCs0advoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 20sec (6680 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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