The New TUYA Home Assistant Integration (FULL SETUP)

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To be honest: these kind of super complex setups is what will keep HA from gaining a wider audience. Sure, I can do this (just did) as can most current users. But don’t expect this from any “regular” smart home fan. This could have been a perfect candidate to add to the HA Cloud. Manual setup for those who do not want to pay; easy setup (preferably without dev account) for those who do.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Stravlovski 📅︎︎ Oct 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

1106 error is driving me mad. At first, I installed the beta version and created a developer account using the same email and password as my app's. Authotization error. Then I created a new developer account using a different email. Authorization error. Then I asked Tuya to delete my account with the same email address in case it was creating a conflict then tried again. Authorization error. Removed normal Tuya and tried. Authrization error. Today, I tried installing new Tuya on a clean HA (no Tuya). Error 1106. Now people are saying to use the same cradentials as the app for the development account. Question: where should I apply for being admitted into a mental hospital?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Administrative_Dot18 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Over the last few months Tuya have been working on a new integration for Home Assistant. In Home Assistant 2021.10 Tuya v2 has had it's first commit into HA Core. It is now available as the official integration and directly replaces the original.

The integrations code has been refactored in Home Assistant Code reviews and meets Home Assistants integration standards. This is different to the Version that is available on HACS, but the HACS version will continue as the BETA integration.

This is a breaking change and not a direct upgrade.

In this video I run through some quick information about the integration and Tuya, as well as a full detailed walkthrough of the setup of the Developer account, Cloud Project and Tuya integration.

There is still no Local control, and Tuya also made an appearance in the HA 2021.10 Release Party :

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sparky3295 📅︎︎ Oct 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks, this got my devices back up and running. However, a thermostat for underfloor heating refuses to play ball. Since the update, it doesn't reflect the correct states or temps. The attributes currently look like this:

hvac_modes: []
min_temp: 1
max_temp: 7
target_temp_step: 0.5
current_temperature: null
temperature: 5
current_humidity: 0
friendly_name: Bathroom Floor
supported_features: 1

And I'm expecting something a little more like this:

- auto
- heat
- 'off'
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 32
- none
- boost
current_temperature: 22.4
temperature: 22
hvac_action: idle
preset_mode: none
friendly_name: House Heating
supported_features: 17

I can manually update the attributes, but they still don't seem to be getting any info to/from the device. I can still control the device via the SmartLife app, just not HA. Any ideas?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Pompz88 📅︎︎ Oct 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

I did everything exactly the same but when click submit on integration I get Login error (1106): permission deny

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/hamzechalhoub 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Since I implemented this new Tuya integration, it's actually made me want to find something other than Home Assistant to use for my home setup.

The light controls no longer work, all of my lights show 'off' in HA, yet all are on from an automation I set up to come on at sunset.

Every time I try to control one of my bulbs to change colors, it shuts off.

Any time I try to use the toggle switches in HA, (off to on), they qill show switched, then change about two seconds later to what they were before toggling them.

I have some other annoyances with HA as well, and frankly, things worked better in the past than they do now with HA. I grow tired of fking with this setup or having to reboot it three times a day just to make my thermostat work again in HA, or the light to show whether they are on or off anymore.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Am0din 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Got it installed, had to define a user with the same emial address as my app's email, otherwise wouldn't let me login into Tuya from HA (Error 1106). Now the setup is complete, but no devices in the integration! How many things are there to go wrong? Why so complicted? Do I need a PHD to run a lamp? Honestly, I am being pushed towards removing all smart trash out of my house and live my life like a normal person.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Administrative_Dot18 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
in today's video we're going to be having a  look at how to get the 2-year v2 integration   into home assistant without  using hacks check it out   what's going on guys i hope you're all doing well  for this first part of the video i'm going to be   running through some quick bits of information  about the integration and about two-year   and then for the next bit i'll be running  through the full setup and install process   so if there's a particular part you want to see  be sure to make use of those chapters in the   description below as you may well know over the  last few months two years have been working on a   v2 integration for home assistant which is based  on their new api which offers better security   better product support and more functionality  since the beginning of the project you've been   able to install the beta of the integration  through the home assistant community store   and it has received regular updates but this  isn't everyone's cup of tea making use of hacks   as some people prefer to not touch anything that  hasn't been signed off by the home assistant guys   so up till this point if you weren't making use  of hacks or you didn't manually install the files   yourself then you had no way of accessing the new  integration but with update 2021.10 that's now   changed as of update 2021.10 the v2 integration  has been pulled into home assistant core   which means it's now accessible as an integration  directly through the home assistant integrations   which means you no longer have to use hacks to  install it so that's great news if you don't   make use of hacks as the code will have had  to have met home assistant standards in order   to be pulled into core and if you're interested  i'll have a link to the v2 pull request for core   so you can go and read some of the exchanges  between two year and the home assistant guys   as well as view some of the changes that have been  made to the to your code a couple of other things   with the official integration as opposed to the  current build that's available on hacks with the   official integration the support for cover devices  has currently been dropped so at the time of   recording this video there's currently no way to  access your cover devices with the new integration   the reason it's been dropped is just because two  years methods and values for controlling cover   devices doesn't fall in line with home assistance  so it's been removed for now but it will be back   in the future once two you have refactored this  and while we're on the topic of refactoring the   code that's been used for the official integration  has all been refactored to meet home assistant   standards so this code is actually different  to the code that's currently available on hacks   and in my talks with twoyer they have said that  they're going to be making use of this refactored   code so in the next two year update which is going  to be version 1.6 it's going to be based on this   refactored code which is good because it should  mean everything's going to be lovely and neat   and just fall in line with home assistant so what  happens if you're currently running the original   integration if you were making use of the original  integration then unfortunately this is going to   be a big breaking change for you as it's not a  direct upgrade from the original integration to v2   the v2 integration is a complete rewrite of the  integration and again it's based on two years new   apis one option for making the transition from the  original integration to v2 a lot smoother would be   to just make use of the same entity ids so for  example in the original if you've got a light   in your kitchen called kitchen light in the  v2 integration you're just going to find that   same light and just give it the same entity id of  kitchen light that way any automations or scripts   or anything on your dashboard that you had linked  to kitchen light in the original integration will   just carry on working with the v2 integration and  what about if you've currently got the integration   installed in hacks if you do already have the  integration set up and installed through hacks   then it's entirely up to you the version that is  on hax is going to continue as the beta version   and it will receive more regular updates than  the official version the reason it will get   more updates or i should probably rephrase that  and say the reason it will get updates quicker   is just because it won't need to be vetted by home  assistant moving on then what about local control   so again if you've been following along  with the development of this integration   you'll know that local control was one of the  things that to you said that they'd be bringing   to the integration i did reach out to two years  to try and get some information about the local   control but they didn't want to give any dates  on it and they also said that it wasn't one of   their primary focuses at the moment so there's  no actual news on it as of yet but let's just   see what happens now let's have a look at how we  actually get the integration set up and installed   to begin i'm going to be assuming that you've  already got the 2year or smart life app set up   on your mobile device and they've already got  devices connected and set up with them and if   you've got that done which i'm guessing you have  as you otherwise wouldn't be watching this video   the next thing you'll need to do is to create a  developer account now the 2u developer account is   going to be separate to that smart life or to  your account that you're already using so the   developer account is going to be primarily just to  talk to the two-year api and to do various api and   developer related things and if you're getting a  bit put off by any of the terminology or phrases   that i'm saying then don't be you don't need  to be an expert programmer or in fact you don't   even need to understand any of the terminology  that's all we're going to be doing is just setting   up a developer account in order to get some  credentials to set up our two-year integration   and home assistant and just connect them together  so go ahead and enter your information there is   an optional box to enter a company name so if  you've got a company name go ahead and enter that   you're then just going to need to tick to agree  the terms and conditions and then we're just going   to hit next you're then going to be emailed the  verification code so we can go ahead and enter   that and just hit enter once you've done that  your account should be verified and it's going   to take us to the main login page and from here  we're just going to need to enter that account   information that we've just set up i'm going  to choose login you'll then be greeted with the   two-year iot navigation setup wizard so you can  just skip through this by just hitting continue   you should then be prompted with an account  type setup now don't worry if this doesn't   pop up as it's going to ask you this  later on if you haven't already set it   but if it has popped up here we're going to want  to choose to be an individual developer so we're   going to click set now and then we're just going  to want to select i am an individual developer   if you did get that pop-up and you chose to  complete it there and then like i just did then   this next step is important so you'll notice up at  the top there it will say that we've enrolled as   an individual developer but what it also says is  that our current country or region is set to china   which is obviously incorrect so what we're going  to need to do is just modify that so you'll see   this line below it just says that the current  country region is incorrect so we're going to hit   modify there it will then take you into the basic  information page and from here you're going to   want to set your country in region so i've swapped  mine over to be united kingdom so you'll need to   modify this and update it to whatever your region  is when you choose modify you'll get a list here   that you can choose and you can just select your  available country from that list do take care when   you're making this change to the country as if you  set it wrong you're either going to have to wait   30 days or you're going to need to set up a brand  new account with our account information now all   set up we can continue with setting up the cloud  project so let's go ahead and do that now just on   the left here you'll see the main navigation  bar and we're going to want to choose cloud   and then development if it's your first time using  this you'll be presented with a little help guide   but we're just going to hit skip on this the next  thing we're going to need to do is to select our   development plan now i've had a lot of questions  and messages about this section so i'll try and   answer a couple of those now along the top here  you'll see the various different editions and each   edition goes up in price and each one has its own  set number of api calls that are allowed a month   so for us and the purposes of this video we're  going to be making use of the trial edition so   with the trial edition we get a free trial which  is i think where a lot of confusion has come from   so with the trial edition when you activate it  it gives you access for one year so one of the   common questions i get is what happens after this  year ends so after your free trial comes to an end   you have to pay two years ten thousand pounds in  order to carry on no no you don't after your free   trial comes to an end it will just automatically  renew for free so you don't have to do anything it   will just automatically renew the second thing  that i got asked a lot was that it was asking   for payment information when you were setting  up the account now you don't need to enter any   payment information here so if it is asking you  for payment information you've probably selected   the wrong one so let's go ahead and do that now  so we're just going to choose free trial here   it's then going to take us to this little kind of  confirmation page and it's going to ask us again   which service that we want to choose so we're  going to want to make sure the trial edition is   selected and you can see here that the total value  is zero and it's not asking us for any kind of   payment information at all and with that selected  we're going to want to just choose buy now which   has again taken us into another confirmation page  and again just for the last time we can see that   we've chosen the cloud development plan we've got  the trial edition and it costs nothing and just at   the bottom there the total due is also nothing so  we're just going to go ahead and hit submit order   so with that done that's the trial edition set  up and connected with our account it didn't cost   us anything and we didn't have to enter any  card information from this page we're going   to want to head back into the main developer  pages so up at the top there just choose the   orange button which says iot platform and that'll  bring us straight back here to the main dashboard   so again on the left we're going to want to choose  cloud and at the top we're going to want to choose   development from here we're going to want to  just choose create a cloud project up in the   top right there or just in the center so go ahead  and click that you're then just going to need to   fill in the cloud project information so you're  going to need to set a project name which you   can set to be whatever you want you're going to  want to set the industry and you're going to want   to set that to smart home you're going to want to  set a development method which again you're going   to want to set to smart home and for the data  center you can pick more than one but you're   going to want to choose the one that's closest to  you so for me in the uk i've gone for the central   europe data center once you've entered all that  information you can go ahead and click create   we're now just going to need to set which apis  are authorized for our project as we chose the   smart home option it gave us some default ones  that normal smart homes use but as we're setting   this up for home assistant there's going to be an  extra api that we need to add so on the left hand   side here you're going to want to scroll all  the way down and you'll see this device status   notification so you're going to want to just hit  that little triangle next to it and that will   bring that over to the list so if you can see that  device status notification now in the right hand   side which is the list of apis you're authorizing  you're going to want to just hit authorize if you   missed this step or forget to add that on you'll  find that when you're using the integration and   you're controlling things like switches and light  when you're turning them on and off you'll find   it'll be a bit janky where you'll turn it on and  it will instantly switch back on or vice versa   so make sure you turn that on once that's  authorized it'll take you back into the dashboard   and you'll be able to see your cloud project that  you just created here so in terms of setting up   the cloud project that's now all done the next  thing we're going to need to do is to just link   our two year or smart life app with this project  and then we can pass that into home assistant   to get our devices from our smart life or two-year  app link to the project we're going to want to   just choose the project from here we're going to  want to choose the devices tab along the top there   you'll then see this option for link to  your app account so go ahead and click that   what we're now going to do is link our tui  or smart live account with the project by   making use of the mobile app so we're  going to want to choose add app account   and what this will do is just generate a qr  code so we're going to take our mobile device   and we're going to want to open up the two-year  or smart life app with the app opened up on our   phone we're going to want to hit the blue plus  in the top right corner and then again in the   top right corner you'll see a little square with  a line through it so go ahead and select that   you're then going to want to just scan the qr code  and it's going to ask you to confirm the login   so select confirm login on your phone if that  all went through successfully you should now   be able to see your two-year or smart life  account here and should be able to see any   of the number of devices that are associated  with that account with the app now connected to   the project that's all we're going to need to do  from to your side so in the top left there we're   going to just choose overview and that's going  to bring us back to our main project overview   and the bits of information that we're going to  need from here for home assistant are just here   and it's the client id and the client secret so  just keep this page open in another tab and i'll   head into your home assistant so we're over in  home assistant now where we're going to be doing   the final steps of the integration so we're going  to want to hit configuration and then integrations   we're now just going to need to add the to your  integration so in the bottom right there we're   going to choose add integration and we're going  to do a search with 2yr and select two year we're then going to need to provide the  integration with some bits of information   so to start with you're going to want to set your  country it's then going to ask us for the access   id and access secret so if we just switch over to  our two-year developer tab back in this tab you'll   see those bits of information so you'll see the  access id or client id and you'll see the access   secret or client secret so we're just going  to want to copy those and paste them into the   relevant fields we're then going to need to enter  our email address and password now it's important   to note here that that email and password is the  email and password that you use for your two-year   or smart life account so the one that you use  on your mobile device and not the one that we   just set up for the developer account and once  you've filled all that in you're going to want   to just go ahead and press submit on submission  you should hopefully see that success message and   you should then be able to see all the devices  that are associated with you to your account   you can then just manually assign these devices  an area if you want to but for the purposes of   this video i'm just going to go ahead and click  finish and there we go that's the new two-year   integration setup so i can now see that as an  integration card and i can see all the different   devices and entities that are associated with it  so if i have a look at those devices now you'll be   able to see a list of all the different devices  and the different models you also get to your   scenes come through this so if you've got two  your scenes they also pull through from the ah   the two-year scenes are a great way to control  devices that are not yet supported so in the   two-year or smart life app you can create a  scene to say turn on or off a particular product   and then that scene will come through and then  with home assistant you can trigger that scene   there's also a bunch of new supported products so  you've got things like the aromatherapy machines   diffusers and much much more if you're interested  in seeing some of the other new features that are   part of this update then check out some of  the other update videos i've made for this   new integration and if i just take one of those  devices from the list so let's go with the bad   lights i can see that entity there and i can  toggle it on and off and i can do things like   you normally would like change the device color  if it supports color or change the brightness   or any of the other features that particular  products support and there we have it that's   the new two integration i have tried to answer  some of the questions that have been asked a lot   over the last couple of weeks and months but  if there's a particular question or a setting   or something like that that you're not sure of  feel free to drop me a comment below or drop me   a message if you've enjoyed this video and found  it useful then don't forget to drop me a like   and if you're not already hit that subscribe  button and ding dong the notification bell you'll   then be alerted to any future video that i do as  always a massive thank you to these awesome dudes   these awesome dudes to my patreons if you're  interested in helping support my channel which   in turn helps me to create videos like this  then be sure to check out my patreon in the   description below thank you for watching and  i'll catch you in the next one cheers you
Channel: Mark Watt Tech
Views: 130,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MarkWattTech, HomeAssistant, Hassio, Home Assistant, Smart Tech, Smart Home, Mark Watt, Automations, Home Asistant, Tuya, tuya v2, integration
Id: f8-7Hvrmh3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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