New Tuya Home Assistant Integration // Quick Set up Guide

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hey everyone it's ryan with the smart house and on today's video we're going to revisit our quick tips section called three minute thursday and i'm gonna quickly try to show you how to set up the new tuya integration in home assistant now in previous months this integration was still in beta but in the october release in 2021 the new tui integration has been fully integrated into home assistant and is now the default to you integration now this isn't as simple as the old version where you just put your username and password and server end you actually have to go in and create a development account so because of those additional challenges i figured i'd go ahead and create a quick video and show you how to set this up now i will be honest this was actually supposed to be the tail end of this week's video but the video is going to be 20 minutes long so i decided to split it off into its own section release it today and then tomorrow release the other video which is a review on some smart home products so you may notice that the background here changes from day to night that's because i i recorded some of this already earlier in the day and had to finish up and re-record the intros and outros as i split it up in two different videos so if you see the background change that's why let's go ahead and put three minutes on the clock and let's jump into the rest of the video uh first thing i'm going to link here below to the tuya github page that has the descriptions so if you want to follow through and click on the links you can do that as well i'll also post the links at the bottom as we go through each section so in this first part we need to go to the dev center so if you go to this url here below it'll take you to the development center where you can go through and set up the proper api keys so you want to go ahead and sign in here with the same email address and password that you already have for your tui account this is probably the most complex part of this whole process is setting up the right api key for your home assistant so first step we need to do is click on the cloud here on the left hand side and create a cloud project so we need to give it a name selected industry doesn't really matter what it is development method needs to be selected as smart home so you have the proper apis available to you and for data center you can select whichever one's closer to you so in my case we'll use western america data center and click create so under this select api services heading we need to use the device status notification api so if we scroll down we'll find it here at the bottom click over and that'll add it to the pre-built ones over here then we need to click authorize so it's going to authorize each of the different apis for us now we have an access id and client id and a client secret now in this case this is going to be my test environment so i'm not going to blur the keys out don't use my keys because i'm going to delete them as soon as this video is over with all right so we have our two keys here that we can leave pulled up and grab later on but first we need to go over to devices and then click link to your app account and add app account so we're going to take our developer account and link it to our to your app account so we need to open up our 2 app i'm going to go to your app and then we can go to me click this little line with a square around it which is the qr code scanning one gotta give it access to that and then we go ahead and scan our qr code so we confirm the logon and now we see it has linked our to your app with our development app so that means we have access to all of our devices inside of there so if i click on the devices tab you'll notice that i've got all of my devices that i've created before now are available in this integration this is super important because if you don't do this app link you your development account won't have access to anything and so when you add it to home assistant you'll get no devices so once you get past the stage you know that your development account and your app account are linked and now you can go through the next process which is adding to home assistance so to do that we need to kick back over to our home assistant go to configuration integrations add an integration and we'll search for tui now before we get the tui integration setup and home assistant one thing i will note is you need to make sure you are you're on version 2021.10.4 or later so if you're on 2021.11 the november release then you're good to go so if you're running a version prior to 2021.10.4 and you don't want to upgrade to the latest version i've got links down here below to the for instructions for the beta integration that is compatible with the older versions of home assistant if you are running a more current version then let's go ahead and click on configuration and go to integrations add integration and search for tui now if you are presented with accessing your two-year credentials with the username and password you do not have the current version and you either need to install the beta version or upgrade your version of home assistant so that's the way you can tell it doesn't save uh version 2 anymore because they have officially adopted into home assistant so if you are not being asked for an id and secret then you are running the older version and you either need to upgrade not all devices that are in the tui app are supported under the old version one two-year integration all right so we're gonna select the united states because that's where i selected my my server from pop back over here go back to the authorization tab and we're gonna go ahead and copy the client id which is this first one paste that into the access id here and then for the secret we're going to copy that one and paste it in now for your account username and password this is going to be your developer account information not your tui app in case you have different passwords for them so once we're done we click submit and it will go ahead and set up now we we know it's successful because we see all of the various devices that i already have in my account set up on here so we can go and just click finish now if you wanted to dig in and see the different uh devices and control them we can click this seven devices button here and we'll see all of our devices that we have in the 2 yap so this is everything that you added before this step is in here right now now if we look back here i've got some other devices like my 3d printer power now if you notice over here with my 3d printer power this is one of the sockets i told you about that does have the capability of doing things like power control so those are disabled but you can just pop in here and enable these entities and the next time it refreshes you'll get the power consumption and current consumption on those devices so that's for a non not the costco ones these don't support that but for other ones like the two ones that support the two-year white labels those will have those functionalities in there as well so all right so we didn't exactly make it under three minutes but we were pretty close hopefully now you can set up all your 2u devices including those that are white labeled in home assistant and be able to control those in there i know there are some functions that don't come through from the tui app to the 2d integration but hopefully they'll improve those over the coming months it looks like the 2year development team is really working hard to try to make this a great integration now i know some of you are going to be asking me questions about about the two-year local integration which i have not gotten to yet but i will hopefully be able to look at in the next few months all right so if you found this video helpful please make sure that you are subscribed to the channel by clicking our logo here and if this is the day after i release this video the next video in the series will be up here and if you want to watch more videos about home assistant integrations click here thanks again and i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: This Smart House
Views: 17,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home assistant, smart home, smart tech, tuya home assistant, home automation, home assistant tuya v2, home assistant tuya integration, tuya developer, new tuya api, tuya v2, tuya integration, tuya home assistant setup, tuya home assistant integration, home automation ideas, home assistant setup, smart home gadgets, smart home 2021
Id: y6kNHIYcJ5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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