HOW TO - Setup Local Tuya in Home Assistant

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in today's video i'm going to be  showing you how we can take our   2e devices out of the cloud and  access them locally check it out   what's going on guys i hope you're all doing well  in a previous video we had a look at how we could   make use of the two-year integration and use  it to add our two devices to our home assistant   i'm gonna contrast to you and local to  you and then i'll show you how you go   about setting up local two-year you  can then decide whether you want to   go for the two-year installation  or the local to you installation   let's start off by having a look at two-year and  why we might want to swap over to local two-year   in short two-year is a software company that  create a wide range of iot and smart home devices   this includes things like cameras sensors  and other bits you might find in a smart home   in addition to manufacturing some of these devices  and other bits of hardware they also host a large   cloud service this cloud service allows to your  customers to access their devices while they're   away from home and if we're making use of two-year  we're more than likely utilizing this cloud   service now the cloud service does have its pros  and cons the pros being that we're able to access   our devices while we're off our network and we  haven't got to worry about any port forwarding   or any special config we just connect the device  to the service and it should work and the cons be   in we're handing off the security and trust of our  devices to a cloud service in my own opinion and   based on my own experience with two-year i think  two-year is a great place for any new smart home   user to start my reason for this is that the  two-year products tend to be quite cheap and   affordable the quality of them is also pretty good  two yet also allow other manufacturers to connect   to its cloud service which is a good thing for  the customer because you get more manufacturers   creating devices that are going to link to the  same service you're using you then get more of   a range and choice of devices that are available  to you again this is just my own opinion based on   my own experience let me know in the comments what  you think do you like two-year do you hate to yeah   which i guess brings us onto local to you so as  i just mentioned if we use interior we're passing   off this responsibility and the security and the  trust and everything else that goes with it to   this cloud service and if you think about it this  is quite a lot of trust and responsibility to put   in a company in the service because we could have  things like cameras or motion sensors in our home   and this company has access to it so we just have  to trust that their security is up to scratch   and that our devices are safe in addition to  the security there is also the reliability of   the cloud i did say that the uptime and response  time of the 2u cloud was generally pretty good but   pretty good isn't perfect i have experienced  this where the two clouds been totally down   and like a caveman i've had to walk over to the  light switch and physically turn it on or go to   a plug socket and also physically turn it on i've  also experienced it where the cloud's been down   and i've been blue in the face shouting at the  amazon echo to turn on a light or turn off a   socket and it's just telling me that the device is  unreachable there's also been times when i've used   the home assistant app or the smart life app  or even my voice and i've given a command and   then there's just been a huge delay of up to 10  seconds or more before the actual action is done   all of these issues that i've just mentioned are  because of this reliance that we have on the cloud   now how do we improve this how to improve  the reliability and get that control back   the answer is of course local two-year local  two-year is going to take these devices from the   cloud and give us that local control so we can say  goodbye to these issues with the cloud being down   or slow response times because we're gonna have  all of this stuff local and the responsibility   is going to fall on us there's a few different  ways to get your two-year devices out of the   cloud and running locally obviously in this video  we're going to be going through local two-year but   another popular option is two-year convert what  are the pros of local to you then to start with   we're dropping that reliance on the two-year cloud  we're also going to get speed improvements because   for the responses we're not going to be constantly  polling the two-year cloud we're going to get in   push-up dates which are all going to be local on  our network we're also going to be getting back   this control and the security of our devices that  all sounds good so how do i go about doing this   well first of all if you haven't already press  that subscribe button below and if you ding dong   the little notification bell you'll receive a  notification whenever i bring out a future video   and we're back on our lovely demo dashboard to  carry on with this setup process i'm going to be   assuming you've got hacks set up and installed  if you're not sure what hacks is or haven't got   it installed there'll be a video linked above  and also in the description below so go check   out that video and in that video i'll show you  how to actually get hack setup let's get started   then so first up we're going to need to open up  hacks we're then going to click on integrations   and in the bottom right there's a little plus  button it's kind of just under my arm here   so we're going to press that button and  we're going to add a new integration we then want to do a search for local tuia and once that pops up we're just going to  hit the install the repository in hacks here   and just go ahead and click on install once that's  done we're just going to reboot home assistant so   we're going to go down to configuration then  we just want to scroll down to server controls   and we're just going to hit restart and okay while  we're waiting for home assistant to restart them   we're going to head over to the 2u developer site  there'll be a link for this in the description   below on the 2-year developer page then we're  going to need to set up a developer account and   this account is separate from the smart life  or to your account you're currently using to   control your devices now one important thing to  note here is there's actually two different ways   to sign up so the first way is just by clicking  the little sign up option here and if we press   that one we'll see it gives us the option to  enter an email address a password and a region   if we just go back a page which will take us back  to the main two-year developer page and from here   instead of clicking sign up at the top we're going  to click the orange iot platform button we're then   going to be taken to this page and from here we  can see that there's another signup link here   so if we press that signup link in the bottom  left here that's going to take us into another   sign up form but the difference with this one  is it's going to ask us to enter a company name   let's go ahead then and start filling this  in so first up we're going to need to enter   an email address we're then also going to  need to provide a password and a company name   now you can go nuts here you can call  the company name whatever you want   it doesn't really affect it so enter your company  name and now this next step is an important one   in the region you're going to need to select  your region and set it as the united states now you're going to need to set your region  as the united states even if you don't live   in the united states and the reason for this  is that it's going to help us to skip a step   a little later on so make sure you've  got that set as united states of america   once you've done this we're going to just  tick the little agree box there and we're   going to click the orange agree button it's  then going to email us a verification code   so we can grab that from our email and just  paste that in and then hit create account   and we should then be taken to the login screen  and we can just hit log in and we should then   be taken to the developer dashboard we'll get  a little pop-up here that's given us some help   messages we can just click continue and then just  skip through all these just hitting next next next   from here we're going to navigate to the left-hand  menu and we're going to choose cloud and projects   it's then going to ask us if we want to subscribe  to the cloud development and we're just going to   click free trial we're then going to want to make  sure trial edition is picked and we're just going   to choose buy now once that's done we're going  to just choose iot platform at the top again   and then we're going to hit cloud again and  projects on the my project section at the top   there we can now see this little trial edition  and if we hover over it we can see when the trial   is going to expire with that trial edition you  only get one year of access but that's going to   be plenty of time because we only need it just to  do this initial setup just to get some local keys   i'm not 100 sure but i think maybe at the  end of that year you can actually renew it   for another year but again not 100 sure on that  but you can definitely just transfer the account   over to a new one and get a new developer  account and do the same thing we've just done   if you wanted to and we're just using this  method just because it's the easiest way to   get the local keys there are a few other ways to  do it but they're a bit more clunky and cumbersome   and if i remember i'll leave a link in the  description below to some of the other ways   that you can go about getting your local keys  and if enough people are interested i might   show a video showing off how to use some of  those other methods anyway let's get back on   topic so we're in the cloud project section now  and there should just be a little option here   to create a new project so just click create  in the project name description and industry   you can enter whatever you want here and once  you've entered those details just hit create   we should now be able to see that  project above that we just created   so in my example here my one's local to you  and you'll be whatever you decided to call it   so we're just going to click on that our next  step then is going to be to import our devices   from our two year or smart life app into the  developer account and to do this we're going   to just press the link device option and then  we're going to choose link devices by app account   and then from here we're going to press the add  app account button in the right there it's just   a blue button we should then be presented with  a qr code and we're going to need to open up   the smart life or two app on our phone and scan  this in order to link the app and the developer   account together let's go ahead and do that now  then so i've just opened the smart life app on   my phone in the top right there's a little plus  button i'm going to press that and then now in   the top right there's like a little square with  a line in it i'm going to press that one as well   and it's going to present me with the barcode  scanner and then just going to scan the qr code   and it's going to ask me if i'm going  to confirm so just press confirm   we should now have this option with the account  and the app that we've just synced so i can see   that mine was the smart life app and i can  see it's brought through 16 different devices   so in my example here mine's bought  through 16 and if i click on that   that's going to bring us into the device  listing page now there's currently nothing   displaying because it's looking in the  region for registered devices in china   now all of mine have registered to europe so if  i click the drop down here and then just choose   europe i'll then see all of my devices that have  been pulled through you'll see the custom icon if   you've set any in the app you'll get the friendly  name the device id and also the product id   and obviously what the actual product is from  here in the top right you can also see out of   those devices that have come through how many  of them are online and how many are offline   so far so good yeah cool okay another thing  i'm going to point out here in the first   column we can see the device name and id so  the device name is obviously the friendly name   that you've set yourself so for example here  i've got lite3 and then below it is the id   now this id is what we're going to be using in  order to extract the local key from your devices   so in a second when we start talking about  extracting the local key from the device it's that   device id that we're going to need so now you know  where it is and when we talk about it you're going   to know where to get your id from before we start  extracting any of the local keys then we're going   to first need to enable a couple of apis and these  apis are going to be what allow us to actually do   the extraction so to do this we're going to click  on cloud and we're going to go to api products by   default you're not going to have any apis enabled  but we can see in my example here i'm already   subscribed to the smart home device management  api now you'll need to find that in the list below   here and just enable it to do that you'll just  find the smart home device management and click it   it will then take you into a page like this but  for the smart home management one and you're just   going to click the orange subscribe button we'll  then just need to click on the time limited free   and it'll tell us that it doesn't cost anything  and we'll just click buy now that should refresh   and we should see that available in this list here  from here then we're going to just jump back to   the iot platform and we're going to go back into  cloud and back into api products so we're back   here on the api products page and we can see  that we've got two apis that we subscribe to   the second api the smart home scene linkage you  don't have to add that one on i've just added it   because it's gonna be something that i mess about  with but if you're only interested in getting your   local keys and just doing this setup then just  go with the smart home device management one   another thing to just clarify is that this whole  setup process should be free so you shouldn't be   spending any money or entering any card details  or anything like that it's free you will have   noticed that my device manager api was already  enabled when we actually got on to add in the apis   the reason for this is that prior to recording  i actually had a lot of issues trying to get the   apis to install now to go over these issues i'm  going to be creating a separate video and it's   just going to be a short troubleshooting video  because there's been a few other issues that i've   run into so hopefully by sharing those i can help  you guys if you run into any of the same problems   that video is going to be releasing alongside  this video so it should be linked above or in   the description below and i'm separating it into a  separate video just to keep this a concise install   video if you're enjoying this video and you're  finding it helpful then maybe drop me a like right   here and if you press that subscribe button and  ding dong the notification bell you'll be alerted   to any future videos i do or maybe you're watching  it and you're not enjoying it and you're thinking   wow this video is janky and this dude keeps  on changing all different shades of orange   okay let's get back on topic then so there's  going to be one more step we need to do before   we do any of the local key extraction so  the first thing we're going to do is we're   going to go to smart home device manager we're  just going to click on that and once that opens   up we're going to choose project and then  we're going to press the new authorization   from here we're going to find our project in the  list and we're just going to select it and choose   ok our project should appear in this list and it  should now have access to the api the next step   then is the local key extraction so we're going to  go to cloud and api explorer in the api explorer   the first thing i'm going to need to do is change  our data center to the relevant data center so for   me it's going to be europe we're then going to  choose get device details from the side and then   we're going to paste in a device id for something  that we want to add to local 2 year so i've got my   device id of one of my lights in the clipboard so  i'm just going to paste that in and we're going to   press submit request in the json response that we  get back from the api we should see this local key and this local key is going to be what we need  for each device in order to get it added into   local two-year in-home assistant so let's grab  that local key now so now we're finally back to   home assistant i'm going to go to configuration  i'm going to choose integrations we're then going   to choose add integration and we're going to  do a search for the local 2 year and we're just   going to press on that this integration should  automatically be able to detect any two devices   that are on our network so in this drop down  here we should see all of our available 2 devices   the one that we're going to want to choose from  the device list is the one that we just got the   local key for so let's have a look for that now  and when we do this we should just see all of   the different device ids you may want to just  cross-reference this with the two-year device   list or if you go in the app you can actually view  the device id on within the smart life or tv app   so i know that this one's mine so i'm just going  to choose that one and i'm going to click submit   it's then going to ask us to name the device  for me this particular device is a smart plug   and it's got some fairy lights plugged into it  so i'm just going to call this local to your plug   then the local key then is what we've just  extracted from the 2developer page so we're   going to want to copy and paste that in  here once we've entered that we're just   going to click submit it's then going to ask us to  match the entity to the device that we're adding   so again for this example i'm adding a smart plug  so in the drop down here i'd need to choose switch   now if you were adding a light or a sensor or  any of the other available ones you'd need to   make sure that you add the correct correct entity  for the correct device type and this is obviously   important because different entities have  different attributes so for example lights you   might have the ability to change color whereas  you probably don't have that with a smart plug   i think you get the idea so let's choose switch  here for my one and click submit the next step   is to fill out the additional information  for the entity now don't worry if you're   not sure what these are or if you get them wrong  because you can come back and edit these after   there'll be a link to the local to your github  in the description below and this covers some   of these attributes that you can have these are  things like additional properties that your device   could have so for example in the case of the plug  it could be voltage monitoring current uh current   can you can't even say it current consumption  my spark plug doesn't have any of these extra   monitoring features um so let's fill this in now  so the id my device pin one is currently off uh   friendly name i'm just going to call it local  to your plug again same as i did before current   doesn't have any so false current consumption  false voltage also false again check out the   github pages for any additional information  on this and also if you want to check if your   device is supported there'll be a link for that  as well in the description so we're just going   to press submit we're then going to get another  pop-up asking us if we want to create any more   entities for this device now this would be where  you add the additional entities so if you've got   multiple different sensors on a device so things  like the power monitoring or current consumption   things like that you'd create these extra sensors  for it here again we've just got a plain old smart   plug so i'm just going to say don't add any  more entities and just click submit we should   then hopefully get a success message and it will  tell us that we've just created this new device   so i can see that i've got my local two-year  plug i'm just going to choose finish on here   and we can now see the local two-year integration  with one device and one entity so if we added more   entities they'd be available here so let's just  click on local 2 now and see what that looks like   within the integration then i can see my  local 2u plug and i can click on it and   just like an ordinary plug it's got a little  toggle so i could toggle this on and off and that will that's actually turning my fairy  lights on now that i kind of around my front   room here so that just toggles them on and off as  you'd expect for a smart plug and it just works   and it's instant so there we go guys that's how  you get your devices added into local two-year   let me know in the comments if this is going  to be something that you actually try out   if you've had any issues throughout this  setup process then check the description   for that troubleshooting video that i've done  in that video i just run through some of the   issues that i faced whilst setting up local  tutor so hopefully that video will be some use   to you and you'll get your issue resolved if  your issue is not resolved in that video then   feel free to drop a comment on this video or in  that video and hopefully we can get you sorted   and there we go if you've enjoyed this video  then don't forget to drop me a like rating   if you press that subscribe button and ding dong  the notification bell you'll also be alerted   to whenever i bring out any future videos  and i'll catch you in the next one cheers
Channel: Mark Watt Tech
Views: 223,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MarkWattTech, HomeAssistant, Hassio, Home Assistant, Smart Tech, Smart Home, Mark Watt, Automations, Home Asistant, tuya local, local tuya, Homeassistant no cloud, setup guide, setup tutorial, how to use local tuya, get local tuya keys, How to get tuya keys, tuya developer, Install local tuya
Id: vq2L9c5hDfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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