The new S&W Model 19 Classic ~ A S&W Armorer's Review
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Channel: GunBlue490
Views: 106,675
Rating: 4.9266057 out of 5
Id: 4h9l2ipiKf4
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Length: 50min 2sec (3002 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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Dude gets to the point at around 24:30
Thanks for this video. I was on the fence about the classic series revolvers vs. current line especially about the M36 vs. the newer line of J frames.
But they still have that stupid Clinton lock
If other sources are to be believed these days, one comes away with the impression that newer S&W features such as the shrouded barrel, no pin barrel, internal firing pin vs hammer nose etc are undesirable compared to the old models.
He discusses all the new features from his experience of having worked for years on the originals - and point by point he lays out how pretty much every change constitutes an improvement in design.
I get the nostalgia for the originals - but watching this I think the myth of their superiority is overstated.
I can't speak to older S&W revolvers, but I've got a 686+ (only 3 years old) that is absolutely amazing. It is, by far, the handgun I enjoy shooting the most. Sure, my Shield is more concealable, my Glock 19 holds more rounds, but they just aren't the same buttery smooth perfection that is my revolver.
My 586-8 is a great looking and great shooting gun. I'm glad I bought one new instead of paying the same amount of money or more for the "privelage" of owning an older one that may not be any better. There's a weird myth going around that anybody can walk into any pawn shop or gun store and buy a pre lock version of these guns for half the price of a new one, but that isn't true at all. And people bitch way too much about the lock. Ignore it or disable it and plug the hole, it's not a big deal.
Glad to hear the classic line is being treated well. I just despise the way the lock and the sleeved barrels look (but more so not having the option of ordering the things with an external lock included so I don't have to have that damned internal one).
Yes...many of us have known this for some time, though 90s production was very good. Some actual improvements have been made. The model 57 classics has the endurance package improvements of the model 29-5 and later, something no early series 57 had. The new model 19 has no cut in the barrel extension and locks on the crane. The finish isn't better though. Polishing must be too labor intensive. Also, thr cylinder gaps are getting too big IMO. 4 thou or less is ideal. And the damn Hillary Hole. I have a 2005 vintage 686+ that I can't quite get a 4 thou feeler into. I've put a feeler to a new model 19 and it was 9 thou. I'm like might as well get a Taurus.