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what's up guys and welcome back to project playtime the poppy playtime multiplayer experience that was just released a few months ago and is now back with a massive huge new update now this is phase two of the game and apparently it adds in a brand new map and a ton of new stuff this is going to be a very exciting series that we start up on the channel once again and not only that though I'm gonna be giving away a few copies of their toy box pass which you guys don't know what this is this is basically like their battle pass and uh with a maxed out battle pass look what you get as the final skin okay you get this crazy looking boxy boot clown thing so I'll be giving away like 10 of these and all you have to do to interest me leave a like on the video leave a comment down below saying whatever you want and hit that subscribe button and little bell icon and that is it your under release that simple and that easy so be sure to enter it's probably the easiest giveaway you can enter on all of YouTube and I'm gonna choose 10 winners on the you know I'll throw out all the videos I upload on this game and there's gonna be a lot of them so be sure to stay tuned anyways let's go ahead and get into this all right so we should probably start with um the tutorial because I noticed that there is a new survivor and Monster tutorial which we know there's a lot of new stuff in this phase too so let's check out uh what's new here all right let's go and start up the new the new tutorial here so I can speak all right here we go hi there my name is not life Pierre I'm his assistant my boss is on vacation yeah this is new welcome to your job as a resource extraction specialist first let's start by reiterating something very important you probably didn't read from that lengthy contract you probably don't remember something everything you experience here oh strictly privileged meaning you blab about any of this including this brand new state-of-the-art training facility and you're canned to say the least so remember lab equals bad got it anyway now that we got that out of the way let's get down to business all right whoa yeah this is all brand new in front of you now is the toy machine this neat Gizmo will take in toy parts put them together and ship them off to a secure location but in order for all that to happen somebody's got to find the toy parts and that my eager and contractually obligated friend is where you come in the toy Parts you need are in these little towers called puzzle pillars two of these puzzle pillars have been integrated for the sake of this training course solve all three puzzles on one and you get a toy part easy peasy okay I think you're ready head into the practice course on your left yeah so for the puzzles head into the arcade on your right arcade you take all day to decide you don't get paid over oh check this is all new this is cool I'm so glad it looks like this like this is a great introduction now puzzle so he walks you through the light up in a seat yeah okay so he walks you through how to play each puzzle which is very cool so obviously there's some new what is this what is that okay there's so many yeah there's new puzzles here there is new puzzles here and there is a lot of them what is that okay hold on hold on hold on so that's definitely new this is what we've never seen before that's new um that one we've seen before this one we've seen before that one we've seen before okay so it looks like what's this oh this is like a little where like you know this is where if the Amtrak or the Amtrak the uh you know Huggy wug or whoever's chasing you that's where you can go that one we've experienced before okay wait let's try out the new one which I think is this one right here which what is this you have to like put the pictures together collage puzzle oh yeah just hit the pieces of the puzzle Oh no just right again wait this one would be kind of difficult right how do I get it okay so if you mess up one time it resets the whole thing interesting all right oh no I just I didn't mean it okay oh we get we get we get it though all right let's go into the main tutorial though so that appears to be the main new puzzle I don't know what that is I'm assuming that's like where the toy drops out of but I don't know let's cut let's catch up with our buddy uh Mitch right here and follow him over here complete this course you'll need both toy parts so don't come walking back with one and call it a day okay complete all puzzles all right so we good thing we didn't do it there because we have to do it here anyways all right so I remember this one from where we played earlier uh this was in an earlier update I want to say that a lot of people didn't play but I remember if this was there for sure okay so that's that one done our buddy over there is just failing non-stop my guy can you oh what he went from failing non-stop to just immediately winning it oh no oh my gosh I almost put it back where it was before okay come on we can do this we can do this nice and easy you know what they say the the turtle wins the race which I don't know how that makes any sense because the turtle is extremely slow and it's a race but whatever uh did he do what the heck press e to enter yeah we know that um what is this whoa oh this is new what the okay no I think we did play this in the other update I don't remember this is cool though wait how do I get it to like drop down the hand oh I pressed this okay okay which one do I need okay the Huggy I can do this I can do this got it too easy all right I love that one this one's fun obviously there's gonna be more I have to get all three right there's no way it's just one and then you yeah okay okay that's another one all right let's see here okay I can do that oh my dude that was moving fast that was moving so quick like I was I'm not catching that thing okay let's try this again let's try this again I got this I got why is it moving so quick dude slow down holy who do they think they're going up against here I'm not that good okay one more right yeah this is gonna be hard I know this is gonna be difficult okay middle one middle one two no okay yeah these new puzzles uh they've got some challenge to them for sure please don't tell me it resets okay okay dude okay hold on hold on I got this i got this and go oh all right that's it right that's gotta be it if there's another one after this I you'll find your nearest one all the way over here along the back of the training course look around and you'll find it I found it well that's one toy part collected now just go get the other one and oh what Sharon I thought painting time was supposed to be at noon not oh well apparently our security guard doesn't get lunch for another 10 minutes oh oh stay out of his sight do that and you'll probably be fine okay okay okay okay right into the feeding oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm sure they do the same for you where is he where is he okay uh that was okay we're good we're good uh I guess I should go revive this guy right yeah yeah let's play it smart here this is definitely a more intriguing tutorial than the other one wait who are you look at this oh my God who is this guy what the man's 007 for the arcade games he's crushing it oh my gosh oh no dude I'm trying to Rez here okay no I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead how do I okay he doesn't come down here good good good dude how am I supposed to revive him oh okay I have to jump he's going that way all right I need to revive this guy but like he's not exactly in the best spot I don't know is he coming back okay come on come on come on come on hurry hurry hurry he's gonna where are you going Mitch where are you going you're not helping you're going the wrong way all right Mitch you know what you're kind of asking for it you really are buddy you really are okay that was easy run run run run all right can you please solve that yeah look at this guy go holy he's not even like doing it right but he's doing something yeah these are all solved right yeah it's just this one can you oh my dude stop failing it you're gonna attract Huggy wuggy over there we go thank you move move please move wait oh my gosh give me that give me the part it won't why won't okay you have to hold it got it got it got it I understand now I understand let's go who are you dude this guy is like I feel like this is like the Imposter you know like Among Us that guy I don't trust him I just don't I really don't all right put that in there I've got all the toy Parts you need to collect good perfect toy machine should be ready for extraction so get on over there oh what what I didn't I didn't even just watching it for my desk pretty sneaky for a 10 foot tall giant isn't he I look down that is if you see him coming I look down for one second well I tried to warn you and I died where was he hit the little guys that pop out of him so dark in here to find himself down here keep your head on the switch somebody'll be over there to pick you up shortly okay got it why is it so your teammates it's so dark in here now okay why is it so dark in here now it's way darker than before it reached out all my settings so that could be why but it is extremely dark in here now like they can hide in the shadows right there and all you see is their eyes okay hold on we gotta we gotta stay focused we gotta stay focused for sure feeling good we're doing good okay keep an eye out for everyone die die even though we're not really killing them we're just kind of like smacking them like imagine being this giant oh oh my gosh imagine me there's like giant meat eating creature and you get smacked and that like sends you away welcome back new you'd make it all right let's go without saying but the longer you spend down there the more agitated they get yep got it three times and they'll stop playing with their food oh all you have to do now is grab the pipe oh excuse me I mean I mean not me dude he's so fast oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my God who's controlling that AI dude that guy's crazy these guys cracked out of his mind dude holy okay you would think this is like a real player he's coming for me he still he still wants me he still wants these cheeks dude why me why me okay can you guys help Mitch what are you doing okay they're all just standing there doing nothing I'm gonna close this and I'm gonna do my job okay can you why won't it go down is it okay come on come on come on come on come on hurry oh okay he's killing those people you know what they deserve it I can't say they don't deserve it just eat them alive eat their eat whatever you gotta eat off of them okay their toes whatever let me just do this real quick all right let me just do my job please I'm almost out of here almost done he's still eating that guy good dude this takes way longer than what I remember job done let's go let's go what the Train's not what Sharon shouldn't there be a train here oh there should be a panel just along the wall so they're introducing this should be there in no time I want to say in the last tutorial they never introduced this button so a lot of people didn't know you could do this I remember I didn't and everyone else that we were playing with was like what you could move the train so now they have that there unless it was in the other tutorial and I just forgot it but all right now the other train is coming good dude this was a good tutorial though the AI is pretty good for the most part at the end they kind of like you know just gonna sat there and did nothing but for the most part this was uh it's pretty impressive their AI they have in this game so I'm excited to see what they do with that in like the multiplayer if someone disconnects or whatever so I think an AI does join all right here we go let's board the tray baby yeah oh man I don't know if there's a new monster in this update but I really hope there is because uh it'd be kind of nice all right let's go let me on this bad boy quick I hear someone okay oh party horn know what that means it means you've successfully completed your training I'd give you a pat on the head myself if I could but let's go you've got work to do your days just started my friend and there is so much to do let's go whoa oh this must be the new killer tutorial oh yeah wait so is this I don't know if this is new or not I don't know if this is new until we go a little bit further I will go to them this looks the same come here come here pray come here yeah I don't know if this is new or not I have no idea but we're gonna play it anyways because might as well a little Refresher put them in the hole into the hole to the feeding Pig yeah okay okay like the sound of that did it they cannot be allowed to deliver it I won't let them deliver it come here I can crawl through here [Music] wait a minute come on let me through let me through where'd you go which one did he go in though it's gotta be this one right It's gotta be let me in there come on I know you're in there dude let me why does this take so long to open okay no one in there next one come on I know you're in this one you gotta be in this one right you're in here holy how does he know I would wouldn't check this one first good what what where'd you come from what hello okay this guy is actually trolling me okay I will sabotage will do I will sabotage what [Music] put the search for oh it wants me to press shift oh that looked new I think reactivate puzzles huh I can't reactivate that he's going into the hole since Survivor to the feeding pit will do he's going in it seems like partially new but partially old I really cannot tell but like I said we might as well play it where oh where where's he saving him at I can't even see it where is he oh my gosh it's got to be back uh uh you thought I wouldn't see you huh just standing here look at all screens got him and into the pit you go goodbye anyone else I think we're done with this ah so we are feeding the toys under the music ah so we are feeding the toys that means we're feeding Brawn people ew he's a human too like remember the little human that was inside Brawn ew okay so wait before you get into this could be a longer video because we got a lot to explore I do want to check out the battle pass I know a lot of people like to see what's in here so we did the tutorial let's see so we got some different uh animations uh music a shrug emote some coins breaker break core Chase music okay that's music a goat hat oh my Chase music for Huggy uh another little hat right there of a lampshade a goat shirt so you can be a full-on goat that's kind of cool cupcake hand some coins some music uh Factory concept whoa check that out look you can see a little like Huggy on the left side right there you see him that's cool what do we got here uh recycled toy hat which I don't oh wait no that's shoes what am I talking about this is the toy hat there you go that's cool looking rainbow Huggy dude my settings are messed up for sure because he's not look like that uh scrap metal Survivor sounds I'll change them whenever we get into the main game Goat pants though Charleston dance Oh I like that one I think that was in the original update um let's see what else messy short hair that's cool a few other things yeah headphones nothing too crazy yeah I skipped through some of these like black shoes nothing too crazy oh yarn Mommy whoa I like that one dude long hair this is cool oh that's sick retro futuristic grab pack oh that's so cool dumpster boxy that's so cool a horror and wait what she can dance oh that's awesome recycled toy torso I'll do these are sick there's so many of these that look so good who's this scientist shirt whoa Medusa mommy they did a lot of mommy oh scarecrow Huggy I love that one that one is so cool rainbow boxy okay it's just like you know they're Cosmetics um what's this fry cook shirt who's it oh Mommy Long Leg dude they're doing all the the skins from Mommy long legs for some reason but it's mummy long legs that's that's smart that's smart anything else that's cool uh oh check this zombie Huggy oh I need that skin dude that is so cool got a hockey mask and a few other you know designs and stuff like that and then of course the finale is Rainbow Mommy that one looks awesome this one looks so cool too um a Bucky hat and then of course the finale this guy which he's basically like a new character if you really think about it it's boxyboo but he does not look anything like boxy boo like for sure as a fact so now everyone through that I'm gonna load up a game with some friends here we got taco and a few others joining us and uh we'll go from there okay so real quick before we get into the the match like I said we're going to I noticed that they actually gave me all the skins for the characters so I figured let's actually see what they look like and uh check them out so first of all in terms of hats uh we have these which I think honestly I'm gonna rock the goat head right there's a lot here but I'm thinking the goat head or this one I'm gonna I'm gonna do the goat head yeah you gotta do the goat head come on why not um and then I'll also do oh this is a limited skin actually that they gave to people that played I want to say they gave this to people that played uh phase one I think um let's see what else can we change your hands let's just do a quick little uh yeah we'll do that one and then we'll also customize the other hand with that one I'm gonna look kind of all over the place but I think it's gonna be cool regardless dude wait where's that new uh that new back bling I think that's like in another section I'm gonna be this and then I'll put on the backpack oh color uh I'll do I like that one I don't know dude there's a problem like so many this one matches I'm doing this one um there's so many cool ones okay gorilla in the backpack gorilla in the backpack yes sir yes sir I'm taking that for sure and then I'll also put on these pants right there and then uh these shoes dude I'm I'm stylish right now I am I'm stylish with no style if you really think about it but I'm going crazy okay what else we got here boxy boots so this one I already put on check this out that's the new character look at how cool it looks it looks so sick it looks incredible I cannot wait to play as that uh CRT boxy that's new I want to say for sure also I think this one is too rainbow boxy really cool skins so yeah I'm definitely gonna put this one on though because come on yeah you got to uh what else we got here Huggy wuggy there was quite a few cool ones for this whoa tree hugger where was this hold on a minute where was this at is he in the store oh we didn't see any of these candy Mommy what dude there's so much other stuff in here that we didn't even see okay so that seems to be wait where is that where's that uh Huggy Woogie from maybe it is in the battle pass I just didn't see it but regardless let's let's go back to customizing real quick um so yeah wait we got that version of hoggy which looks crazy um we have whoa voxel Huggy which is from their uh their main Channel I want to say rainbow Huggy looks awesome zombie Huggy incredible and then that Huggy right there now I'm gonna put on this one because I really like how it looks but after that we're oh no I gotta do this one right I gotta do this that one's so cool man all right what else we got this one uh we got a lot of mommy long leg skins I honestly I'm thinking about going with this one or hmm there's so many here that I don't know I really like oh my look at that one that's sick um I don't know I like this one a ton too that's so cool reminds me of Kingdom Hearts uh I think it was Kingdom Hearts two when uh you fight uh chameleon or whatever the eyes remind me of that the boss fight in that game all right let's go ahead and do let's do this one it's cool it stands out why not we can change a lot of other stuff too but I figure we'll save that for another time uh let's go and see is there anyone else now we have everyone customized now and uh now let's get into a game all right guys here we go the crew is all here and uh let's do this I think we have manly super horrible I'm the killer oh yes sir why does my character look like that okay why do all my characters all right well um we're gonna do boxyboo one million thousand hundred million percent but um we're here with manly um we've got super horror bro oh there we go show the names now and I think that's it baby Ryan all them I think it this ended up coming out very late at night for them so I think they went to bed but whoa who actually came to them probably tomorrow all right here we go though let's do this the brand new boxy boo oh this is gonna be so fun okay whoa the new map oh this is sick okay wait are we on the yeah let's say change the no this is the new map oh my okay wait what are our control series we can jump with this let's go ahead and jump over there okay nice we can use right Mouse button to pull people in I gotta remember all the controls I don't have any sabotages on because I didn't want to go super super sweaty here obviously you know most of us that are in this hobby haven't played this game in a while so we're gonna have to get used to it again oh hello who's this okay am I hitting you I don't know if I hit him out of them at all like a noise now oh yeah I'm hearing like a a bloody noise I want to say I'm hitting him yep there we go player down into the hole you go my first victim down you go now if I wasn't playing as the new skin I would definitely playing be playing as uh Huggy wuggy that's my go-to character he is so much fun all right is there anyone else around here not from what I can see the good thing about this map with my characters I can jump very far and uh obviously get the sneak attack on someone if they don't expect me like that okay I hit the I hit the railing I hit the railing dude that was supposed to be my moment that was supposed to be so cool I was supposed to fly all the way across the map there's someone here would you where'd you go oh this way this way you leave little Footprints behind come here oh whoa my arm reaches so far yeah buddy yeah buddy come here oh I got one hit I got one hit okay come here come here come here oh I almost got my thing back I don't think he's closing any of the shutters he's gonna go through it again oh I got another wait why can't I go through there no come on come on come on I can grab him here I can definitely get a grab here I think he knows that oh wait what how did I not grab him what oh he did 360. what the commander I know this is definitely manly just by the outfit I know this is him come here where'd you go he went this way no come on dude he's so quick I can catch this guy I could definitely catch him I can I can usually grab here but I know I'm gonna miss it oh nope got him all right so that's one more victim down and a few more to go the FPS right now isn't the best hopefully you guys don't mind obviously I have everything maxed out so and this is a brand new map so you gotta expect that kind of stuff all right let's see what else we can find here anyone else come here any more fellas around come on oh player failed the puzzle all right let's see if I can jump all the way up there oh no come on I was so close I gotta get used to that thing it's a lot more difficult than it looks oh is he up here where is that oh he's over here how do I get there oh look there's someone right there I can jump at him if I don't hit the I'm gonna hit so much stuff come here oh my gosh I can go so high in the air where are you guys so far nobody has a toy part though I don't know oh I see him Hello whoa I just kicked the palette hello hello so you weren't expecting this oh got him oh man that was wild I guess there's physics for like Pat Uh paddles um pallets and stuff now because I just pushed that like across the map almost kind of weird that's let's go and put this guy up here though into the garbage pit you go goodbye whoever you are I should really turn off uh stream remotes I can tell who's who all right anyone else around here oh no I thought I saw someone I know someone failed a puzzle over here so I'm gonna go ahead and jump up here and into here uh-huh where are you they didn't complete Yep they're here they just got the puzzle oh dang it they just completed it this is either Docker or I want to say my brother rexster come here this is doco this is doco I can tell by the outfit come here because I think I saw him changing into this not in that kind of way I saw him changing though come here oh my gosh we're gonna kill him one more hit I think one more I saw someone else I saw him behind me all right let's do this into the hole you go uh-huh I'm gonna follow this person I don't think they're gonna expect this did they get in a locker hold on a minute go in I think they got in a locker because I don't see no huh I didn't see the footprints they must have went up top and I missed them all right let's keep having a look around here toy part up there though I need to make sure I watch that because they might try to grab that anyone else around me no all right let's see if we can make our way back up here I imagine we might be able to catch someone right here about to grab this toy part if I can get up there can I do this oh let me see there's someone there's someone close to me walking around oh wait they just went down here I think yeah right here I knew I could dude I could hear them they're right over here oh I heard what was that noise there they are hello come here dude that is it's so tricky to like find them after you pull them in like that because they just get like sucked into your body come here oh my gosh he's quick he is quick come here who are you die got him all right Lethal Weapon Indigo down into the pit you go all right anyone else they okay they don't have any toy Parts yet maybe I should like I don't know I do let them uh catch up a little bit I didn't realize we were just going kind of crazy right there but uh uh maybe they're just trying to like explore the map I don't know they're definitely doing puzzles like they did that one I'm gonna I'm gonna wait here you know I'm gonna just I'm gonna wait here and uh just let them let them maybe catch up a little bit I'll tour the map how about that let's have a look around here okay so you got a puzzle here nice okay interesting you got a little uh jump spot right here okay cool all right back to killing that's enough of that I'm gonna jump all the way across the map I don't hear anyone though like look listen it's completely silent completely silent so that's kind of weird oh failed puzzle over here okay let's go catch them they might just be like doing all the puzzles until like the last one you know like leaving the last one incomplete and going around doing all them at the end I don't know so they're Reviving right here but there was a puzzle was it down here is it this one that's glowing but they failed no it doesn't look like it right no okay they're up here somewhere then see if I can find them oh it could be that one no oh there oh there's a bunch of them here what is this okay yeah there's a lot of them here this is where everyone was I was wondering I was trying to figure out like where is everyone they're all hanging out on this one puzzle completing it okay that's one oh my God it sees again oh no I don't okay it's gone wow incredible down you go I can't I don't have time for sneezing all right when I'm mid Chase like that all right we're this other I saw him I think they went up here I want to say they went up here somewhere but I don't see anyone hmm so quiet though throughout this whole map like I don't know if the audio is bugged on this map or what but it is very quiet besides my you know Music Box Thing playing inside of my stomach or whatever there's no one here though you can see that's where the train picks him up so we got to keep that in mind I have a feeling they're gonna go back to this puzzle so let me see if I can get a get a little sneak attack on someone okay missed it okay I'm here it still worked out there's no one here where are they they got one toy piece so far okay hold on they gotta be down here right they gotta be there's nobody okay this one no wait play Reviving oh I don't want to kill the guy that's Reviving though let me see okay that's right here wait so that guy went that way is that the person that got up though I don't want to chase the guy that just got revived I don't know if that's who that is or not I'm gonna go for this person and just hope that it's not them okay I think I already lost somebody okay that's more fair I don't want to kill the guy that just got rest you know that's kind of messed up all right let's go up here though they are just all underground though I think I can only imagine how scary this must look though to see a giant clown jumping after you it must be so horrifying I don't see anyone here though see if we can find anyone around here there's got to be someone on this side weren't they working I hear someone what's that it's up here I think don't know I want to say it's up here though oh my God I'm stuck where am I now this wait I knew I heard someone dude I knew it it's Freddy Fazbear come here Freddy come here you're going down I'm pulling you in now just for that one you wanna do a little roll You're Dead goodbye all right let's get him into the hole now so whatever you can like kind of figure out you know whenever they get sucked into your stomach where they go after that it does get a little bit easier to play as boxy Boo and now that he has like hit noises it's so much better I don't know if he had those in the first update or not but man just remember he was rough to play as he feels a lot better now okay there's no one here let's make our way this way looks like we've got a tower right there and one down there we know they're they're working on this one I'm gonna try to jump over there again they had to have went back to it by now all right they had to have come on there's someone here nobody not a soul okay literally nobody let's check over here oh my game oh what fighting host what happened uh oh someone might have disconnected uh well let's see what happens here daku hasn't messaged me or anything so I'm honestly not too sure what happened all right well guys I'm in this video here though in the next video since this video is already pretty long we're gonna go ahead and hop into some more Survivor matches some more killer match stuff like that with the boys and uh go from there I hope you guys enjoyed and be sure to stay tuned through doing a lot more of this game and I'll see you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 701,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3, project playtime phase 2, project playtime, phase 2, incineration, trailer, boxy boo, huggy wuggy, mommy long legs, chapter 3, horror
Id: 7pfYONMvAUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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