The NEW NEON FACTION Is Finally Here - BIG TABS Update

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totally accurate battle simulator is one of the best battle simulator games ever and in fact I think it created the genre I've been playing it since 2016 but I haven't played it since December of 2022 and that's because well there was no updates but we just got a new update or rather it's coming on Wednesday Wednesday January 17th but the new content comes in the new units or rather unit Creator things called neon the neon faction is here so today we're going to be recreating the original neon faction going into the original campaign beating it and if we beat it with our original units we're going to get some even more powerful neon units including an incredibly powerful boss unit we've got to recreate The Originals now original neon guy was just a dude with a blaster everything else was pretty standard except his hit points which relatively low we create a neon faction we put the neon unit in it and then we can place our units like so now a quick testing out seems like neon lasers are better than Musk this is going in a good direction we just have to create more units the next neon unit was a laser sword guy so when we search neon we see we have a number of there's almost too many swords like look at all these yeah that's a giant sword should we make it two-handed probably now that looks more like it now let's see him in combat let's try this good yeah that works now original neon guy didn't have any like clothes I guess we could give him a mohawk or weird choker necklaces you know what you get a mohawk for coolness but surprisingly or unsurprisingly there aren't any other neon clothes so this guy had 80 hit points and we've got another one now where this is going to start getting tough is making the Tesla coil guy do you guys remember him there's a stasis storm but I don't know what this is okay he freezes them that's a very cool new weapon system but not the original Tesla coil char charging Carnage plasma pulses I guess we could go with the thing called Tesla torrent and this would be the closest to the Tesla guy it only hits one guy so we're going to have to give it a special ability I think it's the Thor lightning okay it's not really what we had in mind this one's called The Barrage Blaster this is going to be harder than I thought this one's called plasma pulses and it's freaking amazing cuz it atomizes these people oh my goodness that might be the coolest thing I've seen in tabs holy crap this one's called the charging Carnage it just looks like a like machine gun a minigun we'll have to use the Tesla this guy had a lot of hit points at 300 200 the weirdest one and I'm not sure if we're going to be able to do this was called gravity backpack guy gravity dude this guy had had hit points of 3500 according to the wiki and he had a cost of 400 gravity dude now the next neon unit was a sniper do we see anything that looks like that Focus flare I got to I got to see this oh oh you know what it's a focus flare I bet all of your units would then rang units would focus on that guy that would be my guess although this is a pretty powerful concentration Ray hey we got a neon musket oh he fires evaporating plasma you know what that's going to work for now now he was incredibly weak at only 50 health and I think his damage of evaporating the unit he hits is going to be fine his cost was 500 they also added a very very unique unit called the projectile Shield I don't know how we're going to recreate that I think it's the mass manipulator field oh my gosh he's a Human cuchia Launcher with like psychic delic butterfly wings sticking out of his back this is incredible I think this is what I want now if projectiles come in here they die yeah okay this is the unit oh but once they get in there can they shoot him yeah this guy will work now we need a cannon that might have to work we'll make it neon now the cannon was one of the coolest things it fired like a force field that would then suck them in this this stac shot oh what is a mass manipulator field so this guy's got a cannon on his backpack you know what that's it that's the Box gun I think yes that is what it did we're going to start out with these we have a recreation of the original tabs campaign of the 2019 version that lets us put in our own units this is the perfect test to see if well our units suck or not now I'm just going to put in 25 lasery boys and see if they can beat a bunch of uh you know dudes who don't shave and uh worship a giant woolly mammoth the caveman they do have some units that can throw Spears and throw rocks but I guess you got to get there and I think the fire rate of our neon pistols might be a little bit much yeah these guys Came From Another Dimension and are a little too powerful so what we're going to do here is put in the gravity dudes or rather like watch these little force fields of pink Delight should block the incoming throwing Spears and then it's up to the dudes with the lightsabers or rather the quote wink wink nudge nudge not lightsabers laser swords here to start beating up the guys with the battle axes and it's not working we're going to need reinforcements cuz this level is absolutely overflowing with cavemen why don't we try some of our Beamer Riflemen and a few pistols I don't know the best way to balance this faction I can't wait to see wait a minute I need to see that again because this entire row of men just disappears as they get atomized let's see this in slow motion wait till you see the Salvo of the muskets go off okay I think it's happening right now and they're literally gone they are atomized I wonder wonder how many atomization musket rounds it takes to atomize an olant a woolly mammoth a tank of the ancient world because I think that would be the oh my gosh it actually happens he just disappeared it's like he wasn't even there okay our Beamer rifles are even more overpowered the laser pistols are overpowered the Beamer rifles are overpowered did we make any balanced units in our custom neon faction but what I was saying is I can't wait to see the neon factions that the community creates I think we need to make this woolly mammoth disappear it's almost like these cavemen are like using this as a giant like bunker system or or sandbags to block the incoming laser beams that being said a few of them do make it in here and I still think that's the absolute coolest effect in the game like right here in this little wisp of stars was once a tabs wobbly wobbler and they're gone it's inredible I don't know if we're going to get these guys up on this Cliff but remember that we can take control of a unit o that's actually not half bad oh there's like a Little Rock blocking the way moving on the next level we make it into the Shire where Sam and froto are off to ride a wagon and throw apples at their neighbor but their neighbors are from the future what do we want here let's try out gravity dude I mean when messing with Hobbits a bunch of gravity dudes seem to be in order and we're going to support them with the Tesla coil guys just a few I don't think we're going to need a lot of units oh my gosh they've got poison potions and they're coming in from everywhere but this is what happens when you can combine a ton of the gravity dudes oh wait who's throwing the crows oh yeah this guy one of the original tabs bosses at least from the 2019 version when I say original I guess I'm not really using it properly because the game came out s ort of not really but was sort of there in 2016 it's crazy to think that this channel was arguably started on tabs in 2016 and that's like 7 years ago since then we've gone on to play hundreds of different games we've even started developing games and I'm even working on a secret project right now that I can't wait to share with you soon here's a hint all of us will be able to play it together now this is a fun map because we have this boss unit here we've got some units hiding out in the high forests the forest it's not a forest it's a farm we're going to want some Beamers we're going to want some energy swordmen to take the brunt of the oncoming Cavalry and what sir what is wrong with your kneecap what is he doing is he trying to like bike pedal this faster we're going to want some projectile Shields protecting our Beamer snipers and let's get some box gun artillery pieces I'm not sure how these guys are going to work and behind the not Jedi padawans are some dudes with the blasters you know the Stormtroopers right because it's the Clone Wars and we got clone troopers and Jedi fighting together because you know what Dorth cius has an order to execute 66 and everyone's just happy and they all lived happily after and not all the Jedi died see that's the thing about the neon faction is like you can't watch the neon faction and not be reminded of Star Wars unless of course you have no idea what Star Wars is in which case congratulations you have some amazing movies to check out so the Beamer rifles guys oh thank goodness I thought they were going to back March all the way off the field and we would lose this battle due to stupidity but that's not the case and I think this guy's about to get a beamer rifle also look at the size of his head it's so small get beamed let's try this again hey buddy get beamed he that's blitz's laugh did you know that I'm pretty sure that's blitz's laugh this is amazing the gravity distortion on units is incredible you may dispatch him so moving on to the next level we have a veritable force of medieval knights a king some religious priestesses and a Robin Hood on a tower sniping at us oh yeah and some musicians because why not we're going to need something incredibly powerful this was the Box gun right I also custom built a guy called a Tesla Cannon let's just see what these things do now the sniper probably might get an arrow off before one of them gets to fire in which case we'll use a gravity Distortion protection field it's a lot of words to say something to project against projectiles oh it okay the Box gun kind of worked it stopped a catapult Rock like in midair are these two guys alone going to defeat this Army okay one of them has to get ooh that King almost got hit in the nether region with a giant rock which well would have hurt and would have made succession a little bit difficult okay that didn't work and I want to see how few units we can use the neon weapons it seems like there's less like of original neon units it's hard to create some of them but there's definitely more weapon systems and abilities then we're originally in the 2016 version the one that came out in December so December 2016 to December 2022 6 years had gone by to when I had made my first tabs neon video and when in the last time we created a tabs video that's insane to me all right Beamer rifle it's all up to you if you finish this guy okay he basically just Shrugged off an atomization round we're going to need more blasters yeah I think these guys need to lower their fire rate because they're pretty incredible and I think look at that oh see this is just Battlefield physics at its finest Archer was up here gets shot falls off the tower does cartwheels all the way down to our viewing Delight you got to love this game there's just no other game like it can one of every one of our neon units beat that giant army faced in front of us because this might might be where we need to put in the final official neon unit gravity backpack is like flying right now there's a lot of really really good ways to distort the enemy Army come on hit him with a beamer rifle he's being healed by the medics we're losing artillery oh that guy where did he go there was a dude here now it's just a blaster he got hit by a catapult and he's gone forever so I think it's clear to beat a giant guy with a sword we need a giant guy with a sword the final neon special boss unit oh hey Beamer rifle once again the Beamer rifle is going to have a bad day because you're dumb now the ultimate neon unit the boss of the faction was the twin lightsaber basically Darth Maul and of course he's fighting a guy with a fan because oh my goodness only in tabs all right according to the wiki he had 6,000 hit points and his cost was only 800 the estimated cost here was 3,100 we could give him the Monkey King jump oh but then he has a tail super jump oh where did he go oh yeah this is going to work fantastically Darth Maul has entered the game now that we have him we can flank him by his acolytes or padawans whatever you want to call them this guy is about to try to defeat that entire arm by himself look at this you know how there's like really good physics wouldn't it be really cool if like certain weapons like say Energy Swords could actually cut through things now obviously in the totally accurate world if you have a twin handed light seab or you're going to hold it behind your back like you're pretending it's like you know a wooden bicycle I don't even know what that meant what does that mean it's like bicycle handle now where is he he's just like not holding his sword properly at all and it's hilarious cuz he's still doing a pretty dang good job and that is the Sweet Taste of Victory could we win an entire campaign battle with just using them so let's see there's a giant ballista in the back so if this guy can dispatch that ballista before he dies I think that would be really really good cuz the Minotaur is doing a pretty good job messing people up this guy's like break dancing his head is really small I don't know why but that always gets a laugh out of me someone's firing lightning bolts and it's not Palpatine it's Zeus I almost said Dr Zeus you know the guy who wrote the children's books I'm just kidding that's Dr Seuss not the great God Seuss here we are have had too much coffee today now who's left alive what is this tab stuff again guys is there a guy stuck in oh okay it's just Dr Zeus over here look at look at this these guys like hey I'm going to try to climb climb the stairs by getting stuck in walls all right your head is stuck in a wall but we got the victory so now I think before we fight this battle we're going to create the most powerful unit in tabs and put him up on this Temple as if he's a God and he's going to have to destroy this entire faction by himself oh my goodness it's glorious okay we're going to remove one cuz we want a projectile pack so he can shoot projectiles I think his own projectiles get through it where did you go what how did you die oh he got hit by a cannonball oh no he got hit by Angels yeah that's going to work oh the stasis storm is amazing it stops units and with your other arm we're going to be giving you a break Blaster yeah that seems about right now if you're a neon God like he is you're going to look like this but you're also going to be from the future so we're going to give you a lab coat and you know what no pants you're hit points are going to be let's say 2,000 and you know what your name is going to be Dr Zeus and your price is going to be 1,000 because it's overpowered now to see if Dr Zeus alone can beat the entirety of the faction wait a minute are there people hiding over here or something what are you doing Dr Zeus buddy can you shoot bad guys please okay there's someone hiding in a tree it was a guy with a club all right oh my goodness he just got hit with a Minotaur yes he can freeze him with his freezy Ray and plasma cuchia launcher this is what it looks like from these guys perspective do you want to go up those stairs and fight him I don't think so you can't anyway cuz you're frozen stiff in a three-eyed miniatur are you kidding I've never seen that in all of my time playing tabs unbelievable this is the thing about tabs you can play it literally hundreds of times and always see something new and different every time you play it and that's one of the best things about it ouch that really hurts a three-eyed minur that goes down in history as the coolest multi-eyed variant I've ever seen and that is Victory our neon faction is a little bit overpowered so we're going to upload my neon faction we're going to call it humor and poporn culture Baron One games totally accurate Balan neon faction and there you go go play it at least on Wednesday I'm going to release this over the weekend if you guys want to see more tabs pull the trigger and like button let me know and I will see you in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 308,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames
Id: xjciu2WUJAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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