The NEW Hunter Quest Guide - TIPS TO KILL SHTURMAN - Escape from Tarkov

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you've more than likely clicked on this video because you've noticed that jager has given you a new quest and because it's jaeger you already know this quest is going to be a pain in the dick and for some of you you'll be absolutely right it depends on how much you like hunting the wood scav boss the stermon the new quest given to you by jaeger is called hunter and this quest is unlocked when you are loyal to level 4 with jaeger himself once you get this quest and you accept it you notice the quest objective is to kill schdurman not once not twice not even five times but a whole 25 times lucky for you this video is going to go over my tried and tested ways to kill stermin to boost up those numbers and get you all the way through to completion with this rather annoying quest now you'll notice that this quest is much like the stylish one quest for killing killer 100 times and once you've done that you got his little adidas track suit and if you're doing this quest in the soul hopes that you'll receive sherman's jacket as a quest reward then you're sadly going to be mistaken however if you do want to take out the brand new mark 18 338 monster of a dmr then you will need to do this as this weapon is now locked behind this specific quest so when you accept this quest from jaeger he does go on a bit of a waffle saying that stem is a bit of a and he's got some new elephant guns and you can try him out if you deal with sherman so you've got all the information that you basically already knew however it doesn't give you any important information for example like sturman doesn't spawn every single raid on woods he has about a 40 chance of spawning meaning you can go into a raid and not even find him he also has only one confirmed spawn on the woods location and that is inside probably the most iconic landmark on the whole map and that is the lumberyard sturman also doesn't spawn alone he'll spawn with two heavily armed guards who carry weapons like svds vss sks's will bp ammunition and also sr25s these guards also have a tendency to throw vlog grenades once aggroed and they're also deadly accurate with their shots much like the boss himself the followers also have some usually good armor on them usually class six zook mini forts or class five reader and body armors but of course it is possible to see them with lower tier armors like karassa or 6b23-1 sturman himself spawns with only two weapons and he'll always spawn with both he'll spawn with a scoped svd as his main weapon packing smb or 7m1 ammunition and also a pretty basic ak-105 with bt ammo ps ammo or in the worst case scenario 7n39 ammo to be fair though even though when he spawns with it i'd never seen sturman use his ak-105 instead he opts for his svd and that when in range of him will definitely one tap you the majority of the time one saving grace however is that he doesn't spawn with armor instead he's just got the typical boost in base health like all other scav bosses this gap was to have 792 health rather than a typical 440. now as i stated a little bit earlier schedmen doesn't spawn all the time so how do you know that he's actually spawned in the raid you're in well if you make your way to the lumber mill and you get rather close sturman offers up a couple of warning shots will often miss you this is a proximity thing and will activate letting you know that he's there sturman is not a scav boss that tends to run around his location like killer for example his guards you will occasionally see running around the location however they do like to sit and wait for you to engage and then they'll pick you off pretty quickly so locating him specifically inside of the lumber mill is rather difficult in of itself unless you know where to look so i recommend to be safe get some distance on the lumber mill and scope it out in that way you can find what area stem is actually hiding in and then engage from there there are specific hotspots that he will camp in though for example the grey warehouse inside of the lumber mill and then to the direct left of that grey warehouse that red skellings and warehouse he likes to sit in there amongst the log piles and also he could be found in the direct middle of the lumber camp along the pathways right by his actual secret stash he can also spawn and sit by the two metal caravans and the foreman shack closer to the water of the lumber mill the majority of the time that i've seen him though he does spawn either inside and around the grey warehouse or inside that redskelen warehouse that i mentioned a minute ago so take your time and check these hotspots and once you've located him you'll want to go about your attack taking out stermin is easiest when you use the high ground and range against him there are a couple of positions i can recommend for this my main position and most successful position is actually on top of where sniper's gave sits right by the lumber yard once you're up there you will get a great view of most of the lumber yard and you'll be able to locate stermum really easy once you've located him you can range your weapon accordingly and kill stermon with a well-placed headshot while he's sitting in one of the warehouses or out in the open this is a great spot and a safe spot because of the fact that you're actually out of range stermon will not engage you at this distance neither will his guards meaning to get the kill all you need to do is hit the shot in my opinion it's always wise to load your weapon with a few tracer rounds at the top of your magazine as it'll show you where you need to aim in order to your target you can also practice training your shots in an offline raid beforehand simply take your weapon get into position and train your shots so you know that in an online raid with stermin you'll be able to know exactly what zeroing needs to be done as well as how many mil dots need to be adjusted in order to hit your target effectively from different positions around the lumbar mill this position is a hot spot though and you'll need to get up there fast in order to get up there first it's also wise to take a teammate to watch the pathway leading up as well as the flanking route so you're not snuck up on by pmcs or player scouts another good long range spot for killing stermin safely is actually the spine rock just below sniper's gavrock and it's very similar in terms of distance from the sniper scav rock to the lumber yard as well as how you would go about engaging sterling from there however it's not as high and therefore you don't get as good of a visual but you are still safe there so sterling will not engage you and if you can see him sitting inside of the gray container or the red container you'll easily be able to pop him from 250 meters away another great position i find myself in a lot of the time is actually taking the road from ruaf roadblock towards the lumber mill you'll notice that when you're getting close to the lumber mill you'll see a rock on the crest of a small hill that looks over the lumber yard this rock is actually another good way to use hard cover against sherman and keep one side of yourself protected from an ambush sternman is often going to shoot you at this range however but this rock does provide good cover if he is suppressing you with fire and you can also dip back down the hill towards the road in the blood sample car if you need to heal or reposition safely in terms of loadouts when i engage german from range i usually use a sniper like the mosin with hard-hitting ammo like 7m1 but you can also use a vpo215 with 366 ap ammunition to get those one taps pretty darn easily and that's also quite a good budget option for you but definitely one tapping sherman in the head before he has a chance to reposition himself to a place with more cover is definitely your best chance from engaging at a distance although engaging stermin at range is the easiest way to do it some people are not good with the whole sniping thing it is possible albeit harder to engage stem and close up taking a weapon with hard hitting ammo is a great start there's no point taking a really expensive weapon with shitty ammo it's much better to take a budget weapon with the highest tier ammo so it takes less shots to kill him my most successful way to kill him closer up is to spot him from a distance and then when he's not aggroed move in slowly from the lake up through the red containers and then use the log piles and the red warehouses as cover and then get closer to sherman once you have engaged you need to quickly reposition to hard cover and get a different angle because if you've killed sturman then these guards are going to be pushing on you and if you haven't killed sturm and he's going to be holding that last known position of you and you need to get a completely different angle in order for him to not just instantly head zap you as soon as you repeat staying in one place is a death sentence because not only is stern going to be holding that angle if you didn't kill him but you'll be getting grenades thrown your way by the scav guards and also you'll be getting them pushing you real close with their firepower and they are deadly accurate as i said earlier you can flank along the ridgeline of the east side of the lumberyard this ridgeline has plenty of cover for you to pull back and reposition in order to get shots off on stermin himself but be careful the guards can get up there and push closer to you along that ridge themselves so watch your back and also you do have the duffel bag rock behind the red warehouses on the west side of lumber this gives you a bit of elevation to see more of the lumber yard while staying close enough to be able to follow or spray your chosen weapon while still controlling your recoil the same goes for this spot as it did the ridgeline though the scav guards are able to engage you rather quickly and put grenades in that position to flush you out if you are engaged from this rock then it's best to pull back into the forest and use the trenches as cover to maneuver your way around to rock which overlooks the north side of lumber so you've got two ways of going about this do you want to get this quest down as quickly as possible or do you want to stay safe and keep the gear that you have on you and dye it less frequently if you want the quest done as quickly as possible then it's probably best to engage him close up and push to the lumbar mill as quickly as you can however you are likely to die quite a bit whether that be from players positioning themselves around you or stirring these guards being able to kill you before you kill them the safest way to do this quest is definitely up on top of sniper rock this rock like i said earlier is a great vantage point and sturman will not engage you from this range that being said it probably will mean that sometimes depending on your spawn people will get to sherman first and kill him before you can get up there and take position taking a team is honestly the best tactic i give you for most videos and that is because having someone to watch your back especially when you're a sniper or you're laser focused on a certain task will greatly improve your chances of survival when you're so focused on getting boss kills you may miss other things going on around you in which case your teammates will be able to back you up in these situations where if you were solo you'd probably perish a good thing about this quest though is you don't need to loot german in order for this to count simply killing him and extracting will reduce the time it takes to get these kills however i do recommend if he does die in a good location surrounded by cover that you do go for the loot not even solely for his weapons but he does have a chance to spawn with that red rebel melee item not only that but he'll also spawn with the ksh key in his pockets which is for his personal stash you can choose to loot that in the center of the lumber yard in order to find more great items including another chance for the red rebel to spawn he can also spawn with key cards in his backpack and if you do end up finding the red key card from him for example you've just made your money back for a hundred of these raids if needed that being said it's not mandatory for the quest so if you'd rather not take the risk and keep your gear just to go straight to the extract then i'd recommend doing so in short you'll need to be on the lookout for the scav bus it's best to give overwatch on the location first and pinpoint where they are then isolate the scav boss himself if possible and take him out ideally with one well-placed headshot neither his guards or stermin himself wear helmet so it's definitely possible to unzap them don't stay out in the open for anything schnamen is extremely accurate and will take you out pretty quickly use hardcover as much as you can and if you are confident in close range engagements to get the quest done quickly close the gap as on when you can to improve your accuracy when you're using automatic weapons otherwise stick to highly elevated points like the sniper rock or spine and take him out where he's out in the open from these distances you'll be out of range from him and his guards and therefore you can kill him without worrying about him or his guard shooting you first or shooting back at you once you've killed sherman i hold 25 times then you can hand in the quest you'll unlock those big mark 18s to be purchased from loyalty level 4 jaeger as well as receiving a hundred thousand rubles however depending on your hideout's intelligence center this can actually be increased to almost 120 000 rubles so bear that in mind you'll also get a pro kill medallion as well as a secret unknown reward which is actually a weapons case so overall this can actually give you quite a bit of money when completing this quest not to mention the fact that if you can indeed loot sturman and his followers you can get even more money throughout your time doing this quest hopefully this video helped you guys in this quest of storm and real hard up the ass do note that no matter what you will still be spending quite some time on this quest it's not the quickest to complete however it is quite fun and worthwhile in the long run anyway guys i thank you all for watching all the way to the end of this video your support really does mean a lot to me it allows me to keep doing what i love to do and get new content out for all of you lot if you like the video that i just put out then a like is always appreciated and if you want to stick around and get updated when i upload then consider hitting that subscribe button and the bell notification icon according to youtube's analytics and the majority of people that watch my videos are not subscribed so if you're someone like that then why not hit that little button below it's free and it helps my channel out so 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Channel: samosh
Views: 18,744
Rating: 4.870647 out of 5
Keywords: Escape From Tarkov, EFT, Tarkov, Gameplay, Samosh, Guide, HowTo, Update, shturman stash, shturman tarkov, shturman guide, shturman tarkov guide, shturman eft, woods scav boss spawn, woods scav boss loot, eft woods scav boss, red rebel ice pick, eft red rebel ice pick, red rebel ice pick tarkov, red rebel farming, escape from tarkov scav boss loot, shturman guide tarkov, eft killing shturman, red rebel spawn, hidden stash woods tarkov, shturman key loot, shturmans key, Hunter Quest
Id: 8z8N1JsVbJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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