Killing The SECRET Spider BOSS in Grounded

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hey there i'm blitz welcome back to more grounded check it out i found a hot dog um i can't actually get it because i don't have the insect axe yet that's too bad but anyway we have an exciting adventure ahead of us today you have told me in the comments down below that there is a boss monster in this game and it probably looks like whatever is messing up grass over here oh boy what was that oh it's a ladybug nice i wanted to eat some of these today no there is a brood mother spider that's a crazy big boss and that's the goal of today's video is to actually take and kill that spider oh stop it no i didn't stun ow you little monster why would you eat me what did i ever do to you oh don't do it again please don't do that again i'm gonna have to shove okay yep started okay it's done and hey that was sad i like ladybugs ooh i got a ladybug head oh i forgot i can block duh now you guys have told me that the ladybug armor is the best armor in the game even better than the spider armor i'm not sure if i agree with that oh wait i can't get the ladybug chest plate yet interesting but i do want to get these before we go and fight the big nasty spider boss also i think it'd be amazing to build a base on top of this baseball it would be the base baseball baseball base baseball baseball analyzing hey ladybug shelves hey look the ladybug chest plate that's exactly what i needed and i'm guessing the head is going to give the little wall thing yeah the head mount i'm just going to need a total of 11 ladybug parts so i guess it's time to go hunting now you don't look like a ladybug but i'm still going to smash you and stun it oh that hurt okay and earth's stunned okay grab my stamina back and attack an attack and attack block it oh i missed the block that's okay it's dead i killed the nord weaver i killed the arm weaver yes oh hi again oh whoa okay block it oh your block is still i'm gonna die i'm actually stuck right now hi that's really cool that's okay oh no i'm still stuck stack no block it oh oh this epic block to save my life another warm spider is gone another one okay you want your friend parts hi okay this was bad this was really bad okay this is really bad i need to eat some more juice smack them a couple times in the head block it and okay one more oh there's another one why why how did i get so lucky ah no no okay eat another juice smack it oh what did i shoot it with an arrow for ah okay this is stunned it's stunned i can breathe oh come on i got two in a row the boys are back in town i'm not a big fan of them either ah oh really i'm gonna chase you down a little air oh yeah that's fine got him got him and got him hahaha nailed it that was good i killed like seven of them they were gonna invade my base and i don't like them i need to build a base that can't be invaded by spider things larva whatever they're called and i still hear the music so they're still attacking my base i think everywhere i go these spiders just want to eat me ha can't touch me can't touch me oh perfect stun it stun it it's stunned wait wait i found something i found something oh i'm in trouble i'm gonna drink ow oh no no no oh that was a gigantic spider what was that thing oh god oh i blocked it that was actually pretty cool okay i don't know what you are oh no no no a little spider thing i'm so sorry i'll be honest i really just want to go under there i do because i think there's a cave under there or might not be that would be cool too oh there's the action figure head i've never seen that before because there's deadly spiders around it look it's sleeping it's like wow it's not sleeping anymore oh no okay run away i didn't know i'm so sorry i'm so sorry mr spider oh mr ladybug where are you you're so pretty and it'd be a shame if somebody were to smack you in the back of the head ow you're not supposed to hit me dude oh the epic block okay that was pretty good and you're stunned oh just a little hatchet maneuver oh that's not enough ah that was a good stun too nice i'm getting better at the old defense mode that was pretty cool oh that was three ladybug parts i only need like four more now hello barry nice view to drop down on me i have a feeling that you've broken the law of gravity haha you get it fell that was a bad joke this berry is falling for me i think this one's very happy to see me i'm gonna axe this one a question oh no oh no this is bad because all my armor broke run away no more asking questions no more i'm sorry for the dad jokes i gotta run well it's been roughly an hour and i finally have the parts to make the ladybug gear and i'm kind of excited to do this i just want to make sure yep got plenty of inventory space let's craft these up i should just craft an equipment a little less squishy now that's good because we're made out of ladybugs oh equip that all right i can't see how i look can i see how i look in here inventory yeah whoa okay that's some some thighs of steel right there i guess pretty cool face mask though look at that thing and i have this set bonus of scarlet embrace which i have no idea what that means at all all right let's try this new armor out with a big spider i missed how did i miss the first shot okay he's done it stun it yes it's stunned i took a little damage not very much though which is nice and out one more hit got him nice that was pretty good i'll take that please don't okay no more damage i really need two spider fangs though which are commonly found in the wolf spiders hmm that's not a wolf but i'll shoot him hey ugly how are you gonna charge me no what are you doing what are you why are you just standing there oh oh no no no oh i missed it nice okay let the stamina charge up attack again oh beautiful oh that was perfect i didn't even take damage oh i hear more anyone here no one's here i have always wanted to see what's in this tunnel oh no approaching the mouth of the boating cave why do you have to talk in that third person perspective i'm gonna equip that this is bad this is really not a good idea i'm going into a spider den this is bad this is so bad oh hey there's science back here i like science there's also lots of spider webs i don't like spider webs okay everything's fine no no no no no no no no no he's sleeping it's sleeping i just i opened up oh hi you just tried to bite me i'm going to die try eat a smoothie oh no no no no okay that was a bad idea i'm good at making bad ideas wouldn't it be fun if that orb weaver respawned ha no no no no it's it better be gone okay it's gone now how am i gonna sneak into here without any light this is gonna be the worst worst decision of my life one of the worst decisions of my life probably not a very bad decision i'm just i'm going to get it i'm going to crawl it doesn't know about me take off and leaving leaving leaving me i'm so sorry just kidding i'm actually not oh that was bad that was really bad idea i'm a really that was really not a very good idea especially since i forgot i didn't equip my armor thankfully it's right at the beginning of the entrance of the cave okay nats are really annoying by the way they're super annoying get did you die already one of you there got one and anyone else anyone else oh you ah nice okay i'm getting that fuzz for days oh if you don't move they don't know you're here oh no no no no no no you can't swim you can't swim i hope you can't can you swim i don't think they can swim i bet he can't climb battle toads either got him yes he can't climb battle codes no no no you're not allowed to leave whoa mega arrow attack uh why just stop it already come here wolfie all right we're gonna snipe you through the jungle here oh that's hello hello stupid dumb gnats i would laugh so hard if one of them just accidentally flew in front of the arrow this thing takes so many arrows this isn't even the brood mother oh no oh okay no no no no no oh we gotta go in with the hammer okay come here come here wolfy come here oh yes yes i killed it with my fingers i just about dyed myself drink a smoothie smoothies always help oh it gave me two spider fangs that's great oh now i can craft insect bow i didn't know that okay we have to go do that how do i i gotta go run all the way back to home so i think what i'm gonna do is kind of make a little outpost here if i craft up a lean-to can i do it up on the tree no oh i can beautiful we'll just do that real quick and i'll make a workbench up here sometime and then we find a good spot the tree maybe tonight oh what that i guess that works it's pretty ugly but it worked and now i can make the oh venom arrows let's do the insect bow that looks awesome okay do i have enough space because i don't really want to drop it i don't um let's uh drop these yeah and then we'll craft an equip yeah i got a new bow insect bow tap for details oh higher damage and speed than the other one that's amazing elsa means i need to trash this one and i can also craft a roasting spit up here so i can eat my weevil and then i won't die of starvation poisoning yummy yummy yummy weevil in my tummy salty why is that salty doesn't make any sense pete all right morning times here of 108 arrows now i have to find my way over to this brood mother i also made that my spawn point because if i die then i can go visit her oh man i don't even know where it is i think it's up in these trees somewhere oh man you look at all these these tunnels are amazing if you aren't having to go fight after berries oh okay up i really don't want to fall and i forgot my parachute thing so that's not good oh what is that what's coming after me how could something see me up in the tree oh i'm gonna drink that because i need to and also it's weird that you can't eat the berries you'd think that bears oh there's a spider could that be the oh there's another one that is not the brood mother because the brood mother looks like a wolf spider i just don't even know where to go oh man i really i really don't i have to oh i missed how did i miss yeah oh i just bought phil um i'm gonna do it how did i miss that right in the yellow squishy part really okay you move just move a little i don't want to fall down if i fall down there it's going to be sad news okay here we go really got him ooh oh that does so much damage don't you dare spit at me or weaver i know you have the bills the skills to pay the bills but you're not allowed to spit webs at me not from below that other one's like huh wonder what's happening to clark he's crying you didn't know it was me so i'll go find him next time oh okay we're dropped down please don't be another one here that's good and all of the arrows stayed beautiful uh oh oh oh hi you didn't like what i did to clark did you that's okay it'll happen to you next i think maybe oh it's a cutie hey little cutie oh i just put one shot in hey why'd you move supposed really there oh he got splattered okay we'll go after the orb weaver then nice just stay right there it'll be great these new arrows do so much damage or the new bow why would that make sense i guess a better pullback or something nice two done how many more arrows are up here oh i dropped some no arrows don't go down my dudes i need you in my life ah i lost 11 there this is really messy to walk over i don't even know where i'm going okay uh-huh i'm probably needing to go that way more it looks very sinister through there oh neat there's a bird bath i'm gonna go up to the birdbath hello birdbath what are you doing today got anything deadly over here that i can use to make things dead okay i'm a little bit scared nice can i swim i can drink the bird bath what happens if there's birds oh that's a terrifying thought birds are a terrifying idea i don't like that okay i can get up to the next level of this thing it looks like it oh this looks like a really really good spot to collect berries hey give me that oh 100. nice this is terrifying no i just about died oh i see something did you see that is that like a frisbee stuck in the tree ah we're going over here all right maybe i'll just climb up without going on to it it looked like there was a spider over there there is there's two is that it that might be the brood mother okay should i kill the little one first oh the flying flingman flinging this okay we'll kill this one first the orb weaver oh yeah oh yeah he's mad he's a mad bro he are you mad are you oh the hedge brood mother it is oh i'm definitely not going down there please don't where are you going maybe or just shoot both of them at the same time yes maybe if i could maybe it hits both of them like the axe sometimes can that'd be nice oh no the brood mother fell the brood brother fell down i wonder if they take fall damage oh that would be amazing if they take fall then because i took fall damage and i know that mites take fall damage and there's the little okay we're going on oh there they are hey little cuties would you like to die oh you didn't die okay ow why is the flingman flying disc some metal i don't know where where'd he go hey i want my arrow back okay you died for sure orb weaver his parts fell all over that was gross okay where did the brood mother go it's gotta be down there oh this is terrifying okay we're gonna go on here oh look there's the brood uh oh it didn't fall all the way down hi dork oh it's stuck it's stuck yes yes i am not gonna get closer than this to it i sure hope this isn't considered cheating what do you think it's going to drop i'm going in with a hammer just because i have brand new armor oh it died it died the brood mother died i got i didn't get anything cool i didn't even get fangs off of it what kind of garbage is that what please give me more loot oh oh don't hurt really i didn't even get spider fangs that's why i really wanted to kill it or a cool hat hats are always fun huh well i guess that was bad we still killed it which is good i wonder if there's any other bosses so i just killed that brood mother and i saw this it's like way on the edge of the map it's a door there's a secret door what is this thing in it can i open it it's locked whoa how is there a secret door here i really want to know what's in there now i really want to know what's in there all right i guess we'll never know or we will when the game gets updated [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 794,496
Rating: 4.8673453 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, grounded, grounded game, miniature world, small world, grounded gameplay, grounded ep 1, grounded part 1, survival, survival game, Aug2020
Id: lHKmSVLoe8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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