New DRUMMIDARY on Amber Island! (My Singing Monsters)

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hey guys welcome back to my singing monsters so there's been a new update there's a new monster on Amber Island but first I want to do something I never do fight in the kala Singham so today guys I finally got my kalosing them to level six so I could unlock seasonal quests because what I want to do is check out shmuchel's seasonal Quest now you guys may already know I'm not a big fan of schmuchel at least musically but I'm hoping maybe shmuchel as a fighter is a little bit better now I'm not going in here with a level one shmuchel okay that would be crazy I'm gonna level up my schmuchel a few times you probably gotta level it up a lot if you want to actually beat these quests there's 15 different fights so I don't think I'm gonna do them all okay but I want to do a few just for fun see what schmutual is like in the Coliseum by the way guys you may have noticed that I'm very very low on diamonds right now and that's because I already got everything I needed to breed the new monster um so yeah now I have like a hundred diamonds left I'm gonna have to buy some more but the good news is I don't need to spend too many in this video I'm pretty much only gonna spend them here to speed up the training for the shmuchel how about one more level for you shmochel I think level seven oughta do you good yeah all right I'm a meanie you're gonna have to prove that you're a meanie today by killing a bunch of monsters I mean putting them to sleep of course when you when you when you defeat them they just they take a little nap let's start by uh giving a little fluttery sensation to this quibble by the way cool Keys quibble oh my okay no nice try nice try I got a lot of Health okay let me just sing you another song uh let's go for sweet nothings let me whisper some sweet nothings in your ears your four ears all right uh let's go for Quest number two this time we're going up against a level seven saibab oh my so the way this works is sometimes you have uh strengths or weaknesses depending on what you're doing so like this Elemental attack the fluttery sensation is gonna be weak against a uh air monster so that that makes sense you know so I'm gonna do some more sweet nothings okay okay very nice now die oh or not you can stay alive a little bit okay just just a little bit I'm gonna do a weak attack just because you're already really weak okay only 246 damage how weak give me a real challenge okay oh wait a minute I'm going up against the level seven shoot that's weird while his fair and loving song I don't know is it fair to put two levels seven smoochles up against each other I get to go first so I'll win so uh have fun losing okay it's called math learn it this was a very technically demanding fight guys I mean I had to use so much strategy to win [Music] well I'm guessing the next one is probably gonna be too much for me at level seven right oh yeah now they want me to fight a level 10 quibble and a level 10 cyber but what a cool costume that is for the quibble guys there are some cool costumes at the Coliseum okay I think you need to do certain stuff to get them okay okay look at that okay tell you what I'm gonna get to level 10. so that I can fight these next guys I mean maybe maybe I can beat them uh with my current level considering they're not super cool seasonals but but oh this one will give me a new ability rainbow Chase speed it up take out my diamonds I don't even want them okay yeah so basically if I go any further than this I'm not gonna have enough diamonds and I I am gonna buy some more but you know if I don't have to I won't right now oh wait I get it I didn't realize I got I got to take someone else with me here guys I've got this guy oh and he's good against the quibble okay do a little please there you go oh it's a strong attack y'all [Music] are you Moonlight Sonata at me you're not allowed to do that oh but now you're dead because that was a very strong attack thank you goodbye was that like uh I don't think it was okay 500 damage to him I'm still alive but now I will be dead after he after he hits me but I haven't even brought my shmuchel out yet man what the heck did he just do that was a that was a long one okay and yeah I don't know what this rainbow Chase is I'm gonna do it even though it's weak because I just unlocked it okay okay not bad I suppose okay maybe I can do one more guys because this is just two level tens I've got a level 10 and a level eight um hang on a second though I don't know how to weaknesses work but this guy has some plant and these guys don't have plants so let's let's see okay oh man we're weak against both whatever sweet nothings those those aren't an elemental attack so we're all we're okay 536 damn maybe you're gonna die before you get a chance to kill me okay and if you do kill me I'm gonna kill you back okay we're alive but now Congo's gonna come in smoke me I have an attack that's strong against him let's go that doesn't seem that strong to me ow what do you mean we no oh God [Music] this guy just goes and I die thanks a lot thanks don't tell me I can do it for a corn okay just keep crying okay that was sort of fun I suppose but I think we should move on because I am about to complete my conundrum can you believe it I know it says I have to do two but watch this you collect one and then you get the opportunity two wait for it okay just just give me one sec to catch up yes please put that in there it's time to awaken the colossal wow okay Plant Island colossi oh I think I will claim that reward that sounds like a pretty cool little thing okay okay so it's I guess it's in the market right and then probably structures and there's my free colossi many secrets of the monster world have been transcribed and tucked away on parchment kana's map which revealed the existence of the prehistoric continents or belabid scroll which led to the discovery of wublin Island in those cases it was the cooperation and resolve of special residents of the human world that solved the puzzles so it seems appropriate that the secret to rousing the colossals is hiding among the scraps of the Colossal conundra once all the pieces of a conundrum have been assembled a remarkable Obelisk called a colossi will appear on the Island's surface even though the structure is newly arrived bubblerite dating of the stone used in its construction positions its age alongside other elements of monster Antiquity like monster glyphics or vessels if one knows how to read between the lines the colossi will shudder to life and outstretch prompting the sleeping Spirit to awaken and join in the island song only then can the burden of its ancient sacrifice be lifted and the colossally made whole once more so he he's gonna add to the song now the island already adds to the song like a little bass line um so we'll see how this uh see how this goes oh my oh my it's an eye it's two eyes now what now what do I do he's just down here being all awake after this guy's done his little yeah yeah part we're gonna hear the colossal foreign I hear something hello oh okay it's very subtle but I definitely hear something okay hang on guys we're muting this because I want to hear the audio sample from the colossal [Music] okay well that's that's that's that I mean look it's cool that his eyes are open okay I'm not I'm not gonna lie but it certainly doesn't add too much to the song hey buddy listen I'm I'm not saying that you're not perfect the way you were okay you're doing great sweetie okay well that's a big thing off the list guys I know it took me a lot longer than it should have but as I mentioned I went on vacation and then I came back and I totally forgot to keep logging in and luckily the ketchup thing happened so uh thanks for the catch up now it is time to get this thing guys boom boom who is boom boom you ask it's a Dromedary it's another Quint I think it's the final Quint something like that uh I believe this is the last Donna Fire Monster they're adding to Amber Island I could be wrong okay I heard that from MPG maybe he's a liar oh okay that's a pretty cool little egg I'm not gonna lie got me excited to see what this oh my God I don't have enough diamonds even get this oh geez here we go again currency's on sale y'all no not really well sort of okay I'll do the I'll do the four dollar one okay because it's normally 10. you guys better appreciate me spending those six Canadian dollars okay smash the like button and let's get our drama dairy or perhaps we wait just a quick second because there is one other monster on this island that we can get but it's an evolution of krillby so we can get a rare Kirby so let's let's do that or we can unfurl a flag if you prefer which apparently you do wow a flag don't worry I'm not gonna run out of relics array then guys oh my God another flag dude I just spent six dollars on these diamonds don't take them away from me one more time let's go this is this is the one okay they're not gonna oh my God another flag just unfurl all the flags see if I care three unfurled Flags guys if I actually run out of relics I'm going to lose my mind there you are there you are I almost spent all the diamonds I just bought you ever see a guy spend six dollars this fast no well that's a step up guys that is a step up from the from the other krillby okay I think krillby is one of the most disgusting monsters in this game it's beneficial in bustling ecosystems to carve out a niche for oneself and that's exactly what the rare krillby has done the monster takes full advantage of its Sylvan coloration to do the exact opposite of its Speedster common cousin move at an achingly slow pace and blend in with its surroundings its feet are designed not for velocity or dexterity but for maximum noise dampening of its footfalls passersby will report hearing the rare Kirby's flute like call but being utterly unable to spot it well hey congratulations on having a bit of a glow up now let's spend the rest of our diamonds and get our Dromedary now a drummondary there's something called a Dromedary guys that's a real thing I think it's a type of camel Dromedary it's the tallest of the three species of camel I am on the ball when it comes to my facts apparently so is this gonna be Camile or something not really but also kind of because you do you do see those dudes in the desert with their camels all packed up with rolls it's a pretty cool looking thing though guys like some sort of like weird crab like thing it's sort of giving me train Vibes as well okay well I don't know where to put you now you're kind of messing up the whole feng shui I got going on here but it's it's fine hey I can't believe it's drums it's called the drummer Dairy that's really cool actually I'm not gonna lie okay one of the better percussions if you ask me I don't know what the deal is with the the drums I don't know what they're supposed to be but maybe maybe they tell you in the info even from afar the rhythmic booms of the Dromedary can be heard the Earth top boss is perfectly adapted to thrive in the harshest climates imaginable because it's able to safeguard any supplies or food it may need in its for hump drums hump drums hump like a camel you say over the course of its lifetime the Dromedary never stops growing and some specimens in the Contemporary era have grown to considerable size even though the Quint element monster can be sentimental and hold on to keepsakes of its humble upbringing like its training wheels sometimes it'll gather other percussion monsters around and whirl on those same Wheels to perform impressive break dance routines all while cranking out beastly Beats beastly beat say wow thanks for those beastly beats Dromedary and also because we got that I get five relics oh yeah what a great day you know guys this is my first time I've been able to get a monster on Amber Island and actually hear it with all the other monsters as well because I only just got my castle upgraded recently so I think that's pretty cool but anyway I'm gonna end this video here I hope you enjoyed if you did please hit that like button thank you so much for watching and if you want to check out another one of my videos how about you try this one
Channel: MattShea
Views: 429,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, msm flum ox amber island, rare flum ox, msm bowhead, msm anniversary month, amber island bowhead, amber island complete, completing msm, I completed msm, msm amber island, magical sanctum, msm drummidary, drummidary amber island, amber island drummidary, let's play msm, amber island, mattshea my singing monsters, amber island woolabee, amber island wave 12, amber island wave 11, amber island all monsters
Id: VV9PTriByi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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