The Near Death Experience of Ms. Isabel Waller-Rigo

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[Music] miss valerico at the age of eight you had a near-death experience how did it come about well i was inside the schoolhouse together with my friends and after school we were waiting for the music teacher and meanwhile playing around a little bit here and there and there were also some training devices there which are called sweden boxes which were relatively high and arrayed side by side and there on these sweden boxes we were playing tag and suddenly i lost my balance and fell backwards head first onto the ground and from this moment on i was no longer aware of anything in my material surroundings the only thing i knew is that i continued playing on top of these swedish boxes where my whereas my friends were looking down to the ground where my body was lying but at this moment i didn't realize that i was just looking down and i saw my body whereas my consciousness i'll call it that was on top of the swedish boxes together with my friends first i had to think this through in order to find an explanation for what had happened and suddenly i started panicking because my consciousness somehow realized what had happened like oh dear i'm no longer inside my body as for me however i couldn't still couldn't quite fathom the situation at the end of the corridor there was a door a big wooden door and since i was still panicking i wanted to go and get help so i was floating through the corridor right up to the door intending to open the door by hand but arriving there i simply passed through it so to speak and i realized okay you've passed through the door now and then i passed through the door hoping that there would be somebody but nobody was there so i went back into the corridor again through the door and well in a moment when passing through this door i looked upwards where i saw a tunnel a dark black tunnel but at the end of the tunnel there was a light a very bright and wonderful light not comparable with our sun it because it was a light that was even brighter but it was not hot as we know it from our earthly sphere well somehow i had the desire to move through the tunnel toward the light so i approached the tunnel and then i flew through this tunnel and at the end of it in the light there was a figure with human characteristics but without a body as i have one then you might call this body a spirit body yes some people call it an astral body but you can also define it as a spirit body well this female figure for me it was a figure of female nature stopped me on the border between the tunnel and the light and said to me on a telepathic level when crossing the threshold you will be dead what she meant was that when crossing the threshold i would not be able to return to earth then i said well what should i do now so she continued saying come i will show you something and she said just look down and so i did and then i saw the earth from above our earth and for me it felt as if i was inside the universe so to speak how big was our earth for you it was huge for me indeed but i also was looking out to the universe so to speak or into the universe and i also saw several planets as we can also see them from here well she intentionally was showing me the earth saying to me you can decide yourself if you would like to go back or if you prefer to stay with us here in the light since i didn't know this being and didn't know who she might have been i thought about her offer meanwhile she was explaining to me uh a bit about how my future would look but i was rather confused because i simply didn't understand the meaning of all this nor where i was she communicated to me the reason why it would be best for me to go back into my body and back to the earth because i now a spirit being had decided myself but if i had preferred to stay over there i would have had to been reborn in order to go through the same phase again as i had planned it for me she said for me well so i communicated to her that i cannot and will not leave my parents alone in view of their grief that they would would have gone through and finally i decided to go back well by means of my consciousness i flew again back through this tunnel until i was standing beside my body which meanwhile was lying with the back on the ground well i was still standing beside my body until i decided to go back into it which i finally did i hastened to add that i felt neither discomfort nor pain outside my body nothing of the kind it was wonderful light and well i just didn't feel anything and the first thing i realized after having entered into my body was that i could breathe again because before it felt for me is if i if i couldn't breathe and my friends were there and the teacher who meanwhile had come to us said to me and to my friends oh she's breathing again and from this moment on i felt everything i felt that i probably had suffered a concussion i felt pain i felt sick and i was also confused because i was well aware of what i had experienced what i had perceived but i first had to fully and consciously accept the fact that i was again back in my body well and there upon i went quickly to the toilet together with my friend and then my parents came to pick me up and so i went home and from then on my life has completely changed i thought a great deal about god and the world which was not at all like me before i had been raised catholic but the church was not my world but what i have done after this experience was that i have talked to my parents about it but my parents said that all this would be figments of my imagination and this made me quite sad because there was no opportunity for me to share my experience with others so i was simply living with it until the present day it's not always easy because in this light i also experienced so much love a kind of love that we don't know here in our world because it's an infinite unconditional love which i experienced over there in which in this way does not exist in our world but from then on i could better understand people in many ways for example when i was faced with their tragedy and suffering about which i didn't care before but if since then somebody was sad i tried to comfort him because i too have experienced this comfort in the light in later years you still had further experiences how did this happen i think that due to the preceding experience i had apparitions of my deceased grandmother and also my best friend who died when she was 15. regarding my grandmother let me explain to you that my parents are italian and at that time in italy it was the custom to have the coffin inside the house with the body in it but i think that today this is no longer so and in this case beside the coffin there was a sofa well we were all standing behind each other in order to take leave from grandma at the coffin when i looked over to the sofa where i saw grandmother sitting at first i thought this was an illusion but then she made a gesture to me meaning hello whereupon i hesitated and i thought in reality she's lying in the coffin but i also asked myself if she would have resurrected in fact i couldn't deal with the situation and then she said everything is fine i am still here and suddenly i realized that everything was real for me at least and i wanted to tug at the jacket of my father in order to tell him look there's grandmother but at this very moment grandmother said no she didn't say anything she only made the card corresponding gesture do not because people would otherwise have thought that i was going crazy because they didn't see this at all so i didn't do it but i stepped forward to the coffin and on arrival there i looked into the coffin and saw her body and beside the body there was the sofa with my grandmother sitting on it and this was really extraordinary because she was smiling at me and i knew well then i knew everything is all right and i was very happy and was jumping around and then my father came to me and said don't be so happy your grandmother has died after all how old were you when that happened at that time i was 12 years old these phenomena were completely unknown to me before though when i was younger i already had had apparitions in the night but i didn't know anything about these phenomena before therefore all this was like an illusion for me but after my near-death experience and the apparition of my grandmother i gradually became aware that all this cannot be an illusion for me and that i was living with it in this way and when i was 15 my best friend petra passed away she was killed in a car crash together with her mother and her father and for this reason i was completely shattered at that time simply because i because she was my best friend because i couldn't say goodbye to her this was very hard for me but after about one week while i was sleeping in my bed i woke up and looked around the room which was bright now comparable with the bright light i had seen during my near-death experience first i thought i would go crazy or that i was hallucinating but this was definitely not the case because then i sat up in bed and saw petra my best friend standing there before me but again in a human shape communicating to me telepathically hey isabelle i'm fine please don't be sad stop morning i'm fine and i'll always be there for you and it was such a relief for me to see her thereupon i intended to call for my parents and when i turned toward the door in order to call for them the light disappeared and petra with it well this was still a further experience which i'm carrying with me still today and it's indeed a great feeling for me also because thereafter i was able to calmly fall asleep and the next day i was happy again because this experience was simply relieving for me and from this point of time on i was no longer sad because i knew that she still existed miss valerigo what impact did all this experience have on your future life the most difficult thing for me was to bring together all these experiences with the secular view the reason why this was so difficult might have been that i wasn't able to talk with anybody about this for a very long time because it's obvious that other people most likely would have considered me to be crazy and probably i i would also think along the same lines as they do if i hadn't experienced this myself because i'm a very discerning person and i don't believe everything that's being said and therefore i can well understand if people do not believe what i have experienced so i was searching for answers to my questions which i have obtained from the relevant literature and when i realized that a great number of people have already had such experiences this gave me a feeling of serenity and peace for me these experiences were a boon and a bane the boon was that i was allowed to carry inside me to this day to carry inside me the heavenly love that i had received over there still to this day which is this unconditional love well and it's still not so nice in the sense that i'm sometimes very sensitive it's it's very difficult for me to live here on this earth because i can't understand how or how it is for people how far they can go and it was not so nice and still isn't so to this day that i'm sometimes so sensitive that it's quite difficult for me to live here on earth because i can't understand how well how far people can go in order to harm each other the connection between this experience and my life here on earth has been preserved for me and also i'll never forget this experience i also have a sort of access to how shall i put it to the woman who had welcomed me on the astral plane who became like a mother for me and well i also communicate with her every now and then but in everyday life i sometimes forget about this love that i felt over there and the welcome this being welcomed um well this is what i miss very much because here on earth things are quite different and i think that many many people who have had an experience similar to my own feel like me thank you very much for the interview a big thanks to you also
Channel: Afterlife Experiences
Views: 119,032
Rating: 4.8858838 out of 5
Keywords: nde, near death experience, nte, afterlife experiences
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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