The Near Death Eexperience of Mrs. Alice T.

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[Music] a few years back alice you had a near-death experience would you tell me how that came about i was at the time having heavy menstrual bleeding and went to see the gynecologist who told me that i had myoma and that it would have to be removed i had no problem with that at all so we arranged an appointment for the operation for three months hence i then went home and all was fine but about a month later i had such intense bleeding that i had to go to the hospital then that night it was in fact the evening when i was brought in they kept me and we agreed to make a decision the next morning as to whether it would be a big operation or a smaller one where i could go home in a week and so on anyway during the night i had to get up to use the toilet and i didn't think it would be a big deal so i got up and i did not ring the bell and so i sat on the toilet and well from that moment on the film just cut out the hospital reckoned it was about two hours before they discovered me and the next day they actually operated on me at full operation and i was out of commission for two months during which i knew nothing i went home and had a lot of time to myself i wasn't allowed to carry anything not even a couple of pounds i mean i had lots of time for myself and then i had somehow well i had this feeling that i was looking for something but i didn't know quite what i absolutely had no idea was it about sport was it something to do with religion that didn't really enter my head maybe i needed a change of job something to do with the family i just had this feeling that something was wrong and that i was trying to find out what but i myself couldn't figure out what it was so i sat down and took some time talking to a few people i knew they took a meditative sort of approach coaching as you would say business coaching and at some point someone said i should give meditation a try to see if it could help me figure this whole thing out so i started quietly meditating and also using ki gong and going through umpteen different things like zen yoga etc until i actually came to yoga itself i started with that and got to know people who had experience of these things not so much in near-death experiences but in coaching a bit of esoteric stuff so we started talking and it soon became clear that something was wrong with me but i still didn't know what then i sat down and began for whatever reason to watch short youtube videos about meditation and so on there's a lot of information out there eventually i found videos about near-death experiences i watched a few and that was very very emotional truly i told colleagues it was emotional for them too but not like it was for me and then one day i watched one that immediately caught my attention a eureka moment that's what i experienced from that point on i knew yes something's not right but what exactly then things started to happen it was like i was having flashbacks in dreams or during the day when i would remember bits and pieces of it so then i had a chat with a doctor about it he said it was indeed possible in the same way as with amnesia when things come back to you later on even if you still don't know what's going on so basically i had to put the pieces of my near-death experience together like a patchwork it wasn't a complete thing for me like it is for the others you know the out-of-body experience or going through a tunnel where you end up somewhere and see things and then you return to your body it wasn't like that for me i had memory fragments longer or shorter sequences but no continuous near-death experience and there's probably a reason for that but i'm okay with that what kind of memories were these i was very suddenly but not really surprised that i was standing in a meadow the meadow was well really the most intense green the colors i've honestly never seen the likes of them you can't really put it into words so intense indescribable it's the meadow i remember most of all and i saw the meadow well as a meadow i looked around and saw the countryside hills and valleys but at the same time i was looking at the meadow i was able to focus in detail up close or far out all at the same time and then i looked around and saw the sky it was on the one hand blue really dazzling but somehow a complete rainbow as well it was like all the colors were combined the visual experiences have really stayed with me the whole thing was very very colorful very intense and music was all around everything was in vibration vibration and energy it was like everything belonged together it's not like here where you hear music and then you see something after that the sky the ground it's all in vibration it's all music and it's all in harmony that was the first impression i had but i had a feeling well i wouldn't go so far as to say i knew that it was very familiar to me it's been a while now but it was there and it was a good thing just as it was i never asked why i was there i was just okay with it as it was so i looked around a while longer just taking it all in how it all worked and so on i felt really good it was all so harmonious filled with love and unconditional love it was simply a feeling of well-being it was all good like it was meant to be so then i remember at some point this angel as i will call it now some would say spirit entity it wasn't a relative or anything like you hear some people talk about not like meeting a friend or family member it was to my mind it was an angel it was something different from myself i briefly looked at myself and saw that i was much bigger than i am on earth much much bigger and pure energy light i was light as well this being was some sort of companion for me a guide a mentor protector in a word an angel was this a male or female being well now yes that's something i'm often asked about i really couldn't say neither one nor the other for me it was and this really is very important not a person who had died it wasn't a thing like me it was different that's important to say i would describe it as and you must realize i was raised as a christian an angel it looked different from me but was also full of light and full of i mean a radiantly beautiful thing simply breathtaking then at my request we swept across the landscape if i can put it like that i absolutely had to see more of this world i was so curious what else is there to see i want to see what it's like here so this being took me across the countryside like superman you might say it was really great then we actually flew over landscapes much like we have on earth but in a more shall i say romantic sort of way there were little ponds and villages with little houses with thatched roofs everything natural i saw people with dogs that were playing there and i'm not a great dog fan in fact i'm afraid of dogs that was a bit of a shock right there you mean there are dogs here it was all very exciting for me parts of it i couldn't understand i was a bit how can i say confused you mean to say they have dogs here surely not dogs and they were all very friendly and i sort of waved to them from above and they waved back it was a very childlike idea of what the afterlife is like i sort of have the feeling that everyone would have their own kind of unique experience that you first of all arrive in a place where you feel good something not too abstract that you are received in a way that isn't a sudden shock but rather with a gentle introduction of sorts and then we flew on and i seem to remember that i was shown a golden city really of the purest gold with this gigantic door in front of it i was thinking later on how come i'm seeing a golden city that's so mundane everyone else is talking about unconditional love and feelings and here i'm seeing a golden city for me that just didn't fit at all but i remembered having heard a lot of bible stories from my grandmother as a child there's one about a golden city with the big city walls made of gold and it could well be that this was somehow transferred so that one experienced a somewhat similar thing again and i remember that there was i myself a being of light there was a guide present let's call it an angel and there was this all-encompassing omnipresent energy which i would now call god and this was a feeling yes at first it was just a feeling you can't really say it was just feeling it was everything it penetrated you it's sensation vibration energy you see it but that at the same time you don't see it that's the most difficult thing to describe it's inside of you it's all around you it's what you are made of you are part of it and there was somewhere it seemed to me as being somehow in the sky a sort of round blackness a nothingness something that was so black that it was actually shining and you were able to nibble knowledge there when you had a question the knowledge was somehow concentrated there i would describe it as concentrating knowledge and you were able to take whatever you liked from it and absorb knowledge because everyone has a lot of questions and all of these had already been answered at some time before i know i asked a lot of questions and got a lot of answers but i wasn't able to bring them back here because our human brains aren't built they simply aren't capable of containing it here that isn't the reason we are here i mean to know everything that was the thing it was very important to me the explanation of why i could not take it all with me i could have done so much with that knowledge but that isn't the purpose behind things that is something that remains very vividly with me this golden city from what perspective did you see it from above yes a bird's eye view from above was there a wall around the city yes there was a city wall a countryside hills little ponds with these people they all looked to be sort of dressed in white but really it was just energy and this golden city it had this as i remember when seen from above and down to the right this incredibly large just this huge golden gateway it impressed me so much it was closed and it was surrounded with a golden wall which reminded me of something oriental and inside were houses all golden and people were living there too but what the purpose of it all was i couldn't say and what effect has this near-death experience had on your subsequent life nowadays i'm still searching somewhat but as for what happens after death i'm sure it continues in some form there is no death it's only a transition to something else that is something that has really changed i don't have the slightest fear of death anymore quite the opposite in fact there are people who say i'm very humorous about the whole thing which i really am my life has changed in the sense of something internal not so much on the outside although my children say i've changed a great deal in fact they say i'm much more easy going thank you so much alice for the interview you're welcome
Channel: Afterlife Experiences
Views: 34,358
Rating: 4.8547597 out of 5
Id: Y1cLvB7bfm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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