SICARIO is worth every minute *First Time Watching* Movie Reaction

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hey everybody welcome back to my channel I'm Ames and we are watching sakario this looks like a stellar cast let's watch this thing roll tap oh the music's a little bit intense already it's very muted the word sakario comes from the zots of Jerusalem Killers who hunted the Romans who invaded their Homeland in Mexico sakario means Hitman Chandler Arizona H really interesting camera work with the lights from the windows oh my God holy [ __ ] oh my God are you hit I'm good whoa he didn't want to run he didn't want to leave through that window why shoot there's no one here whoa there's something in the walls oh my God are those people are those dead people in bags oh god oh oh yeah yeah it's dark sir yeah you attorney wants a statement what do you want me to say to her the truth I wonder if like the dogs would have scented those if they sent dogs in if they didn't get like a bullet hole through there it's like giving me prisoners Vibes you know oh my God there's so many people in the walls I mean how could they even live there with probably how bad it would smell some deep dark [ __ ] going on oh looks like Sor yeah it's one of the houses owned by uel Diaz no way to connect him but he owns it she's so good at her American accent I just absolutely love her this work would be so tough like finding that I couldn't even imagine oh no oh maybe people alive down there oh yeah see they do have a dog yeah obviously doggy oh oh yeah well I didn't want to warm movie but what an intro just the way they had that dust in the air and the sound oh man so much PTSD is without a doubt a major escalation for the cartels oh my God I can't believe they had that like Insurance of the bomb to just get them she's been leading our kidnap response team for 3 years she's been the front line today was your fifth ois remember work cases been kicking doors since day one the lawyers on this train just give me the girl you did this by a book right come on of course Jesus what woman in a man's world I guess would you step in here Kate she seems like she does good work oh yeah Josh Brolin's in this yeah stacked how familiar are you with Manuel Diaz's operation but he's rumored to be linked with one of the Mexican cartels brother's name is garmo do you know anything about his cousin I didn't know he had one of those either none of that is in his file his cousin is fto alaron he's number three in the Sor cartel are you married or do you have a husband I'm they going to bring her in do you have anyone that you don't want to leave and get into this no no thanks Kate if you could wait outside please well I have no clue they know a lot about the cartel or they're trying to know a lot about them heing sandals will you come back in Kate undercover this is Matt Graver he'll be leading the team you'll act as a Leone what does that mean they need an agent with tactical experience like you you'll be part of the team they're just throwing her in what's her objective to dramatically overreact you must volunteer for an inter agency task force okay that's fair you want to be a part of this do we again an opportunity of the men responsible for today the men who are really responsible for today I'll volunteer yeah you'd want to find the men responsible for what you saw in there [Music] Mexico I just love the quietness of this it's really heightening The Experience cuz it's kind of keeping you on your toes such simple storytelling but like so much is going on she's on the list but you're not I'll call you when we're headed back all right morning he said he didn't trust him I'm a bit worried that maybe he's in like too deep playing both sides or something EOD flies around in private jets now yeah you guys don't have one of these been through waterers before no we're going to El Paso right no they're going to Mexico what a cool shot wow maybe they're not telling her the full Truth for a reason he's probably seen some [ __ ] the cartels in Mexico are your specialty yeah for now let's just keep an eye on the time still no answers oh my gosh how you feeling well when I pee get burned whoa look at those helicopters I pulled a team for you man was everybody linking up AIC feel like she's good at watching them though and picking up on things Mexican federal police will meet you at the border and proceed with you to the courthouse oh most likely spot for a hit will be at the border crossing on the return okay the op isn't over until we get back here you're not American no what do you work for now oh I go where I'm sent nothing will make sense to your American ears and you will doubt everything that we do but in the end you will understand is he CIA are you I'm not authorized to follow orders from Alejandro I just want to know what I'm getting into do you want to find the guys responsible yes or no yes this is where we start God Josh broland is just absolutely amazing I love them he really Blends into the walls with his suit color color composition in this movie is already pretty beautiful it's like you know the tones of what Arizona looks like and the colors that they're wearing in the offices and stuff well I'm not quite sure if this is Arizona still cuz they left oh no I'm so worried yeah I'm just watching her being so observant she must have so much going on in her mind I was just trying to slowly figure it out but he said she won't understand till the end so will we not understand till the end all right so they just went through oh my God that is pretty gruesome oh man it'd be so terrifying be so scary adrenaline must be pumping like there must be people telling them that there's this like whole police Convoy coming it's a serious escort into here they try anything it won be at the border that's what they keep saying oh cuz they're taking him back and that's why it will happen at the border spotter vehicle left lane left lane getting the boner oh no there's so much traffic up ahead okay it's a fck up what are we going to do now oh no well they have a helicopter support what a cool shot like you hear the helicopter and just right behind her head like in the distance you saw the helicopter I just love little subtes like that oh no oh jeez get your service weapon out red andala two lanes over on my tent oh no don't roll your window down gun gun what are the rules here we must be engage to engage okay take it out you get out oh he unlocked the doors it's coming it's coming now move wait wait wait maybe she had the right idea there compass compass [ __ ] are we doing [ __ ] going to be on the front page of every newspaper in America no it won't it won't even make the papers in El Paso I'm not a soldier this is not what I do don't sell yourself short what you're doing here is you're giving us the opportunity to shake the tree and create chaos learn that's why you're here well she is she's been taking it all in I really like how they shot that scene from a distance got a lot of really amazing body body language in it to express like especially how she was feeling you know I brought an old buddy of yours I bet you [ __ ] to him oh Alejandro I didn't know ghost got thirsty I know someone kept him alive for us I'm sorry about what happened on the return I control only what I can there's rumors of a tunnel if you're doing what I think you're doing it's a best place to cross in 3 days nobody will be where they are today oh no he's going to haveo to him for sure oh my God aleandro I think he remembers you nor some sort of Revenge oh man I love when they get shots like this Sunset and Dusk and the clouds there's really adds to the cinematography you know oh no is it all gunshots not actual fireworks her partner she's fine I didn't ask you and yet I answered what did they do to that guy and what's their story what are they in on a bunch of Mexican people here are they sending them back we want to talk to the people caught around the noal area well he's going to find out where the tunnel is what are we looking for keep watching oh Bob God talk to me what are we doing I don't have any answers for for you let's get some that Matt can we talk for a minute I want to know the objective of our walk period I didn't go I didn't ask you to be here I walked too why do they need her that's what I want to know [ __ ] lawyers GMA told us about a tunnel East in noal just tell us the truth man we are going to make enough noise that Manuel Diaz is called back to Mexico to see his boss that's the truth and then we know where his boss is his name is Fon to find him would be like discovering a vaccine you understand the value of that just don't keep us in the dark you're afraid of the dark yeah I got her smoking again so much stress well look at that sunset or sunrise this has got to get you thinking you just be like torn thinking what the f is going on oh my gosh the brutality of this all is really just so inhumane and absolutely awful okay so back to this guy is he the guy that got shot like the state trooper or is he like in the cartel and like the head of the cartel you know I used to see guys like m in Iraq got to be careful around these people oh right cuz he was in the military you need somebody watching your six cuz I promise you they are we're not even scratching the surface well you sure B the [ __ ] to show us it's a really great ensemble cast for sure what's the password [ __ ] that's awesome well did K mod actually tell them or was the other guy that Alejandro knew from whatever past he had and then he told him I mean we don't really know cuz we didn't really see actually happened with gilo just looks like they like tortured him or something this is our Smurf guys he tries to eat that deposit receipt you H like it right out of her you hear [Music] me mobile money launderer what are these bracelets don't go in the bank this is something we can actually build a case on don't go in the bank Kate oh no what and it doesn't show up as cash it shows up as a negative loan balance it's never reported to anyone get men well called back to Mexico that's the OB we have no jurisdiction in Mexico we have nothing we need to do something now can arrest him what when are we never really going to get to see his face what do you want Kate what would you like done here I want to follow some semblance of procedure getting the vibe that we're winning no sir I don't these decisions are made far from here so if your fear is operating out of bounds I am telling you you are not you can tell he is a military background how we answered him and said yes sir compared to how she responded like that little subtle detail in the script uh who's watching them oh I wonder if he's worried that she's going to shake the pot too much where's that guy from he going to kill me I think the broad situation is the leaves of your problems okay cuz you look like [ __ ] eat some food where have you taken me what is this place I'm a cowboy Dam long time oh see a one night stand coming here oh got introduce me man T Fenix PD my partner is he setting her up little desser oo cool transition oh no her [Music] bra do it with you the bracelet wait oh no she is shook relax okay just and he knows that she knows what the [ __ ] oh my God [ __ ] stop no oh you did [Music] this holy [ __ ] oh my God you used me as bait now you used yourself as bait I told you not to go in the bank love how we're going to pretend like I planned this I you just write that in your report come on this is good news I I'm sorry I cannot laugh like his character God she's lucky that I shouldn't get killed there but it's okay but he knew him I thought he was afraid I know how many other corrupt [ __ ] are you working with on this side of the Border oh they [ __ ] him up I I dad did it I gave it to him but I never wanted anybody to get hurt and I would have never got involved I thought that [ __ ] okay you know what the beauty is and you being so beat to a pul cu no one's going to notice a few more scratches I'm the one who decides whether your daughter get Federal Protection oh [ __ ] deep threats man with you you go to prison in a work camp in Missouri or a kill house like cor oh my God give it up tell him okay I [ __ ] up I'm in over my [ __ ] head right now I'm sorry if a [ __ ] get it out get it the [ __ ] out how many officers do they have working on the force I'll tell you I'll tell you everything you want to know you just got to promise me I'm my daughters that they're going to be safe you want the truth give me all the names you should have shot him she's tough I just tried to have sex with my Hitman you just wanted to know what you know after us thank you you remind me of someone very special to me tomorrow they'll call my all has back to Mexico and we'll cut a leg from them oh man your neck would hurt so so bad in your throat getting strangled hard like that this must be with her mind man just everything that's going on like the morality of it going into Mexico just what the f is going on them not telling her everything and then sleeping with her Hitman or about to and almost dying oh man oh no oh wait this guy he is not dead oh yum that looks so good it's gone there no yeah no touchy it's good that he said never to touch that I wonder if she got any sleep last night man he is being called back to Mexico waiting for confirmation there's the tunnel right there is it where the car is the Nick it's better thank you they use Mexican police for vehicle transport you see a uniform in the T consider him a bandit too this is an In-N-Out I'm glad she has him they really do have him don't they that looks just like his house all right good you guys will hang back when we get there okay then where are we going cuz CIA can't operate within us borders without a domestic agency attached I told you you'd be useful yeah using her that's why you're here look at his smug little face we don't have to do I need to know what they used us for I say walk a lot of drugs okay yeah cop car this guy where okay all right so they they got him it's Alejandra's beef with him and kill the person that she reminds him of oh is he hiding his identity epic cinematography here with this Sunset oh oh night vision woo oh that just looks stunning with their Shadows wow amazing visuals in this so getting close I love how they've cut to this and this I was blown away by the type of Storytelling in this just with the Drone shots and you know before it was the airplane Shadow now it's like them with like the thermal camera if weapons free boys good luck weapons free who did they shoot this with thermal cameras or is this all CG cuz kind of like video game is right like it's got that feel to it but I wonder if this is like real I don't blame her I'd be pretty damn C ious too and why they used me but there's probably going to be nothing she can do about it who look at these tunnels it's like they're walking deeper and deeper into the truth just going to have to go with her handgun her gun got wrecked there oh it's probably why his wife was giving him so many dirty looks at the beginning of the movie oh no recognized him move away from him right now oh [ __ ] don't ever point a weapon at me again catch your breath get back up there oh man Scot I hurt knock the wind right out of you oh oh [Applause] God just lay back baby let it happen going to stay there are you going to stay there you listen you went at the wrong tunnel you saw things you shouldn't have seen meden refers to a time when one group controlled every aspect of the drug trade and until somebody finds a way to convince 20% of the population to stop snorting and smoking that [ __ ] order is the best we can hope for what you saw up there was Alejandra working toward returning that order Alejandra works for anyone who will Point him toward the people who made him so he can get the person that cut off his wife's head and threw his daughter into a vat of acid Jesus Christ yeah yeah deep deep Revenge holy [ __ ] you can't do this you can't they don't care I don't think I'm sure [ __ ] not the person you're going to hide it all by going to [ __ ] talk no you're not yeah no one's going to listen or care that's the shitty thing about it all that would be a major mistake this movie guys my God I hope this guy doesn't die cuz he has a kid too oh no oh man oh man Sylvio Cafe so they so they oh man the threats in this movie Everything Is So gruesome so violent oh man Sylvio killed him cuz he like saw what he did and everything so that's really sad poor kid man what happens when we get to the house you'll stop the car I'll get out wow he's just like going in on his own look at this Palace is he dead yeah oh God oh God oh God this guy is skilled in the art of killing what they let this guy get his revenge so that they can get more control I mean I'm just maybe I don't really get it oh no he's got family at the table but I mean sure he's not a good guy if he's the leader of the cartel oh God he's going to kill them all for Revenge he really got in didn't he oh wow every night you have families killed and yet here you d T I should be no different come on come on how how do you eat oh my God just have to pretend your wife you think she'd be proud of what you become don't forget about my daughter feels pretty personal me see in front of my boys he killed the family and made him watch oh my God that exhale I can I for an eye makes the whole world blind but like you'd be prettying pissed man of course you're going to want revenge someone did that to your family he obviously just like has the skills to be able to do it I would recommend not standing on balconies for a while okay uh God he's so good at sneaking in what is going to negotiate with her why she's not going to talk you look like a little girl when you're scared you remind me of the daughter they took away from me I need you to sign this piece of paper it basically says that everything we did was done by the book don't sign it you're going to kill her then what I can't sign that goes against everything she stands for everything's turned to such darker tones in the composition color but still so neutral you would be committing suicide Kate God such bullies oh God don't wipe away her tears I don't like that she moved to a small town you will not survive here you're not a wolf and this is the land of wolves now God it's a great scene she's such a good actress what is she going to do kill him [ __ ] she can't do it damn he's going to get away with it they're all going to get freaking away with it oh [Music] buddy so sad sakario oh oh that was really sad with when they ended that on the Mexican people and the family and then the gunshots in the background Roger deacons do wow great cast amazing writing wow what film making you guys I wonder if this was always written for a female because it brings you such a different perspective with her vulnerability story is crazy I mean there's so much that I don't understand about the cartel and the politics of all between like the US and everything else so I'm like I I can't even go there but from a story perspective and the way they told this it was so well done I definitely give this probably like a 92% I just thought that was a really powerful movie I was really impressed by a lot of the the cinematography the color composition for some reason I just really I guess it's a den villain thing like the color the tones he chooses and just this had so many amazing Landscapes and so many amazing cloud and sunset shots and the shadows of all those military guys going into the tunnel there was just like I don't know it was just like felt really grounded and then he used like almost muted deep sounds and silence at times like just with like a gentle kind of M you know like I just felt like it made the film so much more powerful and so much more suspenseful and then of course like such a stellar ensemble cast this cast was amazing and Josh Brolin like I don't want to laugh at him but it's just like he's so good in these type of characters he is such a badass and he has such amazing Charisma benio Del Toro is amazing I love him Emily Blunt outstanding totally carried this movie she is a phenomenal actress I love her so much I really think she held her own in this I think she was unbelievable and Kudos and to the directing I just loved some of the shots in this like like the three shots the one shots everything that he did some of the transitions I mean we all know Denny villanu is incredible at his craft but he's just so artistic and I just love bonio Del Tor at the end there when he was like basically holding her at gunpoint I just love the shadow work on him and he was so dark and I yeah just it really helps tell so much more of the story it richens it deepens it just with all these subtle things that just make the story so full and well-rounded they speak volumes without even having to say anything what an amazing movie of course like Denny villanu he does not disappoint hey if you guys love movies don't forget to subscribe if you're feeling it I really appreciate it and I appreciate all or any support you leave on the channel don't forget to hit the like drop your comments down below and let me know what your favorite part of this movie was thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one [Music] ciao
Channel: Hold Down A
Views: 109,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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