The Big Lebowski (1998) *First Time Watching Reaction!!

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[Music] hello I'm Michelle with two L's and I'm Natalie the red and we are Force by entertainment and today we are back for another first time watching reaction uh yes today we're gonna be watching a movie that uh some of you have recommended yes I've heard about uh I I've heard about this movie throughout uh kind of definitely the last 10 years or so I hear people talk about it but neither one of us have ever seen the big Labowski uh so I really don't know anything about it other than it's a comedy right I think it's a comedy it kind of feels like it seems you guys can let me know if you think this wrong it feels like it's kind of like a male cult classic that's the vibe I've gotten yes yes uh which you know what we watch Monty Python which is supposed to be a male cult classic and we thought it was hysterical so became a classic in our book did so we'll see if the big Labowski if we if we understand it at the end why it's such a kind of a cook classic it seems see how much brain wave we get during this uh this watch We Shall We Shall um but yeah I don't really know much about it besides I think it's kind of like a crime comedy type thing um but anyways before we get started if you have not yet subscribed to forcey entertainment and you enjoy movie reactions you enjoy movie reviews go ahead and hit the Subscribe button come on also smash the thumbs up and ring the notification Bell uh well without any further Ado and and we will rate this movie at the end and give you kind of our reactionary thoughts at the end of this but uh let's go ahead and check out the big Lei I want to tell you about fell by the name of Jeff Labowski this Labowski he called himself the dude the dude but I'll tell you what they're just a tumble weed a hero it's like Natalie going to the supermarket but sometimes there's a man and I'm talking about the dude here sometimes there's a man it's like a Monday at Walmart he's the man and that's the dude in Los Angeles Los Angeles a lazy man the laziest of Los Angeles oh no which would Place him high in or running for laziest worldwide hell I done introduced him enough a check for 67 CS oh o e where's the money leowski it's not sanitary oh it's down there somewhere let me take another look [ __ ] your wife owes money a Jackie treehorn ever th the dead Beast lowski oh why on the rug man nobody calls me Labowski you got the wrong guy I'm the dude man name's laow do you see a wedding ring on my finger does this place look like I'm married the toilet seats up man woo yeah isn't this guy supposed to be a millionaire yeah not the right guy I gu say Thank A thanks a lot to him like he didn't do anything Ro tonight that guy's funny he's do like Adam sandor yeah he is funny we're talking about unchecked aggression here talking forget it Donnie you're out of your element I can't go give him a bill so you talking about chinan is not the preferred nomenclature Asian-American please Jeff Labowski the other Jeffrey Labowski the millionaire that rug really tied the room together did [Laughter] it I like that his name is Labowski that's your name dude he's out of his elements oh please feel free to inspect them oh no I'm not that really oh please please that is oh there's Philip SE Hoffman is this him with indeed that is Mr lowski with the first lady yes is disabled yes when Mrs Reagan was first lady of out of California okay sir you're a Labowski I'm a Labowski that's terrific very busy sir it's uh this rug I have it really tied the room together phone they were looking for you these two guys you told brand on the phone he told me I know what happened yes yes did I urinate on your rug did you every time a rug is mated upon in this Fair City I have to compensate the person are you employed Mr Labowski I am not Mr Labowski I'm the dude so that's what you call call me that or U his dudess or his dudess or you don't go out looking for a job dressed like that do you on a weekday is this so well I do work sir so if you don't mind the dude mindes this will not stand you know this aggression will not your wife owes money my wife is not the issue here that is her problem not mine just as a rug is your problem every life his own responsibility regard of who he chooses to blame I didn't blame anyone for the loss of my ledge some [ __ ] took them from me in Korea I went out and achieved anyway your Revolution is over Mr lowski condolences the bumbs lost my advice to you is to do what your parents did the bombs will always lose do you hear meki how was your meeting Mr lowski he's so TWY old man told me to take any rug in the house well [Laughter] enjoy blow on them huh go ahead I can't blow that far he says that to a stranger are you sure he won't Mine He's a nihilist oh that must be exhausting not blowing I'm slamming him tonight you guys are dead in the water that guy's just funny to me he is Cynthia's dog think it's Pomeranian I can't leave him home alone or eats the furniture if my ex-wife asked me to take care of her dog while she and her boyfriend went to Honolulu I tell her to go herself why can't you boarded over the line huh work at eight dude excuse me Mark at zero next frame Walter Mark eight Bo give me the marker dude I'm marking an eight Smoky my friend Mark that frame an eight you're in the world of pain this is your partner cu the whole world gone crazy am not the only one around here gives a about the world put theie away the dog [Laughter] fly game smoke he doesn't feel it was irrational at all like Quintana and O'Brien next week they should be pushover the cops are there take it easy man you know that's your answer for everything dude they're going in I'm perfectly calm dude yeah wav gun around Cal than you are I'm calmer than you are leowski rant again I hope you're not avoiding this call because of the rug we need your help and uh well we very much like to see you that rug ties the room together much nicer it does it does Mr lski is in seclusion In The West Wing did you see his face seclusion he's torn up what's going on [Music] on it's turned ominous accomplished more than most men without the use of my legs Fair what makes a man Mr lowski I I don't know sir do the right thingi she is the light of my life wrong man also cry [Music] I received this fact this morning I bet they took her as you can see it is a ransom note yeah $1 million unmarked nonconsecutive 20 a late instruction nonconsecutive 20s bummer bummer [Laughter] [Music] he's looking so pain now to act his Courier once we get instructions for the money he believes the culprits might be the very people who uh soiled your rug unique position not the purple pants [Music] wow the nail that [Laughter] pinky oh it's that guy what's his name yes I love that guy another Adam Sandler movie heus Jesus I already know this movie is going to be awesome please be a main part from [Music] [Laughter] [Music] your what is John Candy's face to this [Music] [Music] how much they give you 20 grand man they gave uh dude a beeper also whenever these guys called the Beeper told rug Piers did not do this a young Trophy Wife marries this guy for his money he ow money all over town I did not watch my buddies down the he's got serious anchor shes need work through those I see you roll your way the semis Liam and me we're going to you up you know that's just like uh your opinion man you something nobody did Jesus John Candy's face he loves that rug it's a good rug it's a good [Music] rug did he take something we don't know about looks really [Laughter] fun if any of you all have flying dream it is of it's like swimming in the air is is how it's done [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] got I think [Music] myself the beepers such like an early 90s thing yeah wasn't it even in the late '90s people still had them I think but cell phon started to become bigger then too true but probably her life is in your hands report back to us as soon as it's done look at that cell phone in the early 90s the ringer the ringer dude do he have that dog did I see the dog my dirty Hy why should we settle for 20 grand when we can keep the entire million Am I Wrong yes you're wrong [ __ ] dude The Bag Man man where do you want us to go us yeah you know uh me and the driver are you this up that is the driver I told you he hung up man her life was in our hands man okay we proceed but only if there's no f just tell me where the you want us to go get her back no one's in a position that's complain we keep the back sheet we make the hand off I grab one of them beat it out of them huh that's a great plan that's the wooden bridge we throw the money out of the car we can't do that dude bridge is coming up give me the ringer Chop Chop hey goes the r goes rolling out did you dude oh my [Music] gosh they accidentally shot at their own car this is a fiasco let's go B so did they accomplish what they needed to no no they did not Walter told screwed it up they threw out his dirty underwear okay that's what they threw out Walter what exactly is the problem they're going to kill that poor woman man that poor [ __ ] kidnapped herself come on dude they post the next round for the tournament Donnie shut the when do we play it's Saturday title rooll on shabas Walter they already posted it Saturday Donnie is shabas the Jewish Day of Russ that means I don't work I don't drive a car sheesh sheesh they're gonna kill that poor woman they're gonna kill that poor where is your car who's got your UND Waller it was parked in a handicap Zone perhaps they tow it perhaps they towed it home Donnie phone's ringing dude thank you [Music] Donnie Miss lowski I'd like to see you call when you get home and I'll send a car for you I'm the one took your rock guess we can close the file on that one my father told me he agreed to let you have the rock but as it was a gift from me to my late mother it was not his to give but let me explain something about the rug the rug there are some people it is called sasis and who engaged in it compulsively and without Joy oh no oh yes oh noski the I am one of the two Trustees of the Labowski Foundation I asked my father about his withdrawal a million dollars from the foundation account and he told me about this abduction I hardly wish to make my father's embezzlement a police matter you try to recover the money from the people you delivered it to 10% of the recovered sum 100,000 yes with that money you can buy any number of rugs you don't have sentimental value for me the name and number of a doctor who look it for you he's a good man and thorough that that's thoughtful but she's so robotic he's a good man and thorough people repeat stuff a lot in this movie if you notice that like they'll say lines twice a lot start talking and talk fast you lousy bum trying to reach you they did not receive the money you Nick this is our concern dude we dropped off the damn money we why we she kidnapped herself she uh uh owes money all over town including the known pornographers of course they're going to say they didn't get it uh uh because she wants more hasn't that ever occurred to you man sir sir sir no Mr Lai it had not occur to me that had not occur to us to okay you know do you think that you could uh give me my 20,000 in cash we received this this morning since you have failed even in the modest task which was your guard a modest task you have stolen my money do whatever is necessary to recover their money from you Jeffrey Labowski oh any further harm visited upon bunny will be visited tfold upon is that a finger I will not I had a feeling I had a feeling oh it's a toe oh gosh that wasn't her toe D he just won't give it up whose toe was it Walter this the green nail polish yeah CU if it's impossible to get some nail polish apply it to someone else's toe someone else you want a toe I can get you a toe you want a toe they sent us a toe we're supposed to ourselves with fear Jesus Christ Walter the point is why does Walter not take this seriously at all ever I think Walter's you know struggling yeah what appears to me to be a series of victimless crimes about the victimless crimes please keep your voices down this is a family restaurant Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint this is not a First Amendment thing this is not a First Amendment thing come on this affects all of us man they're basic freedoms I'm stay this is a private residence man what animal did they have is that a fet it is a fet get out what a drill you think we are kidding or making with the funny stuff excuse me I said we cut off your J such a strange happening though like you get You released the feret on him he got a feret attack in the they abandon the vehicle once they hit the retaining wall oh my briefcase man it's not here yeah uh the side view was found on the road by the car sweet car oh Jesus what's that smell maybe just use it as a toilet and moved on oh guys promising uh leads or Leeds yeah the gotun is working in ships how the heck is he going to get this million back I'd say it's already gone they were not doe oh come on Donnie they were threatening castration uhuh are we going to split hairs here no Am I Wrong Am I Wrong they kept saying they believe in nothing I mean say what you want about the tenants of national socialism dude at least it's an ethos that keeping wildli um an amphibious rodent it ain't legal either or was that a [ __ ] was that a mongoose was that that might have been a mongus let us know in the comments cuz aongus would be absolutely frightening I don't need your sympathy man I need my Johnson what do you need that for dude youve got what do you need that for really I can see you don't want to be cheered up here come on Donnie let's you got a good sasparilla s City sasparilla how you doing there dude one of those days yeah wasn't he narrating in the beginning oh maybe he was I know I've seen him in other Stu yeah I like your style dude well I dig your style too man you have to use so many cuss words had the same thought yeah take her easy dude yeah thanks man look who was that guy yeah like who is he was that like in his mind or was that real felt like it was sign against yeah yeah the friend with a clued [ __ ] looks like your mother really was kidnapped after all she s your mother I got please don't call her my mother most definitely the P Jeffrey you don't really kidnap someone you're acquainted with was that [Laughter] IDE he's got the Joker's condition so I'm like that sometimes do you still have that doctor's number she will not get that out of her head oh please Jeffy I don't want to be responsible for any delayed after effects did he call her that's so awkward so strange I like it could you slide your CHS down lovi please she hit me right here I understand could you slide your shts down please [Music] listen just keeps getting worse do not try that at home no [Music] kid is a ninth grade dude his father is Arthur diby sers have you ever heard of a little show called Brandon dude yeah yes I all but Arthur gby sers wrote 156 episodes dude anyway we'll go there after the uh what have you the one have you I don't even know how to explain that either our troubles are over dud I have a feeling they're not that kids's already spent all the money man got a new Corvette my name is Walter so this is my associate Jeffrey Labowski we came to talk about little Larry may we Comm little Larry they have the plastic on on their furniture down please like a lot of older people do that or us like the the liners or whatever they are they just put they have plastic on it we're both really enormous fans branded especially the ear what does he in this man is the police oh no ma'am we didn't want to give the impression that we were police exactly we're hoping is this your homework Larry Larry look man D please is this yours Larry is this your homework Larry s your car out front have you ever heard of Vietnam you're entering a world of pain son we know that this is your homework we know that this is your homework going to cut your off Larry you're killing your father Larry all right time for Plan B you might want to watch out that front window Larry is he going to smash that car and it's probably not even his oh gosh he's going to mess up the Corvette see what happens this what happens when you Larry how much you want to bed it's not the kid's car this what happen you see what happens Larry you see what happens Larry when you there's the repetitiveness you talked about you doing man stop it no hey hey that's not his not that car yeah I I don't think much more damage can be done to that [Music] one well that was a disaster your diapers on thei treehorn wants to see you hello dude thanks for coming I'm Jackie prorn where's bunny well thought you might know that man only ran off to get away from that rather sizable debt to [Music] me not quite what it was looking [Music] for just natur your money is being held by a kid named Larry s I'm sure your goons can get it off them I me he's 15 write me a check for my 10% of half a million five grand well I feel like he's been drugged yeah yeah he had something in that 15-year-old kid this some sort of a joke joke joke no no joke all the dude ever wanted was his rug back [Laughter] the rug room together they got it back that same [Music] line yeah Sadam it's quite the dance [Music] back to [Music] that is that that one dude that lasts all the time I don't think so oh no no it's the guy that came with the creature oh he's imagining that yeah quite [Music] horrifying I like his cardigan I do too it's nice like I kind of like his [Music] style is this your only ID right Mr treehorn tells us that he had to eject you that you were drunk and abusive Mr treehorn treats objects like women man draws a lot of water in this I don't like you sucking around bothering our citizens leowski I'm sorry I wasn't listening ow stay out of Malibu get beat his face Jesus man Mike how's this going to get resolved man come on I had a rough night and I hate the Eagles and like you would think he would love yeah you'd think take it easy would be like his song one of his Jams he got kicked out of the cab is that her is that her yeah why would you do that no it was just the tip no amount of money is worth the tip of your toe the tip of the toe oh Jesus it's rough it wasn't nice before what is she doing here I knew it was her she's so weird Jeffrey just the away she talks love me that's my robe the IC got what happened to your house what happened to your house cocktail no thanks it's not my father's money it's the foundations very complicated cas Cas mom a lot of ins a lot of outs uh you know he drinks that one drink every time yeah milking it he has no money of his own I know how he likes to present himself father's weakness as vanity she just stretching that's what I'm wondering what's that yoga it increases the chances of conception that's what the other thought I have I wanted child but like with him she I don't want a partner in fact I don't want the father to be someone I have to see socially or who have any interest in raising the child oh so that doctor um exactly oh man my thinking about this case has become very uptight yeah D yeah listen Walter I'm at my place I need you to come pick me up I can't drop dude what Saturday come pick me up bowling team and him and they're always upset like at different times like like one of them's upset about something legitimate and the other one's like not taking it seriously pleas and then who is this out of that car man he's acting like he's not relax man no physical harm intended I'm a brother Sheamus brother Sheamus my name is doino I'm a private Snoop like you man I dig your work playing one side against the other in bed with everybody fabulous stuff man she's not my special lady she's my lady friend I'm just helping her conceive man you working for bunny Labowski man our real name is Fawn can and her parents want back compers you know what I mean he's got the Pomeranian Zing pancake be f feel cooking it was her toe it was her toe so it wasn't the other woman's toe oh why does he leave me in charge of getting his wife back he's had enough he no longer digs her it's all a show is that teror yeah that's who that looked like I think that's who that is the million box was never in the briefcase the [ __ ] was hoping that they would kill her here we are it's chabas will you come off at Walter you're not even Jewish man I converted when I married CIA come on dude yeah yeah you know this Jesus what the hell happened that was her car visiting friends of hers in Palm Spring she just picked up and left never bothered to tell us we shouldn't go in there dud he's very angry where's the money leowski we know you kept the million bucks for yourself I usted the money to you and you stolen if we would ever us it his excuse to make the money disappear all you needed was a sap to pin it on you just met me here's a loser you know well aren't you yeah both of out of this house now you bums I've seen a lot of spinals dude and this guy's a fake stay away from me mister I bet he's not put him down man yeah I'll put him down dude his face he's like it's like you knew he was gonna be wrong oh you 100% come on man help me put him back in his chair you knew that would be an epic fail look at the way he released [Laughter] it what's this day of R it don't matter to Jesus but you're not fooling me man you fooling it's Bush League P stuff laughable man you got a day Wednesday baby they're just like whatever them well they finally did it we want some money lski you don't have the girl we know you never did are these a Nazis not D these men are niist there not to be afraid of we still want the money without a hostage there is no Ransom this girlfriend gave up her it's not fair there are voes the big lowski gave me an empty briefcase so take it up with him man I would like my A's B really so we take some money you have W you we call defa come on we're ending this thing cheap man no what's mine is mine I got uh four almost F almost F come and get it they have a sword e the4 take the $4 oh oh any Semite we going to Man Down dude God they shot him man not shot no dude they shot Donnie there weren't any shots fire yeah there's no shot it's a heart attack good bud not Donnie a not Donnie you are the bereaved yeah ma' Francis Donley pleased to meet you oh did he die I understand you're taking away the remains we have the ear I assume this is credit card what's this and that's for the N don't need it we're scattering the ases we must of course transmit the remains to you in a receptacle it's $180 uh we're uh can't we just rent it from you but just because we're bereaved doesn't make us sad sir is there a rals around here what do they put him in just like a can a can oh gosh can't believe little Donnie died though I know it's just of a heart attack not even like the action not of anything that happened in the last several days of their life Donnie was a good bowler and a good man he was one of us he was a man who loved the out I think he's in a fers caning he died as so many young men of his generation before his time Donnie Who Loved bowling Donnie love bowling what a description and so folders commit your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean good night sweet [Laughter] prince and the wind it's oh oh man dude I'm sorry when [ __ ] I'm sorry it was an [Laughter] accident let go bowling that's all he wants to do two old sodas Gary right good luck tomorrow yeah thanks man hey man how do you do dude how been going you know strikes and gutters ups and downs take care man got to get back sure take it easy dude oh yeah good do the bues I don't know about you but I take comfort in that it's good take her easy for all us sinners I sure hope he makes the finals that about does her WS are all up I didn't like seeing Donnie go same but little leowski on the way it's way the whole darn human comedy keeps perpetuating itself across the sands of time until we I'm rambling again it's so Random folks enjoy catch you later on down the trail and that was um the big laow very interesting yes interesting so do you want to go first do you want me to go first I want you to go first this time what are your thoughts um I see why it's very easy watching this movie to see why it's kind of a cult classic because there's not really anything like it like it's very it's very a very unique movie it is a very um very creative movie uh some of the the okay let me when I say this all the characters are what you would definitely say they're characters like like everything is magnified in each person um and they all have a very specific role a very like that's kind of cor no not kind of quirky yeah like everyone in the movie is quirky whether it's even the old man uh everyone uh Julian Moore's character everyone's like they really play their character like it's a very specific to the to the kns yes it's like this very specific thing and it's kind like you said there's a lot of like repetition uh I mean the script is is very well written I would say I'm guessing that's on purpose course but it's just I noticed that almost from the beginning that they they'll say a line at least two times and then just throughout the movie it's just an interesting just you know observation I guess yes um I will say I will say my critique when I give my rating but uh Natalie what were what did you think of the movie but yeah I thought it was an interesting creative creative movie with definitely kind of an interesting uh feel to it I guess it's the way weirdly I would put it you know uh but yes can I get into more of my thoughts or do you want to do this different oh no you thought I was gonna say I do think for me I have to say the cussing and it's funny that was in my critique yeah it's funny that the guy actually you know at the end he makes a comment kind of in the middle of the movie like you cuss too much or something because it's like yes you know it'd be nice if there was less cursing in this because okay let it kind of takes away after a certain point let me get my rating and I'll tell you why so five being the max level of Hoots max level of enjoyments uh I'm gonna give this a four out of five and I'm taking a a full like I don't know it probably wouldn't have been a 4.5 if it wasn't to me it's what nadle is saying there's a level of cussing that gets like annoying like and and it it this movie crossed that line to me where it was taking away from my enjoyment because it was like you're like good gosh like could you well because it's like my ears at least and I'm sure a lot of it's like your ears hear the word you know it's not that I'm like just like oh I'm so offended by we we watch a lot of movies that do but like when it just gets to be like every in every sentence like or every other word an yeah it just starts to cross that threshold like I just think that of like anybody anywhere it just gets to be yeah and then some of it was a bit more crude definitely than I you know definitely prefer uh but but yeah it's mainly mainly to just kind of the cussing just kept it was it was a lot it was a lot uh but yeah so I I give it a four out of five because the other elements of it I mean subtracting that the other elements were very creative were entertaining and were humorous yes like I it was interesting it's probably a movie like maybe I'll think about it you know and it's like maybe I'll give it higher but for now I'm gonna give it three three and a half Hoots okay it I did definitely I think as you as you will see you know I definitely had some laughs for sure as you saw yeah uh but yeah I guess it's like but like I said maybe on thinking about it maybe it would go up but for now it's gonna sit at three and a half fots yes now I would say the quirkiness of it definitely you would pick up things on a second watch it would make you laugh but yeah I give it four again I'm subtracting for the the uh what I say an annoying level of cussing um but but yeah I I definitely again I see why this is like considered a cult classic it's very unique uh and I love his robe you know because like I love his cardigan and I love the cardigan I myself am big into robes and cardigans so we share that in common Mr Labowski and I so yeah I could identify with some of his wardrobe choices so that is our thoughts on the big Labowski uh what are you guys thoughts on this movie uh did you see it in theaters since you grow up watching it uh share your thoughts below and if you have not yet go ahead and hit the Subscribe button also give this video a thumbs up and it's always ladies and gentlemen remember to be a for of all right bye guys
Channel: Force Of Light Entertainment
Views: 21,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction video, movie reaction, the big lebowski movie reaction, the big lebowski, the big lebowski reaction, first time watching movie reaction, reacting to the big lebowski, popcorn in bed, big lebowski, big lebowski reaction, the big lebowski (1998) movie reaction, movie reaction channels, the big lebowski (1998) first time watching movie reaction, first time watching the big lebowski, first time watching, force of light entertainment, force of light entertainment reaction
Id: HWWhjFS8pvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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