The Mysterious Sword that No One Is Allowed to Touch

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the weapons of Legend myth and folklore have captured imaginations for a long time and for good reason they ignite our Fascination and Intrigue our inner Warriors in the annuals of history there exist weapons of unparalleled power and Mythic prowess and just hearing about them will make you feel ready to battle dragons and Rescue Princesses get ready to embark on an epic history through time with these magnificent blades will reveal their secrets and unleash the Echoes of battles long past sharpen your senses for the Legends are about to come alive these are the 20 most legendary swords that actually exist laughs [Music] number 20. the double swords of maywar Pratap Singh I also known as Maharana Pratap was the King of mewar from the sisodia dynasty he is famous to this day for having participated in the Battle of dewere and the Battle of haldighati now many people fought in such battles so what made the king of mewar so special well he was incredibly tough not only did he resist the expansion of the Mughal Empire but Maharana Pratap was easily one of the strongest Warriors in the country he was over seven feet tall weighed about 240 pounds and carried about 790 pounds of weight a lot of that weight was the two swords that he always had with him each weighed about 55 pounds known as the double swords of meijwar he had good reasons for carrying two at a time whenever he came across an unarmed enemy he would give them one of the swords to ensure an even fight carrying two swords was also an excellent way to intimidate his enemies Maharana was a brave Warrior so you might assume his untimely death was related to being killed in battle well he actually survived every war he was in and instead died while hunting he had an accident while tightening the string of a bow with his Arrow that was some for the old topic we've bet you've never seen a sword like this before unless you're really into anime and RPGs that is that's because this is the mysterious sword that's no one is allowed to touch due to how valuable it is a few decades back this Mighty blade was found mysteriously abandoned halfway up at Japanese Mountain it has fascinated experts since as aesthetically it simply does not match the style of most Japanese swords yet the rust and the blade since repaired implied that it was ancient and had been there for some time the sword remains a mystery and a fascinating piece of possible Japanese folklore as always let us know your thoughts in the comments section down below using the hashtag oddtopic number 19. Roman sword we long believed that Christopher Columbus was the first non-indigenous person to arrive in the Americas we then wondered whether the Vikings Chinese and Polynesians had come before him but what about the Romans researchers found a Roman sword off Nova Scotia on Oak Island and they now theorize that Roman ships visited North America at least a thousand years before Christopher Columbus did Joven Hutton Pulitzer put together a paper detailing how the sword is the Smoking Gun it was a ceremonial sword from a shipwreck and in his words an incredible Roman artifact researchers also found carved Stones a Roman legionary whistle and a Roman head sculpture many mainstream historians say it's not uncommon for modern day collectors to drop artifacts and the sword and other artifacts weren't necessarily brought by the Romans according to Yovan they performed many analyzes on the sword including x-ray fluorescence this helped them to determine that it contained Arsenic and lead the same as what's been found in other ancient Roman artifacts the sword had been recovered from a fishing boat decades ago but the founder kept it a secret due to Lawson Nova Scotia relating to Treasures taken from shipwrecks the finder is now deceased and the relatives came forward to researchers with the sword number 18. the sword of tipu Sultan tipu Sultan was the ruler of the kingdom of Mysore in South India he was also known as the tiger of Mysore and was well known for having introduced a new calendar coinage system and land Revenue system he was also a rocket artillery Pioneer and deployed Rockets during the Anglo mice or Wars against British forces and their allies however he's also well known for his sword which is now considered one of the rarest artifacts in the world tipu's sword has a single edge and is made from fine steel with a curved blade it also has an oval grip short quillings small langits with a gold and floral design and a small knuckle guard perhaps the most standout detail of this sword is the inscribed steel blade which features verses from the Holy Quran it also has tifu Sultan's name on it along with his Capital known as SRI ragatapatnam the wooden sheath of the sword is covered with a beautiful maroon colored velvet tipu lost his sword in 1789 during the battle in a war with the Nares of travancore the British forces took his sword and a ring he wore as War Trophies the sword was kept on display in the British Museum of London until 2004 before liquor Tycoon Vijay Malia purchased it at auction for 1.5 crores which is around two hundred thousand dollars number 17. grammar sword if you're familiar with Norse mythology then you'll be familiar with the grammar or Graham sword it means raft and it's the very same sword that sigurd used to kill fafner the dragon there have been multiple mentions of the grammar sword but very few information sources actually provide a clear description of what it looks like all we know is that it's gleaming bright gold and might also have a dragon on it the most popular story relating to the grammar sword was from The volsunga Saga in this Legend the sword was used by the volsungs as The Story Goes Sigmund receives it during a wedding Feast for his sister during the feast a man appears with the sword the man is a stranger but he's later revealed to be Odin the God he thrusts the grammar sword into the barn stoker tree in the middle of the hall and said that the man to pull out the sword from the trunk would receive it from him as a gift he also said that whoever holds it will never bear a better sword than it many men try to pull the sword out and all all fail except for Sigmund who easily pulls it out king segear offers Sigmund three times its weight in gold to own it but Sigmund refuses the king becomes angry and plots to steal it the King kills sigmund's father and captures Sigmund and his brothers sigmund's sister manages to give the sword back to Sigmund secretly and he uses it in several battles until Odin breaks it during a fight between Sigmund and King lingvi sigmund's wife Puris takes the two halves and keeps them for their son number 16. Napoleon's auster let's sword out of all the swords you'll see photos of Napoleon's Australia's sword is probably one of the most beautiful Napoleon carried this intricately decorated sword in the 1805 Battle of austerlitz in this battle French forces won against Austrian and Russian troops who were sent to destroy Napoleon this Victory by Napoleon paved the way toward masking the defeat of the French Navy in the same year at Trafalgar the very special sword was made for Napoleon in 1803 by Goldsmith Martin guillombianet in Paris he already owned many swords but he called that one in particular his sword and it's the only one we really associate with him it has a solid gold handle with a portrait of Napoleon and scrolling foliage a steel Blade with gold foliage and a blue background and gold leaves painted on it the blue tint came from heating the blade over burning charcoal to achieve a silvery blue color interestingly the sword was never created for fighting even if it was sharp enough to cause some pretty horrendous bodily damage instead Napoleon had it made to symbolize his Rank and show him off as the Grand Army Supreme Commander number 15. muramasa's swords you'd be forgiven for thinking muramasa's swords are just like any regular Katana they sure look like it but the stories behind the swords set them apart muramas's swords are Japanese katanas believed to be demonic and cursed some people also think they are the strongest katanas ever made while many Legends relate to muramasa's swords some stand out more than others there's the story of muramasa sengo's bloodlust in which the infamous swordsmith muramasa had an awful rage he tried to contain it by making the sword which is how people came to think the sword was cursed or evil other stories talk about how muramasa's swords were made in haunted locations but that might not be accurate since many came from the free trade Port City of Kawana there are even stories about their mysterious charm some people think the very first muramasa swords ever made were so beautiful that they played with the wielder's minds and made them power hungry at the end of the day though they really are just katanas they have straight wrapped handles circular guards curved blades with wavy patterns and normal looking scabbards number 14. sword of kusanagi the sword of kusanagi or kusanagi sword is basically a sword made from a snake kinda from the Japanese Legend the snake-like ninja Orochimaru retrieves the sword from his mouth he opens his mouth extends a snake which opens its mouth and presents the sword the sword came out handle first so that Orochimaru could immediately grab it without cutting himself and attack his opponent without delay as you might imagine a sword like this is no ordinary weapon it can extend and retract its blade quickly to attack from long distances and Orochimaru can even control it telekinetically perhaps the most absurd feature of this sword is its transformation properties it can turn into a small snake and return to Orochimaru now the sword is of course fictional but you can purchase replicas of it with hand-forged carbon steel they come unsharpened which means they aren't battle ready and are purely ornamental sadly they also don't turn into snakes number 13. sword of Osman the sword of Osman was a sort of state that Sultans of the Ottoman Empire would use during enthronement ceremonies it was named after the ottoman Dynasty founder Osman the first the sword of Osmond girding ceremony would take place at least two weeks before ass Sultan would Ascend to the throne and it became a tradition when Osman the first was given the sword of Islam by Sheikh at abali his father-in-law and Mentor the gerding was held at a tomb complex in a yop Constantinople until the late 19th century all non-muslims were prohibited from entering the ayok mosque to see the girding ceremonies it wasn't until 1909 that people of different faiths were allowed to attend mehmed VI skirting ceremony was the last ever held since he was the last reigning ottoman Sultan now the sword of Osman is in Top Copy Palace and can be found in the Imperial treasury section number 12. Christian the third sword Christian III was the king of Denmark and Norway from 1534 and 1537 respectively until he died in 1559 when he reigned he formed ties with both the church and Crown an established Lutheranism as the state religion he was also the very first king of Denmark Norway his sword known as Christian III sort of state was a beautifully ornate peace with a guilt silver grip and Scabbard table cut stone and enamel Goldsmith Johann seba made the sword for Christian III in 1551. it was the very first piece of regalia to be given to the King after the introduction of absolutism in 1660. it was used for the last time in 1648 during Frederick III's coronation after that time an anointing sword replaced it the anointing sword was gold with table cut and rose-cut stones and enamel it was used by absolutist Kings and possibly even Frederick III himself it's believed that Christian the third sword and other Danish Royal regalia are kept within the treasury at Rosenberg Castle Christian the third sword is the oldest in the collection number 11. Sword in the Stone of San galagano if you happen to be holidaying in Tuscany Italy take a trip to the sister shinabi here you'll be able to see an extraordinary Relic the sword of Saint galgano penetrating through bedrock right down to the hills The Sword in the Rock confuses people to this day but there's a famous story about how it got there the story follows galgano guidoti the son of a minor Noble born in 1148. he was a bit of a troublemaker to say the least but one day the Archangel Michael appeared and showed him the way to Salvation the next day galgano told his family that he would become a Hermit and live in a cave everyone ridiculed him but his mother told him to pay one last visit to his fiancee on his way to see her his horse reared and threw him off an invisible force lifted him to his feet and a voice guided him to a rugged Hill called montesia peep near his hometown custino he was told to look at the top of the hill and that's when he saw a round Temple with Jesus Mary and the apostles he was then told by the voice to climb the hill upon reaching the top The Voice then told him to stop living his life so loosely and easily galgano said that that was easier said than done and about as easy as splitting a rock with a sword galgano wanted to prove his point so he thrust his sword into the rocky ground somehow the blade went right through the Bedrock to the hilt galgano got the message loud and clear and became a humble hermit living an impoverished life befriending animals and being visited by peasants requesting blessings number 10. sword of gushian if you were to find a sword dating Back 2 000 years old you'd likely find it to be hardly a sword at all it would be rusty degraded and no longer suitable for use and that's why the sort of gusian is so famous when it was found in a tomb in China the 2 000 year old sword was so well preserved that it looked like it could have been made today it didn't have an ounce of rust archaeologists had been conducting a survey in Hubei Province just four miles from the ruins of Jinan when they found 50 ancient tombs in these tombs they discovered 2 000 artifacts with the most special being the sword the sword had a decorated guard a straight double-edged 18 and a half inch Long Blade rhombic patterns and a straight round pommel there were also two columns of ancient writing on one side of the blade closest to the hilt which translated in English to I King guzian self-make use sword that would basically mean that King gujian fashioned and ordered the sword it was found in an almost airtight wooden box next to a skeleton and both the bronze sword and Scabbard were perfectly preserved later tests also found that the blade was still so sharp that it could cut a stack of 20 pieces of paper like a knife through hot butter the sword is now considered State treasure and is kept at the Hubei provincial Museum however it's no longer perfectly preserved in 1994 it was loaned out for display in Singapore a Workman removed it from the case at the end of the exhibition knocked it and caused a small crack after that it was never loaned out again number nine Wallace sword if you decide to visit the national Wallace monument in Sterling Scotland make a beeline for the Wallace sword it is a striking antique two-handed sword believed to have belonged to Scottish Knight William Wallace he led a resistance during the wars of Scottish independence resisting the English occupation of Scotland he supposedly used the sword during the 1297 Battle of Sterling bridge and the 1298 Battle of Falkirk it's quite an impressive sort without even knowing how it was used and the battles that made it famous it's five feet four inches long has a four foot four inch blade and weighs a whopping 5.95 pounds when William was executed in 1305 the governor of Dumbarton Castle John dementeth obtained the sword however there are no records to confirm this information in 1505 200 years after his execution records were found to suggest that King James IV of Scotland paid an armorer 26 shillings to bind the sword with cords of silk and provide a new handle plummet Scabbard and belt some sources say that the original belt handle and Scabbard were made from Huda cressingham's dried skin Hugh was the English administration's treasure and was killed at the Battle of Sterling bridge to be fair if I knew a sword was made with bits of someone's skin I'd be having it remade with non-human materials as well no more was heard of the sword for at least 300 years before the war office sent a letter to the Tower of London in 1825 asking for it to be repaired number eight sword of Saint Peter to be honest the sword of Saint Peter doesn't really look like a sword but it was definitely used as one it's believed to be the same one the Apostle Peter used to cut off the high priest's servant's ear around the same time Jesus was arrested in Gethsemane as far as swords go it's pretty unremarkable it's 27.6 inches long 3.7 inches wide at its widest point and features a single piece of iron with a small cross guard it also has a broad tip almost like a machete and is displayed as a holy Relic in the posnan archdiocesan museum there's also a replica at the posnan arch Cathedral Basilica we first learned about the sword of Saint Peter in 1609. it arrived in poznan in 968 as a gift for Bishop Jordan or Duke mieshko the first from John the 13th written records suggest Saint Peter used the original Roman sword in the gospels in 1699 the posnan cathedral Arch deacon wrote about the sword and said Bishop Jordan brought it to poznan and that it was kept in the cathedral treasury it was only ever taken out a few times to show people but British folklore differs some sources report that Saint Joseph of Arimathea brought the sword to Britain it was then kept in Glastonbury Abbey for several years until Saint George received it from the Abbot number seven odachi sword if you're a passionate sword collector an odachi sword is definitely one you'd like to have in your collection they are traditionally made Japanese swords used by feudal Japan's Samurai class in order for anodachi to be classed as such they have to have blades measuring at least 35.8 inches long making these swords was quite challenging since they had to use traditional heat treatments the longer any knife or sword blade is the more difficult and expensive it is to make still they became popular during the Kamakura period from 1185 to 1333 men who wanted to show off their honor of being a warrior would use odachi they also increased in popularity for those who didn't have horses or adequate bow and arrow training however as they were so long Warriors would carry them on their backs or make their servants carry them after all pulling such a large sword from a Scabbard on your waist wasn't as exactly practical when Japan became a peaceful place during the Edo period from 1603 to 1867 modachi swords weren't really required as weapons that didn't mean they dropped in popularity altogether though they became offerings to the Kami of Shinto shrines number six zolfacar sword the zulfacar sword would have to be among the most unusual swords in existence it starts off looking like any double-edged sword but has two blades at the end almost like it began transforming into a pair of scissors the name zulfikar means Cleaver of the spine which is probably quite an accurate description of what it's capable of some people believe the sword came to exist when Allah sent it through the angel gibral or hazrat Muhammad gave it to Imam Ali some records suggest the prophet Muhammad prayed for help during the Battle of uhud and the sword was sent to Earth to help him during the Battle of uhud hazrat Muhammad was attacked on all sides by his enemy hazrat Ali defended him and insured all infidels were sent to hell that was when Angel gibral descended and praised Imam Ali's bravery the sword was supposedly inherited by Imam Ali's Elder son and has been handed down countless times until now being in the possession of the twelfth Imam Imam today the zulfikar sword is one of the most well-known items in Islamic history it's believed to be about 9.8 feet long and weighs 231 pounds but the accuracy of this information regarding the original sword is not known you can buy replicas of the zolfacar sword online but these are about 35 inches long and weigh 3.3 pounds number five the Harriet Dean sword the Harriet Dean sword doesn't look like much but looks can be deceiving there's a reason it's sold at auction for more than half a million dollars it's one of the last remaining swords from the Alexandria Arsenal and was originally purchased by Bashford Dean an American zoologist and medieval and modern armor expert he bequeathed the sword to his sister Harriet Dean in 1928 and it was sold at auction when she died in 1943. no one knew where the sword was for more than 70 years until it was put up for auction again at Christie's Auction House in 2015. it sold for around 550 thousand dollars Bashford Dean would have acquired the sword during a tour of Europe and turkey in the early 1900s he purchased swords and armor from the military museum in Istanbul during this time a similar sword with the same inscriptions Maker's Mark and date was bequeathed to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New work in 1928 this sword now forms part of the Bashford Dean Memorial collection number four seven branched sword a normal sword can be damaging enough so imagine fighting with one with seven branches it looks kind of like a cactus and the Seven branched sword is described as a ceremonial sword gifted from the king of beckya to a Yamato ruler it's a 29 and a half inch long sword made of iron with a central blade and protrusions coming off it it's so precious that it's not on display for the world to see however it's tucked away safely in the sonokami Shrine in Japan's not a prefecture the sword is as unusual as they get the blade itself is 25 inches long and it has a 3.7 inch long Tang a Tang is the back portion of the blade where it connects to a handle however there isn't a hole on the Tang which means there's nowhere to attach a handle the seven branched sword is also broken at the top of the Tang as it was likely made of forged mild steel it was probably quite delicate its delicate materials likely would have meant it was for ceremonial use only rather than for battle number three to zona's sword tazona is the name given to a sword that Rodrigo Diaz de vivar used to carry Rodrigo was a warlord and Castilian knight from medieval Spain who once fought with Christian and Muslim armies he was born in the village of vivar the tazona sword was given to the count of Santa stabon de Lauren Pedro De Peralta by Ferdinand II of Aragon in 1470. for a number of years it was kept in the Marcia Castle but was later moved to the Army museum in Madrid followed by the Museo De Burgos in Spain where it's been since 2007. it's believed that the sword is quite powerful but its power depends on who has it it's supposed to frighten opponents who are Unworthy of it it's 36.8 inches long weighs two and a half pounds and has a broad Blade with inelaborate curved cross guard number two stared me at sword the stared me at sword is famous not only for its beauty but also because it's one of the few pieces of Polish regalia remaining during the final partition of Poland during the end of the 18th century prussians broke into the vavel cathedral's treasury and stole nearly all regalia kept there once they had their spoils they returned to Berlin and melted them down very few pieces survived this horrible act but one of the few that did was the coronation sword known as sterbiettes also often referred to as the jagged sword it's believed to have been owned by the very first polish King boloswav the brave however its first use was during the coronation of Wadi slav Loki attack in 1320 when the treasury was stolen from in 1794 it ended up in the possession of private collectors and finally made its way to the Hermitage Museum of Leningrad when polish Antiquities were returned to Poland from Russia after 1920 the sword went with it it was sent to Canada for protection and was returned to Poland in 1961. since then it has been housed in Krakow at the vavel castle number one the Isle of man's sword the manx sort of state is a beautiful two-edged 29-inch steel Blade with a hardwood Hilt and steel pommel it's a ceremonial sword representing the tin walled on the Isle of Man and is used annually during the tin wall day ceremony over the years three swords were used for this function one is in a museum one was lost during the 18th century and the other is used for ceremonies these swords of State date back to the middle of the 13th century but they didn't start gaining popularity until around the 15th century in England the Isle of mansword symbolizes tinwald the legislature of the Isle of Man and the oldest continuous parliament in the world the sword reflects the duty of The Sovereign of the Isle of Man which protects and defends the manx people throughout the tinwald it's easy to assume that swords are for stabbing people then threatening to stab people but they can be so much more if you could get your hands on any of these swords which one would you arm yourself with and why also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
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Keywords: most, legendary, most legendary, swords, sword, most legendary swords, legendary swords, that actually exists, missing files, countdown, mythical weapons, ancient weapons, famous swords, magical weapons, incredible swords, ancient swords, history facts, most famous swords, sword history, ancient history, legendary sword, ancient technology, mythical swords, best swords, history, actually exists, famous swords in the world, famous swordsman in history, top, lists, new
Id: -bIqE2oHCIY
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Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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